검색결과 리스트
분류 전체보기에 해당되는 글 4529건
- 2012.07.01 평소에 재미삼아 영어사전을 훓어보는 버릇
- 2012.07.01 100대그룹 자산 1천447兆…정부수준 육박
- 2012.06.30 [English diary] Great weekend!
- 2012.06.30 대학관련 너무도 유용한 영어단어들 1
- 2012.06.30 오늘의 어휘 2012-6-30
- 2012.06.30 1일 1팝송 (영어가사+번역+동영상) I Will Always Love You/ Whitney Houston
- 2012.06.29 Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Reform Law (미국대법원, 오바마에게 승리를 안기다)
- 2012.06.29 [세계 경제 관련 VOA 동영상] OECD Adds Its Voice to US Debate on Taxes
- 2012.06.29 오늘의 어휘
- 2012.06.29 1일 1팝송 (영어가사+번역가사+동영상) Let it be / Beatles
- 2012.06.29 1일 1팝송 (영어가사+번역가사+동영상) I want to hold your hand / Beatles
- 2012.06.28 [초보자용 VOA 30분 느린 뉴스] VOA Special English 2012-6-28 3
- 2012.06.28 [영어뉴스] VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-6-28)
- 2012.06.28 [영어뉴스] NPR 5분 뉴스 (2012-6-28)
- 2012.06.28 [VOA 초보용 동영상 + 자막] Economic Dynamism
- 2012.06.28 1일 1팝송 (영문+번역문+오디오)/ I Turn To You
- 2012.06.28 [VOA 초보용 느린 영어 MP3 + 대본] 'The Map of Life'; Ancient Dogs; Golden Gate at 75
- 2012.06.28 오늘의 어휘 2012-6-28
- 2012.06.27 오늘의 어휘
- 2012.06.27 젊은 베르테르의 슬픔 (영문판 PDF)
- 2012.06.27 [초보자용 VOA 30분 느린 뉴스] VOA Special English 2012-6-27
- 2012.06.27 [영어뉴스] VOA 5분 뉴스 (2012-6-27)
- 2012.06.27 [영어뉴스] NPR 5분 뉴스 (2012-6-27)
- 2012.06.26 시험에 나오는 영문법 총정리 - 총48쪽
- 2012.06.26 시험전 필수 어법 100선
- 2012.06.26 영어 에세이를 잘 쓰기 위한 10가지 규칙
- 2012.06.26 영문법 100계명
- 2012.06.26 It was a great day!
- 2012.06.26 개역개정판 한글성경/ NIV 영어성경
- 2012.06.26 Day to Day English (다양한 일상 표현들)
평소에 재미삼아 영어사전을 훓어보는 버릇
평소에 심심풀이 삼아 영어사전을 죽 훓어보는 버릇은 참 좋은 공부방법 중 하나이다.
사실 영어사전에 없는 것은 별로 없다. 그만큼 사전에는 온갖 알짜 정보가 가득하다.
우리가 평소에 궁금해 하던 것을, 혹은 자신이 이미 알고 있다고 확신하고 있는 것 조차도
가끔씩 찾아보다 보면 "아하 이거였구나!" "아 내가 잘못 알고 있었구나!"
이런 것들이 숱하다.
사전은 우리의 영어를 정확하게 해주고 보충해주고 바로 잡아준다.
사전보다 더 좋은 공부 재료는 사실 별로 없다.
아무리 바쁘더라도 가끔씩은 영어사전을 뒤적이는 버릇을 들이자.
아마도 여러분의 영어는 고수의 반열에 곧 들게 될 것이다.
대구 계성고등학교 3학년 때의 일이다.
그 당시(1978년)에 우리학교에는 철야독서실이라는 것이 있었다.
침실까지 별도로 갖춘 그야말로 1년 내내 거의 상주할 수 있는 곳이었다.
일단 3학년들 중에서 전교석차를 기준으로 입실을 허락하던 시기가 있었다.
그 당시에 내가 선출직 심부름꾼(=실장)을 맡고 있었다.
그런데 일요일 오전에 평소에 안면이 있던 2학년 한 명이 독서실에 나와 있었다.
그 학생은 2학년 문과에서 전교 1,2등을 하던 학생이었고 나중에 서울대 법대에 진학했다.
가만히 보니 오전 내내 별 할일도 없는 듯이 영어사전 (그 당시 엣센스 영한사전)을 뒤적뒤적 하고 있었다.
내가 뭐 하느냐고 물어보았더니 그냥 재미삼아 사전을 보고있다고 했다.
나도 그 당시에 2만 단어 정도의 소사전을 하나 외우고 있던 터라 그 일이 상당히 인상 깊었다.
요즘도 나는 집에서 소파에 느긋하게 앉아 영어방송을 들을 때 가끔씩 영어사전을 슬슬 훓어본다.
이럴 때는 영영사전 보다는 오히려 영한사전이 내용도 더 다양하고 재미있다.
이것이 내게 얼마나 큰 도움을 주는지 모른다.
이제껏 내가 희미하게 알고 있던 것들이 명확해지고
상당히 오해하고 있던 것들이 바로 잡아지고
완전히 새로운 기초가 추가되기도 한다.
사전을 많이 접할수록 영어실력은 확실히 기초가 단단해 진다.
프로야구 초기시절에 MBC청룡 구단의 김동엽 감독이 TV에서 한 말은 감동적이었다.
"프로와 아마추어의 핵심적인 차이는 기본기입니다."
나도 영어를 오랫동안 공부해 온 사람으로서 그 말에 늘 공감한다.
사전을 가까이 두고 자주 접하면 확실히 기본기가 달라진다.
아주 튼튼해지고 새로워지고 정확해진다.
말이라고 다 같은 말이 아니다.
대충 대충 그냥 의사소통만 되는 말이 있고
정확하고 부드럽고 감동을 주는 말이 있다.
다 같이 영어로 말하고 그런대로 소통이 되더라도
그들 가운데는 많은 차이가 있을 수 있다.
오늘 부터라도 영어사전, 그것도 가급적 종이사전을, 늘 가까이 두고
틈만 나면 찾아보고, 더 나아가서는, 찾아 볼 것이 없더라도 평소에
심심풀이 삼아 슬슬 훓어보는 버릇을 들이도록 하자.
여러분은 분명 영어고수의 반열에 곧 들게 될 것이다.
2012. 7. 1. 일요일 방배동 집에서 최병길
100대그룹 자산 1천447兆…정부수준 육박
100대그룹 자산 1천447兆…정부수준 육박
재벌닷컴 조사, 상위 5대그룹 52% 차지 연합뉴스 한지훈 입력 2012.07.01 04:57 수정 2012.07.01 05:59(서울=연합뉴스) 강종훈 한지훈 기자 = 우리나라 민간 100대 그룹이 작년 말 기준으로 정부 자산의 95% 수준을 보유한 것으로 나타났다.
