검색결과 리스트
생활영어회화에 해당되는 글 5건
- 2011.11.21 (기초 영어회화) 건강(Health) 관련 기초회화
- 2011.11.21 (기초 영어회화) 직장(Jobs) 관련 기초회화
- 2011.11.21 (기초 영어회화) 안전(Safety) 관련 기초영어회화 1
- 2011.11.21 (기초 영어회화) 스포츠 관련 기초영어회화
- 2011.11.21 (기초 영어회화) 연예(Dating) 기초영어회화 종합
(기초 영어회화) 건강(Health) 관련 기초회화
총 20개 주제로 건강(Health) 관련 기초회화를 모았습니다.
품격있고 깔끔한 회화문입니다. 버릴 말이 하나도 없네요.
이 정도는 여러번 읽어서 몽땅 암기할 정도가 되시기 바랍니다.
회화는 읽고 또 읽고 하여 몸에 익도록 해야 합니다.
수학공부 하듯이 힘들여 한 방에 머리에 담으려 하지 마시고
느긋하게 부담없이 자주 자주 읽어서 몸으로 암기해야 합니다.
제일 좋은 방법은 전체를 하루에 한 번씩 습관적으로 읽는 겁니다.
절대 외우려고 하지 마시고, 몸에 익을 때까지 그냥 계속 읽으시면 됩니다.
이렇게 반복을 통해 몸으로 외운 것은 오래 오래 갑니다.
잘못하면 평생 갑니다.
외울 때는 머리가 아니라 몸으로!!!
말할 때는 머리가 아니라 가슴으로!!!
1. A Stomachache
A: I have a stomachache.
B: Is it something you ate?
A: Maybe. I’m not sure.
B: What did you have for breakfast?
A: The usual, cereal with milk and a banana.
B: Maybe the milk was bad.
A: It didn’t smell bad.
B: Maybe the banana was bad.
A: No, the banana was delicious.
B: Maybe you just need to go to the bathroom.
A: No, that’s not the problem.
B: Maybe it will go away in a little while.
2. A Blood Stain
A: What’s this stain?
B: I don’t know.
A: It looks like blood.
B: I think my nose was bleeding.
A: You should wet your shirt immediately.
B: Why?
A: Because that gets the blood out of the shirt.
B: What’s a little blood?
A: Your white shirt is ruined.
B: So, I’ll just buy another one.
A: You can wear this one around the house.
B: Next time I’ll soak it immediately.
3. Sore Fingers
A: My fingers hurt.
B: Why do they hurt?
A: I type too much.
B: You should take a break.
A: I need to type to make money.
B: But typing is causing you pain.
A: Maybe I should see a doctor.
B: Doctors are too expensive.
A: He might tell me to rest for a while.
B: He might want to cut you open.
A: He might say I’m okay.
B: He might say you have bone cancer.
4. Too Much Stress
A: What did the doctor say?
B: He thinks I have too much stress.
A: Stress causes your stomachaches?
B: Stress causes different problems with different people.
A: So what did he tell you to do?
B: He said I need to think positive.
A: He didn’t give you any medication?
B: I hate medication. It makes me feel different.
A: So how do you think positive?
B: I think about nice things.
A: Like what?
B: Like a day at the beach, with my toes in the sand.
5. A Paper Cut
A: I cut my finger.
B: How did you do that?
A: It’s a paper cut.
B: Paper can be dangerous.
A: It hurts, too.
B: Paper cuts can hurt a lot.
A: Where are the band-aids?
B: I think they’re in the medicine cabinet.
A: It’s on the tip of my finger.
B: A band-aid might not work.
A: I must not use this finger until the cut heals.
B: It might take a day or two to heal.
6. Cigarette Smoke
A: Do you smell that?
B: Oh, yes.
A: I can’t stand cigarette smoke.
B: It smells so bad.
A: One cigarette stinks up the whole sidewalk.
B: Smokers think they are so cool.
A: They are so weak.
B: A little cigarette controls them.
A: They look so stupid taking a puff.
B: And then they blow smoke out of their mouth.
A: They think it’s cool.
B: Cigarettes stink.
7. Nose Drops
A: Do you have a cold?
B: Yes, I do.
A: How did you get it?
B: My sister had a cold. She gave it to me.
A: Have you taken anything for your cold?
B: No, I just blow my nose a lot.
A: Your nose is stopped up?
B: Yes. I have to breathe through my mouth.
A: Have you tried nose drops?
B: No, I don’t like nose drops.
A: They work great.
B: I don’t care. I don’t like to put drops in my nose.
8. Skin Cancer
A: Would you put suntan lotion on my back, please?
B: Sure.
A: Thank you.
B: You shouldn’t lie in the sun for too long.
A: I want to get a tan. I don’t want to look so pale.
B: What’s wrong with looking pale?
A: People think you might be sick.
B: Who thinks that?
A: I don’t know.
B: It’s better to be pale than to have skin cancer.
