In Thursday's program, we report on the latest details surrounding wildfires in Arizona, primary elections in Nebraska and Oregon, and a Georgia woman's fight against a rare case of flesh-eating bacteria. We also explore a mystery surrounding the disappearance of honey bees. And we find out how one of this year's CNN Heroes is turning personal tragedy into a chance to save other young lives.


Daily Discussion Questions

What weather conditions are combining to spread wildfires currently burning in Arizona? Although the damage has not been extensive so far, what effects do you think that rapidly spreading wildfires might have on people's everyday lives?



What is colony collapse disorder? What possible explanations does the scientist in the video give for this disorder? Which ones do you think are responsible? Why? Why is it difficult to determine the cause of this disorder? What is being done to stop it?



According to the video: Why are bees important to humans? How do bees have an impact on the economy? Why do bees need humans? In your opinion, what should be done to stop the bees' disappearance?



How did CNN Hero Wanda Butts turn a personal tragedy into a triumph? How would you spread the message about water safety to parents and children?



