(영화대본) 다이너소어 - Dinosaur
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
-[Faint Heart beat] -[Gurgling]
[Baby Dinosaur Exhales]
-[Baby Gurgling] - [Screeching]
[Gurgling Continues]
[Heartbeat Continues]
[Faint Bellowing]
[Female Narrating] Some things start out big
and some things start out small very small.
- [Cooing] - But sometimes the smallest thing...
can make the biggest changes of all.
[Low Bellowing Distant]
- [Roars] - [Shrieks]
[Dinosaurs Vocalizing]
[Birds Chirping Squawking]
[Continues Chirping]
[Dinosaur Exhales]
[Dinosaur Snuffling]
[Low Growling]
- [Shrieking Continues] - [Lows]
[Crying Out]
- [Grunting] - [Roaring]
- [Shrieks] - [Carnotaur Grunting]
[Continues Chittering]
[Trills Shrieks]
[Both Growling Snorting]
[Dinosaur Barks]
[Man Vocalizing]
[Men Vocalizing]
[Both Snorting Growling]
[Growling Resumes]
[Both Growling]
-[Choir Vocalizing] - [Squawks]
[Vocalizing Continues]
[Chirping Continues]
[Whispering Indistinct]
- Yar what is it? - I don't know. [Grunts]
Plio get back here! We don't know what it is!
[Young Lemur] Plio be careful.
[Both Exhaling Slowly]
Dad get over here.
- Zini it's not safe. - Oh I always have to go when stuff's happening.
Well what is it?
- It was an egg. Look. - [Gasps]
- What? - It's a cold-blooded monster from across the sea.
- Vicious flesh-eating. - Blech.
- Eew. - Looks like a baby to me.
Babies grow up. You keep that thing one day we'll turn our backs--
It'll be picking us out of its teeth.
- Things like that eat things like us as snacks! - [All Gasping]
- [Yelping] - So what do we do?
Get rid of it!
What has gotten into you?
Plio that thing is dangerous!
[Sighs] I'm sorry little one.
- Okay get rid of it. - [Gasps]
- [Huffs] - All right. I will.
[Scattered Chittering]
[Muttering Indistinct]
[Continues Muttering]
You'd better hurry up Dad. It looks hungry.
[Dinosaur Urinates Continues Gurgling]
- [Grunts] - It's okay.
- We'll teach him to hate meat. - Hmph.
- [All Chittering] - Watch his head.
I-I mean watch it he could bite.
This monster's got no teeth.
What's he gonna do? Gum us to death?
[Plio] Zini come on. Look at that sweet little face.
Does that look like a monster to you?
[All Screaming]
- [Roaring] - [All Screeching]
- [Gasping] - [Screeching Continues]
[Both Grunt]
- [Whimpering] - [Growling]
- [Continue Whimpering] - [Snarling]
- [Gasping] - Let me out! Let me out!
- [Spits] - [Both Screech]
[Coughs] Hair ball. [Spits]
- That was great! Get him! - [Laughing]
Oh no! Attacking lemurs! Suri please!
I can't take it! There are too many of you! Come on! Pick on someone your own size!
- Help! [Continues Indistinct] - [All Giggling]
Oh no-- [Groans]
Aladar you're not dead.
- No! [Laughs] - [All Scream]
All right guys break it up. Remember the courtship?
- You gonna miss seeing all that smooching. - [Groaning] Oh Mom.
- That's okay Plio. We can smooch right here. [Kissing] - [All Screeching]
- It's a shame you don't like kids. - Nasty little vermin.
Ha-ha. Go find Zini.
He's rehearsing pickup lines. Let's hope he's found some new material.
Hey sweetie if you'll be my bride I'll groom ya.
That is good. Oh that's good.
Girls I'm known as the ''professor of love''
and school's in session. [Wheezing Laugh]
- Yeah I still got it. [Exhales] - I hope it's not contagious.