A: I know that.
B: So why are you arguing with me? Don’t lie in the sun too long!
9. Quitting Smoking
A: I can’t quit smoking.
B: Of course you can.
A: I don’t have enough will power.
B: Of course you do.
A: I wish I had never started.
B: So does every smoker.
A: I’ve tried to quit so many times.
B: So has everyone else.
A: Nothing seems to work.
B: All it takes is will power,
and you have it.
A: Then why can’t I quit?
B: You have to believe in yourself.
10. A Bad Back
A: My back is killing me.
B: What did you do?
A: I got out of my car.
B: That’s it?
A: I injured my back one time just by sneezing.
B: You should see a doctor.
A: My doctor said I need surgery.
B: So?
A: So, forget it.
B: You don’t have the money?
A: I have no insurance.
B: Maybe a back rub would help.
11. Three a Day
A: My brother smokes three packs a day.
B: Three packs of what?
A: Cigarettes, of course.
B: How can he do that?
A: When he is almost finished with one cigarette, he uses it to light another.
B: He’s a chain smoker.
A: He’s been a chain smoker for 30 years.
B: That’s unbelievable. Can he still breathe?
A: He can, but the people around him can’t.
B: How can he still be alive?
A: His doctor says his heart and lungs are strong and healthy.
B: Maybe I should start smoking.
12. Brush, Brush
A: I hate brushing my teeth.
B: It’s such a chore.
A: Brush, brush. Spit, spit.
B: What did they do in the old days?
A: They brushed with their fingers.
B: They also ate with their fingers!
A: Why do they call it the good old days?
B: Maybe because they didn’t have to brush and floss.
A: Who invented flossing?
B: A dentist, I’m sure.
A: I hate flossing more than brushing!
B: I can’t wait till all my teeth fall out.
13. A Hot Hike
A: Let's stop for a while. I need a break and some water.
B: This trail is hard to climb.
A: Especially on a hot day like this.
B: I can't believe we haven't seen any animals.
A: Thank goodness! I don't want to see any wild animals.
B: All we've seen so far is a couple of lizards.
A: We're hiking to lose weight, not to see goats and bears.
B: I bet I've lost a couple of pounds already.
A: All you've lost is some sweat.
B: I haven't even lost one pound of fat?
A: If you want to lose fat, you've got to do this hike every day.
B: Okay, but let's hike in town. At least there are cats and dogs to see.
14. Another Pimple
A: Oh no, another pimple on my face.
B: Pimples suck.
A: It seems like I get a new pimple almost every day.
B: Maybe it's something in your diet.
A: No, I eat the same things day after day.
B: Then maybe it's in your genes.
A: You might be right.
B: Do pimples run in your family?
A: Not that I've noticed.
B: Well, maybe it's from the pollution in the air.
A: Whatever the cause, I hate seeing them on my face.
B: Well, on the bright side, they're fun to pop.
15. No Need to Worry
A: Do you believe everything you hear?
B: I don't believe anything I don't see with my own eyes.
A: You can't believe what you hear on TV or radio.
B: You can't believe what you read in the newspapers.
A: Everyone tells you a different story about the same thing.
B: Three different people will give you three different stories.
A: And the government will give you a fourth story.
B: Yes, like the government says not to worry about the swine flu.
A: But the swine flu just killed 20 people in Mexico.
B: The government says we have nothing to worry about.
A: Then why are some schools telling the kids to stay home?
B: The government says to wash our hands frequently, and we'll all be okay.
16. Use a Tissue
A: Don’t pick your nose.
B: I wasn’t picking my nose.
A: What were you doing?
B: I was scratching my nose.
A: I think I know the difference between picking and scratching.
B: Okay, mom, maybe I was picking it a little bit.
A: Use a tissue next time.
B: I didn’t have a tissue.
A: Then wait till you find a tissue.
B: I couldn’t wait. It was an emergency.
A: Oh, really? Maybe you should have called 911.
B: It wasn’t that kind of emergency.
17. A Dirty Remote
A: Our TV remote is filthy.
B: Yes, it’s covered with crud.
A: I’m going to clean it.
B: Don’t use water on it!
A: I’ll use a damp cloth.
B: Don’t let water get into any of the cracks.
A: I’ll squeeze the cloth so it’s almost dry.
B: Don’t rub the numbers off the remote.
A: I will rub gently but firmly.
B: Do it quickly, please, so I can change channels during commercials.
A: I’ll give it back to you in a couple of minutes.
B: Maybe we should put it in a plastic bag to keep it clean.
18. An Earful of Pain
A: My ear is killing me.
B: What’s the matter?
A: I was on a plane.
B: So?
A: So, every time the plane goes up, my ear starts to hurt.
B: That’s no good.
A: Sometimes the pain goes away, and sometimes it doesn’t.
B: Have you seen a doctor?
A: I’ve been to two doctors.
B: And they couldn’t fix your problem?
