Monday, September 26, 2011

Today was Monday.

Today was Monday.
I didnt go to church for early morning prayer service.
I went to bed too late last night.
I arrived at work at 9:25 am.
I bought some food for lunch at the family mart.
I had some headache in the evening.
I went home around 7:00 pm.
I ate noodle, my favorite food for dinner.
Yesterday was Sunday.
I went to church and came home around 1pm.
Read some comic books from the Internet.
I cleaned around at home.
Especially I cleaned up my daughter's room after I took out the bed.
I did the dishes several times.
I cleaned up the gas stove, too.
I withdrew 500,000 won from the bank for the monthly tithe to church.
I transferred 200,000 won to my daughter's account for her monthly allowance.


