March 8 - With Super Tuesday's results in the books, CNN Student News looks at how the race for the GOP presidential nomination stacks up and considers some possible scenarios involving delegate math. Plus, we explore the struggles facing Syrian refugees who have fled the violence in their country. We also report on International Women's Day, and we consider a judge's decision to suspend one teenage driver's license for life.


Super Tuesday Results; Violence in Syria

Aired March 8, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Hi, I`m Carl Azuz. Before we get started today, I want to say hello to the students at Calhoun Middle School in Calhoun, Georgia. It was great seeing you guys yesterday at the CNN Center here in Atlanta.

All right. Let`s go.


AZUZ: The Republican Party will officially name its presidential nominee in a conversation in Florida in late August. Don`t know yet who that will be, and the results of this week`s Super Tuesday contest didn`t give a definitive answer, though the front-runner stayed out front. Three out of four Republican candidates won at least one state on Tuesday.


AZUZ (voice-over): Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had the most first place finishes. He won his home state of Massachusetts plus Idaho, Vermont, Virginia, Alaska and a close win in Ohio.

Former Senator Rick Santorum came in second in Ohio, but he won contests in Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich claimed victory in Georgia. That`s the state he represented in Congress for 20 years.


John King looks at how things stack up after Super Tuesday, and how the math for the next round of contests could break down.


JOHN KING, HOST, JOHN KING U.S.A.: Hasn`t always been pretty, but what you want to do in politics is win. And if you look at the map nationally you see more Romney red than anything else. Senator Santorum has won in the middle of the country, including his Super Tuesday wins in Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota.

Romney winning in Idaho on Super Tuesday, winning in Virginia, Massachusetts and Vermont. The big win for Romney here in Ohio, winning gets you what? It gets you delegates. And so if you look now at the delegate chase, these are ball park numbers, not exactly, still some calculations to do. But Governor Romney came into Super Tuesday just above 200. He ends it above 400. That is a big gain on a big day.

Takes 1,144 to win. Nobody is close to Governor Romney right now. That is his advantage going forward. Over the next week or so, though, you might not see any Romney victories. Kansas is up next on Saturday, for the sake of argument, let`s give that one to Senator Santorum. Then we come to two big Southern contests next week: Alabama and Mississippi.

If Speaker Gingrich can win them and continue his trek across the South, first it was South Carolina, his only win on Super Tuesday came at home in Georgia. If he can pick up Alabama and Mississippi, Speaker Gingrich would be a tight contest for Senator Santorum then for second place. Governor Romney would pick up some delegates and still pull ahead.

Here`s the big challenge for Senator Santorum: try to take Mississippi and Alabama so that he can make the argument next week it`s time for Speaker Gingrich to get out of the race, to give him a shot at catching up to Governor Romney because even if Santorum wins Kansas, wins the two Southern prizes next week, yes, he would close the gap, but he would still be well behind Governor Romney.

He would need, at that point, to convince Speaker Gingrich to get out. So as we look at the next we know this: Romney has a big delegate lead, not quite yet to the finish line.

And the biggest question over the next seven days might not be what happens to Governor Romney, but whether Gingrich and Santorum can figure out whether they`re both in for the long haul or whether the impact of these two Southern states convinces one of them to say goodbye.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Ms. Miller`s social studies classes at Seymour Middle School in Seymour, Indiana. What country`s capital is Damascus? You know what to do. Is it Libya, Syria, Yemen or Iran? You`ve got three seconds, go.

Damascus is the capital of Syria, a country that`s home to more than 22 million people. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.



AZUZ (voice-over): And that`s where this video was taken. The woman on the left is Valerie Amos. She`s the head of Emergency Relief Efforts at the United Nations. After meeting with officials in Damascus, Amos was allowed to visit Homs, a city that`s been hammered by Syrian military attacks.

Before her trip, Amos said her goal was to urge everyone involved in the fighting in Syria to let relief workers in to deliver supplies and evacuate people who`ve been wounded.


AZUZ: Some Syrians have tried to escape the violence by leaving their country. Nic Robertson reports on what life is like for these refugees as they cross the border.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Hidden in woods close to the Lebanese border, Lebanese Red Cross ambulances wait for Syria`s wounded. Not far away, in the mountaintop town of Aarsal, more Syrians are getting Lebanese help.

These refugees arrived two days ago. Many are camera shy. Some, though, are prepared to talk and their tales are horrific. Sisters Dalia (ph) and Zaina (ph) both suffer nightmares.

"I see Assad`s forces killing us," she says. "The shelling and shooting was unbearable."

Their father tells me they fled their home just across the border in Al Qusuayr two days ago. "We were told it was going to be bombed," he says. Twelve people live in this tiny room. Three families, all sharing each other`s grief. They are a fraction of the estimated 2,000 who have fled Syria in the past few days, 120 of them crammed into this eight-room building made for far fewer.

Local officials are worrying. They are running out of space. "We expect more refugees," the deputy mayor tells me. "Everyone wants to help, but we are filling up. We`re asking aid groups to build a camp."

Throughout Aarsal`s rugged alleyways, refugees are squeezing in wherever there is space.

ROBERTSON: The U.N. refugee agency says that until last week, it had registered close to 7,000 refugees crossing into northern Lebanon in the past year. The concern is that now Bashar al-Assad`s new military offensive is well underway. That number could rise dramatically -- Nic Robertson, CNN, Aarsal, Lebanon.


AZUZ: You already know that March is Women`s History Month. But today, March 8th, is International Women`s Day. It`s actually why March was picked for the month-long celebration.


AZUZ (voice-over): All around the world today, governments and organizations are holding events like this one from 2010. International Women`s Day has been celebrated for more than 100 years. It honors the achievements that women have made and it promotes women`s rights, especially in developing countries.

That ties into the U.N.`s theme for this year`s International Women`s Day, which is about empowering rural women and ending hunger and poverty.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? On an average, U.S. college graduates make around $20,000 more than workers with a high school diploma.

This is true, according to the U.S. Census information from 2009.


AZUZ: So chances are you`ll get a better salary if you go to college. But here`s the thing: you`re not going to do as well as you might have around 10 years ago. This is based on a new study from the Economic Policy Institute. Researchers there found that entry level wages, the salary that you might get right out of college, went down from 2000 through 2010.


AZUZ (voice-over): During that 10-year window, men with a college degree saw their entry salaries drop by more than 11 percent. For women, it dropped more than 7.5 percent. Lower salaries means it could take longer to pay off student loans if you`ve got them, and it could limit workers` spending habits.


AZUZ: Interesting story for you out of Rhode Island. A teenager there is having his driver`s license suspended forever. The judge who made the decision said it`s time for a change in attitudes about young people driving.


AZUZ (voice-over): This goes back to a car crash in last October. The teen behind the wheel was driving on a suspended license, which means he`d been in trouble before. He was speeding. He was allegedly coming from a party where there had been alcohol.

He and all three of his passengers were injured when he crashed his car into a tree. Now the judge says he will never be allowed to get a license in Rhode Island again.


AZUZ: The judge says the lifetime ban was the strongest penalty available. The local police chief says he thinks the decision is fair. The state senator says the judge went too far.


AZUZ (voice-over): Now, we want to get your take on this. Does the punishment fit the crime? And if you don`t think so, what should it have been? You be the judge. Today at, the story is now featured at the top of our blog. Please remember it`s first names only, no last initials or school or class names. We can`t publish that. Them`s the rules.


AZUZ: You can usually bank on something kind of wacky in our "Before We Go" segment.


AZUZ (voice-over): But today`s story might take the cake. If you`re looking for cash this ain`t the ATM for you. This automated teller dispenses something a lot sweeter -- cupcakes. A bakery in Beverly Hills came up with the machine, which is the first of its kind. And just like a lot of ATMs, it`s open to customers 24hours a day. So let`s say it`s 2:00 am and you`re craving a cupcake?


AZUZ: You could just hit up this ATM to deal with your withdrawal. It could definitely help that bakery batter the competition. It`s a great story. The pun`s just the icing on the cupcake. Back tomorrow to close out the week. We`ll see y`all then.







