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[영문독해]/국내외 영자신문 사설에 해당되는 글 13건
- 2012.09.18 한겨례신문 영문판 사설 [Editorial] China and Japan need to keep their dispute in check /중-일 영토갈등 상호 자제 필요 1
- 2012.06.06 [영어신문사설] The Washington Post / June 5 1
- 2011.12.13 [영어사설] 조선일보 Korea Could Benefit from Immigration / Dec. 09, 2011 13:39 KST
- 2011.12.13 [영어사설] 한겨례신문 Don't rush to join additional US sanctions on Iran
- 2011.11.26 [한겨레신문 영문판 사설] Reverse Lee’s autonomous private high school policy
- 2011.11.25 (코리아 타임즈 사설) Education warning
- 2011.11.25 (Yonhap Editorial) Seoul needs to stand resolute on North Korea's latest threat
- 2011.11.24 (영자신문 사설) Follow-up is more important for Korea-U.S. FTA
- 2011.11.24 (영자신문 사설) 'Tear gas' legislator must be punished to prevent similar recurrence
- 2011.11.19 (연합뉴스 영문사설) Corruption at transportation safety agency must be punished
- 2011.11.09 (영어신문사설 추측하기) 워싱턴포스터지 November 7
- 2011.11.08 (영어신문사설 추측하기) 워싱턴포스트지 (November 8, 2011)
- 2011.11.08 (영어신문사설 추측하기) 뉴욕타임즈 (November 7, 2011)
한겨례신문 영문판 사설 [Editorial] China and Japan need to keep their dispute in check /중-일 영토갈등 상호 자제 필요
Source : http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_editorial/551837.html
[국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다. 마우스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음꼬마사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다만 이것도 너무 자주 사용하면 사고의 흐름이 자주 끊겨서 독해가 아니라 문장 해석이 되어 버립니다. 숲은 놓치고 나무만 보게 되죠. 아니 나무라도 다 보면 다행이지만 그 마저도 다 보기 전에 질려서 그만 두게 되죠.]
[Editorial] China and Japan need to keep their dispute in check
The discord between China and Japan over the Diaoyu islands (called Senkaku by Japan) is becoming ever more serious. If the situation continues to escalate, a physical clash could be next.
The situation erupted as the Japanese government decided to purchase the islands that had been privately owned. This move has aggravated the Chinese more than the time two years ago when the Japanese coast guard seized a Chinese boat that had crossed into its waters. The captain and crew were detained. China then halted its export of the mineral bastnaesite to Japan, which intensified the situation further. But in the end, the captain was released and stability was restored.
On Sept. 10, the Japanese government purchased the Senkaku islands from their private owner. It all started when the ultra rightwing mayor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara, proposed to buy the islands. To deal with this situation, Prime Minster Noda Yoshihito’s government decided to buy the islands to prevent major friction with China.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry immediately responded by saying that “This is the denial of the result of the global war against fascism and a challenge to world order.” Furthermore, it declared the Diaoyu the baseline of its territorial sea, thus expressing its strong determination to oppose Japan’s purchase of the islands.
On Sept. 14, China several Chinese Marine Surveillance vessels conducted surveillance of the waters surrounding the islands, some of them crossing into within 12 nautical miles of shore, the internationally recognized territorial boundary. To compare that to Japan and South Korea’s dispute over Dokdo, it was like Japanese vessels crossing our 12-mile zone.
This is a situation that could lead to physical clashes. China is hinting at further measures including economic measures, such as boycotts of Japanese products. The Chinese military have also used expressions like “ready for war” in order to protect the rights to their territory.
More serious are the anti-Japanese sentiments growing among ordinary Chinese people. There is fear for the safety of Japanese nationals traveling in China.
Both China and Japan are big powers that play important roles in preserving and advancing peace, stability and prosperity not only in Northeast Asia but the entire world. China calls itself the second largest economic and political power and it is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Japan is the world’s third largest economy and the only Asian country among the G8 nations. The two countries, thus, must behave according to their statuses and positions in the world and exert all their efforts so that the situation does not escalate further. Especially the heads of the two states must not allow nationalistic sentiments to take over so that the situation grows into one that gets out of hand.
From South Korea’s perspective, having a conflict like this in our neighborhood is nothing to be comfortable about because the negative effects are bound to spread. Accordingly, we must also take the initiative in creating a mood of reconciliation in the middle. In this regard, what was the sense of President Lee Myung-bak visiting Dokdo and the remarks that came afterward, irritating the situation as he did? It was far from wise.
Please direct questions or comments to [englishhani@hani.co.kr]
Registrated at : 2012-09-15 PM 12:05:52
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사설 : 사설.칼럼 : 뉴스 : 한겨레
[사설] 중-일 영토갈등 남의 일 아니다
댜오위다오(일본 이름 센카쿠열도)를 둘러싼 중국과 일본 간의 갈등이 예사롭지 않게 전개되고 있다. 자칫 물리적 충돌로 이어질 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. 직접적 계기는 이 섬에 대한 일본의 국유화 조처다. 이번 갈등은 2년 전 일본의 중국 어선 나포 및 선장 구류 사건 때보다 강도가 훨씬 세다. 그때엔 중국이 선장 구속에 희토류 수출 중단이라는 보복 조처로 맞서면서 긴장이 고조되다가 일본이 선장을 석방함으로써 갈등이 가라앉았다.