- I'm a raging epidemic of romance. - Come on hot stuff.
Let's get goin'. You don't wanna miss Yar's annual pep talk.
[Zini] Oh goody. I can't wait to hear the mating advice of an old monkey.
[Aladar] Hey-Hey-Hey I heard that in his day that old monkey was quite a swinger.
-[Zini] You talkin' about Yar? - Yeah to hear him tell it
he put the ''prime'' in ''primate.''
[Zini] Really?
Okay boys gather 'round. Listen and learn from the master.
Now girls don't jump into the trees after the first boy with a cute back flip.
It's more fun if you keep them guessing.
And if a cute back flip doesn't work guess.
You're never going to forget this day so make it one to remember.
But if you mess up don't worry. They'll never remember.
Come on guys! We don't wanna let 'em down!
- Go on now. Chest up! Chin up! - [Lemur] Whoo!
[Aladar Grunts]
- Make 'em look good son. - Come on Yar.
- My charm and your brains? No problem. - [Laughs]
Ha-ha! [Bellows]
- Hey girls look what just pulled into town. - [Lemur] Hey ladies!
- Your buffet table of love. - [All Giggling]
- Right here! Right here! - Hey beautiful!
Hey free samples! Get me while I'm hot!
Whoa! [Laughs Sheepishly]
Zini. [Giggles]
- Whoo! Wah-hoo! - [Lemur] Whoo!
- [Scattered Whooping] - [Chittering]
- Yah-hoo! - [Chittering]
- [Bellows] - [Chittering Continues]
- [Cries Out Mutters] - [Giggles]
[All Screeching]
- [Grunting] -[Aladar] You're missin' all the action pal. Come on.
[Zini] Hey haven't you heard? I am the action!
[Laughs Whoops Screeches]
[Choir Vocalizing]
- [All Screeching] -[Continues]
[Lemurs Chittering]
[Chittering Continues]
Ah don't worry Zini. You always have next year.
Hey I'm lucky to be rid of them. With the ladies
- before you know it they all wanna move to a bigger tree. - Hmm.
Oh well. Poor Zini. The clan still has one bachelor.
No we have two.
Well it's never really been his best event.
- [Chuckles] He's got a tougher hide than mine. - Oh Aladar
if only there was someone on the island for you.
Well you know who looks like you but prettier.
Come on Plio. What more could I want?
[Scattered Chittering]
- What are they? - I don't know.
[Hissing Continues]
[Birds Squawking]
[Sniffii ng]
[Sniffs] Something's wrong.
Aladar where's Suri?
- She's up in the tree. - [Low Rumbling]
[All Gasp]
Come on! Go! Go! Come on!
-[Suri] Mom! - Suri!
- Mom! Mom! - Suri!
- Mom! - [Aladar] Suri where are you?
Run Aladar! Run! Run!
- [Lemurs Screaming] -[Aladar Gasping]
- [Yar Grunts] - [Aladar] Yar come on!
- [Plio] Zini jump!Jump! - [Aladar] Zini jump!
- [Zini Pants Grunts] - [Plio] Hold on!
[Yells Gasps]
[Gasping Grunting]
Plio! Yar! Where are you? [Coughs]
[Plio] Aladar over here!
[Breathing Heavily]
[Yar Coughing]
[Woman Vocalizing]
[Whispering] I feel bad. I feel bad.
Oh Suri. Easy easy.
[Suri Cries] They're all gone.
- Shh shh. I'm here. - [Whimpering]
Come on. We can't stay here.
[Scattered Cawing]
[Wind Whistling]
Now now Suri. There's nothing to be afraid of.
- Look! - [Yar Cries Out] - Whoa!
- Did you see that? - [Yar] What? - [Zini] I did.
- [Suri] Me too! - [Plio] Where did it go? - I don't know. Let's go see.
- Leave it alone. Hey! - [Slap] - [Plio] Shh Dad.
- [Yar] It's scaring Suri. - [Suri] No it's not.