(영어뉴스) VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-3-8)


유엔인권대사 시리아 방문/미정부, 시리아에 대한 군사행동에 신중입장/미공화당대선후보 수퍼화요일 결전, 밋롬니가 10개 주 중에서 6개 주 승리/러시아의 한 시민단체, 러시아대선 광범위한 부정선거로 선거무효 주장, 선관위는 푸틴의 64% 득표 발표/인디아 소냐 간디의 집권 의회당, 지방선거에서 참패가 중앙정부의 집권력 약화로 이어지지 않을 것/애플사,  25cm 스크린 신판 iPad 출시




(영어뉴스) NPR 5분 뉴스 (2012-3-8)


공화당, 휘발유가 인상에 대해 오바마행정부 비난/오바마, 연료효율향상 기술 격려/여기저기서 시리아에 대한 미국의 군사개입 주장, 미행정부는 신중한 자세, 시리아는 리비아보다 훨씬 강력한 군사력 보유/미식축구 수퍼볼스타 페이트 메닝 관련/이라크, 자살폭탄테러/원자의 토대가 되는 힉스입자 규명 임박/최근 수년간의 최대 태양폭발 어제밤 발생




(영어뉴스) NPR 5분 뉴스 (2012-3-7)


미공화당대선후보, 10개주에서 수퍼화요일 결전 진행중(출구조사: 조지아에서는 뉴트 깅그리치 승리예상)/오바마, 이란핵관련 미국의 군사적 대응에 대해 신중한 자세, 아직은 외교적 방법이 적절/복잡한 시리아 사태/뉴욕 주가 큰폭 하락/미정부의 연방고속도로기금사용권한 331일에 만료예정, 의회의 긴급조치 필요/최초의 흑인 미하원 의원 도날드 페인 사망/미정부, 이란에서 실종된 전FBI요원 관련 100만불 보상금 공고




(영어뉴스) VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-3-7)


이란핵관련 국제회담재개/오바마, 이란핵관련 이스라엘의 결정존중, 그러나 평화적 방법이 최선/미공화당대선후보 10개주에서 수퍼화요일 결전 진행중/유엔 난민고등판무관실 보고, 9천명이상의 시리아인, 레바논으로 대피/영국방송, 시리아 병원들에서 자행되는 고문행위 보도, 시리아 보안군의 가혹행위에 대한 면책특별법 제정으로 더욱 심화/국제 해커 주도자들, 체포




March 6 - In Tuesday's edition of CNN Student News, we explain the importance of this particular day on the U.S. presidential election calendar. Plus, we explore a legal ruling involving warnings on tobacco products, and we report on an NFL investigation into one team's program that paid some players to injure opponents. Finally, we dive into the story of a CNN Hero who's working to replenish some of Florida's coral reefs.


Super Tuesday Preview

Aired March 6, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Ten minutes, global headlines, no commercials. Hi, everyone. I`m Carl Azuz. Thank you for spending part of your Tuesday with CNN Student News.


AZUZ: It`s not just any Tuesday. When it comes to the race for the White House, today is Super Tuesday. Four Republican candidates, 10 states, more than 400 delegates up for grabs. It happens every four years, usually in March, during primary season. A bunch of states all hold their presidential contests on the same day. That`s how it got the name.

Here`s a look at the states involved.


AZUZ (voice-over): In Super Tuesday this year, you can see that voters in the north, south, east and west will all be casting their ballots in primaries and caucuses. For the candidates, the goal in these contests is to win delegates. We have said more than 400 will be awarded, based on today`s results alone. It takes 1,144 delegates to win the Republican Party`s nomination for president.

So today could go a long way toward determining whom that nominee will be.


AZUZ: One of the states getting a lot of attention today is Ohio. It`s one of the big prizes on Super Tuesday because it has 63 delegates. It`s also expected to be a battleground state in the general election in November.

Well, that general election will involve the Republican nominee and the likely Democratic nominee, of course, is President Obama. He was at the White House yesterday, meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel. A big focus of that meeting was the nation of Iran.


AZUZ (voice-over): The United States and Israel both think Iran is trying to develop a nuclear weapon. Iran denies that claim. President Obama said both leaders would prefer a diplomatic solution to the situation -- meaning no fighting --- but he also said military force is an option.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel and the U.S. stand together, but he added that Israel has the right to defend itself.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See if you can ID me. I`m a U.S. government agency that`s part of the Department of Health and Human Services. I`m responsible for protecting public health. And I do that specifically by ensuring that food and drugs are safe.

I`m the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration, and I`m also responsible for regulating tobacco products.


AZUZ: The FDA regulates how tobacco products are marketed. what you see on cigarette packaging, for example. The agency came up with rules that would require tobacco companies to include graphic pictures on their products that show the potential dangers of smoking. A judge says the FDA cannot do that. Mary Snow has more on the case, and shows us some of these images.


MARY SNOW, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): Would this image of a diseased lung make you think twice about smoking? How about this warning that smoking can kill you? A 2009 congressional act mandated they be put on cigarette packages and advertising, along with warnings, such as cigarettes are addictive. But a federal judge blocked the move, ruling that forcing tobacco companies to do that on their own products, violated free speech.

Otis Brawley, MD, American Cancer Society: My initial reaction was a little bit of disgust. I really do believe we need to get the message out.

SNOW (voice-over): Anti-smoking advocates called the ruling bad for public health. But Floyd Abrams, an attorney representing Lorillard, one of the tobacco companies challenging the ruling, sees it differently.

He says it`s about free speech, and argues there`s a big difference between mandating the company to put a warning on its product versus a graphic picture.

SNOW: Where`s the line between the warnings and the images?

FLOYD ABRAMS, ATTORNEY: The basic line is that the government can require factual, purely factual and uncontradicted information to be provided to the public, so the public will know what they`re getting, so the public can be educated, so the public can choose. What they can`t do is to put a terribly emotionally laden photograph, which is designed -- and there`s no disagreement about this -- designed to persuade people to stop smoking.

But he says that if those same emotional images were used by others, including the government, to persuade people to stop smoking, tobacco companies wouldn`t feel the need to sue.

ABRAMS: If the tobacco company were forced to pay for that government campaign, I`d have absolutely no problem with it. I do however have a problem with the fact that the tobacco industry consistently is advertising making cigarette smoking look youthful, making cigarette smoking look attractive, when in reality, it is not."

SNOW: The Department of Health and Human Services says it`s confident that these efforts to stop the warnings will ultimately fail. The government plans to appeal the judge`s ruling, and some expect this case could reach the Supreme Court -- Mary Snow, CNN, New York.


AZUZ: An investigation run by the National Football League discovered that the New Orleans Saints defense had a bounty program for the last three seasons. It paid players for injuring opponents or knocking them out of a game.


AZUZ (voice-over): This wasn`t the entire Saints team. According to the NFL, up to 27 players were involved. The Saints` head coach knew about the program, but wasn`t directly involved. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said, quote, "This type of conduct will not be tolerated. He`s considering discipline options. They might include fines, suspensions and the loss of draft choices.

The program was run by this man, former Saints defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams. He released a statement, saying, quote, "It was a terrible mistake, and we knew it was wrong while we were doing it. I am truly sorry."


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s time for the Shoutout. Brain, lettuce and star are all types of what? Well, if you think you know it, then shout it out. Are they coral, asphalt, sharks or bacon? You`ve got three seconds, go.

These are all types of coral, an organism that lives underwater. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ: Coral is a living thing, but a lot of coral reefs are dying. Some species are considered endangered. Ken Nedimyer is trying to do something about that. Coral reefs are sometimes called rain forests of the seas, and Nedimyer is replanting these underwater rain forests and hoping to make sure they`ll be around for decades to come.


KEN NEDIMYER, BEFRIENDING THE PLANET: I grew up diving in the Florida Keys, and it was just the most magical place. The coral reefs were so pretty, and I decided that`s what I wanted to do for a living, is dive on coral reefs.

In an area where there`s live coral, there`s always more fish. Reefs provide protection for our coastal areas and recreational opportunities for millions of people.

I was diving for 40 years, and over time I saw those coral reefs start to die. Coral reefs worldwide are in decline. If coral reefs die completely, coastal communities would be bankrupt, tourism would be virtually gone. A billion people in the world will be impacted. I started thinking, you know, how can we fix this problem?

My name is Ken Nedimyer and I grow, protect and restore coral reefs.

We developed a system that`s simple and it`s something that we can train others to do.

We start with a piece of coral this big and we hang it on a tree. And after about a year or two, it becomes this big. And then we cut the branches off, and we do it again.

BILLY CAUSEY, SOUTHEAST REGIONAL DIRECTOR, NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARIES, NOAA: Ken`s Coral Nursery is one of the largest in the wider Caribbean. It`s 10 times larger than the others that are in existence.

NEDIMYER: In 2003, we originally planted six corals here but now there`s over 3,000 growing in this area alone.

Before, I felt helpless watching it die. Now I think there`s hope. It`s not too late, everybody can help. And I see all those corals and all those fish. So it`s like this whole reef is coming back to life and making a difference is exciting.