민간 부문이 경제권력 면에서 정부 부문을 능가할 정도로 강력해졌다는 의미다.
1일 재벌닷컴이 발간한 `대한민국 100대 그룹'에 따르면 공기업과 민영화된 공기업을 제외한, 총수가 있는 자산 상위 100대 그룹의 자산총액 합계(2011회계연도말 기준)는 1천446조7천620억원에 달했다.
정부가 보유한 자산이 비교적 느리게 증가하는 점을 감안하면 100대 그룹의 총 자산은 이르면 2012회계연도에 정부 자산 규모를 뛰어넘을 것으로 보인다.
100대 그룹별의 자산분포는 상위 5대 그룹에 극심한 편중 현상을 드러냈다.
상위 5대 그룹의 자산총액 합계는 754조원으로 100대 그룹 전체자산의 무려 52%를 차지했다. 정부 총 자산의 절반에 육박하는 막대한 규모다.
삼성그룹이 자산총액 279조820억원으로 압도적인 1위였다. 현대차(154조7천140억원)와 SK(136조4천670억원)가 뒤를 이었다. LG는 100조7천750억원, 롯데는 83조3천910억원으로 각각 집계됐다.
100위는 신도리코로 자산총액이 1조3천150억원이었다. 삼성의 자산총액에 비하면 212분의 1에 불과할 정도로 격차가 컸다.
이윤보 건국대 경영학과 교수는 "재벌에 부가 너무 많이 집중돼 있다. 다른 나라와 비교해도 심각한 수준으로 이는 경제 민주화를 방해하는 요인이 될 수 있다"고 분석했다.
공정거래위원회가 매년 상호출자제한 기업집단 현황을 공개해왔지만, 자산총액 5조원 이상인 기업집단만을 포함했기 때문에 100대 그룹 현황이 드러난 것은 이번이 처음이다.
재정부도 올해 처음으로 도로ㆍ공항ㆍ항만 등 사회기반시설을 자산에 반영했고, 충당부채ㆍ미지급금 등을 부채 항목에 추가해 민간 수준의 `국가 재무제표'를 완성했다.
[English diary] Great weekend!
It's the great weekend again.
My wife and daughter are away in Daejeon for the missionary conference.
I've vacuumed and cleaned around at home and washed all the dishes.
I've been watching CNN all the morning.
I'm happy that my wife and daughter will be back home today.
I fasted this morning. This is my regular fast, once every month.
I do that for the North Korean people.
Every month I send W10,000, the money I saved through my fast, to them through a charity organization.
I also send W30,000 to a child in Guatemala through the charity organization of Good Neighbors.
All the goals of my life have already been achieved.
I don't have any other goal except helping others in the Universe.
Thank God it's Saturday.
Have a good day, Father.
대학관련 너무도 유용한 영어단어들
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Accreditation - A university that is accredited has been acknowledged to meet certain standards by an accrediting agency that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). A full list of accrediting groups currently recognized by one or both of those entities is available on the CHEA website.
For more information on accreditation, and how to know if a school is accredited, see our original Glossary post on this topic.
Adjunct (or Adjunct Professor) – Someone who teaches at a university but is not employed full-time by the institution; often a scholar/practitioner who is contracted to teach a course.
Alumni – Students who have graduated from a university. If you’re talking about one student, you would say they are an alumnus (for a male) or alumna (for a female).
Assistant Professor – One of three ranks for a regular faculty member at a university, along with Associate Professor and Full Professor. This is the lowest of the three, and indicates that the professor has not received tenure (protection from being fired).
Associate’s Degree – A two-year undergraduate degree, typically awarded by community colleges and junior colleges. Some associate’s degrees are typically used as transfer degrees, meaning that after completing the two-year degree, the student would transfer their credits towards a four-year bachelor’s degree. Other associate’s degrees are career-oriented and “terminal,” meaning they train a student to pursue a certain career.
Associate Professor – One of three ranks for a regular faculty member at a university, along with Assistant Professor and Full Professor. This is the middle of the three, and indicates that the professor has received tenure (protection from being fired).
Audit – To take a course for your own knowledge, rather than for credit towards your degree.
Bachelor’s Degree – This is the degree awarded by an undergraduate college or university. The most common type of bachelor’s degrees is a BA (Bachelor of Arts – sometimes abbreviated AB), which is the standard degree awarded by liberal arts colleges. Some schools also offer a Bachelor of Science for students in science and engineering fields.
Bachelor of Arts – The Bachelor of Arts degree (abbreviated BA or AB) is the most common degree awarded for undergraduate studies in the U.S. It can be awarded for any academic discipline – not just the creative arts.
The term “arts” in this case is used in the sense of liberal arts, not creative arts.
Catalog – A university catalog (or college catalog) is an official publication that contains all the information a current or prospective student might need about academics and student services at a university.
Certificate – Recognition for completing a non-degree program. Some colleges or universities also allow you to pursue a certificate while studying for a degree in another field.
College – In the U.S. the word “college” is used fairly interchangeably with the word “university.” There’s no official difference, and the fact that one school is called a college while another is called a university doesn’t necessarily mean there is a difference between them.
The most common difference between schools called college and schools called university is that a college is usually an undergraduate-focused institution, whereas a university includes graduate-level and research components. Hence the reason why an undergraduate attends Harvard College, which is the undergraduate component of Harvard University.
In everyday conversation, college is the term used to describe the level of education after high school (“After I graduate, I’m going to college.”).
You might also hear the word “college” used to describe academic subdivisions within a university (the Washington College of Law is the law school of American University). And the word college is also used in the term “community college,” which is a school that offers two-year degrees as opposed to four-year degrees.
Community College – A community college is a 2-year institution. Students who attend a community college can then transfer to a four-year college or university to complete their bachelor’s degree. Community colleges typically also offer career-focused associate degrees (two-year undergraduate degrees).
Community college and junior college refer to the same type of education. Junior college typically refers to a private institution and community college to a public one.
Course – A course is a regularly scheduled class. Courses typically last one term and meet for several hours each week.
Credit – Credits are units used to measure the contribution that an academic course makes towards attaining your degree. Universities require you to take a certain number of credits to graduate, and each course offered by a university is assigned a value in credits, usually based on how much time you’re expected to spend on it (hence credits are also often called “credit-hours”).
Dean – The head of a collection of departments or of an administrative division (ex: Dean of Admissions, Dean of Student Life)
Doctor – A doctor can be someone who has graduated medical school with an M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) degree or someone who has received a Doctorate (like a Ph.D.) in their academic discipline.