일본 정부는 지난 10일 실효지배하고 있는 댜오위다오를 국유화했다. 극우 성향의 이시하라 신타로 지사가 이끄는 도쿄도가 이 섬을 사들이려 하자, 노다 요시히코 내각이 중국과 마찰을 덜 일으키고 갈등 관리를 할 수 있다는 명분을 내세워 국유화 조처를 단행한 것이다. 하지만 중국은 이를 현상 타파로 보고 강력하게 반발했다. 즉각 외교부 성명을 내어 “세계 반파시스트 전쟁의 성과를 부인하는 것이고, 전후 국제질서에 대한 엄중한 도전”이라고 비난하고, 이 섬을 영해기선으로 선포했다. 일본의 국유화 조처를 절대 받아들일 수 없다는 의지를 밝힌 것이다.
중국의 대응은 말을 넘어 행동으로 이어지고 있다. 어제는 중국 해양감시선 몇 척이 댜오위다오 12해리 안으로 진입해 순찰활동을 벌였다. 한-일 간 독도 갈등에 비유하자면, 일본의 해안 경비정이 독도 12해리 안에 들어온 셈이다. 언제라도 물리적 충돌이 일어날 수 있는 상황이다. 또 중국은 일본산 제품의 불매운동 등 경제보복 조처도 내비치고 있다. 군부는 한 치의 땅도 양보할 수 없다며 ‘전쟁 준비’까지 언급하는 지경이다. 더 심각한 것은 민간 차원으로 반일감정이 퍼지면서 중국에 거주하거나 여행하는 일본인들이 폭행당하는 일이 벌어지고 있는 점이다.
중국과 일본은 동북아 지역뿐 아니라 세계의 평화와 안정, 번영을 위해 매우 중요한 역할을 하는 주요국이다. 중국은 자타가 공인하는 세계 제2의 정치·경제 대국이며 유엔 안전보장이사회 상임이사국이다. 일본은 세계 3위의 경제대국이자 세계 주요 8개국(G8)의 유일한 아시아 회원국이다. 두 나라는 이런 국제적 위상에 걸맞은 책임감을 가지고 더 이상의 확전을 자제하기 바란다. 특히, 두 나라 지도자는 어떤 경우에도 맹목적 국수주의의 분출 속에서 돌이킬 수 없는 사태가 발생하는 것만은 막아야 한다. 이웃 강국 사이의 갈등은 우리에게도 결코 바람직한 일이 아니니만큼 우리도 화해 분위기 조성을 위해 할 수 있는 노력을 다해야 한다. 그런 점에서 이명박 대통령이 먼저 독도 갈등을 촉발한 것은 못내 아쉽다.
기사등록 : 2012-09-14 오후 07:02:28
ⓒ 한겨레 (http://www.hani.co.kr). 무단전재 및 재배포금지
[영어신문사설] The Washington Post / June 5
Egypt’s travesty of justice with Hosni Mubarak
By Editorial Board, Published: June 5 The Washington Post
FROM START to finish, the prosecution of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak offered a textbook example of how not to handle a deposed dictator. Mr. Mubarak is likely culpable for crimes of corruption and of human rights. But the charges brought against him were vague and poorly substantiated, and the trial itself was chaotic and preemptory. The verdict, delivered Sunday, was a final travesty that has served only to further polarize Egypt.
Mr. Mubarak and his former interior minister were found guilty of failing to prevent the killing of protesters; they were sentenced to life imprisonment. But six police officials more directly responsible for the deaths were acquitted, and Egyptian legal experts predicted that Mr. Mubarak’s sentence would be reversed on appeal. Confined to a military hospital for most of the past 16 months, the 84-year-old former president was forced to move into a less comfortable prison clinic, but he may not be there for long.
His trial was less a serious judicial exercise than a smokescreen thrown up by the military council that removed him from office. The generals who once reported to Mr. Mubarak now desperately seek to preserve their power, despite a promised transition to democracy, and to avoid being held accountable for their own crimes. Mr. Mubarak’s prosecution was meant to defuse the popular demand that the old regime be held accountable while obstructing it in every meaningful sense. An equally farcical trial of U.S.-backed pro-democracy activists is the other side of this strategy; it is due to resume in Cairo on Tuesday.
Egyptians who demanded Mr. Mubarak’s trial in demonstrations last year played into the regime’s hands. They would have done better to recognize that only a democratic government and a purged and reformed judiciary would have the legitimacy and the will to conduct a thorough and fair proceeding. Even then, prosecution of the aged former leader should have been balanced against the need for political reconciliation. As it is, the backlash against the revolutionaries is boosting the reactionary presidential campaign of Mr. Mubarak’s former prime minister, while other entrenched Arab governments are brandishing photos of the former Egyptian ruler in a courtroom cage as they refuse to compromise with opponents.
Mr. Mubarak at least avoided the fate of Saddam Hussein, whose squalid execution followed an equally rushed and unsatisfactory trial. But his legal ordeal may not be over. The presidential candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood has promised to retry him if elected, and to keep him in jail “forever.” Arguably the author of decades of political repression deserves little better; but such political prosecutions only weaken the cause of a democratic rule of law in Egypt.
[영어사설] 조선일보 Korea Could Benefit from Immigration / Dec. 09, 2011 13:39 KST
국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다.