AZUZ (voice-over): Ken Nedimyer`s one of this year`s CNN Heroes, ordinary folks making a positive impact in the world. If you know someone you think fits that description, nominate him or her. Go to the "Spotlight" section on our home page,, then click on the "CNN Heroes" link. That`s where you can fill out a nomination form.


AZUZ: We recently featured a duet between a donkey and a violin that wasn`t the most melodic.


AZUZ (voice-over): At least this one`s cuter? We can`t tell if the dog`s harmonizing or complaining, but if they took this act on the road, we bet they would get huge audiences, although then, of course, they`d be dogged by all those autograph hounds.

On that note, it`s time for us to run. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.







(영어뉴스) VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-3-6)

오바마, 이란핵관련하여 이스라엘총리 네탄야후와 회담, 미국의 확고한 이스라엘 방어 의지 천명/시리아정부군, 반군거점 홈스 총공격 계속/아프가니스탄, 나토군의 코란소각 관련 자살폭탄테러 지속/러시아 푸틴 대통령당선후, 모스코바에서 야권 및 여권 시위/그리스에 대한 민간채권자들, 그리스 채무의 절반 탕감 예정/폴란드검찰, 열차정면충돌사고 수사/미국 공화당대선후보 예비선거, 10개 주에서 동시에 치러지는 Super 화요일 결전임박/알래스카에서 8일간의 썰매 경주 대회




(영어뉴스) NPR 5분 뉴스 (2012-3-6)

미공화당 대선후보들, 10개 주에서 동시에 치러지는 수퍼 화요일 결전임박/오사마빈라덴 관련 권타나모 포로수용소에서 석방된 포로들 1/6정도는 테러활동 재개/미국 경제 상승세, 실업률 지속적 하락/오바마, 이란핵 관련하여 이스라엘총리 네탄야후와 회담/보수적 방송인 러쉬 림보, 의회청문회 증언관련하여 ‘창녀’라고 불렀던 학생에 공식 사과/미국소비자보호국, 학자금관련 애로사항 접수시작

*recidivism 상습적인 범죄, 재범
*slut 창녀 (=prostitute)




March 5 - In Monday's edition of CNN Student News, we report on the impact of severe weather, and we examine a legal settlement related to the largest oil spill in U.S. history. Plus, we consider how the U.S. economy could impact which presidential candidate some African-American voters support. We also share the results of Russia's presidential election, and we mark the start of the world's most famous dogsled race.


Tornado Damage Assessment; BP Settlement over Gulf Spill

Aired March 5, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Want to know who the next president`s going to be? Keep watching, because we have the answer in today`s edition of CNN Student News. I`m Carl Azuz. Let`s get started.

Officials and residents are starting to determine how bad the damage is after severe weather ripped across parts of the U.S. over the weekend. These storms spread from the Midwest across to the South. They included powerful tornadoes that left a path of destruction.


AZUZ (voice-over): The governor of Ohio said it looked like a bomb had gone off in a couple of the cities that he visited. Kentucky and Indiana seemed to get the worst of it. Sandra Endo reports on the larger impact of the severe weather and how survivors are picking up the pieces.

SANDRA ENDO, CNN REPORTER: The haunting sights and sounds of Friday are now just a memory. For towns like Henryville, Indiana, this is the new reality, homes wiped out, lives lost.

PERRY HUNTER, TORNADO VICTIM: The whole randomness of a tornado is amazing. They hit. One house is destroyed. One house isn`t. One person dies, one doesn`t. It`s I don`t think you can understand that.

ENDO (voice-over): Stairs leading to nowhere, evidence of the ferocious force that brought everyday life to a halt. A fierce severe weather outbreak barreled across much of the United States, from Texas to Indiana into Kentucky and Georgia. Some 17 million people were in the deadly path.

DAVID WILSON, TORNADO SURVIVOR: You could hear people praying, just please let us get through this, God, please let us get through this.

ENDO (voice-over): In the hours after the terror came stories of survival.

DR. GLENN RIGGS, HENRYVILLE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL: I had about 40 students and staff. We were in the core of the building when the tornado hit, and everyone was safe. No one was injured.

ENDO (voice-over): Something to be thankful for, despite the devastation. Entire neighborhoods are flattened. Schools are in ruins. But spirits are strong.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Got a lot of good friends. We still got our family. What more can we ask for?

GOV. JOHN KASICH (R) OHIO: The fact of the matter is, people that live here are resilient, God fearing. They`re tough and we`re knocked down but not we`re knocked out.

ENDO (voice-over): In West Liberty, Kentucky, X marks the spot where crews have combed the rubble in search of survivors. Equipment is already in place to clear away what the storms knocked down. Another town, small in population, but big in its determination to come back from this disaster.

ENDO: The rebuilding process will no doubt take a very long time and President Obama expressed his condolences to areas hard-hit and FEMA is dedicating resources to cities in need. Reporting from West Liberty, Kentucky, I`m Sandra Endo.


AZUZ: Next up today, a legal battle over the largest oil spill in U.S. history -- we`re talking about the spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. This battle won`t be decided in a courtroom. Late last week, both sides agreed to a settlement. BP, the oil company, will have to pay around $7.8 billion.


AZUZ (voice-over): The explosion on this rig, the Deepwater Horizon, led to more than 200 million gallons of oil spilling out into the Gulf. A group of thousands of people, including fishermen and hotel owners, sued BP and other companies that were involved.

BP will pay for all of this settlement. Both sides have signed off on the agreement. But it won`t be final until a judge approves it.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? Only one U.S. state is named after an American president.

Legit. Out of the 50 states, only Washington is named after a president.


AZUZ: The only state named after a president held its Republican presidential caucuses on Saturday. Former Governor Mitt Romney came away with the win. He also got some momentum heading into this week`s Super Tuesday contest. We`ll have more on those for you tomorrow.


AZUZ (voice-over): Tens of thousands of Washingtonians had been expected to take part in the caucus meetings this weekend. We`ve talked about candidates winning delegates in primaries and caucuses. Washington`s caucuses award those delegates proportionately. So since Governor Romney got the most votes, he also won the most delegates, but he didn`t win all of them.


AZUZ: The Republican candidate who wins his party`s nomination will face off in the general election against President Obama, the likely Democratic nominee. When he was elected in 2008, Obama had overwhelming support from one group of Americans. Suzanne Malveaux looks at whether history might repeat itself in this year`s election, and the possible reasons why or why not.


SUZANNE MALVEAUX, ANCHOR, CNN NEWSROOM (voice-over): Donnel Scott has a framed newspaper story on his wall about President Obama when he won the 2008 election.

DONNEL SCOTT, CONSULTANT: I wanted to capture this for my family, because, again, it was so historical.

MALVEAUX (voice-over): But this year, he`s not sure he wants to vote for Obama again.

SCOTT: These next few months are going to be the telltale sign of me making a decision.

MALVEAUX (voice-over): African-Americans have been hit hard by the economy, with black unemployment at 13.6 percent, almost double the rate of whites.

SCOTT: I`ve had times I`ve held almost three or four different jobs at one time. But when you have a family that you`re trying to support, you will do whatever it takes, no matter the odds.

MALVEAUX (voice-over): In 2008, African-Americans went to the polls in record numbers, 96 percent of African-Americans who voted voted for President Obama. But some people in the black community feeling a sense of disappointment now. The question is: can the president hold on to the black vote?

Former Obama policy adviser and now DNC head, Patrick Gaspard, believes he can.

PATRIC GASPARD, DNC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: African-Americans have been disproportionately affected by the recession. Over the course of the last 23 months, we`ve, of course, seen 3.7 millions jobs grown in the private sector alone. And there is a sense that we`re beginning to turn this around.

MALVEAUX (voice-over): Representative Maxine Waters has been one of the president`s toughest critics for not doing enough for black unemployment. Even so, she says Republican attacks on President Obama will help energizing blacks to vote.

REP. MAXINE WATERS (D) CALIFORNIA: Since the Republican candidates have taken to the air with these debates, they have tried to undermine the president in so many ways. They have strengthened the resolve of African- Americans to reelect this president.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And we`ve got to decide what kind of country we want to be.

MALVEAUX (voice-over): Last month, the Obama campaign launched African-Americans for Obama to generate support in black communities. At a barber shop in Atlanta, opinions were mixed on whether or not to vote for the president in November.

SHAQ DAVIS, BARBER: He`s going to have to become very convincing to minorities right now. Other than that, it`s going to sound like the same story over again. And they`re still waiting on change.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think he`s done a ton with the cards that he was dealt. I think four more years would do him and do us and do the country well.


AZUZ: Well, at the start of today`s show, we said we`d tell you who`s going to be the next president. Didn`t say of the United States, though. Russia held its presidential election yesterday, and as the votes came in, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared victory.


