



Monday - After reporting on struggles and protests in Europe, CNN Student News explores a story of lost-and-found in the world's largest desert. We also examine how a college community is moving forward five years after an attack on campus. And we witness a kindergartener making one of the rarest plays in baseball.


Daily Discussion Questions

What is the unemployment rate in Spain? According to the report, how have some Spaniards reacted to the political and economic situation there? To what extent, if any, do you think that protesters influence governments? Explain.



Where was a World War II-era plane found recently? What is the condition of the plane? What do you think should happen to the wreckage of this plane? What do you think might be the challenges in finding out what happened to the pilot?



What is significant about Virginia Tech University's 2012 graduating class? In the report, what did people say about the impact of the shootings in 2007? How have students been able to move beyond this tragedy?






발마사지방법과 발가락별 관련부위 [허준혁노트]



◆ 발가락별 관련부위 

몸의 축소판’이라 불리는 발은 아픈 곳에 해당하는 부위를 마사지해 주면 통증이 가라앉는다.
1. 엄지발가락 : 머리와 간 - 엄지발가락에 반점이 생기면 뇌에 이상이 생겼다는 신호이다. 과음 등으로 간이 상한 경우에는 엄지발가락의 색깔이 변하고 발가락 부위가 쉽게 부어 오르기도 한다. 엄지발가락의 뒤쪽은 배와 관련이 깊으므로 이 부위를 자극하면 배의 통증 제거, 가스 소통에 매우 효과적이다. 두통이나 어깨, 목이 결릴 때에 이 부위를 자극하면 증세가 호전된다. 매일 엄지발가락 부위를 5분 가량, 발바닥 전체를 4~5초씩 3~5회 지압하면 고혈압 예방에 도움이 된다.


2. 둘째 발가락 : 위 등 소화기관 - 두번째 발가락 끝이 퉁퉁 붓거나 주름이 접히면 위에 이상이 생겼다는 신호로 본다. 변비, 당뇨, 코막힘, 눈의 피로와도 연관된다. 식중독에 걸렸을 때 두번?발가락의 목 부분을 문질러주면 효과가 있다.


3. 셋째 발가락 : 심장- 세번째 발가락을 자극하게 되면 순환계의 움직임이 좋아지고 가슴이 두근거리거나 숨이 차는 증상이 호전된다.


4. 넷째 발가락 : 담낭 - 소화기능 저하, 배에 가스가 찼을 경우, 수영하다가 장딴지에 쥐가 나거나 손발이 저릴 때 네 번째 발가락을 문지르거나 당겨주면 매우 좋다.


5. 새끼발가락 : 신장, 방광 - 새끼발가락을 문질러주면 빠른 시일에 효과를 볼 수 있다. 새끼발가락은 작은 뇌라고 불릴 정도로 뇌와 많이 연결되어 있으므로 시험공부, 장기간의 정신활동 후에 자극해주면 피로 회복에 좋다.


◆ 발마사지 방법

1. 너무 오래 하거나 자주 하지 말 것. 일주일에 3회 정도가 적당하다.
2. 식전이나 배고플 때는 피한다. 식후 30분~1시간 지났을 때 한다.
3. 몸에 심한 상처가 있거나 뾰루지가 났을 때는 삼간다. 병을 앓고난 직후에도 좋지 않다.
4. 생리를 하거나 상처가 나 출혈이 있을 때도 하지 않는다. 발바닥을 자극하면 혈액순환이 좋아지므로 출혈이 심해질 수 있다.
5. 마사지 방향은 밑에서 위로, 즉 발바닥에서 심장 쪽으로 한다.
6. 왼발부터 시작해 오른발에서 끝낸다. 왼발을 자극하면 전신 혈액순환에 좋고 오른발을 자극하면 각 기관의 기능이 활성화된다. 그러나 오른발이 특히 아프고 피곤하다면 오른발부터 시작한다.
7. 마사지가 끝나면 미지근한 물을 한 잔 마신다.(수집-정리)



남자에게 좋은 발마사지 [허준혁노트]



