검색결과 리스트
분류 전체보기에 해당되는 글 4529건
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) Shark Tale
- 2011.11.28 (1일 1영작) 인도가 소매시장을 해외 경쟁사들에 개방하다.
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 보물성 - Treasure Planet
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 인어공주 THE LITTLE MERMAID
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 슈렉 2
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) Polar Express 1
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) Mulan 2
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 이집트왕자 2 1
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 알라딘 (제1부)
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 알라딘 (제2부)
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) Bug's Life (제1부)
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) Bug's Life (제2부) 1
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 쿵푸 팬더 1탄
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 마다가스카 2탄
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 라이온 킹 2탄
- 2011.11.28 (영화대본) 라이온 킹 1탄
- 2011.11.27 (영화대본) 위대한 유산 (Great Expectations 1998)
- 2011.11.27 [오늘의 세상] "이기는 게 전부는 아니지만 이기길 원하는 것은 중요" 포스코 화장실 글 읽은 구글 회장 "이것이 코리아의 힘"
- 2011.11.27 (영어일기) Saturday, November 26, 2011 Cloudy
- 2011.11.27 (영화대본) 타이타닉 (1부) 3
- 2011.11.27 (영화대본) 타이타닉 (2부)
- 2011.11.27 영어를 잘하려면 어떻게 해야할까?
- 2011.11.26 입을 여는 방법
- 2011.11.26 한국인이 영어를 잘 못하는 이유
- 2011.11.26 듣기(Listening), 누가 왕도가 없다고 말했는가?.
- 2011.11.26 단어가 아니라 문장을 외워라= 헨리홍교수법
- 2011.11.26 송병락교수의 - 글로벌시대의 교육
- 2011.11.26 (영어공부 방법) 영어달인 - 손지애 CNN 서울지국장
- 2011.11.26 소리만으로 영어배우기
- 2011.11.26 (영어공부 방법) 망설이지 말고 입을 열어보세요
(영화대본) Shark Tale
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
Shark Tale
00 :01 :04 - Hi! I'm Lenny. - Hi.
00 :01 :07 Little body, did I scare you? I'm sorry.
00 :01 :09 Wake up. Wake up.
00 :01 :11 Okay, don't worry about it, I'm gonna get you out in a jiffy.
00 :01 :14 You just keep holding your breath, little wormy.
00 :01 :16 - Yo Lenny! - I'm coming, Franki!
00 :01 :18 Move it, come on! Pap's waiting.
00 :01 :21 Here we go.
00 :01 :21 Got you! Okay, body you're free.
00 :01 :24 Now escape, go! Just go, cry freedom.
00 :01 :27 - You almost gave me a heart attack! - Lenny, what are you doing?
00 :01 :31 What? I was just...
00 :01 :33 picking you some flowers!
00 :01 :35 Hey, mom said it's not okay to hit me!
00 :01 :37 Mom's not here.
00 :01 :42 Don't. Don't!
00 :01 :48 What do you mean? It's a theme song.
00 :02 :15 Are they gone? Are they gone?
00 :02 :17 You're sure?
00 :02 :19 Good morning, south side reef,
00 :02 :21 I'm Katie Current, keep in a current!
00 :02 :23 We've just received a visual confirmation.
00 :02 :25 The sharks are gone! I repeat,
00 :02 :27 the sharks are gone.
00 :02 :32 "Shark Tale"
00 :02 :42 'Starfish tours'
00 :02 :47 Mussel Crowe!
00 :02 :49 Jessica Shrimpson!
00 :02 :51 Cod Steward!
00 :02 :56 Up next to mother of eight hundred telses,
00 :02 :58 how she does it all?
00 :02 :59 But first, over to Jenis with the traffic report.
00 :03 :02 Thanks, Katie.
00 :03 :03 Slight congestion here on the interreef 95,
00 :03 :06 there's an overturn microbe, authorities are trying to calm it down.
00 :03 :10 Get out of your shell tombs and go into the bus,
00 :03 :13 cause you'll be late!
00 :03 :17 Don't you yell at me, my mother is your mother, okay?
00 :03 :27 SWIM
00 :03 :35 PRAWN SHOP
00 :03 :38 Yep, that's fake!
00 :03 :40 Fake? I worked ten years on that!
00 :03 :48 SUSHI TOWN
00 :03 :57 According to the latest scelephone,
00 :03 :59 buro of Sharks is at their all time high.
00 :04 :01 Join us tonight for an indepths report.
00 :04 :03 How long has this reef leave under siege?
00 :04 :06 Is there no here among us?
00 :04 :09 Who can stop the Shark menace?
00 :04 :13 Hi, I'm Oscar, you might think you know,
00 :04 :15 but you have no idea.
00 :04 :20 Welcome to my crib! The good light to wait to other hap lip,
00 :04 :24 check it out, I got my flat screen TV,
00 :04 :27 with six speaker surround! CD, DVD, Play station,
00 :04 :31 I have a eight track player for those days
00 :04 :33 when you're feeling just a little...
00 :04 :35 Old school!
00 :04 :38 Cause even a superstar mad daddy fish like me
00 :04 :41 has to have the basic necessity.
00 :04 :43 Yeah, like money!
00 :04 :46 Come on shorties, why mess with my fantasy!
00 :04 :48 Yourself bro, but the only have no further name!
00 :04 :52 Oh that's funny, that was perfect, you're granted.
00 :04 :54 Oscar! Over here!
00 :04 :57 - I got to talk to you! - Al, I'll be right there.
00 :05 :00 - Hey yo, hang with this one. - Oscar, you're the best!
00 :05 :02 Yo, dude!
00 :05 :04 Ho-ho Crazy Joe!
00 :05 :06 Let's do our great prawn house!
00 :05 :08 Can I be your financial advisor?
00 :05 :11 That's a billboard, Crazy Joe.
00 :05 :12 - You're living in a billboard? - No.
00 :05 :15 That's making me crazy!
00 :05 :19 Hey Oscar! Look who came to visit!
00 :05 :23 - Got ya!! - No, don't do that!
00 :05 :24 - Shouldn't you kids be at a school? - Shouldn't you be at work?
00 :05 :27 Right back at me, ha? Little smart mouth.
00 :05 :30 Look, I'm on my way. Ya all stand out of trouble, allright?
00 :05 :33 Hey and clean that stuff up!
00 :05 :34 See ya!
00 :05 :40 See you, Oscar!
00 :06 :01 Yo, yo what's up down it?
00 :06 :02 - Big wash whales! - Hi Oscar!
00 :06 :09 What's up?
00 :06 :11 Hey, rich side!
00 :06 :14 - Yo Johnson, is it lunch yet? - You just got here!
00 :06 :17 That's my point!
00 :06 :22 Hey, headphone guy!
00 :06 :24 TURTLE WAX
00 :06 :28 - Looking good, ladies! - Hey ya!
00 :06 :32 Get back to work!
00 :06 :37 I'm already punched in?
00 :06 :40 Angie.
00 :06 :41 - Good morning, can I help you? - One wash, please.
00 :06 :45 - How about wax? - Please.
00 :06 :46 Couple's great, we're having special, what do you say?
00 :06 :48 Why not? It's maiding season. And I'm feeling lucky!
00 :06 :53 Sykes whale wash. Whale for a wash and the price,
00 :06 :57 Oh my gosh.
00 :07 :01 Oh, may I suggest a monic peel?
00 :07 :03 Removes lines and self damage.
00 :07 :05 - Good. - Hey Ange!
00 :07 :06 Oh my gosh! Hi Oscar!
00 :07 :07 Hey, thanks for covering for me.
00 :07 :09 Yo, I'm sorry dog, Angie needs to get a freak on,
00 :07 :12 would you hold for one moment, please?
00 :07 :14 - Thanks, dog. - Oscar!
00 :07 :15 Come on Ange, dance with me, mama!
00 :07 :17 - Out me! - Let me see it!
00 :07 :21 - Come on, Ange! - Oscar! You're gonna get me fired!
00 :07 :23 Please. You? Fired?
00 :07 :25 No, that can't happen, cause then I would have
00 :07 :27 absolutely no reason to come to work.
00 :07 :29 - You don't mean that. - Of course I do. You're like my best friend.
00 :07 :38 Let me see, tell me what you think about this,
00 :07 :40 this is like the best idea ever, allright?
00 :07 :43 This is a short thing guarantee cash extravaganza.
00 :07 :48 - Bottled water. - Oh, no.
00 :07 :51 All I need, is another advance of my paycheck from deposite,
00 :07 :54 and Ange, I am out of this place!
00 :07 :57 Oscar, it's relegating mister Sykes face,
00 :08 :01 with another one you-get-rich-quick-skims.
00 :08 :03 Go to something you're actually good at.
00 :08 :05 Your job! Which is some of a miracle you still have!
00 :08 :10 Almost forgot.
00 :08 :13 - I brought you some breakfast. - You didn't.
00 :08 :16 - Shelly creams? - Your favourite!
00 :08 :18 Oh, by the way, you're still on hold.
00 :08 :21 Oh my gosh! Thank you for holding!
00 :08 :23 Busy busy busy! Go!
00 :08 :25 How can I help you?
00 :08 :31 No, I'm sorrry, mister Sykes is at the meeting right now.
00 :08 :33 He won't be'll back till later.
00 :08 :43 How are my little babies this morning?
00 :08 :46 You missed me? You're doing good?
00 :08 :51 You see, Sykes. It's a fish eat fish world.
00 :08 :55 You eat the take, or you get taken.
00 :09 :02 True words have never been spoken.
00 :09 :04 Is that it? That all? We're done?
00 :09 :05 Now you and me, we've worked together a long, long, long time.
00 :09 :10 - Please, Don Lino, it's hardly been like worked! - Let me finish.
00 :09 :12 - And you know... - And I love that about you!
00 :09 :14 Let me finish! That I'd lived my life for my sons.
00 :09 :17 - Raising them and protecting them, - You're the best! He's the best, right?!
00 :09 :20 - Teaching them. - Am I right or am I wrong?
00 :09 :22 - Ha? Am I right? - Sykes, it's all been to pre...
00 :09 :24 - Right? - To prepared.
00 :09 :26 - Sorry. - That's all right.
00 :09 :27 For the day they run the reef.
00 :09 :30 Well, today is that day.
00 :09 :36 Luca!
00 :09 :43 Hey boss! Big butts!
00 :09 :47 Allright, to make long story short, from now on,
00 :09 :52 you work for Franki and Lenny, capish?
00 :09 :55 Lenny? Franki I understand, but Lenny?
00 :09 :58 - You can't be serious. - That's serious.
00 :10 :00 It takes not only muscle to run things,
00 :10 :02 now Lenny, he's got the brains, that's something special.
00 :10 :06 - Oh yeah, he's special. - What's that supossed to mean?
00 :10 :08 - Nothing, nothing, I'm just saying. - I bring you in here, look you in the eye
00 :10 :13 tell you what's what and what? - What?
00 :10 :16 - What what? - What what nothing!
00 :10 :18 - You said what first! - I did say what first, I asked you what.
00 :10 :20 No, you said it then what, and I said what?
00 :10 :22 No, I said what what! Like what what!
00 :10 :27 - You said what first. - Now you make a fun of me?!
00 :10 :29 No, no, no, you misunderstood, you misunderstood.
00 :10 :31 Sorry, we're late, pap. Lenny had an accident.
00 :10 :33 - He was born! - He, he, he. You're comic genious!
00 :10 :37 Look, all I'm saying is that kid ain't exactly no killer!
00 :10 :39 My Lenny is a killer, you hear me?
00 :10 :41 A cold blooded killer! Look at him!
00 :10 :48 Yeah?
00 :10 :50 That's it! That's it! You are out!
00 :10 :54 What?
00 :10 :56 - What do you mean I'm out? - You're fired!
00 :11 :01 And on top of that, you're gonna have to start paying me!
00 :11 :04 - For what? - So not have us to that
00 :11 :05 little whale wash of yours!
00 :11 :08 WHALE.
00 :11 :08 Welcome to Oscar's crib.
00 :11 :10 Sixty foot slide covered tomb.
00 :11 :12 There's swimming casualties and plankton
00 :11 :16 across the deep, when you feel a little...
00 :11 :19 old school.
00 :11 :21 Oh stop your moaning, Oscar!
00 :11 :22 That could be a lot worse, you know?
00 :11 :24 Yeah, that's true. I can have this job and look like you!
00 :11 :28 Who's behind me? Who's behind me! Babe, give me some!
00 :11 :35 Indigestion.
00 :11 :37 She's gonna blow!
00 :11 :40 Wait! Headphone guy's still in there!
00 :11 :43 I get you! Hang on!
00 :11 :58 - Still think it could be worse? - Yeah! I can look like you!
00 :12 :03 You're funny. We'll see how you laugh at this!
00 :12 :15 Soap in the eye! Soap in the eye!
00 :12 :23 It's all right. It's all right. Look,
00 :12 :25 I'm gonna get you some cool pies, we'll get you free hot wax
00 :12 :27 and all that, you like that?
00 :12 :29 - Allright, go at it, big baby. - Thanks, Oscar.
00 :12 :31 All right.
00 :12 :32 - Ernie look, who's burning! - Just the fish we were looking for!
00 :12 :36 - Yeah. - The boss wants to see you right now!
00 :12 :39 - Right now! - Ernie! Bernie!
00 :12 :41 My jelly fish brothers, voodoo!
00 :12 :42 Hey what's up, men? Ah men, good to see you!
00 :12 :47 Fellows, I'm gonna ahead,
00 :12 :50 over there with Don Worby.
00 :13 :01 That's not the way you sing that song, man!
00 :13 :08 Hey Sykes! My brother from another mother!
00 :13 :12 What's the day is it, baby?
00 :13 :15 What's going down?
00 :13 :16 Hey baby, this is all gravy today, allright
00 :13 :19 snap you fin, right on it. Snap it!
00 :13 :20 - You are not snapping it! - Oscar!
00 :13 :21 Hey, don't sweat it, Sykes, a lot of other fish can do it.
00 :13 :24 Oscar, would you just sit down, okay?
00 :13 :26 - Thank you! - Look, I've been gone off for my markets.
00 :13 :28 Your owe to me is five grand! Five gees, okay?
00 :13 :31 - Five gees? Man, it's not five gees! - See if this refreshes your memory!
00 :13 :36 Wow! That's crazy! Look at that!
00 :13 :40 You wrote everything down so you wouldn't forget!
00 :13 :43 Wow! This is a perfect example why you're
00 :13 :46 in management and I'm not. You go boy.
00 :13 :49 Look, I have to start paying Don Lino for protection,
00 :13 :51 so everything you owe me, you owe him! - How did you figured that?
00 :13 :54 It's simple. The food chain.
00 :13 :56 You see, on top there's Don Lino. There's me.
00 :13 :58 - And there's regular fish. - And there's me!
00 :14 :01 No, there's plankton, there's single celominas.
00 :14 :04 - Then there's me. - I'm getting to that, there's coral.
00 :14 :06 There's rocks. There's whale poo.
00 :14 :09 And then there's you!
00 :14 :11 - There's my stuff. - So after he's squeezing me,
00 :14 :13 he's squeezing you! - What?
00 :14 :15 Wow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
00 :14 :18 - Easy boss, find your happy place. - Happy place!
00 :14 :21 There's is no happy place with him around!
00 :14 :23 Okay, okay, okay. Please, please just give some time,
00 :14 :26 that's all I'm asking! I'm begging you, Sykes, please!
00 :14 :30 - Please! - All right.
00 :14 :35 Cause I like you. I'm gonna give you twenty-four hours to pay out.
00 :14 :39 All of it?
00 :14 :40 - How will I do that? - That's your problem.
00 :14 :42 Bring my five thousand clams
00 :14 :44 tomorrow, or else... - Or else what?
00 :14 :46 The boys will explain you.
00 :14 :52 Unpleasant!
00 :14 :54 Five thousand clams?!
00 :14 :57 You borrowed five thousand clams from mister Sykes?
00 :15 :01 Oscar, why do you get yourself into these situations?
00 :15 :05 I don't know, Ange, it's just hard, allright?
00 :15 :09 Because I'm a little fish in a big pot. A really big pot.
00 :15 :15 The ocean.
00 :15 :19 I'm nobody.
00 :15 :21 - I want some of that! - Missis Sanches?
00 :15 :27 Uh, no. That.
00 :15 :30 The top of the reef. Where the somebodies live.
00 :15 :35 I wanna be rich and famous like them!
00 :15 :38 - But I'm stuck down here. - Well, what's wrong with down here?
00 :15 :44 I'll tell you what's wrong with down here.
00 :15 :47 Remember my dad? He worked at the washes the whole life.
00 :15 :54 He was the number one tongue scrubber.
00 :15 :58 Every year for twenty-five years.
00 :16 :03 To me working at the wash
00 :16 :06 was the coolest job in the ocean.
00 :16 :10 But then I've learned something I would never forget.
00 :16 :13 Ha, ha! Oscar dad's the tongue scruber!
00 :16 :17 Tongue scrubber! Tongue scrubber!
00 :16 :25 My dad was the greatest.
00 :16 :28 But nobody loves nobody.
00 :16 :32 - I wanna be a somebody! - Oscar, you don't have
00 :16 :36 to live at the top of the reef to be a somebody.
00 :16 :42 What's the difference, if I don't pay mister Sykes' beg by tomorrow.
00 :16 :46 I'm dead anyway.
00 :16 :50 Wait here.
00 :17 :05 What's this?
00 :17 :08 - A pink pearl? - Hm.
00 :17 :11 - Where did you get that? - My grandmother gave it to me.
00 :17 :16 She said it started from a tiny grand of sand,
00 :17 :21 but then after a while,
00 :17 :23 it grew in something beautiful.
00 :17 :29 - Dreams can begin small too. - No, I couldn't.
00 :17 :33 Take it! It'll get you the money you need for mister Sykes.
00 :17 :43 What's new on the stand? I'd been on all over this a thousand times,
00 :17 :46 I don't wanna to say it again.
00 :17 :47 You know, you've really given me actually, you know that?
00 :17 :50 I don't know how else to say this to you, Lenny.
00 :17 :51 You see something, you kill it and you eat it. Period.
00 :17 :53 Thanks. That's what sharks do!
00 :17 :56 That's a fine tradition. What's the matter with you?
00 :17 :59 Your brother Franki here, he's a killer.
00 :18 :02 - Right, pap. - He's beautiful,
00 :18 :03 he does what he's supposed to do! Wipe your face.
00 :18 :07 But you...
00 :18 :09 I'm hearing things...
00 :18 :12 You gotta understand, when you look week,
00 :18 :14 it make me look week. - I know, pap.
00 :18 :16 - I'm sorry. - Lenny, Lenny, look at me.
00 :18 :21 Look at me!
00 :18 :22 This ain't nobody's business, this is for you! It's for both of you!
00 :18 :26 And you're acting like you don't even want it!
00 :18 :28 I need to know that you can handle that.
00 :18 :37 Right here in front of me now, eat this.
00 :18 :41 Yeah, oh Jee! Thanks pap.
00 :18 :43 Here's the thing. I'm on a diet,
00 :18 :46 and I've read an article about these shrimps, they are not good for you,
00 :18 :49 you know how many calories are in one shrimp?
00 :18 :53 - A lot! - It's true! It's true,
00 :18 :56 and the other thing is,
00 :18 :57 my sister had a baby and I took her baby,
00 :19 :00 cause she past away, and then the baby lost it's legs,
00 :19 :03 and it's all I wasn't suppose I gonna stop,
00 :19 :06 but I still take care of him with my wife.
00 :19 :09 It's crawling and it's fearly happy, it's difficult, cause
00 :19 :14 I've been working on a second shift at the factory,
00 :19 :17 there put food on the table, all the love
00 :19 :19 and I see that little guy's tears, it's the worst in the world.
00 :19 :25 Front story.
00 :19 :31 I'm not asking you anymore, I'm telling you,
00 :19 :34 eat it! - No! Have mercy!
00 :19 :36 - Pap, please! - Eat!
00 :19 :38 - Don't eat! - What are you...
00 :19 :39 - Son, eat... - No!
00 :19 :40 the shrimp! - Please!
00 :19 :42 - No, please, no! - Lenny! Eat! Eat, eat, eat!
00 :19 :44 - Eat, eat, eat, eat! - Put the shrimp down!
00 :19 :51 All right, go now. No one's looking. Get out of here!
00 :19 :53 - You're free. Go on, go, go! - Thank you. You're good person.
00 :20 :01 Come on, fellows!
00 :20 :11 - Papa, why can't I handle the reef? - No! No! We're gonna do this as a family.
00 :20 :16 Franki, I want you to take Lenny out, and show him the rules.
00 :20 :19 - Oh come on, pap. - Son you're gonna learn how to be a shark!
00 :20 :22 Will you like it or not.
00 :20 :30 - That kid better show up, or he's dead meat! - Yes, at a word, boss.
00 :20 :34 Get a whole load of the money, give it to mister Sykes.
00 :20 :38 Come on, hurry up, hurry up!
00 :20 :39 - This is our chance, you don't wanna miss it! - Are you sure about this?
00 :20 :41 A friend of friend of mine tipped me off!
00 :20 :43 - Race is rigged. We can't lose! - Well what's the horses name?
00 :20 :48 Lucky day.
00 :20 :53 - We're gonna be rich. Rich! - Top of the reef, here I come!
00 :20 :58 No, wait! What am I doing?
00 :21 :00 Remember what Angie said, remember what Angie said.
00 :21 :04 What did Angie say?
00 :21 :06 Dreams can begin small, you just have to bet it all!
00 :21 :10 Bet it all!
00 :21 :20 Five thousand on Lucky day to win!
00 :21 :23 That's two hundred a one!
00 :21 :24 - That would pay a million clams! - Than I guess it makes me, Oscar la millionaire.
00 :21 :35 Lucky day! Lucky day! Lucky day!
00 :21 :56 Nice bet.
00 :22 :05 You have a name?
00 :22 :08 You wanna tell me what it is?
00 :22 :11 Well mine's Lola.
00 :22 :14 Come on man! Get it handled yourself!
00 :22 :18 So...
00 :22 :21 Lola, my name's O...
00 :22 :24 My name is Oscar, sweety.
00 :22 :27 - Missis Sanches! - I hate when it hops,
00 :22 :30 smooth dog, don't work with me!
00 :22 :31 - No, my bad. Hey! So... - Oscar!
00 :22 :34 I was starting to think you skipped on on me.
00 :22 :37 Sykes! Hey! I see you...
00 :22 :40 already to your way to the cashier stand.
00 :22 :41 - What are doing? - You mind bring us back some drinks?
00 :22 :43 - Why are you touching me? - That'll be great man, thanks.
00 :22 :45 Oh I know, I'll bring back
00 :22 :46 some of little winner thing! - You mean the one with the toothpicks?
00 :22 :49 - What are doing? Don't listen to him! - Come on Lola, let me escort you to...
00 :22 :52 my box. - Your box?
00 :22 :54 His box? You can't even afford the gum to the seats!
00 :22 :57 He just laid five grand on Lucky day, I think he can afford
00 :23 :01 anything he wants!
00 :23 :04 Five grand? My five grand?
00 :23 :06 - No, it was another five grand. - You had the money to pay me back
00 :23 :09 and you bet it anyway? - Hold on.
00 :23 :11 - Give me that! - Sykes!
00 :23 :12 - Clearly I've made a mistake. - No! No, wait! Lola!
00 :23 :15 Look, deep down, I'm really superficial.
00 :23 :18 And don't get me wrong, you're cute, but
00 :23 :22 you are a nobody.
00 :23 :25 Oscar, you're cute, but you are a nobody.
00 :23 :28 Wait Lola! Come back! I'm not a nobody!
00 :23 :32 I'm a winner!
00 :23 :36 You are unbelievable, you're in trouble up to your gilles,
00 :23 :38 and still, you're asking for more?
00 :23 :40 Now go on, get in here! Oscar, you better pray
00 :23 :43 that this horse of yours comes through.
00 :23 :44 You bet my five thousand!
00 :23 :47 Hey! Hey! Hey! Out of my seat! You, out of my seat!
00 :23 :49 Unbelievable! Unbelievable!
00 :23 :51 - Sit tight and watch the race. - With your good eye!
00 :23 :56 Horses are ready on the post.
00 :24 :00 Race is going special by Seabiscuit and some of other!
00 :24 :02 The long shoulder Lucky day appears of having trouble of getting
00 :24 :05 out of the gates. - What?
00 :24 :06 Only a sucker could have bet on him!
00 :24 :08 No, no, no, don't sweat it man, he does this all the time,
00 :24 :10 he just blam. - Oh, what's this?
00 :24 :12 Lucky day has crossed his way through the gates!
00 :24 :15 And he's off for running!
00 :24 :17 That was straight away Seabiscuit forcing on Lucky day!
00 :24 :20 Fast! Go fast!
00 :24 :22 Coming round the fall tone the Seabiscuit riding,
00 :24 :24 and Lucky day well behind the pack.
00 :24 :26 And in comes Lucky day! Coming up from behind!
00 :24 :29 He's passing other tales! Now or never!
00 :24 :32 Sykes, you see? Who's your fish now?
00 :24 :35 Around the final turn here comes Lucky day!
00 :24 :37 Lucky day is now calling the Fishfingers!
00 :24 :39 He gets ahead.
00 :24 :43 Wait, I'm getting tired, just beg him up!
00 :24 :46 Look how Lucky day goes!
00 :24 :51 Absolutely amazing!
00 :24 :54 This is Lucky day's big day!
00 :24 :56 That's Lucky day!
00 :25 :03 What happened! Lucky day is down!
00 :25 :10 No!!!
00 :25 :15 And here comes Fishfingers followed by Seabiscuit yellow tail.
00 :25 :18 Fishfingers wins!
00 :25 :20 - What is it? - Wait, wait, wait I just wanted to hold you!
00 :25 :23 Get out of my way, let me see!
00 :25 :24 Poor sad day for Lucky day!
00 :25 :27 And that's why they call him the low shot.
00 :25 :29 Yo, that was crazy, right?
00 :25 :31 Who knew? I mean everything's set,
00 :25 :33 there's a luck, we're good to go, we're in the money,
00 :25 :35 and he trips underwater. Who in a hell
00 :25 :40 trips underwater? And by the way...
00 :25 :43 That's it! That's it, I've had it.
00 :25 :45 Ernie, Bernie, I want you to find the deepest, darkest hole in the ocean,
00 :25 :48 and when you do, dig deeper, and put him in it!
00 :25 :57 Sorry kid, it's nothing personal. It's just business.
00 :26 :06 Don't worry about a day,
00 :26 :13 cause every little thing is gonna be all right!
00 :26 :17 - This is how you sing it, Oscar. - Yeah.
00 :26 :20 Sykes, you like your money. I set ticket easy on you.
00 :26 :24 - But Sykes is not here! - True.
00 :26 :29 - Ernie, let me ask you a question. - Yeah man, go on.
00 :26 :32 Why is it that millacscan sting on a people?
00 :26 :35 But they have no affect on you.
00 :26 :38 Ernie, I didn't mean it Ernie! I didn't mean it man!
00 :26 :45 Ernie! You made a joke!
00 :26 :47 - Good one man! Respect! - Respect.
00 :26 :51 Load fire!
00 :26 :53 - Franki, you know I can't do this! - Lenny, if you wanna make pap happy,
00 :26 :58 you gotta kill something! - Or I could find a very old sick fish
00 :27 :01 and just wait! - Oh.
00 :27 :03 This getting around, you think of the day in the restaurant,
00 :27 :05 you know how fish pop!
00 :27 :06 Bit of bit, bit of bob, this that the other, then
00 :27 :08 how you're doing? Boom! Get a body here. Dead
00 :27 :10 Okay, seriously I can't understand why this is so
00 :27 :14 you have to be more specific. - More specific? You want specific?
00 :27 :17 - Be a shark, for once in your life! - Oh, what am I gonna do?
00 :27 :21 Lenny, forget about it, okay? We do a couple of practice,
00 :27 :24 but a bim, but a bom, pap's happy, you're a shark,
00 :27 :27 life goes on! Capish? - Okay.
00 :27 :30 - Okay, capish. - Wait, wait, wait. Bingo.
00 :27 :34 Right there, there you see? TV dinner.
00 :27 :37 - Don't get lousy on this. - All right. Come on. I am the tiger.
00 :27 :43 Franki, I can do this! What if I can't do this?
00 :27 :47 - Then don't bother coming home. - Good point! All right.
00 :27 :50 Hit him in the tale again.
00 :27 :53 - I like his funny face, man. - Funny face, yeah.
00 :27 :56 - Ernie! - No!
00 :28 :05 Guys! Guys! Don't leave me alone! Come on, there could be a shark out here!
00 :28 :19 Oh no, wait!
00 :28 :20 I'm sorry, no, no, no. I'm not gonna...
00 :28 :21 - Lenny! - What?
00 :28 :22 Like this!
00 :28 :29 Oh my god! Just get off me! Wait a minute!
00 :28 :31 Do me a favor, don't chew me, I'm not for that.
00 :28 :34 - I'm not gonna eat you. - Don't do the whole hit trip thing with me!
00 :28 :38 Listen to me, don't move until I tell you!
00 :28 :43 That's it, Lenny, here you go, body!
00 :28 :45 That's it, dig straight, baby. Dig it!
00 :28 :49 Look, I'm just pretending, so you can get away.
00 :28 :51 When I turn around, you take off!
00 :28 :54 Tastes like chicken! Mhh.
00 :28 :58 - Oh no. No. - What did I tell you!
00 :29 :02 I'm sorry, I didn't get it, you want me to go now?
00 :29 :04 - What are you doing, just come home! - That's it, I've had it up to here!
00 :29 :09 - Oh no! - Hurry, swim!
00 :29 :12 - No, Franki wait! - No, get your boy! Get your boy!
00 :29 :31 Franki!
00 :29 :38 Lenny,
00 :29 :42 - Lenny, is that you? - I'm here, Franki.
00 :29 :44 - Come closer. - Yes, what is it?
00 :29 :47 - I'm so cold. - That's just because we're cold blooded.
00 :29 :52 Moron!
00 :29 :54 Franki, no!
00 :29 :59 No!!!
00 :30 :03 This is all my fault! I'm so sorry, Franki!
00 :30 :09 Oh my, how am I gonna explain this to pap?
00 :30 :13 Oh no!
00 :30 :23 Watch it! Back off! I'm crazy! I will do it!
00 :30 :27 - Wow! - Wow!
00 :30 :30 Oh, what a...
00 :30 :38 Don't hurt us, we're sorry! It was all Ernie idea!
00 :30 :45 Oscar! Did you kill that shark?
00 :30 :53 All right, yeah! Yeah!
00 :30 :56 Exactly how it looked, that's how it is.
00 :30 :58 What happened!
00 :30 :59 - Oh, you want to know what happened? - Yeah, you're standing on top of shark!
00 :31 :05 - Go on man! - Well I'll tell you what happened!
00 :31 :08 Big old shark, seventy-five hundred feet long,
00 :31 :12 so he's swimming at me, right?
00 :31 :14 - With teeth like razors! - Razors!
00 :31 :17 And it was all like, you want come at me like that,
00 :31 :20 you want come to all like that?
00 :31 :23 Dude, do the muscle thing, the muscle thing!
00 :31 :26 Oh right, right. So I told that dude, I said do you see this guy?
00 :31 :29 And I pointed like this, well he's got a brother.
00 :31 :31 And he lives right over here!
00 :31 :34 And I think it's time for a little family reunion!
00 :31 :41 - You see man, I told you! - Excuse me.
00 :31 :42 - We were right there, right there! - Pardon me. Move it!
00 :31 :45 Sorry, sorry! She seems so nice on TV.
00 :31 :49 Oscar, Katie Current. As a first fish in history,
00 :31 :51 that ever take on a shark and win, tell me,
00 :31 :53 does this mean you're now the protector of the reef?
00 :31 :55 - New sheriff in town, the big cahuna? - Katie, I'm a keeper of reef,
00 :31 :59 - I can call you Katie, right? - Of course!
00 :32 :02 Any shark tries to mess around in Oscar town,
00 :32 :05 is going down!
00 :32 :10 Yeah, just poetic, I mean poetic!
00 :32 :12 Oscar! Oscar.
00 :32 :17 Okay, get out of here, barracuda,
00 :32 :19 any further questions will be filled by me!
00 :32 :21 - And you are? - I'm his manager, Sykes. With an Y.
00 :32 :25 And I'm his financial advisor!
00 :32 :29 You wanna see my puppets?
00 :32 :34 Hello!
00 :32 :36 Could you excuse for a moment, please?
00 :32 :39 - My manager? - Kid, you're a superstar!
00 :32 :41 We're gonna make a fortune! Just let me handle it.
00 :32 :43 - What about the five gees? - Forget the five gees.
00 :32 :45 - From now on we're partners! - So what exactly are we talking about here?
00 :32 :48 - I'm thinking about 90/10 split. - Well, that's actualy pretty generous.
00 :32 :51 You're the 10, I take my 90 off the top.
00 :32 :52 - I don't think so! - Talk to me.
00 :32 :53 - You get 50! - 70.
00 :32 :55 - 20! - 75.
00 :32 :56 Dude! You're going the wrong way!
00 :32 :58 - Fifty-fifty! - Fifty-fifty!
00 :32 :59 - You're happy? - No, you're happy?
00 :33 :00 - No! Deal! - Deal!
00 :33 :05 My manager and I are now prepared to take your questions.
00 :33 :08 Oscar, are you going to continue working here at the wash?
00 :33 :12 Please, I bearly work here now!
00 :33 :15 - Keep in up, kid. You're slaying them! - No, he's slaying sharks!
00 :33 :19 Hey, that's good, that's good, I like that!
00 :33 :20 Oscar, the Sharkslayer!
00 :33 :23 - Wow! - A Sharkslayer!
00 :33 :25 You heard it here first, from now on,
00 :33 :27 any shark tries to bother this reef,
00 :33 :29 it's had its funeral.
00 :33 :44 I could fly high...
00 :33 :58 - Franki, we'll miss you. - To Franki!
00 :34 :03 It's a terrible thing, Don Lino. Everybody loved Franki.
00 :34 :07 May whoever did this, die at thousand depths.
00 :34 :11 May his stinking maggy coffered corpse rot
00 :34 :14 in a fire depth of hell!
00 :34 :17 Thank you for your kind thoughts, Giuseppe.
00 :34 :22 Oh and may Lenny be found safe and sound too.
00 :34 :25 - Hope he's okay. - Oh Lenny.
00 :34 :29 - Don't worry, boss. - I said some things to him...
00 :34 :33 - We' gotta find him. - We're searching everywhere.
00 :34 :37 Forget about it, he'll turn up.
00 :34 :38 What's wrong with that kid? Why does he gotta be so different?
00 :34 :42 Franki, god rest his soul, he was perfect. Perfect!
00 :34 :48 Oh, Luca, who could have done this?
00 :34 :54 Don Lino, at this most difficult time, please accept my deepest condolences.
00 :35 :01 Thank you, Don Brizzi,
00 :35 :02 for honouring my son with your song.
00 :35 :05 I got some news, about the guy who took out Franki.
00 :35 :16 Hey, let's talk over here.
00 :35 :20 He come out of nowhere, this guy.
00 :35 :24 Calls himself the Sharkslayer.
00 :35 :29 - I'm here, over here. - The Sharkslayer!
00 :35 :34 - Where do I find him? - He's from the south side reef,
00 :35 :37 that's all we could dig up. - Thank you, thank you.
00 :35 :43 - Any request? - Luca.
00 :35 :45 - How about that Titanic song? - No, no!
00 :35 :48 Get Sykes, he knows that reef better than anybody.
00 :35 :51 I wanna find this guy, I wanna know everything about him,
00 :35 :54 I wanna know where he lives, I wanna know where he sleeps,
00 :35 :56 he pops to kill, I wanna know about it. Who is the Sharkslayer.
00 :36 :00 Here he is! The Sharkslayer!
00 :36 :18 GUP
00 :36 :32 PENTHOUSE
00 :36 :39 Let's get this party started right!
00 :36 :49 - There he is, the big dog! - Sykes?
00 :36 :51 Found that dog. Found it! Oscar, raise the reef, raise the reef!
00 :36 :57 - Yeah? - Oh yeah.
00 :36 :58 Hot!
00 :37 :01 - Hey, that's from desperating! - Come on, cabbage back! Cabbage back!
00 :37 :04 - Angie! You made it! - Hey, wait! You're gonna break my gift!
00 :37 :08 Come on, you didn't have to get me anything.
00 :37 :10 - What did you get me? - Well, what does every bachelor need!
00 :37 :15 A lover lamp! How did you know I love lover lamps?
00 :37 :18 You know what, I'm gonna put it right here, next to my other one.
00 :37 :26 Hey, come Ange, I wanna show the best thing about this place!
00 :37 :34 - Wow! - How great is this view?
00 :37 :36 - Top of reef! It's amazing! - I know , it's beautiful, right?
00 :37 :41 Like your, like your new appartment?
00 :37 :44 It's... wow! Awesome!
00 :37 :50 All I'm trying to say, is that...
00 :37 :53 - I'm proud of you, Oscar. - Yeah, it was nothing, really.