커스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다. 그러나 이것도 너무 자주 사용 하시면 곤란합니다. 죽죽 읽는 데 방해가 될 정도면 안됩니다. 독해는 연구하듯이 한 문장을 오래 붙들고 있으면 절대 오래 못 갑니다. 죽죽 진도가 나가야 됩니다. 모르더라도 그냥 지나가는 희생이 반드시 필요합니다. 이것이 가장 중요합니다. 이것만 하시면 분명 성공합니다.
Korea Could Benefit from Immigration
Dec. 09, 2011 13:39 KST
Golfer Tiger Woods is truly multi-ethnic, with Thai, Chinese, African American, Dutch and Native American blood. The U.S. is the only developed economy that has managed to keep its birthrate at 2 children per woman because of the high birthrate of immigrant families. At the present rate of increase in the number of immigrants, there are forecasts that Caucasians will account for just half of the country's total population by 2050.
Statistics Korea has come up with a forecast that the country's population will peak at 52.16 million in 2030 and then begin to shrink. In 2006, it forecast Korea's population would begin to shrink in 2018, but it pushed back that date by 12 years just five years after the original forecast because the birthrate inched up slightly from 1.08 in 2005 to 1.23 last year, while there has been an increase in the number of immigrant workers entering Korea. Last year, the number of foreigners living in Korea increased by 97,000.
In September this year, the famous Filipino musician Freddie Aguilar took part in a Chuseok festival for foreign laborers in Daegu. Around 400 workers from Southeast Asia were treated to an emotional performance that lasted more than four hours. Another popular Filipino singer performed at another event in Seoul in June, and the Asia Pop Music Concert was held in the southeastern industrial city of Changwon in late September. The events reminded many of the concerts put on decades ago to boost the morale of Korean laborers working in construction sites in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
As of June this year, there were 1.42 million foreigners in Korea, 590,000 of them laborers. The Samsung Economic Research Institute in a report last year said that 11.59 million immigrants are needed by 2050 to resolve a projected shortage of workers due to the low birthrate and aging population. Many immigrants are enterprising people who are willing to start a new life in a new environment. Most of some 7 million Koreans who have emigrated have earned a reputation for being diligent and hardworking and have adjusted successfully to their new homes.
However, letting in too many immigrants at once could trigger social conflict. In 2005, young Muslims living in France staged a massive protest against racism. Germany is still reeling from the revelation that an 11-year killing spree by three right-wing activists left 10 people dead. Eight of the murdered people were Turkish immigrants, and the killings have become known as "kebab murders." Opening the gates of Korea to foreign immigrants is a complex decision that must take into consideration the long and short-term interests of the nation, as well as the protection of the human rights of foreigners.
By Chosun Ilbo columnist Han Sam-hee
[영어사설] 한겨례신문 Don't rush to join additional US sanctions on Iran
국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다.
커스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음꼬마사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다. 그러나 이것도 너무 자주 사용 하시면 곤란합니다. 죽죽 읽는 데 방해가 될 정도면 안됩니다. 독해는 연구하듯이 한 문장을 오래 붙들고 있으면 절대 오래 못 갑니다. 죽죽 진도가 나가야 됩니다. 모르더라도 그냥 지나가는 희생이 반드시 필요합니다. 이것이 가장 중요합니다. 이것만 하시면 분명 성공합니다.
[Editorial] Don't rush to join additional US sanctions on Iran |
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The South Korean government is hinting that it will join in an additional set of US measures for economic retaliation against Iran. Once observers began predicting that the US Congress would pass legislation this week for powerful sanctions against Iran, Seoul chimed in by announcing its own plans for additional sanctions. Sanctions against Iran, which supplies close to 10% of South Korea's imported crude oil, could have a crippling effect on our economy and national security. If Seoul has any concern for our minimal dignity as a sovereign state and the security of our citizens, it must not rush to take part in the additional sanctions.
The legislation drafted by the US Congress has the aim of cutting off Iran's trade. It states that financial institutions overseas that engage in transactions with the Iranian central bank will not be allowed to use the US financial system. In South Korea, Woori Bank and Industrial Bank of Korea would both be subject to these sanctions, as they engage in transactions with Iran's central bank. At the moment, they represent the only means of conducting transactions in our trade dealings with Iran. Washington's economic retaliation against Iran would therefore have the effect of cutting off the opportunity for South Korean businesses to work in the country and severing trade relations. Initially, the South Korean government seemed to be taking a wait-and-see approach to Congress's actions. It changed its tune, though, after a South Korea visit early this month by US State Department special adviser Robert Einhorn. During a press conference on Dec. 5, Einhorn made an overt call for South Korean participation in the Iran sanctions, saying, "We look to the ROK to be with us in sending a unified, clear signal." But the international community is unlikely to get on board with Washington's sanctions against Iran, which are extraterritorial measures not included in the scope of the United Nations Security Council resolution for Iran sanctions. Their justification is not especially clear, either. Washington is claiming that Tehran's determination to develop nuclear weapons has become more apparent, basing this on a report released recently by the International Atomic Energy Agency. That report, however, contains only circumstantial allegations without explicit evidence. In September 2010, Seoul hurried to comply with demands from Washington by carrying out sanctions that included the closure of a Seoul branch of Iran's Bank Mellat. Many South Korean businesses suffered greatly as a result. Accepting Washington's new sanctions as well would be an unconstitutional action that excessively violates the property rights of South Korean financial institutions and businesses. It could also lead to interruptions of our crude oil supply as Iran takes measures in response. If the government truly wants a strong alliance with the United States, it needs to break free from blind obedience in its relations with Washington. Now is a time when we need practical diplomacy for the sake of world piece and the national economy.