발이 쇠퇴하면 정력이 떨어진다고 한다. 그것은 인체 모든 기능이 발바닥에 나타나며, 특히 신 기능이 발바닥 중앙에 위치한 용천이라는 경혈로부터 비롯되기 때문이라고 한다.이곳의 순환기능이 좋아지면 전신의 피로가 쉽게 풀리며 신 기능이 촉진되므로써 발기력이 높아지고 하반신의 혈액 순환도 좋아지므로 지구력도 또한 좋아지게 된다. 방법으로는 콩자갈이나 또는 대나무를 반복해서 밟는 방법도 있고, 지압 슬리퍼를 끌고 다니거나 혹은 혼자서 자주 발바닥을 쓸 듯이 마사지해 주면 된다.


<남자를 위한 발 마사지 >

1. 피로회복 - 발바닥의 한 가운데에 있는 '용천'이라는 혈을 자극한다. 이 부위는 신장의 상응부위와 연결된 곳으로 이 혈을 지압봉으로 4초 이상 3~4차례 지그시 누르면 몸의 노폐물을 소변으로 배출시켜 피로감을 덜어주게 된다.


2. 성기능 강화 - 발 바깥쪽의 뒤꿈치 부분은 생식선과 연결되어 있다. 때문에 이 부분을 지압봉으로 아래서 위로 강하게 긁어주듯 4~5회 반복해서 자극해 준다. 전립선은 뒤꿈치의 안쪽부분이며, 고환은 바깥쪽 부분에 해당한다.


3. 소화촉진 - 속이 더부룩하고 소화가 잘 되지 않을 때는 발바닥 가운데 부분인 용천에서 아래쪽을 여러 차례 지압봉으로 눌러준다. 이 부위는 위, 십이지장, 소장 등과 연결되어 있어 소화기 질병에 효과가 있다.


4. 과음 - 지나친 과음으로 인해 간 기능에 문제가 있을 때에는 네 번째 발가락 밑부분을 자극한다. 이 부위는 간과 연결되어 있다. 그러므로 4초 정도씩 3~4회 반복해서 자극하면 간 기능 회복에 효과적이다.


이외에도 여러 가지 발마사지법이 있을 수 있겠지만 그것은 전문가의 영역으로 남겨두기로 하고, 우선 이 정도만 알고 있어도 하루가 훨씬 유쾌해 질 것으로 본다.  한두번 시도해 본 후 금새 효과가 나타나기를 바라는 것은 금물이다. 적어도 꾸준히 한달 가량 지속한다면 어느덧 강해진 자신을 발견하게 될 것이다.


<발 마사지 방법 >
1. 발 마사지는 중력으로 인하여 아래쪽으로 몰리는 혈액을 발바닥 자극을 통해 신선한 혈액은 심장으로, 탁한 혈액은 신장을 통해 배출되도록 하는 혈액순환의 원리를 이용한 것이다. 먼저 따뜻한 물에 발을 씻어 근육의 긴장을 풀어주는 것이 좋은데. 이때 그냥 비누를 쓰지 말고 아로마 같은 발 샴푸를 이용하면 살균은 물론 소독까지 할 수 있어 좋다.


2. 발 전용 샴푸가 없다면 미지근한 소금물에 발을 5~10분 정도 담가 준 다음 발바닥 곳곳을 문질러 주면 된다. 여기서 중요한 것은 발을 충분히 문질러 아래로 쏠린 혈액이 제대로 순환되도록 해주는 데에 있다. 따라서 기본적으로 발을 손으로 감싸쥔 상태에서 몸 쪽을 향해 강하게 압력을 주어 밀어 올리고, 반대로 발 쪽으로 내려올 때는 힘을 빼는 요령으로 문지른다. 이때 손바닥에 크림을 바르고 발가락 사이사이, 발등, 발바닥 등을 골고루 자극하도록 해야 한다. 이 순서대로 발마사지를 한다면 탁월한 효과를 기대할 수 있다.