A: They both said I have to live with it.
B: Or you can stay off planes.
19. A New Face
A: Did you see the woman with the new face?
B: Did she get a nice job?
A: She got an “everything?job!
B: What do you mean?
A: A team of doctors gave her a whole new face.
B: Why did they do that?
A: A mad dog bit most of her face off.
B: Oh, that’s terrible. What does she look like now?
A: Her face is really fat, but they say the swelling will go down.
B: And then will she look normal again?
A: I guess so.
B: God bless modern medicine.
20. A Sore Hand
A: There’s something wrong with my right hand.
B: What’s wrong with it?
A: It aches most of the time.
B: What do you think it is?
A: I don’t know. I think it’s old age.
B: If it’s old age, why don’t both of your hands hurt?
A: That’s a good question. Maybe it’s not old age.
B: Are you right-handed?
A: Yes. All my life.
B: You’re wearing out your right hand. Stop using it so much.
A: But I do all my writing with my right hand.
B: Start typing instead. That way your left hand will do half the work.
(기초 영어회화) 직장(Jobs) 관련 기초회화
총 16개 주제로 직장(Travel) 관련 기초회화를 모았습니다.
품격있고 깔끔한 회화문입니다. 버릴 말이 하나도 없네요.
이 정도는 여러번 읽어서 몽땅 암기할 정도가 되시기 바랍니다.
회화는 읽고 또 읽고 하여 몸에 익도록 해야 합니다.
수학공부 하듯이 힘들여 한 방에 머리에 담으려 하지 마시고
느긋하게 부담없이 자주 자주 읽어서 몸으로 암기해야 합니다.
제일 좋은 방법은 전체를 하루에 한 번씩 습관적으로 읽는 겁니다.
절대 외우려고 하지 마시고, 몸에 익을 때까지 그냥 계속 읽으시면 됩니다.
이렇게 반복을 통해 몸으로 외운 것은 오래 오래 갑니다.
잘못하면 평생 갑니다.
외울 때는 머리가 아니라 몸으로!!!
말할 때는 머리가 아니라 가슴으로!!!
1. I Need a Job
A: I need a job.
B: I thought you had a job.
A: I did.
B: What happened?
A: I got laid off.
B: That’s terrible! When did it happen?
A: I got laid off last week.
B: Just you?
A: No, ten of my coworkers got laid off, too.
B: What are you going to do?
A: I’m looking in the newspaper for a job.
B: Good luck!
2. Before Going to an Interview
A: Before you go to that interview, check yourself.
B: What’s to check?
A: Are your nails clean?
B: Yes, they are.
A: Did you double-check your nose and teeth?
B: They are clean, too.
A: Did you shine your shoes?
B: My shoes are shined.
A: Do your socks match?
B: Of course they match.
A: No, they don’t. One is black and one is dark blue.
B: Yikes! Thank you.
3. Work Is Hard
A: Life is hard.
B: It sure is.
A: I thought school was hard.
B: Me, too. I couldn’t wait to graduate.
A: But now work is hard, too.
B: I agree. Work is just as hard as school.
A: Sometimes I wish I was back in school.
B: Me, too. School was fun.
A: And it was only 12 years.
B: It went by pretty fast.
A: But work goes on forever!
B: We have to work for 30 years!
4. Peas in a Pod
A: I’m sleepy.
B: So am I.
A: I had a long day.
B: So did I.
A: I didn’t even have lunch.
B: Neither did I.
A: I was busy the whole day.
B: So was I.
A: I had to bring work home with me.
B: I did too.
A: Your day was just like mine.
B: Of course it was. We work together!
5. I Am a Babysitter
A: I don’t like my job.
B: What do you do?
A: I’m a babysitter.
B: Is that a lot of work?
A: Babies cry all the time.
B: You have to change their diapers.
A: I have to feed them.
B: Are you looking for another job?
A: No, I’m looking for another family.
B: Another family?
A: A family with only one baby.
B: That’s a good idea.
6. Hire Me
A: I need a job.
B: What was your last job?
A: I was a painter.
B: What happened?
A: I got laid off because there was no work.
B: What else can you do?
A: I’m a handyman.
B: Can you fix a dripping faucet in a kitchen sink?
A: Of course.
B: Then I have a job for you in my kitchen.
A: It will cost you only $20 plus parts.
B: Okay. That sounds like a fair price.
7. What If?
A: What would you do if you lost your job?
B: I have no idea. I’ve been here for 20 years.
A: Do you have any other skills?
B: Well, I know how to flip hamburgers.
A: No one would hire you to flip hamburgers.
B: Have you heard something that you’re not telling me?
A: What do you mean?
B: Are there going to be layoffs at this place?
A: I certainly hope not!
B: If you got laid off, you’d be flipping hamburgers, too.
A: Oh great, we could both work at Burger King.
B: Maybe we’d get laid off there, too.
8. Become a Teacher
A: Do your students ever talk about their jobs?
