On the verge of !!!
Daniel I heard that you performed very well in this program. You are going to be one pillar of our company in the near future.
Megan It's my duty as an employee to carry it out. I receive help from several departments while the whole matter was on the verge of failure. Most importantly, we didn't lose heart, but believed we could succeed at last.
Daniel Never give up, then we can defeat our rivals, no matter how strong they are. Stick to your faith, we can overcome adversity successfully. Good job, Megan !
Megan Thanks for your praise. I will believe in myself as I did this time and keep on my work. Moreover, I realized teamwork is the key to success.
Explanation :

On the verge of - Close to, ~하려는 찰나에

Example : I was on the verge of calling the doctor when he suddenly got better.







Classroom English


Many textbooks contain a Classroom English section devoted to useful words and phrases that are often used during an English lesson. You can find them usually at the beginning or ending of a textbook and they may be titled something other than “Classroom English”.  One of the benefits of using the classroom English in a textbook is the fact that students have access to the textbooks whenever they want and therefore have no excuse not to use classroom English.


Please adopt some of these phrases into your everyday speech in the classroom and encourage your students to do so as well.  A student should not be saying わからない (wakaranai), instead they should be comfortably using “I don’t understand.”


The use of classroom English is a good beginning step for encouraging students to feel comfortable in a foreign language and for them to begin to “think” in that language.  The more times they use the phrases, the comfortable they will be.  The goal is to get students to react in English, rather than in Japanese. 


Below are a list of good classroom English expressions.  Feel free to use these or other that you find.  You do not need to use every expression listed.  You can begin with a few expressions and gradually increase the number of expressions you use in your class.


Before the Lesson





Good morning, everyone.

Good afternoon, class.

How are you this morning, Mikako?

Mikako, how are you today?

Do you have a cold?


What a lovely day! 

What a rainy day!

Isn’t it warm this morning?

It’s a humid day, isn’t it?

Today is very cold, isn’t it?


Role call


Hiroshi?                                             Yes / Here

Is Yukiko absent today?                       No, she is coming.  Yes, she’s absent.

Where is Mikio?                                  He is absent.  He is in the office.


Beginning the Lesson



Please sit down, everyone.

Let’s begin today’s lesson.

It’s time to begin, please stop talking.


Let’s quickly review the last lesson.

Try to answer my questions.

Right / Correct / Nearly Right / Close / Almost


Let’s start on page 60.  Let’s start at line 10.

Turn to page 12.

Please look at the blackboard.

Look at your textbooks.

Now open your textbooks to page 33.


Come to the blackboard.

Write this down in your notebooks.

Pass back these sheets/handouts.





Please listen carefully (to me).


Repeat after me.


Kenichi, you read Bill’s part.

Read this out loud.

Keiko, begin reading at line 5.

Okay, stop there, thank you.

Next, Masaki.


What is the English/Japanese word for . . . ?

How do you say it in English?


Please summarize the first paragraph.

What is the paragraph/section/story about?

Let’s do some translation work.





Any questions?

Do you have any questions?

Now I’m going to ask you some questions.

Who knows the answer?

Raise your hand.

Please raise your hand if you don’t understand.


Try to answer by yourself.           

Try again.

A full sentence, please. 

Use a full sentence please.

Make a sentence.

Say it in a loud voice.

Louder, please!

Again, please.


Do you understand?

         (I don’t understand.)

         (I don’t know.)

         (Please say it again.)

         (Once more, please?)


Ending the Lesson



There will be no homework for today.

For homework, please do the exercises on page 9.

Today’s homework is . . .

Please read pages . . . to . . . for homework.

Tomorrow, we’ll study Lesson 6.


There’s the bell.

That’s all for today.

The lesson is over for today.

We’ve run out of time.


Goodbye, class.

See you on Friday.

Have a good day!

Have a nice weekend!

See you next week.

Good job today.







Classroom English (교실 영어)




·        Respect others.                                            다른 사람을 존중하세요.  


·        Pay attention.                                               집중하세요.


·        Participate.                                                   참가하세요


·        Bring your books, notebooks,                            , 공책, 연필 수업시간에

and pencils to class.                                          가지고 오세요.


·        Get out your books, notebooks,                         , 공책, 연필을 꺼내세요

and pencils.


·        Put that away.                                                 그것 치워요.


·        Raise your hand.                                             손을 드세요.


·        Don't shout.                                                    소리지르지마세요.


·        Don't talk/chat.                                               말하지마세요. / 떠들지 마세요.


·        Don't start.                                                    시작하지마세요.


·        Don't cheat.                                                   커닝하지마세요.


·        Don't do it.                                                    하지마세요.


·        Open your book.                                           책을 펴세요.


·        Close your book.                                           책을 덮으세요.


·        Put your pencil down.                                    연필을 내려놓으세요.


·        Continue.                                                      계속하세요.





·        Did you do your homework?                                  숙제를 했어요?

—Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.


·        Do you understand?                                               이해하니?

—Yes, I understand. / No, I don't understand.


·        Do you have your book?                                       책을 가지고 있나요?

—Yes, I have my book. / No, I don't have my book.


·        What page are you on?                                          쪽을 하고 있나요?

—We're on page ___.


·        Are you ready?                                                  준비됐나요?

—Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.


·        Are you finished?                                               끝냈어요?


·        What did you say?                                             뭐라고 말했나요?

—I said, "_____________."


·        May I ask you a question?                                 질문해도 되나요?

—Yes, you may. / No, you may not.


·        Do you have a question?                                      질문 있어요?

—Yes, I have a question. / No, I don't have a question.


·        What is the answer to question number __?          (  ) 문제에 답이 뭘까



·        Is this the right answer?                                        답이 맞나요?