Emeritus (or Professor Emeritus) – Someone who has retired but still teaches part-time. It is often an honorific title, indicating that the professor achieved excellence during their time as a tenured faculty member.
Faculty – The professors and instructors of a university.
Freshman (or frosh) – The four years of undergraduate education are called (1) freshman year, and someone in their first year is a freshman; (2) sophomore year, and someone in their second year is a sophomore; (3) junior year, and someone in their third year is a junior; (4) senior year, and someone in their fourth year is a senior.
These same terms apply in the same way to the four years of a standard high school: 9th grade is freshman year, 10th grade sophomore year, 11th grade junior year, and 12th grade senior year. They are not used for graduate school.
Full Professor (also just Professor) – One of three ranks for a regular faculty member at a university, along with Assistant Professor and Associate Professor. This is the highest of the three, and indicates that the professor has received tenure (protection from being fired) and achieved further recognition of achievement.
Grade – Your grade on a test or exam describes how well you did. In the U.S. it is more common to use the word “grade” than “mark” or “score,” although any of those words may be used.
Your grade can also describe what year you are in school. This term typically only applies to elementary (primary), middle, and high school. It is not used for college or graduate school. The grades go from 1 (called first grade) to 12 (called twelfth grade or senior year). Most students are 6 or 7 years old in first grade, and 17 or 18 years old in twelfth grade.
Gymnasium (gym) – A building where athletic activities take place. Most colleges and universities have a gym for students to use for sports and athletic activities. The gym will usually have a fitness center where students can work out. In everyday English, that fitness center is also called a gym. The building where indoor varsity sports are played may also be called a gym.
Institute – An institute is usually an organization devoted to research. In practice, this can mean three things in the context of an American university:
(1) Most commonly, something called an “institute” is a research group or think tank. Sometimes these are housed within or affiliated with a university. They don’t offer classes, but they probably offer seminars and internship opportunities for students. The Georgetown Health Policy Institute is a group of faculty and staff of Georgetown University who conduct research on health policy. The Quinnipiac University Bioanthropology Research Institute is housed within Quinnipiac’s School of Health Sciences and conducts research in various fields of biology and anthropology.
(2) Institute can be used in the name of a university, and in that context is just a synonym for “college” or “university.” The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (better known as MIT) is one example of this.
(3) Institute can be used in the name of an academic department, and would describe an area of study you could major in. For example, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies is an academic department with the Johns Hopkins University.
Master’s – The degree awarded by a graduate school for completing postgraduate study (postgraduate = after the bachelor’s degree). Most master’s degrees take one or two years of full-time study to complete. Like bachelor’s degrees, there are many specialized types of master’s degrees, but the most common are the master of arts (M.A.), master of science (M.S.) and master of business administration (M.B.A.).
Junior – The four years of undergraduate education are called (1) freshman year, and someone in their first year is a freshman; (2) sophomore year, and someone in their second year is a sophomore; (3) junior year, and someone in their third year is a junior; (4) senior year, and someone in their fourth year is a senior.
These same terms apply in the same way to the four years of a standard high school: 9th grade is freshman year, 10th grade sophomore year, 11th grade junior year, and 12th grade senior year. They are not used for graduate school.
Liberal arts college – A “liberal arts college” refers specifically to a small school that only teaches undergraduates, emphasizes a well-rounded education and usually requires students to take courses in several major disciplines, and prefers to teach using discussion-based courses rather than lectures.
Ph.D. (Doctorate) – The highest academic degree awarded by a university. A Ph.D. usually requires at least 3 years of graduate study beyond the last degree received, and completion of oral/written exams and a dissertation of original research. Someone who receives a Ph.D. is called a doctor, and can be referred to as “Dr. + last name” just like a medical doctor.
Provost – The senior academic position at a university, and usually the second highest office after the president or chancellor.
Scholarship – A scholarship is one type of financial aid that a student can get. It is free money to cover some portion of tuition, fees or other expenses. A scholarship does not have to be repaid, but can come with conditions, such as maintaining a particular grade point average.
School – In the U.S. a “school” is any educational institution. Places of elementary, secondary, higher and graduate education can be called schools (and are!).
School of Education – Some colleges and universities have a “school of education” within them. This would be the department of the university that trains you to become a teacher or to have another career within the field of education.
Senior – See definition for “sophomore” below.
Sophomore (or soph) – The four years of undergraduate education are called (1) freshman year, and someone in their first year is a freshman; (2) sophomore year, and someone in their second year is a sophomore; (3) junior year, and someone in their third year is a junior; (4) senior year, and someone in their fourth year is a senior.
These same terms apply in the same way to the four years of a standard high school: 9th grade is freshman year, 10th grade sophomore year, 11th grade junior year, and 12th grade senior year. They are not used for graduate school.
Transcript – A transcript is an official record of the courses you took and grades you received in high school, college or graduate school.
Underway – Underway means “currently in progress,” and is often used when people were waiting for something to start. So, “the application process is underway” means the application process has started and is currently ongoing.
University – See “college.”
Webinar – A seminar, workshop or lecture that happens online. It’s a combination of the words “web” (like internet) and “seminar.”
