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(Yonhap Editorial) Follow-up is more important for Korea-U.S. FTA

SEOUL, Nov. 23 (Yonhap) -- The South Korea-U.S. free trade agreement, better known as KORUS FTA, has passed the Korean parliament, four years and four months after its signing. It was passed in chaos -- a hastily called plenary session, a blitzkrieg vote, and tear gas sprayed by an opposition legislator to block its passage. The ruckus has shown, again, the sorry state of the country's politics.

   But the dice has been thrown. Time-wasting debate is of no use. We have to funnel our full efforts to follow-up measures to minimize the losses and maximize the benefits of this FTA with the United States.

   The FTA, once it takes effect, will reciprocally remove tariffs. It means unlimited competition with the U.S. market. Unless we prepare and strategize scrupulously, the FTA can turn into a crisis, rather than a new opportunity.
Reports by state research organizations paint a rosy picture. They say that with the KORUS FTA, South Korea's gross domestic product will grow 5.66 percent over the next 10 years, some 350,000 new jobs will be created in the services industry, and people will reap benefits equivalent to 32.19 billion won (US$27.98 million) over the next decade from lowered import prices and wider product choices. The reports also predict an annual increase of up to $3.2 billion in foreign direct investment.

   The figures portray the FTA as a powerful new growth engine for the country's economy, which has been shaken by the European financial crisis. We have to be careful, however, not to overlook the stark divide between those industries that stand to benefit and those who do not. Major export goods, such as automobiles and electronics, may be able to raise their price competitiveness and garner a bigger market. But losses in the food and agricultural industries seem unavoidable. Unless we are cautious, the FTA could widen the gap between industries.

   The biggest damage is expected to agriculture, fisheries and livestock industries. Initial estimates are of production reductions to the value of 12.2 trillion won in agriculture and 400 billion won in fisheries over the next 15 years, translating into a yearly decrease of 844.5 billion won. President Lee Myung-bak said Wednesday he hopes for the KORUS FTA to be an opportunity for these industries to enhance their competitiveness. In order for that to happen, the government has to hurry with specific steps to help them improve.

   It will be the same for other industries as well. When the services market opens, the competition may become too fierce for small businesses to survive. Systemized support, effective deregulation and other follow-up measures are urgently needed to help such businesses.




