검색결과 리스트
[영작문]에 해당되는 글 87건
- 2011.10.16 (기초영작문) '해결'에 관련되는 전치사 to : key to~; road to~; answer to~; solution to~
- 2011.10.14 (기초영작문) ~할 기분이 아니다 I'm not in the mood for ~
- 2011.10.14 (기초영작문) ~은 어때요? How does ~ sound?
- 2011.10.14 (기초영작문) ~에 대해 한 마디 하겠습니다.
- 2011.10.12 (기초영작문) 대체하다 : exchange? replace? substitute?
- 2011.10.12 (기초영작문) 미국교육제도(의무교육13년간)를 영어로...
- 2011.10.12 (실제영작연습) 영어로 설문조사 하는 법
- 2011.10.11 (기초영작문) 6일 전? 지금부터 6일 전/그 때부터 6일 전
- 2011.10.11 (기초영작문) 우리 말과 영어의 철학적 차이/ 존재냐 소유냐
- 2011.10.10 (영작) 장황하고 실속없는 말
- 2011.10.10 (영작) ~(주장)을 뒷받침 하다
- 2011.10.10 (영작) 추진하다
- 2011.10.10 (영작) 불법매매 trafficking
- 2011.10.10 (영작) 겹치는 일정을 해결하다
- 2011.10.10 (영작) 포즈를 취하다
- 2011.10.10 (영작) 정돈하다
- 2011.10.10 (영작) 결과를 나타내는 to : be crushed to death (압사하다) 등등
- 2011.10.09 허심탄회하게 말하다 (영작)
- 2011.10.09 이것으로 완전히 끝인가요? (영작)
- 2011.10.09 go + 형용사 : ~이 되다 (대체로 전보다 못해지는 상황)
- 2011.10.08 오석태 선생의 진짜 영작문 1, 2
- 2011.10.04 Useful Expressions
- 2011.10.01 The Morality of Murder
- 2011.10.01 What is justice?
- 2011.10.01 English used at Harvard Law School Hompage
- 2011.10.01 Rating agency, media say fundamentals here are sound
- 2011.09.30 Rethinking Climate Change: The Past 150 Years and the Next 100 Years
(기초영작문) '해결'에 관련되는 전치사 to : key to~; road to~; answer to~; solution to~
the key to his business success
the key to the back door
~로 가는 길 :
the road to true peace and prosperity in our country
the road to freedom
the road to arms control
the road to economic recovery (경제회복으로 가는 길)
~에 대한 답 :
The answer to your question is very simple.
A bank loan seemed like the answer to all our problems.
The only answer to this question
~에 대한 해결책 :
This is the only solution to the problem.
A solution to the problem now seems in sight. (그 문제에 대한 해결책이 이제 눈에 보이는 것 같다.)
A solution to the oil crisis
The best solution to insomnia (불면증에 대한 최고의 해결책)
(기초영작문) ~할 기분이 아니다 I'm not in the mood for ~
Frankly, I am not in the mood for a party.
그는 농담할 기분이 아니었다.
He was not in the mood for jokes.
나는 긴 토론을 할 기분이 아니었다.
I was not in the mood for long debates.
(기초영작문) ~은 어때요? How does ~ sound?
저녁을 먹고 영화를 보는 것은 어때요?
How does dinner and a movie sound?
How about dinner and a movie?
What about dinner and a movie?
What do you say to dinner and a movie?
사찰음식은 어때요?
How does temple food sound?
How about temple food?
What about temple food?
What do you say to temple food?
(기초영작문) ~에 대해 한 마디 하겠습니다.
(기초영작문) ~에 대해 한 마디 하겠습니다.
~에 대해 한 마디 하겠습니다.
One word about ~
내가 이 파일에 한 몇몇 수정에 대해 한 마디 하겠습니다.
One word about some of the changes I made in this file.
(기초영작문) 대체하다 : exchange? replace? substitute?
exchange A for B = replace A with B = change A for B : (...로) A를 교체하다, 대체하다, 바꾸다
substitute A for B : (...대신) A를 사용하다
She exchanged the black sweater for a red one.
=She replaced the black sweater with a red one.