B: Yes, and they ask me what jobs are the best.
A: I tell my students to become a teacher.
B: Teaching is a great job.
A: It’s the best job I’ve ever had.
B: What makes it so good?
A: For me, it’s the students.
B: What do you mean?
A: I mean I have wonderful students.
B: That must be nice.
A: Teaching is the best part of my whole day.
B: You’re a lucky man to have a job you love.
9. Over and Over
A: Boy, I’m glad that job is finished.
B: How long did it take?
A: Four hours, without a break.
B: It’s always nice to finish a job.
A: Well, it’s good and bad.
B: What’s bad about it?
A: When you finish, all you do is start another job!
B: Yes, that’s right. It does get boring.
A: Especially if it’s the same work, over and over.
B: But that’s what most people do.
A: Yes, I guess most of us are stuck in a routine.
B: I wonder if there is any job that you don’t repeat over and over.
10. A Bad Boss
A: I think I have the worst boss in the world.
B: What makes him so bad?
A: He’s rude and he yells a lot.
B: That’s hard to take.
A: I’ve never heard him say please or thank you.
B: He sounds like a real jerk.
A: No one at work likes him.
B: Can’t you report him to his supervisor?
A: Of course not. If I do that, I’ll lose my job.
B: Yes, they don’t like troublemakers or complainers.
A: I can’t quit, because I’m making a good salary.
B: You shouldn’t choose money over happiness.
11. Light My Fire
A: What are we going to do?
B: About what?
A: About finding a job for me.
B: You don’t need a job. I make enough money for both of us.
A: That doesn’t matter. I don’t want to sit around.
B: Okay, what kind of job do you want?
A: I’m not sure.
B: Well, you should do something that you enjoy.
A: I enjoy selling. I was born to sell.
B: Okay, what do you want to sell?
A: Cigarette lighters. I’ll make a fortune.
B: But you hate cigarettes and you hate smoking!
12. Still Working
A: A new hotel is looking for workers.
B: Yes, I saw it on the TV news.
A: They need 300 new workers.
B: And 4,000 people showed up.
A: So many people are out of work.
B: I still have my job, thank goodness.
A: So do I, but I’m worried.
B: Me too. There are no guarantees.
A: If you lose your job, you can move in with me.
B: Oh, thank you. That’s very nice of you.
A: You would do the same for me.
B: Of course. What are friends for?
13. All His Eggs in One Basket
A: I think I did something real stupid.
B: What did you do?
A: I bought some stock.
B: Everybody buys stock.
A: I bought it on a hunch.
B: You didn't read about the company first?
A: I didn't have to. It's been in business for 60 years.
B: So what's the problem?
A: I used all my savings on this one company.
B: You put all your eggs into one basket.
A: If the company goes out of business, I'll have nothing.
B: Oh, you'll have something—you'll have a lesson you'll never forget!
14. His Parents Are Disappointed
A: I was going to be a doctor.
B: What happened to your plans?
A: I got a D in college chemistry.
B: Well, a D is better than an F.
A: A tutor helped me get the D!
B: So, you didn't become a doctor.
A: And now I'm glad that I didn't.
B: Why's that?
A: A hospital is the most dangerous place in the world.
B: Oh, yes, because of all the killer germs.
A: If you're a smart doctor, you stay away from hospitals.
B: Yes, the smart doctors are those TV news doctors—no hospitals, no patients.
15. Nice Doggy
A: I want to be a mail carrier when I grow up.
B: Why? A: Because you get to meet a lot of people.
B: You sure do.
A: And you get a lot of exercise every day.
B: That’s the truth.
A: And you get to play with a lot of dogs.
B: Well, you’re supposed to be working.
A: Yes, but I will always pet the friendly dogs.
B: What about the unfriendly dogs?
A: I think if you are friendly to dogs, they are friendly to you.
B: Dogs are like people—not all of them are friendly.
16. Knock, Knock!
A: I want to move to New York.
B: To the state or the city?
A: To the city, of course.
B: Why do you want to move there?
A: Because I want to make a lot of money.
B: There are a lot of poor people in New York.
A: There sure are—at least a million.
B: So how do you plan to become rich?
A: I will knock on the doors of all the corporations.
B: That won’t make you rich. Nobody will talk to you.
A: I will keep knocking on doors.
B: All you will get is sore knuckles.
(기초 영어회화) 안전(Safety) 관련 기초영어회화
총 12개 주제로 안전(Safety) 관련 기초회화를 모았습니다.
품격있고 깔끔한 회화문입니다. 버릴 말이 하나도 없네요.
이 정도는 여러번 읽어서 몽땅 암기할 정도가 되시기 바랍니다.
회화는 읽고 또 읽고 하여 몸에 익도록 해야 합니다.
수학공부 하듯이 힘들여 한 방에 머리에 담으려 하지 마시고
느긋하게 부담없이 자주 자주 읽어서 몸으로 암기해야 합니다.
