영문법 전체에서 가장 중요한 개념은 수(數)개념!
영문법에서 가장 중요한 개념을 하나만 꼽으라면 단연 수(數)개념이다.
영문법의 수개념중에서도 가장 중요한 것은 역시 주어와 동사의 수일치이다. 이것은 우리말에는 전혀 존재하지 않는 개념이라 우리에게 가장 힘든 영문법 분야 중 하나이다.
지금까지 토플, 토익, 텝스, 수능에서 가장 많이 출제된 영문법 개념이기도 하다.
주어와 동사의 수일치 (Agreement between Subject and Verb)
1. 단일 개념은 단수
the editor and publisher (편집인겸 발행인), a black and white dog (점박이 개) → 단수
The poet and statesman is dead. (관사가 1개이면 1인)
The poet and the statesman are dead. (관사가 2개이면 2인)
A writer and actor is singing. (관사가 1개이면 1인)
A writer and an actor are singing. (관사가 2개이면 2인)
bread and butter, ham and eggs, curry and rice, a bow and arrow, a cup and saucer,
brandy and water, a needle and thread, a watch and chain, the sum and substance (요지, 골자),
slow and steady, all work and no play, trial and error, plain living and high thinking,
early to bed and early to rise,
A bread and butter was served for breakfast (on the table).
A needle and thread was found on the floor. (cf. a needle and a thread were)
Curry and rice is my favorite food.
The sum and substance (=gist) of the matter is this. (그 사건의 요지는 이렇다.)
Slow and steady wins the race. (단일 개념)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (단일 개념)
Trial and error is the source of our knowledge. (단일 개념)
2. each, every, either, neither of 복수명사 → 단수
Each girl and boy comes here.
Every policeman and official is on the alert.
Either (one) of you is right.
Either of the expressions is correct, but the former is more common than the latter.
Neither has a wife.
Neither statement is true.
Neither of you has the correct answer.
* either, neither는 둘중의 하나를 의미하기 때문에 단수 취급을 원칙으로 하지만,
구어, 특히 of 다음에 복수(대)명사가 계속될 때는 복수 취급할 때도 있음.
Either of them is (are) good enough.
Neither of the books is (are) good.
3. many a + 단수명사 → 단수 (일반적)
many + 복수명사 → 복수
Many a soldier was killed at the field.
Many boats have been wrecked.
Many a day was spent.
Many stars were to be seen.
Many a man has signed the petition.
Many a boy has made the same mistake.
4. a number of (=many) + 복수명사 (여기서 주어는 복수명사) → 복수동사
the number of + 복수명사 (여기서 주어는 the number) → 단수동사
A number of patients are dying.
A number of children were hurt by the accident.
The number of patients is increasing.
The number of tickets is limited.
The number of cars in Korea is increasing rapidly.
a total of + 복수명사 (주어는 a total) → 단수동사
A total of 300 Koreans lives in this country.
* a total of ∼는 '총계, 합계'의 뜻으로 전체의 한 단위를 나타내므로 단수 동사
a variety of, a crowd of → 복수동사
A variety of cooking utensils were found under the ashes.
A variety of hooks are used for different kind of fish.
A crowd of people were (was) swarming about the place.
* dozen, score, hundred, thousand, decade
one, each, every ( + 명사) → 단수동사
somebody, someone, something
anybody, anyone, anything,
everybody, everyone, everything,
nobody, no one, nothing
many, several, few, both + (of the) + 복수명사 → 복수동사
5. 부분, 분수 등
half [all, most, part, portion, rest, some, %, fraction, majority 등] of + 명사 → 명사 수에 일치
half, part, the rest, a lot, lots, a large part, a majority 등 + 복수 보통명사 → 복수 동사
half, part, some 등 + 물질, 추상 명사 → 단수 동사
Half of the passengers were injured in the accident.
Half of the money (income, water, milk, cake) is left.
Half of the apples are rotten.
Half of the apple is rotten
A large part of the girls are singing.
A large part of the work is finished.
Most of my books are novels.
Most of the work has been done.
Most of my books are novels.
Most of my time is spent in reading.
Some of the books are quite interesting.
Some of the money was spent on books.
The rest of the boys were absent.
The rest of the money is in my purse.
Two-thirds of my books are novels.
Three-fourths of the earth's surface is water.
There are a lot of (lots of, plenty of, a large number of) books in my room.
There is a lot of (lots of, plenty of, a large quantity (amount) of, enough) sugar in the store room.
The majority of the committee was[were] for[against] him.
*「대다수」가 하나의 「일치 단결한」 집단의 뜻일 때는 단수 취급,
한 사람 한 사람을 강조해서 말할 경우는 복수 취급함
The majority of the population are handsome with splendid physique. (훌륭한 체격)
* Population remains stationary (= unchanged).
The majority of the people were against the bill.
The majority of the laborers here come from rural areas.
all (사물) → 단수
All is not gold that glitters.