Please direct questions or comments to [englishhani@hani.co.kr] |
[한겨레신문 영문판 사설] Reverse Lee’s autonomous private high school policy
국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다.
커스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다. 그러나 이것도 너무 자주 사용 하시면 곤란합니다. 죽죽 읽는 데 방해가 될 정도면 안됩니다. 독해는 연구하듯이 한 문장을 오래 붙들고 있으면 절대 오래 못 갑니다. 죽죽 진도가 나가야 됩니다. 모르더라도 그냥 지나가는 희생이 반드시 필요합니다. 이것이 가장 중요합니다. 이것만 하시면 분명 성공합니다.
출처: http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_editorial/507149.html
[Editorial] Reverse Lee’s autonomous private high school policy |
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Autonomous private high schools have reached a dead end. Their ratio of prospective students to enrolled students has fallen from 2.41:1 in their first year, to 1.44:1 last year and 1.26:1 this year. In Seoul, 11 out of 26 such high schools had fewer applicants than places, while in most cases the number of applicants barely exceeded the number of places. The situation is similar outside the capital. At the beginning of this month, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) introduced emergency measures including autonomous powers of screening and permission to change schools an unlimited number of times, but with little effect. Calls are growing for a final decision to be made.
Autonomous private high schools are symbolic of President Lee Myung-bak’s education policy. Lee pledged in his manifesto to establish 100 of them during his term in office. This is why the Lee administration unreasonably transformed 51 schools that did not meet the necessary conditions into autonomous private high schools. Now, however, some such schools are not even receiving a single applicant. The fact that the government has opened the door for schools to return to normal status speaks for itself. This disaster is the product of the Lee administration’s clumsy competition-oriented education and policies to subject education to the free market. After three years, private autonomous high schools have failed to pass the mark. The Lee administration claimed that the positive competition such schools provided by broadening the choice of education available to students would raise the quality of public education, that increased autonomy in curriculum setting would bring increased diversity in education, and that normal schools would receive greater financial support. The result, however, has been a decline in educational capacity and socioeconomic segregation due to an increase in poor students at normal schools, while autonomous private high school curricula have grown more standardized, focusing on university entrance exam subjects such as Korean, English and math. School budgets have tightened through the introduction of the “workout system,” which promised financial support to autonomous private high schools in critical situations. A tiny minority of such schools have performed outstandingly when it comes to the university entrance examination, but the function of this has been to reinforce education aimed specifically at passing the exam. Warning of such outcomes was, in fact, already given when the autonomous private school policy was originally forced through. In one survey by an educational group last January, teachers at a private autonomous high school answered that failure to meet admission quotas was due to school fees increasing in a situation where grades were disadvantageous, there were no differentiated education programs, and college admission results had not been verified. Contrary to the government’s naive expectations, all parents wanted from autonomous private high schools from the start were competitive university entrance exam results. The Lee administration’s plan to grant autonomous private high schools autonomy in screening prospective students is a belated attempt to go along with this. Given, however, that this may shake up already weak public education by demolishing fairness and resurrecting the high school entrance exam, it is an extreme response. It is not something that should be done in order to save a single manifesto pledge by the president. |
(코리아 타임즈 사설) Education warning
국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다.
커스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다. 그러나 이것도 너무 자주 사용 하시면 곤란합니다. 죽죽 읽는 데 방해가 될 정도면 안됩니다. 독해는 연구하듯이 한 문장을 오래 붙들고 있으면 절대 오래 못 갑니다. 죽죽 진도가 나가야 됩니다. 모르더라도 그냥 지나가는 희생이 반드시 필요합니다. 이것이 가장 중요합니다. 이것만 하시면 분명 성공합니다.
Education warning
Excessive competition leads to tragic incidents
A case of matricide allegedly committed by a schoolboy sounds the alarm for the nation’s achievement-oriented and competition-driven education system. Such a tragic incident is not new to Koreans. But the case is shocking as the high school senior is suspected of killing his mother apparently for her excessive zeal for her son’s success in the college entrance exam.
The case is a classic example of a social malaise arising from people’s obsession with scholastic achievement. The victim was certainly one of the pushy “tiger” mothers who are never satisfied with their children’s school records no matter how high their scores are.
Investigators quoted the 18-year-old suspect, known as Ji, as confessing that he killed his mother at their home in Seoul in March as she constantly hounded him to come first nationwide in the College Scholastic Ability Test. She wanted her son to gain admissions to Seoul National University, one of the country’s most prestigious higher learning institutions.
It is not right to put all the blame on the mother. But it appears that she had gone too far in pressing her son to excel over all others. The insatiable desire for her son’s scholastic success seemed to be partly responsibility for causing the tragedy. Of course, the boy’s horrendous criminal act cannot and should not be justified under any circumstances.
However, the student must have been under extreme stress over his mother’s never-ending push for excellence. She had often refused to feed him or forced him to stay up all night to study harder. He even came to manipulate his ranking in a mock college entrance exam in March to list him as 62nd among 700,000 fellow candidates. Finally he murdered his 51-year-old mother for fear that she might find out his real ranking ― around 4,000th.