00 :37 :59 You know what? Wait right here, don't move,
00 :38 :02 I'll be right back. Girl, you are gonna flip!
00 :38 :08 - Wow! I'm back! - Oh you're back!
00 :38 :11 You know what Ange, where I am right now,
00 :38 :14 this whole new life I've got,
00 :38 :17 or my dreams coming true,
00 :38 :20 you know, weird kind of way?
00 :38 :24 - I'd never could have done it without you. - Oh, sure you could.
00 :38 :29 Well, probably not.
00 :38 :33 - Ange, here. - Oh, Oscar!
00 :38 :38 I know, I know. Just sorry, that it took so long.
00 :38 :43 - Oh that's okay! - Bam!
00 :38 :47 My grandmother's pearl!
00 :38 :51 With entries! Now, I don't forget anything,
00 :38 :54 and I never forget who my friends are!
00 :39 :04 Ange, I...
00 :39 :07 Oh, hi. I'm not interrupting something, am I?
00 :39 :12 - Yes, we're talking! - No! Hey Lola!
00 :39 :14 Wow, you're here!
00 :39 :17 You gotta come best my meet friend, Angie.
00 :39 :20 Eat my best, my man, Wangie?
00 :39 :24 Your best friend? Oh that's sweet.
00 :39 :26 So you won't mind if I still be here for a while and leave?
00 :39 :38 So, look who's a somebody after all!
00 :39 :42 - You know... - Sharks! On the edge of the reef!
00 :39 :48 The Great Whites!
00 :39 :50 Okay, everbody go home,
00 :39 :52 spend the last few hours that you have with each other!
00 :39 :59 Oh! I mean,
00 :40 :03 that's the way it used to be around here.
00 :40 :06 We were all screaming, forgot our stuff but,
00 :40 :09 now's Oscar came to town!
00 :40 :12 So Lola, baby, just wait here,
00 :40 :14 and I will be right back, I'm gonna go ahead take care of the sharks.
00 :40 :17 Go get them tiger!
00 :40 :18 Wow!
00 :40 :23 - All right Oscar, you can do this! - Go get them Oscar!
00 :00 :01 Lenny! Where the hack is he?
00 :00 :04 - Lenny! - Hey! What are you doing?
00 :00 :06 There's a Sharkslayer around here!
00 :00 :09 Oh yeah, Lenny! Lenny!
00 :00 :16 - That was close. - Super close.
00 :00 :23 Don't panic.
00 :00 :26 - Quiet, we're safe. - No, not you again!
00 :00 :31 - Yeah, what was that? - What is with you, man!
00 :00 :34 - Shh, he could be anywhere. - Who?
00 :00 :38 Shh, the Sharkslayer.
00 :00 :42 - There's no Sharkslayer around here. - Yes, there is!
00 :00 :46 - No, there is not, trust me on this one. - Get a hold of yourself, man!
00 :00 :51 - This is no time to act crazy! - You're the one acting crazy! Crazy!
00 :00 :56 You're right. You're right, I'm sorry.
00 :00 :58 I haven't been myself since the...
00 :01 :01 the... No, don't cry!
00 :01 :10 No, that's not all that.
00 :01 :11 - Just relax. - It's my fault!
00 :01 :14 - Not really, but still! - Okay calm. You just need a little time.
00 :01 :19 - Man look, things are work out. - You think?
00 :01 :21 Yeah! So...
00 :01 :23 Look, I'll take off, and you should just go home, okay?
00 :01 :28 - Okay. - Hey, good luck, dog.
00 :01 :31 - Wait! - What, man?
00 :01 :33 - I didn't catch your name. - Oscar.
00 :01 :35 - I'm Lenny. Hi! - Hi.
00 :01 :37 - Where do you live? - Lenny? Where I come from,
00 :01 :41 fish don't like to get grabbed by sharks, okay?
00 :01 :44 - Sorry. - Go home!
00 :01 :46 There is no home for me anymore. Don't you understand that?
00 :01 :49 - You're too big to be grabbing me like this. - Take me home with you.
00 :01 :51 - Shh! What? - You won't even notice I'm in!
00 :01 :53 I'm like the invisible shark!
00 :01 :57 - Are you crazy? - Please, I'm begging you,
00 :02 :02 don't leave me alone! - Shh!
00 :02 :03 Yo! Put you fins on the wall, where I could see them!
00 :02 :11 - Got ya! - Hey, yo! Shorty!
00 :02 :14 - Oscar! - What ya doing here?
00 :02 :16 - Check out my mad bum! - Check it out.
00 :02 :18 Bum! There is!
00 :02 :20 - Do you like it? - You kids got some skills!
00 :02 :26 What did I tell you? You can shooting be doing this!
00 :02 :28 And besides, it's not safe to be here at night.
00 :02 :31 It is now, dude bro, you're the Sharkslayer!
00 :02 :34 - Sharkslayer? - Sometimes I'd be coughing like that.
00 :02 :39 Look, I just need you off of these streets.
00 :02 :41 - Come on! - Get your butts home!
00 :02 :42 Cause I know your moms, and I'm just tell them you are doing bad.
00 :02 :45 - Hey let's go make mister Sykes puff up! - Yeah! Bye Oscar!
00 :02 :50 - Lenny! Did you see what just hapened there? - I know. They think you're the Sharkslayer!
00 :02 :56 As if!
00 :02 :59 - I appreciate your funky tone, actually. - No, wait up! Hey! I'm sorry.
00 :03 :03 Seriously, I don't want you mad at me.
00 :03 :05 And I certainly don't want you to 'slay me'!
00 :03 :09 You're having a good time, right?
00 :03 :11 Are you enjoying yourself?
00 :03 :13 Well, for your information,
00 :03 :16 I am the Sharkslayer!
00 :03 :17 Oscar the Sharkslayer, that's what they're saying!
00 :03 :21 - Wait, you mean you? - Yeah.
00 :03 :24 When the anchor...
00 :03 :28 - Oh, you're a liar! - Hey, I didn't lie, all right?
00 :03 :32 Allright, I lied!
00 :03 :34 But that was a little lie! Come on, no one's was gonna be hurt anyway!
00 :03 :37 What am I doing? I'm not gonna explain myself to you.
00 :03 :39 - You know what? You're on your own! - No problem!
00 :03 :41 And if god forbids, someone should, I don't know.
00 :03 :46 Find out the truth about the Sharkslayer on my way back...
00 :03 :50 - You wouldn't! - I would.
00 :03 :57 Come here!
00 :03 :59 Of course you can cup on me!
00 :04 :03 But you know, I mean, you're a shark, right?
00 :04 :05 And I'm a Sharkslayer, so we can't be seen together.
00 :04 :09 - You dig dug? - Dig dug, dug dig. Dig dug, yeah!
00 :04 :15 - Yo, diggy dug! - Just come on!
00 :04 :20 Okay Lenny, follow my every move and don't make a sound.
00 :04 :24 You got it. Wow, echo. Echo!
00 :04 :28 Now, coming for the south side sharks, I'm fifty.
00 :04 :30 Oh, it's not okay to hit!
00 :05 :15 - Get your bum in there! - You think anybody heard that?
00 :05 :21 - Who is that? Ha? Who's that? - Yo-hoo! Crazy Joe!
00 :05 :25 I thought I heard something! Did you get that shark?
00 :05 :29 - You have no idea, Joe! - That's great! Well, gotta go, my show's on!
00 :05 :41 All right. We're safe. For now.
00 :05 :46 Hey a bed! Oh! Yeah, that's good. That's heaven.
00 :05 :53 Snuggely buggley waggely!
00 :05 :55 - I love you man! - Wow, hold on!
00 :06 :00 - You're my new best friend! - Stop it! Okay, you wanna be friends?
00 :06 :05 Fine, but we gotta lay down some rules.
00 :06 :08 Rule number one, no snuggely buggely,
00 :06 :13 whatever that just was! - You got it. Anything else?
00 :06 :15 Allright, rule number two! And this is the most important rule.
00 :06 :19 Any event, that possibly, you know, you're hungry...
00 :06 :22 Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat anyone.
00 :06 :24 In case you haven't noticed, I'm different from the other sharks.
00 :06 :27 Let's put it that way, leave it at that. Good night!
00 :06 :30 - Define different. - You'll laugh.
00 :06 :32 - I'm not gonna laugh! - Well that's just what you said,
00 :06 :34 and then what happens later? You laugh.
00 :06 :36 Lenny, I give you my word.
00 :06 :39 Okay, I will tell you, I'm...
00 :06 :43 I'm a vegetarian.
00 :06 :50 Hm, hold on.
00 :06 :55 So that's it?
00 :06 :56 - What do you mean that's it? - I'm just...
00 :06 :58 You're first fish I've ever told!
00 :06 :59 I'm so tired of keeping that all a secret!
00 :07 :02 - And my dad, - Wow, hey!
00 :07 :04 he'll never accept me for who I am.
00 :07 :06 - What's wrong with me? - Nothing is wrong with you, man.
00 :07 :10 - I think all sharks should be like you. - God, that sweet to say.
00 :07 :15 And stop blaming yourself for what happened.
00 :07 :18 - Really? - If you wanna blame anybody,
00 :07 :20 blame me. Cause if I hadn't been out there,
00 :07 :22 in the first place, nothing of this would happen!
00 :07 :24 Yeah, if pop knew that, he'd ice you for sure.
00 :07 :30 Ice? Was that a godfather or something?
00 :07 :33 - Yeah. - What do you mean, 'yeah'?
00 :07 :35 Yeah, he is.
00 :07 :40 Hey, are you all right?
00 :07 :45 GAME OVER
00 :07 :46 - Ha, man, I told you! - I'm doing this!
00 :07 :48 Left circle double left square right to the down square square.
00 :07 :51 Another square! Respect. - Respect.
00 :07 :54 Oh yeah? Well I got some news for you!
00 :07 :55 The Sharkslayer made me his manager, so I'm now...
00 :07 :57 what I like to call untouchable! Did you hear me?
00 :08 :01 - Sykes! - Okay.
00 :08 :01 Hey Oscar!
00 :08 :05 - Sykes! - Hey hey hey, there he is,
00 :08 :07 my brother, my player, the Sharkslayer! - Yeah whatever, Sykes listen.
00 :08 :10 And another thing, from now on you're gonna have to start paying me for protection!
00 :08 :13 Sykes, the deal is off, the shark I killed was Don Lino's son!
00 :08 :17 - I know! Any grade? - Not if he finds out!
00 :08 :20 What do you mean find out? I've got him on the phone right now!
00 :08 :22 That's right, Lino. I've got the Sharkslayer right here in front of me!
00 :08 :27 - And he's gonna slay you and all of your sharks! - Sykes, shut up! Shut up!
00 :08 :32 Hey that's good. That's good, I like that.
00 :08 :34 Shut up, Lino! Shut up!
00 :08 :37 - What? Oh, kid, he wants to talk to you. - I know, I'm not here! I'm not here!
00 :08 :40 Yeah, he's right here.
00 :08 :43 - Hello. - Shut up? Shut up?
00 :08 :45 You don't tell me shut up, I tell you shut up!
00 :08 :48 - What? Hello? - Yeah, how you're doing?
00 :08 :50 Let me have a pie with everything on it. Anchovies, meet balls, mushrooms...
00 :08 :53 - Luca! - Oh, hi boss!
00 :08 :55 - What are you doing working in a pizza joint? - Get off the phone!
00 :08 :58 But I'm hungry!
00 :09 :00 My guys are coming for you, Sharkslayer!
00 :09 :03 They are going to tear you fin from fin!
00 :09 :06 Come on, now who's your puff daddy?
00 :09 :09 Who takes care of you?
00 :09 :10 Come on you two, we've got work to do.
00 :09 :13 - I was winning! - Sykes, Sykes, hold, look!
00 :09 :15 - You got it all wrong! - I've been writing songs about you kid!
00 :09 :18 - All the shark bites.. - Sykes.
00 :09 :20 With his teeth dear.
00 :09 :22 - And then Oscar, - Sykes!
00 :09 :24 - Kicked his butt! - Sykes, Sykes, man!
00 :09 :27 - Come on! - Maybe I can help?
00 :09 :30 Hey! Lola! What are you doing here?
00 :09 :33 You pop it up sometimes in places!
00 :09 :36 Oh you said to wait, so...
00 :09 :39 - I've been waiting. - Look, I don't have a lot of time
00 :09 :44 for a whole hand clappy making the life's go on
00 :09 :47 music playing and the guitar thing, you know.
00 :09 :49 - What are you afraid of? - Afraid? That's funny.
00 :09 :53 I'm not afraid of nothing, it's just...
00 :09 :56 - Oh baby, you're so tense. - Yeah, you know. I've really been stressed lately,
00 :10 :01 like protecting the reef, you know, I do that for myself.
00 :10 :05 - It's just too crazy. - It's just too much.
00 :10 :08 Yeah, you know, just one thing on top of the other.
00 :10 :11 Actually I was thinking about retiring.
00 :10 :13 - You don't wanna do that. - I don't?
00 :10 :15 You have worked your way to the top.
00 :10 :18 You don't wanna go back to the bottom, do you?
00 :10 :22 - No. No, no way! - You just show them who's boss.
00 :10 :29 And the sharks will leave you alone.
00 :10 :32 Yeah, you're right! Lenny!
00 :10 :43 - Pss! Lenny! Where are you? - Hello, Oscar.
00 :10 :49 Angie! Hey! What are you doing here?
00 :10 :53 What Oscar, did you forget something?
00 :10 :54 Oh maybe, you forgot your shark!
00 :11 :01 Hi.
00 :11 :02 Shark! Swim Angie! I'll cover you! Quick!
00 :11 :06 - Before it's too late! Go home without me! - Oh stop it! Your friend shark here told me everything.
00 :11 :12 - Lenny, why would you do that? - I don't know, I like her!
00 :11 :16 Thank you, I like you too.
00 :11 :18 What were you thinking bringing him in here?
00 :11 :21 - No, I just, I'm still working at the cakes. - Cakes? You lie!
00 :11 :26 - Everybody thinks you're slayer of the sharks! - Who am I gonna tell that they are wrong?
00 :11 :29 - How could you lie to me, Oscar? Me? - Don't take it personally. Come on, I lied to everybody!
00 :11 :35 All right. Look, I'm sorry. I totally betrayed you,
00 :11 :39 but listen I got just one...
00 :11 :41 little problem I gotta take care of. - Of what's that?
00 :11 :44 - Sharks are coming to get me! - And they should!
00 :11 :48 I mean, what did you expect? You just take credit for killing the shark
00 :11 :51 and everything will be fine and dandy for the rest of your life?
00 :11 :57 Yeah!
00 :11 :59 But don't you worry about it. Me and Lenny got it,
00 :12 :02 we go fix it! - Wow, wow, wow.
00 :12 :04 - What's with the 'we', I don't wanna 'we' part of this. - Hey, too late now, vagie boy, they'll be looking for you too.
00 :12 :09 - Point taken. What's the plan? - Allright, just what we will do.
00 :12 :12 Oscar! Here's the plan! You tell the truth. And you go home!
00 :12 :21 Allright, look. This we're gonna do, right?
00 :12 :24 We will paint you up all bloody. Just mess, right?
00 :12 :26 And you go swim out and meet the sharks before they get here.
00 :12 :30 And you will say stop!
00 :12 :32 Don't go no further! This Sharkslayer's crazy man!
00 :12 :37 He beat me senceless! He's stone cold killer, man!
00 :12 :40 And then you can tell them I'm huge!
00 :12 :42 You know, tell them that I'm handsome.
00 :12 :43 - You're going way too far, Oscar! - Acually he hasn't gone far enough.
00 :12 :50 Exactly! What?
00 :12 :53 You need slay a shark, and I need to dissappear.
00 :12 :57 This is what we're gonna do.
00 :13 :01 This is Katie Current, reporting live.
00 :13 :03 We've got uncontrolled reports of...
00 :13 :05 Shark!!!
00 :13 :15 Look, it's the Sharkslayer!
00 :13 :38 Holy microbe! Did we get that?
00 :13 :40 Hey, Ange! Oscar's on the TV!
00 :13 :43 Show me that. Allright, do what you do best.
00 :13 :47 Do you hear them, Lenny? They are going crazy, man!
00 :13 :51 - They love us! - They love you, they hate me!
00 :13 :53 - What? - Let's switch sides,
00 :13 :55 maybe I can be the Fishslayer!
00 :13 :56 - They'll never see it coming! - Come on, man!
00 :13 :58 You saw this, you'll never have to go home again!
00 :14 :01 You can start a new life!
00 :14 :03 - Now give me a growl! - Okay.
00 :14 :15 - Like that? - That was pretty good.
00 :14 :18 Let's go!
00 :14 :22 Is that what you're offering? Do you understand how huge
00 :14 :24 my client is? Turn on your TV right now!
00 :14 :29 Lenny, hold on! Lenny, Lenny!
00 :14 :34 Turn off your TV! Turn off your TV!
00 :14 :40 - Don't swallow! - Oscar?
00 :14 :44 No, it's Pinnoccio. Of course it's me! Why did you do that?
00 :14 :48 - I'm sorry. - No, no. Sorry, is when you step
00 :14 :50 on somebody's fin at the movie theater.
00 :14 :52 It is sorry. Sorry, is what you say,
00 :14 :54 Hey, where's the baby, dude?
00 :14 :55 And it turns out to burst is just fat!
00 :14 :57 This is as far away from sorry, as you could possibly get!
00 :15 :02 - But Oscar! I think I'm gonna puke. - No, no, no! Lenny, just open up.
00 :15 :08 Nice and easy.
00 :15 :20 - Are you not entertained? - Go Oscar, man!
00 :15 :24 - You can't handle its rule! - Go get them!
00 :15 :27 You had me at hello!
00 :15 :31 Turn your TV back on! What are you doing,
00 :15 :33 turning your TV off? Turn it on!
00 :15 :52 This reef is huge. How we're supposed to find the Sharkslayer?
00 :16 :07 This is it, Lenny. Big finish! Just like we practised.
00 :16 :10 - The flying fish? - The flying fish!
00 :16 :16 Little more help here, body boy!
00 :16 :18 - Sorry. - Thank you.
00 :16 :40 Curse you, Sharkslayer!
00 :16 :59 Yeah, and you tell Don Lino,
00 :17 :03 that I don't never ever ever ever never! Want to see another shark
00 :17 :08 on this reef again! - Ever!
00 :17 :12 Remember this name,
00 :17 :14 Oscar the Sharkslayer!
00 :17 :17 Aha! You see? You see? Ha?
00 :17 :28 Look at Oscar! Oscar!
00 :17 :34 Hey, Lol...
00 :17 :36 It seems that Sharkslayer not only countered a few sharks today,
00 :17 :39 but maybe a few hearts? Has the reef's most eligible
00 :17 :42 bachelor have been snapped up?
00 :17 :44 I'm Katie Current. You're live watching the Sharkslayer making out.
00 :17 :50 Hey Angie, can you hand me the blue one?
00 :17 :54 Thank you.
00 :17 :57 Who steps in the room?
00 :18 :01 - Yeah! - Oscar and Lenny!
00 :18 :02 What a dream baby! Give me that! Give me some fin!
00 :18 :05 - High fin! - Give me some fin!
00 :18 :06 - Low fin! - Did you see me? I was like...
00 :18 :11 - That was great! - When you punched me, the crowd was...
00 :18 :15 Yeah, the ate it up! Hey Angie, Angie
00 :18 :17 you ain't know how Lenny had me in him, did you?
00 :18 :18 - It was like an Oscar explosion! - How good was I?
00 :18 :21 - Oh you was the ball! - Thank you, thank you.
00 :18 :24 Hey, hey, hey! Casanova!
00 :18 :27 I saw your big finish on the news. Nice smooch, lover boy.
00 :18 :33 It was just private, just private.
00 :18 :35 - Private! The entire reef saw you do it. - Hey, somebody's got a bad move.
00 :18 :39 Come on, Ange. Let me see the smile!
00 :18 :41 - Show me the smile, baby! - Knock it off!
00 :18 :43 - What is gotten in you? - Me? I want, I swear! Sometimes I wanna
00 :18 :47 take your big dumb dummy head and just...
00 :18 :52 - Ange, Ange, what is the problem? - Problem? There's no problem, I'm not having problem!
00 :18 :56 Maybe it's probably because you're the one with a problem!
00 :18 :57 - Hey you guys? - What have you got against Lola?
00 :19 :00 Not my lips, that's for sure!
00 :19 :03 - Okay, what's going on? - I'm gonna stay out of this.
00 :19 :06 Look, why would you even care about Lola anyway?
00 :19 :08 - I don't! - You don't?
00 :19 :10 - No! - No what?
00 :19 :11 - I don't know! - You guys, you wanna get?
00 :19 :13 - No - No!
00 :19 :14 Just tell me, Oscar, cause I'm curious.
00 :19 :17 Why do you think she's interested? Do you think for one minute
00 :19 :20 that she would even be with you, if you want to reach a fame of Sharkslayer?
00 :19 :24 - Come on guys, please don't fight. - Are you that light?
00 :19 :26 - At least she treats me like I'm somebody! - Yeah, but will she love you if you were nobody?
00 :19 :30 - Nobody loved me when I was nobody! - I did!
00 :19 :37 Before the money, and before the fame,
00 :19 :40 before the lie! To me you were a somebody, Oscar.
00 :19 :46 Now you're nothing! But a fake. A shame.
00 :19 :52 - You're joker. - Here I come!
00 :19 :57 Sebastian, the way you'll washing dolphin!
00 :20 :09 - Angie. - No, forget it! Just go!
00 :20 :14 Cause I'm tired of hearing that everything you had in your life wasn't good enough.
00 :20 :18 Including me.
00 :20 :28 - Angie? - Oh honey, I'm sorry.
00 :20 :33 Go back and do it again.
00 :20 :38 Hey, come on. It'll be okay.
00 :21 :08 You can't have the lose! You got shark breath!
00 :21 :13 'O' mints
00 :21 :23 'Coca cola' 'Get real'
00 :21 :36 What are you kids doing? How many times I got to tell you?
00 :21 :40 This is past your bed time! Go on, all right.
00 :21 :44 Hey, hey, hey! What are you kids are...
00 :21 :47 Well, it looks pretty good! You guys should do this for a living!
00 :22 :20 Preparation 'O'!
00 :22 :22 It slays hemorroids like Oscar slays sharks!
00 :22 :26 Hey Oscar!
00 :22 :33 Angie was right. I am a joker.
00 :22 :37 Hey, Sharkslayer. Why are you in here?
00 :22 :41 - All your friens are inside! - Not all my friends.
00 :22 :45 You may not little bottom feeder from the whale wash.
00 :22 :49 Forget about her. She's a nobody.
00 :22 :53 I'm the nobody.
00 :22 :56 Oh let me guess. She told you that she loves you,
00 :23 :00 is that it?
00 :23 :04 It's not like you feel the same way about her.
00 :23 :15 You know what? I don't think this is gonna work out.
00 :23 :17 What? Are you dumping me?
00 :23 :25 Let me explain something to you.
00 :23 :27 We get party like at your birthday.
00 :23 :32 Ha! Young love!
00 :23 :39 CHOCOLATES
00 :23 :41 FLOWERS
00 :23 :55 - Hey Oscar! - Hey, I can't talk, I gotta find Angie!
00 :23 :58 I need to tell her... I love her!
00 :24 :03 Where you're going, Oscar?
00 :24 :04 - Hi, whale wash. - Give me the phone!
00 :24 :07 - We'll you got a whale to wash and the price... - Give me back the phone! And the price is...
00 :24 :11 very very low. Consider no good washers! - Good one, Ernie.
00 :24 :16 How many times do I have to tell you? It's gosh!
00 :24 :18 You get a whale of a wash, and the price - oh my gosh!
00 :24 :20 - All right, we get it man. - Whale wash,
00 :24 :22 rhymes with gush! - Give me that!
00 :24 :25 Get out of here, both of you. Won't you use some place else, will you?
00 :24 :28 - Sykes? Where's Angie? - You tell me!
00 :24 :30 Whale wash, you got a whale of a wash... No?
00 :24 :33 - It's for you. - Ha?
00 :24 :35 - Hello? - Is this the Sharkslayer?
00 :24 :37 - Yeah, who is this? - It's Luca the octop... I mean,
00 :24 :40 forget about it. Now you follow these instructions, okay?
00 :24 :44 Fall cabinet, top drawer, there's a package. Get it.
00 :24 :49 That's right, tough guy, we got your girl.
00 :24 :53 That is gonna be a sit-down. In one hour.
00 :24 :55 - Who is it? - Shh!
00 :24 :57 Be there if you don't want to see her sleeping with the fishes.
00 :25 :02 The bad ones.
00 :25 :04 Now nod your head if you understand.
00 :25 :09 Now tell me if you nodded your head.
00 :25 :12 I nodded.
00 :25 :15 They got Angie. And they want a sit-down.
00 :25 :19 I never meant for anybody to get hurt,
00 :25 :20 especially not Angie. This is all my fault.
00 :25 :24 That's a classic move. I've seen it a thousand times.
00 :25 :26 They take the thing you love the most, and then they use it against you!
00 :25 :33 Look, we gotta go to that sit-down, and we gotta save her.
00 :25 :36 Wow, wow, wow. Look, I wanna save Angie too,
00 :25 :38 but I can't just sit there and say,
00 :25 :40 - Hi pap, I'm a dolphin! - Lenny?
00 :25 :42 And my friend Sharkslayer, he is a fake!
00 :25 :44 - Fake? - Come on!
00 :25 :45 We're gonna need a better plan than that.
00 :25 :48 This is a joke, right? This is a joke?
00 :25 :50 Because you know, I told Lino,
00 :25 :51 Shut up, Lino! Shut up!
00 :25 :55 Tell me you didn't make it a low kid.
00 :25 :56 Tell me that's not Lenny. Tell me you're a real Sharkslayer.
00 :25 :59 - Please! - I'm sorry, Sykes.
00 :26 :02 I'm not.
00 :26 :04 But the sharks don't know that.
00 :26 :34 Would you stop screwing around? This will never work. We're dead, we're dead!
00 :26 :36 Sh! Thank you, Sykes. Thank you!
00 :26 :40 My man Sykes has just begged me
00 :26 :44 not to murder you all up here, right?
00 :26 :47 Now I might listen to him. But then I cannot might not.
00 :26 :50 And that depends on the individual behaviour
00 :26 :53 of all the individuals in here. Individuals.
00 :26 :56 Hey, is that right?
00 :26 :58 - Look, he's got dolphine muscle. - My uncle Will got wacked by one of those.
00 :27 :03 All right. Which one of you sorry deans caled this meeting?
00 :27 :06 That would be me.
00 :27 :11 So, this the Sharkslayer? I've been looking forward to meet you.
00 :27 :15 I feel like we're practically family! You know that's funny, ain't it?
00 :27 :19 I brought my kids into the world. Full love and care.
00 :27 :24 And you took them out. You know who I am?
00 :27 :28 Do you know who I am?
00 :27 :30 I'm the Don! The boss of the Great White sharks!
00 :27 :34 Hey boss, I saved your seat.
00 :27 :37 I've been running this reef since before you was born!
00 :27 :40 And If you thought that guy like me,
00 :27 :43 can't get to a guy like you, guess what?
00 :27 :46 You thought wrong!
00 :27 :53 Man, you're the one who's wrong. I barely know that girl.
00 :27 :56 - What her name was? - Oh yeah?
00 :27 :59 Well I say he's bluffing.
00 :28 :03 - If I wasn't marry. - How you're doing, pretty lady?
00 :28 :08 - Lola! We meet again! - You know, Sharkslayer,
00 :28 :13 there's only one thing I like better than money...
00 :28 :17 Revenge!
00 :28 :20 - Oh, I'm in love! - Your shark slaying days are over!
00 :28 :24 and there ain't nothing you can do about it.
00 :28 :41 Ha? What's so funny?
00 :28 :43 You got nothing! Nothing!
00 :28 :46 Sebastian, take a roll!
00 :28 :56 Can't touch this!
00 :28 :59 Can't touch this!
00 :29 :02 Stop! Oscar time! Okay!
00 :29 :05 New rules! Nobody!
00 :29 :07 I repeat, nobody makes a move without my okay.
00 :29 :10 I am the pattern marker now baby!
00 :29 :12 From now on everything flows through me!
00 :29 :15 What did he do? What did he do? I can't see it!
00 :29 :17 You don't lose a two, you don't grow one back without my okay.
00 :29 :20 - Okay? - Okay.
00 :29 :22 If you sneeze, you don't white dead boogie without my okay.
00 :29 :26 - Okay? - Okay.
00 :29 :27 All right. And you don't say okay, without my okay.
00 :29 :30 Okay?
00 :29 :33 Okay! Thank you all for coming, good meeting, we gotta go.
00 :29 :36 And one more thing. What is with all your living in a low boo?
00 :29 :40 - Oscar! - That was supposed to be my
00 :29 :41 get yourselves a real high-down! - Oscar.
00 :29 :45 And take the good look, Lino. It's over!
00 :29 :48 - Your old school! - Oscar!
00 :29 :51 What?
00 :30 :03 Excuse me.
00 :30 :05 - Ange, are you okay? - No! I am not okay!
00 :30 :08 - He ate me! - I had to take it.
00 :30 :11 - The taste was killing me! - Lenny?
00 :30 :15 Is that you?
00 :30 :20 You're alive? I thought I lost you!
00 :30 :24 What are you wearing, ha?
00 :30 :26 What is that?
00 :30 :43 Hey boss, it's Lenny!
00 :30 :45 He was wearing the disguise, so we wouldn't recognize him.
00 :30 :47 But now he's not wearing a disguise,
00 :30 :49 so we do recognize him!
00 :30 :53 - Hi pap. - Are you kidding me?
00 :30 :55 Are you kidding me? Are you out of your mind?
00 :30 :58 Do you have any idea how this looks?
00 :31 :00 This is the best sit-down, I've ever been to!
00 :31 :04 What are you doing with disguise? You took out your own flash and blood!
00 :31 :06 - Franki! - Look pap, just listen!
00 :31 :08 It's not that, you never take side against the family, ever!
00 :31 :12 Hey Don Lino! Sir, listen! It's not his fault!
00 :31 :15 - This is between you and me. - What did I ever do to you!
00 :31 :18 You took Franki away, and you've turned Lenny into a dolphin!
00 :31 :23 I'm gonna get you!
00 :31 :24 - Oscar! Look out! - Oscar! Swim! Swim for your life!
00 :31 :37 You're gonna regret the day you became the Sharkslayer!
00 :31 :42 - Look who's talking in the pot hole! - Ha?
00 :31 :45 You're still hungry big guy! Well say hello to my little friends!
00 :32 :04 - Try again. - Whale wash.
00 :32 :06 You get a whale of a wash and a price. Oh my gosh!
00 :32 :09 All right, you got it right!
00 :32 :11 - You got it right. - Move! Everybody everyway!
00 :32 :26 Come on, Lino. It's time to clean up your act.
00 :32 :33 Pap, leave him alone!
00 :32 :42 All right Lino! Game's over!
00 :32 :52 Lenny? What are you doing in there?
00 :32 :54 - Sorry. - Where's Lino?
00 :32 :57 - He's right behind me, isn't he? - You're mine now!
00 :33 :13 - Let's finish the Sharkslayer. - Oh we're about to!
00 :33 :44 Thank you for coming to whale wash.
00 :33 :49 Okay! Somebody needs to get me out of the bubble. Today!
00 :33 :56 - Angie? - The Sharkslayer has done it again!
00 :33 :58 - Hey! - This time...
00 :33 :59 - Wait! - glorying two sharks into his
00 :34 :01 death trap of high gene. - No!
00 :34 :02 Oscar, you're the somebody, everybody wants to be!
00 :34 :05 The top of the food chain! Tell our cameras, how it feels to be you.
00 :34 :09 - Angie? - Oscar, get me out of here, quick!
00 :34 :11 I need to get straight so I get as far away as I supposed to.
00 :34 :14 - Look what you did to him! - No, it's all a big misunderstanding!
00 :34 :17 Sharkslayer, over here! One word about you, Sharkslayer.
00 :34 :23 - Sharkslayer! Sharkslayer! - Stop!
00 :34 :25 I am not a real Sharkslayer!
00 :34 :37 - I lied. - What?
00 :34 :41 And I'm not a real financial advisor!
00 :34 :46 Okay, it was an anchor that killed Franki.
00 :34 :50 I didn't have anything to do with it and neither did Lenny.
00 :34 :53 If that was true, why did you ran away?
00 :34 :56 I think you always wanted me to be like Franki.
00 :34 :59 I'll never be the shark you want me to be.
00 :35 :02 What is your problem?
00 :35 :05 So, your son likes calp? So?
00 :35 :07 His best friends are fishes. So?
00 :35 :09 He likes to dress like a dolphin, so what?!
00 :35 :13 Everybody loves him just the way he is.
00 :35 :18 Why can't you?
00 :35 :22 Don't make the same mistake that I did.
00 :35 :25 I didn't know what I have. Till I lost her.
00 :35 :34 Will you get me out of this? So I can hug my kid.
00 :35 :38 - And tell him I'm sorry. - Pap!
00 :35 :47 Give me a hue.
00 :35 :51 I love you son, no matter what you eat, or how you dress.
00 :35 :56 - Oscar? - Angie?
00 :36 :05 Angie...
00 :36 :08 I wish I knew now what I knew then. I mean...
00 :36 :11 I wish you knew, what I knew. I mean...
00 :36 :14 - Before this. - You're blowing it, man!
00 :36 :17 Mind your business, all right?
00 :36 :18 I'm just emotional, and there's pressure!
00 :36 :20 What I'm saying, I just...
00 :36 :24 I didn't mean the top of the reef.
00 :36 :26 Everything I wanted was right there in front of me.
00 :36 :30 The whole time.
00 :36 :31 What about being a somebody?
00 :36 :34 I'm nobody without you.
00 :36 :47 You're not helping.
00 :36 :50 Oh, come here! You big dumb dummy head!
00 :36 :59 I've never told you till this, but
00 :37 :01 you're the best henchmen and guides I ever had.
00 :37 :03 Come on, group hug!
00 :37 :04 - Ah! Hey! - Sorry man, sorry.
00 :37 :07 Come such, straight again man, don't be afraid.
00 :37 :09 Oh forget, the moment's gone.
00 :37 :12 So Lino, Don, we're cool, right?
00 :37 :16 I mean like the reef is safe, you know walk the streets,
00 :37 :19 you know without... you know?
00 :37 :21 Yeah, we're cool.
00 :37 :26 Oscar, excuse me, Oscar?
00 :37 :28 You've lost everything you've lied so hard to achieve.
00 :37 :31 Tell me, what's next for you?
00 :37 :36 Come on! Everyone's waiting!
00 :37 :38 - Mister manager! - Hey, I just gotta put
00 :37 :40 the finishing touch on my new desk.
00 :37 :43 I love you, pap.
00 :37 :45 - Yo, dog! - Sykes!
00 :37 :47 All right partner, let's see what you can do.
00 :37 :50 Sykes and Oscar's whale wash is now opened for business!
00 :37 :57 Yo E, B, let's get this party boomed!
00 :38 :03 The other wheels of steel!
00 :38 :06 Yo Christina! Missy! How about we have a low?
00 :38 :08 Oscar leashes furnal!
00 :38 :30 What's up with your bow? Let it go!
00 :38 :39 Hey Angie? Sorry papa and I are late,
00 :38 :42 but we brought some new customers!
00 :38 :44 - Hey, how you're doing? - Wow!
00 :38 :47 Okay, guys! Come on in!
00 :38 :50 - Yo, yo, what's up brother? - Hey Oscar!
00 :38 :52 What's up!
00 :39 :03 No, no snap it, snap it, you're not snapping!
00 :39 :04 - I'm snapping, I'm snapping! - It's okay, yo Great Whites can't do it yo!
00 :39 :08 - Yo! - Yo, what's up?
00 :39 :09 - What's up with what? - Yo, yo, yo.
00 :39 :12 Hey, you say yo one more time, and I'm gonna yo you!
00 :39 :15 I'm sorry.
00 :39 :16 - Okay dude, I painted you high! - All right!
00 :39 :20 - Paint me out! - Hey! You think you're smart?
00 :39 :23 What am I? A clown?
00 :39 :29 Keep going with me, don't let me lose you!
00 :39 :31 Cause I can't lose you!
00 :39 :36 In your face!
00 :39 :39 - Allright, what you got? - You don't wanna mess with me!
00 :39 :42 Yo-hoo! Break it down, fellows!
00 :39 :51 Here you go!
00 :40 :34 This is a Shark Tale exlusive.
00 :40 :47 For now and here.
(1일 1영작) 인도가 소매시장을 해외 경쟁사들에 개방하다.
[오늘의 주제]
인도가 소매시장을 해외 경쟁사들에 개방하다.
open up A to B : A를 B에 개방하다 (=open A to B)
*up을 붙이면 개방의 뜻이 좀 더 강해집니다.
retail market : (수퍼마켓 등의) 소매시장
foreign competition : 해외 경쟁사들 (집합적 표현)
India opens up its retail market to foreign competition.
[비슷한 표현들]
India opens up to foreign retailers.
India opens up its retail industry to foreign investors.
India opens door to foreign supermarket chains.