[Aladar] Everyone just be quiet.
[Cooing Distant]
[Squawks Chitters]
[Both Growling]
[Raptors Squawking Trilling]
- [Gasps] - [Trilling]
- [Roars] - [Gasps] - [All Scream]
[Raptors Growling Screeching]
[Aladar Grunting Gasping]
[Raptors Vocalizing]
- [Lemurs Gasping] - [Aladar Grunting]
[Aladar Grunts Cries Out]
- [Yar] Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! - [Plio] Yar grab on!
- [Yar] I can't reach! - [Aladar Panting]
[Yar Cries Out]
[Raptor Screeches]
- [Plio] Aladar they're stopping! - [Aladar Gasping]
-[Bellowing Echoing] - Huh?
[Growling] Stay out of my way!
[Lemurs Screeching]
You heard Kron. Move it!
[Scattered Bellowing Calling]
- [Both Grunt] - Watch it.
[Ferocious Bellowing]
- [Aladar Cries Out] - [Bellowing Continues]
- [Chittering] - [Yar] Zini get your head down.
[Dinosaurs Trilling]
[Footsteps Bellowing]
Walkin' backwards huh? Well let me know if that gets you there any faster.
Keep those little legs movin; Url or you'll get left behind.
Look at all the Aladars.
- If you're even thinking of joining them-- - [Raptors Growling]
- [ZiniGasps] - [Chittering] - Hang on! Hang on!
[Scattered Bellowing Calling]
-[Male Dinosaur] Kron - [Snorts]
there is a more protected spot further down the--
- We'll rest here for the night. Go ahead Bruton. - [Snorting]
Oh Eema I wish we were at your nesting grounds now.
All this pushing and shoving about
just for a place to sleep.
I'm not used to this kind ofbehavior.
- Baylene you got big feet. Just give'em a kick. Git! - [Braying]
Ooh I couldn't possibly.
[Stammering] Shoo shoo.
Will you come on Baylene? You wanna get to the nesting grounds alive?
- Show some backbone. - Hey there.
- [Screams] - Oh sorry about that.
Uh it's just we overheard you talking and um--
[Snuffling Panting]
Well my word. Look at Url.
- [Continues Panting] - He doesn't normally warm up to strangers so fast.
[Baylene Sniffs Snorts]
- What an unfortunate blemish. - Good mud bath'd clear those right up.
- Excuse me? - [Shrieks]
Um he's my grandfather [Chuckles] couple of times removed.
Try a couple of species removed.
Uh my name's Aladar. This is my family. We're all that's left.
Oh my dear. I'm so sorry.
Baylene's the last of her kind. Finding stragglers like her all along the way.
I heard you say something about nesting grounds?
It is the most beautiful place there is child.
It's where the herd goes to have their babies.
Will we find anybody that looks like us there?
Oh the last few days I've seen'em all shapes and sizes.
Who knows what we'll find.
The hard job now is just getting there.
- And we're being driven unmercifully. - By who?
Kron the herd's head honcho.
We can hardly keep up. An older woman like myself--
It's-- Well it's positively indecent.
- Then tell him. What's the worst he can do? - [Growling]
- [Snarling] - Hey!
What's his problem?
- That's him honey. Kron. - Huh.
- Uh excuse me! Kron you got a second? - [Snorts]
- Get lost kid. - Hmm. Relax Bruton.
- Who are you? - Uh Aladar.
Why aren't you uphill with the--
uh young bloods?
- [Snorts] - Well I was back here talking to these guys.
- [Eema Gasps] - I guess they-- They're having ahard time keeping up.
- So you know maybe you could slow it down a bit? - [Chuckles]
Hmm. Let the weak set the pace. Now there's anidea.
Better let me do the thinking from now on Aladar.
- Hey they need help back here. - Hmm.
Watch yourself boy. [Snarls]
Don't worry. That's how my brother treats new comers
no matter how charming they are.