AZUZ (voice-over): This is Putin on the left here, with Russia`s current president. If these election results are confirmed, Putin will be going back to the job he held from 2000-2008. He had to step down because Russian presidents can`t serve more than two terms in a row.

Putin appeared to have a big lead at the polls, but there have been a lot of protests against him recently. One Russian lawmaker was demanding a runoff election because he didn`t think Sunday`s votes were counted fairly.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Time for the Shoutout. Where is the annual Iditarod race held? If you think you know it, shout it out. Is it in Siberia, Wisconsin, Manitoba or Alaska? You`ve got three seconds, go.

Alaska`s Iditarod starts every year on the first Saturday of March. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ (voice-over): This year`s Iditarod is on. It`s the 40th year that the dogsled race has been run. Each team has a musher -- that`s the human the drives the sled -- an average of about 16 dogs. Teams will spend the next 10-15 days traveling more than 1,000 miles. The Iditarod commemorates an event from 1925, when dogsledders had to deliver emergency medical supplies to parts of Alaska.

The current race follows part of that same route, but organizers have altered part of this year`s course because of concerns about rough weather.


AZUZ: Well, before we go, you might be planning to bolt out of class when the bell rings.


AZUZ (voice-over): But these students are running out of their room for a different reason. You`ve about to see why.

There it is. A deer jumped through a window into class in Charlotte, North Carolina, last week. No one was seriously injured. It looks like the deer had some trouble navigating the freshly waxed hallway floor. You might think of these animals as peaceful or friendly --


AZUZ: -- but after the scare this one put into those students, I don`t think anyone`s going to call that creature endearing. Maybe he just wanted to help out in the classroom, you know, "doe-nate" its time. But if it thought that was the best way to do it, well, that was a "stag-gering" mistake.

It`s time for us to hoof it on out of here, not before I say hello to my friends from Seven Hills Academy in Tallahassee, Florida. Thank you for visiting CNN. For CNN Student News, I`m Carl Azuz.



Media Literacy Question of the Day

How might international news organizations cover the U.S. presidential election process? How might this differ from the way in which this process is covered in the U.S.?



Daily Discussion Questions

According to the program, what was the impact of severe weather on parts of the U.S. over the weekend? What did the people seen in the report say about the storms' effects? What do you think are the priorities and needs of storm survivors?



What is known about a legal settlement pertaining to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill? What do you think that each side of this settlement would say about this agreement? What is your opinion about this issue?



What percentage of African-American voters voted for President Obama in 2008? Why do some of those voters say they may or may not vote for President Obama in this year's presidential election? What else do you think voters might take into account in advance of this year's presidential election?






March 2 - As CNN Student News wraps up the week, we report on efforts to get aid to Syrians, we break down the results of the Wyoming GOP caucuses, and we hear one man's story of surviving a tornado in Illinois. Plus, we consider some statistics involving American women in business and education. And we explore a debate over the impact of cod fishing in the Gulf of Maine.


Violence in Syria

Aired March 2, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you got the blues, you got nothing to lose.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you`re not Carl Azuz, and that`s CNN News.

GROUP: Around the world, what`s going on? Around the world, what`s going on?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just want to know what`s happening

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re just trying to be a good citizen.

GROUP: Around the world, what`s going on? Around the world, what`s going on?



CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: I certainly will. Thank you for that excellent introduction.

As CNN Student News wraps up the week, our first report today is on Syria.

Aid groups have been asking for permission to bring food, medicine and supplies to victims of violence in Syria. Yesterday, they got the permission.


AZUZ (voice-over): As Syrian government forces moved into the Baba Amr neighborhood in Homs, aid groups were allowed in, too. The city of Homs is in the western part of Syria. It`s been a base for activists fighting against the Syrian military, and it`s been the target of artillery attacks for weeks. You can see some of the damage from this YouTube video.

These forces fighting the government said they left the city so that the aid could get to the civilians there.



AZUZ: What you`re looking here is what was left behind when a massive tornado ripped through the city of Harrisburg, Illinois. We first reported on this yesterday, and Don Lemon talked to one survivor about his experience living through this natural disaster.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You just look at this and wonder how you ever got out. A bedroom on this side, a bedroom on that side completely destroyed, and the bathroom right there in the middle, and that`s where I was. And how the bathroom got left, good enough for me to survive, only God knows.

DON LEMON, ANCHOR, CNN NEWSROOM: So you, when you ran out, you had to come around on the street?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I came out of that bathroom door that`s facing on that side. You can see where I busted it to get out. And I crawled -- I crawled over all this stuff and came out to here, hollering for anybody.

LEMON: When they started coming out, one by one, were you like, oh, thank God?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Yes. Tears of joy.


AZUZ: The tornado in Harrisburg had winds up to 180 miles per hour. Chad Myers compares what it looks like before and after this kind of twister hits.


CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: From this perspective, we`re turning you around so that you look from the northeast. There are the homes, they`re all built homes here. Now let me take you to what the aerial pictures of that exact image looks like. That`s what that neighborhood looks like right from the helicopter from yesterday.

The shot coming through, the bowling ball, that tornado right on through from the west to the east. And now one more shot, Sean (ph), we`re take you over here to where Don Lemon is standing, right there. There`s the strip mall before the tornado. Almost looks like a little bit of landing strip, like an airport. That`s what that strip mall looks like right now.


AZUZ: The results are in from a political contest out west. The Wyoming Republican presidential caucuses. These caucus meetings went on all through February. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney came away with the most votes.


AZUZ (voice-over): But because of the rules in Wyoming, all of the candidates won delegates in this contest. That`s the goal in these caucuses and primaries, to win delegates. And next Tuesday, there are more than 400 delegates up for grabs. It`s called Super Tuesday, when 10 states hold elections. So look out for more on that next week.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this legit? There are more women than men living in the United States.

Totally true. According to the latest U.S. Census information, women outnumber men by about 5 million.


AZUZ: We`re looking at more numbers for today`s Women`s History Month coverage. First, we want to mention the Salisbury (ph) High Hornets in North Carolina, because one of them got our social media question, which was related to Women`s History Month.

All right. Already told you that women outnumber men in the United States.


AZUZ (voice-over): That`s based on the census that was taken in 2010. But the total female population is 157 million. Of those women who are 25 years old and older, more than 30 million of them have a college degree. That`s a little higher than the corresponding group of men.

Going back a little further to 2007, there were 7.8 million American businesses owned by women. Those companies employed 7.5 million people, and they made more than a trillion dollars in revenue.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Ms. Navarro`s science and social studies class at Berkmar Middle School in Lilburn, Georgia.

What field does an angler work in? Here we go. Is it geometry, land surveying, billiards or fishing? You`ve got three seconds, go.

An angler is someone who use (sic) a hook and line to fish. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ: Well, most of you can head to a nearby lake and do some angling. But the fishermen who work on boats off of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, need to cast a wide net for their catch. Some officials are concerned about how those net results are affecting the fish population. David Ariosto looks at the debate.


DAVID ARIOSTO, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): Federal regulators are now contemplating what for generations seemed inconceivable: shutting down or heavily restricting cod fishing in the Gulf of Maine. A recent federal assessment concluded the fish population was far lower than experts had thought.

Just three years earlier, the government had said the region was well on its way to recovery from decades of overfishing. Now officials are saying that forecast was wrong. For these fishermen, hundreds more like them and the thousands on who depend on their trade, tighter restrictions on their catch could cost them their jobs.

ARIOSTO: So we`ve cruising a little over six hours in the Gulf of Maine, and this crew has netted about 100 pounds of fish, mostly flounder and cod. And the day is nearly half over. A successful day is more like 1,000 pounds of fish, from what the guys tell me. So clearly there`s a sense of frustration here along the boat as we try to make that final push and look for more fish.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The hunt is on.

ARIOSTO (voice-over): But the fishermen say that this was just a bad day, that with fewer boats now and more restrictions, the sea is actually full of fish. Environmentalists reacting to the government`s latest assessment say the industry should contract to safeguard the health of the fishery.

But others say counting fish beneath the water is a murky science. Research boats run random samplings at sea. But because where fish swim is uncertain, the numbers they catch, like our own experience out on the water today, can vary.

STEVE CADRIN, UMASS SCIENTIST: It`s really not much different than a weather report. I think we`ve all become accustomed to the weather report coming from data and a model, and we understand that the forecast may not be perfect.

ARIOSTO (voice-over): Here in Gloucester, Massachusetts, cod is king, bringing in nearly $16 million a year for the regional economy, and even more when distribution sales are tallied. Others with roots here say some way must be found to both protect the ecosystem and keep fishermen working -- David Ariosto, CNN, out at sea in the Gulf of Maine.