오늘의 어휘 2012-6-30
ㆍalleged (함부로) 주장된, 단정된 |
ㆍassault 폭행 |
ㆍaudience 청중, 관중, 관객 |
ㆍbureau (관청의) 국(局), 부, 과 |
ㆍcelebrity 고명(高名)한 사람, 유명 인사, 명사 |
ㆍcomplaint 고소, 소송 제기 |
ㆍcondemn 비난[힐난]하다, 책망하다 |
ㆍcondition (몸의) 이상, 질병 |
ㆍconfirm (진술 따위를) 확실하게 하다, 확증하다, 뒷받침하다 |
ㆍdraw (결론ㆍ정보 따위를 ~에서) 끌어내다, 얻다, (일을) 일으키다, 초래하다 |
ㆍepisode (소설ㆍ방송 프로ㆍ영화 따위의) 시리즈물의 한 편, 1회분 작품 |
ㆍexhaustion 극도의 피로, 기진맥진 |
ㆍfile (~을) 신청하다, 제기하다 |
ㆍfoundation (기금 기부로 유지되는) 시설, 협회, 재단 |
ㆍgrant (소원 따위를) 들어주다, 허락하다 |
ㆍgranter 허용하는 사람, 수여[양도]자 |
ㆍinterest 흥미, 관심, 호기심 |
ㆍlegitimate 합법의, 적법한, 정당한 |
ㆍlook into ~을 주의 깊게 살피다, ~을 들여다보다, ~을 조사[연구]하다 |
ㆍmake a wish 소원 성취를 빌다 |
ㆍmarriage license 결혼 허가(증) |
ㆍmedia 대중[공공] 매체, 매스미디어 |
ㆍphotographer (직업으로서의) 사진사, 카메라맨 |
ㆍpress (신문ㆍ잡지 따위의) 기자, 기자단, 보도진 |
ㆍpublic figure 유명 인사, 공인(公人) |
ㆍscrutiny 정밀한 조사, 면밀한 음미, 감시, 감독 |
ㆍspinal 척골(脊骨)의, 척추의, 척수의 |
ㆍstatement 성명, 스테이트먼트, 진술 |
ㆍtolerate ~을 관대히 취급하다, 용인[묵인]하다, 너그럽게 보아주다 |
ㆍtreat (사람 등을) 다루다, 대우하다, 처우하다 |
ㆍviolation (법률ㆍ약속 따위의) 위반, 침해 |
ㆍwish 소망, 희망, 희구 |
ㆍworkplace 직장, 작업장, 일터
The New York Press Club is condemning Alec Baldwin's alleged assault of a photographer outside a marriage license bureau. The statement from the press group released on Wednesday says Baldwin's actions "should not be tolerated" as he's a public figure, and his activities are "legitimate subjects of media interest." Police have confirmed that Daily News photographer Marcus Santos has filed a complaint against the actor. |
1일 1팝송 (영어가사+번역+동영상) I Will Always Love You/ Whitney Houston
I Will Always Love You |
Whitney Houston |
If I should stay, I would only be in your way. So I'll go, but I know I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.
And I will always love you. I will always love you. You, my darling you. Hmm.
Bittersweet memories that is all I'm taking with me. So, goodbye. Please, don't cry. We both know I'm not what you, you need.
And I will always love you. I will always love you.
I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of. And I wish to you, joy and happiness. But above all this, I wish you love.
And I will always love you. You, darling, I love you. Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you. |
내가 혹시 당신 곁에 남는다면 난 단지 방해만 될 거에요 그래서 난 가겠어요 하지만 난 걸음걸음마다 당신을 생각할 거란 걸 알아요
언제나 당신을 사랑하겠어요 언제나... 내 사랑
내게 지닌건 달고쓴 기억뿐 잘 가세요 제발 울지 말아요 당신께 필요한 사람은 제가 아니란 걸 우린 알잖아요
당신을 언제나 사랑하겠어요 언제까지나...
당신 삶이 평탄하기를, 그리고 당신이 꿈꾸온모든 걸 이루길 바래요 그리고 당신께 기쁨과 행복이 함께 하길 빌어요 하지만 무엇보다도 당신의 사랑을 하길 바래요
당신은 언제나 사랑하겠어요 내 사랑... 언제까지나 사랑하겠어요 |
Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Reform Law (미국대법원, 오바마에게 승리를 안기다)
The U.S. Supreme Court handed President Barack Obama a major victory, upholding the key part of his controversial health care plan in a 5-4 decision.
The so-called "individual mandate" requires Americans to purchase heath insurance or face a financial penalty. Chief Justice John Roberts ruled with the court's more liberal justices, writing in his majority opinion that "because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not our [the court's] role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness.''
The Obama administration had argued the "individual mandate" was constitutional because all Americans will need medical care at some point in their lives -- individuals do not choose to participate in the health care market.
Twenty-six states filed suit against the reform law, contending that individuals cannot be forced to buy insurance, a product they may neither want nor need.
[세계 경제 관련 VOA 동영상] OECD Adds Its Voice to US Debate on Taxes
오늘의 어휘
ㆍaccess 접근, 면회, 이용 |
ㆍaccomplish (일ㆍ의무 따위를) 이룩하다, 다하다, 성취하다, 완수하다 |
ㆍaccount (금전상의) 대차 계정 |
ㆍadd ~을 더하다, 추가하다 |
ㆍappeal (마음에) 와 닿다, 매력이 있다, 마음에 들다 |
ㆍat daybreak 새벽에 |
ㆍattack 공격, 습격, 비난 |
ㆍAussie 오스트레일리아(의), 오스트레일리아 사람(의) |
ㆍautomation 자동 제어 방식, 오토메이션, 자동(작업)화 |
ㆍbeware 조심하다, 경계하다, 주의하다 |
ㆍbreach (법률ㆍ계약 따위의) 위반, 침해, 불이행 |
ㆍcollar (개 따위의) 목걸이, 목테, (말의) 어깨띠 |
ㆍconcern 걱정, 근심 |
ㆍconsultant (전문적 의견ㆍ조언을 주는) 상담역, 고문, 컨설턴트 |
ㆍdairy farmer 낙농가 |
ㆍdisinfect ~을 소독[살균]하다 |
ㆍdrudgery (지루하고 따분한) 고된 일, 싫은 일, 고역 |
ㆍensure ~을 책임지다, 보증하다, 확실하게 하다, ~을 확보하다, 손에 넣게 하다 |
ㆍexit ~을 떠나다, 나가다 |
ㆍget down to business 본론으로 들어가다 |
ㆍhand 일손, 일꾼 |
ㆍhelping hand 도움의 손길, 조력, 지지 |
ㆍimmediately 곧, 즉시, 당장에 |
ㆍinvestigate (사건ㆍ범죄를 원인ㆍ동기ㆍ범인을 알기 위하여) 자세히 조사하다, 수사하다 |
ㆍleak (비밀 따위가) 새다, 누설되다 |
ㆍlend (손ㆍ귀를 ~에게) 빌려주다 |
ㆍmanure (유기질) 비료, 퇴비, 거름(특히 마소의 분뇨 따위) |
ㆍmilk (소ㆍ염소 따위의) 젖을 짜다, (젖을 ~로부터) 짜내다 |
ㆍmodern-day 오늘의, 현대의 |
ㆍmultiple 다수의, 복합[복식]의 |
ㆍoperate (기계ㆍ기관(器官) 따위가) 움직이다, 일[작동]하다 |
ㆍpassword 암호(말), 군호 |
ㆍplatform (사람이 오르는) 대, (역의) 승강장, 플랫폼 |
ㆍrevolving 돌아오는, 순환하는, 회전하는, 회전식의 |
ㆍrobotic 로봇의[같은] |
ㆍsecurity 안보, 보안, 치안 |
ㆍsetting 경우, 환경 |
ㆍsolution 해명, 해결, 해석, 해결법, 해답 |
