검색결과 리스트
[영어 오디오+비디오]에 해당되는 글 1624건
- 2012.09.08 [아이젠하워 1차취임연설/오디오+대본/32분] Dwight David Eisenhower_First Inaugural Address (January 20, 1953)
- 2012.09.08 [해리 트루먼 취임연설/오디오+대본/22분]Harry S. Truman_Inaugural Address (January 20, 1949)
- 2012.09.08 [프랭클린 루즈벨트 4차취임연설/오디오+대본/6분]Franklin Delano Roosevelt/ Third Inaugural Address (January 20, 1945)
- 2012.09.08 [프랭클린 루즈벨트 3차취임연설/오디오+대본/16분]Franklin Delano Roosevelt/ Third Inaugural Address (January 20, 1941)
- 2012.09.08 [프랭클린 루즈벨트 2차취임연설/오디오+대본/17분]Franklin Delano Roosevelt/ Second Inaugural Address (January 20, 1937)
- 2012.09.08 [프랭클린 루즈벨트/1차취임연설(1933년)/오디오+대본/7분] Franklin Delano Roosevelt/ First Inaugural Address (March 4, 1933)
- 2012.09.07 [포브스 동영상/ 포브스 400대 재벌중 최연소자들] Forbes 400: The Youngest
- 2012.09.07 [포브스지 동영상/ 워런 버핏 대담: 성공과 사회환원] Buffett and Forbes on Success and Giving Back
- 2012.09.07 [포브스지 동영상/ 억만장자 작곡가] Gordon Getty: Billionaire Composer 1
- 2012.09.07 [포브스지 동영상/ 세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 사람들] World's Most Powerful People
- 2012.09.07 [포브스지 동영상/3000억짜리 요트] The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht
- 2012.09.07 [포브스지 동영상/덴마크의 20억짜리 수퍼카] Inside Denmark's $1.8 Million Supercar
- 2012.09.07 [포브스지 동영상/이스라엘의 가장 영향력 있는 여성억만장자] Israel's Most Powerful Woman: Billionaire Shari Arison
- 2012.09.07 [2012 미국민주당 전당대회/오바마의 대선후보 수락연설(40분)/동영상+대본] President Barack Obama Full DNC Acceptance Speech 2012
- 2012.09.07 [2012 미국민주당 대선후보선출 전당대회/클린턴 전대통령 연설(50분)/동영상+대본] Bill Clinton's full DNC Speech 2012
- 2012.09.07 [블룸버그 라디오 경제뉴스 심층분석 30분] Bloomberg On the Economy / 2012-9-7
- 2012.09.07 [블룸버그 라디오 최근경제뉴스] Bloomberg - The First Word / 2012-9-7
- 2012.09.07 [NPR 심층취재/오디오+대본] 아마존강 목재남벌관련 Guess Who's Chopping Down The Amazon Now? 2
- 2012.09.07 [미국민주당 전당대회 2일차 이모저모] DNC – Day 2
- 2012.09.07 [오디오/35분/WSJ 최근국제경제동향] The Wall Street Journal 'This Morning' (2012-9-7)
- 2012.09.07 [초보자용 VOA 30분 느린 뉴스] VOA Special English 2012-9-7
- 2012.09.07 [영어뉴스] VOA 5분 뉴스(2012-9-7)
- 2012.09.07 [영어뉴스] NPR 5분 뉴스(2012-9-7)
- 2012.09.06 [미국의회제작 동영상/스트레스의 심대한 영향/ 5시간30분] The Profound Impact of Stress: Human Biology and Social Implications for the Individual and Society
- 2012.09.06 [음악과 두뇌의 관계 : 각계각층 과학자들의 심층분석(동영상 강의 8개)] Music and the Brain 2
- 2012.09.06 [블룸버그 라디오 경제 심층분석] In-depth look at the economy and what is affecting it (2012-9-6)
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- 2012.09.06 [오디오/35분/WSJ 최근국제경제동향] The Wall Street Journal 'This Morning' (2012-9-6)
- 2012.09.06 [초보자용 VOA 30분 느린 뉴스] VOA Special English 2012-9-6
- 2012.09.06 [영어뉴스] VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-9-6)
[포브스 동영상/ 포브스 400대 재벌중 최연소자들] Forbes 400: The Youngest
[포브스지 동영상/ 워런 버핏 대담: 성공과 사회환원] Buffett and Forbes on Success and Giving Back
[포브스지 동영상/ 억만장자 작곡가] Gordon Getty: Billionaire Composer
[포브스지 동영상/3000억짜리 요트] The Quarter Billion Dollar Yacht
[포브스지 동영상/덴마크의 20억짜리 수퍼카] Inside Denmark's $1.8 Million Supercar
[포브스지 동영상/이스라엘의 가장 영향력 있는 여성억만장자] Israel's Most Powerful Woman: Billionaire Shari Arison
[2012 미국민주당 전당대회/오바마의 대선후보 수락연설(40분)/동영상+대본] President Barack Obama Full DNC Acceptance Speech 2012
명연설가(Great Orator)로 꼽히는 오바마 대통령의 2012 대선 후보수락연설(Acceptance Speech)
연설문 전문
Transcript_President Obamas Acceptance Speech 2012.txt
참고로, 아래는 2008년 오바마의 민주당대선후보 수락연설
[2012 미국민주당 대선후보선출 전당대회/클린턴 전대통령 연설(50분)/동영상+대본] Bill Clinton's full DNC Speech 2012
클린턴 전 대통령은 미국 역대 최고의 연설가(the Greatest Orator)로 정평이 나있습니다. 전당대회 분위기를 완전 Up 시켰네요. 신문들의 표현을 빌리면; He electrified the audience. (그는 청중들을 전율시켰다.)