AZUZ: Update for you on our story about Beren Academy: it`s an orthodox Jewish school, and its basketball team was planning to forfeit its shot at a state title because the semifinal game was scheduled during the Sabbath, a religious observance.

Yesterday an announcement was made that the game would be rescheduled so that the team could play. Before that news broke, we asked what you thought about this story.


AZUZ (voice-over): Charlotte thinks the team had planned to do the right thing. "Their religion will be important for the rest of their lives, while basketball is just a hobby."

Trey agrees, saying, "Religion over sports any day. Religion is a part of your self and your beliefs."

Charis -- or Charis -- respects them for keeping their faith, but argues, "There would have been no harm in making the game a one-time thing."

Nathan thinks that if the team signed up for a tournament, they should deal with the scheduled that was already set.

From Hannah, "Everyone should stand up for their faith, and I`m glad even devoted basketball teams are, too."

And CV wrote, "Sports are played to teach daily lessons in life, and this is one of those lessons. Many faithful people realize that a true believer has to make sacrifices in order to show their commitment to their God."


AZUZ: And before we go, political campaigns are sometimes called horse races.


AZUZ (voice-over): But this candidate brings another animal element to a contest in Virginia. Name is Hank, and he wants your vote. He`s actually running for the U.S. Senate.

Hank got a handful of votes when he ran for state senate recently. So his owner and campaign manager decided Hank was destined for higher office. He has a political platform, even it`s just a scratching post. His main focus? Keeping the streets clean.


AZUZ: Figures that a cat would be most concerned with litter. Ha. Maybe one day he`ll run for president if he`s "feline" up to it. Whoo! All right. We only scratched the surface of the "pun-tential" for this story. Hope you have a great weekend. Bye-bye.





February 29 - In our Leap Day show, CNN Student News explores why we add this extra day to the calendar every four years. We also report on the contest for delegates among Republican presidential candidates. Plus, we journey to the site of last year's nuclear meltdown in Japan. And we wrap up Black History Month by sharing some students' thoughts on famous figures in African-American history.









Kill Mercy Within - Korn


Expendable, we are not really real
A mirage of solitude is what they try to heal
And I'll not be made to feel we are sealed in a fake charade
Spewing vile atrocities
Bringing existence to it's knees
I will manifest my sins
And I will kill mercy within
Immersed in this hypnotic spell
Influenced by the hate that swells
I'm not terrified anymore
There's nothing left but open sores
Relinquish the reality I've known
I'm feeling like I'm alienated from my own
And I will not be made to feel we are sealed in a fake charade

Spewing vile atrocities
Bringing existence to it's knees
I will manifest my sins
And I will kill mercy within
Immersed in this hypnotic spell
Influenced by the hate that swells
I'm not terrified anymore
There's nothing left but open sores
Spewing vile atrocities
Bringing existence to it's knees
I will manifest my sins
And I will kill mercy within
Immersed in this hypnotic spell
Influenced by the hate that swells
I'm not terrified anymore
There's nothing left but open sores
Nothing left but open sores



Chaos Lives in Everything - Korn

Coming onto you
The hell you got me through
What would I have to do to kiss that frown
I know what's wrong with you
That f*cked up part of you
Is gonna bury me underground

Now I'm awake
Been stuck in a place I really hate
And it's not fate
Everything's just fine

So why must it be
Chaos lives in everything
Trapped inside a dream
It all comes back to me

Get away from you
Is what I gotta do
I want my soul back, I'll stand my ground
So walk away from me
You know this has to be
Another way for me to kiss that frown

And it's not fate
Everything's just fine

So why must it be
Chaos lives in everything
Trapped inside a dream
It all comes back to me
Now I'm guilty, not ashamed
Got this thing attached to me, throw it all away
It just comes back to me

Gonna take you
Gonna break you
Gonna rape you, f*ck you b*tch, frown
Sometimes I worry
Sometimes I'm sorry
Sometimes I just want to beat you down
Gonna take you
Gonna break you
Gonna rape you, f*ck you b*tch, frown
Sometimes I worry
Sometimes I'm sorry
Sometimes I just want to kiss that frown

I'm insane but now you gotta give it up to me
Life is wearing thin
My only pleasure is watching you give in
I tried
To pretend
All it got me was nothing in the end
I tried
To win
All it got me was nothing in the end

So why must it be
Chaos lives in everything
Trapped inside a dream
It all comes back to me
Now I'm guilty, not ashamed
Got this thing attached to me, throw it all away
It just comes back to me
It just comes back to me
It just comes back to me




(영어뉴스) VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-2-28)

시리아 사태 격화/아프간, 나토군에 대한 차량폭탄테러/아프간, 미군주둔 장기적 관점에서 재조명, 원래 2014년까지 완전 철군예정/파키스탄, 폭탄테러/연례 한-미연합훈련(Key Resolve) 시작/이태리 여객선 표류중/무디스, 유럽연합의 지원에도 불구하고 그리스 국가부도 가능성 여전히 높음/오하이오주, 학교총기난사, 1명 사망/미공화당 대선후보 예비선거 소식, 미시건주에서는 밋 롬니 우세




February 28 - Hear one student's views on the benefits of preparedness drills in the wake of a school shooting in Ohio. Plus, learn about an education milestone involving the number of Americans with college degrees. We also examine tension on the Korean peninsula, and we explore Iran's relationship with the international community. Finally, meet a DJ who uses music to empower young African-American women.


High School Shooting in Ohio; Iran`s Nuclear Program

Aired February 28, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET



CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Hi, I`m Carl Azuz, and you`re watching CNN Student News. Today we`re talking about political primaries, a matriculation milestone and a musical mentor. But we`re beginning in the state of Ohio.

Residents and officials in the city of Chardon are trying to make sense of a shooting at a high school there. One student was killed in the attack; four others were wounded. According to reports, the suspected gunman is also a student at the school. He was arrested yesterday.


AZUZ (voice-over): As students ran from the shooting, some of them used their cell phones to call police, or text their parents to let them know they were OK. A lot of schools practice what to do in these types of situations. They run drills for shootings or natural disasters. And one student at Chardon High said he thinks what happened yesterday could have been even worse if it wasn`t for that preparation.

EVAN ERASMUS, STUDENT, CHARDON HIGH SCHOOL: I think that`s what really helped keep it at a minimum of what it was, as bad as it was already. I think it could have been a lot worse if it -- we didn`t do the drills that we -- that they had us to do.


AZUZ: Jumping now to the presidential campaign trail, it`s been a few weeks since the last Republican contest. But two states are taking over the political spotlight today, and those two states are Arizona and Michigan. Voters are heading to the polls there, casting their ballots for Republican presidential candidates.


AZUZ (voice-over): Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Senator Rick Santorum, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and U.S. Representative Ron Paul -- they`re trying to win delegates in these primaries and caucuses. Win enough, and you get the party`s nomination for president.

There are 59 delegates up for grabs today in Arizona and Michigan.


AZUZ: One issue that comes up a lot during presidential campaigns is education. According to a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau, the country just marked an educational milestone. Has to do with how many Americans have a college degree.


AZUZ (voice-over): In March of last year, 30 percent of adults who are at least 25 years old had a degree. Back in 1998, it was less than 25 percent. The director of the Census Bureau called this, quote, "an important milestone," saying the more education people have, the more likely they are to have a job and earn more money.

According to another census report, workers with a bachelor`s degree earned around $20,000 more on average than workers with a high school diploma.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Ms. McElroy`s social studies classes at Hilton Head Christian Academy in Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Which of these places is divided by the 38th parallel? Is it the Bering Strait, Korean Peninsula, Aleutian Islands or Marianas Trench? You`ve got three seconds, go.

The parallel at 38 degrees north latitude divides North and South Korea. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


AZUZ: When those countries fought against each other in the Korean War, the United States was on the side of the South. And the United States and South Korea are still allies. They`re both the target of harsh words from North Korea right now.


AZUZ (voice-over): That is because of military drills, like the ones you see right here. The U.S. and South Korea are running joint operations right now . They`re working together. But North Korea says the drills are designed to provoke them. And officials from the north say they`re ready to fight a war against South Korea and the U.S.

North Korea`s relationships with other countries have been uncertain since long-time leader Kim Jong-il died in December.


AZUZ: Well, part of the tension surrounding North Korea has to do with its nuclear program. Similar situation in Iran. You`ve heard us talk about sanctions, penalties put on Iran by the U.S. and the United Nations. The goal of those sanctions was to get Iran to stop its nuclear activities. Matthew Chance has more on the tension between Iran and the integrity community.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN REPORTER: But Iran says very clearly that it is not building a nuclear bomb. It says that it`s never done any research into building a nuclear bomb. It says that all of its nuclear activities are directed towards purely peaceful purposes.