You sure know how to catch a girl's eye there stud.
I wouldn't be catchin' nobody's eye if I was you especially Neera's.
You just keep your head down and you mind what Kron tells you.
Since when do we take orders from the likes of him?
[Chuckles] Kron has swatted flies bigger than you pops.
I could hold that monster's brain in the palm ofmy--
No Yar she's right. Bettertokeep ourheads down with this bunch...
- than get 'em bitten off by those things. - [Chittering]
Well you just consider yourself lucky that's all that's following us.
[All Snarling Chittering]
- [Snoring] - Hey wake up.
- Enough with the beauty sleep. You're ravishing already. - [Groans]
Hey! Hello! Anybody in there?
- [Gasping] Zini what areyou doing? - [Cries Out]
I believe you left a wake-up call for the dawn of time.
- Come on! Move it! - What's the hurry?
[Zini] Something's up. The herd's gathering without us. Let's check it out.
Rise and shine! Kron says everybody goes.
- [Scattered Groaning] - Come on. Get up. On your feet.
Huh. The charm never stops around here.
[Growls] You say something?
Uh no-- no sir.
Unless you got a death wish
you and that little parasite better get moving! [Snarls]
Sheesh is that guy ugly or what?
Hey hey hey there's your girl friend.
- What are you talkin' about? - You know what I'm talkin' about: Neera.
Scaly skin. Yellow eyes. Big ankles.
Yeah I made a real impression on her. [Snorts]
What you need is a little help from the love monkey.
- ''The love monkey''? - Ow baby! [Barking]
Ow! [Chittering Meowing]
- [Chuckles] - That children
- is what's known as a ''jerkasaurus.'' - [Cooing]
- And with that the ice is broken. - [Bellowing]
[Continues Bellowing]
We've got a lot of first-timers here. Make sure they get it.
We stop for nothing and no one.
[Bruton] If this is your first crossing listen up.
- [Chittering] - There is no water till we reach the other side.
And you'd better keep up 'cause if a predator catches you you're on your own. Move out!
[Bruton Bellowing]
- [Snorts] - [Baylene] Oh my goodness.
- It looks like a very long walk. - [Eema] And hot.
If you smell somethin' sizzlin' it could be me.
[Scattered Vocalizing Snorting]
[Vocalizing Continues]
[Grunts] We're moving too slow.
I'll pick up the pace. [Bellows]
[Eema Panting]
Hey old girl you're wandering off a bit.
[Exhales Slowly] That's all I need: a monkey on my back.
[Both Panting]
[Distant Bellowing]
[Vocalizing Continues]
- [Groans] - [Aladar] On your feet Eema.
We can't let those things eat you.
They're out there waiting.
- [Chirps] - [Both Shriek]
[Cries Out]
[Growling Low]
- [Bellows] - [Snorts]
[All Vocalizing]
- The lake! - [Yar] We made it?
[Eema]It's just over that-- that hill baby.
Oh thank goodness.
Come on Eema. Water. Rememberwater?
Oh it's time to refresh my memory.
[Eema]I'm just gonna walk right into that lake...
- [Panting] - until the water's up tomy eyeballs...
and soak it all in. [Sighs]
Maybe the rains collected somewhere else.
What doyou want us to do?
Take a scout and check the entire perimeter.
[Bruton Snorts]
- [Whimpering Crying Out] - Enough! You have to be strong now.
The nesting grounds are only a few days away. Keep moving!
- [Scattered Lowing] - Kron we've never gone this long without water.
If we keep going like this we'll lose half the herd.
Then we save the half that deserves to live. [Growls]
[Continues Bellowing]
What? They're moving already? Oh-Ho we'll never keep up.
There was water here always water here before.
We always had water always.
- And-- And plenty of mud. [Cries] - Oh Eema please.
The herd won't wait. We must carry on.
- [Gasping] - You gotta get up.
- There was water everywhere. - There is no water dear.
