(영어일기) Tuesday, October 18, 2011 Sunny
Yesterday I achieved my goal 100% as always.
I left the office at 10:20 PM and got home at 10:50 PM.
I was very happy to see my wife again at home.
She is the person who makes me happiest in this whole universe.
I'm so happy to be with her.
I also love my children.
For more than 20 years, I've said to them "Hi, I love you," whenever I come home from work.
This morning I got up at 7:00. I prayed and exercised for 1 hour.
My wife usually attends the early morning prayer service at church at 5:00 AM.
Had breakfast with wife and daughter. My son was still asleep because he went to bed around 5 AM.
Arrived at work at 9:20.
This is a new day from God.
Thank God it's Tuesday.