The trouble is that it`s, you know, not many people in the international community believe Iran. They do believe -- and there`s evidence to suggest that, in the past, they may have conducted some research which would be relevant to making a nuclear bomb.

What we know is that it certainly doesn`t have a nuclear weapon. I mean, that`s one thing to make absolutely clear. What it does have is the ability to enrich uranium. Uranium is the substance which is needed to fuel nuclear reactors. And if you enrich it even more, it`s the substance that you need to create a nuclear bomb.

Iran has been enriching this uranium for years now, as it has every right to do, because it`s a member of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. It`s allowed, under that treaty, to enrich uranium. But the trouble is, in the past, it`s not disclosed some of its activities to the international community, and that`s why there`s such a lack of trust with Iran at the moment.

Well, IAEA is the U.N.`s nuclear watchdog agency. It`s the independent body, which has, you know, a whole range of nations that are members, including Iran, that inspects nuclear facilities, not just in Iran, but all over the world.

There are a lot of questions that the IAEA has that Iran has not answered. For instance, it wants access, the U.N. does, to search suspicious nuclear sites that it suspects may have been the location where nuclear weapons testing may have been carried out or development for those weapons may have been carried out. And so there are lots of areas, lots of gaps in Iran`s story, that it has yet to fill out.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: See if you can ID me. I`m a title that`s associated with the music industry. Originally, I was used to describe radio hosts, but now I can be anyone who plays recorded music in media or in clubs.

Some famous examples include Wolfman Jack, Spinderella and Moby.

I`m a deejay, which stands for disc jockey.


AZUZ: Beverly Bond has made her mark on the music world because of her skills with a turntable. She`s also helping train the next generation of deejays. It`s part of an organization that she started that uses music to send a positive message.

Fredricka Whitfield has more on Bond`s efforts to empower young African-Americans.


FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): This popular deejay is on a mission. She`s trying to remix the image of black women in media.

DJ BEVERLY BOND, FOUNDER, BLACK GIRLS ROCK: Women are often objectified, especially in entertainment. Those messages do take a toll. They hack away at our self-esteem in the most subliminal of ways.

Other people thought that there was no point in talking about it, just kind of play in this boys` club.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): But Beverly Bond scratched her way in, playing by her own rules.

BOND: There were certainly some guys who were very taken aback by me and how good I was. It was almost like they weren`t expecting me to be so good. But the women were so supportive of me, and that was a beautiful thing. They were from all walks of life, who just had an admiration and a respect for the fact that I represented women well.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): In 2066, Bond, a former model, founded Black Girls Rock, a non-profit dedicated to empowering girls of color through academic and arts-based programs. One of the first lessons learned is to deejay.

BOND: I think it`s important to tell all girls that they rock. I just think that black girls do not get the message.

You can`t find the sound (ph)?

They are just as important as any other girl in the world.

WHITFIELD (voice-over): Through Black Girls Rock, Beverly hopes to inspire girls to be confident and, above all, themselves.

JAHIRA COLBERT, BLACK GIRLS ROCK: Black Girls Rock is like a family to me. Like it means that I have, you know, a comfort place, to know that I can be comfortable in the skin that I`m in.

VEANNAH SMITH, BLACK GIRLS ROCK: Beverly Bond inspired black girls like myself by showing that we don`t have to follow the stereotype of not following what other people are saying. I`m doing what, in my heart, I think is right.

BOND: We need to inspire the next generation to know that there is greatness beyond just the very limited media images that they often see as the only representations of their sex.


AZUZ: Well, the dog in today`s "Before We Go" segment isn`t necessarily a musician.


AZUZ (voice-over): But he definitely has some rhythm. Listen to this YouTube video.


AZUZ (voice-over): He is barking to the beat of his own jumping, and he seems to launch into a new round on command. All right, we know that a dog on a trampoline isn`t necessarily unique. But give him some time. He`s trying to pioneer a canine crossover between athletics and music. And it takes a little while for something like that to get off the ground. But once he gets it right --


AZUZ: -- everyone is probably going to jump on the idea. It`s time for us to bounce, because "dog-gone" it, we`re out of time on CNN Student News. I`m Carl Azuz, and we`ll see you tomorrow.






(영어뉴스) VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-2-27

아프간, 미국인2명 총격사망관련 수사총력/최근 시리아 사태로 31명 사망/이집트, 16명 NGO들에 대한 재판 개정/파키스탄, 오사마 빈 라덴 전거주지 허물어버림/러시아, 수천명 민주화시위/나이지리아 차량폭탄테러/세네갈, 현직대통령의 3선연임 시도 반대 시위/남아프리카, 93세 넬슨 만델라 암수술후 퇴원/아카데미 시상식






February 27 - Syrian officials say they're working to reform the country's government, but critics argue that the move is entirely superficial. Examine the issue in Monday's edition of CNN Student News. Plus, learn about political rallies and protests taking place on the streets of Moscow, and consider the frenzy triggered by the release of a new athletic shoe.




한 엄청난 미국 재벌그룹이 10억불이 훨씬 넘는 비용으로 그 부지를 매입할 계획을 발표했다.

A vast American conglomerate has announced plans to buy the site at a cost of well over a billion dollars.










squeeze : 압착하다, 짜내다
whine press : 애처로운 소리를 짜내는 압착기
wine press : 포도즙을 짜내는 압착기 (발음의 유사성에 묘미!)
austerity : 긴축, 허리띠 졸라매기




(영어뉴스) VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-2-24)

시리아사태관련 튀니스 국제회의, 시리아반군 지원방안 논의/이라크 동시다발 테러사태/최근 나토군의 코란 소각사건 관련, 아프가니스탄 나토군 2명 총격사망/소말리아 기아 및 전쟁 관련 런던 국제회의/미육군보안 분석가 정식기소됨, WikiLeaks에 기밀유출관련/오바마, 급격한 유가인상에 우려표명; 야당은 오바마가 국내석유증산에는 미온적이라고 비난/차베스 베네주엘라 대통령, 쿠바에서 2차 암수술예정




February 24 - As CNN Student News wraps up the week, we report on a crash involving two U.S. military helicopters, and we examine ongoing tension in Afghanistan regarding the burning of Qurans. We also consider the current state of U.S. home prices. And our coverage of Black History Month takes us to the campuses of Morehouse and Spelman, as we hear students describe the experience of attending these Historically Black Colleges and Universities.


Two Military Helicopters Collide, Killing 7 Marines

Aired February 24, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re students at Spelman College.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Welcome to CNN Student News.

BEN TINKER, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: You`re going to hear more from those students at Spelman in just a bit, but we want to thank them for getting us started today, and thank all of you for spending part of your Friday with CNN Student News. Carl is out today. I`m Ben Tinker, and I think that paper airplane should be ready to launch any second now.


TINKER: First up today, authorities are investigating an accident that led to the deaths of seven U.S. Marines. It happened Wednesday night when two military helicopters collided in midair.


TINKER (voice-over): The crash took place during a training operations near a Marine base in Arizona. Arizona`s governor said it`s a reminder that no military mission is ever routine, whether it`s in combat or in training.

The two helicopters that were involved in the crash were a Super Cobra attack helicopter and a Huey utility chopper. The Marines on board were getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan, and that`s why they were training in Arizona, because the terrain there is so similar to what they would experience overseas.


TINKER: The tension in parts of Afghanistan doesn`t look like it`ll ease up any time soon. This, of course, is related to the coalition forces admitting that they accidentally burned some copies of the Quran, Islam`s holy book.

President Obama apologized yesterday to Afghanistan`s president for the, quote, "error."


TINKER (voice-over): Meantime, hundreds of Afghans have been protesting for days, sometimes outside of military bases in the country. Afghan officials who are investigating the situation have urged the protesters to avoid resorting to violence.

Two U.S. troops were killed in Afghanistan on Thursday, and an unnamed official said the gunman is thought to have been acting in conjunction with a protest taking place outside the base.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? The word forensics means the study of formal debates.

This one`s true. You might have heard about forensic science, but the word also applies to debates.


TINKER: And it applies to an event held in Arizona Wednesday night. Another forensic foray, if you will, for the leading Republican presidential candidates. They got together for the 20th debate this campaign season. And the last one before a bunch of upcoming primaries and caucuses.


TINKER (voice-over): Health care, the economy and social issues were some of the big topics the candidates focused on, and this was their first time Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Senator Rick Santorum and Texas Representative Ron Paul shared a stage since the debate in Florida about a month ago.