- Baylene don't move. - What is it?
What's wrong?
- Do you hear that? - I sure do. Lift your foot Baylene.
[Grunting] Ooh!
- [Coughing] - Now press down.
[Whooping] I always did like big girls!
- Water! - Oh my goodness!
- Water! Come on! - He found water.
That's it Eema. Come drink.
[Kron Snarling]
Kron look. All we had to do is dig and--
Good. Now get out of the way.
- [Snorting] - [All Vocalizing]
Wait! Wait! There's enough for everyone!
- Oh. - Eema!
That's it. Keep pushing and shoving. That's very helpful.
[Dinosaurs Snarling]
Bruton we've been walking in circles. There's no water here.
- I think we should get back. - Shh. Keep it down.
[Sniffii ng]
- Let's get out of here. - [Gasps]
[Carnotaur Roars]
[Carnotaur Roaring]
[Suri] Now you come out on three.
One two three!
Come on. Come on out. No one's gonna hurt you.
Hey hey. What's going on?
The little Aladars haven't had anything to drink.
I think they're scared of me.
Who wouldn't be? You are pretty scary.
- [Growls] - [Chuckles] Come on over guys.
- Take it easy. Don't worry. She's just a hair ball. - And proud of it.
Come on. He's gonna find you some water.
Here. Now you just take a foot and press.
- [Both Snarling] - Whoa.
Hey hey hey. Come on. Come on. Knock it off.
Let's work together here huh? A little teamwork. Ready?
One two three. Press!
Good job Suri.
- So where are your parents anyway? - A lot of us are on our own now.
You like kids I see.
- Well the skinny ones can be a little chewy. - [Chuckles]
I'm Aladar... the ''jerkasaurus.''
Ohh. Sorry about that.
[Laughs] You're probably right.
- [Whispers] Dad wake up. - [Snorts] Huh?
Why did you help that old one?
What else could we do? Leave her behind?
Oh. You mean you actually--
Well that happens all the time.
- You don't survive if you're not-- - Strong enough.
Well... yeah.
Is that you talking or your brother?
[Sighs] Everything's so different.
I-I don't know what to think anymore.
Look Neera-- we watch out for each other
we all stand a chance of getting to your nesting grounds.
- You sound so sure. - I'm not
but it's all I know.
So um-- Oh water.
I'll uh get you some water.
- [Chuckles] Can I try it? - Sure. Just press.
- [Gasps] Hmm. - [Chuckles] Oops.
- [Chuckles] Sorry. - No. You-- You first.
One down... and
well one down.
[Bruton] Kron!
- Carnotaurs! - What? They never come this far north.
The fii reball must've driven them out. [Grunts]
[Carnotaurs Howling]
You led them right to us! Maybe you can feed them with your hide!
Move the herd out double-time!
- What's happening? - My brother's moving the herd.
Kron what's going on?
Carnotaurs. If we don't keep moving they'll catch up to us.
But the others in the back-- They'll never make it.
They'll slow down the predators.
You can't sacrifiice them like this!
- Hold it! That could be you back there! Or you! - [Snarls]
If you ever interfere again
I'll kill you. [Snarls]
[Breathing Heavily]
Stay away from him! [Snarls]
Ooh. [Growls]
Aladar no. You just-- just go. I'll be okay.
Let's go! Let's go! Carnotaurs!
- Carno- what? - [Eema] Carnotaur.
A mouthful of teeth with a bad attitude. Let's go.
Come on you guys! Get on! Get on! We're gonna get left behind.
Let's go! Hurry up! We're losing them!
Aladar slow down.
[Breathing Heavily]
[Baylene And Eema Breathing Heavily]
[Thunder Rumbles]
[Continues Growling]
[Baylene] Oh joy. Blisters.
[Eema] I've got blisters on my blisters.
- You don't wanna know where I got blisters. - [Dinosaur Bellows]
- What was that? - It came from up ahead.