3. 이 경우에도 주의해야 할 점이 있다. 첫째 한 부위를 집중적으로 5분 이상은 문지르지 않도록 한다. 보통 한번에 3~4회씩 1분 정도가 적당하다고 한다. 좋다고 무턱대고 많이 하는 것은 오히려 해가 될 수도 있는 것이다. 맛사지 후에는 따뜻한 타월이나 모포로 발을 감싸서 보호해야 하며 외출을 삼가는 것이 좋다.


4. 마지막으로 식사 후 곧바로 발 마사지를 하는 것은 피하는 것이 좋다. 적어도 식후 1시간 30분 정도는 지난 후라야 몸에 부담을 주지 않게된다. 또한 발에 상처가 있는 경우라든지, 임산부의 경우는 전문가의 도움을 받는것이 좋다. 물론 질병이 있거나 극단적인 피로 상태에 있을 때에도 발 마사지는 피하는 것이 좋다. -수집정리











Greece's Socialist leader Evangelos Venizelos speaks to reporters after his meeting with Democratic Left leader Fotis Kouvelis at the Greek Parliament in Athens Thursday

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

The Olympic flame was lit in Greece Thursday.


The ceremony marked the beginning of a long trip through Greece and Britain, which holds the Summer Olympics this year.

Greece has been at the center of a political and economic struggle that threatens many of Europe’s economies. It remains unclear if Greece will continue using the euro or if its Eurozone partners can enact reforms needed to hold the currency group together.

On the day the Olympic flame was lit, Greek Socialist leader Evangelos Venizelos began an attempt to form a new government. It marked the third attempt to form a government this week after parliamentary elections last Sunday.

First, the conservative New Democracy party attempted and failed. Then the leader of the leftist Syriza coalition, Alexis Tsipras, also failed. He said that the election results showed the Greek people had rejected deep budget cuts required by international creditors.

Mister Venizelos heads the PASOK party, which took third place in the elections. Experts have questioned whether he can form a government. That means the Greek President may ask parties to form an emergency coalition. If that does not work, new elections could be called.

But for Greece, that could mean pain from its Eurozone creditors. They could deny future payments from the financial rescue plan agreed to in February. The agreement is worth about one hundred seventy billion dollars in loans and cancelled debt. The rescue is the second and largest for Greece since its debt crisis began in two thousand nine.

On Thursday, Euro-area governments released a five billion five hundred million dollar loan to Greece. But Greek officials were reportedly unhappy that over one billion dollars was withheld. The failed efforts to form a government have raised concern that reforms can work in Greece. The country is now in its fifth year of recession.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke to parliament in Berlin Thursday. The leader of Europe’s biggest economy said borrowing to get growth would be a step backward.

ANGELA MERKEL (Translation):  "Growth through structural reform is important and necessary. Growth through debt would throw us back to the beginning of the crisis."

And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report. For transcripts, MP3s and now PDFs of our programs for e-readers, go to voaspecialenglish. And follow us on Facebook, YouTube and iTunes at VOA Learning English. I'm Mario Ritter.






















Friday - As CNN Student News wraps up the week, we contrast two approaches that governments can take regarding their economies. We also witness the ceremonial lighting of this year's Olympic flame, and we consider the struggle that some U.S. military veterans face when looking for jobs. Finally, we talk with retired NBA superstar Shaquille O'Neal about his new Ph.D. and his views on the importance of education.








Learn more about the to-do list
























Thursday - What new details are known about the foiling of an alleged terror plot, and why is the release of this information raising concerns? Explore the answers in Thursday's edition of CNN Student News. Plus, learn the outcome of Tuesday's vote on an amendment to North Carolina's constitution. And find out what estimates some experts have made about increased obesity in the United States.
























Wednesday - In Wednesday's program, CNN Student News reports on an alleged terror plot that officials say has been foiled, and we consider some of the questions raised by the issue. We also explore some possible new clues to the 400-year-old mystery of a lost colony, and we hear how a CNN Hero helps young refugees adjust to life in a new country. Plus, find out which U.S. state is the first to approve a driverless car.