연설문 전문
Transcript_Bill Clintons remarks at the DNC.txt
[블룸버그 라디오 최근경제뉴스] Bloomberg - The First Word / 2012-9-7
[NPR 심층취재/오디오+대본] 아마존강 목재남벌관련 Guess Who's Chopping Down The Amazon Now?
Guess Who's Chopping Down The Amazon Now?
September 6, 2012September 6, 2012
Though Brazil's Amazon has been the focus of environmental groups for decades, the deforestation rate there has fallen dramatically in recent years as clear-cutting of Amazonian jungle in eight other countries has started to rise.
As a result, the 40 percent of Amazonia located in a moon-shaped arc of countries from Bolivia to Colombia to French Guiana faces a more serious threat than the jungle in Brazil. The culprits range from ranching to soybean farming, logging to infrastructure development projects.
And in no other country is the problem as serious as in landlocked and remote Bolivia. Though better known for its bleak and haunting highlands, 70 percent of Bolivia's land mass is part of the Amazon basin, from biodiverse foothills to lowland jungles. It's an area bigger than California; but every year, nearly 1,400 square miles are deforested, about two-thirds the size of Delaware.
Bolivia, which is vast but has barely 10 million inhabitants, has among the highest per capita deforestation rates in the world.
"It's the highest in the Amazonian basin," says Eduardo Forno, director of Conservation International in La Paz, Bolivia's capital. "We have to ask why. I think it's related to institutional weakness and the vision the country has, to extract resources."
Loggers: Forests Are Disappearing
It is a vision that is plainly evident in the farms and forests around Ascencion, about 200 miles north of Santa Cruz, a regional capital in the country's east.
On a recent day, logging crews work deep in the jungle in Amazonia's far southwestern corner, looking mainly for hardwoods that will be sawed into planks and shipped to China.
Led by Agustin Villa, a two-man crew — with a single chain saw and plenty of gasoline — works in a ravine filled with heavy brush and big trees. They take down about 25 trees a day, from silk-cotton hardwoods to figs to ceibas, some of them 80 feet tall and decades old.
In the distance, other workers drive earth movers, cutting a path into the forest that will be used to drag out trunks that Villa and his partner saw into big chunks.
"There are areas here that have disappeared, and parts that are fine," Villa says. He then ticks off many stretches of the forest that have been cleared of trees.
Brazilian Deforestation Under Control
For decades, environmentalists had focused much of their attention on Brazil's Amazon, which is bigger than all of Western Europe. They had reason to — just a few years ago, an area the size of Maryland was clear-cut every year, the trees falling to cattle ranchers, soy producers and peasant farmers.
Amazon At A Glance
In recent years, the total amount of deforestation in Brazil's Amazon — which accounts for 60 percent of the total — has plummeted nearly fourfold, from 8,692 squares miles in 2001-2005 to 2,409 square miles in 2011.
But in the remaining 40 percent of the rainforest — spread across Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Ecuador — deforestation continues to rise. The problem is particularly acute in Bolivia, which has the highest rate of deforestation in the Amazon.
That has changed as Brazil's government began to stringently enforce land-use laws, and farmers and cattlemen began adopting policies that better employ already cleared land. Deforestation fell by 76 percent between 2004 and last year, according to Brazil's National Institute for Space Research.
"In the last five or six years, there has been a phenomenal change in Brazil with respect to the development process," says Timothy Killeen, an ecologist who has worked for 25 years with major environmental groups across the Amazon. "With Brazil deforestation rates going down and the Andean deforestation rate going up, there's probably more deforestation in the Andean Amazon than in the Brazilian Amazon."
But Thomas Lovejoy, an expert on Amazonian deforestation at George Mason University, points out that it's Brazil's government and Brazilian companies that are funding development such as highway and hydroelectric dam construction in parts of the non-Brazilian Amazon.