All was still.
All that glitters is not gold.
all (사람) → 복수
All were happy.
All are agreed.
All of them know it.
Rich and poor, all are destined to die.
more than one
more than one 단수 명사 (man) → 단수
more than one of 복수 명사 (us) → 복수
More than one man was killed.
More than one of us have attended the meeting.
There is more than one reason.
There are more than ten books.
There is more reason than one.
There are more reasons than one.
More persons than one have found it.
no one (nobody, anyone, anybody, somebody, someone) → 단수
(*대명사로 받을 때는 복수대명사로 받는 경우가 많음)
No one is here.
No letter was there.
No man is without his faults.
No news is good news.
No minute and no second is to be wasted.
There is no time.
No one knows the answer.
No one knows when and how he will come.
* No seats were to be found.
Nobody knows it.
There was nobody there.
I don't think anyone was at home.
Has anyone heard of it?
Is anybody absent today?
If anybody calls, tell him (them) I have gone out.
Somebody is looking for you.
If somebody telephones, remember to ask his (their) name(s).
Someone is waiting for you.
none --> 단수, 복수 모두 가능
None is so deaf as he who will not hear.
It is none of your business.
None of this concerns me.
None of them is (are) lost.
None are so deaf as those who will not hear.
None but the brave deserve the fair.
There were none present.
None appear to realize it.
None have left yet.
None of your promises have been kept.
6. 2개 이상의 주어가 and 이외의 접속사로 연결되어 있는 경우
(1) 근자 일치(近者一致) 법칙:
의미상으로 특별히 강조되는 것이 없을 때는 동사에 가까운 쪽의 주어가 동사를 지배한다.
either A or B
neither A nor B
not only A but also B = B as well as A (B에 일치)
Either you or Tom has made the mistake.
Neither you nor she is wrong.
Not only you but also he is interested in music.
(= He as well as you is interested in music.)
Not only I but also he is to blame for the accident.
* Neither of the answers you gave is satisfactory to us.
(neither, either가 주어인 경우에는 단수취급이 원칙인데, 둘 중의 어느 하나만을 말하기 때문임)
(2) 의미상으로 명백하게 중요한 쪽이 있으면 그 명사가 동사를 지배함.
as well as, (together) with, like, no less than, but, except
He as well as his brothers is a kind man.
He as well as I is responsible for the mistake.
You as well as he are diligent.
She as well as we is to blame.
The Prime Minister with his secretaries is to attend the ceremony.
The house with its furniture is to be sold.
cf. The father with his son and daughter were killed in the accident.
Man, no less than the lower forms of life, is a product of the evolutionary process.
(인간은 하등형태의 생물과 마찬가지로 진화과정의 산물이다.)
* no less than (과 마찬가지로, 에 못지 않게)
Nobody but Tom and John was there.
7. 명사
복수형 명사 --> 단수 (때로는 일상의 말에서 복수로 사용) * Tricky Plurals
국명 : the United States, the Netherlands, the Philippines,
단체명 : the United Nations
지명 : Athens, Brussels, Marseilles, Naples, Flanders, the Alps
학문 : aesthetics, athletics, civics(공민학), classics, economics, ethics, gymnastics(체육, 체조),
linguistics, mathematics, optics(광학), phonetics, physics, poetics, politics, statistics
병명 : hemorrhoids(치질), measles(홍역), mumps(이하선염), small-pox(천연두), rickets(구루병),
sullens(우울), yellows(황달)
오락 : billiards, cards, checkers, darts, dominoes, draughts(서양장기), skittles(구주희)
기타 : news, means, airs, customs
Mathematics is a difficult subject.
Ethics is the science of morals.
Billiards is a popular game in our country.
Gymnastics is (are) optional on our course.
Politics has (have) always influenced his decisions.
※ 집합명사 (Collective Nouns)
A형 : Family형
집합의 한계가 명료하며, 또한 집합체를 단위로 셀 수 있으므로 단수, 복수 모두 가능하다.
army, assembly, audience, board, cabinet, class, committee, company, crew,
family, jury, nation, party, people, public, team
전체 → 단수 (하나의 불가분의 단체로 간주될 때는 단수)
개별 → 복수 (그 단체를 구성하는 개체를 생각할 때는 복수 일치)
The committee consists of 10 members.
The committee were divided on the question.
Her family is a large one.
Her family are all well.
The audience was definitely hostile.
The audience were running to the emergency exits.
B형 : Police형
부정관사(a)도 못 붙이고 복수형으로도 쓰지 않으며, 보통 the와 함께 쓰여 복수 취급한다.
the + clergy, aristocracy, gentry, jury, nobility, peasantry, police, tribe → 복수 취급
a + policeman → 단수 취급
The police (경찰들) → a policeman (경찰 한사람) (단수)
The nobility (귀족들) → a nobleman (귀족)
The clergy (성직자들) → a clergyman (성직자)
The jury (배심원들) → a juryman (배심원 한 사람)
The peasantry (농민들) → a peasant (농민 한 사람)
The police are after them. (경찰이 그들을 쫓고 있다.)