제일 좋은 방법은 전체를 하루에 한 번씩 습관적으로 읽는 겁니다.
절대 외우려고 하지 마시고, 몸에 익을 때까지 그냥 계속 읽으시면 됩니다.
이렇게 반복을 통해 몸으로 외운 것은 오래 오래 갑니다.
잘못하면 평생 갑니다.
외울 때는 머리가 아니라 몸으로!!!
말할 때는 머리가 아니라 가슴으로!!!
1. Too Much Crime
A: Why is there so much crime?
B: Because parents don’t teach their kids right from wrong.
A: Is that it?
B: Also, there aren’t enough police.
A: But there are a lot of police.
B: There’s only one police officer per 100 criminals.
A: Can’t we hire more police?
B: No. It costs too much money.
A: Doesn’t crime cost more than police?
B: Yes, it does.
A: So it would be cheaper to hire more police?
B: Yes, it would.
2. No One Ever Leaves
A: This is a great neighborhood.
B: Yes, it is.
A: People are friendly.
B: Yes, they are.
A: The streets and sidewalks are clean.
B: Yes, they are.
A: There’s a real nice park nearby.
B: Yes, there is.
A: I feel safe here.
B: There is no crime here.
A: I wish I could move here.
B: Maybe you can, if someone moves out.
3. Fire and Smoke
A: The house burned down.
B: What happened?
A: The man fell asleep.
B: Was he smoking?
A: Yes, he was smoking a cigarette.
B: Did he die?
A: Yes, he did. His cat died, too.
B: That’s too bad. What about his smoke alarm?
A: The battery was dead.
B: A good battery would have saved his life.
A: He had cigarettes, but no battery.
B: It happens all the time.
4. Play with Fire
A: They say he has started fifteen big fires.
B: He’s been in jail three times already.
A: Why did they ever let him out?
B: It’s the law. They can’t keep him in jail forever.
A: Why not? Everyone knows he’s a firebug. He loves to start fires.
B: I don’t know. Sometimes the law doesn’t make sense.
A: But his latest fire killed someone.
B: This time they have charged him with murder.
A: So maybe he’ll go to jail forever?
B: I sure hope so.
A: Someone should set him on fire.
B: That would teach him a good lesson.
5. Fasten Your Seatbelt
A: Put your seatbelt on.
B: Why?
A: Because it will protect you in case of an accident.
B: But it’s uncomfortable.
A: It’s the law.
B: It’s so much trouble.
A: It’s common sense.
B: It’s so tight that it’s hard for me to breathe.
A: Hold your breath till we get there.
B: Okay, my seatbelt is on.
A: I’m glad you don’t complain very much.
B: I’m ready for an accident.
6. Use the Stepladder
A: What are you doing?
B: I’m going to change the light bulb. It burnt out.
A: What are you standing on?
B: A couple of dictionaries and some textbooks.
A: Are you crazy?
B: What’s the matter?
A: Those books will slip and you’ll fall.
B: It’s only a couple of feet.
A: What if you fall while you’re holding the light bulb, and it breaks and pieces go into your eyes?
B: I never thought about that.
A: You’d be blind for the rest of your life!
B: I’ll get the stepladder.
7. A Puddle on the Floor
A: Did you see that puddle of water on the floor?
B: Yes. I called for a clean-up.
A: A puddle of water is very dangerous.
B: It isn’t easy to see.
A: But it’s real easy to slip on.
B: Especially on these slick floors.
A: Someone who slips could hurt their back.
B: They could even crack their head open.
A: We should stand here till the clean-up person gets here.
B: We can leave if we put an orange cone here.
A: Yes, but I don’t know where the orange cones are.
B: It doesn’t matter. Here he comes now with the mop.
8. The Fire Alarm
A: What happens when the fire alarm rings?
B: We tell our students to leave the classroom.
A: Can they take their belongings?
B: Yes, if they do it quickly.
A: Where do the students go?
B: They go out to the north parking lot.
A: What do the teachers do?
B: We take our rosters to the parking lot and take roll.
A: Why do you do that?
B: We want to make sure all the students are out of the building.
A: If they are all outside, then what?
B: Then we just wait outside for a fireman to tell us to go back in.
9. Double-Check Everything
A: I have to go back upstairs.
B: Why? We’re already late.
A: I have to check the stove.
B: What’s the matter?
A: Maybe I left the burner on.
B: No, you didn’t. I checked the stove before we left.
A: Are you sure?
B: Of course I’m sure.
A: Well, I have to go back upstairs anyway.
B: It’s getting later every minute.
A: I think I left the water running.
B: No, you didn’t. Let’s go! The only thing running is the clock!
10. Guns for All
A: The city is buying guns.
B: What are they paying?
A: Up to $200 for each gun, no questions asked.
B: Why are they doing this?
A: They want to get guns off the street.
B: Who would turn in a gun for $200?
A: That isn’t a good deal?
