Leading off today's edition of CNN Student News: an explanation about how austerity and protests have hit Greece. We also bring you headlines spanning from New York to Britain, and we bring you a quick quiz as part of our Hispanic Heritage Month coverage.





In Wednesday's program, we report on President Obama's speech to the U.N. General Assembly, and we consider some contrasting ideas on how to make college more affordable. We also explain the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Plus, hear how a community rallied around a bullied teen, and how a former Major Leaguer is helping provide opportunities through athletics.





World leaders gather at the U.N., tsunami debris washes up in Hawaii, and an avalanche sweeps down a mountain in Nepal. Get the details on these headlines in Tuesday's program. Plus, we explain the U.S. Electoral College system, and we compare U.S. presidential candidates' views on the role of the federal government.





As CNN Student News kicks off a new week, we report on a pair of votes in the U.S. Senate, and we hear about the return of ROTC to Harvard University. We also take a global look at the first day of Fall, and we share the story of a young ballplayer whose perseverance through adversity inspired a meeting with his baseball hero.





In Friday's program, CNN Student News takes you to the deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier that's preparing to run military exercises in the Middle East. We hear from Israeli and Palestinian students who want to the U.S. to keep an active role in resolving the conflict in their region. And after a look at the history of Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrate this year's top 10 CNN Heroes.





Today's edition of CNN Student News begins with coverage of demonstrations in the Muslim world. Afterward, you'll hear why many Chicago schools are still closed. We also explore the origins of the U.S. Democratic Party, and we show you what could be the first-ever colorized motion picture.





CNN Student News starts the week with reports on violence in Afghanistan, a typhoon that hit Okinawa, and a possible end to the Chicago teachers' strike. We also offer some background on Constitution Day and Rosh Hashanah. Plus, we explore the origins of the U.S. Republican Party, and we hear a U.S. Olympian's thoughts on the importance of her Hispanic heritage.





In Friday's program, CNN Student News reports on the spread of angry protests throughout the Arab World, and we note a possible resolution to a teachers' strike in Chicago. We also consider a ban on the sale of large, sugary drinks in New York City, and we examine U.S. presidential candidates' plans to create new jobs. Plus, we explain how scientists apparently discovered a new species of monkey.






Four Americans, including an ambassador, were killed during an attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya. In Thursday's program, we explain what likely sparked the violence and how the international community reacted to the attack. We also examine how a strike in a Chicago school district is impacting extracurricular activities, and we tour a house that produces as much energy as it uses. Plus, we learn how a Colorado girl contracted a disease usually associated with the Middle Ages.




As America pays tribute to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we report on some of Tuesday's memorial ceremonies from around the country. We also explore some potential culprits behind the weak U.S. economic recovery. Plus, we examine a new list of the world's most endangered species, and we hear the story of a CNN Hero who helps dog owners through financial struggles.




As America pays tribute to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we report on some of Tuesday's memorial ceremonies from around the country. We also explore some potential culprits behind the weak U.S. economic recovery. Plus, we examine a new list of the world's most endangered species, and we hear the story of a CNN Hero who helps dog owners through financial struggles.





City officials, union representatives and parents are all speaking out about a major teachers' strike in Chicago. Hear what they have to say in Tuesday's edition of CNN Student News. Plus, America remembers the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks, and challenges accompany a transfer of power in Afghanistan. Finally, we explain how an oil company plans to drill in the Arctic.











Friday - In our last program of the school year, CNN Student News explores the anger surrounding the leaks of classified information, and we report on a government plan to eliminate distracted driving. Plus, we learn about an organization that helps U.S. veterans suffering from PTSD. And after we look ahead to some stories of the coming months, we look back at some of this year's favorite puns.
The daily CNN Student News program will return on August 13, 2012.





Thursday's program begins with reaction and analysis following this week's recall election in Wisconsin. Then, we mark the anniversary of the largest seaborne invasion in history. Finally, a triple-play of space-related headlines includes a retired shuttle's historic landing, a planet's transit across the face of the sun, and a student science project that's headed for orbit.





Tuesday's program begins in Wisconsin, as we examine a recall election involving the state's governor. After a report on a historic wildfire in New Mexico, we see how some rescue workers train to respond to natural disasters. Plus, hear how some college graduates feel about their prospects as they enter the workforce, and find out what the "Transition of Venus" is and how often it takes place.





Which former world leader was sentenced to life in prison? How does the U.S. government calculate the national unemployment rate? Why did Queen Elizabeth II lead a royal pageant down the River Thames? Discover the answers to all of these questions in Monday's edition of CNN Student News. Plus, we examine a controversy involving the removal of two specific words from a high school graduation program.





Thursday - What sentence did Liberia's former leader receive from an international criminal court, and why did President Obama offer congratulations to former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney? Discover the answers in Thursday's program. Plus, we go underground to explore the costs associated with New York's first major subway expansion in 50 years.





Wednesday's program begins with a tour of global headlines, including an earthquake in Italy, a Diamond Jubilee in the U.K., and traces of radiation found in some tuna off the California coast. Plus, we explore one man's plan to skydive from the edge of space. And we visit the White House for a ceremony that awarded 13 people America's highest civilian honor.