The episode should serve as a warning to the grim reality that puts an overemphasis on competition for college entrance exams. No one can deny that students have been driven to the winner-take-all mantra. They have come under the weight of heavy study burdens.
Now it’s time to overhaul the education system. The authorities should no longer delay reforms to ease competition and focus more on character development. It is urgent to extricate children from the heavy workloads for exams. Students need to learn how to develop creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. School education should be aimed at helping students develop democratic values so that they can become decent members of society.
More than anything else, the nation should create a new social atmosphere in which people are not judged by their educational background but by their abilities and integrity. This is easier said than done but without triggering this social change Korea can never bring hope and a better future to younger generations.
(Yonhap Editorial) Seoul needs to stand resolute on North Korea's latest threat
국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다.
커스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다. 그러나 이것도 너무 자주 사용 하시면 곤란합니다. 죽죽 읽는 데 방해가 될 정도면 안됩니다. 독해는 연구하듯이 한 문장을 오래 붙들고 있으면 절대 오래 못 갑니다. 죽죽 진도가 나가야 됩니다. 모르더라도 그냥 지나가는 희생이 반드시 필요합니다. 이것이 가장 중요합니다. 이것만 하시면 분명 성공합니다.
The North has occasionally resorted to the same phrase in its vitriol when cross-border relations deteriorate or when the South conducts military drills. But this is the first time that Pyongyang has directed the threat against the presidential office, Cheong Wa Dae.
Pyongyang's latest threat threw cold water on Seoul's conciliatory gestures over the past couple of months since the appointment of new Unification Minister Yu Woo-ik. The North's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea counter-charged on Thursday that Seoul's flexibility toward the North "is no more than wordplay to deceive public opinion."
The North's hostile reaction to Seoul's conciliatory stance indicates that the regime is not sincerely interested in easing tensions. Some view the threat against Cheong Wa Dae as a means of pressuring Seoul to fundamentally change its approach to inter-Korean relations. Nevertheless, threats that cross the line will only deepen the animosity among the South Korean people and authorities.
Pyongyang's words make us look back on whether we have made any mistakes or misjudgements. One year ago when our border island Yeonpyeong was attacked, Seoul was unable to respond appropriately. Since then, the military has launched a new defense command for the border islands and bolstered its firepower. But unless Seoul displays the will and the determination to punish further provocations, the North will continue to see the South as "soft." We cannot rule out the possibility that Pyongyang will escalate tensions with its uranium enrichment program, missile launches and more nuclear detonations, not to mention cyber terrorism and propaganda fanning internal divide in the South.
But military buildup is not the core measure to preventing the North's provocations. While strengthening its security posture, Seoul needs to adopt a policy for settlement of peace on the Korean Peninsula. We need a cool-headed, wise policy to draw the North toward peace and dialogue in the midst of tensions.
We hope to see South and North Korea end their war of nerves and turn toward building mutual trust.
(영자신문 사설) Follow-up is more important for Korea-U.S. FTA
국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다.
커스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다. 그러나 이것도 너무 자주 사용 하시면 곤란합니다. 죽죽 읽는 데 방해가 될 정도면 안됩니다. 독해는 연구하듯이 한 문장을 오래 붙들고 있으면 절대 오래 못 갑니다. 죽죽 진도가 나가야 됩니다. 모르더라도 그냥 지나가는 희생이 반드시 필요합니다. 이것이 가장 중요합니다. 이것만 하시면 분명 성공합니다.
(Yonhap Editorial) Follow-up is more important for Korea-U.S. FTA
SEOUL, Nov. 23 (Yonhap) -- The South Korea-U.S. free trade agreement, better known as KORUS FTA, has passed the Korean parliament, four years and four months after its signing. It was passed in chaos -- a hastily called plenary session, a blitzkrieg vote, and tear gas sprayed by an opposition legislator to block its passage. The ruckus has shown, again, the sorry state of the country's politics.
But the dice has been thrown. Time-wasting debate is of no use. We have to funnel our full efforts to follow-up measures to minimize the losses and maximize the benefits of this FTA with the United States.
The FTA, once it takes effect, will reciprocally remove tariffs. It means unlimited competition with the U.S. market. Unless we prepare and strategize scrupulously, the FTA can turn into a crisis, rather than a new opportunity.
Reports by state research organizations paint a rosy picture. They say that with the KORUS FTA, South Korea's gross domestic product will grow 5.66 percent over the next 10 years, some 350,000 new jobs will be created in the services industry, and people will reap benefits equivalent to 32.19 billion won (US$27.98 million) over the next decade from lowered import prices and wider product choices. The reports also predict an annual increase of up to $3.2 billion in foreign direct investment.
The figures portray the FTA as a powerful new growth engine for the country's economy, which has been shaken by the European financial crisis. We have to be careful, however, not to overlook the stark divide between those industries that stand to benefit and those who do not. Major export goods, such as automobiles and electronics, may be able to raise their price competitiveness and garner a bigger market. But losses in the food and agricultural industries seem unavoidable. Unless we are cautious, the FTA could widen the gap between industries.