India opens retail market to foreign investment.
India opens door to foreign supermarket chains.
India moves to open country to foreign retailers.
India opens supermarket sector to foreign players.
India to open retail sector.
(영화대본) 보물성 - Treasure Planet
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수는 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
NARRATOR: On the clearest of nights
when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful
the great merchant ships
with their cargoes of Arcturian sura crystals
felt safe and secure
Little did they suspect that they were pursued by
And the most feared of all these pirates
was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint
[All gasping]
Like a Candarian zap-wing ovetaking its prey--
[Door creaks]
WOMAN: James Pleiades Hawkins
l thought you were asleep an hour ago.
Mom, l was just getting to the best part.
Oh, can those eyes get any bigger?
Scootch over.
NARRATOR: like a Candarian zap-wing
ovetaking its prey
Flint and his band of renegades
swooped in out of nowhere
Ha ha ha ha!
And then. gathering up their spoils
vanished without a trace
-Ooh! -Ooh!
NARRATOR: Flint's secret trove was never found
but stories have persisted that it remains hidden
somewhere at the fathest reaches of the galaxy
stowed with riches beyond imagination--
the loot of a thousand worlds
JlM AND NARRATOR: Treasure Planet
OK. Blow your nose.
How do you think Captain Flint did it, Mom?
How'd he swoop in out of nowhere and vanished without a trace?
l have no idea.
Come here, you, you li--
l'm gonna get--oh!
[Pffft] [Giggling]
OK, now it's time for this little spacer to go to sleep.
You think somebody'll ever find Treasure Planet?
Sweetheart, l think it's more...
like a legend.
l know it's real.
You win. lt's real.
-Nighty-night, Mom. -Nighty-night, sweetheart.
l love you.
Love you, too.
NARRATOR: There are nights when the winds of the Etherium
so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom
made one's spirit soar!
[Alarm rings]
Come on!
Whoo! Ha ha ha!
[Sirens blaring]
Oh, great.
Mrs Hawkins!
l know-- refill on the purp juice.
Coming right up, Mrs. Dunwiddie.
There we go. That's four powdered spheroids...
two lunar eclipses, and it's a big bowl...
of Zorellian jelly worms for the big boy!
-Awesome! -Enjoy.
Sorry, Delbert. lt's been a madhouse here all morning.
No problem, Sarah.
Ah! My Alponian chowder with the extra solara seed.
Mmm! Yum!
DOPPLER: What brings you here
curious littleone?
Go away.
Are your parents around?
What's the matter? Cat got your--yaah!
Oh, they're so adorable at that age.
Oh, yes...deplorable.
Uh...adorable! Hmm.
Speaking of which, how's Jim doing?
Much better. l know he had some rough spots...
earlier this year, but l really think...
that he's starting to turn a corner.
Mrs. Hawkins?
Jim! [Drops dishes]
Ooh...wrong turn.
OK. Thanks for the lift, guys.
Not so fast.
We apprehended your son operating...
a solar vehicle in a restricted area.
Moving violation 9-0-4...
section fifteen, paragraph, um...
-Thank you. -Don't mention it.
-Jim! -As you are aware, ma'am...
this constitutes a violation of his probation.
Yes, yes. No, l understand. Um, but could we just--
DOPPLER: Um. ahem. pardon me
Officers, if l might, uh, interject here.
l am the noted astrophysicist Dr. Delbert Doppler.
Perhaps you've heard of me.
No? Uh, l have a clipping.
-Are you the boy's father? -Oh! Good heavens, no!
Eww! He's just an old friend of the family.
Back off, sir!
Thank you, Delbert. l will take it from here.
Well, Sarah, if you insist.
Ahem. Don't ever let me do that again.
Due to repeated violations of statute 1 5-C...
we have impounded his vehicle. Any more slip-ups will result...
in a one-way ticket to Juvenile Hall.
-Kiddie hoosegow. -The slammo.
Thank you, officers. lt won't happen again.
We see his type all the time, ma'am.
-Wrong choices. -Dead-enders.
-You take care now. -Let's motor.
[Conversations resume]
Jim, l have had it.
Do you want to go to Juvenile Hall? ls that it?
Jim, look at me.
lt's been hard enough keeping this place...
afloat by myself without you going--
Mom, it's no big deal. There was nobody around.
Those cops just won't get off my--
Forget it.
MRS DUNWDDE: Mrs Hawkins! My juice!
Yes, l'll be right there, Mrs. Dunwiddie.
Jim, l just don't want to see you...
throw away your entire future.
Yeah, what future?
DR DOPPLER: really don't know how you manage it. Sarah
Trying to run a business while raising a felon like--
felon...fellow... fellow like Jim.
Managing it? l'm at the end of my rope.
Ever since his father left
well. Jim's just never recovered
And you know how smat he is
He built his first solar sufer when he was eight!
And yet. he's failing at school
he is constantly in trouble
and when talk to him. he's like a stranger to me
don't know. Delbet 've tried everything--
[Engines sputtering]
Hey, Mister?
Mister, you're OK in there, right?
[Growling] Aah!
He's a-comin'.
Can you hear him?
Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin'...
like the devil himself!
Uh, hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?
He's after me chest...
that fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats.
But they'll have to pry it...
from old Billy Bones' cold, dead fingers afore l--argh!
Oh, my--
Uh, come on, give me your arm.
That's it.
-Good lad. -Mom's gonna love this.
Thanks for listening, Delbert.
[Sighs] lt helps.
lt's going to be OK.
You'll see.
l keep dreaming one day l'll open that door...
and there he'll be just the way he was.
A smiling, happy little boy, holding a new pet...
and begging me to let him keep it.
[Gasps] James Pleiades Hawkins!
Mom, he's hurt...bad!
Me chest, lad.
BLLY BONES: He'll be comin' soon
Can't let them find this.
Who's coming?
[Whispering] The cyborg!
Beware the cyborg! [Gasps]
[Sarah gasps]
Quick! We gotta go!
-Ohh! -Aah!
l believe l'm with Jim on this one!
[Pirates shouting]
Delilah! Hallelujah!
[Yelping excitedly]
Stay! Don't move!
PRATE: Where is it?!
Find it!
DOPPLER: Don't worry. Sarah
l'm an expert in the laws of physical science.
-On the count of three--one... -Three!
-Aah! -Aah!
Go, Delilah! Go!
Go! That's it! That's it! Go!
Hyah! Hyah!
[Crickets chirping]
DOPPLER: just spoke with the constabulary
Those blaggard pirates have fled without a trace
[Clock chimes]
l'm sorry, Sarah.
l'm afraid the old Benbow lnn has burned to the ground.
Ahem. Well, certainly a lot of trouble...
over that odd little sphere.
Those markings baffle me
Unlike anything 've ever encountered
[Beeps, whirring]
DOPPLER: Even with my vast experience
and superior intellect
it would take me years to unlock its--hey!
DOPPLER: Why, it's a map!
Wait. Wait, wait, wait!
This is us, the planet Montressor.
That's the Magellanic Cloud!
Whoo! The Coral Galaxy!
DOPPLER: That's the Cygnus Cross
and that's the Kerian Abyss.
Wait. What's this? What's this? Why, it--it's...
Treasure Planet.
That's Treasure Planet!
DOPPLER: Flint's trove?
The loot of a thousand worlds?
You know what this means?
lt means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away.
Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place...
atop the pantheon of explorers! He'd be able to experience--
[Click] Whoo! What just happened?
Mom, this is it. This is the answer to all our problems.
Jim, there is absolutely no way--
Don't you remember, all those stories?
That's all they were--stories!
With that treasure...
we could rebuild the Benbow a hundred times over!
Well, this is-- it's just--oh, my.
Delbert, would you please explain how ridiculous this is?
lt's totally preposterous...
traversing the entire galaxy alone.
SARAH: Now at last, we hear some sense!
-That's why l'm going with you. -Delbert!
l'll use my savings to finance the expedition.
l'll commission a ship, hire a captain and a crew.
You're not serious.
All my life l've been waiting for an opportunity like this...
and here it is screaming, ''Go, Delbert! Go, Delbert!''
OK. OK! You're both grounded!
JM: Mom. look
l know that l keep messing everything up...
and l know...
that l let you down.
But this is my chance to make it up to you.
l'm gonna set things right.
lf l may?
You said yourself, you've tried everything.
There are much worse remedies...
than a few character-building months in space.
Are you saying this because it's the right thing...
or because you really want to go?
l really, really, really, really want to go...
and it's the right thing.
l don't want to lose you.
Mom...you won't.
l'll make you proud.
DOPPLER: Well. uh. ahem
There we are then.
We'll begin preparations at once.
Jim, my boy, soon we'll be off to the spaceport.
[Creatures speaking alien languages]
DOPPLER: Jim! Oh. Jim! Wait for me!
[Breathing deeply]
Well, Jim, this should be a wonderful opportunity...
for the two of us to get to know one another.
You know what they say, familiarity breeds, um...
well, contempt, but, in our case--
Look, let's just find the ship. OK?
-Second berth on your right! -You can't miss it.
Hey, thanks.
lt's the suit, isn't it? l should never have listened...
to that pushy two-headed saleswoman.
This one said it fit, that one said it was my color.
l didn't know what to do. l get so flustered. Ooh!
Oh, Jim! This is our ship! The R.L.S. Legacy!
OFFCER: Stow those casks foward!
Heave together now!
How cool is this?
[Squishing noise]
Sorry about that. l didn't mean--
[Angry farting noises]
Allow me to handle this.
[Pfft pffft pffft]
[Eek eek eek eek]
[Eek pfft]
l'm fluent in Flatula, Jim.
Took two years of it in high school.
Flatula? Cool.
Good morning, Captain. Everything shipshape?
Shipshape it is, sir, but l'm not the captain.
The captain's aloft.
Mr. Arrow, l've checked this miserable ship...
from stem to stern, and, as usual, it's...spot on.
Can you get nothing wrong?
You flatter me, Captain.
Ah, Dr. Doppler, l presume?
Uh, um, yes. l--
-Hello! Can you hear me? -Yes, l can! Stop that banging!
lf l may, Doctor, this works so much better...
when it's right-way up and plugged in.
-Ooh! -Lovely. There you go.
lf you don't mind, l can manage my own plugging!
l'm Captain Amelia...
late of a few run-ins with the Protean armada.
Nasty business, but l won't bore you with my scars.
You've met my first officer, Mr. Arrow.
Sterling, tough, dependable, honest, brave, and true.
Please, Captain.
Oh, shut up, Arrow. You know l don't mean a word of it.
Ahem, excuse me. l hate to interrupt this lovely banter...
but may l introduce to you, Jim Hawkins?
Jim, you see, is the boy who found the treasure--
Doctor, please!
l'd like a word with you in my stateroom.
Doctor, to muse and blabber about a treasure map...
in front of this particular crew...
demonstrates a level of ineptitude...
that borders on the imbecilic...
and l mean that in a very caring way.
lmbecilic, did you say? Foolishness, l've--
May l see the map, please?
Hmm. Fascinating.
Mr. Hawkins, in the future...
you will address me as ''Captain'' or ''Ma'am.''
ls that clear?
Mr. Hawkins?
-Yes, ma'am. -That'll do.
Gentlemen, this must be kept under lock and key...
when not in use. And, Doctor, again...
with the greatest possible respect...
zip your howling screamer.
Captain, l assure you l--
Let me make this as monosyllabic as possible.
l don't much care for this crew you hired.
They're...how did l describe them, Arrow?
l said something rather good this morning before coffee.
''A ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots,'' ma'am.
-There you go--poetry. -Now, see here--
Doctor, l'd love to chat-- tea, cake, the whole shebang--
but l have a ship to launch...
and you've got your outfit to buff up.
Mr. Arrow, please escort these two neophytes...
down to the galley straightaway.
Young Hawkins will be working for our cook, Mr. Silver.
What? The cook?
That woman! That...feline!
Who does she think is working for whom?
lt's my map, and she's got me bussin' tables?
l'll not tolerate a cross word about our captain!
There's no finer officer in this or any galaxy.
ARROW: Mr Silver?
Why, Mr. Arrow, sir.
Bringin' in such fine and distinguished gents
to grace my humble galley.
Had l known, l'd have tucked in me shirt.
Heh heh heh heh!
A cyborg!
May l introduce Dr. Doppler?
The financier of our voyage.
Love the outfit, Doc.
Well, thank you. Um, love the eye.
Uh, this young lad is Jim Hawkins.
Jimbo! Uh...
Aw, now, don't be too put off by this hunk of hardware.
These gears have been tough getting used to...
but they do come in mighty handy from time to time.
Here, now, have a taste of me famous bonzabeast stew.
Mmm! Delightfully tangy, yet robust.
SLVER: Old family recipe
ln fact, that was part of the old family!
Ha ha ha!
Oh, ho! l'm just kiddin', Doc!
Uh, yeah, well...
l'm nothin' if l ain't a kidder.
Go on, Jimbo. Have a swig.
SLVER: Morph!
You jiggle-headed blob of mischief!
So that's where you was hiding!
Wha--? Ha! What is that thing?
''What is that thing?''
SLVER: He's a morph
rescued the little shape-shifter on Proteus 1
Aw, he took a shine to me.
We been together ever since.
Right? Yeah. Nice boy.
We're about to get underway.
Would you like to observe the launch, doctor?
Would l?
Does an active galactic nucleus have superluminal jets?
l'll follow you.
Mr. Hawkins will stay here in your charge, Mr. Silver.
Beggin' your pardon, sir, but--
Captain's orders! See to it the new cabin boy's kept busy.
-Aw, but, no, but-- -No, you can't--
[Both sigh]
So, Captain's put you with me, eh?
Well, who be a humble cyborg to argue with a captain?
You know...these purps...
they're kind of like the ones back home on Montressor.
You ever been there?
l can't say as l have, Jimbo.
Come to think of it, just before l left...
l met this old guy, who was, um...
he was kind of looking for a cyborg buddy of his.
ls that so?
What was that old salamander's name?
Oh, yeah. Bones.
Billy Bones?
Bones? Bones?!
Mm-mmm. T'ain't ringin' any bells.
Must have been a different cyborg.
There's a slew of cyborgs roamin' this port.
[Whistle on-deck]
ARROW: Prepare to cast off!
Eh, off with you, lad, and watch the launch.
There'll be plenty work a-waitin' for you afterwards.
We best be keepin' a sharp eye on this one, eh, Morph?
We wouldn't want him strayin' into things he shouldn't.
We're all clear, Captain!
Well, my friend. Are we ready to raise this creaking tub?
My pleasure, Captain.
All hands to stations!
ARROW: Smatly now!
Come on, you scurvy scum! l'll race you!
Loose all solar sails!
Come on!
ARROW: Heave up the braces
Brace up
Ooh. Oh.
Mr. Zoff, engage artificial gravity.
[Poomp poomp poomp pooomp]
South by southwest, Mr. Turnbuckle, heading 2-1-0-0.
Aye, Captain. 2-1-0-0.
Full speed, Mr. Arrow, if you please.
Take her away!
Brace yourself, Doctor.
[Snidely] ''Brace yourself.''
Aah! Oof!
Upon my word, an Orcus Galacticus.
Uh, Doctor, l'd stand clear--
SLVER: Ah. 'tis a grand day for sailing. Captain
and look at you
You're as trim and as bonny as a sloop
with new sails and a fresh coat of paint
You can keep that kind of flim-flammery...
for your spaceport floozies, Silver.
Spaceport floozy, spaceport floozy--
You cut me to the quick, Captain.
l speaks nothing but me heart at all times.
MORPH: Nothing but me heat
And, by the way, isn't that your cabin boy...
aimlessly footling about in those shrouds?
Yep, it--oh...
A momentary aberration, Cap'n, soon to be addressed. Jimbo!
l got two new friends l'd like you to meet.
Say hello to Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket.
Heh heh heh heh!
Yeah, l got your Mr. Mop.
Watch it, twerp.
What are you looking at, weirdo?
Yeah, weirdo.
Cabin boys should learn to mind their own business.
Why? You got something to hide, bright eyes?
Maybe your ears don't work so well.
[Grunts] Yeah. Ahem.
Too bad my nose works just fine.
Why, you impudent little--
[Crew shouting]
Go ahead! Slice him! Dice him!
[Poot poot phoot]
Any last words, cabin boy?
Mr. Scroop...
you ever see what happens to a fresh purp...
when you squeeze real hard?
ARROW: What's all this. then?
You know the rules.
There'll be no brawling on this ship.
Aye, aye, sir.
Any further offenders will be confined to the brig...
for the remainder of the voyage.
Am l clear, Mr. Scroop?
SlLVER: Well done, Mr. Arrow, sir!
A tight ship's a happy ship, sir.
Jimbo, l gave you a job.
Hey, l was doing it until that bug thing--
Belay that! Now, l want this deck swabbed spotless...
and heaven help you if l come back and it's not done.
Morph? Keep an eye on this pup...
and let me know if there be any more distractions.
OK Aye-aye
[Crew grumbling]
So, we're all here, then.
-Excuse me. -Fine.
Now, if you pardon my plain speaking, gentlemen...
are you all...
stark-raving, totally blinking daft?!
After all me finagling getting us hired...
as an upstanding crew...
you want to blow the whole mutiny before it's time?
The boy was sniffing about.
You just stick to the plan, you bug-brained twit.
As for the boy, l'll run him so ragged...
he won't have time to think.
[Morph laughs]
Well, this has been a fun day, huh?
Making new friends like that spider psycho.
Spider psycho, spider psycho.
Heh. A little uglier.
Pretty close.
thank heavens for little miracles.
Up here for an hour...
and the deck's still in one piece.
Um, look, l, uh...
What you did...
Didn't your pap ever teach you...
to pick your fights a bit more carefully?
Your father's not the teachin' sort.
He was more the taking off and never coming back sort.
Sorry, lad.
Hey, no big deal. l'm doing just fine.
ls that so?
Well, since the captain has put you in my charge...
like it or not, l'll be pounding a few skills...
into that thick head of yours to keep you out of trouble.
-What? -From now on...
l'm not letting you out of me sight.
You can't do--
You won't so much as eat, sleep...
or scratch your bum without my say-so.
Don't do me any favors!
Oh, you can be sure of that, my lad.
You can be sure of that.
Heh heh heh heh!
Put some elbow into it.
# am a question to the world #
# Not an answer to be heard #
# Or a moment that's held in your arms #
# And what do you think you'd ever say #
# won't listen anyway #
# You don't know me #
# And 'll never be what you want #
# Made of pain #
# And what do you think you'd understand? #
# 'm a boy. no. 'm a man #
# You can take me and throw me away #
# And how can you learn what's never shown #
# Yeah. you stand here on your own #
# They don't know me #
# 'Cause 'm not here #
# And want a moment to be real #
# Want to touch things don't feel #
# Want to hold on and feel belong #
# And how can the world want me to change #
# They're the ones that stay the same #
# They don't know me #
# But 'm still here #
# And you see the things they never see #
# All you wanted. could be #
# Now you know me #
# And 'm not afraid #
# And want to tell you who am #
# Can you help me be a man? #
# They can't break me #
# As long as know who am #
# They can't tell me who to be #
# 'Cause 'm not what they see #
# Yeah. the world is still sleeping #
# While keep on dreaming for me #
# While keep on dreaming for me #
# And the words are just whispers and lies #
# That 'll never believe #
# And want a moment to be real #
# Want to touch things don't feel #
# Want to hold on and feel belong #
# How can you say never change? #
# They're the ones that stay the same #
# 'm the one now #
# 'Cause 'm still here #
# 'm the one son still here #
# 'm still here #
# 'm still here #
[Song fades]
[Pulley squeaking]
Oh, ho ho!
You having a little trouble there?
Oh, get away from me.
Oh, Jimbo.
lf l could maneuver a skiff like that when l was your age...
they'd be bowing in the streets when l walked by today.
Bowing in the streets.
-Oof. -Oof.
l don't know.
They weren't exactly singing my praises when l left home.
-Heh. Whew. -Whew.
But l'm gonna change all that.
Are you now? How so?
Uh, l got some plans.
Gonna make people see me a little different.
Sometimes, plans go astray.
Not this time.
Oh, thank you, Morphy.
So, uh, how'd that happen anyway?
You give up a few things chasing a dream.
Was it worth it?
l'm hoping it is, Jimbo.
l most surely am.
[Ship groans]
What the devil?
Good heavens.
The star Pelusa...
it's gone supernova!
Evasive action, Mr. Turnbuckle!
Aye-aye, Captain.
All hands, fasten your lifelines!
Mr. Arrow, secure those sails!
Secure all sails!
Reef them down. men!
Yeah, baby! Ba-boom! Ha ha ha ha!
-Aah! -Silver!
Whoa. Thanks, lad.
Captain, the star!
lt's devolving into a...
[Gasps] a black hole!
We're being pulled in! Ohh!
No, you don't, you--
Blast these waves! They're so deucedly erratic!
No, Captain. They're not erratic at all.
There'll be one more in precisely 47.2 seconds.
Followed by the biggest magilla of them all!
Of course! Brilliant, Doctor!
We'll ride that last magilla out of here.
All sails secured, Captain!
Good man! Now release them immediately!
Aye, Captain. You heard her, men.
Unfurl those sails
-What?! -But we just finished...
-Tying them down! -Make up your blooming minds!
Mr. Hawkins...
make sure all lifelines are secured good and tight!
Aye-aye, Captain.
Lifelines secured, Captain!
Very good!
Gaah! Whoa!
DOPPLER: Captain. the last wave!
Here it comes!
Hold on to your lifelines, gents!
lt's gonna be a bumpy ride!
[Crew cheering]
Captain! That--oh, my goodness. That was--
that was absolutely-- that was the most--
Oh, tish-tosh. Actually, Doctor...
your astronomical advice was most helpful.
Well, uh, uh--thank you. Thank you very much.
Well, l have a lot of help to offer anatomically--
amanamonically-- as-astronomically. [Slap]
Well, l must congratulate you, Mr. Silver.
lt seems your cabin boy...
did a bang-up job with those lifelines.
[Both chuckle]
All hands accounted for, Mr. Arrow?
Mr. Arrow?
l'm afraid Mr. Arrow has been lost.
His lifeline was not secured.
No, l checked them all.
l--l did. l checked them all. They were secure.
l swear.
Mr. Arrow was a...
Ahem. Fine spacer...
finer than most of us could ever hope to be...
but he knew the risks, as do we all.
Resume your posts. We carry on.
[Ship creaking]
lt weren't your fault, you know?
Why, half the crew would be spinning in that black abyss--
Look, don't you get it?! l screwed up!
For two seconds, l thought that maybe...
l could do something right, but--
Aagh! l just--
Just forget it. Forget it.
Now, you listen to me, James Hawkins.
You got the makings of greatness in ya...
but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course.
Stick to it, no matter the squalls...
and when the time comes you get the chance...
to really test the cut of your sails...
and show what you're made of, well, l hope l'm there...
catching some of the light coming off ya that day.
[Sobs softly]
There, there.
Lad, it's all right, Jimbo.
lt's all right.
Now, Jim, l, um...
l best be getting about my watch...
and you best be getting some shut-eye.
Getting in too deep here, Morphy.
Next thing ya know, they'll be saying l've gone soft.
[Crew snoring]
[Poomp phem poom-poomp]
Uh--oh! Oh! Ugh!
Morph, knock it off. lt's too early for this.
Ow! Hey, Morph!
-Hey, come back here! -Come back here!
Gotcha, Morph!
That's it, you little squid.
You little squid. You little squid.
Squid. Squid. Squid. Squid.
Ungh! Unh!
Ha! Busted!
Look. what we're saying is we're sick of all this waiting
There's only three of them left
We are wanting to move.
We don't move till we got the treasure in hand.
SCROOP: say we kill 'em all now
l say what's to say!
Disobey my orders again...
like that stunt you pulled with Mr. Arrow...
and so help me, you'll be joining him!
Strong talk, but l know otherwise.
SLVER: You got something to say. Scroop?
lt's that boy.
Methinks you have a soft spot for him.
Now, mark me, the lot of ya.
l care about one thing, and one thing only!
Flint's trove.
You think l'd risk it all for the sake...
of some nose-wiping little whelp?
SCROOP: What was it now?
''Oh. you got the makings of greatness in ya ''
Shut your yap!
l cozied up to that kid to keep him off our scent.
But l ain't gone soft.
ONUS: Land ho!
Ha ha ha! There it is!
Feast eyes and click heels if you got 'em.
Where the devil's me glass?
Playing games, are we?
Yeah, we're playing games.
Oh, l see. Well, l was never much good at games.
Always hated to lose. [Click]
Me, too!
SLVER: Ohhblast it all
[Blows whistle]
Change in plan, lads!
We move now!
Strike our colors, Mr. Onus.
With pleasure, Captain.
Pirates on my ship? l'll see they all hang.
Doctor, familiar with these?
[Gun powers up]
Oh, l've seen-- well, l've read--
Uh, no. No. No, l'm not.
Mr. Hawkins! Defend this with your life.
Morph! Give me that!
Oh, you're taking all day about it.
Oh! Stop them!
DOPPLER: Aah, aah, aah. Oof!
Ooh hoo hoo!
Hey, you!
To the longboats, quickly!
[Cocks gun]
Morph! No!
AMELlA: Chew on this, you pus-filled boils!
Did you actually aim for that?
You know, actually, l did.
[Gears turning]
Oh, blast it.
Doctor, when l say ''now'', shoot out the forward cable.
l'll take this one.
JM: Morph. here! Morph!
Morphy, come here. [Whistles]
Morph. Morph. Bring it here. Morph, come here.
Come here. Come here, boy. Come to your dad.
Come here, boy. Morph!
-Come on! -Morph! Morph, here!
-Morphy! -Morph!
[Groans] Ohh.
[Powers up]
Parameters met. Hydraulics engaged.
That's it! Come to papa!
Hold your fire! We'll lose the map!
Captain! Laser ball at 1 2 o'clock!
-Whoa! -Aah!
Oh, my goodness.
That was more fun than l ever want to have again.
[Chuckles] That's not one of my...
gossamer landings. Unh!
Oh. Ooh.
Oh, don't fuss.
Slight bruising. That's all.
Cup of tea, and l'll be right as rain.
Mr. Hawkins.
The map if you please.
[Giggling] Morph!
Morph, where's the map?!
Are you serious?! lt's back on the ship?
Stifle that blob and get low.
[Engine whining]
CAPTAN AMELA: We've got company
We need a more defensible position.
Mr. Hawkins, scout ahead.
Aye, Captain.
-Unh! -Steady, steady.
Now, let's have a look at that.
[Wind whistling]
[Morph chattering]
Shh. shh.
[Powers up]
-Aah! -Aah!
Oh, this is fantastic!
A carbon-based life form come to rescue me at last!
l just want to hug you and squeeze you...
and hold you close to me.
All right. OK. Would you just let go of me?
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
lt's just l've been marooned for so long.
l mean, solitude's fine. Don't get me wrong.
For heaven's sakes, after a hundred years...
you go a little nuts! Ha ha ha!
l'm sorry. Am l...
l am, um...
My name is, uh...
[Cuckoo cuckoo]
B.E.N.! Of course, l'm B.E.N.
Bioelectronic Navigator. Oops.
-And you are? -Jim.
Oh, what a pleasure to meet you, Jimmy.
-lt's Jim. -Anyway...
Look, l'm kind of in a hurry, OK?
l got to find a place to hide, and there's pirates chasing me.
Oh, pirates! Don't get me started on pirates!
l don't like them. l remember Captain Flint.
This guy had such a temper.
Wait, wait, wait. You knew Captain Flint?
l think he suffered from mood swings, personally.
l'm not a therapist, and anyway...
but l--you let me know when l'm rambling.
But that means--but wait.
But then you gotta know about the treasure?
-Treasure? -Yeah, Flint's trove?
You know, loot of a thousand worlds.
lt's--well, it's...
it's all a little-- little--little fuzzy.
Wait. l--l r-r-remember.
l do. l--treasure!
Lots of treasure buried in the centroid--
centroid--centroid of the mechanism.
And there was this big door opening and closing...
and opening and closing...
and Captain Flint wanted to make sure...
nobody could ever get to his treasure...
so l helped him... [Sputtering]
Aah! Data inaccessible! Reboot!
Reboot! Aah! And you are?
Wait, wait, wait! What about the treasure?
l want to say Larry.
The--the centroid of the mechanism, or--
l'm sorry. My memory isn't what it used to be.
l've lost my mind. Ha ha! l've lost my mind.
You haven't found it, have you?
Uh, my missing piece? My primary memory circuit?
Look, B.E.N., l really need to find a place to hide, OK?
So l'm just gonna be, you know, moving on.
Oh, uh, so, well, then...
l guess, uh... this is good-bye, huh?
l'm sorry that l'm so dysfunctional.
So, uh, go ahead and... l do understand.
l do. Bye-bye.
[Sighs] Look, if you're gonna come along...
you're gonna have to stop talking.
Huzzah! Ha ha ha! Oh, this is fantastic!
Me and my best buddy are lookin' for a...
[Clears throat]
[Whispering] Being quiet.
And you have to stop touching me.
Touching and talking. That's my two big no-nos.
OK. Now, l think that we should--
Say, listen, before we go out on our big search...
um, would you mind if we made a quick pit stop at my place?
[Chuckles] Kind of urgent.
JM: BEN. think you just solved my problem
BEN: Uh. pardon the mess. people
You'd think in a hundred years...
l would've dusted a little more often...
but, you know, when you're batchin' it...
you tend to, uh, let things go.
Aw, isn't that sweet?
l find old-fashioned romance so touching, don't you?
How about drinks for the happy couple?
Oh, uh, ooh. Uh, no.
Thank you, we don't drink...
and, uh, we're not a couple.
Ahem. Look at these markings.
They're identical to the ones on the map.
l suspect these are the hieroglyphic remnants...
of an ancient culture.
stop anyone who tries to approach. Ohh!
Yes, yes. Now listen to me...
stop giving orders for a few milliseconds and lie still.
Very forceful, Doctor.
Go on. Say something else.
BEN: Hey. look! There's some more of your buddies!
Hey, fellas! We're over here, fellas!
Oh! Uhh! Ooh! Ohh!
Stop wastin' your fire!
SLVER: Hello. up there!
lf it's all right with the captain...
l'd like a short word with ya.
No tricks, just a little palaver.
Come to bargain for the map, doubtless.
-Ugh! -Captain.
That means...that he thinks we still have it.
Ah, Morphy! l wondered where you was off to.
Oh, this poor old leg's downright snarky...
since that game attack we had in the galley.
Whatever you heard back there...
at least the part concerning you...
l didn't mean a word of it.
Had that bloodthirsty lot thought l'd gone soft...
they'd have gutted us both.
Listen to me. lf we play our cards right...
we can both walk away from this rich as kings.
-Yeah? -Ha ha ha.
You get me that map...
and, uh...
an even portion of the treasure is yours.
You are really something.
All that talk of greatness...
light coming off my sails... what a joke.
Now, just see here, Jimbo--
l mean, at least you taught me one thing.
Stick to it, right?
Well, that's just what l'm gonna do.
l'm gonna make sure that you never see...
one drabloon of my treasure!
That treasure is owed me, by thunder!
Well, try to find it without my map, by thunder!
Oh, you still don't know how to pick your fights, do you, boy?
Now, mark me.
Either l get that map by dawn tomorrow...
or so help me, l'll use the ship's cannons...
to blast ya all to kingdom come!
Morph, hop to it.
Oh, blast it!
we must stay together and...
And what? What?!
We must stay together and what?!
Doctor, you have wonderful eyes.
She's lost her mind!
Well, you gotta help her.
Dang it, Jim. l'm an astronomer, not a doctor.
l mean, l am a doctor, but l'm not that kind of doctor.
l have a doctorate. lt's not the same thing.
You can't help people with a doctorate.
You just sit there, and you're useless.
lt's OK, Doc.
lt's all right.
Yeah, Doc! Jimmy knows exactly how to get out of this.
lt's just Jimmy has this knowledge of things.
Jim, any thoughts at all?
Without the map, we're dead.
lf we try to leave, we're dead.
-lf we stay here-- -We're dead!
We're dead! We're dead!
Well, l think that Jimmy could use a little quiet time. Heh.
So l'll just slip out the back door.
-Back door? -Oh, yeah.
l get this delightful breeze through here...
which l think is important...
because ventilation among friends--
Whoa What is all this stuff?
You mean the miles and miles of machinery that run
through the entire course of the inside of this planet?
Not a clue.
Hey, Doc! Doc! l think l found a way out of here!
No, no. Jim, wait. The captain ordered us to stay--
-l'll be back. -Cannonball!
-So, what's the plan? -Shh. B.E.N., quiet.
[Whispering] OK, here it is.
We sneak back to the Legacy, disable the laser cannons...
and bring back the map.
[Muffled] That's a good plan.
l like that plan. The only thing is...
l'm wondering, how do we get there?
On that.
Oop? [Poink]
-Aah! -BEN. shh!
Sorry. sorry Sorry
OK, l'll get the map. You wait here.
Roger, Jimmy. l'll neutralize laser cannons, sir!
B.E.N.! B.E.N.!
# Yo-ho. yo-ho. a pirate's life for me #
[Humming] [Sighs]
Disable a few laser cannons. What is the big deal?
All we gotta do is find that one little wire.
[Gasps] Oh, mama.
[Sighs] Yes.
[Alarm blaring]
Bad, B.E.N. Bad.
OK, fixing.
That stupid robot's gonna get us all...killed.
Cabin boy.
[Powers up]
BEN: Whoops OK. don't panic
Breathing in breathing out
[Ship creaking]
-Aah! -Hmm?
[Poink] Raah!
This has gotta be cannons.
Maybe not.
Heh heh.
Come on, come on, come on.
[Snickers] Oh, yes.
Do say hello to Mr. Arrow.
[Gasps] Rraar!
Tell him yourself!
Back you go, you naughty plug! Oh!
Unh! [Gasping]
Morph? [Chirrups]
BEN: Laser cannons disconnected
Captain Jimmy, sir!
Gee, that wasn't so tough.
Doc! Doc, wake up!
l got the map.
Fine work, Jimbo. Fine work indeed.
[Muffled yelling]
Thanks for showing us the way, boy.
[Morph yelping]
What's this sorry stack of metal?!
Not the face!
You're just like me, Jimbo.
Ya hates to lose.
What the devil's the...
Open it.
l'd get busy.
[Crew murmuring]
Oh, the powers that be. Would you look?
Ha ha ha ha!
Tie him up and leave him with the others till we--what?
You want the map...
you're taking me, too.
We'll take 'em all.
lt's OK, Morph. lt's OK.
Jimmy, l--l don't know about you...
but l'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes.
At least, l think it's my life.
Was l ever dancing with an android named Lupe?!
B.E.N., shh.
This isn't over yet.
SLVER: We're gettin' close. lads
l smell treasure a-waitin'.
SLVER: Where is it?
l see nothing! One great, big stinking hunk of nothing!
What's going on, Jimbo?
l don't know. l can't get it open.
We should've never followed this boy!
SLVER: 'd suggest you get
that gizmo going again. and fast!
Let's rip his gizzard right out right now!
Throw him off the cliff!
Oh, have mercy.
JM: The Lagoon Nebula?
But that's halfway across the galaxy.
JM: A big door
opening and closing
Let's see.
Montressor spaceport.
So that's how Flint did it.
He used this portal to roam the universe stealing treasure.
But where'd he stash it all?
SLVER: Where's that blasted treasure?!
Treasure! Treasure!
lt's buried in the--
Buried in the centroid of the mechanism.
What if the whole planet is the mechanism...
and the treasure is buried in the center of this planet?
And how in blue blazes are we supposed to get there?
Just open the right door.
[Alarm beeping]
Wait for me! Wait for me!
The loot of a thousand worlds.
CREATURE: We are going to need a bigger boat!
This is all seeming very familiar.
can't remember why
B.E.N., come on.
We're getting out of here, and we're not leaving empty-handed.
But--but, Jimmy! Jimmy!
A lifetime of searching.
And at long last...
l can touch it.
Do you know what's strange?
l can't tell you how frustrating this is, Jimmy...
'cause there's something just--
it's nagging at the back of my mind.
-Captain Flint? -ln the flesh!
Well, s-sort of, except for skin, organs...
or anything that--that--that resembles flesh...
that's not there.
And yet it's so odd. you know?
remember there was something horrible
Flint didn't want anyone else to know
but -- just can't remember what it was
Oh, a mind is a terrible thing to lose!
B.E.N., l think l just found your mind.
Hold still.
Aah! Jimmy, your hands are very, very cold.
You know, uh, Jimmy, l was just thinking...
l was just think--
lt's all flooding back! All my memories!
Right up until Flint pulled my memory circuits...
so l could never tell anybody about his booby trap!
-Speaking of which... -Huh?
Flint wanted to make sure...
that nobody could ever steal his treasure...
so he rigged this whole planet...
to blow higher than a Kalepsian kite!
Run, Jimmy! Run for your life!
You go back and help the captain and Doc!
lf l'm not there in 5 minutes, leave without me.
l am not leaving my buddy Jimmy.
Unless he looks at me like that.
Bye, Jim!
No! No! Oh, no! Oh, no!
No! Aah!
-Aah! -Aah!
[Crew yelling]
Come back here, ya blighters!