The police are busy chasing track of the murderer.
C형 : Cattle형
수의 모임으로 집합의 한계가 없으므로, 관사도 안붙고 복수형도 없이 그대로 복수 취급한다.
cattle, fish, people, vermin → 관사없이 복수 취급
Cattle are grazing (wandering) in the meadow (pasture).
All the cattle are in here.
Fish are egg-layers. (물고기는 난생이다.)
The fish were thick in the streams. (어느 강에나 고기들이 우글우글 했다.)
* A big fish was caught in a net. (큰 고기가 그물에 걸렸다)
Some people are tall, and others (other people) are short.
Several people were hurt.
Vermin thrive in hot and humid areas.
주의 :
people이 '사람들'의 의미일 때는 집합명사로서 언제나 복수 취급하지만, '국민, 민족'의 뜻일 때는 보통명사로 취급한다.
Many people are against it. (많은 사람들이 그것에 반대한다.)
People who deceive us once are capable of doing so again. (한 번 속인 자들은 두 번 속일 가능성이 있다.)
Many people are blind to their own faults. (많은 사람들이 자기의 결점을 깨닫지 못한다.)
Not all people are as generous as you are. (당신처럼 인심이 후한 사람은 별로 없다.)
Young people go for his idealism. (젊은이들은 그의 이상주의를 지지하고 있다.)
a warlike people (호전적인 국민)
the peoples of Asia (아시아의 여러 민족들)
The Koreans are an industrious people.
※ 집합적 물질명사 (물질명사로 취급하는 집합명사) → 관사없이 항상 단수 (양 취급)
baggage, luggage, change, clothing,
fruit, furniture, game, jewelry,
mail, machinery, merchandise,
poetry, produce, scenery
① 부정관사 a, an을 붙일 수 없다.
② 항상 단수 취급을 한다.
③ 양을 나타내는 much, little로 수식한다.
④ 하나, 둘 셀 때는 → a piece of ∼, an article of ∼ 등으로 나타낸다.
* 물질명사의 정량(定量) 표현 (助數司 = 補助 數詞 사용)
Is this all the baggage you have?
I bought two pieces of furniture at the department store.
cf. article, machine, jewel, scene, poem, apple
※ 부정사 + 부정사 = 단수취급 (추상적 개념의 뭉치로 봄)
To love and to be loved is happy.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy.
※ 동명사 + 동명사 = 복수취급 (명백한 2개의 명사로 봄)
Loving and being loved are happy.
상시복수 (절대복수) : 의류·도구의 명칭
binoculars, glasses, gloves, jeans, pants, pincers, pliers, scales, scissors, shears,
shorts, slacks, socks, spectacles, stockings, tongs, trousers, tweezers
a pair of spectacles, six pair(s) of trousers
분화 복수 (Differentiated Plurals)
goods, riches (재산), brains (두뇌), suburbs (교외), remains (유해), works (공장), shivers (오한),
savings (저금), valuables (귀중품), belongings (소유물), shoe-maker, hysterics (히스테리)
8. 단위 (시간, 거리, 중량, 가격) → 단수
시간 : Five years is a long time for lovers to be parted. * 여기서 5년은 하나의 기간으로 봄.
cf. Ten years have passed since he went to Paris. (구체적 경과 시간은 복수)
거리 : Twenty miles is a long distance for jogging.
* 여기서 20마일은 1마일씩 20개의 거리로 보는 것이 아니라 통으로 하나의 거리로 봄.
가격 : Seventy dollars was paid for the camera. * 여기서 70달러는 하나의 금액으로 봄.
Two hundred dollars is too much for your pocket money. * 여기서 200달러는 하나의 금액임.
중량 : Twelve pounds is too heavy for a child.
100 pounds is nothing for him to carry on the back.
9. 기타
the 형용사 → 복수
The blind are not always unhappy. (시각장애인들이 항상 불행한 것은 아니다.)
The poor are not always unhappy. (가난한 사람들이 항상 불행한 것은 아니다.)
cf. 어떤 것은 추상명사화 함: The true is more valuable than the beautiful. (추상명사화)
관계대명사: 선행하는 명사(선행사)를 받는 대명사이므로 선행사에 따라 수가 결정됨
Heaven helps those who help themselves. (선행사는 those)
He is one of the greatest scholars that are living in Korea. (선행사는 scholars)
He is the only one of the greatest scholars that is living in Korea. (선행사는 the only one)
강조구문 → 강조하는 선행 명사에 일치
It ...... that (who, which)
It is you that are mistaken.
It is he that wants to have the radio.
There (Here) 구문 → 후행하는 명사(=주어)에 일치
There is a deaf person in the hallway.
Here comes the boy.
There were clothes scattered around the room.