ㆍstimulate ~을 자극[고무]하다, (남을) 자극하여 ~하게 하다 |
ㆍstolen 훔친 |
ㆍstrategically 전략적으로, 전략상으로 |
ㆍsuit ~에 잘 맞다, 어울리다 |
ㆍtake away ~을 제거하다[줄이다] |
ㆍtask (부과된) 일, 직무, 과업, 학업, 고되고 수고로운 일, 노역 |
ㆍteat 젖꼭지, 유두 |
ㆍtraffic 교통량, (화물의) 수송량, (전화의) 통화량, (차ㆍ사람 등의) 교통, 왕래, 통행 |
ㆍwhoever (~하는[한] 사람은) 누구든지, 어떤 사람이든지 |
1일 1팝송 (영어가사+번역가사+동영상) Let it be / Beatles
Let It Be |
The Beatles |
When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be, Let it be, Let it be Whisper words of wisdom Let it be
And when the broken hearted people Living in the world agree There will be an answer Let it be For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see There will be an answer, Let it be Let it be, Let it be. Yeah There will be an answer, Let it be
And when the night is cloudy There is still a light that shines on me Shine on until tomorrow Let it be I wake up to the sound of music Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, Let it be, Let it be, Let it be There will be an answer Let it be Let it be, Let it be Whisper words of wisdom Let it be |
내가 근심할 상황에 처해 있음을 알게 되었을 때 어머니께서 다가와 지혜의 말씀을 해주셨어요 "그냥 그대로 두거라" 암흑의 시간 중에도 어머니는 내 앞에 똑바로 서서 지혜의 말씀을 해주셨어요 "그냥 그대로 두거라" 지혜의 말씀을 속삭여 주셨어요 "순리에 맡기거라"
세상의 모든 상심한 사람들마저도 순리를 따르라는 말에 해답이 있다는 것에 입을 모으죠 헤어짐의 겪어야 할지라도 순리에 맡기는 것이 해답이라는 걸 그들도 알게 될 기회는 아직도 있어요 순리에 맡겨요 그 말속에 해답이 담겨 있어요
구름 덮인 밤일지라도 다음 날이 밝을 때까지 나를 밝혀줄 등불은 여전히 있어요 순리에 맡기세요 음악소리에 잠을 깨보니 어머니께서 내게 다가와 지혜의 말씀을 해주셨어요 "순리에 맡기거라" 그 말속에 진리가 담겨 있어요 순리에 맡기세요 지혜의 말을 속삭여 봐요 순리에 맡기라고... |
1일 1팝송 (영어가사+번역가사+동영상) I want to hold your hand / Beatles
I Want To Hold Your Hand |
The Beatles |
O yeah, I tell you something. I think you'll understand. When I say that something. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand.
O please, say to me You'll let me be your man. And please, say to me You'll let me hold your hand. You'll let me hold your hand. I want to hold your hand.
And when I touch you I feel happy inside. It's such a feeling that my love I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide.
Yeah, you got that something. I think you understand. When I say that something. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand.
Yeah, you got that something. I think you'll understand. When I delight something
I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. |
당신한테 할 말이 있어요 내가 뭔가 말할 땐 당신 손을 잡길 원한다는 것을 당신 손을 잡고 싶다는걸 당신의 손을 잡고싶다는 것을 당신도 이해할 거에요
제발 내게 말해주세요 내가 당신의 애인이 되도록 해주겠다고 제발 내게 말 좀 해주세요 당신 손을 잡게 해 주겠다고 당신 손을 잡게 해주세요 당신 손을 잡고 싶어요
당신에게 손길이 닿으면 너무 기분이 좋아요 숨길 수가 없어요 그런 느낌이에요
당신에겐 뭔가 훌륭한 게 있어요 당신도 알 거에요 내가 그 무언가를 말할때 당신 손을 잡고 싶어요 당신 손을 잡고 싶다구요 당신의 손을
당신에겐 뭔가 훌륭한 게 있어요 당신도 알 거에요 내가 즐기는 그 무언가를...
당신 손을 잡고 싶어요 당신 손을 잡고 싶다구요 당신 손을 잡고 싶어요 당신 손을 잡고 싶다구요 |
[초보자용 VOA 30분 느린 뉴스] VOA Special English 2012-6-28
1일 1팝송 (영문+번역문+오디오)/ I Turn To You
I Turn To You |
Christina Aguilera |
When I'm lost in the rain, in your eyes I know I'll find the light to light my way And when I'm scared losing ground, when my world is going crazy you can turn it all around And when I'm down you're there pushing me to the top You're always there giving me all you've got
후렴 For a shield from the storm, for a friend, for a love to keep me safe and warm I turn to you For the strength to be strong for the will to carry on for everything you do for everything that's true I turn to you
When I lose the will to win I just reach for you and I can reach the sky again I can do anything 'cause your love is so amazing 'cause your love inspires me And when I need a friend you're always on my side giving me faith, taking me through the night
후렴 반복
For the arms to be my shelter through all the rain for truth that will never change for someone to lean on for a heart I can rely on through anything for the one who I can run to I turn to you
내가 빗속에서 길을 잃었을 때 당신의 눈 속에서 길을 밝혀줄 빛이 있다는 걸 알게됩니다. 내가 길 잃고 두려워 할 때 내 세상이 미치고 있을 때 당신은 돌려 놓을 수 있어요 내가 넘어지면 당신이 거기서 날 정상으로 밀고 있지요 당신을 항상 그 곳에서 당신의 전부를 내게 주어요
후렴 폭풍을 막아줄 방패, 안전하고 따스하게 날 지켜줄 친구와 사랑을 위해 당신께 의지해요 강인해질 힘을 위해, 살아갈 의지를 위해, 당신하는 모든 것을 향해, 그 모든 진실을 향해 난 당신께 의지해요
승리하려는 의지를 잃었을 때 난 그저 당신께 향해요 그러면 하늘에라도 닿을 수 있고 뭐든지 할 수가 있어요 당신의 사랑은 놀랍고 나에게 영감을 주기 때문이죠 친구가 필요하면 당신은 언제나 곁에서 믿음을 주고 그 밤을 지새게 주었어요
후렴 반복
어떤 비라도 피할 수 있는 안식처 같은 당신의 품을 향해, 변치 않을 진실을 향해, 기댈 수 있는 누군가를 향해, 무슨 일이 있어도 의지할 수 있는 마음을 향해, 달려갈 수 있는 사람을 향해 난 당신께 향하고 있어요
[VOA 초보용 느린 영어 MP3 + 대본] 'The Map of Life'; Ancient Dogs; Golden Gate at 75
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS, in VOA Special English. I’m Christopher Cruise.
BARBARA KLEIN: And I’m Barbara Klein. Today, we tell about a project called “The Map of Life.” We also tell about a study of modern dogs and their ancestors. And we tell about a major anniversary for the world famous Golden Gate Bridge.