All my life, l dreamed of an adventure like this.
[Sighs] l'm just sorry...
l couldn't have been more helpful to you.
Oh, don't be daft.
You've been very helpful. Truly.
l feel like such a useless weakling...
with abnormally thin wrists.
Excuse me, brutish pirate.
Yes, you. l have a question.
ls it that your body is too massive...
for your teeny-tiny head...
or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny...
for your big, fat body?
l pummel you good!
Yes, l'm sure you will, but before you do...
l have one more question. ls this yours?
Yes! Morph, we are so out of here!
SLVER: Ah. Jimbo!
Aren't you the seventh wonder of the universe?
Get back!
l like you, lad, but l've come too far...
to let you stand between me and me treasure.
Oh, no, you don't!
Reach for me now!
l--l can't!
Oh, blast me for a fool!
Silver, you gave up?
Just a lifelong obsession, Jim. l'll get over it.
BEN: Aloha. Jimmy!
Hurry, people! We got exactly two minutes...
and thirty-four seconds till planet's destruction!
You're doing fine, Doctor.
Now ease her over gently--gently!
Aah! We were better off on exploding planet!
Take us out of here, metal man!
Aye, Captain!
Captain, you dropped from the heavens in the nick of--
Save your claptrap for the judge, Silver!
Missile tail demobilized, Captain!
Thrusters at only 30% of capacity.
30% ? That means we're--
We'll never clear the planet's explosion in time.
-We gotta turn around. -What?
There's a portal back there. lt can get us out of here!
DOPPLER: Pardon me. Jim. but didn't that potal open
onto a raging inferno?!
Yes, but l'm gonna change that.
'm gonna open a different door
Captain, really, l don't see how this is possible--
Listen to the boy!
One minute, twenty-nine seconds till planet's destruction!
-What do you need, Jim? -Just some way to attach this.
All right. Stand back. Stand back, now.
There you go.
There you go.
OK. Now, no matter what happens...
keep the ship heading straight for that portal.
BEN: Fifty-eight seconds!
Well, you heard him!
Get this blasted heap turned 'round!
Doctor, head us back to the portal.
Aye, Captain.
Go to the right! The right!
l know, l know! Will you just let me drive?!
Twenty-five seconds!
No! No!
Come on, lad.
Seventeen seconds!
BEN: Seven
Wow! Yeah!
SLVER: You done it. Jimmy!
You done it, boy! Ha ha ha!
Didn't l say the lad had greatness in him?
Unorthodox, but ludicrously effective.
CAPTAN AMELA: 'd be proud to recommend you
to the interstellar academy They could use a man like you
Just wait until your mother hears about this!
Of course, we may downplay the life-threatening parts.
Jimmy, that was unforgettable!
l know you don't like touching...
but get ready for a hug, big guy, 'cause l gotta hug ya!
Ha ha ha ha!
Hey, you hugged me back.
Oh, l promised myself l wouldn't cry.
BEN: Does anyone have a tissue?
[Morph squeaking]
-Morphy, we gotta make tracks. -l know.
JM: You never quit. do you ?
Ah, Jimbo! Ha ha!
l was merely checking to make sure...
our last longboat was safe and secure.
that should hold it.
Heh heh heh. l taught you too well.
lf you don't mind, we'd just as soon avoid prison.
Little morphy here, he's a free spirit.
Being in a cage, it'd break his heart.
What say you ship out with us, lad?
You and me, Hawkins and Silver...
full of ourselves and no ties to anyone!
You know, when l got on this boat...
l would've taken you up on that offer in a second...
but, uh, l met this old cyborg...
and he taught me that l could chart my own course.
That's what l'm gonna do.
And what do you see of that pal of yours?
A future.
[Chuckles] Why...
look at ya, glowing like a solar fire.
You're something special, Jim.
You're gonna rattle the stars, you are.
[Clears throat]
Got a bit of grease in this cyborg eye of mine.
Oh, hey, Morph. l'll see ya around, OK?
See ya around.
Morphy, l got a job for ya.
l need you to keep an eye on this here pup.
Will ya do me that little favor?
Aye-aye, Captain.
Oh, and one more thing.
This is for your dear mother...
to rebuild that inn of hers.
Stay out of trouble, ya old scalawag.
[Laughs] Why, Jimbo, lad...
when have l ever done otherwise?
Oh! [Giggling]
[All gasp]
[All cheer]
[Playing music]
[Song starts]
# t's good to see the sun and feel this place #
# This place never thought would feel like home #
# And ran forever #
# Far away #
# And always thought 'd end up here alone #
# Somehow the world has changed #
# And 've come home #
# To give you back the things they took from you #
# And feel you now #
# 'm not alone #
# always know where you are #
# When see myself #
# always know where you are #
# Where you are #
# And found something that was always there #
# Sometimes it's got to hut before you feel #
# But now 'm strong. and won't kneel #
# Except to thank who's watching over me #
# And somehow feel so strong #
# And 've begun to be the one #
# never thought 'd be #
# And feel you now #
# 'm not alone #
# always know where you are #
# And when see myself #
# always know where you are #
# Where you are #
# Now it's all so clear #
# And believe #
# That everything's been opened up to me #
# And feel you now #
# 'm not alone #
# always know #
# always know where you are #
# And when see myself #
# always know where you are #
# And when feel the sun #
# always know where you are #
# And when see myself #
# always know where you are #
# Where you are #
[Music playing]
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The complete script
Compiled by Corey Johanningmeier
Portions copyright (c)1989 by Walt Disney Co.
(An ocean. Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily.
From the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves)
Sailors: I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue
And it's hey to the starboard, heave ho
Look out, lad, a mermaid be waitin' for you
In mysterious fathoms below.
Eric: Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face . . .
a perfect day to be at sea!
Grimsby: (Leaning over side.) Oh yes . . . delightful . . . .
Sailor 1: A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Triton must be in a
friendly-type mood.
Eric: King Triton?
Sailor 2: Why, ruler of the merpeople, lad. Thought every good sailor knew
about him.
Grimsby: Merpeople! Eric, pay no attention to this nautical nonsense.
Sailor 2: But it ain't nonsense, it's the truth! I'm tellin' you, down in the
depths o' the ocean they live. (He gestures wildly, Fish in his hand flops
away and lands back in the ocean, relieved.)
Sailors: Heave. ho. Heave, ho. In mysterious fathoms below. (Fish sighs and
swims away.)
(Titles. Various fish swimming. Merpeople converge on a great undersea
palace, filling concert hall inside. Fanfare ensues.)
Seahorse: Ahem . . . His royal highness, King Triton! (Triton enters
dramatically to wild cheering.) And presenting the distinguished court
composer, Horatio Thelonious Ignatius Crustaceous Sebastian! (Sebastion
enters to mild applause.)
Triton: I'm really looking forward to this performance, Sebastian.
Sebastian: Oh, Your Majesty, this will be the finest concert I have ever con-
ducted. Your daughters - they will be spectacular!
Triton: Yes, and especially my little Ariel.
Sebastian: Yes, yes, she has the most beautiful voice. . . . [sotto] If only
she'd show up for rehearsals once in a while. . . . (He proceeds to podium
and begins to direct orchestra.)
Triton's daughters: Ah, we are the daughters of Triton.
Great father who loves us and named us well:
Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Atina, Adella, Allana.
And then there is the youngest in her musical debut,
Our seventh little sister, we're presenting her to you,
To sing a song Sebastian wrote, her voice is like a bell,
She's our sister, Ar-i . . .
(Shell opens to reveal that Ariel is absent.)
Triton: (Very angry.) Ariel!!
(Cut to Ariel looking at sunken ship.)
Flounder: (From distance.) Ariel, wait for me . . .
Ariel: Flounder, hurry up!
Flounder: (Catching up.) You know I can't swim that fast.
Ariel: There it is. Isn't it fantastic?
Flounder: Yeah . . . sure . . . it - it's great. Now let's get outta here.
Ariel: You're not getting cold fins now, are you?
Flounder: Who, me? No way. It's just, it, err . . . it looks - damp in there.
Yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something. Yeah, I got this
cough. (Flounder coughs unconvincingly)
Ariel: All right. I'm going inside. You can just stay here and - watch for
sharks. (She goes inside.)
Flounder: O.K. Yeah - you go. I'll stay and - what? Sharks! Ariel!
(He tries to fit through porthole.) Ariel . . . I can't . . . I mean-
Ariel help!
Ariel: (Laughs.) Oh, Flounder.
Flounder: (Wispering.)Ariel, do you really think there might be sharks around
here? (Shark passes outside.)
Ariel: Flounder, don't be such a guppy.
Flounder: I'm not a guppy. (Gets pulled through porthole.)This is great - I
mean, I really love this. Excitement, adventure, danger lurking around
every corn- YAAAAHHHHHHHH!! Ariel!! (He sees a skull, crashes into pillar
causing cave in, and swims frantically away, knocking over Ariel.)
Ariel: Oh, are you okay?
Flounder: Yeah sure, no problem, I'm okay . . .
Ariel: Shhh . . . (Seeing a fork.) Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Have you ever
seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?
Flounder: Wow, cool! But, err, what is it?
Ariel: I don't know. But I bet Scuttle will.
(Puts fork in bag. Skark swims by outside.)
Flounder: What was that? Did you hear something?
Ariel: (Distracted by pipe.) Hmm, I wonder what this one is?
Flounder: Ariel . .
Ariel: Flounder, will you relax. Nothing is going to happen.
Flounder: (Seeing Shark looming behind him.) AAHHHH!! Run!! Run!! We're
gonna die!! (Shark chases them all around. Ariel's bag is hung up. She
goes back for it. Shark almost gets them. They head for porthole.) Oh No!!
(They crash through and go round and round. Flounder gets knocked silly
but Ariel saves him and traps Shark) You big bully. THBBBTTTT . . .
(Shark snaps at him and he swims away.)
Ariel: (Laughing.) Flounder, you really are a guppy.
Flounder: I am not.
(On surface. Scuttle on his island humming and looking through his
Ariel: Scuttle!
Scuttle: (Looking through the telescope the wrong way, shouting.) Whoa!
Mermaid off the port bow! Ariel, how you doin' kid? (Lowers telescope to
reveal Ariel at wing's length.) Whoa, what a swim!
Ariel: Scuttle - look what we found.
Flounder: Yeah - we were in this sunken ship - it was really creepy.
Scuttle: Human stuff, huh? Hey, lemme see. (Picks up fork.) Look at this.
Wow - this is special - this is very, very unusual.
Ariel: What? What is it?
Scuttle: It's a dinglehopper! Humans use these little babies . . . to
straighten their hair out. See - just a little twirl here an' a yank
there and - voiolay! You got an aesthetically pleasing configuration
of hair that humans go nuts over!
Ariel: A dinglehopper!
Flounder: What about that one?
Scuttle: (Holding pipe) Ah - this I haven't seen in years. This is wonderful!
A banded, bulbous - snarfblat.
Ariel and Flounder: Oohhh.
Scuttle: Now, the snarfblat dates back to prehistorical times, when humans used
to sit around, and stare at each other all day. Got very boring. So, they
invented the snarfblat to make fine music. Allow me.
(Scuttle blows into the pipe; seaweed pops out the other end.)
Ariel: Music? Oh, the concert! Oh my gosh, my father's gonna kill me!
Flounder: The concert was today?
Scuttle: (Still contemplating pipe.) Maybe you could make a little planter
out of it or somethin'.
Ariel: Uh, I'm sorry, I've gotta go. Thank you Scuttle. (Waves.)
Scuttle: Anytime sweetie, anytime.
(Cut to Flotsam and Jetsam, then Ursula in background watching magic
projection of Ariel swimming.)
Ursula: Yeeeeeees, hurry home, princess. We wouldn't want to miss old daddy's
celebration, now, would we? Huh! Celebration indeed. Bah! In MY day, we
had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace. And now, look at me -
wasted away to practically nothing - banished and exiled and practically
starving, while he and his flimsy fish-folk celebrate. Well, I'll give 'em
something to celebrate soon enough. Flotsam! Jetsam! I want you to keep an
extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his. She may be the key
to Triton's undoing. . . .
(Fade to the palace throne room where Ariel is being admonished.)
Triton: I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young lady.
Ariel: Daddy, I'm sorry, I just forgot, I -
Triton: As a result of your careless behaviour -
Sebastian: Careless and reckless behaviour!
Triton: - the entire celebration was, er -
Sebastian: Well, it was ruined! That's all. Completely destroyed! This
concert was to be the pinnacle of my distinguished career. Now thanks to
you I am the laughing stock of the entire kingdom!
Flounder: But it wasn't her fault! Ah - well - first, ahh, this shark chased us
- yeah - yeah! And we tried to - but we couldn't - and - grrrrrrrrr - and -
and we - whoooaaaaaa - oh, and then we were safe. But then this seagull came,
and it was this is this, and that is that, and -
Triton: Seagull? What? Oh - you went up to the surface again, didn't you?
Ariel: Nothing - happened. . . .
Triton: Oh, Ariel, How many times must we go through this? You could've been
seen by one of those barbarians - by - by one of those humans!
Ariel: Daddy, they're not barbarians!
Triton: They're dangerous. Do you think I want to see my youngest daughter
snared by some fish-eater's hook?
Ariel: I'm sixteen years old - I'm not a child anymore -
Triton: Don't you take that tone of voice with me young lady. As long as you
live under my ocean, you'll obey my rules!
Ariel: But if you would just listen -
Triton: Not another word - and I am never, NEVER to hear of you going to the
surface again. Is that clear? (Ariel leaves, crying.)
Sebastian: Hm! Teenagers. . . . They think they know everything. You give
them an inch, they swim all over you.
Triton: Do you, er, think I - I was too hard on her?
Sebastian: Definitely not. Why, if Ariel was my daughter, I'd show her who was
boss. None of this "flitting to the surface" and other such nonsense. No,
sir - I'd keep her under tight control.
Triton: You're absolutely right, Sebastian.
Sebastian: Of course.
Triton: Ariel needs constant supervision.
Sebastian: Constant.
Triton: Someone to watch over her - to keep her out of trouble.
Sebastian: All the time -
Triton: And YOU are just the crab to do it.
(Cut to Sebastion walking down corridor.)
Sebastian: How do I get myself into these situations? I should be writing
symphonies - not tagging along after some headstrong teenager. (Sees Ariel
and Flounder sneaking off and follows.) Hmm? What is that girl up to? (He
barely makes it into cave and sees Ariel's collection.) Huh?
Flounder: Ariel, are you okay?
Ariel: If only I could make him understand. I just don't see things the way he
does. I don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things - could be
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has ev'rything?
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Lookin' around here you'd think
Sure, she's got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
(You want thingamabobs?
I got twenty)
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see
Wanna see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those
(Whad'ya call 'em?) oh - feet
Flippin' your fins you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'
Strollin' along down a
(What's that word again?) street
Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free
Wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give
If I could live
Outta these waters?
What would I pay
To spend a day
Warm on the sand?
Betcha on land
They understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women
Sick o' swimmin'
Ready to stand
And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions
And get some answers
What's a fire and why does it
(What's the word?) burn?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love
Love to explore that shore above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
(Sebastion has been struggling around and now comes crashing down making
a lot of noise.)
Ariel: Sebastion!?
Sebastian: Ariel - what, are you mad? How could you - what is all this?
Ariel: It, err, it's just my - collection. . . .
Sebastian: Oh. I see. Your collection. Hmmm. IF YOUR FATHER KNEW ABOUT THIS
Flounder: You're not gonna tell him, are you?
Ariel: Oh, please, Sebastian, he would never understand.
Sebastian: Ariel. You're under a lot of pressure down here. Come with me,
I'll take you home and get you something warm to drink. (A ship passes by
Ariel: What do you suppose?. . .
Sebastion: Ariel? Ariel!
(On surface. Fireworks in the sky around ship. Ariel looks on,
amazed. Sebastion and Flounder arrive.)
Sebastion: Ariel, what - what are you- jumpin' jellyfish! Ariel, Ariel!
Please come back! (Ariel swims to ship and watches party until Max finds
Eric: (Whistles.) Max, here boy. Hey, come on, mutt, whatcha doing, huh
Max? Good boy. (Ariel sees him and is stricken.)
Scuttle: Hey there, sweetie! Quite a show, eh?
Ariel: Scuttle, be quiet! They'll hear you.
Scuttle: Oooh, I gotcha, I gotcha. We're being intrepidatious. WE'RE OUT TO
DISCOVER! (Ariel grabs his beak.)
Ariel: I've never seen a human this close before. Oh - he's very handsome,
isn't he?
Scuttle: (Looking at Max) I dunno, he looks kinda hairy and slobbery to me.
Ariel: Not that one - the one playing the snarfblat.
Grimsby: Silence! Silence! It is now my honour and privilege to present our
esteemed Prince Eric with a very special, very expensive, very large birthday
Eric: Ah, Grimsby - y'old beanpole, you shouldn't have.
Grimsby: I know. Happy birthday, Eric! (Large, gaudy statue of Eric is
revealed. Max growls.)
Eric: Gee, Grim. It's, err, it's, err - it's really somethin'. . . .
Grimsby: Yes, I commissioned it myself. Of course, I had hoped it would be a
wedding present, but . . .
Eric: Come on, Grim, don't start. Look, you're not still sore because I didn't
fall for the princess of Glauerhaven, are you?
Grimsby: Oh, Eric, it isn't me alone. The entire kingdom wants to see you
happily settled down with the right girl.
Eric: Well, she's out there somewhere. I just - I just haven't found her yet.
Grimsby: Well, perhaps you haven't been looking hard enough.
Eric: Believe me, Grim, when I find her I'll know - without a doubt. It'll
just - bam! - hit me - like lightning. (Lightning and thunder appear and the
sky grows dark.)
Sailor: Hurricane a'commin'!! Stand fast! Secure the riggin'! (Storm hits.)
Scuttle: Whoa! The wind's all of a sudden on the move here. (He is blown
away.) Oh! Ariel . . . (Ship crashes through storm. Lightning starts a fire.
A rock looms ahead.)
Eric: Look out! . . . (Ship crashes and all are thrown overboard except Max.)
Grim, hang on! (Sees Max.) Max! (Goes back to save him.) Jump Max! Come
on boy, jump! You can do it Max. (He saves Max but is trapped on board.)
Grimsby: ERIC! (Ship explodes. Ariel finds Eric near drowning and pulls him
(On beach. Ariel is sitting next to an unconscious Eric.)
Ariel: Is he - dead?
Scuttle: (Opens Eric's eyelid.) It's hard to say. (Puts his ear against Eric's
foot.) Oh, I - I can't make out a heartbeat.
Ariel: No, look! He's breathing. He's so, beautiful.
What would I give
To live where you are?
What would I pay
To stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you
Smiling at me?
Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun?
Just you and me
And I could be
Part of your world
(Sebastion and Flounder have washed up and are watching scene. Max and
Grimsby approach. Ariel hurries away.)
Grimsby: Eric! Oh, Eric. You really delight in these sadistic strains on my
blood pressure, don't you?
Eric: A girl - rescued me. . . . She was - singing . . . she had the most -
beautiful voice.
Grimsby: Ah, Eric, I think you've swallowed a bit too much seawater. Off we
go. Come on, Max.
Sebastian: We just gotta forget this whole thing ever happened. The sea king
will never know. You won't tell him, I won't tell him. I will stay in one
I don't know when
I don't know how
But I know something's starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Some day I'll be
Part of your world
(Flotsam and Jetsam appear. Fade to Ursula watching from her chamber.)
Ursula: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it - it's too easy. The
child is in love with a human. And not just any human - a prince! Her
daddy'll LOVE that. King Triton's headstrong, lovesick girl would make a
charming addition to my little garden.
(Fade to palace. Then sister's dressing room.)
Andrina: Ariel, dear, time to come out. You've been in there all morning.
(Ariel emerges, singing to herself.)
Atina: What is with her lately?
Ariel: Morning, Daddy. (Ariel swims off.)
Atina: Oh, she's got it bad.
Triton: What? What has she got?
Andrina: Isn't it obvious, Daddy? Ariel's in love.
Triton: Ariel? In love?
(Cut to Sebastion pacing on rock outside.)
Sebastian: O.K. So far, so good. I don't think the king knows. But it will not
be easy keeping something like this a secret for long.
Ariel: (Picking petals off a flower) He loves me . . . hmmm, he loves me
not. . . . He loves me! I knew it!
Sebastian: Ariel, stop talking crazy.
Ariel: I gotta see him again - tonight! Scuttle knows where he lives.
Sebastian: Ariel - please. Will you get your head out of the clouds and back
in the water where it belongs?
Ariel: I'll swim up to his castle. Then Flounder will splash around to get his
attention, and then with -
Sebastian: Down HERE is your home! Ariel - listen to me. The human world -
it's a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there.
The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea
Down here all the fish is happy
As off through the waves they roll
The fish on the land ain't happy
They sad 'cause they in their bowl
But fish in the bowl is lucky
They in for a worser fate
One day when the boss get hungry
Guess who's gon' be on the plate
Under the sea
Under the sea
Nobody beat us
Fry us and eat us
In fricassee
We what the land folks loves to cook
Under the sea we off the hook
We got no troubles
Life is the bubbles
Under the sea
Under the sea
Since life is sweet here
We got the beat here
Even the sturgeon an' the ray
They get the urge 'n' start to play
We got the spirit
You got to hear it
Under the sea
The newt play the flute
The carp play the harp
The plaice play the bass
And they soundin' sharp
The bass play the brass
The chub play the tub
The fluke is the duke of soul
The ray he can play
The lings on the strings
The trout rockin' out
The blackfish she sings
The smelt and the sprat
They know where it's at
An' oh that blowfish blow
Under the sea
Under the sea
When the sardine
Begin the beguine
It's music to me
What do they got? A lot of sand
We got a hot crustacean band
Each little clam here
know how to jam here
Under the sea
Each little slug here
Cuttin' a rug here
Under the sea
Each little snail here
Know how to wail here
That's why it's hotter
Under the water
Ya we in luck here
Down in the muck here
Under the sea
(They discover that Ariel has left with Flounder.)
Ariel? Ariel? Oh . . . somebody's got to nail that girl's fins to the floor.
Seahorse: Sebastian! Sebastian, I've been looking all over for you. I've got
an urgent message from the sea king.
Sebastian: The sea king?
Seahorse: He wants to see you right away - something about Ariel.
Sebastian: He knows!
(In palace throne room. Triton looking at flower.)
Triton: Let's see, now. . . . Oh, who could the lucky merman be? (Notices
Sebastion.) Come in, Sebastion.
Sebastian: (Sotto) I mustn't overreact. I must remain calm. (Five octaves
higher than normal) Yes - (loco) yes, Your Majesty.
Triton: Now, Sebastian, I'm concerned about Ariel. Have you noticed she's been
acting peculiar lately?
Sebastian: Peculiar?
Triton: You know, moaning about, daydreaming, singing to herself. . . . You
haven't noticed, hmm?
Sebastian: Oh - well, I -
Triton: Sebastian. . . .
Sebastian: Hmmm?
Triton: I know you've been keeping something from me. . . .
Sebastian: Keeping . . . something?
Triton: About Ariel?
Sebastian: Ariel . . . ?
Triton: In love?
Sebastian: I tried to stop her, sir. She wouldn't listen. I told her to stay
away from humans - they are bad, they are trouble, they -
Triton: Humans? WHAT ABOUT HUMANS?
Sebastian: Humans? Ho ho ho ho. . . . Who said anything about humans?
(Fade to Ariel and Flounder entering cave.)
Ariel: Flounder, why can't you just tell me what this is all about?
Flounder: You'll see. It's a suprise.
Ariel: (Sees statue of Eric.) Oh, Flounder- Flounder you're the best! it looks
just like him. It even has his eyes. "Why, Eric, run away with you? This
is all so - so sudden. . . . (Turns around and sees Triton.) Daddy! . . .
Triton: I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules, and I
expect those rules to be obeyed.
Ariel: But Daddy!-
Triton: Is it true you rescued a human from drowing?
Ariel: Daddy, I had to-
Triton: Contact between the human world and the mer-world is strictly for-
bidden. Ariel, you know that! Everyone knows that!
Ariel: He would have died-
Triton: One less human to worry about!
Ariel: You don't even know him.
Triton: Know him? I don't have to know him. They're all the same. Spineless,
savage, harpooning, fish-eaters, incapable of any feeling-
Ariel: Daddy, I love him!
Triton: No . . . Have you lost your senses completely? He's a human, you're
a mermaid!
Ariel: I don't care.
Triton: So help me Ariel, I am going to get through to you. And if this is the
only way, so be it. (Begins to blast the artifacts with his trident.)
Ariel: Daddy!. . . No . . . No, please- Daddy, stop!. . . Daddy, Nooo!!. . .
(He blasts statue. Ariel begins crying and he leaves, ashamed.)
Sebastion: Ariel, I . . .
Ariel: (Still crying.) Just go away. (He leaves and Flotsan and Jetsam appear.)
Flotsam: Poor child.
Jetsam: Poor, sweet child.
Flotsam: She has a very serious problem
Jetsam: If only there were something we could do.
Flotsam: But there is something.
Ariel: Who - who are you?
Jetsam: Don't be scared.
Flotsam: We represent someone who can help you.
Jetsam: Someone who could make all your dreams come true.
Flotsam and Jetsam: Just imagine -
Jetsam: You and your prince -
Flotsam and Jetsam: Together, forever. . . .
Ariel: I don't understand.
Jetsam: Ursula has great powers
Ariel: The sea witch? Why, that's - I couldn't possibly - no! Get out of
here! Leave me alone!
Flotsam: Suit yourself.
Jetsam: It was only a suggestion.
[Jetsam flicks the statue's broken face towards Ariel.]
Ariel: [Looking at the face] Wait.
Flotsam and Jetsam: Yeeeeeeeeeess?
(Cut to outside of cave with Flounder and Sebastion.)
Flounder: (snif) Poor Ariel.
Sebastion: I didn't mean to tell, it was an accident. (Ariel passes by.)
Ariel - where are you going? Ariel, what are you doing here with this
riel: I'm going to see Ursula.
Sebastian: Ariel, no! No, she's a demon, she's a monster!
Ariel: Why don't you go tell my father? You're good at that.
Sebastion: But . . . But, I . . . (To Flounder.) Come on. (They travel towards
Ursula's cavern.)
Flotsam and Jetsam: This way. (Ariel enters and is hung up in the garden of
Ursula: Come in. Come in, my child. We mustn't lurk in doorways - it's rude.
One MIGHT question your upbringing. . . . Now, then. You're here because
you have a thing for this human. This, er, prince fellow. Not that I blame
you - he is quite a catch, isn't he? Well, angel fish, the solution to your
problem is simple. The only way to get what you want - is to become a human
Ariel: Can you DO that?
Ursula: My dear, sweet child. That's what I do - it's what I live for. To help
unfortunate merfolk - like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to.
I admit that in the past I've been a nasty
They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch
But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light and made a switch
True? Yes
And I fortunately know a little magic
It's a talent that I always have possessed
And here lately, please don't laugh
I use it on behalf
Of the miserable, lonely and depressed
Poor unfortunate souls
In pain
In need
This one longing to be thinner
That one wants to get the girl
And do I help them?
Yes, indeed
Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad
So true
They come flocking to my cauldron
Crying, "Spells, Ursula please!"
And I help them?
Yes, I do
Now it's happened once or twice
Someone couldn't pay the price
And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals
Yes, I've had the odd complaint
But on the whole I've been a saint
To those poor unfortunate souls
Now, here's the deal. I will make you a potion that will turn you into
a human for three days. Got that? Three days. Now listen, this is import-
ant. Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear ol'
princey to fall in love with you. That is, he's got to kiss you. Not just
any kiss - the kiss of true love. If he does kiss you before the sun sets on
the third day, you'll remain human, permanently, but - if he doesn't, you
turn back into a mermaid, and - you belong to me.
Sebastion: No Ariel! (He is silenced by Flotsam and Jetsam.)
Ursula: Have we got a deal?
Ariel: If I become human, I'll never be with my father or sisters again.
Ursula: That's right. . . . But - you'll have your man. Life's full of tough
choices, innit? Oh - and there is one more thing. We haven't discussed the
subject of payment. You can't get something for nothing, you know.
Ariel: But I don't have any -
Ursula: I'm not asking much. Just a token, really, a trifle. You'll never even
miss it. What I want from you is . . . your voice.
Ariel: My voice?
Ursula: You've got it, sweetcakes. No more talking, singing, zip.
Ariel: But without my voice, how can I -
Ursula: You'll have your looks! Your pretty face! And don't underestimate the
importance of body language! Ha!
The men up there don't like a lot of blabber
They think a girl who gossips is a bore
Yes, on land it's much preferred
For ladies not to say a word
And after all, dear, what is idle prattle for?
Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation
True gentlemen avoid it when they can
But they dote and swoon and fawn
On a lady who's withdrawn
It's she who holds her tongue who gets her man
Come on, you poor unfortunate soul
Go ahead!
Make your choice!
I'm a very busy woman
And I haven't got all day
It won't cost much
Just your voice!
You poor unfortunate soul
It's sad
But true
If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet
You've got to pay the toll
Take a gulp and take a breath
And go ahead and sign the scroll!
Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her, boys
The boss is on a roll
This poor unfortunate soul.
(Ariel signs contract.)
Paluga, sarruga, come winds of the Caspian Sea.
Now rings us glossitis and max laryngitis,
La voce to me!
Now . . . sing!
Ariel: (Sings.)
Ursula: Keep singing! (Giant magical hands rip out Ariel's voice and give it to
Ursula. She laughs as Ariel is changed into a human and rushed to the surf-
ace by Flounder and Sebastion.)
(Fade to beach. Eric and Max are walking near castle.)
Eric: (Playing flute.) That voice. I can't get it out of my head. I've looked
everywhere, Max - where could she be? (On other side of rocks Ariel is
washed up. Sebastion and Flounder are exausted. Ariel sees her legs and is
Scuttle: Well, look at what the catfish dragged in! Look at ya! Look at ya!
There's something different. Don't tell me - I got it. It's your hairdo,
right? You've been using the dinglehopper, right? No? No huh, well let me
see. New . . . seashells? No new seashells. I gotta admit I can't put my
foot on it right now, but if I just stand here long enough I know that I'll -
Sebastian: SHE'S GOT LEGS, YOU IDIOT! She traded her voice to the sea witch
and got legs. Jeez, man . . .
Scuttle: I knew that.
Flounder: Ariel's been turned into a human. She's gotta make the prince fall in
love with her, and he's gotta ki- he's gotta kiss her. (Ariel tries to get
Sebastion: And she's only got three days. Just look at her. On legs. On human
legs! My nerves are shot. This is a catastrophe! What would her father say?
I'll tell you what her father'd say, he'd say he's gonna kill himself a crab,
that's what her father'd say! I'm gonna march meself straight home right now
and tell him just like I shoulda done de minute- (Ariel grabs him.) . . . and
don't you shake your head at me, young lady. Maybe there's still time. If
we could get that witch to give you back your voice, you could go home with
all the normal fish, and just be . . . just be . . . just be miserable for
the rest of your life. All right, all right. I'll try to help you find that
prince. Boy. What a soft-shell I'm turning out to be.
Scuttle: Now, Ariel, I'm tellin' ya, if you wanna be a human the first thing
you gotta do is dress like one. Now lemme see.
(Cut to Eric and Max. Max smells Ariel and gets excited.)
Eric: Max? Huh . . . what, Max!
Scuttle: (Whistles.) Ya look great kid. Ya look - sensational. (They hear Max.
He arrives and chases Ariel up on a rock.)
Eric: Max . . . Max - Quiet Max! What's gotten into you fella? (Sees Ariel.)
Oh . . . Oh, I see. Are you O.K., miss? I'm sorry if this knucklehead
scared you. He's harmless, really - . . . you . . . seem very familiar . . .
to me. Have we met? We have met? I knew it! You're the one - the one I've
been looking for! What's your name? (Ariel mouths "Ariel" but no words come
out.) What's wrong? What is it? You can't speak? (Ariel shakes her head.)
Oh. Then you couldn't be who I thought. (Ariel and Max look frustrated. She
tries pantomime.) What is it? You're hurt? No, No . . . You need help.
(She falls into him.) Whoa, whoa, careful - careful - easy. Gee, you must
have really been through something. Don't worry, I'll help you. Come on . . .
Come on, you'll be okay.
(Fade to Ariel in bath playing with bubbles.)
Carlotta: Washed up from a shipwreck. Oh, the poor thing. We'll have you
feeling better in no time. [Picks up Ariel's "dress"] I'll just - I'll just
get this washed for you.
(Cut to Sebastion in dress getting washed.)
Woman 1: Well you must have at least heard about this girl.
Woman 2: Well, Gretchen says . . . (Sebastion is dunked.) . . . since when has
Gretchen got anything right. I mean really, this girl shows up in rags and
doesn't speak-
Sebastion: Madame, please ! . . .
Woman 2: . . . not my idea of a princess. If Eric's looking for a girl, I know
a couple of highly available ones right here . . . (Sebastion dives into
kitchen and sees various fish cooking. He faints.)
(Cut to castle dining room.)
Grimsby: Oh, Eric, be reasonable. Nice young ladies just don't - swim around
rescuing people in the middle of the ocean and then - flutter off into
oblivion, like some -
Eric: I'm tellin' you, Grim, she was REAL! I'm gonna find that girl - and I'm
gonna marry her.
Carlotta: Ha Ha. Come on honey. Don't be shy. (Ariel enteres in a beautiful
Grimsby: Oh, Eric, isn't she a vision?
Eric: You look - wonderful.
Grimsby: Come come come, you must be famished. Let me help you my dear. There
we go - ah - quite comfy? Uh. It's - It's not ofen that we have such a lovely
dinner guest, eh Eric? (Ariel starts combing hair with a fork. They look
dumbfounded and she is embarrased. She sees pipe and brightens.) Uh, do you
like it? It is rather - fine . . . (She blows its contents into his face.
Eric laughs.)
Carlotta: Oh, my!
Eric: Ahem, so sorry Grim.
Carlotta: Why, Eric, that's the first time I've seen you smile in weeks.
Grimsby: (Wiping his face.) Oh, very amusing. Carlotta, my dear, what's for
Carlotta: Oooh, you're gonna love it. Chef's been fixing his specialty,
stuffed crab.
(Cut to Sebastion watching Louis cook. He is humming to himself.)
Les poissons
Les poissons
How I love les poissons
Love to chop
And to serve little fish
First I cut off their heads
Then I pull out the bones
Ah mais oui
Ca c'est toujours delish
Les poissons
Les poissons
Hee hee hee
Hah hah hah
With the cleaver I hack them in two
I pull out what's inside
And I serve it up fried
God, I love little fishes
Don't you?
Here's something for tempting the palate
Prepared in the classic technique
First you pound the fish flat with a mallet
Then you slash through the skin
Give the belly a slice
Then you rub some salt in
'Cause that makes it taste nice
Zut alors, I have missed one!
Sacre bleu
What is this?
How on earth could I miss
Such a sweet little succulent crab?
Quel dommage
What a loss
Here we go in the sauce
Now some flour, I think
Just a dab
Now I stuff you with bread
It don't hurt 'cause you're dead
And you're certainly lucky you are
'Cause it's gonna be hot
In my big silver pot
Toodle loo mon poisson
Au revoir!
(Sebastion hops back and Louis grabs him again.) What is this? (Sebastion
pinches his nose and a battle ensues. Louis knocks over a large cabinet.)
(Cut to dining room. Huge crash is heard.)
Carlotta: I think I'd better go see what Louis is up to.
(Back to kitchen. Louis is trashing the place.)
Louis: Come out you little pipsqueak and fight like a man!
Carlotta: Louis! What are you doing?
Louis: Well - I - I was just - er, er, I'm sorry, madame.
(Cut back to dining room.)
Grimsby: You know, Eric, perhaps our young guest might enjoy seeing some of the
sights of the kingdom. Something in the way of a tour?
Eric: I'm sorry, Grim, what was that?
Grimsby: You can't spend all your time moping about, you need to get out. Do
something, have a life. (Grimsby lifts his plate's cover to reveal Sebastian
cowering in the salad.) Get your mind off -
Eric: Easy, Grim, Easy. (Ariel lifts her own plate cover and signals for
Sebastian to hide there. Sebastian rushes across while no one is looking.)
It's not a bad idea. If she's interested. Well - whaddaya say? Would you
like to join me on a tour of my kingdom tomorrow?
(Ariel nods vigorously, leaning heavily on her plate's cover.)
Grimsby: Wonderful, now let's eat, before this crab wanders off my plate.
(Fade to Ariel watching Eric and Max from balcony.)
Eric: Come here boy! . . . Arrr . . . (He sees Ariel and waves. She is emb-
arassed and goes back inside.)
Sebastian: This has got to be, without a doubt, the single most humiliating day
of my life. I hope you appreciate what I go through for you, young lady.
Now - we got to make a plan to get that boy to kiss you. Tomorrow, when he
takes you for that ride, you gotta look your best. You gotta bat your eyes -
like this. You gotta pucker up your lips - like this. (He sees she is
asleep.) Hm. You are hopeless child. You know dat? Completely hopeless . . .
(Fade to undersea palace. Seahorse swims up to Triton.)