—Yes, it's the right answer. / No, it's the wrong answer.



·        What do you think?                                     뭐라고 생각하나요?


·        What is this about?                                    이것은 무엇에 대한 겁니까?


·        Can you guess?                                         추측할 있나요?


·        What happened?                                       무슨 일이야?


·        Can you help me?                                     도와줄 있니?


·        Can I help him/her?                                  /그녀를 도와줄 있습니까?


·        Could you repeat that, please?                   따라 말해주 실래요?


·        How do you say this in English?                 그것을 영어로 어떻게 말합니까?


·        What should I do?                                     이제 나는 무엇을 해야 합니까?


·        How do I do this?                                      나는 이것을 어떻게 합니까?


·        Is this correct?                                           맞았습니까?


·        Is it okay?                                                 이것이 괜찮습니까?    


·        What does this mean?                               이것은 무슨 뜻입니까?


·        What is our homework?                             숙제는 무엇입니까?


·        Do we have a test?                                   시험이 우리에게 있습니까?


·        When is our test?                                      우리 시험이 언제입니까?


·        How many points do you have?                     너는 포인트를 가지고 있나



·        Teacher, can we do this?                                선생님, 우리 이것을 해도 되나



·        May I borrow your pencil?                               연필 빌려 있나요?

—Yes, you may. / No, you may not.


·        May I sit next to _____?                                   (  ) 옆에 앉아도 되나요?


·        May I go to the bathroom?                               화장실에 가도 되나요?


·        May I get a drink of water?                              물을 마셔도 되나요?


·        May I leave now?                                            이제 집에 가도 되나요?  



Student Responses


·        Sorry, I'm late.                                              미안합니다. 제가 늦었습니다.


·        Sorry, I couldn't do my homework.                미안합니다. 숙제를 안해 왔습니



·        I forgot.                                                         잊어버렸습니다.


·        I don't remember.                                  기억을 못했습니다.


·        This is easy/difficult.                             이것은 쉽습니다. / 어렵습니다.


·        This is fun/boring.                                이것은 재미있습니다. / 재미없습니다.


·        I like/don't like this story.                     나는 이야기를 좋아한다. / 싫어한



·        Let's do this now/later.                               지금/나중에 합시다.


·        Teacher, I'm sick.                                    선생님, 저는 아파요.


·        I have a headache.                                   머리가 아파요.


·        Teacher, please slow down/hurry up.           선생님, 천천히 하세요./ 빨리 하세



·        Teacher, I can't see.                               선생님, 보이지 않아요.


·        I can't hear you.                                     들리지 않아요.


·        I don't understand.                                이해가 되지 않아요.


·        Please explain.                                       설명해 주세요.





·        Listen to the directions.                                지시를 따르세요.


·        Repeat after me.                                          따라하세요.


·        Say the question.                                        질문하세요.


·        Answer the question.                                  대답하세요.


·        Work together.                                          같이 하세요.


·        Work alone.                                              혼자 하세요.


·        Do it now.                                                 지금 하세요.


·        Check now.                                               확인 하세요.


·        Fix the answers.                                        답을 고치세요.


·        Everybody, read together.                        다같이 읽으세요.


·        Each student reads 2 sentences.                각자 문장을 읽으세요.


·        Copy this.                                                이것을 따라쓰세요.


·        Take notes.                                              적으세요.


·        Draw a picture.                                       그림 그리세요.


·        Make a sentence.                                    문장을 만들어 보세요.


·        Write the English sentence and draw a picture.       영어문장 쓰고 그림 그리세



·        Read the question and answer in English.                     질문을 읽고 영어답쓰세



·        Choose an answer and fill in the blanks.          정답을 선택하고 빈칸을 채우세



·        Draw a line and match.                                 선을 긋고 연결하세요.


·        Circle the answer.                                        정답을 동그라미 하세요.


·        Underline this word/sentence.                      단어/문장 밑에 밑줄 그으세요.


·        Count the points.                                          포인트를 세세요.





·        Please say it again.                                      다시 한번 말하세요.


·        Please give us an example.                           예를들어 말해주세요.


·        Please speak more slowly/faster.                느리게/빨리 말해주세요.


·        Please speak louder/softly.                          크게/부드럽게 말해주세요.


·        Please speak in English.                               영어로 말해주세요.


·        Please write neatly.                                      예쁘게 써주세요.


·        Please wait.                                                   기다리세요.


·        Please help the other students.                            다른 학생을 도와주세요.


·        Please go downstairs and make a copy.            아래층으로 가서 복사를 하세요.


·        Please share the book.                                   책을 같이 보세요.


·        Please change seats.                                       자리를 바꿔주세요.


·        Please make the classroom neat.                   교실을 깨끗하게 만드세요.


·        Please open/close the door.                          문을 열어/닫아 주세요.


·        Please turn on/turn off the light.                    불을 / 주세요.





·        Let's review.                                          복습 하세요.


·        Pair work.                                             활동.


·        Role-play.                                              역할극을 하겠어요.


·        Dictation.                                               받아쓰기.


·        Homework: listen and read, sign.              숙제: 듣고, 읽고, 싸인.


·        Write this ___ time(s).                             (  ) 쓰세요.


·        Do up to page ___.                                 (  ) 까지 하세요.


·        Find the words in the dictionary.                사전으로 단어를 찾으세요.


·        Look at the sentence model                    예를든 문장을 보고 문장을

and make a sentence.                           만들어 보세요.


·        Preview this.                                            이것을 예습하세요.


·        Memorize this.                                         이것을 외우세요.


·        Finish this.                                               이것을 끝내세요.