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Suppose you would like to catch a muskellunge. Where in the world would you go to find that fish species? Where can you take a picture of the rare Giant Petrel bird? Or where would you find fields of calaloo?
If you have an Internet connection, you may get the answers to such questions with a new map. It shows the natural habitat, or living spaces, of about twenty-five thousand species. They include all land animals with backbones, animals that live on land and water, and most of the fresh water fish in North America.
You can test a version of this new technology tool at Mappinglife.org. Information is being continually added. And, perhaps best of all, the information is free. You do not pay to use the service.
BARBARA KLEIN: The new map was described recently in the journal Trends in Ecology and Environment. Its creators say the map will provide the first interactive, two-way path to information about biodiversity – the many living creatures found on Earth. Users will be able over time to add or change information about species.
Walter Jetz is a conservation biologist at Yale University in Connecticut. He was lead writer of the report. He says information used in the map comes from several sources. They include workers with the United States National Park Service, field guides, and observations from individual scientists. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility in Denmark also supplied information. The center made available more than three hundred million records of plant and animal locations.
The information is in different colors and shapes so it is easy to recognize what areas you want to research.
Mr. Jetz says, “The map is the where and the when of a species. The hope is for this to include hundreds of thousands of animals and plants and show how much or how little we know of their whereabouts.”
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Robert Guralnick of the University of Colorado is another member of the mapping team. He says the online map will help governments and scientists decide how to use land and plan conservation efforts. And, it may also provide information about climate change and about diseases passed between animals and people.
The researchers say the success of the project will depend on the help of other scientists, environmental groups and people with knowledge of the subject.
Mr. Guralnick says the next step is to provide ways for anyone, anywhere to find animal and plant distributions with mobile or wireless technology. He says it is even possible that people could learn their chances of making contact with a wildlife species. He adds that the “Map of Life” project is following the examples of other banks of knowledge.
BARBARA KLEIN: Modern dogs may look like the animals painted on the walls of ancient Egyptian buildings. But a new report says many centuries of cross-breeding make it hard to learn about the ancestry of man’s best friend. The report appears in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
Scientists say it is wrong to call some modern dog breeds “ancient.” That includes what are said to be ancient breeds, like the Shar-Pei, the Akita and the Afghan hound. The new report says those animals are not closer to the first domesticated dogs than any other modern breed. Earlier research suggested that their genetic structure was similar to ancient breeds.
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Dogs were the first animals to become domesticated. Experts say dogs stopped being wild about fifteen thousand years ago. Domestication involved changes in the make-up, or structure, of genes. Over time, dogs became work animals. For example, some breeds were very good at protecting and guiding farm animals. But others were not house-trained and were not kept as pets until about two thousand years ago.
The international team of scientific researchers based their results on a study of ancient and modern dogs. They worked with one thousand three-hundred seventy-five animals. The animals represented thirty-five dog breeds.
BARBARA KLEIN: The researchers examined the genetic structure of one hundred twenty-one breeds. Then they compared that information with a worldwide archeological study of the remains of the earliest dogs. They also studied the genes of nineteen wolves. Earlier research suggested that modern dogs may have developed first from the grey wolf.
The researchers say human movement is another reason for the genetic difference between ancient and modern dog breeds. Historic events like the two world wars also affected the dog population.
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Greger Larson of Durham University in England was lead writer of the report. Professor Larson says dogs have followed humans everywhere. And he notes, “We really love our dogs, and they have accompanied us across every continent.”
The researchers say some of the findings about what are considered “ancient” breeds seem opposite of what you might think. For example, none of the oldest breeds came from areas where the oldest archeological remains have been found.
Keith Dobney from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland also worked on the research team. He said, “We still have some way to go to understand how, where and when the dog became man’s best friend.”
BARBARA KLEIN: Finally, the Golden Gate Bridge is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary. The bridge opened to vehicle traffic on May twenty-eighth, nineteen thirty-seven. Since then, more than two billion vehicles have crossed the world famous structure between San Francisco and Marin County, California. As many as one hundred twelve thousand cars make the trip each day.
The Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspension span in the world, at the time it was built. The suspended roadway stretches one thousand two hundred eighty meters between the bridge’s two tall towers. Today it still rates among the top ten longest bridge spans in existence.
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Mary Currie works for the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District. She says the bridge is one of the most extraordinary engineering projects of all time.
MARY CURRIE: “The Golden Gate Bridge is an engineering marvel certainly, and it gets award after award after award for what it means in civil engineering and structural engineering. It’s also a place where things happen first. For example, we were the first suspension bridge to have to change the roadway deck.”
The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait. That narrow passage of water connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean. Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge project. Work began in nineteen thirty-three. The project took four years to complete.
BARBARA KLEIN: The bridge is two thousand seven hundred eighty-eight meters long from one end to the other. It is twenty-seven meters wide. Two large cables pass over the top of the bridge’s towers. These structures stand two hundred twenty-seven meters above water and one hundred fifty-two meters above the road. Each cable holds more than twenty-seven thousand five hundred strands of wire.
Two hundred fifty pairs of vertical suspender ropes connect the support cables to the suspension bridge. This is part of what enables the bridge to move up and down by nearly five meters.
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: The Golden Gate Bridge weighed eight hundred eleven million five hundred thousand kilograms when it was completed in nineteen thirty-seven. The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper called the finished project, “a thirty-five million dollar steel harp!”
Architect Irving Morrow gets credit for the bridge’s bright orange color. The Navy wanted the bridge painted in yellow and black. The Air Force had suggested red and white.
MARY CURRIE: “But we were fortunate that Irving Morrow knew that that color would blend with the environment, it would contrast with the ocean and the air above, and it would also allow the art deco styling to really stand out.”
BARBARA KLEIN: This SCIENCE IN THE NEWS was written by Jerilyn Watson and June Simms, who was also the producer. I’m Barbara Klein.
CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: And I’m Christopher Cruise. You can find transcripts, MP3s and podcasts of our programs at voaspecialenglish.com. And you can find us on Twitter and YouTube at VOA Learning English. Join us again next week for more news about science in Special English on the Voice of America.
