ㆍalleged (함부로) 주장된, 단정된
ㆍassault 폭행
ㆍaudience 청중, 관중, 관객
ㆍbureau (관청의) 국(局), 부, 과
ㆍcelebrity 고명(高名)한 사람, 유명 인사, 명사
ㆍcomplaint 고소, 소송 제기
ㆍcondemn 비난[힐난]하다, 책망하다
ㆍcondition (몸의) 이상, 질병
ㆍconfirm (진술 따위를) 확실하게 하다, 확증하다, 뒷받침하다
ㆍdraw (결론ㆍ정보 따위를 ~에서) 끌어내다, 얻다, (일을) 일으키다, 초래하다
ㆍepisode (소설ㆍ방송 프로ㆍ영화 따위의) 시리즈물의 한 편, 1회분 작품
ㆍexhaustion 극도의 피로, 기진맥진
ㆍfile (~을) 신청하다, 제기하다
ㆍfoundation (기금 기부로 유지되는) 시설, 협회, 재단
ㆍgrant (소원 따위를) 들어주다, 허락하다
ㆍgranter 허용하는 사람, 수여[양도]자
ㆍinterest 흥미, 관심, 호기심
ㆍlegitimate 합법의, 적법한, 정당한
ㆍlook into ~을 주의 깊게 살피다, ~을 들여다보다, ~을 조사[연구]하다
ㆍmake a wish 소원 성취를 빌다
ㆍmarriage license 결혼 허가(증)
ㆍmedia 대중[공공] 매체, 매스미디어
ㆍphotographer (직업으로서의) 사진사, 카메라맨
ㆍpress (신문ㆍ잡지 따위의) 기자, 기자단, 보도진 
ㆍpublic figure 유명 인사, 공인(公人)
ㆍscrutiny 정밀한 조사, 면밀한 음미, 감시, 감독
ㆍspinal 척골(脊骨)의, 척추의, 척수의
ㆍstatement 성명, 스테이트먼트, 진술
ㆍtolerate ~을 관대히 취급하다, 용인[묵인]하다, 너그럽게 보아주다
ㆍtreat (사람 등을) 다루다, 대우하다, 처우하다
ㆍviolation (법률ㆍ약속 따위의) 위반, 침해
ㆍwish 소망, 희망, 희구

ㆍworkplace 직장, 작업장, 일터


The New York Press Club is condemning Alec Baldwin's alleged assault of a photographer outside a marriage license bureau. The statement from the press group released on Wednesday says Baldwin's actions "should not be tolerated" as he's a public figure, and his activities are "legitimate subjects of media interest." Police have confirmed that Daily News photographer Marcus Santos has filed a complaint against the actor.

A Hollywood actors' union is looking into workplace safety issues on the set of Lindsay Lohan's TV movie. The producer of Lifetime's "Liz & Dick" says a union visit to the set found no workplace violations. Production of the film, starring Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor, drew scrutiny after the actress was treated for exhaustion and tweeted that she had worked 85 hours in four days.

Wrestling superstar John Cena has granted his 300th wish to a 7-year-old Pennsylvania boy with a spinal condition. The wrestler surprised Jonny Littman on the set of "Good Morning America" on Wednesday when he walked out to the audience and gave him tickets for the 1,000th episode of the WWE show. Cena is the most popular celebrity granter in Make-A-Wish Foundation's history.