- Okay what's the worst thing it could be? - A carnotaur.
- What's the second-worst thing it could be? - Two carnotaurs! Oh!
- That's it. I'm gone. - [Baylene] Oh my goodness!
Everybody we don't know for sure. It could be the herd.
- Let's check it out. - Oh my goodness. Goodness gracious.
[Dinosaur Growling]
[Gasps] Oh it's Bruton.
It appears we weren't the only ones left behind.
[Exhales Deeply]
- What happened? - Carnotaurs. We should keep moving.
- We can't just leave him here. - We can if we move fast enough.
Hey you don't look so good. Let me help you.
Save your pity. I just need some rest. Now get away from me.
- Suit yourself. - [Thunderclap]
- [ObjectDrops] - Hmm?
If you change your mind we'll be in those caves.
It's dark but at least it's dry.
- I like dry. It's the dark part I'm having trouble with. -[Url Panting]
[Gasps] Ouch! Ooh. Sorry Url.
Sturdy little thing ain't he?
- [Chuckles] - Ahem. We appear to have a visitor.
[Breathing Heavily]
You coming in orwhat?
What is it with you?
At least I know enough to get in out of the rain.
Now come on. On your feet.
- Uh you can lie down with us. It's warmer. - [Grunts]
May I remind you that he's one of them ?
Well looks like he's one ofus now.
[Thunder Continues]
Ahh. Who booked this trip anyway?
Ah you'll be at the nesting grounds soon enough.
Well when I get there I'm gonna give Kron a piece of my mind.
- You tell him Eema. - [Lemurs Giggling]
[Yar]If I could sleep that deep I'd be in paradise.
[Eema] If you could sleep that deep honey you'd be dead.
- [Laughter] - [Grunts]
This plant grew on our island.
It will make you feel better.
Whyis he doing this? Pushing them on with false hope?
It's hope that's gotten us this far.
But why doesn't he let them accept their fate?
I've accepted mine.
- And what is your fate? - To die here.
It's the way things are.
Only if you give up Bruton.
It's your choice not your fate.
Well the plant will help.
[Both Growl]
- [Gasps] - [Bruton] Shh.
[Both Growl]
- What do we do? - Wake the others.
- Ooh. - [Gasps]
- [Plio Whimpers] - [Growls]
- [Thunderclap] - [Hisses]
- [Grunts] Go! Go! - [Growling]
Move it Eema!
[Yells] Oh!
- [Plio] Aladar! - [Children Screaming]
[Plio]Aladar! Oh no!
- [Breathing Heavily] - I'll hold them off!. You help the others!
[Bruton Bellows]
[Both Roaring]
Bruton! [Grunts]
Bruton! No!
[Aladar Coughing]
You did what you could.
[Carnotaur Hisses]
[Carnotaur Growling]
[Breathing Heavily]
It's okay little ones.
We're going to make it.
[Zini] Okay okay. Let's do it again. Let's do it again.
- Uh I spy with my little eye-- - A rock.
You got it again! Ooh! You are good!
Well I'll tell you what I spy. A dead end.
- What do we do now? - I guess we just go back.
[Zini Sniffs] Hold on a moment.
- Zini what is it? - [Sniffs]
- Do you smell that? - [Sniffs] Yeah.
- [Eema Gasps] Get a load of that. - [Baylene] Good show.
Everybody stand back. We're outta here!
[Both Cry Out]
Aladar look out!
No! [Grunting]
[Breathing Heavily]
[Grunts Exhales Deeply]
Aladar we'll go back.
Back to what? It's gone.
We're not meant to survive.
Oh yes we were. We're here aren't we?
And how dare you waste that good fortune by simply giving up?
Shame on you. Shame on you! Shame on you!
The worst of it is
you allowed an old fool like me to believe I was needed--
that I still had a purpose-- and do you know what?
You were right. And I'm going to go on believing it.
And I for one am not willing to die here.
Oh dear.