=She changed the black sweater for a red one.
=She substituted a red sweaeter for the black one.
(기초영작문) 미국교육제도(의무교육13년간)를 영어로...
미국교육제도 (의무교육13년간) *지역에 따라 아래와 다른 변형제도들이 있을 수 있음.
Elementary school : Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade (6 years)
Middle school : 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade (3 years)
High school : 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade (4 years)
Elementary school : Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade (7 years)
Junior high school : 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade (3 years)
Senior high school : 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade (3 years)
통상적으로 학력표시란에서 제시하는 형태는 아래와 같음.
Elementary school (초등학교)
Middle school (중학교)
High school (고등학교)
Technical school (전문학교)
College/University (대학)
Graduate school (대학원)
(실제영작연습) 영어로 설문조사 하는 법
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(기초영작문) 6일 전? 지금부터 6일 전/그 때부터 6일 전
6일 전에?
지금부터 6일 전: 6 days ago (기준은 현재입니다. 동사의 시제는 과거입니다.)
He saw the movie 6 days ago.
그 때부터 6일 전 : 6 days earlier (기준은 과거입니다. 동사의 시제는 대과거입니다.)
He had seen the movie 6 days earlier.
(기초영작문) 우리 말과 영어의 철학적 차이/ 존재냐 소유냐
우리 말과 영어의 차이 중 하나는 존재냐 소유냐 이다.
우리나라에서는 불교, 도교, 유교 등의 영향으로 공유나 존재의 개념이 발달했고, 반면에 영어권에서는 일찍부터 합리주의, 개인주의, 자본주의 등의 영향으로 개인적 소유의 개념이 매우 발달했다. 그 결과, 우리 말에서 존재의 개념으로 표현되는 것이 영어에서는 소유의 개념으로 표현되는 경우가 많이 있다. 아래에 몇 가지 예를 들어본다.
그 도시에는 학교와 가게와 아파트가 많이 있다.
The city has many schools, stores, and apartments.
그 사람에게는 돈이 많이 있다.
He has a lot of money.
그 사람에게는 친척들이 많이 있다.
He has a lot of relatives.
그 사람에게는 새로운 아이디어가 많이 있다.
He has many new ideas.
그에게는 텐트 1개와 침낭 1개가 있었다.
He had a tent and a sleeping bag.
그에게는 영화배우가 되겠다는 야망이 있다.
He has an ambition to be a movie star.
그에게는 건강에 관한 많은 걱정이 있다.
He has many worries about his health.
(영작) 장황하고 실속없는 말
(영작) 장황하고 실속없는 말 : diplomatic blather (=diplomatic prattle)
(Example) Nonetheless, the five-page communique contained more than just diplomatic
*blather = nonsensical talk
(영작) ~(주장)을 뒷받침 하다
(영작) ~(주장)을 뒷받침 하다 : to back ~ up
(Example) : I should not have used the 40 percent statistic without the ability to back it up.
*statistic 통계치 (statistics 통계학, 통계자료들)
(영작) 추진하다
(영작) 추진하다 : to push
(Example) Korea is pushing to make the business summit a regular part of the G20 process.
(영작) 불법매매 trafficking
(영작) 불법매매 trafficking :
human trafficking (인신매매)
woman trafficking (여성매매)
child trafficking (어린이매매)
drug trafficking (마약매매)
organ trafficking (장기매매)
(영작) 겹치는 일정을 해결하다
(영작) 겹치는 일정을 해결하다 : to work out a schedule conflict
(Example) Organizers are hoping that Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee will make an appearance after working out a schedule conflict.
(영작) 포즈를 취하다
(영작) 포즈를 취하다 : to pose
*President Barack Obama poses for a group photo with leaders attending the Open Government Partnership in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011.
*pose for a group photo with ~ : ~와 단체사진을 위해 포즈를 취하다
(영작) 정돈하다
(영작) 정돈하다 : to tidy up
Nobody was allowed in Judy's bedroom to tidy up, so it was in a permanent state of chaos.