The biggest damage is expected to agriculture, fisheries and livestock industries. Initial estimates are of production reductions to the value of 12.2 trillion won in agriculture and 400 billion won in fisheries over the next 15 years, translating into a yearly decrease of 844.5 billion won. President Lee Myung-bak said Wednesday he hopes for the KORUS FTA to be an opportunity for these industries to enhance their competitiveness. In order for that to happen, the government has to hurry with specific steps to help them improve.
It will be the same for other industries as well. When the services market opens, the competition may become too fierce for small businesses to survive. Systemized support, effective deregulation and other follow-up measures are urgently needed to help such businesses.
(영자신문 사설) 'Tear gas' legislator must be punished to prevent similar recurrence
국내 영자신문 사설입니다. 국내 사건 혹은 우리가 잘 아는 국제 사건을 다루고 있으므로 영어실력이 딸려도 충분히 추측하며 볼 수 있습니다.
초중급 정도의 실력에서는 징검다리 역할을 하는 이런 글을 많이 보시는 것이 실력향상에 아주 유리합니다. 단어는 절대 찾지 마시고 그냥 추측하며 읽으시기 바랍니다. 커스를 단어 위에 대기만 하면 발음과 뜻을 보여주는 다음사전 정도는 사용해도 좋습니다.
(Yonhap Editorial) 'Tear gas' legislator must be punished to prevent similar recurrence
SEOUL, Nov. 24 (Yonhap) -- The National Assembly's secretariat has said it intends to seek legal action against Rep. Kim Sun-dong of the Democratic Labor Party for detonating a canister of tear gas during a plenary session vote on the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement.
The National Assembly could charge Kim with defamation against the parliamentary speaker, which can be punished by up to three years in prison or a maximum 7 million won (US$6,052) in fines, or obstruction of duty, which has a maximum punishment of four and half years in prison.
Tear gas, mostly used to quell violent protests, is a dangerous substance that could have directly harmed Kim's parliamentary colleagues. This is why Kim, who wreaked havoc at a venue of the people through an act unprecedented in the country's constitutional history, can hardly be forgiven.
It is the prevailing view that Kim needs to be severely punished, even if only for the sake of preventing a similar recurrence. He must take legal responsibility, and the National Assembly should consider putting him before the parliamentary ethics committee. Should the punishment be too soft, there is no telling what could happen next.
Kim likened himself to independence fighters Ahn Jung-geun and Yoon Bong-gil in describing his actions. He added that he wanted to blow up the ruling party-controlled parliament. He may have wanted to justify his desperation to stop the ruling party from unilaterally passing the FTA, but comparing himself to the men who sacrificed their lives for Korea's independence is a downright defilement of the two heroes.
The National Assembly has been degraded from a venue of the people to the forefront of violence. Democratic discourse has disappeared. The opposition lawmakers have resorted to everything from electric chain saws and hammers, and now tear gas, in their attempts to stop the FTA's passage in 2008 and 2011. They have brought disgrace to our country, and people no longer have any expectations left.
To end this cycle, a bill on preventing parliamentary violence must be passed in the current session. A draft bill was agreed to by the ruling and opposition parties in June but has yet to pass the committee in charge of deliberations. Laws must be supplemented so that legislators are held accountable for violence committed by their aides. Passing the bill is the best way available to wash off whatever is possible of the disgrace. Lawmakers should consider our plea to pass the bill as the final responsibility and grave mission for the current session.
(연합뉴스 영문사설) Corruption at transportation safety agency must be punished
SEOUL, Nov. 18 (Yonhap) -- Under intense scrutiny, the Korea Transportation Safety Authority (KOTSA) has been revealed to be corrupt inside and out. The revelation is horrifying because the corruption was so blatant. People paid bribes to be promoted, and the amount of the bribes were set according to the level of each position.
More appalling is the fact that KOTSA's labor union leader, who was supposed to be monitoring it, was also in on the money-for-promotion scam. The incident reeks of cronyism.
The police made the case public. Until they began their investigation a year ago, there was not even a single case of discipline related to the scam. Everyone in the bribery hierarchy were coddled together. KOTSA, which is under the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, is responsible for protecting people's lives by ensuring safe mass transportation. The agency was cited before for excelling in public services and named the most-respected corporation in Korea in 2011.
Four officials were arrested and 20 others booked in connection with the case. Each of the arrested are said to have received bribes of between 5 million won (US$4,396) and 30 million won for pitching certain candidates for promotion. Each position level was marked with a price, according to investigators. Eleven out of 184 people promoted between 2007-2010 bought their promotions, as did five of 12 who became executive-level officials. Bribes were also paid to ensure an employee's child was hired as a contract worker, to erase a negative performance record and to be able to choose where to work among local offices.
KOTSA has 13 local offices, 58 vehicle inspection offices, and 1,150 full-time employees. There is no sign that through all this time, an in-house monitor rang an alarm bell. The agency, belatedly, announced self-cleansing measures, saying it will immediately fire anyone who accepts money in exchange for promotions. But it is questionable just how many at KOTSA can and will enforce such measures.
Strict punishment and accountability must accompany any effort to root out corruption. The police have said they will investigate whether there were other forms of corruption at KOTSA and expand the probe to all state-run agencies as well. We expect a thorough investigation.