Triton: Any sign of them?
Seahorse: No, Your Majesty. We've searched everywhere. We've found no trace
of your daughter - or Sebastian.
Triton: Well, keep looking. Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored. Let
no one in this kingdom sleep until she's safe at home.
Seahorse: Yes sire. (He leaves.)
Triton: Oh, what have I done? What have I done?
(Morning at castle. Ariel and Eric leave for their tour. Ariel is amazed
by everything.)
Flounder: (As they pass water.) Has he kissed her yet?
Sebastion: Not yet.
Flounder: Ohh . . . (Ariel and Eric go dancing and see the town.)
Scuttle: Yo, Flounder! Any kissing?
Flounder: No, not yet.
Scuttle: Hmm. Well they - they better get crackin'. (They leave town and Ariel
drives, almost crashing. They end up rowing on a still lagoon in the even-
Flounder: Move over - move your big feathers. I can't see a thing.
Scuttle: Nothing is happening. . . . Only one day left, and that boy ain't
puckered up once. O.K. All right, this calls for a little vocal romantic
stimulation. Stand back. (He flies over and sings very badly.)
Eric: Wow. Somebody should find that poor animal and put it out of its misery.
Sebastian: Jeez, man, I'm surrounded by amateurs! You want something done,
you've got to do it yourself. First, we got to create the mood.
Percussion. . . . Strings. . . . Winds. . . . Words. . . .
There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her
And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl
Eric: Did you hear something?
Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wants you too
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la
My oh my
Look like the boy too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la
Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame?
Too bad, he gonna miss the girl
Eric: You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name. Heh - maybe I could
guess. Is it, err, Mildred? O.K., no. How 'bout - Diana? Rachel?
Sebastian: Ariel. Her name is Ariel.
Eric: Ariel? Ariel? Well, that's kinda pretty. O.K. - Ariel. . .
Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la
Don't be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You want to kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la
Float along
And listen to the song
The song say kiss the girl
Sha la la la la
The music play
Do what the music say
You got to kiss the girl
You've got to kiss the girl
You wanna kiss the girl
You've gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl
(The boat tips over.)
Eric: Whoa, hang on - I've gottcha. (Flotsam and Jetsam congradulate each
(Cut to Ursula's cavern.)
Ursula: Nice work, boys. That was a close one. Too close. The little tramp!
Oh, she's better than I thought. At this rate, he'll be kissing her by
sunset for sure. Well, it's time Ursula took matters into her own tentacles!
Triton's daughter will be mine - and then I'll make him writhe. I'll see him
wriggle like a worm on a hook! (Laughing, she transforms into a human with
Ariel's voice.)
(Fade to castle at night. Eric is playing the flute and contemplating as
Grimsby approaches.)
Grimsby: Eric, if I may say, far better than any dream girl, is one of flesh
and blood, one warm and caring, and right before your eyes. (He sees Ariel,
sighs, and tosses away flute. He is distracted by Ursula/Vanessa singing with
Ariel's voice and is placed under her spell.)
(Scuttle flying toward castle in morning.)
Scuttle: Ariel! Ariel, wake up! Wake up! I just heard the news. Congratula-
tions, kiddo, we did it!
Sebastian: What is this idiot babbling about?
Scuttle: Right - as if you two didn't know, uh? The whole town's buzzin' about
the prince gettin' himself hitched this afternoon! You know, he's getting
married! You silly sidewalker! I just wanted to wish you luck. I'll catch
you later, I wouldn't miss it! (Ariel brightens and runs downstairs, only to
see Eric and Vanessa together.)
Grimsby: Well, uh - err, Eric. I-it appears that I was mistaken. This mystery
maiden of yours does - in fact exist. And - and she is lovely. Congratula-
tions, my dear.
Eric: We wish to be married as soon as possible.
Grimsby: Oh, yes - of course, Eric, but, er - but these things do take time,
you know. . . .
Eric: This afternoon, Grimsby. The wedding ship departs at sunset.
Grimsby: Oh, oh - very well, Eric - as you wish. (Ariel runs off crying.)
(Cut to late afternoon as wedding ship starts to leave. Ariel on pier
crying bitterly as Sebastion and Flounder look on.)
(Cut to Scuttle flying and humming to himself.)
Vanessa: What a lovely little bride I'll make, my dear I'll look divine
Things are working out according to my ultimate design
Soon I'll have that little mermaid and the ocean will be mine!
Scuttle: (Seeing real Ursula in mirror.) The sea witch! Oh no . . . She's-
I gotta. . . (Runs into side of ship. Flies off to find Ariel.) Ariel!
Ariel! Ariel. I was flying, I wa - of course I was flying - An' - I s- I
saw that the watch - the witch was watchin' a mirror, and she was singin'
with a stolen set o' pipes! Do you hear what I'm tellin' you? THE PRINCE
Sebastian: Are you sure about this?
Scuttle: Have I ever been wrong? I mean when it's important!
Flounder: What are we gonna do!? (Ariel hears Ursula's voice in her head as the
sun drops.)
Ursula: . . . Before the sun sets on the third day. . . . (Ariel jumps in water
but can't swim well. Sebastion sends down some barrels.)
Sebastion: Ariel, grab on to that. Flounder, get her to that boat as fast as
your fins can carry you!
Flounder: I'll try.
Sebastian: I've gotta get to the sea king. He must know about this.
Scuttle: What - What about me? What about ME?
Sebastian: You - find a way to STALL THAT WEDDING!
Scuttle: Stall the wedding. Wh- what am I - what - that's it! (He flies off to
rally the animals and fish.) Move it, let's go, we got an emergency here!
(Cut to wedding in progress. Max growls at Vanessa but she kicks him.)
Priest: Dearly beloved . . . (Flounder is pulling Ariel toward ship.)
Flounder: Don't worry Ariel. ugh - we - we're gonna make it. We're almost
Priest: Yes, um, do you Eric, take Vanessa, to be your lawfully wedded wife,
for as long as you both shall live?
Eric: (Under spell.) I do.
Priest: Eh, and do you . . . (Birds and animals swoop in for attack, causing
great chaos.) . . . then by the power inves-
Vanessa: Get away from me you slimy little- Oh, why you little- (In the
struggle, the shell holding Ariel's voice it broken and it goes back to her.
Eric comes out of the spell as she sings.)
Eric: Ariel?
Ariel: Eric.
Eric: You - you can talk. You're the one.
Vanessa: Eric, get away from her!
Eric: It - it was you all the time.
Ariel: Oh, Eric, I - I wanted to tell you.
Vanessa: ERIC NO! (The sun sets and Ariel becomes a mermaid.)
Ursula: You're too late! You're too late! So long, loverboy.
Eric: Ariel! (Ursula and Ariel go overboard.)
Ursula: Poor little princess - it's not you I'm after. I've a much bigger fish
to -
Triton: Ursula, stop!
Ursula: Why, King Triton! Ha ha ha - How ARE you?
Triton: Let her go.
Ursula: Not a chance, Triton! She's mine now. We made a deal.
Ariel: Daddy, I'm sorry! I - I - I didn't mean to. I didn't know -
(Triton attacks the contract with a fierce blast from his trident, to no
Ursula: You see? The contract's legal, binding and completely unbreakable -
even for YOU. Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain.
The daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity. But - I
might be willing to make an exchange for someone even better. . . .
(Cut to Eric rowing away from ship.)
Grimsby: Eric! What are you doing?
Eric: Grim, I lost her once. I'm not going to lose her again.
(Back to Ursula and Triton.)
Ursula: Now! Do we have a deal? (Triton signs contract.) Ha! It's done then.
(Ariel is released and Triton is withered as Ursula laughs.)
Ariel: No . . . Oh, No!
Sebastion: Oh, your majesty . . .
Ariel: Daddy? . . .
Ursula: (Picks up crown.) At last, it's mine. Ho, Ho . . .
Ariel: You - You monster!
Ursula: Don't fool with me you little brat! Contract or no- AAAAHH! (She is hit
with a harpoon thrown by Eric.) Why you little troll!
Ariel: Eric! Eric look out!
Ursula: After him! (Flotsam and Jetsam attack.)
Sebastion: Come on! . . .
Ursula: Say goodbye to your sweetheart. (Ariel makes her miss Eric and blast
Flotsam and Jetsam.) Babies! My poor, little poopsies!
(On surface as Ursula grows beneath.)
Ariel: Eric, you've got to get away from here.
Eric: No, I won't leave you.
Ursula: (Now very large.) You pitiful, insignificant, fool!
Eric: Look out!
Ursula: Now I am the ruler of all the ocean! The waves obey my every whim!
The sea and all its spoils bow to my power! (She wrecks havoc, creates a
whirlpool and raises some shipwrecks.)
Ariel: ERIC! (He gets on board one of the ships as Ariel falls to the bottom
of the whirlpool. Ursula attempts to blast her.)
Ursula: (Laughing wickedly.) So much for true love! (As Ursula is about to
finish Ariel, Eric steers the ship into her. She is impaled and dies most
horribly. Eric collapses on the shore. The trident falls back to Triton and
everything reverts to normal.)
(Fade to morning with Eric on beach and Ariel watching from a distance.
Triton and Sebastion look on.)
Triton: She really does love him, doesn't she, Sebastian?
Sebastian: Well, it's like I always say, Your Majesty. Children got to be free
to lead their own lives.
Triton: You - always say that? (sighs) Then I guess there's just one problem
Sebastian: And what's that, Your Majesty?
Triton: How much I'm going to miss her. (He turns her into a human and she goes
to meet Eric. They kiss which fades into kiss on wedding day. Everyone is
happy. Sebastion is attacked by Louis. He beats Louis up and returns to the
Sebastion: Yes, Thank you, thank you. (Ariel and Triton hug.)
Ariel: I love you Daddy.
(Big finale while "Part of Your World" music plays. Ship sails off as
Ariel and Eric kiss.)
All: Now we can walk,
Now we can run,
Now we can stay all day in the sun.
Just you and me,
And I can be,
Part of your world.
(영화대본) 슈렉 2
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
Once upon a time
in a kingdom far far away
The king and queen were blessed
with a beautiful baby girl.
And throughout the land
everyone was happy.
...Until the sun went went down
...and they saw that their daughter were
cursed with a freightful enchantment
...that took hold each
and every night
...Desperate. They sought the
help of a fairy god mother
...who had them lock the
young princess away in a tower...
...there to await the kiss...
...of the handsome prince charming.
...It was he who would chance
the perilous journey
through blistering cold
and scorching desert
travelling for many days and nights
risking life and lip...
to reach the Dragon's keep.
For he was... the bravest...
and most handsome
...In all the land
And it was destiny
that his kiss
would break the dreaded curse.
He alone
would climb to the highest room
of the tallest tower
to enter the princess' chambers
cross the room to her sleeping
pull back the gossamer curtains
to find her...
Princess Fiona?
Oh, thank Heavens!
Where is she?
She's on her honeymoon.
With whom?
[♪ Counting Crows: Accidentally In Love]
♪ So she said
what's the problem, baby?
♪ What's the problem?
I don't know
♪ Well, maybe I'm in love
♪ Think about it
every time I think 'bout it
♪ Can't stop thinking 'bout it
♪ How much longer
will it take to cure this?
♪ Just to cure it,
'cause I can't ignore it
♪ If it's love, love
♪ Makes me wanna turn around
and face me
♪ But I don't know nothing
'bout love
♪ Oh, come on, come on
- [screams]
- ♪ Turn a little faster
♪ Come on, come on
♪ The world will follow after
♪ Come on, come on
♪ Everybody's after love
♪ So I said
I'm a snowball running
♪ Running down into this spring
that's coming all this love
♪ Melting under blue skies
belting out sunlight
♪ Shimmering love
♪ Well, baby, I surrender
♪ To the strawberry ice cream
♪ Never ever end of all this love
♪ Well, I didn't mean to do it
♪ But there's no escaping your love
♪ These lines of lightning
mean we're never alone
♪ Never alone, no, no
♪ Come on, come on
♪ Jump a little higher
♪ Come on, come on
♪ If you feel a little lighter
♪ Come on, come on
♪ We were once upon a time in love
♪ We 're accidentally in love
♪ Accidentally in love
♪ Accidentally in love
♪ Accidentally in love
♪ Accidentally in love
♪ Accidentally in love
♪ Accidentally in love
♪ Accidentally
♪ I'm in love, I'm in love,
I'm in love, I'm in love
♪ I'm in love, I'm in love
♪ Accidentally in love
♪ I'm in love
♪ I'm in love ♪
It's so good to be home!
- [distant singing]
- [giggling]
Just you and me and...
[Donkey sings]
- ♪ Two can be as bad as one,,, ♪
- Donkey?
Shrek! Fiona! Aren't you two
a sight for sore eyes!
Give us a hug, Shrek,
you old Iove machine.
And Iook at you, Mrs. Shrek.
How 'bout a side of sugar for the steed?
Donkey, what are you doing here?
Taking care of your Iove nest for you.
Oh, you mean Iike... sorting the mail
and watering the plants?
- Yeah, and feeding the fish!
- I don't have any fish.
You do now. I call that one Shrek
and the other Fiona.
That Shrek is a rascally devil.
Get your...
Look at the time.
I guess you'd better be going.
Don't you want to tell me about your trip?
Or how about a game of Parcheesi?
Actually, Donkey? Shouldn't you be
getting home to Dragon?
Oh, yeah, that.
I don't know.
She's been all moody and stuff Iately.
I thought I'd move in with you.
You know we're always happy
to see you, Donkey.
But Fiona and I are married now.
We need a Iittle time, you know,
to be together.
Just with each other.
Say no more.
You don't have to worry about a thing.
I will always be here to make sure
nobody bothers you.
- Donkey!
- Yes, roomie?
You're bothering me.
Oh, OK. AII right, cool. I guess...
Me and Pinocchio was going to catch
a tournament, anyway, so...
Maybe I'II see y'all Sunday
for a barbecue or something.
He'II be fine.
Now, where were we?
[giggles] Oh.
I think I remember.
- Donkey!
- [Fiona yelps]
I know, I know! AIone!
I'm going! I'm going.
What do you want me
to tell these other guys?
[ ♪ theme to Hawaii Five-O]
Enough, Reggie.
[clears throat] "Dearest Princess Fiona.
"You are hereby summoned
to the Kingdom of Far, Far Away
"for a royal ball
in celebration of your marriage
"at which time the King
"will bestow his royal blessing...
upon you and your..."
uh... "Prince Charming.
"Love, the King and Queen
of Far, Far Away.
"aka Mom and Dad."
Mom and Dad?
- Prince Charming?
- Royal ball? Can I come?
- We're not going.
- [both] What?
I mean, don't you think
they might be a bit...
shocked to see you Iike this?
[chuckles] Well, they might be
a bit surprised.
But they're my parents, Shrek.
They Iove me.
And don't worry.
They'II Iove you, too.
Yeah, right.
Somehow I don't think I'II be welcome
at the country club.
Stop it.
They're not Iike that.
How do you explain Sergeant Pompous
and the Fancy Pants CIub Band?
Oh, come on! You could at Ieast
give them a chance.
To do what?
Sharpen their pitchforks?
No! They just want
to give you their blessing.
Oh, great.
Now I need their blessing?
If you want to be a part
of this family, yes!
Who says I want
to be part of this family?
You did!
When you married me!
Well, there's some fine print for you!
[exasperated sigh]
So that's it. You won't come?
Trust me. It's a bad idea.
We are not going! And that's final!
Come on!
We don't want to hit traffic!
[Gingy] Don't worry!
We'II take care of everything.
[all cheer]
- Hey, wait for me. Oof!
- [glass breaks]
[♪ Chic: Le Freak]
♪ Hit it! Move 'em on! Head 'em up!
Head 'em up, move 'em on! Head 'em up!
♪ Rawhide! Move 'em on!
Head 'em up!
♪ Move 'em on! Move 'em on!
Head 'em up! Rawhide!
♪ Ride 'em up! Move 'em on!
Head 'em up! Move 'em on! Rawhide!
♪ Knock 'em out! Pound 'em dead!
Make 'em tea! Buy 'em drinks!
♪ Meet their mamas!
Milk 'em hard!
♪ Rawhide! ♪
- [Donkey] Are we there yet?
- [ShreK] No.
- [Donkey] Are we there yet?
- [Fiona] Not yet.
- [Donkey] OK, are we there yet?
- [Fiona] No.
- [Donkey] Are we there yet?
- [ShreK] No!
- [Donkey] Are we there yet?
- [ShreK] Yes.
- Really?
- No!
- Are we there yet?
- [Fiona] No!
- Are we there yet?
- [ShreK] We are not!
- Are we there yet?
- [Shrek
- Are we there yet?
- [Shrek mimics]
- That's not funny. That's really immature.
- [Shrek mimics]
- This is why nobody Iikes ogres.
- [Shrek mimics]
- Your Ioss!
- [Shrek mimics]
- I'm gonna just stop talking.
- Finally!
This is taking forever, Shrek.
There's no in-flight movie or nothing!
The Kingdom of Far, Far Away, Donkey.
That's where we're going.
Far, far...
[softly] away!
AII right, all right, I get it.
I'm just so darn bored.
Well, find a way
to entertain yourself.
[deep sigh]
[clicks tongue]
- [popping]
- [exasperated sigh]
For five minutes...
Could you not be yourself...
[shouts]...for five minutes!
- [popping]
- [shrieks]
Are we there yet?
- [chuckles] Yes!
- Oh, finally!
[ ♪ Lipps, Inc: Funkytown]
It's going to be champagne wishes
and caviar dreams from now on.
Hey, good-Iooking!
We'II be back to pick you up Iater!
♪ Gotta make a move
to a town that's right for me
We are definitely not
in the swamp anymore.
[whistle] Halt!
♪ Well, I talk about it, talk about it,
talk about it, talk about it
Hey, everyone, Iook.
♪ Talk about, talk about movin',,, ♪
Hey, Iadies! Nice day for a parade, huh?
You working that hat.
[Donkey] Swimming pools!
Movie stars!
Announcing the Iong-awaited return
of the beautiful Princess Fiona
and her new husband.
Well, this is it.
- This is it.
- This is it.
This is it.
[fanfare and cheering stop]
[baby wails]
Uh... why don't you guys go ahead?
I'II park the car.
[chuckles] So...
you still think
this was a good idea?
Of course! Look.
Mom and Dad Iook happy to see us.
- [softly] Who on earth are they?
- [softly] I think that's our Iittle girl.
That's not Iittle!
That's a really big problem.
Wasn't she supposed to kiss
Prince Charming and break the spell?
Well, he's no Prince Charming,
but they do Iook...
[softly] Happy now?
We came. We saw them.
Now Iet's go before
they Iight the torches.
- They're my parents.
- Hello? They Iocked you in a tower.
That was for my own...
Good! Here's our chance. Let's go
back inside and pretend we're not home.
Harold, we have to be...
Quick! While they're not Iooking
we can make a run for it.
Shrek, stop it!
Everything's gonna be...
A disaster! There is no way...
- You can do this.
- I really...
- Really...
- don't... want... to... be...
Mom... Dad...
I'd Iike you to meet my husband...
Well, um...
It's easy to see where Fiona
gets her good Iooks from.
[chuckles nervously]
- Excuse me.
- [Shrek
Better out than in,
I always say, eh, Fiona?
[both giggle]
[ShreK] That's good.
I guess not.
What do you mean, "not on the Iist"?
Don't tell me you don't know who I am.
What do you mean, "not on the Iist"?
Don't tell me you don't know who I am.
What's happening, everybody?
Thanks for waiting.
- I had the hardest time finding this place.
- No! No! Bad donkey! Bad! Down!
No, Dad! It's all right.
It's all right. He's with us.
- He helped rescue me from the dragon.
- That's me: the noble steed.
How 'bout a bowl for the steed?
Oh, boy.
- Um, Shrek?
- Yeah?
Oh, sorry!
Great soup, Mrs Q.
No, no. Darling.
[chuckles nervously] Oh!
So, Fiona, tell us
about where you Iive.
Shrek owns his own Iand.
- Don't you, honey?
- Oh, yes!
It's in an enchanted forest
abundant in squirrels
and cute Iittle duckies and...
[Iaughing] What?
I know you ain't
talking about the swamp.
An ogre from a swamp.
Oh! How original.
I suppose that would be a fine place
to raise the children.
- [splutters]
- [chokes]
It's a bit early to be
thinking about that, isn't it?
- Indeed. I just started eating.
- Harold!
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Dad. It's great, OK?
- For his type, yes.
- My type?
I got to go to the bathroom.
- Dinner is served!
- Never mind. I can hold it.
Bon appetit!
Oh, Mexican food!
My favorite.
Let's not sit here with our tummies
rumbling. Everybody dig in.
Don't mind if I do, Lillian.
I suppose any grandchildren
I could expect from you would be...
Ogres, yes!
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Right, Harold?
Oh, no! No! Of course, not!
That is, assuming you don't
eat your own young!
No, we usually prefer the ones
who've been Iocked away in a tower!
- Shrek, please!
- I only did that because I Iove her.
Aye, day care
or dragon-guarded castle.
You wouldn't understand.
You're not her father!
It's so nice to have the family
together for dinner.
- Harold!
- Shrek!
- Fiona!
- Fiona!
- Mom!
- Harold...
♪ Yourfallen tears have called to me
♪ So, here comes my sweet remedy
♪ I know what every princess needs
♪ For her to live life happily,,, ♪
[both gasp]
Oh, my dear.
Oh, Iook at you.
You're all grown up.
- Who are you?
- Oh, sweet pea!
I'm your fairy godmother.
- I have a fairy godmother?
- Shush, shush.
Now, don't worry.
I'm here to make it all better.
With just a...
♪ Wave of my magic wand
Your troubles will soon be gone
♪ With a flick of the wrist and just a flash
You'll land a prince with a ton of cash
♪ A high-priced dress
made by mice no less
♪ Some crystal glass pumps
And no more stress
♪ Your worries will vanish,
your soul will cleanse
♪ Confide in your very own
furniture friends
♪ We 'll help you set a new fashion trend
- ♪ I'll make you fancy, I'll make you great
- ♪ The kind of girl a prince would date!
♪ They'll write your name
on the bathroom wall,,,
♪ "For a happy ever after,
give Fiona a call!"
♪ A sporty carriage to ride in style,
Sexy man boy chauffeur, Kyle
♪ Banish your blemishes, tooth decay,
Cellulite thighs will fade away
♪ And oh, what the hey!
Have a bichon frise!'
♪ Nip and tuck, here and there
to land that prince with the perfect hair
♪ Lipstick liners, shadows blush
To get that prince with the sexy tush
♪ Lucky day, hunk buffet
You and your prince take a roll in the hay
♪ You can spoon on the moon
With the prince to the tune
♪ Don't be drab, you'll be fab
Your prince will have rock-hard abs
♪ Cheese souffle, Valentine's Day
Have some chicken fricassee!
♪ Nip and tuck, here and there
To land that prince with the perfect hair ♪
[chuckles] Look...
Thank you very much,
Fairy Godmother,
but I really don't need all this.
[gasps and mutterings of disapproval]
- Fine. Be that way.
- We didn't Iike you, anyway.
- [knocking]
- [ShreK] Fiona? Fiona?
[dog barks]
Oh! You got a puppy?
AII I got in my room was shampoo.
Oh, uh...
Fairy Godmother, furniture...
I'd Iike you to meet my husband, Shrek.
Your husband? What? What did you say?
When did this happen?
Shrek is the one who rescued me.
- But that can't be right.
- Oh, great, more relatives!
She's just trying to help.
Good! She can help us pack.
Get your coat, dear. We're Ieaving.
- What?
- I don't want to Ieave.
When did you decide this?
- Shortly after arriving.
- Look, I'm sorry...
No, that's all right.
I need to go, anyway.
But remember, dear.
If you should ever need me...
is just a teardrop away.
Thanks, but we've got all
the happiness we need.
Happy, happy, happy...
[Iaughs] So I see.
Let's go, Kyle.
- Very nice, Shrek.
- What?
I told you coming here was a bad idea.
You could've at Ieast tried
to get along with my father.
I don't think I was going to get
Daddy's blessing,
even if I did want it.
Do you think it might be nice
if somebody asked me what I wanted?
Sure. Do you want me
to pack for you?
You're unbelievable!
You're behaving Iike a...
- Go on! Say it!
- Like an ogre!
Here's a news flash for you!
Whether your parents Iike it or not...
I am an ogre!
- [yelps]
- [roars]
And guess what, Princess?
That's not about to change.
I've made changes for you, Shrek.
Think about that.
That's real smooth, Shrek.
"I'm an ogre!"
[mimics Shrek roaring]
I knew this would happen.
[Lillian] You should.
You started it.
I can hardly believe that, Lillian.
He's the ogre. Not me.
I think, Harold, you're taking this
a Iittle too personally.
This is Fiona's choice.
But she was supposed to choose
the prince we picked for her.
I mean, you expect me to give
my blessings to this... thing?
Fiona does.
And she'II never forgive you if you don't.
I don't want to Iose
our daughter again, Harold.
Oh, you act as if Iove
is totally predictable.
Don't you remember when
we were young?
We used to walk
down by the Iily pond and...
- they were in bloom...
- Our first kiss.
It's not the same!
I don't think you realize that
our daughter has married a monster!
Oh, stop being such a drama king.
Fine! Pretend there's nothing wrong!
La, di, da, di, da!
Isn't it all wonderful!
I'd Iike to know
how it could get any worse!
- Hello, Harold.
- [gasps]
- What happened?
- Nothing, dear!
Just the old crusade wound
playing up a bit!
I'II just stretch it
out here for a while.
You better get in.
We need to talk.
Actually, Fairy Godmother,
off to bed.
[yawns] AIready taken my pills,
and they tend to make me a bit drowsy.
So, how about... we make this
a quick visit. What?
Oh, hello.
So, what's new?
You remember my son,
Prince Charming?
Is that you? My gosh!
It's been years.
When did you get back?
Oh, about five minutes ago, actually.
After I endured blistering winds,
scorching desert...
I climbed to the highest room
in the tallest tower...
Mommy can handle this.
He endures blistering winds
and scorching desert!
He climbs to the highest bloody room
of the tallest bloody tower...
And what does he find?
Some gender-confused wolf
telling him that his princess
is already married.
It wasn't my fault.
He didn't get there in time.
Stop the car!
You force me to do something
I really don't want to do.
[gasps] Where are we?
Hi. Welcome to Friar's Fat Boy!
May I take your order?
My diet is ruined!
I hope you're happy. Er... okay.
Two Renaissance Wraps,
no mayo... chili rings...
- I'II have the Medieval Meal.
- One Medieval Meal and, Harold...
- Curly fries?
- No, thank you.
- Sourdough soft taco, then?
- No, really, I'm fine.
Your order, Fairy Godmother.
This comes with the Medieval Meal.
There you are, dear.
We made a deal, Harold, and I assume
you don't want me to go back on my part.
[sighs deeply] Indeed not.
So, Fiona and Charming will be together.
- Yes.
- Believe me, Harold. It's what's best.
Not only for your daughter...
but for your Kingdom.
What am I supposed to do about it?
Use your imagination.
Come on in, Your Majesty.
[piano plays, people talK]
♪ I like my town
♪ With a little drop of poison
♪ Nobody knows,,,
[barman belches]
[clears throat] Excuse me.
Do I know you?
No, you must be mistaking me
for someone else.
Uh... excuse me.
I'm Iooking for the Ugly Stepsister.
Ah! There you are. Right.
You see, I need to have
someone taken care of.
- Who's the guy?
- Well, he's not a guy, per se.
Um... He's an ogre.
[crowd gasp]
Hey, buddy, Iet me clue you in.
There's only one fellow who can handle
a job Iike that, and, frankly...
he don't Iike to be disturbed.
he don't Iike to be disturbed.
Where could I find him?
[knock on door]
Who dares enter my room?
Sorry! I hope I'm not interrupting, but
I'm told you're the one to talk to
about an ogre problem?
You are told correct.
But for this, I charge
a great deal of money.
Would... this be enough?
You have engaged my valuable
services, Your Majesty.
Just tell me where
I can find this ogre.
[♪ Eels: I Need Some Sleep]
♪ Everyone says
I'm getting down too low
♪ Everyone says
you've just gotta let it go
♪ You just gotta let it go
♪ I need some sleep
♪ Time to put the old horse down
♪ I'm in too deep
♪ And the wheels keep spinning round
♪ Everyone says
you've just gotta let it go ♪
♪ Everyone says
you've just gotta let it go ♪
Dear Knight, I pray that you take
this favor as a token of my gratitude,
[plays tune]
Dear Diary,,,
Sleeping Beauty is having
a slumber party tomorrow,
but Dad says I can't go,
He never lets me out after sunset,
Dad says I'm going away for a while,
Must be like some finishing school,
Mom says that when I'm old enough,
my Prince Charming will rescue me
from my tower
and bring me back to my family,
and we'll all live
happily ever after,
Mrs, Fiona Charming,
Mrs, Fiona Charming,
Mrs, Fiona Charming,
[echoing] Mrs, Fiona Charming,
[knock on door]
Sorry. I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.
No, no. I was just reading a, uh...
a scary book.
I was hoping you'd Iet me apologize
for my despicable behavior earlier.
- Okay...
- I don't know what came over me.
Do you suppose we could pretend
it never happened and start over...
- Look, Your Majesty, I just...
- PIease. Call me Dad.
Dad. We both acted Iike ogres.
Maybe we just need some time
to get to know each other.
Excellent idea! I was actually hoping
you might join me for a morning hunt.
A Iittle father-son time?
I know it would mean
the world to Fiona.
Shall we say,
7:30 by the old oak?
[birds twitter]
[ShreK] Face it, Donkey!
We're Iost.
We can't be Iost. We followed
the King's instructions exactly.
"Head to the
darkest part of the woods..."
"Past the sinister trees
with scary-Iooking branches."
- The bush shaped Iike Shirley Bassey!
- We passed that three times already!
You were the one who said
not to stop for directions.
Oh, great. My one chance
to fix things up with Fiona's dad
and I end up Iost
in the woods with you!
Don't get huffy!
I'm only trying to help.
I know! I know.
- I'm sorry, all right?
- Hey, don't worry about it.
I just really need to make
things work with this guy.
Yeah, sure. Now Iet's go
bond with Daddy.
Well, well, well, Donkey.
I know it was kind of a tender
moment back there, but the purring?
What? I ain't purring.
Sure. What's next? A hug?
Hey, Shrek. Donkeys don't purr.
What do you think I am, some kind of a...
Fear me, if you dare!
Look! A Iittle cat.
- Look out, Shrek! He got a piece!
- It's a cat, Donkey.
Come here,
Iittle kitty, kitty.
Come on, Iittle kitty. Come here.
Oh! Come here, Iittle kitty.
- [screaming]
- Whoa!
- Hold on, Shrek! I'm coming!
- Come on! Get it off! Get it off!
Oh, God. Oh...
- Look out, Shrek! Hold still!
- Get it off!
Shrek! Hold still!
- Did I miss?
- No. You got them.
Now, ye ogre, pray for mercy from...
Puss... in Boots!
I'II kill that cat!
- [chuckles] Hairball.
- Oh! That is nasty!
What should we do with him?
Take the sword and neuter him.
Give him the Bob Barker treatment.
Oh, no! Por favor!
I implore you!
It was nothing personal, Senor.
I was doing it only for my family.
My mother, she is sick.
And my father Iives off the garbage!
The King offered me much in gold
and I have a Iitter of brothers...
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Fiona's father paid you to do this?
The rich King? Si.
Well, so much for Dad's royal blessing.
Don't feel bad. AImost everybody
that meets you wants to kill you.
Gee, thanks.
Maybe Fiona would've been better off
if I were some sort of Prince Charming.
That's what the King said.
Oh, uh... sorry. I thought that question
was directed at me.
Shrek, Fiona knows
you'd do anything for her.
Well, it's not Iike
I wouldn't change if I could.
I just... I just wish
I could make her happy.
Hold the phone...
"A tear drop away."
Donkey! Think of the saddest thing
that's ever happened to you!
Aw, man, where do I begin?
First there was the time that old farmer
tried to sell me for some magic beans.
Then this fool had a party and he have
the guests trying to pin the tail on me.
Then they got drunk and start beating me
with a stick, going "Pinata!!"
What is a pinata, anyway?
No, Donkey! I need you to cry!
Don't go projecting on me.
I know you're feeling bad,
but you got to...
You Iittle, hairy,
Iitter-Iicking sack of...
What? Is it on? Is it on?
[clears throat]
This is Fairy Godmother,
I'm either away
from my desk or with a client,
But if you come by the office, we'll be
glad to make you an appointment,
Have a "happy ever after, "
Are you up for a Iittle quest, Donkey?
That's more Iike it! Shrek and Donkey,
on another whirlwind adventure!
♪ Ain't no stoppin' us now! Whoo!
We're on the move!
- Stop, Ogre! I have misjudged you.
- Join the club. We've got jackets.
On my honor, I am obliged to accompany
you until I have saved your Iife
as you have spared me mine.
The position of annoying talking animal
has already been taken.
Let's go, Shrek. Shrek?
- Shrek!
- Aw, come on, Donkey. Look at him...
in his wee Iittle boots.
You know, how many cats can wear boots?
- Let's keep him!
- Say what?
Listen. He's purring!
- Oh, so now it's cute.
- Come on, Donkey. Lighten up.
Lighten up? I should Iighten up?
Look who's telling who to Iighten up!
Lighten up? I should Iighten up?
Look who's telling who to Iighten up!
[giggles] Shrek!
They're both festive, aren't they?
What do you think, Harold?
Um... Yes, yes.
Fine. Fine.
Try to at Ieast pretend you're interested
in your daughter's wedding ball.
Honestly, Lillian,
I don't think it matters.
How do we know there will
even be a ball?
Mom. Dad.
- Oh, hello, dear.
- What's that, Cedric? Right! Coming.
Mom, have you seen Shrek?
I haven't.
You should ask your father.
Be sure and use small words, dear.
He's a Iittle slow this morning.
- Can I help you, Your Majesty?
- Ah, yes! Um...
Mmm! Exquisite.
What do you call this dish?
That would be the dog's breakfast,
Your Majesty.
Ah, yes. Very good, then.
Carry on, Cedric.
- Dad? Dad, have you seen Shrek?
- No, I haven't, dear.
I'm sure he just went off to Iook for
a nice... mud hole to cool down in.
You know, after your
Iittle spat Iast night.
Oh. You heard that, huh?
The whole kingdom heard you.
I mean, after all,
it is in his nature to be...
well, a bit of a brute.
Him? You know, you didn't exactly
roll out the Welcome Wagon.
Well, what did you expect?
Look at what he's done to you.
Shrek Ioves me for who I am.
I would think you'd be happy for me.
Darling, I'm just thinking about
what's best for you.
Maybe you should do the same.
[both whisper]
No, really?
[both Iaugh]
[ShreK] Shh...
[hooter blasts]
Oh, no. That's the old Keebler's place.
Let's back away slowly.
That's the Fairy Godmother's cottage.
She's the Iargest producer of hexes
and potions in the whole kingdom.
Then why don't we pop in there
for a spell? Ha-ha! Spell!
[Puss in Boots
shrieks with Iaughter]
[Puss in Boots] He makes me Iaugh.
Hi. I'm here to see the...
The Fairy Godmother.
I'm sorry. She is not in.
Coffee and a Monte Cristo, Now!
Yes, Fairy Godmother.
Right away.
Look, she's not seeing
any clients today, OK?
That's OK, buddy.
We're from the union.
The union?
We represent the workers in all magical
industries, both evil and benign.
Oh! Oh, right.
Are you feeling at all
degraded or oppressed?
Uh... a Iittle.
We don't even have dental.
They don't even have dental.
Okay, we'II just have
a Iook around.
Oh. By the way.
I think it'd be better if the Fairy Godmother
didn't know we were here.
- Know what I'm saying? Huh?
- Huh? Huh? Huh?
- Stop it.
- Of course. Go right in.
[voices and grinding machines]
A drop of desire.
[giggles] Naughty!
A pinch of passion.
And just a hint of...
- [ShreK] Excuse me.
- [gasps]
Sorry to barge in Iike this...
What in Grimm's name
are you doing here?
Well, it seems
that Fiona's not exactly happy.
And there's some question
as to why that is?
Well, Iet's explore that, shall we?
Ah. P, P, P...
Princess. Cinderella.
Here we are.
"Lived happily ever after." Oh...
[Iaughs] No ogres!
Let's see. Snow White.
A handsome prince.
Oh, no ogres.
SIeeping Beauty. Oh, no ogres!
Hansel and Gretel? No!
Thumbelina? No.
The Golden Bird,
the Little Mermaid, Pretty Woman...
No, no, no, no, no!
You see, ogres don't
Iive happily ever after.
AII right, Iook, Iady!
Don't you point...
those dirty green sausages at me!
Your Monte Cristo and coffee.
Oh! Sorry.
Ah... that's okay.
We were just Ieaving.
Very sorry to have wasted your time,
Miss Godmother.
Just... go.
Come on, guys.
[whistles tune]
TGIF, eh, buddy?
Working hard or hardly working,
eh, Mac?
Get your fine Corinthian footwear
and your cat cheeks out of my face!
Man, that stinks!