Terror Plot Foiled

Aired May 9, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET




MADISON WATKINS (ph): Hi, my name is Madison Watkins (ph), 11th grader at Fayetteville High School in Fayetteville, Arkansas. My favorite teacher is Ms. Burnett (ph), because she`s always willing to help and is a great history teacher. We love you, Ms. Burnett (ph).


CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Nice job on that iReport, Madison (ph). We`re glad to see all of you tuning in to this midweek edition of CNN Student News. My name is Carl Azuz. Let`s get started.

First up, investigators are studying an explosive device that they say could have ended up on a plane heading to the United States. This is part of an alleged terror plot that officials say was broken up recently. They seized the explosive device and authorities say the person who intended to use it is no longer a threat.


AZUZ (voice-over): Intelligence agencies say this plot started in the nation of Yemen. That`s the home base for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula which has been described as the most dangerous Al Qaeda affiliate.

This group was behind several attempted plots, like the so-called Underwear Bomber in 2009. The officials who broke up this plot say the device was similar to ones that the terrorist group has used before, like the ones you`re seeing in this video. They say it never posed an immediate danger, but they also described it as much more sophisticated than previous explosives.

That`s causing concerns that the Al Qaeda group could be advancing its bombmaking techniques.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about this plot right now. How is it broken up? Where is the person who was planning to use the explosive? What officials have said is that this bomb was designed to slip past airport metal detectors. On Monday, Brian Todd was reporting on the possibility of that happening.

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That is the huge question today. That is really being debated. Now Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Mike Rodgers, have just said, essentially, last night and this morning, that they believe that these scanners would have detected this potential explosive.

But if you talk to terrorism experts and security experts, that is not at all clear, that even these so-called back-scatter, these body scanners would have detected it. You know, they`re -- and also these body scanners are not used in every airport overseas, not even used in every airport in the United States.

So it`s a question of implementing those where they need to be and, again, whether they are sophisticated right now, sophisticated enough to actually detect these types of bombs, and that is really not at all clear at this point.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Ms. Staley`s social studies classes at Centennial Middle School in South Lyon, Michigan.

Which of these was one of the original 13 American colonies? You know what to do. Was it Maine, Florida, Vermont or North Carolina? You`ve got three seconds, go.

North Carolina is the only option that was an original colony. That`s your answer and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ: You probably learned about North Carolina`s Lost Colony in school. In 1587, Governor John White left about 100 English settlers on Roanoke Island when he went to England to get supplies. When he back to North Carolina in 1590, everyone had disappeared. Erin Hartness of affiliate RAWL reports on some possible clues in this centuries-old investigation.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lead on to the ship.

ERIN HARTNESS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Year after year, actors reenact the story of a lost colony for enthralled audiences. Now the 400-plus year mystery just got its big break.

BRENT LANE, DIRECTOR, UNC CENTER FOR COMPETITIVE ECONOMIES: This is the first solid clue that searchers for the colonists of the Roanoke Colony have had in 400 years.

HARTNESS (voice-over): The clue is found on this map, created from Sir Walter Raleigh`s first expedition to the New World.

LANE: What`s curious about this map is that while it`s highly accurate and very details, it contained two patches.

HARTNESS (voice-over): Lane says nobody had ever thought to look under those patches in 400 years. Researchers in Britain, where the map is housed, found this under one patch.

LANE: It turned out that it concealed a large symbol consistent with the sort of forts that were being built.

HARTNESS (voice-over): Lane says that likely means this was the location for a second English colony, the city would have been named Raleigh. Researchers discovered what they believe to be invisible ink written on top of the patch.

So Sir Walter Raleigh could likely show the map to the Queen or investors without most people knowing his plans. Raleigh would have been especially trying to hide them from the Spanish.

ERIC KLINGELHOFER, PROFESSOR, MERCER HISTORY: Who we know would have been very upset about the English presence here. They claimed all of this land, and they had destroyed -- I mean, totally destroyed -- massacred two different French colonies.

HARTNESS (voice-over): The map may also explain where most of the lost colonists went or tried to go.