And it was the last opportunity the candidates will have to face off against each other before next Tuesday`s primaries in Arizona and Michigan.


TINKER: The eventual Republican nominee will face off against President Obama, the all-but-certain Democratic nominee. Yesterday the president was focused on another issue that came up during Wednesday night`s debate: energy.


TINKER (voice-over): This is something a lot of people are worried about, especially as prices at the pump climb higher and higher. In fact, the average cost of a gallon of gas is up more than 10 percent over the last two months.


TINKER: And during a speech in Miami yesterday, President Obama talked about developing a policy that includes different sources of energy, like oil, nuclear, solar and wind. The president said he`ll work to help Americans who are dealing with the rising cost of gas.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We`re going to look at every single aspect of gas prices, because we know the burden that it`s putting on consumers. And we will keep taking as many steps as we can in the coming weeks.


TINKER: The housing industry is one of the big factors that experts look at when they`re figuring out how the U.S. economy is doing. Now this much we know: home sales are increasing.

Good news if you`re looking to buy, but part of the reason for that increase is that home prices are incredibly low, and that`s, of course, bad news if you already own a house. Christine Romans has a look at where things stand right now.


CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR: Home prices in this country are now the lowest they`ve been in a decade. Since November 2001, that`s the verdict from the National Association of Realtors. This is what home prices looked like in January of 2012, last month, $154,700 is the median price of an existing home in this country.

Take a look at how that has come down dramatically from the peak of $219,000 in 2007. Let`s move it forward, shall we? Zillow says last year home prices were down nationwide almost 5 percent. And this year they could go down another 3.7 percent.

That means overall, home prices are still falling. But look, all real estate is local. It`s different where you live, and there are three categories here: places where home prices are still falling, where they`re bottoming out and also where they`re starting to rise.

Let`s look at the zones that are still falling: Atlanta. This year, Zillow says, Atlanta home prices could go down another 8 percent and change. Chicago as well, down more than 7 percent. Seattle, Cleveland, Sacramento, St. Louis -- you get the picture. These are some of the areas where home prices in this country are still falling.

Where are they bottoming out? Places like Dallas-Ft. Worth, San Diego, San Francisco, you could see small, very minor losses in home prices for the year. But for the most part, there`s a feeling that in those places the worst price losses are behind us.

And where are prices rising? Because there are some parts of the country where very low mortgage rates and a washout of all of these foreclosures is providing some opportunity. Those are places like Baltimore; Riverside, California; even Phoenix, which has had a real estate crisis for several years; Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Time for the Shoutout. Which of these schools is an HBCU, a historically black college or university? If you think you know it, then shout it out. Is it Howard University, Morehouse College, Cheyney University or Spelman College? You`ve got three seconds, go.

If you picked any of these options, you`d be right, because they`re all HBCUs. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


TINKER: And, of course, the term HBCU refers to schools that were founded before 1964, explicitly for African-American students. Today, there are around 100 historically black colleges and universities in the U.S. And as part of our continuing coverage of Black History Month, we talked with some students at Morehouse and Spelman Colleges right here in Atlanta, about their experiences attending HBCUs.


REGINALD SHARPE, JR., MOREHOUSE COLLEGE JUNIOR: The reason I wanted to come to Morehouse is because I heard about so many of its alumni. The first black mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson, went here. Spike Lee and so many others went here.

Martin Luther King Jr. went here, and the list goes on and on and on, and I said, well, if those men made it here, I want to be here, and I wanted to have the opportunity to learn what they learned and walk where they walked.

Every day, there are moments when I just have to -- I walk outside and look at the statues. There are statues of Martin Luther King Jr., Benjamin E. Mays (ph) around the campus. There are certain spots on this campus, like Sale Hall, where different leaders actually sat. They used to have graduations there.

And I`ll just walk in there and just breathe the air, because it`s just -- there`s a sense of belonging that I sense here.

GABRIELLE HORTON, SPELMAN COLLEGE SENIOR: An HBCU is really an environment that cultivates and nurtures the young minds of African- American men and women, although, you know, it`s a very multicultural environment.

I think you get to see people from different walks of life in terms of diverse socioeconomic experiences, but I don`t think I was ever exposed to, throughout any my years of schooling, and I think this international mindset I`ve kind of kept in mind, you know, this going global theme is -- permeates throughout Spelman`s culture.

JARRAD MANDEVILLE-LAWSON, MOREHOUSE COLLEGE JUNIOR: I feel like Morehouse is built on the fact that all the students here are accountable for their brothers. We`re not going to let one fall behind or fall below. We`re going to constantly have our brothers` back and uplift them.

I heard Oprah say when you empower men of Morehouse, you empower the world, and I thought that was just the -- that was so moving, and I wanted to be a part of it. Morehouse gives you different characteristics so you can surround yourself with different people that help empower your identify, empower your inner man.

KIRSTIN EVANS, SPELMAN COLLEGE JUNIOR: I did grow up in a majority white environment in Malta (ph), New Jersey, and I didn`t have many black friends there. So when I came here and I was surrounded by African- American women that were driven, I really connected with my identify.

When I was a freshman, I was very shy. Spelman has allowed me to grow and to be more forward and have the ability to talk to anyone. Just the opportunity that Spelman has given me -- and I call my parents and tell them stories, and they`re just like, wow, Kirstin, you do belong at Spelman.

SHARPE: And sometimes when I am discouraged and classes are getting rough, I will literally just walk slowly through these walls and listen to the voices. And I hear them saying, "If I made it, you can make it."


TINKER: And sometimes we like to feature cute animals in our "Before We Go" segment.


TINKER (voice-over): But, man, that is one ugly looking dog. Luckily, it looks perfect for a baby aardvark. This little guy is the newest arrival at a zoo in Illinois. He`s only about 40 days old, so he doesn`t have a name yet. The zoo, for now, is just calling him "It."

Officials made sure to point out that "It" is an aardvark, not an anteater --


TINKER: -- although when they described how he was feeling, they said he was strong, but a little bit antsy. You know, it`s "aard" to come up with puns sometimes, so we "burrowed" that one from the zoo. Hope they don`t mind.

And before we take off, as we promised, we want to mention that the students at Daniel Wright (ph) Junior High School in Illinois, one of you guys got the answer to our social media question right. That`s going to wrap things up for us. Enjoy your weekend, everybody. For CNN Student News, I`m Ben Tinker.






그는 우리집에서 걸어서 10분 거리에 산다.

He lives ten minutes' walk from my house.

[유사 영작]
그는 학교에서 차로 40분 거리에 산다.
He lives forty minutes’ drive from the campus.




Adapt, Adopt

Adapt means "to change" or "to become like."

Adopt means "to take charge of."

OK The staff will have to adapt to the new policy.

The staff will change their behavior

X The staff will have to adopt to the new policy.

OK I tried to adapt her approach to my class, but it had no effect.

I tried to make her approach suitable

X I tried to adapt her approach to my class, but it had no effect.

OK Our quality assurance department has yet to adopt the new safety standards.

Has yet to take charge of

OK Cheryl and I have decided to adopt a baby.

X Cheryl and I have decided to adapt a baby.




(영어뉴스) VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-2-23)

시리아군, 반군거점 홈즈 맹포격, 국제기자단 2명 포함 시민 수십명 사망/유엔, 비상물자 조달을 위해 인권국장 시리아 파견/시리아 반군 지원을 위한 튀니스 회담, 러시아와 중국은 불참예정/국제원자력기구 이란 핵사찰, 소기의 목적달성 실패/6자회담 재개를 위한 북한-미국 회담/소말리아, 알카에다계 반군 도주/피치, 그리스 신용등급 강등





February 23 - In our Thursday program, CNN Student News reports on two journalists who were killed in Syria while working to inform the world about the crisis in that nation. We also examine a controversy surrounding the handling of Islam's holy book. Plus, consider the unprecedented nature of Japan's current economic struggles, and find out how scientists used seeds that had been buried for 300 centuries.


Two Journalists Killed in Syria; Violent Demonstrations Leave at Least 5 Dead in Afghanistan

Aired February 23, 2012 - 04:00:00   ET


NATISHA LANCE, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Some plans take longer to grow than others, but 30,000 years, don`t worry. We`ll explain, coming up on CNN Student News.

Hi, everyone, I`m Natisha Lance, in for Carl Azuz today.

Dozens of people are reportedly killed every day by violence in Syria, and yesterday that included two journalists. They lost their lives trying to raise awareness about the crisis over there. French President Nicolas Sarkozy paid tribute to them, saying if reporters were not over there, we would not know what is going on.