오늘의 어휘 2012-6-28
ㆍa series of 연속[일련, 한 벌]의 |
ㆍAttorney General 법무 장관 |
ㆍback-and-forth 결론 없는 논쟁, 의견 교환, 토론 |
ㆍbrutal (기후ㆍ비평 따위가) 혹독한, 지독한 |
ㆍclosing argument (변호사의) 최종 변론 |
ㆍcommerce 상업, 통상, 무역 |
ㆍcontempt of Congress 의회[국회] 모독(죄) |
ㆍdeliberation 검토, 토의, 심의 |
ㆍdemand ~을 요구하다, 강요[청구]하다 |
ㆍfailed 실패한, 결함이 있는, 파산한 |
ㆍfast and furious 맹렬한 기세의, 최고조의, (의논 따위가) 격렬한 |
ㆍfollow ~에 뒤따르다, ~의 다음에 오다, ~에 뒤이어 일어나다 |
ㆍformer 앞의, 먼저의, 과거의, 옛날의 |
ㆍhit (수량ㆍ수준ㆍ정도 따위에) 이르다, 도달하다 |
ㆍjuror 배심원(한 사람) *배심원(12명) 전체는 jury |
ㆍleave 휴가 |
ㆍmedical 의학의, 의술의, 의료의 |
ㆍoperation 작전, 전략 |
ㆍpolitical theater 정치극 |
ㆍprosecutor 기소자, 검사, 검찰관 |
ㆍresign 사직[사임]하다, 퇴직하다 |
ㆍseizure (뇌일혈 따위의) 발작 |
ㆍsexual abuse 성적 학대 |
ㆍsmuggling 밀수입[수출] |
ㆍtemperature 온도, 기온, |
ㆍtraffic accident 교통 사고 |
ㆍupper (장소ㆍ위치 따위가) 더 위에 있는, 위쪽의 |
오늘의 어휘
ㆍaccomplishment 성과, 업적, 실현, 수행
ㆍacknowledge ~을 인정하다, 승인하다, 자인하다, 자백하다
ㆍAfrican Continent 아프리카 대륙
ㆍalert 방심하지 않는, 빈틈없는, 조심성 있는
ㆍalleged (함부로) 주장된, 단정된
ㆍbizarre 별난, 기묘한, 이상한, 기괴한
ㆍblow a raspberry 혀를 내밀고 놀리다
ㆍchew 씹다, 깨물다
ㆍchild molestation 아동 성희롱
ㆍcommon 통례의, 잘 일어나는, 흔히 있는
ㆍfighter 싸우는 사람, 투사, 전사
ㆍin search of ~을 찾아서 *search for ~을 찾다
ㆍlayer 층(層), 겹쳐 쌓음
ㆍMontgomery 몽고메리; 미국 Alabama 주의 주도
ㆍprocedure (~의) 조치, 처분, (의학적인) 처치
ㆍresponding 반응[대응]하는
ㆍsevere burns 심한 화상
ㆍsocial worker 사회 사업가
ㆍsuffer 고통을 받다[겪다], 괴로워하다, (~로) 상처 입다, 피해[손해]를 입다
ㆍsuspect 용의자 *엑센트는 1음절에 있음. 2음절에 오면 '의심하다'임. *名前動後의 법칙
ㆍtake the stand 증인대에 서다
ㆍtestify 증언하다, 증명하다
ㆍundergo ~을 받다, 겪다, 경험하다
ㆍvictim 희생(자), 피해자
젊은 베르테르의 슬픔 (영문판 PDF)
[초보자용 VOA 30분 느린 뉴스] VOA Special English 2012-6-27
영어 에세이를 잘 쓰기 위한 10가지 규칙
요즘 토플이니, 대학교 에세이니 해서 영어로 글을 써서 내는 일이 무척 많아졌습니다. 영어 Writing 및 에세이 때문에 고생하시는 분들을 위해 몇자 적어볼까 합니다.
원래 Writing 은 영어의 가장 마지막 단계로, 제일 어려운 부분입니다. 어휘력도 좋아야하고 문법도 맞아야하며 무엇보다 내 생각을 효과적으로 드러내야하기 때문이지요. 에세이를 쓰면서 저 나름대로 그 노하우를 만들어왔는데 저는 제 노하우로 꽤 큰 효과를 봤습니다. 한번 참고해보셔도 나쁘진 않을 듯 합니다.
1. 중복되는 단어는 피하자!
영어로 에세이를 쓸 때, 똑같은 단어를 계속 쓰는 것은 좋지 않습니다. 전체적으로 봤을 때, 똑같은 단어를 자주 쓰게 되면 너무 글이 혼잡해보이기 때문에 좋은 이미지를 주지 못합니다. 따라서 똑같은 뜻의 단어를 2~3개 정도 더 외우시는 것이 좋습니다. 특히 접속사는 쓸 일이 많기 때문에 접속사를 많이 외워두시면 좋습니다. 그리고 주어 역시 자꾸 똑같이 반복해서 쓰는 경우도 안 좋습니다. 한 에세이에 I(나) 만 30번 나오는 경우도 있는데, 그럴 경우는 분사구문 같은 것을 이용해서 처리해주시면 좋습니다. I was hungry and I ate two apples. 라고 쓰기 보다는 'I was hungry, eating two apples.' 라고 쓰시는 것이 좋습니다. If you are done, you have to finish this. 보다는 If done, you have to finish this. 이런 식으로 쓰는게 더 보기 좋다는거죠.
※ 그러므로, 따라서 - therefore, hence, since, consequently, accordingly, so...
※ 때문에 - because (of), thanks to, due to, owing to, for, since...
※ 그러나 - but, however, still, yet, nonetheless, nevertheless, although, though, in spite of, despite...
2. 중복된 표현도 피해요!
문장을 쓸 때 어쩔 수 없이 똑같은 문장을 써야할 때가 있습니다. '일본인들은 젓가락으로 식사를 하는 경향이 있는 반면, 한국인들은 숟가락으로 식사하는 경향이 있다.' 라는 문장을 쓸 때, 'Korean people tend to have a meal with a spoon while Japanese people tend to have a meal with chopsticks.' 라고 쓸 수 있지만 이것보다는 'Korean people tend to have a meal with a spoon while Japanese people with chopsticks.' 라고 쓰는 것이 더 효과적입니다.
3. 웬만하면 because, so, and, or 같은 접속사는 문장 맨 앞에 쓰지 말아요!
물론 접속사를 맨 앞에 써도 문법적으로 틀린 것은 아니지만, 맨 앞에 접속사를 쓸 경우 썩 좋은 이미지를 주지 못합니다. 우리나라말도 '나는 공부를 한다. 왜냐하면 나는 학생이기 때문이다.' 라고 접속사를 맨 앞에 쓰는 것보다는 '나는 학생이기 때문에 공부를 한다.' 라는 표현이 더 자연스럽고 매끄러운 것과 같은 이치입니다. 따라서 because, and, so, or 을 맨 앞에 쓰는 것은 가급적 피하도록 합니다.
4. 어려운 단어는 피해야!