Tuesday - Following the Memorial Day holiday, CNN Student News reports on a camp that helps young people who've lost a loved one in military service. We also explain how an Atlantic storm disrupted some Memorial Day events, and we look into a development at the U.N. regarding violence in Syria. Finally, we turn our gaze upward for events in space and the sky over San Francisco.





Friday - As a hurricane churns through the Pacific Ocean, we explain what these storms are called in different parts of the world and consider how El Nino could affect this year's hurricane season. Plus, we consider the possible threat posed by debris washing up in Alaska, and we explore the origins and meaning of Memorial Day.


Please note that CNN Student News will not air on Monday, May 28 in observance of Memorial Day.





In Thursday's program, CNN Student News examines the significance of Egypt's presidential election. We also explore why some shareholders are suing Facebook, and we report on a lawsuit that involves the act of texting someone who's driving. Plus, we take a test ride in a car that can drive itself!





Wednesday - In today's program, CNN Student News explains the role that private companies hope to play in a new era of space travel. We also consider the cause of a potential environmental disaster along Alaskan coastline, and we report on plans to salvage a wrecked Italian cruise ship. Finally, we meet a CNN Hero who offers support to young people who care for ailing and elderly family members.





Tuesday's program begins at a NATO meeting in Chicago, as world leaders discuss efforts to wind down the war in Afghanistan. We also travel to Joplin, Missouri to hear how the town is moving forward one year after being devastated by a powerful tornado. Plus, we share the story of an Afghan woman's efforts to make a new life in the U.S. as she recovers from violence in her home country.





Friday - As CNN Student News wraps up the week, we consider the significance of Facebook's IPO, and we examine why Greece's political instability is raising concerns in the business world. We also learn about a new technology that could provide an advantage to U.S. troops in combat zones, and we look back at the history of U.S. presidential pets.


1. What insect is disappearing in what scientists call "colony collapse disorder"?



2. Which Republican candidate for president won both the Nebraska and Oregon primaries this week?



3. On what date does the eastern Pacific hurricane season begin?



4. What bank recently announced that one of its units had lost $2 billion?



5. What European country did French President Francois Hollande visit immediately after his inauguration?



6. What social media site is scheduled to launch its IPO on Friday?



7. What word means "beginning" or "start" and refers to a graduation ceremony?



8. In what African country did an oil worker recently discover the wreckage of a British Royal Air Force plane that went down in World War II?



9. What country operates the Soyuz spacecraft?



10. What European nation's political parties failed to form a coalition and scheduled new elections for next month?








In Thursday's program, we report on the latest details surrounding wildfires in Arizona, primary elections in Nebraska and Oregon, and a Georgia woman's fight against a rare case of flesh-eating bacteria. We also explore a mystery surrounding the disappearance of honey bees. And we find out how one of this year's CNN Heroes is turning personal tragedy into a chance to save other young lives.


Daily Discussion Questions

What weather conditions are combining to spread wildfires currently burning in Arizona? Although the damage has not been extensive so far, what effects do you think that rapidly spreading wildfires might have on people's everyday lives?



What is colony collapse disorder? What possible explanations does the scientist in the video give for this disorder? Which ones do you think are responsible? Why? Why is it difficult to determine the cause of this disorder? What is being done to stop it?



According to the video: Why are bees important to humans? How do bees have an impact on the economy? Why do bees need humans? In your opinion, what should be done to stop the bees' disappearance?



How did CNN Hero Wanda Butts turn a personal tragedy into a triumph? How would you spread the message about water safety to parents and children?






In Wednesday's program, we explain why France's new president traveled to Germany on the same day he was sworn into office. We also report on tributes to fallen U.S. law enforcement officers, and we preview an upcoming solar eclipse. Plus, we explore the significance of Facebook making an IPO, and we hear some words of advice from a few of this year's well-known commencement speakers.





Tuesday - In Tuesday's program, CNN Student News explores some of the reaction to news of a $2 billion loss at one of the largest banks in the United States. We also explain how the first tropical depression of 2012 got a head start on hurricane season in the eastern Pacific Ocean. And following a report on one patient's fight against flesh-eating bacteria, we share some signs to watch out for regarding the disease.





Monday - After reporting on struggles and protests in Europe, CNN Student News explores a story of lost-and-found in the world's largest desert. We also examine how a college community is moving forward five years after an attack on campus. And we witness a kindergartener making one of the rarest plays in baseball.


Daily Discussion Questions

What is the unemployment rate in Spain? According to the report, how have some Spaniards reacted to the political and economic situation there? To what extent, if any, do you think that protesters influence governments? Explain.



Where was a World War II-era plane found recently? What is the condition of the plane? What do you think should happen to the wreckage of this plane? What do you think might be the challenges in finding out what happened to the pilot?



What is significant about Virginia Tech University's 2012 graduating class? In the report, what did people say about the impact of the shootings in 2007? How have students been able to move beyond this tragedy?