[Choir Vocalizing]
The nesting grounds.
It's-- It's untouched.
[Birds Calling]
Our new home.
- And it comes with a pool! - [Giggles]
- Yodelay-yodelay- yodelayheehoo - [Giggling]
-[Vocalizing Continues] - [Laughing]
Cannonball! Whoo-hoo-ha-ha!
Ha. Amateur.
Look out below!
[All Whooping]
-[Laughter] - Not bad. But I don't get it. Where's the herd?
- Not to mention Neera. - [Chuckles]
[Chuckles] They'll get here--
Mm. Soon enough.
Oh no.
- I spoke too soon. - What is it?
That is the way we used to get in here.
They'll never make it over that.
Aladar wait! Wait! Kron'll eat you alive.
Let him try.
[Eema]Mm. I hope Kron's in alistening mood.
[All Vocalizing]
Stay here.
We'll find a way around it.
In the morning we'll climb it.
[Breathing Heavily]
- [Gasps] -[Footsteps]
[Growls Hisses]
[Breathing Heavily]
[Kron] We have tokeep trying.
Our survival our future is over these rocks.
Now let's go home!
You'll make it won't you boys?
- No. - Watch them. They're tough!
If they can do it so can you!
- [Aladar] Kron! - [Gasps]
Get the herd out of here! A carnotaur is coming!
[All Bellowing]
- Keep moving! - [Aladar] Stop!
- I've been to the valley! There's a saferway! - [Bellowing Continues]
- Go on! Show'em! - Kron listen to him.
- Look we gotta go now! - Go where straight to the carnotaurs?
If we hurry we can get around them! You can't get over those rocks!
There's a sheer drop on the other side!
You're gonna kill the herd! I knowa way to the valley and everybody canmakeit!
- Now follow me! - [Growls]
- Kron! - [Grunts]
They're staying with me!
All right. Let's go!
- [Kron Grunts] - [Roars]
[Youngsters Chittering]
[Breathes Deeply]
[Growling Low]
Neera! [Echoing]
[Dinosaur Trilling]
[Carnotaur Howling]
[Sniffs Hisses]
[Carnotaur Growls]
He's led that monster right to us! This way!
- [All Grunting Vocalizing] - No! Don't move!
If we scatter he'll pick us off!. Stand together!
[All Vocalizing]
- [Growling] - [Bellowing]
[Bellowing Continues]
- [Growls] -[Kron Breathing Heavily]
[Exhales Deeply Growls]
[Growling Continues]
-[Vocalizing] - No. No.
- [Carnotaur Snarling] - [Snorts]
-[Carnotaur Growling] - [Growls]
[Insects Buzzing Birds Chirping]
[Choir Vocalizing]
Welcome home.
[All Bellowing]
[Eema] Move over everybody. Bringing in babies is what I do best.
I'd say it's been a fewyears since you've hatched an egg.
- [Both Laughing] - You're right so let me practice on your head.
Look! Somebody wants to meetyou.
Ohh! Aren't you the sweetest little small fry I ever did see?
Hey little guy. He looks just like me.
[Chuckles] Meetyour dad. He's not as crazy as he looks.
- [Cooing] - [Eema] Ohh. Oh happy day.
- [Sneezes] - [Baylene] Well done little one.
Come here you little rascal. Let me get a good look at you.
[Baby Urinating]
Yep. You're your father's son all right.
- [Children Giggle] - [Zini] Hey! Look what I found! New neighbors!
Any of you ladies up for a game of''monkey in the middle''?
- [Ladies Giggling] - Easy now! Easy! Hey! [Laughing]
- [All Laughing] - [Bellows]
[All Yipping Howling]
[All Bellowing]
[Bellowing Howling Continue]
[Birds Calling]
[Plio Narrating] None of us really know what changes big or small lie ahead.
One thing is certain-- Our journey's not over.
We can only hope that in some small way...
our time here will be remembered.
[Choir Vocalizing]