가끔씩 어려운 단어를 많이 써야 더 멋있고 좋은 에세이라고 생각하시는 분들이 계신데요, 절대로 아닙니다. 오히려 어려운 단어가 많을수록 에세이의 질은 떨어집니다. 에세이를 쓸 때는 독자를 먼저 생각해야합니다. 독자는 선생님일수도 있고, 학생일수도 있고, 교수일수도 있고, 그냥 할머니일수도 있습니다. 누구를 딱히 겨냥한 에세이가 아닌 이상, 남녀노소, 그리고 사회적, 지위적 위치에 관계없이 누구나 편히 읽을 수 있는 에세이어야만 합니다. 따라서 너무 어려운 단어를 많이 쓰면 좋은 글이 될 수 없습니다. SAT 단어 같은 경우는 피하는 것이 좋습니다.
(물론 너무 쉬운 단어만 써도 문제가 됩니다. 적당히 섞어가면서 쓰셔야합니다.)
5. 한국어를 그대로 번역해서 쓰지 말자!
영어 원서로 된 소설이나 책들을 많이 읽어보라는 이유가 바로 이것 때문이죠. 영어식 표현을 많이 알아야 에세이를 쓸 때 무척 도움이 됩니다. 한국인들 중에 글은 잘 쓰는데 표현이 너무 한국식이라 좋은 점수를 못 받는 사람들이 많습니다. 이런 사람들은 반드시 영어로 된 책을 많이 읽어서 영어 표현법을 익혀야합니다.
6. 관계대명사도 너무 많이 쓰면 보기 싫어요!
관계대명사를 쓰지 말라는 것은 아닙니다. 하지만 너무 많이 쓰면 정말 지저분한 에세이가 됩니다. 예를 들어 설명하자면, Tom who is my best friend likes the pen which my mother who is fifty years old gave him. 라는 문장을 쓸 때 저렇게 쓰면 너무 눈 아프고 그다지 좋은 문장으로는 절대 안 보입니다. 그래서 다음과 같이 씁니다.
Tom, my best friend, likes the pen which my mother, 50, gave him. 되게 간편하죠? 아시겠지만 주어 + be 는 생략이 가능합니다. 그걸 이용해서 간략하고 짧게 쓰도록 합니다.
7. 예제 및 통계 자료는 에세이를 쓸 때 무척 도움이 된답니다!
에세이를 쓰는 목적은 여러가지가 있지만 대부분은 읽는 사람으로 하여금 내 에세이에 호감이 가도록 만드는 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에 남들도 신용할 수 있고 믿을 수 있는 정보를 에세이에 집어넣는다면 정말 독자들로부터 애정(?)을 받는 에세이가 될 것입니다. 예를 들면, '많은 사람들은 돈이 생기면 돈을 마구 써버리는 경향이 있다. 이러한 자세는 고쳐야할 것이다.' 라고 쓰는 것도 괜찮지만, 이것보다는 '심리학에 의하면 인간은 뜻 밖의 이득이 되는 무언가가 생겼을 때 그것을 무의식적으로 사용해버리는 경향이 있다고 한다. 하지만 이러한 경향은 확실히 좋지 못하기에 반드시 고쳐야할 부분이다.' 라고 쓰는 것이 독자로 하여금 좀 더 신뢰감을 주고 확신을 줄 수 있습니다. 이것 외에도, 내 경험을 바탕으로 써도 되고 책의 내용을 인용해도 상관없습니다. 물론 속담이나 격언을 사용해도 좋구요. 객관적인 정보 및 자료, 지식을 집어넣으면 되는 것이죠.
8. 10 이하의 숫자는 영어로, 그 이상은 그냥 숫자로 표기하세요!
에세이에서 10 이하의 숫자를 쓸 때는 영어로 표기하는 것이 더 좋습니다. 'I ate 2 apples.' 보다 'I ate two epples.' 가 더 보기 좋습니다. 그리고 10이 넘어갈 때, 그 때부터는 그냥 숫자로 쓰도록 합니다. 'Maybe I did it about thousand times.' 보다는 'Maybe I did it about 1000 times.' 가 더 보기 좋은 문장입니다.
9. 수동태 표현? 기러지마요~
수동태 표현을 무리하게 너무 많이 쓸 경우에도 문제가 됩니다. 사실 수동태 표현은 정말 수동적으로 일어난 일이나 아예 수동적 표현이 숙어처럼 쓰이는 경우를 제외하고는 쓸 필요가 없습니다. I am interested in Korea. 나 He is tired because of his hard work. 또는, He was killed by a crazy murderer 와 같이 아예 수동태가 숙어처럼 쓰이는 경우 또는 수동적인 일을 써야만 하는 경우에는 어쩔 수 없이 써야겠지만 그런 것이 아님에도 불구하고 그냥 막연히 수동태를 쓰는 것은 좋지 않습니다. She finished my homework. 를 굳이 My homework was finished by her. 이라고 쓸 필요는 없다는 이야기입니다. 웬만하면 이런 식의 수동태 문장은 피하는 것이 좋습니다.
10. 가장 중요한 것, 바로 독서!
한국어를 할 줄 안다고 해서 모든 한국 사람들이 글을 잘 쓰는 것은 아닙니다. 마찬가지로, 영어 역시 할 줄 안다고 해서 영어로 된 글을 다 잘 쓰는 것이 아닙니다. 그건 원어민들도 마찬가지입니다. 그럼 어떻게? 바로 책을 많이 읽어야합니다. 책을 많이 읽은 사람들이 확실히 표현 같은 건 어색해도 글은 정말 잘 씁니다. 즉 그들은 단순히 영어로 표현을 못할 뿐이지, 글 쓰는 방법은 알고 있다는 것입니다. 그럴 경우에는 시간만 조금 더 투자하면 금방 좋은 에세이를 써 낼 수 있지만, 거꾸로, 영어는 잘하지만 독서와는 담 쌓은 사람들은 시간 조금 가지고는 턱없이 부족합니다. 아무렴 독서를 꾸준히 해온 사람을 글 쓰기에서 어떻게 쉽게 이길 수 있을까요. 그래서 독서는 닥치는대로 하는 것이 좋습니다.
출처 : 네이버 지식인
It was a great day!
I had a great time today as ever.
I've accomplished my goal 100% as always.
I love myself and my life.
I love my family and my colleagues.
I love my country and the world.
I love the universe.
I love my God.
Wife and daughter are in Daejeon for the missionary conference.
I've been very busy at work these days.
My 52 years in this world have been so exiciting.
I've had so many experiences and momories thereof.
The world is so beautiful around me.
The sky is so beautiful and all the sounds of nature fascinate me.
I bought some English books at the bookstore near my home on Sunday.
English books always make me happy.
All the animals on the National Geographics are great friends of mine.
They are so lovely.
Thank God for creating me here in this world.
Have a good time, Father.
Day to Day English (다양한 일상 표현들)
Day to Day English (다양한 일상 표현들)