(영작) 결과를 나타내는 to : be crushed to death (압사하다) 등등
(영작) 결과를 나타내는 to : be crushed to death (압사하다) 등등
be smashed to pieces 박살나다
starve to death 굶어 죽다
freeze to death 얼어 죽다
be beaten to death 맞아 죽다
be battered to death 맞아 죽다
be burned to death 불에 타죽다
be clubbed to death 곤봉에 맞아 죽다
be choked to death 목졸려 죽다, 질식하여 죽다
be shot to death 총에 맞아 죽다
be stabbed to death 칼에 찔려 죽다
be knifed to death 칼에 찔려 죽다
bleed to death 피를 너무 흘려 죽다
be shocked to silence 놀라서 말문이 막히다
be crushed to death 깔려 죽다, 압사하다
be stoned to death 돌에 맞아 죽다, 돌탕으로 죽다
work ~ to death : ~를 과로사하게 하다
work oneself to death 과로사 하다
be sentenced to death 사형선고를 받다
be condemned to death 사형선고를 받다
be thrilled to death 엄청난 전율을 느끼다
be bored to death 지겨워 죽다
be sick to death of ~ : ~이 지겨워 죽다
be scared to death 무서워 죽을 지경이다
love ~ to death : ~을 죽을 정도로 사랑하다
허심탄회하게 말하다 (영작)
He spoke his mind on the strike.
이것으로 완전히 끝인가요? (영작)
Is this goodbye?
[영작 Tip] 다른 언어들과 마찬가지로 영어 표현도 이렇게 쉽고 간단할 수록 좋습니다.
말을 잘 한다는 것은 말을 많이 하는 것이 아니라 간단하고 쉽게 말하는 것입니다.
쓰기도 마찬가지입니다. The shorter, the better!
go + 형용사 : ~이 되다 (대체로 전보다 못해지는 상황)
[영작 Tip] 매우 동적인 표현이며, 대체로 전보다 좋지 못한 상황으로 변할 때 많이 쓰입니다.
go bad 음식이 상하다
go bald 머리가 벗겨지다, 대머리가 되다
go bankrupt 파산하다
go blind 눈이 멀다
go broke 빈털털이가 되다
go deaf 귀가 멀다
go green 친환경적으로 가다
go grey 머리가 희어지다
go hungry 굶주리다
go mad 미치다
go mobile 휴대폰으로 하다
go naked 벌거벗고 지내다
go nuclear 핵보유국이 되다
go public 주식을 공개하다, 회사가 상장되다
go red with anger 분노로 얼굴이 붉어지다
go wild 난폭해지다
오석태 선생의 진짜 영작문 1, 2
오석태 선생의 진짜 영작문 2
*오석태 선생님은 보기 드물게 영어전반에 대한 폭과 깊이를 갖춘 분입니다. 영작문의 본질을 제대로 전달해 주시네요. 존경스럽습니다. (최병길)
Useful Expressions
cost-benefit analysis 손익분석
for sport 재미로, 장난으로
translate 환산하다
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Teacher Resources 선생님용 자료
Teaching Materials 수업 자료
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This article was written in springnote.
The Morality of Murder
Watch it on Academic Earth
What is justice?
Source : http://academicearth.org/lectures/morality-of-muder-and-cannibalism
The Morality of Murder
By Michael Sandel - Harvard
Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?
copy this to your clipboard and paste it on your site.Cite
Lecture Description
Part 1 - The Moral Side of Murder: If you had to choose between (1) killing one person to save the lives of five others and (2) doing nothing, even though you knew that five people would die right before your eyes if you did nothing—what would you do? What would be the right thing to do? That’s the hypothetical scenario Professor Michael Sandel uses to launch his course on moral reasoning.
Part 2 - The Case for Cannibalism: Sandel introduces the principles of utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, with a famous nineteenth century law case involving a shipwrecked crew of four. After nineteen days lost at sea, the captain decides to kill the cabin boy, the weakest amongst them, so they can feed on his blood and body to survive.
Course Description
Justice is one of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history, having taught more than 14,000 students over the course of two decades.
In this course, Sandel challenges us with difficult moral dilemmas and asks our opinion about the right thing to do. He then asks us to examine our answers in the light of new scenarios. The results are often surprising, revealing that important moral questions are never black and white.