B: A good gun costs $400 or more.
A: Well, if you bring your receipt, maybe they’ll give you $400.
B: I’ll keep my receipt and my gun.
A: I didn’t know you had a gun.
B: Everyone in America should have a gun.
11. Crime Reduction
A: You're yawning.
B: I sure am.
A: You should go to bed.
B: I will as soon as I finish this article.
A: What are you reading?
B: It's about crime in Los Angeles.
A: What does it say?
B: The mayor says the crime rate is going down.
A: Then why does everyone lock their doors?
B: I guess they haven't read this article.
A: No one believes that the crime rate is going down.
B: Maybe the mayor is just talking about his own neighborhood.
12. Two Different States
A: People who live in California are crazy.
B: Why is that?
A: Because of all the earthquakes and fires.
B: But big earthquakes happen only once in a while.
A: Once in a while is once too many.
B: But you’re right. There are a lot of fires.
A: A recent fire destroyed 85 homes.
B: Still, it’s safer than Florida.
A: Florida doesn’t have earthquakes or fires.
B: No, Florida just has hurricanes every year from June to October.
A: But most of those hurricanes are harmless.
B: Excuse me. Hurricane Andrew destroyed 30,000 homes!
(기초 영어회화) 스포츠 관련 기초영어회화
총 12개 주제로 스포츠 관련 기초회화를 모았습니다.
품격있고 깔끔한 회화문입니다. 버릴 말이 하나도 없네요.
이 정도는 여러번 읽어서 몽땅 암기할 정도가 되시기 바랍니다.
회화는 읽고 또 읽고 하여 몸에 익도록 해야 합니다.
수학공부 하듯이 힘들여 한 방에 머리에 담으려 하지 마시고
느긋하게 부담없이 자주 자주 읽어서 몸으로 암기해야 합니다.
제일 좋은 방법은 전체를 하루에 한 번씩 습관적으로 읽는 겁니다.
절대 외우려고 하지 마시고, 몸에 익을 때까지 그냥 계속 읽으시면 됩니다.
이렇게 반복을 통해 몸으로 외운 것은 오래 오래 갑니다.
잘못하면 평생 갑니다.
외울 때는 머리가 아니라 몸으로!!!
말할 때는 머리가 아니라 가슴으로!!!
1. Take Me to the Ball Game
A: Can we go to the baseball game?
B: Of course.
A: I love baseball.
B: So do I.
A: I love to eat the peanuts.
B: I love to eat the hot dogs.
A: I hope we’ll see a home run.
B: I hope we’ll catch a foul ball.
A: Bring a jacket.
B: Yes. It gets a little cool at night.
A: Bring a glove to catch a foul ball.
B: No. I’ll just use my cap to catch a foul ball.
2. Golf Is Silly
A: Golf is a silly game.
B: It certainly is.
A: You hit a white ball.
B: And then you chase it.
A: And then you hit it again.
B: Finally, you put the ball into a hole in the ground.
A: You do this 18 times, because there are 18 holes.
B: What’s the point?
A: How can it be fun?
B: They pay money to play this silly game!
A: I think golfers have a mental problem.
B: I think they’re nuts.
3. Fresh Fish
A: Do you want to go fishing?
B: Yes. That’s a good idea.
A: Where do you want to go?
B: We can go to the river.
A: Or we can go to the lake.
B: Or we can go to the ocean.
A: Let’s go to the lake.
B: Yes. The lake is only 10 miles away.
A: We can be there in 20 minutes.
B: I’ll get our fishing rods.
A: I’ll get the bait.
B: We’ll have fresh fish for dinner!
4. I Love Baseball
A: Baseball is fun.
B: I like to hit the ball.
A: I like to run around the bases.
B: I like to slide into the bases.
A: Yeah. It’s a lot of fun to slide.
B: I want to be a baseball player when I grow up.
A: Me too. I want to play for the Yankees.
B: Not me. I want to play for the Dodgers.
A: We have to practice every day.
B: I don’t like practice.
A: Me neither. It’s boring.
B: But practice makes perfect.
5. New Shoes
A: Let’s go jogging.
B: That’s a good idea.
A: I bought some new shoes.
B: Are they comfortable?
A: They’re very comfortable.
B: How much were they?
A: They were on sale for $80.
B: Do they help you run faster?
A: No, but my feet don’t hurt anymore.
B: Then they’re worth every penny.
A: You might want to buy a pair.
B: I’ll wait until I wear this pair out.
6. I’m Worried about Tiger
A: Tiger is the greatest golfer in the world.
B: You can say that again.
A: But I’m worried about Tiger.
B: Why is that?
A: Because he likes to SCUBA dive.
B: What’s wrong with that?
A: It can be dangerous.
B: You mean he could drown.
A: He shouldn’t SCUBA dive until he retires.
B: But he dives to relax.
A: He might relax, but it makes me nervous.
B: If his wife doesn’t mind, you shouldn’t mind.