"Brazil beats its chest about lowering deforestation rates, but there has to be reconciliation with what Brazil is doing in some of those countries," he says.
New Bolivian Forest Policy Needed
In much of the non-Brazilian Amazon, environmentalists say, the development is disorderly, with peasants burning the tree cover and mining companies easily winning permits to carve out a diverse mix of projects.
In Peru, trees are making way for pipelines and dams, while in tiny Ecuador oil companies are expanding their reach. Colombia is trying to develop a region in its far southeast for farming, while producers of African palm oil have been among the big drivers of deforestation. Throughout the whole region, small, poorly regulated artisanal mining, often for gold, brings settlers and destruction.
In Bolivia, as in other places, the deforestation comes from a combination of factors, some illegal and some carried out by the book. The soy farming that is responsible for much of the deforestation, for instance, is driven by farmers and companies that buy up land as part of a policy that Bolivia's government has long encouraged. Much of the logging in Bolivia is also legal.
Diego Pacheco, an adviser on environmental matters to Bolivia's Foreign Ministry, says the government wants to better regulate land use and find a way to both promote sustainable projects and protect the forest.
Pacheco says a new forest policy is in the works and may be ready later this year.
"I think we need to protect, but also we need to manage the forest," he says, noting that many Bolivians live in or on the edge of the forest and need it for their livelihoods.
Biodiversity Vs. Business
Martha Zotar, 37, and her family are making a living on land that was once virgin forest. They legally bought 170 acres and are now raising chickens and growing everything from rice to soybeans, the region's cash crop.
"Everyone wants to plant soybeans," she says. "The prices are good and it's easy to grow."
Still, Zotar says she is ever more conscious of the environment — in school, her daughter is learning about how destruction of the Amazon results in climate change, and that has affected Zotar, who points out a clump of trees on her family's land that she wants to preserve.
[미국민주당 전당대회 2일차 이모저모] DNC – Day 2
Unusually for Democrats, Terror War Is a Talking Point
Throughout his presidency, Barack Obama has awarded grades to his national-security staff for his administration’s foreign-policy priorities. Some marks, such as for advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace, have been low, officials say; others, such as for degrading al Qaeda, have been strong. After the killing of Osama bin Laden, the president gave that category an ‘A’. The internal reports mirror an unusual twist this campaign: Mr. Obama is the rare Democratic president running for re-election for whom national security is a strength, not a weakness, among voters as a whole. WSJ’s Julian Barnes explains the Presidents change of heart.
[오디오/35분/WSJ 최근국제경제동향] The Wall Street Journal 'This Morning' (2012-9-7)
[초보자용 VOA 30분 느린 뉴스] VOA Special English 2012-9-7
[영어뉴스] VOA 5분 뉴스(2012-9-7)
[미국의회제작 동영상/스트레스의 심대한 영향/ 5시간30분] The Profound Impact of Stress: Human Biology and Social Implications for the Individual and Society
*각 강의가 끝날 때마다 후속강의가 자동으로 이어집니다.^^
Watch or listen to this great series from the Library of Congress on streaming video or audio podcast. Project chair Kay Redfield Jamison convenes scientists and scholars, composers, performers, theorists, physicians, psychologists, and other experts to talk about cognitive neuroscience and music. Here are some of the lectures in the series:
"The World in Six Songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature": In this short talk, author Daniel Levitin suggests that in human history music came before language, and that throughout history music has almost always been accompanied by movement.
"Depression and Creativity Symposium": Kay Redfield Jamison, Dr. Terence Ketter, and Dr. Peter Whybrow take a look at depression and bipolar disorder and their possible connection to creativity. They specifically discuss artists like Vincent van Gogh, Robert Schumann, and Felix Mendelssohn.
"The Mind of an Artist": Cognitive psychologist Michael Kubovy and composer Judith Shatin suggest that language and music are very closely related in the brain, and Kubovy shows findings on the brain's reaction to different types of music in comparison to the cognition of language.
"Music, Criminal Behavior, and Crime Prevention": Norman Middleton of the Library of Congress Music Division starts the lecture with providing examples of how music has been used in regards to preventing crime and treating criminals. Then Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott talks about ways of discouraging criminal activity and anti-social behavior through the use of music in different environments.
"Wellness and Growth: Acoustic Medicine and Music Therapy": Jayne Standley, director of the Music Therapy Program at Florida State University, introduces music therapy and the many ways it has been applied in the medical profession while showing video examples of successful music therapy.
Enjoy these and many more lectures on "Music and the Brain" in this series of talks from the Library of Congress.
[블룸버그 라디오 경제 심층분석] In-depth look at the economy and what is affecting it (2012-9-6)
[오디오/35분/WSJ 최근국제경제동향] The Wall Street Journal 'This Morning' (2012-9-6)