JAMES HORN, V.P., COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG FOUNDATION: But I think this new discovery has now confirmed that they indeed went or intended to go to this location here.

HARTNESS: The biggest takeaway for researchers with these new discoveries and images is they now know where to look for more clues about the Lost Colony, right here in Burtee (ph) County.

LANE: There`s very good evidence now to suggest that this area deserves a good deal of attention.

HARTNESS (voice-over): Maybe there researchers will finally solve the mystery.

LANE: As North Carolinians, I think we`ve all felt the obligation to find the Lost Colony.


AZUZ: Next up, the state of Nevada is issuing a new type of license. It`s not going to a person. It`s going to a company, Google. Nevada is giving the technology giant the green light for a new type of car.


AZUZ (voice-over): You can see someone behind the wheel there, but he might as well be in the back seat, because the car is driving itself. It`s called an autonomous vehicle, and Nevada is the first state to allow them on the road.

There`s no driver needed, though Google says someone`s usually in the front seat and ready to take control if need be. This is what the car sees. It uses video cameras, radio sensors and a laser rangefinder to keep track of traffic. Plus detailed maps to navigate the road. Google says the autonomous cars have completed about 200,000 miles of computer directed driving.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s the word? It refers to someone who escapes danger by going to a different country.

Refugee: that`s the word.


AZUZ: According to the U.S. government, San Diego, California, is one of the largest refugee resettlement areas in the country. Mark Kabban works to help some of the area`s youngest refugees adjust to life in a new country. His efforts are why he`s one of this year`s CNN Heroes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Living in Iraq during the war was pretty hard. The explosions. The kidnappings. We wanted to come to U.S. It was like a dream, you know?

MARK KABBAN, CNN HERO: The United States resettles the most refugees in the world. Many of them are from Iraq and they`re being resettled in San Diego in large numbers. When they get here, they`re learning a new language. They have to find employment. Really, in a lot of ways, the struggle is just beginning.

When my family came from Beirut, I was nine years old. Working as a refugee case manager, I saw a lot of kids just idle, alienated. Having a normal childhood is something they really deserve.

My name is Mark Kabban and I use soccer to motivate refugees to succeed in the United States.

Now, everyone`s going to be on your toes.

YALLA is an Arabic word which means, "let`s go." And it`s really what we`re trying to do here with the kids.

Good, Mosim (ph), stay on him.

We have 200 refugees in our program. These kids come from all over Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Their families have endured the same struggle. When they realize that, they become like brothers and sisters.

KIDS: One, two, three, yes.

KABBAN: Soccer for them is an escape. It`s confidence. It`s making them feel like they belong. And it`s just fun.

YALLA uses soccer as a hook, and then we have them in our education program and try to get them on to college.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They help me to find friends and they teach me how to speak English. Now with YALLA and Coach Mark, it`s a fun life.

KABBAN: Their families have sacrificed everything for their kids to have a better life. If we can do anything to help them, it`s my honor.


AZUZ: All right. Before we go, we`re going to check out some mechanical mayhem.


AZUZ (voice-over): It`s the National Robotics League Championships, two bots enter, one bought leaves. Well, actually, they both leave, but one leaves as the winner.

Indianapolis hosted the Clash of the Titanium Titans last weekend. The event`s designed to get students interested in technology and manufacturing. The competitors had to qualify for this event by winning smaller bouts around the U.S.


AZUZ: Makes sense that battle robots have to compete on a circuit. They need to steel themselves for this type of faceoff before they test their "metal" at a national level.

And some people may think it`s thrilling to watch two machines get into a row, but others may think these mechanical battles just lack punch. That`s "battle" the time we have for today at CNN Student News. I`m Carl Azuz. We`ll see you tomorrow.








Students At and Above Grade Level for Reading in Grade 3 Graduate from High School at Higher Rates Than Students Below Grade Level





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Map of Iran
Map of Taiwan
Map of Egypt
Map of Israel




Principles and Mechanism for Procurement of Weapons, Military and Special Equipment




Su-30MKI (Flanker-H) multirole fighter









