Classroom English (교실 영어)




·        Respect others.                                            다른 사람을 존중하세요.  


·        Pay attention.                                               집중하세요.


·        Participate.                                                   참가하세요


·        Bring your books, notebooks,                            , 공책, 연필 수업시간에

and pencils to class.                                          가지고 오세요.


·        Get out your books, notebooks,                         , 공책, 연필을 꺼내세요

and pencils.


·        Put that away.                                                 그것 치워요.


·        Raise your hand.                                             손을 드세요.


·        Don't shout.                                                    소리지르지마세요.


·        Don't talk/chat.                                               말하지마세요. / 떠들지 마세요.


·        Don't start.                                                    시작하지마세요.


·        Don't cheat.                                                   커닝하지마세요.


·        Don't do it.                                                    하지마세요.


·        Open your book.                                           책을 펴세요.


·        Close your book.                                           책을 덮으세요.


·        Put your pencil down.                                    연필을 내려놓으세요.


·        Continue.                                                      계속하세요.





·        Did you do your homework?                                  숙제를 했어요?

—Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.


·        Do you understand?                                               이해하니?

—Yes, I understand. / No, I don't understand.


·        Do you have your book?                                       책을 가지고 있나요?

—Yes, I have my book. / No, I don't have my book.


·        What page are you on?                                          쪽을 하고 있나요?

—We're on page ___.


·        Are you ready?                                                  준비됐나요?

—Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.


·        Are you finished?                                               끝냈어요?


·        What did you say?                                             뭐라고 말했나요?

—I said, "_____________."


·        May I ask you a question?                                 질문해도 되나요?

—Yes, you may. / No, you may not.


·        Do you have a question?                                      질문 있어요?

—Yes, I have a question. / No, I don't have a question.


·        What is the answer to question number __?          (  ) 문제에 답이 뭘까



·        Is this the right answer?                                        답이 맞나요?

—Yes, it's the right answer. / No, it's the wrong answer.



·        What do you think?                                     뭐라고 생각하나요?


·        What is this about?                                    이것은 무엇에 대한 겁니까?


·        Can you guess?                                         추측할 있나요?


·        What happened?                                       무슨 일이야?


·        Can you help me?                                     도와줄 있니?


·        Can I help him/her?                                  /그녀를 도와줄 있습니까?


·        Could you repeat that, please?                   따라 말해주 실래요?


·        How do you say this in English?                 그것을 영어로 어떻게 말합니까?


·        What should I do?                                     이제 나는 무엇을 해야 합니까?


·        How do I do this?                                      나는 이것을 어떻게 합니까?


·        Is this correct?                                           맞았습니까?


·        Is it okay?                                                 이것이 괜찮습니까?    


·        What does this mean?                               이것은 무슨 뜻입니까?


·        What is our homework?                             숙제는 무엇입니까?


·        Do we have a test?                                   시험이 우리에게 있습니까?


·        When is our test?                                      우리 시험이 언제입니까?


·        How many points do you have?                     너는 포인트를 가지고 있나



·        Teacher, can we do this?                                선생님, 우리 이것을 해도 되나



·        May I borrow your pencil?                               연필 빌려 있나요?

—Yes, you may. / No, you may not.


·        May I sit next to _____?                                   (  ) 옆에 앉아도 되나요?


·        May I go to the bathroom?                               화장실에 가도 되나요?


·        May I get a drink of water?                              물을 마셔도 되나요?


·        May I leave now?                                            이제 집에 가도 되나요?  



Student Responses


·        Sorry, I'm late.                                              미안합니다. 제가 늦었습니다.


·        Sorry, I couldn't do my homework.                미안합니다. 숙제를 안해 왔습니



·        I forgot.                                                         잊어버렸습니다.


·        I don't remember.                                  기억을 못했습니다.


·        This is easy/difficult.                             이것은 쉽습니다. / 어렵습니다.


·        This is fun/boring.                                이것은 재미있습니다. / 재미없습니다.


·        I like/don't like this story.                     나는 이야기를 좋아한다. / 싫어한



·        Let's do this now/later.                               지금/나중에 합시다.


·        Teacher, I'm sick.                                    선생님, 저는 아파요.


·        I have a headache.                                   머리가 아파요.


·        Teacher, please slow down/hurry up.           선생님, 천천히 하세요./ 빨리 하세



·        Teacher, I can't see.                               선생님, 보이지 않아요.


·        I can't hear you.                                     들리지 않아요.


·        I don't understand.                                이해가 되지 않아요.


·        Please explain.                                       설명해 주세요.





·        Listen to the directions.                                지시를 따르세요.


·        Repeat after me.                                          따라하세요.


·        Say the question.                                        질문하세요.


·        Answer the question.                                  대답하세요.


·        Work together.                                          같이 하세요.


·        Work alone.                                              혼자 하세요.


·        Do it now.                                                 지금 하세요.


·        Check now.                                               확인 하세요.


·        Fix the answers.                                        답을 고치세요.


·        Everybody, read together.                        다같이 읽으세요.


·        Each student reads 2 sentences.                각자 문장을 읽으세요.


·        Copy this.                                                이것을 따라쓰세요.


·        Take notes.                                              적으세요.


·        Draw a picture.                                       그림 그리세요.


·        Make a sentence.                                    문장을 만들어 보세요.


·        Write the English sentence and draw a picture.       영어문장 쓰고 그림 그리세



·        Read the question and answer in English.                     질문을 읽고 영어답쓰세



·        Choose an answer and fill in the blanks.          정답을 선택하고 빈칸을 채우세



·        Draw a line and match.                                 선을 긋고 연결하세요.


·        Circle the answer.                                        정답을 동그라미 하세요.


·        Underline this word/sentence.                      단어/문장 밑에 밑줄 그으세요.


·        Count the points.                                          포인트를 세세요.





·        Please say it again.                                      다시 한번 말하세요.


·        Please give us an example.                           예를들어 말해주세요.


·        Please speak more slowly/faster.                느리게/빨리 말해주세요.


·        Please speak louder/softly.                          크게/부드럽게 말해주세요.


·        Please speak in English.                               영어로 말해주세요.


·        Please write neatly.                                      예쁘게 써주세요.


·        Please wait.                                                   기다리세요.


·        Please help the other students.                            다른 학생을 도와주세요.


·        Please go downstairs and make a copy.            아래층으로 가서 복사를 하세요.


·        Please share the book.                                   책을 같이 보세요.


·        Please change seats.                                       자리를 바꿔주세요.


·        Please make the classroom neat.                   교실을 깨끗하게 만드세요.


·        Please open/close the door.                          문을 열어/닫아 주세요.


·        Please turn on/turn off the light.                    불을 / 주세요.





·        Let's review.                                          복습 하세요.


·        Pair work.                                             활동.


·        Role-play.                                              역할극을 하겠어요.


·        Dictation.                                               받아쓰기.


·        Homework: listen and read, sign.              숙제: 듣고, 읽고, 싸인.


·        Write this ___ time(s).                             (  ) 쓰세요.


·        Do up to page ___.                                 (  ) 까지 하세요.


·        Find the words in the dictionary.                사전으로 단어를 찾으세요.


·        Look at the sentence model                    예를든 문장을 보고 문장을

and make a sentence.                           만들어 보세요.


·        Preview this.                                            이것을 예습하세요.


·        Memorize this.                                         이것을 외우세요.


·        Finish this.                                               이것을 끝내세요.


