검색결과 리스트
학교생활영어에 해당되는 글 1건
- 2011.11.21 (기초 영어회화) 학교생활(School Life) 기초영어회화 종합편
(기초 영어회화) 학교생활(School Life) 기초영어회화 종합편
총 15개 주제로 학교생활(School Life) 관련 기초회화를 모았습니다.
품격있고 깔끔한 회화문입니다. 버릴 말이 하나도 없네요.
이 정도는 여러번 읽어서 몽땅 암기할 정도가 되시기 바랍니다.
회화는 읽고 또 읽고 하여 몸에 익도록 해야 합니다.
수학공부 하듯이 힘들여 한 방에 머리에 담으려 하지 마시고
느긋하게 부담없이 자주 자주 읽어서 몸으로 암기해야 합니다.
제일 좋은 방법은 전체를 하루에 한 번씩 습관적으로 읽는 겁니다.
절대 외우려고 하지 마시고, 몸에 익을 때까지 그냥 계속 읽으시면 됩니다.
이렇게 반복을 통해 몸으로 외운 것은 오래 오래 갑니다.
잘못하면 평생 갑니다.
외울 때는 머리가 아니라 몸으로!!!
말할 때는 머리가 아니라 가슴으로!!!
1. I Go to College
A: Do you go to college?
B: Yes, I do.
A: What college do you go to?
B: I go to Pasadena City College.
A: Do you like it?
B: Oh, yes, I really like it.
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because it has great teachers.
A: What else?
B: I like all my classmates, too.
A: Anything else?
B: Yes. It’s not expensive!
2. A Lost Pen
A: I lost my new pen.
B: Where did you lose it?
A: I don’t know.
B: When did you lose it?
A: I think I lost it today. I used it yesterday.
B: Did you check all your pockets?
A: I checked all my pockets.
B: Did you look in your desk?
A: Yes. It isn’t there, either.
B: It’s probably around somewhere.
A: Oh, well, it only cost me a dollar.
B: Only a dollar? Don’t even look for it.
3. Gravity for All
A: Gravity is very important.
B: What is gravity?
A: It’s the force that pulls everything down.
B: I don’t understand.
A: If you pour water into a glass, the water goes down into the glass.
B: Of course it does.
A: Without gravity, the water would go up.
B: You’re joking.
A: Without gravity, you would go up.
B: What do you mean?
A: You would float into the sky like a balloon.
B: That would be fun!
4. New Glasses
A: I can’t read my book.
B: Turn on the light.
A: The light is on.
B: Open the book.
A: The book is open.
B: See an eye doctor.
A: That’s what I need to do.
B: He’ll give you a prescription for glasses.
A: I’ll make an appointment tomorrow.
B: I’ll get the yellow pages for an eye doctor.
A: Read the phone number to me.
B: I’ll read it very loud, in case your hearing is getting bad, too.
5. School Items
A: What do you need for school?
B: I need pencils.
A: Anything else?
B: I need a notebook.
A: Do you need a pen?
B: No. I already have a pen.
A: Do you need a calculator?
B: No. The teacher doesn’t permit calculators.
A: How about a dictionary?
B: No, we have a big dictionary in the classroom.
A: Well, I guess that’s it.
B: Yes, that’s all I need for now.
6. A Good Magazine
A: I like this magazine.
B: So do I.
A: I read it once, and I subscribed.
B: It gives you all the news.
A: All the news in only 50 pages.
B: I like the political cartoons.
A: I like the beautiful photos of the houses for sale.
B: I always read the film reviews.
A: I never miss the food and drink section.
B: I gave a subscription to my parents.
A: Me too. They canceled their other news magazines.
B: So did mine!
7. Shake Your Pen
A: My pen is out of ink.
B: Shake it a couple of times.
A: I shook it. There is no more ink.
B: You can borrow mine.
A: Thank you. I’ll buy a new one tomorrow.
B: What were you doing?
A: I was writing a letter.
B: Who were you writing to?
A: It’s to my mom.
B: Tell her I said hello.
A: Okay. I’ll return your pen when I’m done.
B: Take your time.
8. Do Your Homework
A: Have you done your homework?
B: Not yet.
A: Then why are you watching TV?
B: This is my favorite show.
A: Go do your homework.
B: But, mom!
A: You can watch TV after you do your homework.
B: But the show will be over.
A: There will be another show next week.
B: Please?
A: You know the rules.
B: I hate the rules! I can’t wait till I grow up.
9. The Soldier
A: I can’t wait until I graduate.
B: Me too.
A: No more homework.
B: I hate homework.
A: Are you going to college?
B: I can’t afford it.
A: Me neither.
B: So what are you going to do?
A: I’m joining the army.
B: You’re kidding. You might get killed.
A: I don’t think so. After I finish, I’ll have enough money to go to college.
B: That’s not a bad idea.
10. The English Major
A: What is your major?
B: English.
A: What are you going to do with an English major?
B: I’m going to be a teacher.
A: High school or middle school?
B: High school.
A: I teach high school English.
B: I didn’t know that.
A: I started teaching five years ago.
B: How do you like it?
A: Do you see all this gray hair? It was totally black five years ago.
B: Maybe I’ll teach middle school.
11. No Parking
A: Parking at school is impossible.
B: I’ll say.
A: I drove around for half an hour.
B: Did you find a spot?
A: I found a spot, but someone cut in and took it from me.
B: Did you yell at them?
A: Yes, I did.
B: And?
A: And he yelled back at me.
B: How rude.
A: But I got lucky a few minutes later.
B: You have to be lucky to find a parking space.
12. Keep Your Eyes Open
A: This is a huge library.
B: Yes, it has lots of rooms and lots of space.
A: And lots of books.
B: And lots of thieves.
A: What do you mean?
B: I mean, keep your belongings close to you.
A: The only thing in my backpack is used books.
B: But thieves don’t know that.
A: They might think that I’ve got an iPod or laptop in there.
B: Now you’re thinking.
A: You’d think a library would be safe from thieves.
B: Not even a church is safe from thieves.
13. Two Plus Two
A: How good is your math?
B: I can add two and two.
A: So you’re not very good at math?
B: I’m terrible at math.
A: Well, I need some help.
B: With what?
A: I’m taking a math course in school.
B: Well, you should ask your teacher or your classmates for help.
A: I can’t do that.
B: Why not?
A: They might think I’m stupid.
B: They’re not going to think that! They’ll be glad to help you.
14. Prayers
A: Do you believe in God?
B: Of course.
A: Do you pray to God?
B: Occasionally.
A: When’s that?
B: When I need something.
A: Like what?
B: Well, if I have a big test at school.
A: Does God answer your prayers?
B: Yes, I’ve passed all my tests.
A: Do you ever pray for money?
B: Not yet. I won’t need to do that until I graduate from high school.
15. Hit and Run
A: The cops finally found the husband.
B: What husband?
A: The husband of the driver who ran over two college students at 3 a.m.
B: Oh, yeah. The girl died instantly, and the boy is still in the hospital.
A: The husband said he tried to help the boy.
B: Yes, he pushed him off the hood of the car.
A: No, he said he gently placed the boy on the street.
B: So what? They still drove off.
A: The husband said a fire department was nearby.
B: So what? Did he dial 911?
A: He said he was thinking about it, but he didn't get around to it.
B: He didn't get around to turning himself in, either.