Yesterday (Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011, Sunny)
Today I was a little sick and very tired. I left the office at 7:10 and got home at 7:40. All my family were home. I was extremely happy to see them.  I had dinner with them. I went to bed at 10:10. Wife was busy preparing for her trip to her father's. She will go there with my brother-in-law and his family in her car. Son was busy preparing for his mid-term exams. Daughter was busy with her own exams, too. Thank God it was a great Thursday. You gave me so many things that I cannot thank you enough. Thank you Father. Everything is yours. Nothing is mine. Thank you especially for giving my family to me.

Today (Friday, Oct. 21, 2011, Sunny)
The weather has been great these days. I love these fall days in Korea. I prayed and exercised for 1 hour in the morning. The weekly meeting of our company was held this morning as before, so I arrived at work earlier than usual. I am still kind of sick and tired. I took two pills yesterday and one pill today. Thank God it's Friday. Have a great weekend, Father. I will praise you forever and ever and more. I love you, Father.