(영어신문사설 추측하기) 워싱턴포스터지 November 7
진정한 독해는 최대한 여러 상황을 반복적으로 접함으로써 그런 상황들에 대한 추측의 정확성을 높이는 것입니다. 그러려면 일단 최대한 많은 상황을 접해야 합니다. 많은 상황을 접하려면 일단 많이 읽어야 합니다. 아래 내용을 100% 다 이해하려고 노력하지 마십시오. 알 수 있는 것만 이해하시고 모르는 것은 그냥 넘어가셔도 됩니다. 다음에 또 그런 상황이 나옵니다. 그렇게 여러 번 유사한 상황을 만나면 저절로 이해가 됩니다. 모르는 단어가 나와도 사전 찾지 마시고 추측하시기 바랍니다. 추측도 훈련이 필요합니다. 평소에 추측을 전혀 하지 않던 사람이 갑자기 정확한 추측을 하게 될 수는 없습니다. 그저 이 사설에서 한 두 가지만 얻어 가겠다는 결심을 해보십시오. 아주 현명한 생각입니다. 그렇게 하면 마음의 여유가 생겨 시야가 훨씬 넓어지며 유연한 추측이 가능해집니다. 독해할 때 욕심을 내면 시야가 좁아져 제대로 추측할 수가 없으며 또한 공부를 오래 할 수도 없습니다. 금방 지쳐버립니다. 그러면 많이 읽을 수가 없고, 당근 많은 상황을 접해볼 수가 없는 악순환이 시작됩니다. 마음의 여유! 넓은 시야! 유연한 추측! 고수들이 반드시 가지고 있는 것들입니다.
U.S. defense on the defensive
By Editorial, Published: November 7
SINCE THE congressional supercommittee is reportedly at an impasse, let’s hope its members have used some of their idle time to catch up with the testimony of the nation’s military chiefs at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Thursday. The chiefs were asked to assess what would be the consequences if $600 billion in across-the-board cuts were imposed on the defense budget — a sequestration currently required by law in the event the supercommittee fails to agree on a debt reduction plan or Congress fails to pass it.
Their answers were blunt: “Cuts of this magnitude would be catastrophic to the military,” testified Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, a former Iraq commander. “My assessment is that the nation would incur an unacceptable level of strategic and operational risk.”
“A severe and irreversible impact on the Navy’s future,” said Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, chief of naval operations.
“A Marine Corps below the end strength that’s necessary to support even one major contingency,” said Marine Commandant James Amos.
“Even the most thoroughly deliberated strategy may not be able to overcome dire consequences,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Norton Schwartz.
True, the Pentagon brass are known for pushing hard for their funding. But they rarely speak in such apocalyptic tones — and there is good reason to take their warnings seriously. Under President Obama’s budget plan, $465 billion is already due to be cut from military spending over the next decade, from an annual budget now of about $700 billion. That will already require a downsizing of the Army and Marines, the reduction or cancellation of more weapons systems and a shrinking of the Navy to its lowest size in decades. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, a lifelong budget hawk, is rightly concerned that such cuts may go too far.
If the additional sequestration goes forward, the total reduction could come to $1 trillion. This, Gen. Odierno said, would “almost eliminate our modernizations programs” in the Army, including new armored vehicles. Adm. Greenert said it could force the two U.S. companies that build Navy ships out of business. The Air Force would have to retire some 1,000 aircraft. In all, about 1 million military and civilian jobs would be lost.
Some in Washington may believe the threatened cuts are a paper tiger, since they would not go into effect until 2013 and might be reversed before then. But it’s not that simple: As Adm. Greenert explained, layoffs of personnel and suspensions of programs would have to begin in 2012 to reach the necessary spending level by the start of 2013.
In the meantime, a bad and even dangerous message would be sent to U.S. allies and adversaries. “We’ll have those who attempt to exploit our vulnerabilities,” Gen. Odierno said. “We might lose our credibility in terms of our ability to deter.”
Congress set this bomb in place when it agreed in the summer that half of $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts would be assessed to defense if a debt reduction plan failed to pass this year. Now it has heard from senior commanders just how much damage its explosion would cause. It would be an unconscionable act of political irresponsibility to allow their predictions to come true.
(영어신문사설 추측하기) 워싱턴포스트지 (November 8, 2011)
진정한 독해는 최대한 여러 상황을 반복적으로 접함으로써 그런 상황들에 대한 추측의 정확성을 높이는 것입니다. 그러려면 일단 최대한 많은 상황을 접해야 합니다. 많은 상황을 접하려면 일단 많이 읽어야 합니다. 아래 내용을 100% 다 이해하려고 노력하지 마십시오. 알 수 있는 것만 이해하시고 모르는 것은 그냥 넘어가셔도 됩니다. 다음에 또 그런 상황이 나옵니다. 그렇게 여러 번 유사한 상황을 만나면 저절로 이해가 됩니다. 모르는 단어가 나와도 사전 찾지 마시고 추측하시기 바랍니다. 추측도 훈련이 필요합니다. 평소에 추측을 전혀 하지 않던 사람이 갑자기 정확한 추측을 하게 될 수는 없습니다. 그저 이 사설에서 한 두 가지만 얻어 가겠다는 결심을 해보십시오. 아주 현명한 생각입니다. 그렇게 하면 마음의 여유가 생겨 시야가 훨씬 넓어지며 유연한 추측이 가능해집니다. 독해할 때 욕심을 내면 시야가 좁아져 제대로 추측할 수가 없으며 또한 공부를 오래 할 수도 없습니다. 금방 지쳐버립니다. 그러면 많이 읽을 수가 없고, 당근 많은 상황을 접해볼 수가 없는 악순환이 시작됩니다. 마음의 여유! 넓은 시야! 유연한 추측! 고수들이 반드시 가지고 있는 것들입니다.