7. Where Is Tiger From?
A: Did you watch that golf tournament?
B: The one that Tiger won?
A: How did he do it?
B: It was nothing for him.
A: He sank a 20-foot putt on the last hole to win by one stroke!
B: He sank a 25-footer last year at the same tournament to win by one stroke.
A: I think he is from outer space.
B: No human could possibly play golf that well.
A: Whenever he needs a shot to win a tournament, he makes that shot.
B: No human can do that.
A: Somebody should check his birth record.
B: I bet it says he was born on Mars.
8. Babe Ruth
A: Who’s the greatest baseball player?
B: There are so many great players.
A: Yes, but who is the greatest?
B: I’d have to say Babe Ruth.
A: Most people would say that.
B: He changed the game.
A: Yes, he made the home run popular.
B: Everybody loved him, all over the nation.
A: He helped make the Yankees the best team ever.
B: And Ruth was a good person, too.
A: He always visited hospitals to cheer up sick kids.
B: There will never be another Babe.
9. The Season’s Over
A: Did you hear what happened at the baseball game?
B: No, please tell me.
A: Someone punched out someone.
B: That’s not nice.
A: It’s worse than that.
B: How so?
A: Two guys got into an argument.
B: I’ll bet they were drinking.
A: A third guy punched one of the two guys.
B: I’ll bet he was drinking, too.
A: The victim hit his head on the concrete steps and died.
B: That’s terrible. Can’t people just have fun at a baseball game?
10. Cheap Seats
A: I want to go to the ball game.
B: Is there a game tonight?
A: Yes, it starts at 7 p.m.
B: Can we get tickets?
A: Yes, but only the cheap tickets.
B: How much are they?
A: They’re only $5 each.
B: That’s a good price.
A: Yes, it’s cheaper than a hot dog or a beer.
B: Where are the seats?
A: They’re behind the outfield.
B: Maybe we can catch a home run ball.
11. Golf Is No Picnic
A: Golf is so hard.
B: What's so hard about hitting a little white ball?
A: It's hard if you want to do it right.
B: You mean like Tiger?
A: No, like a good amateur golfer.
B: What's so hard about golf?
A: There are so many things you have to do right.
B: Like what?
A: Like keep your left arm straight, keep your head down, and follow through.
B: Yikes! Who can remember all that?
A: You need to get a lot of lessons when you're really young.
B: Forget it. Golf sounds more like work than fun.
12. A Player Cheats
A: Did you hear about the ball player?
B: The home run hitter on drugs?
A: He said a doctor helped him with a personal problem.
B: He said he wasn’t using drugs.
A: He apologized to the fans.
B: The league suspended him for 50 games.
A: That will cost him some money.
B: Yes, about $7 million.
A: That will teach him a good lesson.
B: He probably won’t use drugs anymore.
A: But it won’t stop other players from using drugs.
B: No. Everyone always figures that they won’t get caught.
(기초 영어회화) 연예(Dating) 기초영어회화 종합
총 13개 주제로 데이트(Dating) 관련 기초회화를 모았습니다.
품격있고 깔끔한 회화문입니다. 버릴 말이 하나도 없네요.
이 정도는 여러번 읽어서 몽땅 암기할 정도가 되시기 바랍니다.
회화는 읽고 또 읽고 하여 몸에 익도록 해야 합니다.
수학공부 하듯이 힘들여 한 방에 머리에 담으려 하지 마시고
느긋하게 부담없이 자주 자주 읽어서 몸으로 암기해야 합니다.
제일 좋은 방법은 전체를 하루에 한 번씩 습관적으로 읽는 겁니다.
절대 외우려고 하지 마시고, 몸에 익을 때까지 그냥 계속 읽으시면 됩니다.
이렇게 반복을 통해 몸으로 외운 것은 오래 오래 갑니다.
잘못하면 평생 갑니다.
외울 때는 머리가 아니라 몸으로!!!
말할 때는 머리가 아니라 가슴으로!!!
1. A Blind Date
A: I’ve got a date for you.
B: Oh, really?
A: Are you interested?
B: Maybe. What is she like?
A: She’s got a great personality.
B: Uh-oh. That means that she’s fat and ugly.
A: She’s cute.
B: Okay, so she’s not ugly; she’s just fat.
A: She weighs 98 pounds.
B: Okay, she’s not fat. So what’s the problem with her?
A: Who said there is a problem with her?
B: The problem is she has no problems—she’s too good for me!
2. Let’s Have Dinner
A: I think you’re very pretty.
B: Thank you.
A: Would you have dinner with me?
B: I would like to.
A: Can I pick you up Friday night?
B: What time?
A: Eight o’clock.
B: That sounds great.
A: We’ll go to a French restaurant.
B: I’ve never been to a French restaurant.
A: I think you’ll love the food.
B: I’m not going to eat any snails!
3. Blue Eyes
A: You have pretty eyes.
B: Thank you. So do you.