LANCE (voice-over): Now these two were killed in the city of Homs by artillery fire. One of the journalists was Remi Ochlik, a prizewinning photographer, and the other, Marie Colvin. Now she was interviewed on Anderson Cooper`s CNN program the night before she died. She compared the violence in Syria to some of the other conflicts she`d reported on.

MARIE COLVIN, JOURNALIST, "LONDON SUNDAY TIMES": This is the worst, Anderson, for many reasons. I think the last one -- I mean, I think it`s the last time we talked, when I was in Misrata. It`s partly personal safety, I guess.

There`s nowhere to run. There`s just a lot of snipers on the high buildings surrounding the (inaudible) neighborhood. You can sort of figure out where snipers, but you can`t figure out where -- you know, where a shell is going to land. And just the terror of the people, and, you know, the helplessness.


LANCE: In Afghanistan, violent demonstrations have left at least five people dead. These protesters are angry about coalition troops burning Qurans or Islam`s holy book. Military officials say the Qurans were burned by mistake, and not because of any decision about Islam. Brian Todd has more on the protests and explains how experts say Qurans should be handled.


BRIAN TODD, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): Fires, angry chants, fist waving, a response to what military officials say was the inadvertent burning of Qurans at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan.

One official says some of the material was removed from a detainee center at the American base because of inscriptions, indicating, the official says, that the documents may have used to facilitate extremist messages.

U.S. military officials apologize for what they call an error, but experts say even an accidental mishandling of the Quran is dangerous.

PROF. AKBAR AHMED, ISLAMIC STUDIES CHAIR, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY: We don`t want this to happen, this sequence of events, because this is going to start affecting our own troop withdrawal over the next couple of months.

TODD (voice-over): Akbar Ahmed is chair of Islamic Studies at American University. He says an understanding of these protests and other violence associated with reports of the Quran being desecrated has to involve an understanding of how the book is viewed in the Muslim world.

TODD: Akbar Ahmed says the Quran is so revered, that the only time Muslims really pick it up is around the time of prayer, and before that, hands should be washed from hands to elbow, face three times, and the feet.

And when it`s time to place the Quran down, it should always be placed, he says, at the highest point in the room. And when you`re in the same room with the Quran, you should not even point your feet toward the book.

TODD (voice-over): That`s to keep physical purity, Ahmed says, on par with the spiritual purity of the Quran. He says Qurans are passed between generations in families. One Muslim scholar says if a Quran is damaged, burning, burying or shredding it is acceptable, otherwise --

TODD: You`re never supposed to dispose of them in any way. Is that right?

AHMED: Not Muslims. Not Muslims. Muslims, technically can`t tear it up throw it away or throw it into the dustbin.

TODD: What about non-Muslims?

AHMED: Non-Muslims, again, it`s entirely in the United States, it`s a free country, free speech, free actions. And no one can stop anyone doing anything.

I would say that if we have -- if an American who is not a Muslim, has copies of the Quran, he wants to dispose of them, ring up a Muslim friend or ring up an Islamic center or a mosque and say, look, I`ve got a couple of these copies, you know, I don`t know what to do with them. I don`t want to insult your faith by throwing them into the dustbin. Would you come and collect them?

TODD (voice-over): But Ahmed emphasized he doesn`t excuse the violent reactions to incidents involving the Quran, like what happened last year after a Florida pastor ceremoniously burned a copy of the book and crowds attacked a U.N. facility in Afghanistan, killing 12 people.

Ahmed says Muslim scholars have to talk to their followers about appropriate responses that don`t involve violence -- Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this legit? Isotopes are different versions of the same chemical element.

Totally true. Changes in an element`s atoms, specifically the number of neutrons, are what make different isotopes of that element.


LANCE (voice-over): Some isotopes can be radioactive, and that includes the ones that were released during the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan last year. A lot of that material ended up in the Pacific Ocean, and scientists have been studying its impact on fish and plant life.

The results that were reported on Tuesday are kind of a good news-bad news situation. Bad news: the levels of radioactive materials are higher than they were before the meltdown.

The good news: they`re not high enough to pose a threat to the public.


LANCE: So there`s at least some positive news there.

The same can`t be said for Japan`s economy right now. Kyung Lah reports on how bad things are for the island nation.


KYUNG LAH, CNN REPORTER: The economic news out of Japan is not just bad; it is historic.

LAH (voice-over): The government of Japan is saying for the month of January this country logged a record trade deficit of $18.6 billion U.S. dollars. That is the highest since this country started keeping track in 1979. It is higher than in the aftermath of a 2008 financial crisis. It is certainly setting off some alarm bells and concerns about the health of this economy.

There was also other bad news. That`s showing that foreign investment out of Japan was going overseas, both among foreign companies, international companies choosing not to do business here in Japan, and also Japanese corporations pushing production outside of Japan.

For the second straight year, that exodus was continuing. It is the second highest on record.

LAH: So again, alarm bells being set off that there is something wrong with the state of the world`s third largest economy -- Kyung Lah, CNN, Tokyo.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today`s Shoutout goes out to Ms. Fernandez`s social studies class at Oliveira Middle School in Brownsville, Texas.

What is the name for soil that is frozen for more than two years? You know what to do here. Is it mantle, taiga, permafrost or savanna? You`ve got three seconds, go.

Permafrost is the name for ground that`s been constantly frozen for at least two years. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.


LANCE: It may be frozen, but that doesn`t mean there isn`t anything underneath. For example, Russian scientists found some seeds a few years ago in Siberia. Now these things were chilling out under the permafrost for 300 centuries, and now they`ve helped regrow an ancient plant.

Chad Myers talked with CNN`s Brooke Baldwin about how it all happened.


CHAD MYERS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Scientists digging down in the permafrost --


MYERS: -- find burrows from squirrels from 30,000 years ago. These seeds, fur, fruit still in the burrows that the squirrel didn`t eat.

They take it -- they take it to their scientific lab, kind of a little bit of magic, kind of cloning, kind of stuff. They find the placenta part, the tissue of the middle. You couldn`t just plant the seeds.

BALDWIN: Wouldn`t be viable.

MYERS: Because they wouldn`t be viable. They would have rotted.

BALDWIN: Placenta part of the seed?

MYERS: And they took it -- almost like science fiction. This is like, you know, I`m thinking you know, OK, here come the dinosaurs, if we do this right. They tried to do this years ago. They tried to do it with the woolly mammoth years ago. It didn`t work.

The DNA of the woolly mammoth had broken down. But they found the DNA of this plant. They cloned the plant. They made it. They planted the seed that they made. It grew a real plant.

They took those seeds from that plant, planted it again and now --

BALDWIN: See my jaws like --

MYERS: -- again.


LANCE: Americans have been commemorating Black History Month throughout February, and a new museum dedicated to that topic broke ground yesterday.


LANCE (voice-over): It`s the Smithsonian`s National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and this is a virtual tour of what it`ll look like. The idea for a national black history museum first came up nearly 100 years ago. President Obama talked about that long road during yesterday`s ceremony.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This museum should inspire us as well. It should stand as proof that the most important things in life rarely come quickly or easily. It should remind us that, although we have yet to reach the mountaintop, we cannot stop climbing.


LANCE: And, finally, I hope you guys can stomach another eating competition --


LANCE (voice-over): -- because that`s what we have in store for today`s "Before We Go" segment.

Now, this time around the chosen delicacy is one of my favorites: donuts. And the time limit is five minutes. The winner downed an even dozen, which is a little short of his personal record. Before you consider entering, keep in mind that these aren`t your average pastry treats. They`re made extra large and they have filling, too.


LANCE: So winning won`t be a cakewalk. This is one serious competition, no holds barred. That rounds out today`s show. For CNN Student News, I`m Natisha Lance.





시비를 걸 마음은 없지만, 진실은 분명히 밝히고 싶다.

pick a fight : 싸움을 걸다, 시비를 걸다
do want : 진심으로 원하다, 정말로 원하다
set the record straight
: 진실을 밝히다

I don’t want to pick a fight, but I do want to set the record straight.




혼동하기 쉬운 단어들 Series (2) Accept/Except

Accept means "to receive."

Except means "to exclude."

OK Will you accept my apologies?

Will you receive

X Will you except my apologies?

OK We will accept returned goods at the service counter.

We will receive

X We will except returned goods at the service counter.

X He brought everything he needed accept his toothbrush.

OK He brought everything he needed except his toothbrush.

His toothbrush was excluded

OK Everyone had a good time except me.

I was excluded

X Everyone had a good time accept me.




당신의 결혼생활이 어려움에 처해있다면, 당신은 아내에게 관심을 기울이기 시작해야한다.

in trouble : 어려움에 처해있는
pay attention to : 관심을 기울이다

If your marriage is in trouble, you have to start paying attention to your wife.