You don't exactly smell Iike
a basket of roses.
- Well, one of these has got to help.
- I was just concocting this very plan!
AIready our minds are becoming one.
Whoa, whoa. If we need an expert on
Iicking ourselves, we'II give you a call.
Shrek, this is a bad idea.
Look. Make yourself useful
and go keep watch.
Puss, do you think you
could get to those on top?
No problema, boss.
In one of my nine Iives,
I was the great cat burglar
of Santiago de Compostela.
Shrek, are you off your nut?
Donkey, keep watch.
Keep watch?
Yeah, I'II keep watch.
I'II watch that wicked witch come and
whammy a world of hurt up your backside.
I'II Iaugh, too.
I'II be giggling to myself.
- What do you see?
- Toad Stool Softener?
I'm sure a nice BM is the perfect solution
for marital problems.
- EIfa Seltzer?
- Uh-uh.
- Hex Lax?
- No! Try "handsome."
Sorry. No handsome.
Hey! How about "Happily Ever After"?
Well, what does it do?
It says "Beauty Divine."
In some cultures, donkeys are revered
as the wisest of creatures.
Especially us talking ones.
[gasps] Donkey!
That'II have to do.
We've got company.
Can we get on with this?
Nice catch, Donkey!
Finally! A good use for your mouth.
[♪ Pete Yorn: Ever Fallen In Love]
Come on!
♪ You spurn my natural emotions
♪ You make me feel like dirt
and I'm hurt
♪ And if I start a commotion
♪ I run the risk of losing you
and that's worse
♪ Ever fallen in love with someone,
ever fallen in love
♪ In love with someone,
ever fallen in love
♪ In love with someone
you shouldn 't have fallen in love with
♪ Ever fallen in love with someone,
ever fallen in love
♪ In love with someone,
ever fallen in love
♪ With someone
you shouldn 't have fallen in love with
♪ Fallen in love with
♪ Ever fallen in love with someone
you shouldn 't have fallen in love with ♪
I don't care whose fault it is.
Just get this place cleaned up!
And somebody bring me something
deep fried and smothered in chocolate!
- Mother!
- Charming. Sweetheart.
This isn't a good time, pumpkin.
Mama's working.
Whoa, what happened here?
- The ogre, that's what!
- What? Where is he, Mom?
I shall rend his head
from his shoulders!
I will smite him where he stands!
He will rue the very day he stole
my kingdom from me!
Oh, put it away, Junior!
You're still going to be king.
We'II just have to come up
with something smarter.
Pardon. Um...
Everything is accounted for,
Fairy Godmother, except for one potion.
I do believe we can make
this work to our advantage.
"Happily Ever After Potion.
Maximum strength.
"For you and your true Iove.
"If one of you drinks this,
you both will be fine.
"Happiness, comfort
and beauty divine."
- You both will be fine?
- I guess it means it'II affect Fiona, too.
Hey, man, this don't feel right.
My donkey senses are tingling all over.
Drop that jug o' voodoo
and Iet's get out of here.
It says, "Beauty Divine."
How bad can it be?
See, you're allergic to that stuff.
You'II have a reaction.
And if you think that I'II be smearing
Vapor Rub over your chest, think again!
Boss, just in case there is something
wrong with the potion...
allow me to take the first sip.
It would be an honor to Iay my Iife
on the Iine for you.
Oh, no, no. I don't think so.
If there'II be any animal testing,
I'II do it.
That's the best friend's job.
Now give me that bottle.
How do you feel?
I don't feel any different.
I Iook any different?
You still Iook Iike an ass to me.
Maybe it doesn't work on donkeys.
- Well, here's to us, Fiona.
- Shrek?
- You drink that, there's no going back.
- I know.
- No more wallowing in the mud?
- I know.
- No more itchy butt crack?
- I know!
- But you Iove being an ogre!
- I know!
But I Iove Fiona more.
But I Iove Fiona more.
Shrek, no! Wait!
Got to be... I think you grabbed
the "Farty Ever After" potion.
Maybe it's a dud.
Or maybe Fiona and I
were never meant to be.
Or maybe Fiona and I
were never meant to be.
[thunder rumbles]
Uh-oh. What did I tell you?
I feel something coming on.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die. I don't want to die!
Oh, sweet sister, mother of mercy.
I'm melting!
I'm melting!
It's just the rain, Donkey.
[chuckles] Oh.
Don't worry. Things seem bad
because it's dark and rainy
and Fiona's father hired
a sleazy hitman to whack you.
It'II be better in the morning.
You'II see...
♪ The sun'll come out,,,
♪ Tomorrow
♪ Bet your bottom,,, ♪
Bet my bottom?
I'm coming, EIizabeth!
Are you all right?
- Hey, boss. Let's shave him.
- D-Donkey?
[Puss In Boots shrieks]
There you are!
We missed you at dinner.
What is it, darling?
I've been thinking
about what you said.
And I'm going to set things right.
Ah! Excellent!
That's my girl.
It was a mistake to bring Shrek here.
I'm going to go out and find him.
And then we'II go back
to the swamp where we belong.
[Lillian] Fiona, please!
Let's not be rash, darling.
You can't go anywhere right now.
[rain patters]
[Both] Fiona!
Look, I told you he was here.
Look at him! Quiet. Look at him.
[Shrek groans]
Good morning, sleepyhead.
[Shrek shouts]
[AII] Good morning!
We Iove your kitty!
- [ShreK] Oh... My head...
- Here, I fetched a pail of water.
A cute button nose?
Thick, wavy Iocks?
Taut, round buttocks?
I'm... I'm...
- Gorgeous!
- I'II say.
I'm Jill. What's your name?
- Um... Shrek.
- Shrek? Wow. Are you from Europe?
- You're tense.
- I want to rub his shoulders.
- I got it covered.
- I don't have anything to rub.
Get in Iine.
Get in Iine.
- Have you seen my donkey?
- Who are you calling donkey?
- Donkey? You're a...
- A stallion, baby!
I can whinny.
I can count.
Look at me, Shrek!
I'm trotting!
That's some quality potion.
What's in that stuff?
"Oh, don't take the potion,
Mr. Boss, it's very bad."
"Warning: Side effects may include
burning, itching, oozing, weeping.
"Not intended for heart patients
or those with... nervous disorders."
I'm trotting, I'm trotting in place! Yeah!
Senor? "To make the effects
of this potion permanent,
"the drinker must obtain his
true Iove's kiss by midnight."
Why is it always midnight?
- Pick me! I'II be your true Iove!
- I'II be your true Iove.
I'II be true... enough.
Look, Iadies, I already have a true Iove.
[all] Oh...
And take it from me, Boss.
You are going to have
one satisfied Princess.
And Iet's face it.
You are a Iot easier on the eyes.
Inside you're the same
old mean, salty...
- Easy.
-...cantankerous, foul,
angry ogre you always been.
And you're still the same
annoying donkey.
- Yeah.
- [sighs]
Look out, Princess.
Here comes the new me.
First things first.
- We need to get you out of those clothes.
- [all gasp]
- Ready?
- Ready!
- [Donkey screams]
- Driver, stop!
Oh, God! Help me, please!
My racing days are over!
I'm blind! Tell the truth.
Will I ever play the violin again?
You poor creature!
Is there anything
I can do for you?
Well, I guess there is one thing.
Take off the powdered wig
and step away from your drawers.
- Not bad.
- Not bad at all.
[both Iaugh]
Is everything all right, Father?
Thank you, gentlemen!
Someday, I will repay you.
Unless, of course,
I can't find you or if I forget.
- [whinnies]
- [Puss in Boots, in angry Spanish]
[♪ Butterfly Boocher: Changes]
[♪ Butterfly Boocher: Changes]
♪ Oh, yeah
♪ Turn and face the strange
♪ Ch-Ch-Changes
♪ Don't wanna be a richer one
♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
♪ Turn and face the strange
♪ Ch-Ch-Changes
♪ Just gonna have to be
a different man
♪ Time may change me
♪ But I can't trace time
T ell Princess Fiona her husband,
Sir Shrek, is here to see her.
♪ Still don't know what
I was looking for
♪ And my time was running wild,
a million dead-end streets
♪ Every time I thought
I'd got it made
♪ It seemed the taste
was not so sweet
- [screams]
- ♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
♪ Turn and face the strange
- Shrek?
- ♪ Ch-Ch-Changes
♪ Don't wanna be a richer one
♪ Time may change me
♪ But I can't trace time
Hello, handsome.
- Princess!
- Donkey?
Wow! That potion
worked on you, too?
What potion?
Shrek and I took some magic potion.
And well...
Now, we're sexy!
For you, baby... I could be.
- Yeah, you wish.
- Donkey, where is Shrek?
He went inside Iooking for you.
Fiona! Fiona!
You want to dance, pretty boy?
Are you going so soon?
Don't you want to see your wife?
Aye, Fiona. It is me.
What happened to your voice?
The potion changed
a Iot of things, Fiona.
But not the way I feel about you.
- Charming?
- Do you think so?
[Iaughs] Dad. I was so hoping
you'd approve.
- Um... Who are you?
- Mom, it's me, Shrek.
I know you never get a second chance
at a first impression,
but, well, what do you think?
[Shrek in distance] Fiona! Fiona!
- Fiona!
- Fiona, Fiona! Ho-ho-ho!
Oh, shoot! I don't think they
can hear us, pigeon.
[sighs deeply]
Don't you think you've already
messed her Iife up enough?
I just wanted her to be happy.
And now she can be.
Oh, sweetheart.
She's finally found
the prince of her dreams.
But Iook at me.
Look what I've done for her.
It's time you stop Iiving
in a fairy tale, Shrek.
She's a princess,
and you're an ogre.
That's something no amount
of potion will ever change.
I Iove her.
If you really Iove her...
you'II Iet her go.
[♪ Nick Cave: People Ain't No Good]
[♪ Nick Cave: People Ain't No Good]
What's going on?
Where are you going?
You wouldn't have had anything to do
with this, would you, Harold?
♪ People just ain't no good
♪ I think that's well understood
There you go, boys.
Just Ieave the bottle, Doris.
Hey. Why the Iong face?
It was all just a stupid mistake.
I never should have rescued her
from that tower in the first place.
I hate Mondays.
I can't believe you'd walk away from
the best thing that happened to you.
What choice do I have?
She Ioves that pretty boy,
Prince Charming.
Come on. Is he really
that good-Iooking?
Are you kidding?
He's gorgeous!
He has a face that Iooks Iike
it was carved by angels.
- Oh. He sounds dreamy.
- You know...
shockingly, this isn't
making me feel any better.
Look, guys.
It's for the best.
Mom and Dad approve,
and Fiona gets the man
she's always dreamed of.
Everybody wins.
Except for you.
I don't get it, Shrek.
You Iove Fiona.
And that's why
I have to Iet her go.
Excuse me, is she here?
She's, uh... in the back.
Oh, hello again.
Fairy Godmother. Charming.
You'd better have a good reason
for dragging us down here, Harold.
Well, I'm afraid Fiona isn't really...
warming up to Prince Charming.
- FYI, not my fault.
- No, of course it's not, dear.
I mean,
how charming can I be
when I have to pretend
I'm that dreadful ogre?
No, no, it's nobody's fault.
Perhaps it's best if we just
call the whole thing off, okay?
- [both] What?
- You can't force someone to fall in Iove!
I beg to differ.
I do it all the time!
Have Fiona drink this and she'II fall in Iove
with the first man she kisses,
which will be Charming.
- Umm... no.
- What did you say?
I can't. I won't do it.
Oh, yes, you will.
If you remember, I helped you
with your happily ever after.
And I can take it away
just as easily.
Is that what you want? Is it?
- No.
- Good boy.
Now, we have to go.
I need to do Charming's hair
before the ball.
He's hopeless.
He's all high in the front.
He can never get to the back.
You need someone to do the back.
Oh. Thank you, Mother.
[Donkey] Mother?
Um... Mary! A talking horse!
The ogre!
Stop them! Thieves! Bandits!
Stop them!
(Announcer) The abs are fab
and it's gluteus to the maximus
here at tonight's Far, Far Away
Royal Ball blowout!
The coaches are lined up
as the cream of the crop pours out of them
Iike Miss Muffet's curds and whey,
Everyone who's anyone
has turned out
to honor Princess Fiona
and Prince Shrek.
And, oh my,
the outfits Iook gorgeous!
Look! Hansel and Gretel!
What the heck are the crumbs for?
And right behind them,
Tom Thumb and Thumbelina!
- Oh, aren't they adorable!
- [screaming]
[woman] Here comes SIeeping Beauty!
Tired old thing.
Who's this? Who's this?
Who is this?
Oh. It's the one, it's the only...
It's the Fairy Godmother!
Hello, Far, Far Away!
Can I get a whoop whoop?
May all your endings be happy and...
Well, you know the rest!
We'll be right back with the Royal
Far, Far Away Ball
after these messages,
I hate these ball shows.
They bore me to tears.
FIip over to Wheel Of T orture!
I'm not flipping anywhere, sir,
until I see Shrek and Fiona.
Whizzes on you guys.
Hey, mice, pass me a buffalo wing!
No, to your Ieft. Your Ieft!
- Tonight on "Knights",,,
- Now here's a good show!
We got a white bronco heading east
into the forest, Requesting backup,
It's time to teach these madcap mammals
their "devil may mare" attitudes
just won't fly,
Why you grabbing me?
Police brutality!
I have to talk to Princess Fiona!
- We warned you!
- Ow! Ow!
Did someone let the cat out of the bag?
You capitalist pig dogs!
- Catnip!
- That's not mine.
Find Princess Fiona!
I'm a donkey!
Tell her Shrek...
I'm her husband, Shrek!
Quick! Rewind it!
I'm her husband, Shrek! Ow!
[knock on door]
Ah. I thought I might
find you here.
How about a nice hot cup
of tea before the ball?
I'm not going.
The whole Kingdom's turned out
to celebrate your marriage.
There's just one problem.
That's not my husband.
I mean, Iook at him.
Yes, he is a bit different,
but people change
for the ones they Iove.
You'd be surprised how much
I changed for your mother.
He's completely Iost his mind!
Why not come down to the ball
and give him another chance?
You might find you Iike
this new Shrek.
But it's the old one
I fell in Iove with, Dad.
I'd give anything to have him back.
Darling. That's mine. Decaf.
Otherwise I'm up all night.
I got to get out of here!
I got to get out of here!
You can't Iock us up Iike this!
Let me go!
What about my Miranda rights?
You're supposed to say
I have the right to remain silent.
Nobody said I have the right
to remain silent!
You have the right to remain silent.
What you Iack is the capacity.
I must hold on before I, too,
go totally mad.
Shrek? Donkey?
Too Iate.
Gingy! Pinocchio!
Get us out of here!
[♪ Theme from Mission Impossible]
Fire in ze hole!
[explosion, rumbling]
Look out below!
Quick! Tell a Iie!
- What should I say?
- Anything, but quick!
Say something crazy Iike
"I'm wearing Iadies' underwear!"
I am wearing Iadies' underwear.
- Are you?
- I most certainly am not!
It Iooks Iike you
most certainly am are!
- I am not!
- What kind?
- It's a thong!
- Oww! They're briefs!
- Are not.
- Are too!
- Are not!
- Are too!
Here we go. Hang tight.
[Donkey] Wait, wait, wait!
Ow! Ow! Hey, hey, hey!
- Excuse me?
- What? Puss!
Pardon me, would you
mind Ietting me go?
- Sorry, boss.
- Quit messing around!
We've got to stop that kiss!
I thought you was going
to Iet her go.
I was, but I can't Iet them
do this to Fiona.
Boom! That's what I Iike to hear.
Look who's coming around!
It's impossible!
We'II never get in.
The castle's guarded.
There's a moat and everything!
Folks, it Iooks Iike we're up chocolate
creek without a Popsicle stick.
- What?
- Do you still know the Muffin Man?
Well, sure!
He's down on Drury Lane. Why?
Because we're gonna need flour.
Lots and Iots of flour.
Fire up the ovens, Muffin Man!
We've got a big order to fill!
[evil chuckle]
[Gingy] It's alive!
[whinnies] Run, run, run,
as fast you can!
Go, baby, go!
There it is, Mongo!
To the castle!
[ShreK] No, you great stupid pastry!
Come on!
[all shout]
[Donkey] Mongo! Down here!
Look at the pony!
That's right! Follow the pretty pony!
Pretty pony wants to play
at the castle!
[Mongo] Pretty pony.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Presenting Princess Fiona
and her new husband, Prince Shrek.
[applause, cheering]
Shrek, what are you doing?
I'm just playing the part, Fiona.
Is that glitter on your Iips?
Mm. Cherry flavored.
Want to taste?
- Ugh! What is with you?
- But, Muffin Cake...
[piano plays]
C Minor, put it in C Minor.
Ladies and gentlemen.
[applause, cheering]
I'd Iike to dedicate this song to...
Princess Fiona and Prince Shrek.
Fiona, my Princess.
Will you honor me with a dance?
♪ Where have all the good men gone
♪ And where are all the gods?
[all chant] Dance!
♪ Where's the streetwise Hercules
♪ To fight the rising odds?
Since when do you dance?
Fiona, my dearest,
if there's one thing I know,
it's that Iove is full of surprises.
♪ Late at night I toss and I turn
♪ And I dream of what I need
Hit it!
♪ I need a hero
AII right, big fella!
Let's crash this party!
Man the catapults!
Aim! Fire!
- Brace yourselves!
- Ooh! Purty!
Not the gumdrop button!
[enraged howling]
Ha-ha! AII right!
♪ Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Go, Mongo! Go!
Man the cauldrons!
After you, Mongo.
- That's it! Heave-ho!
- Watch out!
More heat, Iess foam!
♪ Up where the mountains
Meet the heavens above
♪ Out where the lightning
Splits the sea
♪ I could swear there is someone
Somewhere watching me
Heave! Ho!
[Gingy, slow-motion] No...!
[Mongo groans]
[whistles] Come on!
Look out!
- Be good.
- [weeping bitterly]
[sobbing] He needs me!
Let me go!
Go! Go! Your Iady needs you! Go!
Today, I repay my debt.
[all] Aww...
[growling] On guard!
♪ He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
♪ And he's gotta be fresh
From the fight
- ♪ I need a hero ♪
- Stop!
[Donkey whinnies]
- Hey, you! Back away from my wife.
- Shrek?
You couldn't just go back to your swamp
and Ieave well enough alone.
- Now!
- Pigs und blanket!
Pinocchio! Get the wand!
I see London! I see France!
I'm a real boy!
Ah! Ah! Aaahhh!
I'm a real boy. Aah!
- Ha!
- Ah.
That's mine!
Pray for mercy, from Puss...
And Donkey!
She's taken the potion!
Kiss her now!
- Hi-ya!
- [crowd gasp]
- Fiona.
- Shrek.
Harold! You were supposed
to give her the potion!
Well, I guess I gave her
the wrong tea.
- [Charming] Mommy!
- Mommy?
[growls] I told you.
Ogres don't Iive happily ever after.
[breathes deeply]
[gasping] Oh, Dad!
- Is he...?
- Yup.
He croaked.
I'd hoped you'd never
see me Iike this.
- And he gave you a hard time!
- Donkey!
No, no, he's right.
I'm sorry.
To both of you.
I only wanted what
was best for Fiona.
But I can see now...
she already has it.
Shrek, Fiona...
Will you accept
an old frog's apologies...
and my blessing?
I'm sorry, Lillian.
I just wish I could be
the man you deserve.
You're more that man today
than you ever were...
warts and all.
[clock chimes]
[clock chimes]
Boss! The Happily Ever After Potion!
Fiona. Is this what you want?
To be this way forever?
- What?
- Because if you kiss me now...
we can stay Iike this.
You'd do that?
- For me?
- Yes.
I want what any princess wants.
To Iive happily ever after...
with the ogre I married.
Whatever happens,
I must not cry!
You cannot make me cry!
[clock chimes]
No. No, no.
Aaah! Ow.
Oh, no.
[Iaughs] Hey. You still Iook Iike
a noble steed to me.
[giggles] Now, where were we?
Oh. I remember.
Hey! Isn't we supposed
to be having a fiesta?
Uno, dos, quatro, hit it!
[ ♪ Eddie Murphy/Antonio Banderas:
Livin' La Vida Loca ]
[ ♪ Eddie Murphy/Antonio Banderas:
Livin' La Vida Loca ]
Puss and Donkey, y'all...
♪ She's into superstitions
♪ Black cats and voodoo dolls
- Sing it, Puss!
- ♪ I feel a premonition
♪ That girl's gonna make me fall
Here we go!
♪ She's into new sensations
♪ New kicks in the candlelight
♪ She's got a new addiction
♪ For every day and night
♪ She'll make you take your clothes off
♪ And go dancing in the rain
♪ She'll make you live her crazy life
♪ But she'll take away your pain
♪ Like a bullet to your brain
♪ Upside inside out
♪ Living la vida loca
Hey gorgeous!
♪ Living la vida loca
♪ Her lips are devil red
♪ And her skin's the color of mocha
♪ She will wear you out
- ♪ Living la vida loca
- [Donkey] She Iivin' it loca!
♪ Living la vida loca
- [Donkey] Say it one more time now!
- ♪ Living the vida loca
[Puss in Boots jamming]
[Puss in Boots]
Hey, Donkey, that's Spanish!
♪ She'll push and pull you down
♪ Living la vida loca
♪ She will wear you out
♪ Living la vida loca
♪ Living la vida loca
♪ She'll push and pull you down
♪ Living the vida loca
♪ Her lips are devil red
♪ And her skin 's the color of mocha
♪ She will wear you out
♪ Living la vida loca
♪ Living la vida loca
♪ Living la vida loca
♪ Living la vida loca ♪
♪ All by myself
♪ All by myself
♪ Don 't wanna be
♪ All by myself anymore,,, ♪
Amigo, we are off
to the Kit-Kat CIub.
Come on, join us.
Thanks, compadre.
I'm... I'm not in the mood.
We will cheer you up!
Find you a nice burro!
Hey, baby!
Hey, that's my girl!
Yeah! AII right!
Baby, where you been?
- [cries]
- I'm sorry, too.
I should've stayed.
But Shrek had this thing he had to do.
What? Say it one more time.
What you talking about?
Are you serious?
- [cooing]
- [gasping]
- Papa!
- [screaming]
- [cooing, squealing]
- [chuckling]
Look at our Iittle mutant babies!
[Donkey] I got to get a job.
[Donkey] I got to get a job.
(영화대본) Polar Express
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
Polar Express Script
On Christmas Eve, many years ago...
...I lay quietly in my bed.
I did not rustle the sheets.
I breathed slowly and silently.
I was listening for a sound
I was afraid I'd never hear.
The ringing bells of Santa's sleigh.
All right. All right, Sarah,
you had your water.
Now let's get you upstairs
and into bed.
But... But... But, I have to...
He said Santa would have to
fly faster than light...
...to get to every house in one night.
And to hold everyone's presents...
...his sled would be bigger
than an ocean liner.
Your brother said that? He was just
kidding you. He knows there's a Santa.
He said he wasn't sure.
He wasn't sure if Santa was for real.
Of course Santa is real.
He's as real as Christmas itself.
But he won't come until you're
sound asleep, young lady.
Sweet dreams.
Santa will be here before you know it.
So go to sleep.
"Stark, barren.
Devoid of life. "
He's gotta be asleep by now.
He used to stay awake all night
waiting for Santa.
Think those days are just about over.
That would be sad if that were true.
Yeah, an end of the magic.
Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
See, he's out like a light.
An express train
wouldn't wake him up now.
"End of the magic"?
All aboard!
All aboard!
Well? You coming?
Why, to the North Pole, of course.
This is the Polar Express.
The North Pole?
I see.
Hold this, please.
Thank you.
Is this you?
- Yeah.
- Well, it says here...
...no photo with a department-store
Santa this year, no letter to Santa.
And you made your sister
put out the milk and cookies.
Sounds to me like
this is your crucial year.
If I were you, I would think
about climbing onboard.
Come on, come on.
I've got a schedule to keep.
Suit yourself.
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
Whoo, whoo, the whistle blows
That's the sound of her singing
Ding, ding, the bell will ring
Golly, look at her go
You wonder if we'll get there soon
Anybody's guess
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
When we get there
We'll scream, "Yay!"
We'll arrive with
A bang, bang, bang
Boom, boom, boom
Laughing all the way
With a comfy seat and lots to eat
Boy, it's just the best
Wish it wouldn't ever have to end
With a little luck, we'll be on time
There's no need to stress
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
Hey. Hey, you. Yeah, you.
Do you know what kind of train this is?
Train. Do you know what kind of train
this is? Do you?
Of course.
It's a magic train.
- We're going to the North Pole.
- I know it's a magic train.
It's a Baldwin - - S -class
steam locomotive...
...built in at the Baldwin Locomotive
Works. It weighs pounds and...
Are we really going to the North Pole?
- Hey, look!
- Isn't that wonderful?
Herpolsheimer's! Herpolsheimer's!
Wow, look at all those presents.
I want all of them.
It's so Christmassy and cozy
and beautiful!
Tickets, please.
Ticket, please.
Try your pocket.
Try your other pocket.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, watch out, there.
Thank you, sir.
That is a public-address microphone.
It is not a toy.
Boy, that guy sure likes to show off.
Look what that wise guy
punched on my ticket.
- "L-E." What the heck does that mean?
- Next stop, Edbrooke.
We're heading for the other side
of the tracks.
Well? You coming?
It's just another pickup.
That's weird. I thought you were
supposed to be the last one.
Why, to the North Pole, of course.
This is the Polar Express.
Suit yourself.
Hey, that kid wants
to get on the train.
Come on!
Hurry up!
We have to stop the train.
- I don't know how.
- Pull the emergency brake!
Who in the blazes applied
that emergency brake?!
He did.
In case you didn't know, that cord
is for emergency purposes only.
And in case you weren't aware,
tonight is Christmas Eve.
And in case you hadn't noticed,
this train is on a very tight schedule.
Now, young man, Christmas
may not be important to some people...
...but it is very important
to the rest of us!
But... But...
He was just trying to stop the train
so that kid could get on.
I see. Young man,
is that what happened?
Let me remind you we are
on a very tight schedule.
And I've never been late before...
...and I am certainly not
going to be late tonight.
Now, everybody, take your seats, please!
Thank you.
Your attention, please.
Are there any Polar Express passengers
in need of refreshment?
- Me! Me! Me!
- I thought so.
- Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Hey, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Say, we got it
Hot chocolate
Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- So we got it
- Hot, hot
Yo, we got it
- Hot chocolate
- Here we've only got one rule
Never, ever let it cool
Keep it cooking in the pot
- Then you got
- Hot chocolate
- Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Hey, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Say, we got it
Hot chocolate
Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- So we got it
- Hot, hot
Yo, we got it
- Hot chocolate
- Here we only got one rule
Here we only got one rule
Never, ever let it cool
Never, ever let it cool
Keep it cooking in the pot
Soon you got hot chocolate
- Hot, hot
- Hey, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Yeah, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
- Yeah, we got it
- Oh, we got it
- Hot, hot
Yeah, we got it
You know, Montezuma,
the king of the Aztecs...
...would drink quarts
of hot chocolate every day.
It was thick as mud and red.
He put chili pepper in instead of sugar.
- Get it? Hot chocolate?
- How do you know? That's not true.
- Where you going with that?
- It's for him.
- I don't think we're to leave our seats.
- It's a violation of safety regulations...
...for a kid to cross moving cars
without a grown-up.
I think I'll be okay.
Are you sure?
What about this lad in the back?
Did he get any refreshment?
Well, let's take some to him,
by all means.
Watch your step, now. Watch your step.
She forgot her ticket.
It hasn't been punched.
What are you doing?
You're gonna get us in trouble!
Young lady, forgive me.
I believe I have neglected
to punch your ticket.
May I?
I left my ticket right here on the seat.
- But it's gone.
- You mean...
...you have lost your ticket.
She didn't lose her ticket.
I did.
I was trying to return it to you.
But the wind blew it out of my hand.
You can have my ticket.
These tickets are not transferable.
Young lady...
...you will just have to
come along with me.
You know what's gonna happen now?
He's gonna throw her off the train.
He's gonna probably throw her
off the rear platform.
Standard procedure. That way,
she won't get sucked under the wheels.
They may slow the train down,
but they're never gonna stop it.
Stop it?
That's it! I have to stop the train again.
No, please, don't do that again.
Where'd they go?
What happened to them?
Please, she's in big trouble.
You have to help me.
I found your ticket! Wait!
I have your ticket!
Is there something I can do for you?
I'm looking for a girl.
A gi...?
Ain't we all?
I have her ticket.
Well, lookie. Lookie here. What is this?
This is an official, authentic,
genuine ticket to ride.
You better keep this
in a safe place, young man.
If I was you...
I keep all my valuables right here.
Right here in the old size .
Experience shows
this is the safest place.
Not that I have much use for those.
I ride for free.
Oh, yeah, yeah. I hop aboard this rattler
any time I feels like it.
I own this train. Oh, yeah.
It's like I'm the king of this train.
Yeah. The king of the Pol Ex.
In fact, I am the king
of the North Pole!
Oh, where's my manners? Sit, sit. Sit.
Take a load off.
Hey, would you like some Joe?
Nice hot refreshment.
Perfect for a cold winter's night.
There. Bless you.
What about Santa?
- Santa?
- Isn't he the king of the North Pole?
You mean this guy?
What exactly is your persuasion
on the big man?
Since you brought him up.
Well, I...
I want to believe.
- But...
- But you don't wanna be bamboozled.
You don't wanna be
led down the primrose path.
You don't wanna be conned or duped,
have the wool pulled over your eyes.
Hoodwinked. You don't wanna be
taken for a ride, railroaded.
Seeing is believing.
Am I right?
But what about this train?
What about it?
We're all really going
to the North Pole...
...aren't we?
Aren't we?
Are you saying
that this is all just a dream?
You said it, kid. Not me.
So let's go find that girl.
One other thing.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I have to wake up.
Yeah. I have to wake up.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
Wake up!
Kid, get your head out of the clouds!
Wake up, kid!
There's no sleepwalking
on the Polar Express.
We gotta jump them knuckles.
Come on, kid. Flip my shoulders.
Grab my lily.
That skirt you're chasing
must have moved ahead.
- We gotta hightail it to the hog, pronto.
- To the hog?
The engine. The engine, you tenderfoot.
We gotta make the engine
before we hit Flat Top Tunnel.
How come?
So many questions.
There is but one inch of clearance
between the roof of this rattler...
...and the roof of Flat Top Tunnel.
It's just the run up to the hump, kid.
This will be interesting.
Get back on, kid. Hurry!
Grab my muck stick.
There's only one trick to this, kid.
When I say "jump"...
...you jump!
You. I thought you got thrown off, and...
- You're driving the train?
- They put me in charge.
- The engineer had to check the light.
- Here's the light. Careful.
All right, now.
I got it.
- How do you know how?
- It's easy. Come here, I'll show you.
This big lever here, that's the throttle.
This little one here, that's the brake.
And those are the pressure gauges.
And that rope is the whistle.
The whistle.
You wanna try it?
I've wanted to do that my whole life.
Hold still! Hold still! Don't move!
Stop the train! Stop the train!
Stop the train!
They want us to stop the train.
- Which one is the brake?
- He told me this was.
- Who?
- The engineer.
- The engineer? This one looks like a brake.
- No, he said this was the brake.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Pull the brake!
Stop the train!
There can be no Christmas without
the Polar Express arriving on time.
Am I the only one who understands that?
You. I should have known.
Are you bound and determined that
this train never reaches the North Pole?
But look.
Caribou crossing?!
I make that herd to be at least
maybe even a million.
It's gonna be hours
before they clear this track.
- A tough nut to crack.
- We are in some serious jelly.
- And a jam.
- Tight spot.
- Up a creek.
- Up a tree.
- Lost in the grass.
- I'll tell you what's grass: Our a...
Problem solved. All ahead, slow.
We're going pretty fast.
Tell the engineer to slow down.
Slow it down.
Watch the speed!
Jumping jeepers,
the cotter pin sheared off.
- What?
- The pin.
- Where?
- There.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, no.
- They can't hear me.
- They can't?
I don't like the look of this.
Under the safety bar.
Is everything all right?
What should we do?
Considering we've lost communication
with the engineer...
...we are standing totally exposed
on the front of the locomotive...
...the train appears to be
accelerating uncontrollably...
...and we are rapidly
approaching Glacier Gulch...
...which happens to be the steepest
downhill grade in the world...
...I suggest we all hold on...
- The pin.
- The pin.
Jiminy Christmas, the ice has frozen
over the tracks.
Hold on. Hold on. No, no.
Come on. Watch your step.
Come on, sweetie.
Up you go. Up you go.
Put your feet on here. On here.
Little adventure, huh?
Young man, quick thinking on your part.
Step to your left, please. To your left.
Well, that is more like it.
What in the name of Mike?
Get us the blazes out of here!
Turn this sled around.
Look there.
Dead ahead.
Hang a Louie.
Toss a Ritchie.
Port astern.
To the starboard.
- My slipper.
- You're gonna lose your ticket.
It's not my ticket, it's yours.
- It's my ticket?
- Yes.
Right. Keep up with me. Left.
Right. Left.
Left. Right.
- Oh, no!
- Oh, no!
Brace yourselves!
Well, that's more like it.
Thank you.
Thank you. I can't believe
you found my ticket.
Did someone say they found a ticket?
Well, in that case... Tickets, please.
Thank you.
- "L-E"?
- Just like that know-it-all kid.
Watch your step.
Tricky walking up here.
It's mighty slick.
Mighty slick, I tell you.
There you go. What did I tell you?
Years ago, on my first Christmas Eve run,
I was up on the roof making my rounds...
...when I slipped on the ice myself.
I reached out for a hand iron,
but it broke off. I slid and fell.
And yet, I did not fall off this train.
Someone saved you?
Or something.
An angel.
Wait. Wait.
What did he look like? Did you see him?
No, sir. But sometimes
seeing is believing.
And sometimes the most real things
in the world are the things we can't see.
The forsaken and the abandoned.
Mind your step, now.
These poor toys have suffered enough...
...being left to rust and decay in the
back alleys and vacant lots of the world.
What are they doing here?
It's a new concept
the boss came up with.
Instead of being thrown away,
they're collected. Refurbished.
He calls it "rebicycling. "
Something like that.
Makes me wanna cry...
...seeing toys that were
treated this way.
These hopelessly entangled
string puppets and marionettes...
...pose a particular problem. We found
the nimble fingers of our work force...
...here at the North Pole are best
for working out those knots and tangles.
Thank you. Double-locked here.
You are just like me, my friend.
A scrooge!
Ebenezer Scrooge.
North Pole, Santa Claus, this train...
...it's all a bunch of humbug.
A bout of indigestion.
Oh, yeah. I know what you are.
You're a doubter.
A doubter. You don't believe!
You're a doubter! You don't believe!
You missed it.
We rode down some really sharp hills.
We were on what looked like
a frozen lake.
But I know it was just
an optical illusion.
He said the train was on ice.
I said it's impossible...
You can't put a train track...
Where you going now?
I'm wishing on a star
And trying to believe
That even though it's far
He'll find me Christmas Eve
I guess that Santa's busy
'Cause he's never come around
I think of him
When Christmas comes to town
The best time of the year
When everyone comes home
With all this Christmas cheer
It's hard to be alone
Putting up the Christmas tree
With friends who come around
It's so much fun
When Christmas comes to town
Presents for the children
Wrapped in red and green
All the things I've heard about
But never really seen
No one will be sleeping
On the night of Christmas Eve
Hoping Santa's on his way
When Santa's sleighbells ring
I listen all around
The herald angels sing
I never hear a sound
And all the dreams of children
Once lost will all be found
That's all I want
When Christmas comes to town
That's all I want
When Christmas comes to town
The northern lights.
Hey. You three.
We just crossed it.
Latitude ? '.
The Arctic Circle.
And do you see?
Those lights in the distance.
They look like the lights of a strange
ocean liner sailing on a frozen sea.
...is the North Pole.
It's a magic carpet on a rail
It never takes a rest
Flying through
The mountains and the snow
You can ride for free and join the fun
If you just say yes
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
Whoo, whoo, the whistle blows
That's the sound of her singing
Ding, ding, the bell will ring
Golly, look at her go
You wonder if you'll get there soon
Anybody's guess
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
When we get there
We'll scream, "Yay!"
We'll arrive with
A bang, bang, bang
Boom, boom, boom
Laughing all the way
We made it. With five minutes to spare.
We made it.
There should be elves.
Where are the elves?
Yeah, where are the elves?
They are gathering
in the center of the city.
That is where Santa will give
the first gift of Christmas.
Who gets the first gift of Christmas?
He will choose one of you.
- Look.
- Elves!
All right. All right,
ladies and gentlemen.
Two columns, if you please.
Shorter in the front, taller in the rear.
Even-numbered birthdays on the right,
odd-numbered on the left.
No pushing. No pushing.
But let's not dilly-dally.
It's five minutes to midnight.
Hey, what gives? It was five minutes
till midnight four minutes ago.
Exactly. Columns of two.
- One, two.
- Excuse me.
- Question.
- What about him?
No one is required to see Santa.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you do not have to hold hands...
- Come on.