A: I wish my eyes were blue.
B: What’s the matter with green eyes?
A: Nothing, except my favorite color is blue.
B: Maybe in your next life you’ll have blue eyes.
A: But what if I’m a fish in my next life?
B: I think some fish have blue eyes.
A: I hope I don’t come back as a fish.
B: I hope I come back as a cat.
A: Cats have beautiful eyes.
B: I would love to have blue cat-eyes.
4. True Love
A: I love you.
B: I love you, too.
A: I loved you the first day I saw you.
B: It was love at first sight?
A: Yes, it was love at first sight.
B: I didn’t love you at first.
A: I know. I had to chase you for a while.
B: Yes, you chased me and then you caught me.
A: Now you’re mine forever.
B: And you’re mine forever.
A: We’ll grow old together.
B: And be happy together.
5. Ask Her Out
A: I’m in love with that girl.
B: Have you told her?
A: Of course not.
B: Why not?
A: She would laugh at me.
B: How do you know?
A: Because they always do.
B: Maybe she’s different.
A: They’re all the same.
B: Just ask her out to dinner.
A: And then what?
B: And then she’ll know that you like her.
6. A Night by Himself
A: Give me a hug.
B: I’m not in the mood.
A: What’s the matter?
B: I saw you looking at that woman.
A: What woman?
B: You know, that woman with the big boobs.
A: I was not looking at her.
B: You were, too.
A: I’m not interested in her.
B: Then why were you looking at her?
A: I was looking at something else.
B: Oh, really? Then spend tonight looking at the sofa.
7. Go on a Blind Date
A: Would you like to go on a blind date?
B: You must be joking.
A: No, I’m serious.
B: I don’t want to date a blind woman.
A: A blind date doesn’t mean that she is blind!
B: What does it mean?
A: A blind date is a date with someone you don’t know.
B: Why would I date someone I don’t even know?
A: To try something new and exciting.
B: What if I don’t like her?
A: Then you don’t date her again.
8. Two Pineapples
A: I have a date tomorrow night.
B: Really? Who with?
A: A girl I met at the market.
B: You met a girl at the supermarket?
A: She was standing behind me in a really slow line at the checkout counter.
B: What did you say to her?
A: I had two pineapples in my cart, and she asked where I had found them.
B: She asked you about your pineapples?
A: I told her I had gotten the last two on the shelf, but I offered her one of mine.
B: That was nice of you.
A: She asked me how she could return the favor, so I asked her out.
B: Sometimes a slow line can be a good thing.
9. One Date Only
A: Did you have a date Friday night?
B: Yes, in fact, I did.
A: Who did you go out with?
B: A man I met in a coffee shop.
A: Where did you go?
B: We went to a nice restaurant.
A: Anywhere else?
B: Then we went to a jazz club.
A: That sounds like a nice date.
B: Yes, it was pleasant.
A: But you won’t date him again?
B: No. He was nice, but there was no chemistry.
10. A Bad Date
A: I had the worst date the other night.
B: What happened?
A: First of all, he was half an hour late.
B: That’s not a good start.
A: Then he didn’t bother to apologize.
B: That’s rude.
A: Then he drove too fast to the restaurant.
B: That’s dangerous.
A: I thought about getting out and taking a taxi home.
B: What happened at the restaurant?
A: We had a $40 meal, and he left a $1 tip!
B: I guess you can’t go back to that restaurant.
11. Sweet Dreams
A: I don't like that man.
B: Why not?
A: He's a dirty old man.
B: What do you mean?
A: He's old enough to be my father, yet he asked me out.
B: Well, you can't blame a man for asking.
A: He should act his age.
B: But a lot of old people are still interested in dating.
A: They should find a nice hobby.
B: Just wait until you're 50 years old.
A: Dating will be the furthest thing from my mind.
B: That's what you say now. Wait till you're 50.
12. I Love You More than Money
A: Does your girlfriend ever make you angry?
B: Sometimes.
A: What does she do?
B: Just yesterday, I told her I wouldn't trade her for all the money in the world.
A: That was a nice thing to say.
B: That's what I thought.
A: What did she say?
B: She laughed! She didn't believe me.
A: That wasn't very nice of her.
B: She said that nothing is more important to me than money.
A: What did you say?
B: I told her I wouldn't trade her for any other woman in the world.
13. A Good Nose
A: Some people have good noses.
B: I wish I had a good nose. Mine is way too big.
A: I don’t mean good-looking. I mean good-smelling.
B: Oh. But that can be a curse.
A: Yes, because you can be too sensitive to odors.
B: I’ll say. My girlfriend has a nose like a drug dog.
A: Did she catch you using drugs?
B: Sort of. She knows whenever I sneak a cigarette.
A: You don’t need a good nose for that—cigarettes stink.
B: But when I sneak just one cigarette in the morning, she can smell it that evening!
A: Boy, that is a good nose.
B: I told her she should apply for a job at customs.