Source :

The Morality of Murder

By Michael Sandel - Harvard
  • Fall 2009
  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
  • Harvard

Lecture Description

Part 1 - The Moral Side of Murder: If you had to choose between (1) killing one person to save the lives of five others and (2) doing nothing, even though you knew that five people would die right before your eyes if you did nothing—what would you do? What would be the right thing to do? That’s the hypothetical scenario Professor Michael Sandel uses to launch his course on moral reasoning.

Part 2 - The Case for Cannibalism: Sandel introduces the principles of utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, with a famous nineteenth century law case involving a shipwrecked crew of four. After nineteen days lost at sea, the captain decides to kill the cabin boy, the weakest amongst them, so they can feed on his blood and body to survive.

Course Description

Related Resources

Discussion Guide, Advanced   |  Discussion Guide, Beginner   |  Reading - Jeremy Bentham, Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780)   |  Reading - The Queen v. Dudley and Stephens (1884) (The lifeboat case)

Course Index

  1. The Morality of Murder
  2. How Much is a Life Worth?
  3. Redistributive Taxation and Progressive Taxation - Freedom to Choose
  4. Natural Rights and Giving Them Up
  5. Avoiding the Draft and Avoiding Parenthood
  6. Motives and Morality
  7. Lying and Principles
  8. What's Fair and Deserved?
  9. Affirmative Action and Purpose
  10. The Good Citizen and the Freedom to Choose
  11. Obligations and Loyalties
  12. Same Sex Marriage