In China, putting a price on democracy
By Editorial, Tuesday, November 8, 10:29 AM
CHINESE AUTHORITIES must have thought they had cornered the dissident artist Ai Weiwei, who is renowned for his avant-garde productions and for his willingness to speak up for human rights. A week ago they presented him with an enormous tax bill — 15 million yuan, or about $2.4 million — and ordered him to pay it within 15 days. Should he fail to do so, his lawyer said, he could be returned to prison — where he suffered 81 days of harsh and unjustified confinement earlier this year. This time, authorities could claim that the artist was being legally punished.
Imagine the surprise of the security apparatchiks, then, at what has since happened: Thousands upon thousands of Chinese — 18,829 by Monday afternoon, according to one report — have voluntarily and spontaneously contributed money to help pay Mr. Ai’s fine. Funds have flooded in by mail order and the Chinese version of Paypal. After the artist’s microblog account was shut down Sunday, people began traveling to his studio in Beijing, where they have been throwing contributions over the walls, sometimes attached to fruit or folded into paper airplanes.
By late Monday, Mr. Ai told the Agence France-Press news organization, he had collected 5.29 million yuan, or $830,000, more than a third of what he owes. It’s not clear that he needs the money; the artist has sold many works abroad. But Mr. Ai rightly is choosing to accept the payments as loans — and as a remarkable demonstration of solidarity. “This shows that a group of people who want to express their views are using their money to cast their votes,” he told the Associated Press. “It shows that in the Internet age, society will have its own judgment and its own values.”
That is just what Chinese authorities are worried about. Panicked by the popular uprisings for democracy in the Arab world this year, they have been trying to silence anyone who might inspire a “jasmine revolution” in China, starting with Mr. Ai. After arresting him in April, they held him incommunicado for nearly three months and subjected him to what he called “mental” tortures — such as being forced to stand for hours with guards inches away from him. When he was released in June, Mr. Ai was warned to stop speaking out in public.
The blatantly trumped-up tax case has caused the artist to return, courageously, to giving interviews and sending out tweets. “Speaking out is golden, and silence is death,” one posting said. He may yet be sanctioned for his behavior; that will be the first instinct of Beijing’s political cops. Already an editorial in a state-run newspaper has suggested he may be investigated for “illegal fundraising.”
Communist authorities would be wise, however, to take a lesson from the popular reaction to Mr. Ai’s persecution. Perhaps the time isn’t yet ripe for the pro-democracy revolution the regime fears so much. But if the party would like to tempt fate, putting Mr. Ai back in jail would be an excellent way to do it.
(영어신문사설 추측하기) 뉴욕타임즈 (November 7, 2011)
Staring Into the Budget’s Abyss
Republicans, looking for leverage to slash federal spending, created the phony debit-ceiling crisis that led to creation of the Congressional deficit-cutting “supercommittee.” But with the committee close to a deadlock — largely because Republicans will not agree to higher taxes on the rich — and the deadline for an agreement approaching, some Republicans are now talking about undoing the process.
We are no fans of the supercommittee. It is undemocratic, and the deep, automatic cuts the law would impose if the committee fails to reach agreement are gimmicky and potentially dangerous. But walking away at this point would be an embarrassment for Congress and a far-reaching blow to Washington’s financial credibility.
The committee of 12, divided between the two parties, was required by the Budget Control Act to come up with a plan to shrink the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion over the next decade through any combination of spending cuts and revenue increases. If the members fail to agree, the law would automatically “sequester” $1.2 trillion in spending cuts — heavily affecting defense programs.
Democrats have proposed a $4 trillion mix of cuts and tax increases, carving too deeply from domestic programs. But Republicans have rejected any tax increases, and Democrats are rightly refusing to agree to any package without revenues.
If the committee fails, Representative K. Michael Conaway, a Texas Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, told The Times, “most of us will move heaven and earth to find an alternative that prevents a sequester from happening.” Several Republicans are talking about finding cuts elsewhere in the budget, and that surely means social-insurance programs. Democrats, including President Obama, would probably block any law that undoes the budget act, but even talking about doing so reduces the pressure on the panel to reach agreement.
The committee should be working overtime to avoid a sequester, which would cut virtually every discretionary program at the Pentagon and the Homeland Security Department by 10 percent in 2013. (Cuts in the following nine years would be made by Congress but would still be 10 percent.) Medicare providers would be cut by 2 percent, and there would be major reductions in other domestic programs, including several necessary for health reform.
But as bad as the sequester would be, it would spare most social-insurance programs, making it better than the proposals by supercommittee Republicans to cut more than $2 trillion without raising any revenues. Those would largely spare the Pentagon but make deep cuts in programs that benefit the needy.
Simply dismissing the committee and undoing the sequester would be such a vast admission of Congressional failure that it could push down the nation’s credit rating, lead to chaos in financial markets and severely cripple hopes for an economic recovery. Republicans created the policies that forced up the deficit and then refused to compromise with President Obama. They cannot simply walk away now. Panel members have only a few days to come up with a plan that balances new revenues with spending cuts. That is the only way to wrestle down the deficit without doing huge damage to the economy and the country.