SEOUL, Nov. 25 (Yonhap) -- North Korea resumed its threats against South Korea on Thursday, just a day after the South's military conducted a drill to mark the one-year anniversary of the deadly shelling of a border island. This time, Pyongyang's top military command threatened to turn South Korea's presidential office into a "sea of fire."
The North has occasionally resorted to the same phrase in its vitriol when cross-border relations deteriorate or when the South conducts military drills. But this is the first time that Pyongyang has directed the threat against the presidential office, Cheong Wa Dae.
Pyongyang's latest threat threw cold water on Seoul's conciliatory gestures over the past couple of months since the appointment of new Unification Minister Yu Woo-ik. The North's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea counter-charged on Thursday that Seoul's flexibility toward the North "is no more than wordplay to deceive public opinion."
The North's hostile reaction to Seoul's conciliatory stance indicates that the regime is not sincerely interested in easing tensions. Some view the threat against Cheong Wa Dae as a means of pressuring Seoul to fundamentally change its approach to inter-Korean relations. Nevertheless, threats that cross the line will only deepen the animosity among the South Korean people and authorities.
Pyongyang's words make us look back on whether we have made any mistakes or misjudgements. One year ago when our border island Yeonpyeong was attacked, Seoul was unable to respond appropriately. Since then, the military has launched a new defense command for the border islands and bolstered its firepower. But unless Seoul displays the will and the determination to punish further provocations, the North will continue to see the South as "soft." We cannot rule out the possibility that Pyongyang will escalate tensions with its uranium enrichment program, missile launches and more nuclear detonations, not to mention cyber terrorism and propaganda fanning internal divide in the South.
But military buildup is not the core measure to preventing the North's provocations. While strengthening its security posture, Seoul needs to adopt a policy for settlement of peace on the Korean Peninsula. We need a cool-headed, wise policy to draw the North toward peace and dialogue in the midst of tensions.
We hope to see South and North Korea end their war of nerves and turn toward building mutual trust.
(Yonhap Editorial) Seoul needs to stand resolute on North Korea's latest threat
[영문독해]/국내외 영자신문 사설
2011. 11. 25. 21:45
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(Yonhap Editorial) Seoul needs to stand resolute on North Korea's latest threat