... but please remain in your columns...
...while we are in transit.
- Look, you have to come with us.
- She's right.
Christmas just doesn't work out
for me. Never has.
But Christmas is such a wonderful,
beautiful time.
It's a time for giving and being thankful,
for friends and family.
People hang decorations and lights. Santa
leaves presents under our Christmas trees.
Christmas just...
...doesn't work out for me.
Look, I don't know if Christmas
is gonna work out for you or not...
...but this is Christmas Eve.
Don't stay here by yourself.
Yes, come with us.
We'll go together.
Oh, no.
We're gonna be okay.
Maybe not!
The emergency brake.
The emergency brake.
There's no brake. I can't find the brake!
Take a break, kid.
How about a nice, good hot cup of Joe?
We're gonna crash!
We're spinning.
You hear that?
The bell.
- What bell?
- The sleighbell.
- Sleighbell?
- Don't you hear it?
It's coming from that tunnel.
That's the way we should go.
Come on.
- What?
- Come on.
Come on.
We're lost.
- Yes. I hear it.
- I hear it too.
- I don't hear anything.
- Okay, it's down this way.
Are you sure?
Why can't I hear anything?
Get down and be quiet.
Well, that was the wrapping hall, chief.
- Just finished the last one.
- How's it wrapped?
It's wrapped in candy-striped red
with a number-seven holly-green bow.
A number-seven bow?
When we're this close to liftoff?
What are they thinking down there?
Are they meshuggener?
- What's the routing?
- Going to the States.
Grand Rapids, Michigan.
That's my town. I'm from Grand Rapids.
We got a troublemaker now.
Just what we need.
Things aren't bad enough.
What's his ?
Apparently, some kid
from Maplewood, New Jersey...
...stuck some gum in his sister's hair.
New Jersey? Is that the same kid
that put the tack...
...underneath his teacher's chair
last year?
- No, sir. This kid's name is Steven.
- Steven.
So, what do we do, chief?
Alert the big man?
We talking nothing for Christmas here?
I didn't do it.
I didn't do it.
Look, it's...
It's almost Christmas, huh?
We'll cut the kid a break.
But put him on the check-twice list
for next year.
All right, boys.
Let's shut it down.
That's it for this year. Come on.
- Hey, boss, are we taking the pneumatic?
- Of course we're taking the pneumatic.
It's the only way to get
to the square on time.
- Let's go.
- And time is money.
Ready, and mount.
Good. Close.
All right, get in.
I don't know about this.
I don't hear it. Do you?
I think we should follow those arrows.
I thought there'd be a way out.
We're gonna miss everything.
Hey, look.
A present.
It's going to my town.
To someone named Billy.
- My name is Billy.
- It's going to Edbrooke Avenue.
That's my address.
Come on.
It says, "Merry Christmas, Billy.
From Mr. C."
I think I know what it is.
I wanted one of these my whole life.
Wait, wait. Stop. Look.
But I...
Those are the rules.
Something's got me.
It's got my leg.
I can't hold him.
Give me your other hand.
Give me your other hand.
- I can't.
- On three.
One, two, three.
- Look.
- It's still got me.
On three again. One, two, three.
- You.
- You.
- What are you doing here?
- Same as you.
Checking my presents. Making sure
I'm getting everything on my list.
I found one present.
All it had was stupid underwear.
You may start your descent
any time now.
At your convenience, of course.
It's still five to.
I think we're gonna make it.
Of course. It's been five to
for the last hour.
We got plenty of time. We got nothing
but time. We got time to kill.
You know what?
I don't think we're gonna make it.
I may be just an old railroader...
...and know nothing about
lighter-than-air craft...
...but from my layman's perspective,
you need more altitude!
More altitude!
Altitude, please.
A bit more altitude, please.
The Flying Elves.
They are specialists.
Do not try that at home, kids.
Do not try that at home.
We're not gonna make it.
A well-oiled machine.
All right, you stowaways.
- Party's over.
- I was just following them.
We fell in here by mistake.
Forget about it. We knew you
was in there the whole time.
Come on, out you go.
Let's go, come on.
Step up, step up. There we go.
Not a problem. Come on.
Watch your step. There you go.
So nobody gets hurt, here's
how we're gonna get you guys down.
- This is simple. Why, I know...
- What do you know?
You're not supposed to be here
in the first place.
But since it's Christmas,
I'm gonna let you slide.
Been looking for you.
There you go.
Watch your step.
Beautiful form. Beautiful.
Nice to see you again.
Cutting it kind of close, aren't we?
I'll take care of this.
It's in good hands.
Trust me.
It's the spirit of the season
You can feel it in the air
You can hear it if you listen
So much care
Like a prayer
Whatever it is
You need to share it
It's the spirit of the season
It's the spirit of the season
You can feel it in the air
Aren't those bells
the most beautiful sound?
He's here! He's here!
I see him. He's over there.
I can't see him.
I can't see him.
I can't see him!
Doubter. Doubter.
I believe.
I believe.
What was that you said?
I... I believe.
I believe.
I... I believe that this is yours.
Thank you.
- Me, me. Pick me, Santa.
- What are you doing? Stop it.
- Pick me, pick me. I want the first gift.
- Hush.
Young man...
And a smidgen of humility
might also serve you well.
Yes, sir.
And you, young lady...
A lady of decision.
Full of confidence and spirit.
Christmas spirit.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you.
And Billy.
It is Billy?
I see you've made some new friends.
Yes, sir. I sure have.
That's a lucky lad.
There's no greater gift than friendship.
And speaking of gifts...
...let's have this young fellow
right here.
...what would you like for Christmas?
Yes. Indeed.
Yes, indeed.
The first gift of Christmas!
This bell is a wonderful symbol
of the spirit of Christmas...
...as am I.
Just remember...
...the true spirit of Christmas...
...lies in your heart.
Merry Christmas.
Better keep that in a safe place.
Hey, hey. Man alive, are you lucky.
Pull, Comet. Pull, boy!
Prancer, that's a girl.
Good boy, Donder.
Now, Dasher. Now, Prancer and Vixen.
It's everything I dreamed it would be.
Could all...?
Could all this be nothing but a dream?
To the top of the roof
To the top of the wall
Now, dash away, dash away
Dash away all
All aboard!
One, two. One, two, three, go.
Rockin ' on top of the world
Rockin ' on top of the world
The place is hoppin '
There ain't no stoppin '
Rockin ' on top of the world
Lift your spirits, swing that girl
Rockin ' on top of the world
Tonight, yeah
Come on, shorty!
Show your tickets.
Have your tickets ready.
Remember to eat
the five basic food groups.
Ticket, please.
And please brush after every meal.
Remember to duck and cover.
All right, you. Ticket, please.
"Lean. " Whatever that's
supposed to mean.
"Lean" is spelled with four letters.
I believed I punched five.
Hey, are you saying
I don't know how to...?
I'm sorry. It says "learn. " My mistake.
Lesson learned.
That is some special ticket.
Sure is.
So can you count on us
to get you home safe and sound?
...and my friends.
It says "lead. " Like "lead balloon. "
I believe it also is pronounced "lead. "
As in "leader," "leadership. "
"Lead the way. "
Follow you anywhere, ma'am.
Ah, yes.
Young man with all the questions.
It says...
It's nothing I need to know.
- Come on, let's see the bell.
- Let's see it.
- Come on, let's see the bell.
- Show us the bell.
Yeah, let's see the bell.
It's gone.
- Where is it?
- I lost it.
I lost the bell from Santa's sleigh.
It's gone?
Don't worry.
- We'll... We'll find it.
- Yeah, we'll find it.
Yeah, we'll help you. All of us.
Yeah, let's hurry out
and find it right now.
It's too late.
Gee, that's really too bad.
I'm sorry.
Next stop, Edbrooke.
Hey, where you going?
Oh, okay. Merry Christmas.
Thanks for stopping the train for me.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Watch your step, please.
And merry Christmas.
Santa got to Billy's house already.
Look, look! Santa got here!
Isn't that amazing?
It is amazing.
It is amazing.
I'm sorry about the bell.
It was a really special present.
Well, you know what they say.
It's the thought that counts.
Well, see you.
...see you.
See you.
Watch your step, please.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
One thing about trains:
It doesn't matter where they're going.
What matters is deciding to get on.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Wake up. Wake up.
Santa's been here. Santa's been here.
Hurry up. Hurry up!
Mom, Dad, wake up. Wake up!
Santa's been here! Santa's been here!
Mom, Dad, look!
He brought us all kinds of stuff!
Look, a train!
This is the beautiful-est,
most wonderful-est Christmas ever.
Wait. Look.
Here's one more.
Has your name on it.
Found this on the seat of my sleigh.
Better fix that hole in your pocket.
Mr. C.
Oh, what a beautiful bell.
Who's it from?
- Santa.
- Santa?
- Oh, that's too bad.
- What's this?
Sorry about that, sport.
Come on, kids. We don't wanna be late.
At one time, most of my friends
could hear the bell.
But as years passed,
it fell silent for all of them.
Even Sarah found, one Christmas, that she
could no longer hear its sweet sound.
Though I've grown old...
...the bell still rings for me.
As it does for all who truly believe.
(영화대본) Mulan
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
Guard : We're under attack! Light the signal!
Now all of China knows you're here.
Shan-Yu : Perfect.
General Li: Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern border.
Chi Fu: Impossible! No one can get through The Great Wall.
General Li: Shun-Yu is leading them. We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.
Emperor : No! Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu,
Chi Fu: Yes, your highness.
Emperor: Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up
reserves and as many new recruits as possible.
General Li: Forgive me your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him.
Emperor: I wont take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tip
the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.
Mulan: Quiet and demure...graceful...polite...delicate...refined...poised... punctual. Aiya. Little brother. Little brother. Lit-
ahhh, there you are. Who's the smartest doggie in the world? Come on smart boy, can you help me with my chores today?
Fa Zhou: Honorable ancestors, please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.
Fa Zhou: Please, PLEASE, help her.
Mulan : Father I brought your--whoop! I brought a spare. Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning--And three at night.
Fa Zhou: Mulan, you should already be in town. We're counting on you to up--
Mulan: --uphold the family honor. Don't worry father. I wont let you down. Wish me luck.
Fa Zhou : Hurry! I'm going to...pray some more.
Bath Lady : Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?
The matchmaker is not a patient woman.
Fa Li: Of all days to be late. I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.
Grandma Fa : How lucky can they be, they're dead. Besides, I've got all the luck we'll need. This is your chance to prove yourself.
Fa Li : Grandma No!
Grandma Fa: Yep, this cricket's a lucky one.
Mulan: I'm here. What? But Mama I had to--
Fa Li: None of your 'xcuses. Now let's get you cleaned up.
Bath Lady: This is what you give me to work with?
Well, honey, I've seen worse. We're gonna turn this sow's ear Into a silk purse.
Mulan : It's freezing.
Fa Li : It would have been warm if you were here on time.
Bath Lady :We'll have you Washed and dried Primped and polished till you glow with pride Trust my recipe for instant bride You'll bring honor to us all
Fa Li : Mulan, what's this?
Mulan : Ahh, notes, in case I forget something?
Grandma Fa : Here, hold this We'll need more luck than I thought.
Hair Dresser 1 :Wait and see When we're through
Hair Dresser 2:Boys will gladly go to war for you
Hair Dresser 1: With good fortune
Hair Dresser 2 :And a great hairdo
Both:You'll bring honor to us all
Fa Li and others: A girl can bring her family Great honor in one way By striking a good match And this could be the day
Dresser 1 : Men want girls with good taste
Dresser 2:Calm
Fa Li:Obedient
Dresser 1:Who work fast-paced
Fa Li:With good breeding
Dresser 2 :And a tiny waist
All Three:
You'll bring honor to us all
Chorus: We all must serve our Emperor Who guards us from the Huns A man by bearing arms A girl by bearing sons
Make-up Lady/Fa Li: When we're through you can't fail Like a lotus blossom soft and pale How could any fellow say "No sale" You'll bring honor to us all
Fa Li : There, you're ready.
Grandma Fa : Not yet! An apple for serenity ...A pendant for balance Beads of jade for beauty You must proudly show it Now add a cricket just for luck And even you can't blow it
Mulan: Ancestors Hear my plea Help me not to make a fool of me And to not uproot my fam'ly tree Keep my father standing tall Maidens and Scarier than the undertaker We are meeting our
All Townspeople:Destiny Guard our girls And our future as it fast unfurls Please look kindly on
these cultured pearls Each a perfect porcelain doll
Maiden #1: Please bring honor to us
Maiden #2: Please bring honor to us
Maiden #3: Please bring honor to us
Maiden #4: Please bring honor to us
Mulan and Maidens: Please bring honor to us all!
Matchmaker: Fa Mulan
Mulan : Present.
Matchmaker: Speaking without permission.
Grandma Fa : Who spit in her bean curd?
Matchmaker : Huh, Hmm, too skinny. not good for bearing sons. Recite the final admonition.
Mulan : Fulfill your duties calmly and re...f-- spectfully. Reflect before you snack act. This shall bring you honor and glory.
Matchmaker: this way. Now, pour the tea . To please your future in-laws you must demonstrate a
sense of dignity and refinement. You must also be poised.
Mulan : Um, pardon me.
Matchmaker: And silent!
Mulan : Could I just take that back...one moment.
Matchmaker: Why you clumsy--
Grandma Fa : I think it's going well, don't you?
Matchmaker : Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! You are a disgrace! You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!
Fa Zhou: My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year . But look, this one's late. But, I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.
Mulan: What is it?
Fa Li: Mulan, stay inside.
Chi Fu: Citizens I bring you a proclamation from the Imperial City: the Huns have invaded China!
Townspeople : No!
Chi Fu: By order of the Emperor, one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army. The Xiao family . The Yi family.
Yi's Son : I will serve the Emperor in my father's place.
Chi Fu: The Fa Family.
Fa Zhou : I am ready to serve the Emperor.
Mulan : Father, you can't go.
Fa Zhou : Mulan!
Mulan: Please sir, my father has already fought bravely--
Chi Fu: Silence! You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence.
Fa Zhou : Mulan, you dishonor me.
Chi Fu : Report tomorrow at the Wu Shu camp.
Fa Zhou: Yes, sir.
Chi Fu : The Chu family. The Wen family. The Chang family. The...
Mulan: You shouldn't have to go.
Fa Li: Mulan!
Mulan: There are plenty of young men to fight for China.
Fa Zhou: It is an honor to protect my country and my family.
Mulan : So you'll die for honor!
Fa Zhou : I will DIE doing what's right.
Mulan : But if you--
Fa Zhou: I know my place, it is time you learned yours.
Grandma Fa: Mulan is gone.
Fa Zhou : What? It can't be. Mulan! No.
Fa Li : You must go after her. She could be killed!
Fa Zhou : If I reveal her, she will be.
Grandma Fa: Ancestors, hear our prayer: Watch over Mulan.
First Ancestor : Mushu, awaken!
Mushu : I live! So tell me what mortal needs my protection Great Ancestor. You just say the word and I'm there. Hey, let me say something. Anybody who is foolish enough to threaten our family, vengeance will be MINE.
First Ancestor : Mushu! These are the family guardians . They...
Mushu : Protect the family.
First Ancestor : And you, oh demoted one.
Mushu: I...ring the gong.
First Ancestor: That's right, now, wake up the ancestors.
Mushu: One family reunion coming right up. Okay people, people look alive, lets go! C'mon get up. Let's move it, rise and shine. You're way past the beauty sleep thing now trust me!
Ancestor 1: I knew it, I knew it. That Mulan was a trouble maker from the start.
Ancestor 3: Don't look at me, she gets it from your side of the family.
Ancestor 2: She's just trying to help her father.
Ancestor 4 : But, if she is discovered, Fa Zhou will be forever shamed. Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate.
Ancestor 5: Not to mention they'll lose the farm.
Ancestor 1: My children never caused such trouble. They all became acupuncturists.
Ancestor 3: Well, We can't all be acupuncturists.
Ancestor 6: No, your great granddaughter had to be cross-dresser!
Ancestor 7: Let a guardian bring her back.
Ancestor 8: Yeah, awaken the most cunning.
Ancestor 4 : No, the swiftest.
Ancestor 9 : No, send the wisest.
First Ancestor: Silence! We must send the most powerful of all
Mushu : Ho, ho, heh, heh. Okay, okay, I get the drift, I'll go. You all don't think I can do it. Watch this here. Ah, ha, Jump back, I'm pretty hot huh. Don't make me have to singe nobody to prove no point.
First Ancestor : You had your chance to protect the Fa family.
Ancestor 6: Your mis-guidance led Fa Deng to disaster.
Fa Deng : Yeah, thanks a lot.
Mushu: And your point is?
First Ancestor: The point is we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan. What? But I'm a real dragon.
First Ancestor : You are not worthy of this spot. Now, awaken the Great Stone Dragon.
Mushu : So you'll get back to me on the job thing. Just one chance is that too much to ask? I mean, it's not like it'll kill ya. Yo rocky, wake up! You gotta go fetch Mulan. C'mon boy, go get her, go on, Come on. Uh, Stoney, Stooooneeey. Oh man, they're gonna kill me!
First Ancestor : Great Stone Dragon, have you awaken?
Mushu : Uhhh, Yes, I just woke up. And I am the Great Stone Dragon, good morning . I will go forth and fetch Mulan. Did, did I mention that I was the Great Stone Dragon?
First Ancestor: Go, The fate of the Fa Family rests in your claws.
Mushu: Don't even worry about it, I will not lose face. Ow, my elbow. Aw, aw, I know I twisted something. That's just great. Now what? I'm doomed! Andall 'cause miss man decides to take her little drag show on the road. Go get her? What's the matter with you? After this great stone
Humpty Dumpty mess, I'd have to bring her home with a medal to get back in the temple. Wait a minute, that's it! I make Mulan a war hero, then they'll be begging me to come back to work. That's the master plan. Oh, you've gone and done it now.
Hey, what makes you think you're coming? You're lucky? Ho, ho, heh. Do I look like a sucker to you? Whach' you mean loser? How 'bout I pop one of your antenna's off and throw it across the yard. Then who's a loser, me or you?
Hun Long-Hair Guy: Imperial scouts.
Scout #1: Shan-Yu.
Shan-Yu : Nice work, gentlemen. You found the Hun army.
Scout #2: The Emperor will stop you.
Shan-Yu : Stop me? He invited me. By building his wall, he challenged my strength. Well I'm here to play his game Go! Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies. I'm ready. How many men does it take to deliver a message.
Archer Guy : One.
Mulan: Okay, okay, how 'bout this? Ahem, excuse me, where do I sign in? Hah, I see you have a sword. I have one too. They're very manly and tough . I'm working on it. Who am I fooling? It's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.
Mushu: Did I hear someone ask for a miracle!? Let me hear you say aye! That's close enough.
Mulan: Ghost.
Mushu: Get ready Mulan your serpentine salvation is at hand. For I have been sent by your ancestors-- C'mon, you're gonna stay you're gonna work. Heed my word, 'cause if the army finds out that you are a girl, the penalty is death.
Mulan: Who are you?
Mushu: Who am I? Who am I? I am the guardian of lost souls. I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu! Oh hah, hah, pretty hot, huh?
Mulan: Ah, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?
Mushu: Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing
Mulan: You're Intimidating? Awe inspiring? Tiny.
Mushu : Of course. I'm travel size for your
convenience. If I was my real size, your cow here
would die of fright. Down Bessy. My powers are beyond your mortal imagination. For instance, my eyes can see straight through your armor. All right, that's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family. Make a note of this Dishonor on you. Dishonor on your cow. Dis-
Mulan : Stop! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. I've never done this before.
Mushu: Then you're gonna have to trust me. And don't you slap me no more, we clear on that? . All right. Okey dokey, let's get this show on the road. Cri-Kee, get the bags Let's move it heifer.
Mushu : Okay this is it, time to show 'em your man walk. Shoulders back, chest high, feet apart, head up and strut 2, 3, break it down, 2, 3 and work it, Beautiful isn't it?
Mulan : They're disgusting.
Mushu: No, they're men. And you're going to have to act just like them, so pay attention.
Tattoo Soldier : Look, this tattoo will protect me from harm.
Ling : I hope you can get your money back.
Mulan: I don't think I can do this.
Mushu: It's all attitude. Be tough like this guy here
Yao : What are you looking at?
Mushu: Punch him, it's how men say 'hello.'
Chien-Po: Oh Yao, you made a friend.
Mushu: Good, Now slap him on the behind, they like that.
Yao: I'm going to hit you so hard it'll make your ancestors dizzy.
Chien-Po : Yao, relax and chant with me.
Yao: Ya Mi Ah To Fu Da.
Chien-Po: Feel better?
Yao : Yeah. you ain't worth my time chicken boy.
Mushu : Chicken boy!? Say that to my face ya limp noodle!
Yao: Oh, sorry Ling. Hey!
Ling: You're dead. Oh, there he goes.
Mulan: Hey guys.
General Li : The Huns have struck here, here and here. I will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village.
Chi Fu: Excellent strategy, Sir. I do love surprises,
General Li: You will stay here and train the new recruits. When Chi Fu believes you're ready, you will join us...Captain.
Shang: Captain?
Chi Fu: Oh, this is an enormous responsibility, General. Uh, perhaps a soldier with more experience--
General Li: Number one in his class, extensive knowledge of training techniques, an impressive military lineage. I believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.
Shang : Oh, I will. I wont let you down. This is, I mean, I yes sir.
General Li : Very good then. We'll toast China's victory at the Imperial City. I'll expect a full report in three weeks.
Chi Fu : And I wont leave anything out.
Shang : Captain Li Shang, leader of China's finest troops. No, the greatest troops of all time.
Chi Fu: Most impressive.
General Li: Good luck Captain.
Shang : Good luck, Father.
Chi Fu: Day one.
Shang : Soldiers!
All Recruits : He started it!
Shang : I don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp!
Mulan: Sorry, Uhh, I mean, sorry you had to see that. You know how it is when you get those, uh manly urges and you just have to kill something , fix things, uh, cook outdoors.
Shang: What's your name?
Chi Fu : Your commanding officer just asked you a question.
Mulan: Uhh, I've got a name. Huh. And it's a boys name too.
Mushu : Ling, How 'bout Ling?
Mulan : His name's Ling.
Shang: I didn't ask for his name. I asked for yours.
Mushu: Try, uh, ahh, Chu!
Mulan: Ah Chu.
Shang: Ah Chu?
Mushu: Gesundheit. He He, I kill myself.
Mulan : Mushu.
Shang: Mushu?
Mulan: No.
Shang: Then what is it!
Mushu: Ping! Ping was my best friend growing up!
Mulan: It's Ping.
Shang: Ping.
Mushu: Of course Ping DID steal my gir-
Mulan: Yes, my name is Ping.
Shang: Let me see your conscription notice. Fa Zhou, *the* Fa Zhou?
Chi Fu: I didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.
Mulan: Um, he...doesn't talk about me much.
Chi Fu: I can see why, the boy's an absolute lunatic.
Shang: Okay gentlemen, thanks to your new friend Ping, you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice. And tomorrow, the real work begins.
Mushu : You know, we have to work on your people skills.
Mushu: All right, rise and shine sleeping beauty. C'mon Get your clothes on. Get ready. Got breakfast for ya. Look, you get porridge, and it's happy to see you. Hey, get outta there, you gonna make people sick!
Mulan: Am I late?
Mushu : No time to talk. Now remember, it's your first day of training so listen to your teacher and no fighting. Play nice with the other kids, unless of course one of the other kids wanna fight, then you have to kick the other kid's butt.
Mulan: But I don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.
Mushu: Don't talk with your mouth full. Now let's see your war face . I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. C'mon scare me, girl! Oh, that's my tough looking warrior. That's what I'm talking about. Now get out there and make me proud. What do you mean the troops just left?
Mulan : They what!?
Mushu : Wait, you forgot your sword. My little baby off to destroy people .
Chi Fu : Order people, order!
Recruit #2: I'd like a pan fried noodle.
Chien-Po: Oh, oh, sweet and pungent shrimp
Recruit #3: Moo goo gai pan
Chi Fu: That's not funny.
Ling : Looks like our new friend slept in this morning. Hellooo Ping, Are you hungry?
Yao: Yeah, 'cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich.
All Soldiers: Yeah.
Shang : Soldiers! You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning. Anyone who acts otherwise will answer to me.
Yao: Ooooo, tough guy.
Shang : Yao. Thank you for volunteering. Retrieve the arrow.
Yao : I'll get that arrow pretty boy. And I'll do it with my shirt on.
Shang: One moment, you seem to be missing something. This represents discipline and this represents strength . You need both to reach the arrow. We've got a long way to go.
Shan-Yu : What do you see?
Hun Strong Man : Black pine, from the high mountains.
Bald Hun Man #1: White horse hair. Imperial stallions.
Long Hair Hun Man : Sulfur, from cannons.
Shan-Yu: This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass, where the Imperial Army's waiting for us.
Hun Archer: We can avoid them easily.
Shan-Yu : No, the quickest way to the Emperor is through that pass. Besides, the little girl will be missing her doll. We should return it to her.
Mushu: Hey, oh, ah, no, this is not a good idea. What if somebody sees you?
Mulan : Just because I look like a man doesn't mean I have to smell like one.
Mushu : So a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks, picky, picky, picky. Well myself I kinda like that corn chip's smell.
Mushu: Okay, all right, all right, that's enough. Now, c'mon, get out before you get all pruny and stuff
Mulan: Mushu, if you're so worried, go stand watch.
Mushu: Yeah, yeah, stand watch Mushu while I blow our secret with my stupid girly habits. Humph, hygiene.
Yao: Me first! Me first! Me First!
Mushu : Ah. We're doomed! There a couple of things I know they're bound to notice!
Yao : Hey, Ping.
Mulan : Oh hi guys, I didn't know you were *here*. I was just washing, so now I'm clean and I'm gonna go. Bye, bye.
Ling : Come back here. I know we were jerks to you before so lets start over. Hi, I'm Ling!
Chien-Po : And I'm Chien-Po.
Mulan: Hello Chien-Po.
Yao: And I am Yao, king of the rock. And there's nothin' you girls can do about it.
Ling : Oh, yeah? Well, I think Ping and I could take you.
Mulan : I really don't want to take him anywhere.
Ling : Ping, we have to fight!
Mulan: No we don't. We could just close our eyes and swim around.
Ling: C'mon don't be such a g--Ouch! Something bit me.
Mushu : What a nasty flavor.
Ling : Snake!
Chien-Po : Snake, snake.
Ling: Some king of the rock!
Mulan: Boy, that was close.
Mushu : No, that was vile! You owe me big!
Mulan: I never want to see a naked man again.
Mushu: Hey, don't look at me. I ain't biting any more butts.
Chi Fu : You think your troops are ready to fight? Hah! They would not last a minute against the Huns.
Shang: They completed their training.
Chi Fu: Those *boys* are no more fit to be soldiers than you are to be Captain. Once the general reads my report, your troops will never see battle.
Mushu : Oh no you don't. I've worked to hard to get Mulan into this war. This guy's messing with my
Shang : We're not finished.
Chi Fu : Be careful, Captain. The General may be your father, but I am the Emperor's council. And, oh, by the way, huh, I got that job on my own. You're dismissed.
Mulan : Hey, I'll hold him and you punch, heh, heh... or not. For what it's worth, I think you're a great captain.
Mushu : I saw that!
Mulan : What?
Mushu : You like him don't you?
Mulan: No, I--
Mushu: Yeah right, Yeah sure. Look, go to your tent. I think it's time we took this war into our own hands. Okay, okay, let me see what you've got. From General Li, dear son, we're waiting for the huns at the pass and it would mean a lot if you'd come and back us up. That's great except you forgot, "and since we're all out of potpourri, maybe you wouldn't mind bringing up some." Hellooooo, this is the army! Make it sound more urgent, please! You know what I'm talkin' about? That's better, much better. Okay, Let's go.
Mushu: Khan-ie baby, hey, we need a ride.
Chi Fu : Insubordinate ruffians. You men owe me a new pair of slippers. And I do not squeal like a girl.
Mushu : Urgent news from the general! What's the matter, you've never seen a 'black and white' before?
Chi Fu: Who are you?
Mushu: Excuse me! I think the question is: who are you? We're in a war man! There's no time for stupid questions. I should have your hat for that, snatch it right off of your head . But I'm feeling gracious today, so carry on before I report you.
Chi Fu : Captain. Urgent news from the General. We're needed at the front.
Mushu : Pack your bags Cri-Kee, we're movin' out.
Shang : Search for survivors. I don't understand. My father should have been here.
Chi Fu : Captain!
Chien-po : ...the General.
Mulan : I'm sorry.
Shang: The Huns are moving quickly. We'll make better time to the Imperial City through the Tung Shao Pass. We're the only hope for the Emperor now. Move out!
Shang : What happened?!
Shang: You just gave away our position. Now we're-- Get out of range!!
Shang: Save the cannons!
Mushu: Oh sure, save the horse.
Shang: Hold the last cannon. Prepare to fight. If we die, we die with honor. Yao, aim the cannon at Shan-Yu. Ping, come back. Ping! Stop!
Mushu : All right, you might want to light that right about now. Quickly! Quickly!
Yao : C'mon, we've gotta help.
Mushu : You missed him! How could you miss? He was three feet in front of you! Mulan! Mulan! Mulan? Nope. Mulan! Man, you are one lucky bug.
Chien-Po: Do you see them?
Yao : Yes! Perfect! Now I'll pull them to safely.
Mushu : Hey Mulan, I found a lucky cricket.
Mulan : We need help!
Mushu : Ooo, nice, very nice, you can sit by me. We're gonna die! We're gonna die! I know we're gonna die! No way we can survive this! Death is coming!
Yao : I let them slip through my fingers.
Yao: Pull
Mushu: I knew we could to it. You da man. Well sorta.
Ling: Step back guys, give 'em some air.
Shang : Ping, you are the craziest man I've ever met. And for that I owe you my life. From now on, you have my trust.
Ling: Let's hear it for Ping! The bravest of us all.
Yao : You're king of the mountain!
Chien-Po : Yes, yes, yes!
Shang: Ping, what's wrong? He's wounded, get help! Ping, hold on. Hold on.
Mulan : Huh, I can explain.
Chi Fu : Huh? So it's true.
Mulan : Shang!
Chi Fu: I knew there was something wrong with you. A woman.
Chi Fu : Trecherous snake.
Mulan : My name is Mulan. I did it to save my father.
Chi Fu : High treason!
Mulan: I didn't mean for it to go this far.
Chi Fu : Ultimate dishonor.
Mulan: It was the only way. Please believe me.
Chi Fu : Hmph, Captain? Restrain him. You know the law.
Shang: A life for a life. My debt is repaid. Move out!
Chi Fu : But you can't just...
Shang : I said, "Move out!"
Mushu: I was this close, this close to impressing the ancestors, getting the top shelf, an entourage. Man, all my fine work, ffft. Hi.
Mulan : I should never have left home.
Mushu: Eh, come on, you wanted to save your father's life. Who knew you'd end up shaming him, disgracing your ancestors, and losing all your friends. You know, you just gotta, you gotta learn to let these things go
Mulan: Maybe I didn't go for my father. Maybe what I really wanted was to prove I could do things right. So when I looked in the mirror I'd see someone worthwhile. But I was wrong. I see nothing.
Mushu : Well that's because this just needs a little spit, that's all. Let me shine this up for ya . I can see you, look at you, you look so pretty. The truth is we're both frauds. Your ancestors never sent me, they don't even like me. I mean, you risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions.
Mushu: What!? What do you mean you're not lucky? You lied to me? And what are you? A sheep?
Mulan: I'll have to face my father sooner or later. Let's go home. Yeah, this ain't gonna be pretty. But, don't you worry, 'kay? Things'll work out. We started this thing together and that's how we'll finish. I promise.
Mushu: Home is that way!
Mulan: I have to do something.
Mushu: Did you see those Huns!? They popped out of the snow, like daisies!
Mulan: Are we in this together or not?
Mushu: Well, let's go kick some Huny buns!
Parade Leader: Make way for the heros of China.
Mulan: Shang!
Shang : Mulan?
Mulan: The Huns are alive, they're in the city.
Shang: You don't belong here Mulan, go home.
Mulan : Shang, I saw them in the mountains. You have to believe me.
Shang: Why should I?
Mulan : Why else would I come back? You said you'd trust Ping. Why is Mulan any different?
Mulan : Keep your eyes open. I know they're here.
Mushu: Now where are you going?
Mulan : To find someone who will believe me.
Emperor: My children, heaven smiles down upon the Middle Kingdom. China will sleep safely tonight thanks to our brave warriors.
Mulan : Sir, the Emperor's in danger! But the Huns are here! Please, you have to help me. No one will listen!
Mushu: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, did you say something?
Mulan : Mushu!
Mushu: Hey, you're a girl again, remember?
Shang : Your Majesty, I present to you the sword of Shan-Yu.
Emperor: I know what this means to you, Captain Li. Your father would have been very proud.
Shang : No.
Yao : C'mon.
Mulan : They'll never reach the Emperor in time. Hey guys, I've got an idea.
Shan-Yu: Boo. Guard the door. Your walls and armies have fallen, and now it's your turn. Bow to me.
Mulan : Okay, any questions?
Yao : Does this dress make me look fat?
Hun Archer: Who's there?
Hun Bald Man #2 : Concubines.
Hun Bald Man #1: Ugly concubines.
Ling : Oh he's so cute.
Mushu : Now that's what I call Mongolian Barbeque.
Mulan : Shang, GO!
Shan-Yu: I tire of your arrogance old man. Bow to me!
Emperor: No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it.
Shan-Yu: Then you will kneel in pieces.
Mulan: Chien-Po, get the Emperor.
Chien-Po : Sorry, your Majesty.
Shan-Yu: No!
Yao : Come on!
Shan-Yu : You, you took away my victory.
Mulan: No! I did!
Shan-Yu : The soldier from the mountains.
Mushu: So what's the plan?You don't have a plan?!
Mulan: Hey, I'm making this up as I go. Mushu--
Mushu: I'm way ahead of you sister. C'mon Cri-Kee.
Mushu: Citizens, I need firepower.
Barry Cook: Who are you?
Mushu : You're worst nightmare.
Man in Crowd #1: On the roof.
Man in Crowd #2: Look!
Shan-Yu: It looks like you're out of ideas.
Mulan: Not quite. Ready, Mushu?
Mushu : I am ready, baby. Light me!
Mulan : Get off the roof, get off the roof, get off the roof.
Mushu : You are a lucky bug.
Chi Fu : That was a deliberate attempt on my life. Where is she? Now she's done it. What a mess. Stand aside, that creature's not worth protecting.
Shang: She's a hero.
Chi Fu: 'Tis a woman. She will never be worth anything.
Shang : Listen, you pompous--
Emperor: That is enough!
Shang: Your Majesty, I can explain.
Emperor: I've heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. You stole your father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese army,
destroyed my palace, AND...you have saved us all.
Mushu: My little baby's all grown up and savin' China. You have a tissue?
Emperor: Chi Fu,
Chi Fu: Your Excellency?
Emperor: See to it that this woman is made a member of my council.
Chi Fu : A member of your coun...what? But there are no council positions open, your Majesty.
Emperor : Very well then, you can have his job.
Chi Fu : What?...My...
Mulan : With all due respect, your Excellency. I have been away from home long enough.
Emperor : Then take this, so your family will know what you have done for me. And this so the world will know what you have done for China.
Yao: Is she allowed to do that?
Shang: Um... You... You fight good.
Mulan : Oh, thank you.
Mulan: Khan, let's go home.
Emperor : The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
Shang : Sir?
Emperor: You don't meet a girl like that ev'ry dynasty.
Fa Zhou: Mulan.
Mulan: Father, I brought you the sword of Shan-Yu and the crest of the Emperor They're gifts to honor the Fa Family.
Fa Zhou: The greatest gift and honor, is having you for a daughter. I've missed you so.
Mulan: I've missed you too Baba.
Grandma Fa: Great, she brings home a sword. If you ask me she should have brought home a ma--
Shang : Excuse me, does Fa Mulan live here?
Grandma Fa: Woo, sign me up for the next war.
Shang : Honorable Fa Zhou I--Mulan Uh...Uh...You forgot your helmet. Ah but well, actually it's your helmet, isn't it?... I mean...
Mulan: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Grandma Fa : Would you like to stay forever?
Shang : Dinner would be great.
Mushu : C'mon, who did a good job? C'mon, tell me who did a good job.
First Ancestor :Oh, all right. You can be a guardian again.
Mushu: Take it Cri-Kee.
Ancestor 3 : She get's it from my side of the family.
Mushu : Call out for egg rolls!
First Ancestor : Guardians.
Mulan: Thanks, Mushu
First Ancestor : Mushu!
(영화대본) 이집트왕자 2
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
00:01:04,358 --> 00:01:06,597
00:01:21,316 --> 00:01:23,476
It's taking so long.
00:01:24,516 --> 00:01:28,035
(Chuckles) Look at yourself, Father.
00:01:28,115 --> 00:01:30,394
You'd think
this was your first child.
00:01:30,475 --> 00:01:33,953
Tell me, were you this nervous
when I was born?
00:01:34,035 --> 00:01:37,513
Well, yes and no.