This course also addresses the hot topics of our day—affirmative action, same-sex marriage, patriotism and rights—and Sandel shows us that we can revisit familiar controversies with a fresh perspective.
Each lecture in this course has two parts as well as related readings and discussion guides.
Related Resources
Discussion Guide, Advanced | Discussion Guide, Beginner | Reading - Jeremy Bentham, Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780) | Reading - The Queen v. Dudley and Stephens (1884) (The lifeboat case)
Course Index
- The Morality of Murder
- How Much is a Life Worth?
- Redistributive Taxation and Progressive Taxation - Freedom to Choose
- Natural Rights and Giving Them Up
- Avoiding the Draft and Avoiding Parenthood
- Motives and Morality
- Lying and Principles
- What's Fair and Deserved?
- Affirmative Action and Purpose
- The Good Citizen and the Freedom to Choose
- Obligations and Loyalties
- Same Sex Marriage
Editor’s Picks
Paul as Pastor
Yale / Literature
Dale B Martin
Stock market simulation
MIT / Computer Science
Eric Grimsom
John Guttag
An Angel Investor's Strategic Advice for the Start-Up
Stanford / Entrepreneurship
Ron Conway
Mike Maples Jr.
Prototyping the Mouse
Stanford / Entrepreneurship
David Kelley
What Is It Like to Be a Baby: The Development of Thought
Yale / Psychology
Paul Bloom
English used at Harvard Law School Hompage
Upcoming Events:
- A Talk with Larry Soler, President and CEO, The Partnership for a Healthier America
- Professor Michael Klarman on The Founding Reconsidered
- Accountability for Gaza: International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- Negotiating with The League: Representing the NFLPA
- Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks: Surviving the First Two Years of Law Practice
- Challenging and Litigating DOMA's Constitutionality
Rating agency, media say fundamentals here are sound
At a distance, Korea’s OK
Rating agency, media say fundamentals here are sound
Oct 01,2011Korea has enough strength to sustain itself against the current economic problems, a senior Moody’s official said in a lecture to the Korea Society in New York on Thursday.
“The Korean economy is in much better condition than it was in 2008, not to mention in 1997,” said Tom Byrne, Moody’s spokesman and director of analysis for the firm’s sovereign risk group for Asia and the Middle East.
According to Byrne, the ratio of Korea’s short-term external debt to its foreign currency reserves fell to under 50 percent in the fourth quarter last year from above 80 percent in 2008. The ratio of bank savings to bank loans also dropped to a sustainable level because of preemptive government intervention. The Bank for International Settlements ratios of local banks also increased.
Huge foreign selling on the local stock market and a resultant rapid outflow of dollars occurred during the 2008 financial crisis, but the problem has moderated during this turbulent period. According to Byrne, foreign net selling amounted to $32 billion between January and September 2008 and $28.9 billion from January to September 2007, but was only $6.8 billion in the same period of 2011. Korea has foreign currency reserves of nearly $320 billion.
Korea is also more fiscally sound than other countries with similar credit ratings, Byrne said. Its national debt as a percentage of GDP is estimated at 32.7 percent this year and 32.9 percent next year, 10-12 percentage points below those ratios for countries with similar Moody’s ratings.
William Pesek, a Bloomberg columnist, said in a recent column that other Asian countries should follow Korea’s lead because the country already has a plan to balance its budget and reduce its national debt.
“It is devising plans to cut its fiscal deficit next year .?.?. just in case credit-rating agencies get ideas about downgrading Asia’s fourth biggest economy,” he wrote.
Pesek said the Korean government made the right decision given the turmoil in Europe.
The Financial Times also reported favorably on the country’s macroeconomic and financial police prudence, noting that current policies have led to a stabilization of the real estate market.
How times change. In 2008, Korea was being called “the next Iceland” in international media.
But Byrne of Moody’s did sound a few cautionary notes. He said Korean banks have too much exposure to household debt. If real estate prices continue to fall, that debt could go sour.
He also noted that local banks still face difficulties in getting their hands on enough foreign currency to meet their obligations during tough times.
By Jung Kyung-min, Limb Jae-un [jbiz91@joongang.co.kr]