It was different with your mother.
00:01:37,594 --> 00:01:39,753
But with Rachel, we gave up hope.
00:01:39,833 --> 00:01:42,673
We were told
she could never have children.
00:01:42,753 --> 00:01:45,792
- Father! It's a boy!
- Father.
00:01:45,872 --> 00:01:48,032
- Father, it's a boy!
- It's a boy.
00:01:48,112 --> 00:01:50,111
(Baby crying)
00:01:50,192 --> 00:01:51,271
My boy!
00:01:51,351 --> 00:01:52,710
(Crying continues)
00:01:54,551 --> 00:01:58,190
Can you believe it?
Rachel had a baby.
00:01:58,271 --> 00:02:00,630
I guess it is a miracle.
00:02:03,150 --> 00:02:05,509
(Baby coos)
00:02:09,669 --> 00:02:12,348
O God, who is the father of us all,
00:02:12,429 --> 00:02:16,987
you have blessed me
with a gift beyond all measure.
00:02:17,068 --> 00:02:19,227
Within a barren wife,
00:02:19,308 --> 00:02:22,267
amid the twilight skies of my life,
00:02:22,347 --> 00:02:24,586
you've placed a treasure.
00:02:24,667 --> 00:02:29,146
# A brightly shining star
where there was none
00:02:29,226 --> 00:02:32,665
# You have granted us a son
00:02:32,746 --> 00:02:34,544
(Rachel) # Dreams do come true.
00:02:34,626 --> 00:02:36,465
- # Look at you
- (Father) # Joseph
00:02:36,586 --> 00:02:39,105
(All) # Our baby brother
(Father) # He is special
00:02:39,185 --> 00:02:42,584
# He is one of us,
we'll keep him from harm
00:02:42,664 --> 00:02:45,064
# And we will teach him
00:02:45,144 --> 00:02:47,743
# I will teach him
all he needs to know
00:02:47,824 --> 00:02:50,462
# He'll stand apart from other men
00:02:50,544 --> 00:02:52,783
# We'll stand beside him and together
00:02:52,863 --> 00:02:58,541
# We will show him
what it means to be a family... #
00:02:59,982 --> 00:03:01,981
Ah. Ooh.
00:03:02,062 --> 00:03:06,581
# You are a miracle child
00:03:06,661 --> 00:03:08,101
# You are the best
00:03:08,181 --> 00:03:10,660
# You shine the brightest... #
00:03:10,740 --> 00:03:14,420
- (Laughs)
- Joseph.
00:03:14,500 --> 00:03:17,539
Come on. Come to Papa.
00:03:17,619 --> 00:03:19,619
# Your trails be blessed
00:03:19,699 --> 00:03:21,458
# Your trials the lightest
00:03:21,539 --> 00:03:23,538
# You were made for better things
00:03:23,619 --> 00:03:26,018
# You will share the air of kings
00:03:26,099 --> 00:03:30,497
# You were born and fortune smiled
00:03:30,578 --> 00:03:34,896
# For you are a miracle child
00:03:37,776 --> 00:03:39,616
(Rachel) # The sun will rise
00:03:39,696 --> 00:03:41,775
# Within your eyes
00:03:41,857 --> 00:03:46,535
# The moon will light your smile
00:03:46,616 --> 00:03:50,855
# And Heaven grace your gentle face
00:03:50,934 --> 00:03:54,653
- # With power to beguile... #
- Good night, Joseph.
00:03:54,735 --> 00:03:58,574
# You will wade through
the river of sorrows
00:03:58,694 --> 00:04:01,653
# Warm and dry
00:04:01,734 --> 00:04:05,413
(Father) # And angels
will guide your tomorrows
00:04:05,493 --> 00:04:08,652
# This I prophesy
00:04:08,733 --> 00:04:13,171
(Both) # For you are a miracle child
00:04:13,252 --> 00:04:15,931
# You are the best
00:04:16,012 --> 00:04:18,451
# You shine the brightest
00:04:18,531 --> 00:04:23,530
# Your days will be cloudless
and mild
00:04:23,650 --> 00:04:25,849
# Your trails be blessed
00:04:25,930 --> 00:04:27,969
# Your trials the lightest
00:04:28,050 --> 00:04:30,929
# You were made for better things
00:04:31,009 --> 00:04:33,368
# You will share the air of kings
00:04:33,448 --> 00:04:37,047
# You were born and fortune smiled
00:04:37,129 --> 00:04:43,087
# For you are a miracle child
00:04:55,846 --> 00:04:58,205
# Dearest Mother
00:04:58,285 --> 00:05:00,324
# Beloved Father
00:05:00,405 --> 00:05:04,884
# A coat of colours
bright as butterfly wings
00:05:04,965 --> 00:05:06,884
# To remind me
00:05:06,964 --> 00:05:09,123
# Things you've told me all my life
00:05:09,204 --> 00:05:11,123
# I am special, I am smart
00:05:11,203 --> 00:05:13,603
# I am somehow set apart
00:05:13,683 --> 00:05:17,282
# Petty rules and limitations
don't apply
00:05:17,362 --> 00:05:19,922
# For I
00:05:20,002 --> 00:05:22,801
# Am a miracle child
00:05:22,882 --> 00:05:24,681
# I can't be harmed
00:05:24,802 --> 00:05:27,601
# I'm wrapped in rainbows
00:05:27,681 --> 00:05:32,839
# Though fate
can be heartless and vile
00:05:32,921 --> 00:05:35,320
# My life's been charmed
00:05:35,400 --> 00:05:37,079
# And shall remain so
00:05:37,160 --> 00:05:39,879
# I was made for something more
00:05:39,959 --> 00:05:42,758
# Not to struggle but to soar
00:05:42,839 --> 00:05:47,158
# To my fortune reconciled
00:05:47,238 --> 00:05:53,117
# For I am a miracle child
00:05:53,198 --> 00:05:56,317
# You won't see me bent over double
00:05:56,397 --> 00:05:58,276
# In darkness and rubble
00:05:58,356 --> 00:06:01,756
# Where mountains of trouble
are piled
00:06:01,836 --> 00:06:03,755
# I was destined to fly
00:06:03,836 --> 00:06:08,395
# Watch me light up the sky
00:06:08,476 --> 00:06:13,434
# For I am a miracle child #
00:06:22,594 --> 00:06:24,793
(Insects chirping)
00:06:38,711 --> 00:06:40,670
00:06:54,909 --> 00:06:56,788
(Thunder rumbles)
00:06:56,908 --> 00:06:59,748
00:07:02,667 --> 00:07:04,547
00:07:04,627 --> 00:07:07,626
(Wolves barking)
00:07:17,505 --> 00:07:19,345
- (Jingles)
- (Sheep bleating)
00:07:23,585 --> 00:07:26,744
- (Whispers) Hey...
- (Growls)
00:07:26,824 --> 00:07:29,224
- No! Stop!
- What's wrong?
00:07:29,304 --> 00:07:31,503
- What's going on?
- What did he say?
00:07:31,623 --> 00:07:33,982
- Oh, it's Joseph.
- It was wolves!
00:07:34,063 --> 00:07:36,982
Coming out of the shadows.
I was surrounded.
00:07:37,063 --> 00:07:39,502
- They were all around...
- That's it?
00:07:39,582 --> 00:07:42,501
- You woke us...for a dream?
- Ooh!
00:07:42,582 --> 00:07:45,181
Quiet! You want to scare the sheep?
00:07:45,262 --> 00:07:48,061
- The sheep. The ram.
- (Brothers murmuring)
00:07:48,141 --> 00:07:50,980
- The wolves killed the ram.
- (Bleats)
00:07:51,060 --> 00:07:55,980
It was dead. I... I don't understand.
It all seemed so real.
00:07:56,060 --> 00:08:01,139
- Everything is fine, Joseph.
- It's over. Don't worry.
00:08:01,219 --> 00:08:04,538
Boys, since you're up,
make yourselves useful.
00:08:04,619 --> 00:08:06,538
Get to work before sunup.
00:08:06,618 --> 00:08:08,857
(Brothers groan)
00:08:08,938 --> 00:08:10,857
00:08:13,058 --> 00:08:15,178
00:08:15,257 --> 00:08:17,856
- Joseph, where are you going?
- Um, I...
00:08:17,937 --> 00:08:20,415
You have studies.
00:08:20,497 --> 00:08:22,896
But, I wanna go with them.
00:08:22,976 --> 00:08:26,935
- They have their work and you yours.
- But why?
00:08:27,015 --> 00:08:30,214
Because you do.
Because you're a miracle child.
00:08:30,295 --> 00:08:32,695
For you things are different.
00:08:32,815 --> 00:08:36,254
I don't want to be different.
I want to be like them.
00:08:36,334 --> 00:08:40,134
Joseph, God has a plan
and a purpose for you.
00:08:40,214 --> 00:08:42,813
- You're not like the rest of us.
- (Sighs)
00:08:42,894 --> 00:08:47,533
I've worked this earth all my life,
just as my father and grandfather did
00:08:47,613 --> 00:08:49,772
and your brothers will after me.
00:08:49,853 --> 00:08:51,772
That won't be your future.
00:08:51,852 --> 00:08:54,611
Jacob, even God
rested on the seventh day.
00:08:54,692 --> 00:08:57,011
He'll find his future soon enough.
00:08:57,091 --> 00:09:00,050
- Let him be with his brothers.
- Please?
00:09:01,371 --> 00:09:03,450
(Sighs) Go on.
00:09:04,570 --> 00:09:06,649
00:09:06,730 --> 00:09:08,889
Be safe!
00:09:12,969 --> 00:09:15,008
(Sheep bleating)
00:09:16,289 --> 00:09:17,849
(Joseph) Judah! Simeon!
00:09:19,288 --> 00:09:22,087
- Hmph! Look who's here.
- The miracle child.
00:09:22,168 --> 00:09:25,807
What are you doing?
Don't you have some scrolls to read?
00:09:25,887 --> 00:09:27,727
Here, let me do that.
00:09:27,807 --> 00:09:31,006
Wait, wait!
You have to be very careful.
00:09:31,086 --> 00:09:33,805
- You'll cut your hands on the fur(!)
- Get away!
00:09:33,886 --> 00:09:37,285
- (All laughing)
- I... I just want to help.
00:09:37,365 --> 00:09:40,804
Thanks to you, we'll have to
work an extra hour today.
00:09:40,885 --> 00:09:43,924
You're tired
because you were out all night.
00:09:44,005 --> 00:09:47,284
Why, you little sneak...
What do you know?
00:09:47,364 --> 00:09:50,283
The women and the drinking...
00:09:50,364 --> 00:09:53,443
- There's a lot Father doesn't know.
- You wouldn't?
00:09:53,524 --> 00:09:55,322
He would, the brat.
00:09:55,444 --> 00:09:58,603
- One word and I'll wring your neck.
- Stop it!
00:09:58,683 --> 00:10:01,042
We should be happy for his help.
00:10:01,122 --> 00:10:04,601
Maybe he can do your work, Simeon.
Somebody should.
00:10:04,682 --> 00:10:06,122
00:10:06,201 --> 00:10:08,720
And there is something Joseph can do.
00:10:08,801 --> 00:10:11,680
- What's he doing?
- Shh!
00:10:11,761 --> 00:10:15,280
While we round up the strays,
can you watch the herd?
00:10:15,360 --> 00:10:17,520
- Of course.
- Good.
00:10:17,600 --> 00:10:20,239
We'll be back soon. Let's go.
00:10:20,319 --> 00:10:23,279
Maybe we should split up.
You go over there.
00:10:23,359 --> 00:10:26,878
- I'll go this way.
- (Chuckles) Hey! What are you doing?
00:10:26,959 --> 00:10:28,718
00:10:28,798 --> 00:10:31,277
- (Bleats)
- (Laughs)
00:10:36,318 --> 00:10:38,837
(Brothers laughing and chattering)
00:10:43,837 --> 00:10:46,676
- Whoo-hoo!
- (Shouting)
00:10:46,755 --> 00:10:48,994
- Get him.
- You're too heavy.
00:10:49,115 --> 00:10:51,034
- (Laughing)
- (Sighs)
00:10:58,274 --> 00:11:00,114
00:11:00,193 --> 00:11:01,992
- (Bleats)
- What?
00:11:02,074 --> 00:11:04,913
Are you making fun of me too?
00:11:07,953 --> 00:11:09,912
- (Bleating)
- (Laughs)
00:11:09,993 --> 00:11:14,232
- (Bleats)
- Hey! Hey, come back!
00:11:17,751 --> 00:11:19,791
- (Growling)
- Huh?
00:11:19,871 --> 00:11:22,110
- (Growling)
- (Gasps)
00:11:25,271 --> 00:11:27,030
Get away! Get away!
00:11:27,150 --> 00:11:29,749
00:11:29,829 --> 00:11:32,148
(Wolves barking)
00:11:34,669 --> 00:11:37,188
- Gotcha!
- (Wolves snarling)
00:11:43,947 --> 00:11:45,466
00:11:48,267 --> 00:11:50,346
Back! Back!
00:11:50,427 --> 00:11:53,466
- Get away!
- (Growling)
00:11:57,785 --> 00:11:59,464
00:11:59,546 --> 00:12:02,584
Joseph, are you hurt?
00:12:02,705 --> 00:12:05,184
Father! (Panting)
00:12:05,265 --> 00:12:08,064
Your brothers, where are they?
00:12:08,144 --> 00:12:11,063
I asked you a question!
00:12:11,144 --> 00:12:13,943
They're...they're, uh...
00:12:14,023 --> 00:12:16,542
They...they went swimming.
00:12:16,663 --> 00:12:19,262
- Swimming?
- (Panting)
00:12:19,342 --> 00:12:22,582
- What happened?
- This is how you take charge?
00:12:22,662 --> 00:12:25,941
I expect you to watch out for Joseph,
but you abandoned my son!
00:12:26,022 --> 00:12:28,660
- My son!
- Aren't we your sons too?
00:12:28,742 --> 00:12:31,141
- The ram!
- (Bleats)
00:12:32,821 --> 00:12:36,020
- (Jingles)
- (Brother) It's Joseph's dream!
00:12:36,100 --> 00:12:39,619
Wolves kill sheep.
It happens all the time.
00:12:39,740 --> 00:12:42,778
No! I understand.
00:12:44,419 --> 00:12:47,298
God sent you a vision of the future.
00:12:48,619 --> 00:12:52,978
Joseph didn't really
see the future, did he?
00:12:55,178 --> 00:12:57,137
Let's get back to work.
00:12:58,457 --> 00:13:00,416
(Insects chirping)
00:13:04,296 --> 00:13:06,495
00:13:08,135 --> 00:13:10,575
00:13:42,290 --> 00:13:44,290
Why do we wash before work?
00:13:44,370 --> 00:13:46,650
We don't want the sheep smelling you!
00:13:46,730 --> 00:13:49,449
(Laughing) Look who finally woke up.
00:13:49,530 --> 00:13:53,049
- Look what the sun brought up.
- Nice of you to join us.
00:13:53,129 --> 00:13:55,129
Good morning, Joseph.
00:13:55,209 --> 00:13:57,568
Mom, last night I had another dream.
00:13:57,648 --> 00:13:59,607
- Oh, another dream!
- Ooh!
00:13:59,689 --> 00:14:03,447
- I wasn't talking to you.
- Please, why don't you share it?
00:14:03,528 --> 00:14:05,367
Who'd the wolf get this time?
00:14:05,448 --> 00:14:07,927
You can laugh, but it was about you.
00:14:08,007 --> 00:14:12,726
Oh, please, you must tell us
our future, great Joseph!
00:14:12,807 --> 00:14:15,486
- Leave me alone!
- Come on, tell us.
00:14:15,566 --> 00:14:18,205
We're dying to hear about it.
00:14:18,286 --> 00:14:20,645
We were carrying sheaves of wheat.
00:14:20,725 --> 00:14:22,285
I was among you,
00:14:22,365 --> 00:14:26,884
but then all of a sudden I was above
you and your wheat bowed to me...
00:14:27,004 --> 00:14:30,524
- I wonder what that means.
- Nothing, that's what.
00:14:30,604 --> 00:14:32,923
Hey, you asked to hear the dream.
00:14:33,004 --> 00:14:34,563
What happened next?
00:14:34,644 --> 00:14:37,363
The sky was dark
and all around me were stars
00:14:37,443 --> 00:14:42,082
- They were bowing to me too.
- Ooh! Let's all bow down to Joseph!
00:14:42,162 --> 00:14:46,161
We can't ignore these dreams.
After all, his last one came true.
00:14:46,242 --> 00:14:50,801
Are you saying that Joseph belongs
above all of us, even Judah?
00:14:50,881 --> 00:14:54,880
I'm not saying that,
but there could be a message here.
00:14:54,961 --> 00:14:58,679
Judah's led the herd for years,
brought in the wheat...
00:14:58,800 --> 00:15:02,319
He comes first before any of us -
especially Joseph.
00:15:02,399 --> 00:15:04,799
Judah, it's not up to me.
00:15:04,879 --> 00:15:07,878
God may be telling us
something of our future.
00:15:07,959 --> 00:15:11,318
- Then my work doesn't matter.
- Watch your tongue.
00:15:11,398 --> 00:15:13,517
Jacob, Judah, please!
00:15:13,598 --> 00:15:17,356
- I've had enough of this.
- Let's go.
00:15:17,438 --> 00:15:20,477
(Sighs) Look at
what your dreams have done.
00:15:20,557 --> 00:15:23,196
Don't get mad at me.
I didn't ask for them.
00:15:23,276 --> 00:15:26,955
- Or this either, brother!
- Half-brother!
00:15:27,036 --> 00:15:30,875
Joseph! Boys!
Apologise to each other!
00:15:30,955 --> 00:15:32,914
Let me talk to Joseph.
00:15:38,634 --> 00:15:41,433
(Jacob) He's just a boy.
You're too harsh on him.
00:15:41,514 --> 00:15:43,473
You're always defending him!
00:15:44,393 --> 00:15:46,952
(Jacob) His dreams come from God.
00:15:47,033 --> 00:15:51,911
Joseph, you need to be
more understanding of your brothers.
00:15:51,993 --> 00:15:55,032
Life is harder for them
than it will be for you.
00:15:55,112 --> 00:15:58,791
Why do you defend them?
They're not even your sons.
00:15:58,872 --> 00:16:02,070
They're no less my sons than you are.
00:16:02,151 --> 00:16:04,950
We're family, all of us.
00:16:06,630 --> 00:16:09,709
If we break apart,
we have nothing left.
00:16:12,550 --> 00:16:16,588
# You've seen the damage words can do
00:16:16,669 --> 00:16:20,668
# When full of thoughtless pride
00:16:21,708 --> 00:16:26,267
# Now heed the wiser voice in you
00:16:26,347 --> 00:16:31,026
# That calls to be your guide
00:16:32,307 --> 00:16:36,345
# The flowers reaching for the sun
00:16:36,426 --> 00:16:39,904
# Are all uniquely blessed
00:16:39,986 --> 00:16:43,825
# But though each is special
00:16:43,905 --> 00:16:47,704
# Not a one is better
00:16:47,785 --> 00:16:50,384
# Than the rest
00:16:51,384 --> 00:16:55,382
# Bloom, bloom, may you know
00:16:55,463 --> 00:16:59,942
# The wisdom only time breeds
00:17:00,023 --> 00:17:04,861
# There's room, bloom and you'll grow
00:17:04,942 --> 00:17:09,981
# To follow where your heart leads
00:17:10,061 --> 00:17:13,980
# Bloom and may you bring
00:17:14,060 --> 00:17:18,939
# Your colours to the vast bouquet
00:17:19,020 --> 00:17:23,099
# There's room, bloom,
learn one thing
00:17:23,180 --> 00:17:29,818
# Your gifts are meant to give away #
00:17:31,378 --> 00:17:33,337
Thanks, Mom.
00:17:48,056 --> 00:17:49,975
Judah! Simeon!
00:17:50,056 --> 00:17:51,855
Levi! Reuben!
00:17:51,935 --> 00:17:53,814
Where are you?
00:17:53,895 --> 00:17:58,534
- (Judah) Joseph couldn't lead sheep.
- (Reuben) But he's our brother.
00:17:58,614 --> 00:18:01,854
(Simeon) Half brother.
Judah should take over.
00:18:01,934 --> 00:18:04,533
- But...
- Do you want Joseph in charge?
00:18:04,614 --> 00:18:07,973
We agree that something
has to be done about Joseph?
00:18:08,053 --> 00:18:10,411
- Absolutely.
- Yes.
00:18:10,493 --> 00:18:13,332
- Hey! The spy is back!
- I wasn't spying!
00:18:13,413 --> 00:18:16,171
- Did Father tell you to check on us?
- No!
00:18:16,292 --> 00:18:18,851
- I want to...
- Report on us to Father?
00:18:18,931 --> 00:18:21,010
- You're his favourite.
- N-no.
00:18:21,092 --> 00:18:23,891
You look at scrolls all day
while we sweat.
00:18:23,971 --> 00:18:27,689
Why is that? Is it because
we don't have pretty coats?
00:18:27,770 --> 00:18:30,529
- I have mine.
- (Grunts) That's my coat!
00:18:30,610 --> 00:18:33,850
Step aside.
I'm the new head of the family.
00:18:33,929 --> 00:18:36,488
Bow before me,
you sheaves of wheat!
00:18:36,569 --> 00:18:39,368
Oh, yes, Master Joseph,
ruler of the world.
00:18:39,449 --> 00:18:41,048
Give it back, now!
00:18:41,128 --> 00:18:44,808
If you want your coat,
why don't you go get it?
00:18:44,888 --> 00:18:48,047
- Levi's got it.
- No, I don't. Judah does.
00:18:48,127 --> 00:18:49,967
- Come on!
- I've got it!
00:18:51,047 --> 00:18:52,646
00:18:54,166 --> 00:18:56,046
00:18:56,126 --> 00:18:59,005
- I've had enough of this game!
- Joseph!
00:18:59,085 --> 00:19:01,004
Who says this is a game?
00:19:03,166 --> 00:19:07,085
What are you doing? Leave me alone!
No! Stop it!
00:19:08,684 --> 00:19:10,044
00:19:10,124 --> 00:19:12,283
Oh! Ohh!
00:19:16,523 --> 00:19:18,243
00:19:19,323 --> 00:19:21,682
What do we do now?
00:19:21,762 --> 00:19:25,121
Are we just going to leave him there?
00:19:25,202 --> 00:19:28,281
- We'll think of something.
- Somebody!
00:19:28,362 --> 00:19:32,761
- Just get out of here.
- Maybe he can dream his way out.
00:19:35,081 --> 00:19:37,080
Don't leave me here alone!
00:19:39,160 --> 00:19:41,440
00:19:47,079 --> 00:19:49,157
(Wolf howling)
00:19:49,239 --> 00:19:51,598
00:19:57,797 --> 00:19:59,476
Aah! Aah!
00:20:09,116 --> 00:20:11,315
00:20:13,396 --> 00:20:15,315
I knew you'd come back.
00:20:15,395 --> 00:20:17,274
00:20:20,474 --> 00:20:24,873
You think this is funny?
Father won't be laughing when...
00:20:24,953 --> 00:20:26,872
- Who are you?
- Get him.
00:20:26,954 --> 00:20:29,353
Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Ow!
00:20:29,433 --> 00:20:33,432
Let me go! You don't understand.
I'm from the house of Jacob!
00:20:33,512 --> 00:20:36,471
- Scrawny, isn't he?
- It's hard to tell.
00:20:36,552 --> 00:20:38,471
00:20:38,551 --> 00:20:41,430
- Hmm.
- No, no, no, don't take my...
00:20:41,512 --> 00:20:44,351
- (Groans)
- Get up!
00:20:44,431 --> 00:20:47,990
- (Grunts)
- Looks like he's never worked a day.
00:20:48,071 --> 00:20:50,310
- That'll change.
- (Laughing)
00:20:50,390 --> 00:20:53,229
My brothers will come for me. Judah!
00:20:53,349 --> 00:20:56,508
- Simeon! Levi! Please help me!
- Joseph!
00:20:56,589 --> 00:20:59,148
We're right here.
00:20:59,228 --> 00:21:01,348
(Sighs) Judah.
00:21:05,628 --> 00:21:07,987
I told you they'd come for me.
00:21:10,028 --> 00:21:13,547
As agreed, 20 pieces of silver.
00:21:18,266 --> 00:21:20,545
J-Judah... Why...?
00:21:24,425 --> 00:21:27,224
No! Help me!
00:21:27,305 --> 00:21:30,104
Levi, please. Issachar.
00:21:30,185 --> 00:21:32,104
Simeon. Stop them.
00:21:32,184 --> 00:21:34,943
Judah. Judah, help me, please.
00:21:35,023 --> 00:21:36,903
00:21:43,743 --> 00:21:46,342
Judah, please!
00:21:47,422 --> 00:21:51,541
Judah, we can't turn back now.
We've gone too far.
00:21:51,621 --> 00:21:53,781
- Aah!
- Hut, hut!
00:21:53,861 --> 00:21:56,740
- (Brays)
- (Chuckles)
00:21:56,821 --> 00:21:59,260
I'm your brother!
00:21:59,541 --> 00:22:02,700
I'm your brother!
00:22:02,780 --> 00:22:05,379
00:22:05,460 --> 00:22:08,019
- (Slaver) Yah!
- (Saddle jingling)
00:22:12,179 --> 00:22:14,098
(Wind whistling)
00:22:20,177 --> 00:22:22,017
(Wolf howling)
00:22:22,137 --> 00:22:24,936
(Slavers talking)
00:22:25,017 --> 00:22:27,176
00:22:27,937 --> 00:22:30,536
00:22:44,334 --> 00:22:47,293
- Where could he have gone?
- Don't worry.
00:22:47,374 --> 00:22:50,053
I'm sure he's all right.
00:22:50,133 --> 00:22:52,412
The boys will find him.
00:22:52,532 --> 00:22:54,731
(Judah) Father.
00:22:55,812 --> 00:22:58,411
This is all we found.
00:22:59,732 --> 00:23:01,731
(Gasps) Joseph!
00:23:01,812 --> 00:23:04,251
- No! Joseph!
- Joseph!
00:23:04,331 --> 00:23:06,970
00:23:07,050 --> 00:23:09,450
- Oh, Rachel.
- (Sobbing)
00:23:11,450 --> 00:23:13,890
- (Grunts)
- Hey, wake up.
00:23:13,970 --> 00:23:15,929
00:23:50,284 --> 00:23:54,243
# Behold the glory
behold the wonder
00:23:54,324 --> 00:23:56,843
# What we have made
shall not be torn asunder
00:23:56,924 --> 00:23:59,683
# Such vast achievement
stone and papyrus
00:23:59,763 --> 00:24:02,482
# Beneath the gaze
of Isis and Osiris
00:24:02,563 --> 00:24:05,682
# Land of majesty
00:24:05,762 --> 00:24:09,601
# Where the heavens smile
00:24:09,682 --> 00:24:13,041
# Jewel of history shining
00:24:13,122 --> 00:24:16,361
# By the Nile #
00:24:20,840 --> 00:24:23,199
- Exquisite, aren't they?
- Yes.
00:24:23,280 --> 00:24:26,079
- Where's the slave market?
- By the docks.
00:24:27,120 --> 00:24:28,879
(Camel brays)
00:24:30,199 --> 00:24:31,878
# Serve and be silent
00:24:31,958 --> 00:24:33,518
# You who are chattel
00:24:33,598 --> 00:24:36,517
# We think of you
as little more than cattle
00:24:36,597 --> 00:24:39,516
# This is your lot now
and we advise you
00:24:39,598 --> 00:24:42,757
# To bow before
whatever master buys you
00:24:42,837 --> 00:24:46,116
# Feel the power here
00:24:46,196 --> 00:24:48,876
# Power has its price
00:24:48,956 --> 00:24:52,035
# Some can live like gods
00:24:52,115 --> 00:24:54,795
# Some must sacrifice... #
00:24:54,875 --> 00:24:57,754
- What do you have?
- A Canaanite.
00:24:57,835 --> 00:25:01,394
# Through the centuries
many backs have bent
00:25:01,474 --> 00:25:03,314
# Many dreams are built
00:25:03,394 --> 00:25:07,353
- # Many lives are spent #
- Move, slave!
00:25:07,473 --> 00:25:09,233
Get in line.
00:25:09,313 --> 00:25:12,592
(Trader) Slaves for sale!
Buy this one!
00:25:12,672 --> 00:25:15,912
(Buyer) Let's have a look.
Let me see his teeth.
00:25:15,992 --> 00:25:18,871
Hmm. Mm-hmm.
00:25:18,952 --> 00:25:21,631
He's too skinny.
00:25:21,712 --> 00:25:23,311
This is more like it.
00:25:23,391 --> 00:25:27,150
The captain of the guard
needs a slave for his household.
00:25:27,230 --> 00:25:28,790
I have one he might like.
00:25:30,310 --> 00:25:32,269
Thirty pieces? Hmm.
00:25:32,350 --> 00:25:35,389
He looks healthy enough.
Lord Potiphar!
00:25:37,070 --> 00:25:41,068
- He'll do.
- Looks like we have some work to do.
00:25:41,149 --> 00:25:45,307
# Look and be humbled
learn what your place is
00:25:45,388 --> 00:25:48,267
# Egyptian slave
no matter what your race is
00:25:48,347 --> 00:25:51,226
# This is your future
your life suspended
00:25:51,308 --> 00:25:54,267
# And everything
you knew before has ended
00:25:54,427 --> 00:25:57,426
# You are Egypt's now
00:25:57,507 --> 00:26:00,786
# We have all control
00:26:00,866 --> 00:26:02,865
# From your every step
00:26:02,946 --> 00:26:06,945
# To your very soul #
- Hold still.
00:26:07,025 --> 00:26:09,584
You're done. He's ready for work.
00:26:20,903 --> 00:26:24,102
It's not for your face.
It's for the floor.
00:26:27,182 --> 00:26:29,981
00:26:31,421 --> 00:26:33,580
00:26:35,141 --> 00:26:36,701
00:26:36,781 --> 00:26:39,741
- 'Hey, Joseph, you missed a spot.'
- (Laughing)
00:26:39,820 --> 00:26:42,219
(Levi) 'Real work's different.'
00:26:42,300 --> 00:26:46,299
- 'No more baby soft hands.'
- 'Who bows now, little brother? '
00:26:46,379 --> 00:26:49,178
(Brothers laughing)
00:26:50,379 --> 00:26:51,939
00:26:52,899 --> 00:26:55,018
- You there.
- (Laughter stops)
00:26:56,098 --> 00:26:59,497
Have you cleaned
this entire courtyard yourself?
00:26:59,578 --> 00:27:02,297
- Yes.
- (Woman) He's a hard worker.
00:27:02,377 --> 00:27:04,777
00:27:04,856 --> 00:27:07,455
We could put him
to better use inside?
00:27:07,537 --> 00:27:11,176
My wife thinks you should work
for her. What do you say?
00:27:11,256 --> 00:27:13,455
I cannot say.
00:27:13,535 --> 00:27:15,574
A slave is not his own master.
00:27:16,776 --> 00:27:18,535
Well said.
00:27:18,615 --> 00:27:22,574
Find him some new clothes.
Then get someone else to finish.
00:27:34,533 --> 00:27:38,292
- (Yowling)
- Here, kitty, kitty, kitty! Come on.
00:27:38,372 --> 00:27:41,731
- (Yowling)
- Who brought the cat?
00:27:41,812 --> 00:27:44,451
- Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
- Stop!
00:27:44,531 --> 00:27:46,690
- (Chuckles)
- Come down!
00:27:46,771 --> 00:27:49,730
Aunt Zuleika, I'm sorry.
I'll get it down.
00:27:49,811 --> 00:27:52,090
- (Miaows)
- Please come down.
00:27:54,210 --> 00:27:57,248
Come here. Look at this.
00:27:57,330 --> 00:27:59,409
- Oh.
- (Women chuckling)
00:27:59,489 --> 00:28:02,688
- Hmm. She seems to like you.
- (Miaows)
00:28:02,768 --> 00:28:05,847
- (Chuckles)
- Thank you.
00:28:05,928 --> 00:28:08,727
I haven't seen you here before.
00:28:08,808 --> 00:28:10,808
- Oh, I'm new.
- Asenath.
00:28:10,888 --> 00:28:14,647
Coming, Aunt Zuleika. Goodbye.
00:28:14,727 --> 00:28:16,686
00:28:18,246 --> 00:28:20,605
(Horse whinnying)
00:28:22,166 --> 00:28:24,245
(Woman) Joseph, come here.
00:28:24,326 --> 00:28:26,325
I'm waiting.
00:28:26,405 --> 00:28:28,364
I'm coming!
00:28:30,604 --> 00:28:32,523
Oh! Sorry, Asenath.
00:28:32,605 --> 00:28:34,324
- Oh! (Giggles)
- What?
00:28:34,404 --> 00:28:37,684
You don't want my aunt
seeing you like this.
00:28:37,804 --> 00:28:39,763
- That's better.
- Thanks.
00:28:39,844 --> 00:28:41,883
- (Horse whinnies)
- Slave.
00:28:41,963 --> 00:28:45,203
- (Flies buzzing)
- Oh, yes, of course.
00:28:49,002 --> 00:28:52,681
- (Galloping hooves)
- Hyah! Hyah!
00:28:52,762 --> 00:28:55,641
(Zuleika) What a magnificent animal.
00:28:58,761 --> 00:29:01,920
- (Potiphar laughing)
- Slave, I'm in the sun.
00:29:06,200 --> 00:29:08,239
(Laughing) Whoa!
00:29:08,359 --> 00:29:10,198
- Well?
- You were right.
00:29:10,279 --> 00:29:12,078
He's all that you promised.
00:29:12,159 --> 00:29:15,119
I haven't seen a finer horse
in all of Egypt.
00:29:15,198 --> 00:29:17,837
I'm glad Your Excellency is pleased.
00:29:17,918 --> 00:29:22,197
- There is still one small matter.
- Oh, yes. As we agreed.
00:29:22,277 --> 00:29:24,196
(Coins jingling)
00:29:28,636 --> 00:29:31,715
Forgive me,
but something is not quite right.
00:29:31,796 --> 00:29:34,715
Hmm. I thought
I brought the right amount.
00:29:34,795 --> 00:29:37,914
You're a busy man.
Anyone can make a mistake.
00:29:41,754 --> 00:29:45,113
He's yours.
Pharaoh himself would be jealous.
00:29:45,234 --> 00:29:47,393
(Potiphar) Yes, he's a fine horse.
00:29:47,474 --> 00:29:48,833
00:29:50,993 --> 00:29:53,393
Master, I think you should see this.
00:29:53,473 --> 00:29:56,872
Uh... Get away from that.
Don't touch it!
00:29:56,953 --> 00:29:58,912
Well, look at that.
00:29:58,992 --> 00:30:01,350
Well, i-it's broken.
00:30:01,432 --> 00:30:04,711
- Your Excellency, I had no idea.
- Of course not.
00:30:04,791 --> 00:30:07,830
You're a busy man.
Anyone can make a mistake.
00:30:07,911 --> 00:30:10,350
Yours will cost you your freedom.
00:30:10,430 --> 00:30:12,990
Please, keep the stallion as a gift.
00:30:13,070 --> 00:30:15,829
No. Take him away.
00:30:16,869 --> 00:30:21,468
I have a dozen more horses!
Take them all! Please, anything!
00:30:21,549 --> 00:30:23,708
Potiphar, you should keep it.
00:30:23,789 --> 00:30:26,308
You said it was
the finest in all Egypt.
00:30:26,388 --> 00:30:31,666
Own a horse taken from a thief?
What would that say about me?
00:30:31,748 --> 00:30:33,187
You and your honour!
00:30:34,387 --> 00:30:37,546
- You've done well. What's your name?
- Joseph.
00:30:37,627 --> 00:30:40,906
Joseph. You're an educated slave.
00:30:40,986 --> 00:30:44,145
- Where did you learn?
- My father taught me.
00:30:44,226 --> 00:30:47,065
Ah. He taught you well.
00:30:47,146 --> 00:30:52,144
- What else has your father taught?
- I can read and write Egyptian.
00:30:52,225 --> 00:30:54,784
(Man) # A boy looks up
00:30:54,864 --> 00:30:58,023
- # And sees a golden gift of chance
- What a mess.
00:30:58,104 --> 00:31:00,263
Good luck.
00:31:00,343 --> 00:31:02,862
# To prove his worth
00:31:02,943 --> 00:31:06,743
# And make the best
of what might seem
00:31:06,822 --> 00:31:09,381
# A dire circumstance
00:31:09,462 --> 00:31:13,461
# Onward and onward
the slow and steady climb
00:31:13,541 --> 00:31:15,941
- Master.
- Let's have a look.
00:31:17,501 --> 00:31:20,500
# Task upon task that can lift him
00:31:20,581 --> 00:31:23,820
- # To the summit over time
- Well done, Joseph.
00:31:23,900 --> 00:31:27,739
# You've got to take
whatever road's at your feet
00:31:27,819 --> 00:31:32,178
# You've got to make
whatever progress you can
00:31:32,259 --> 00:31:36,218
# Although the map you hold
is far from complete
00:31:36,298 --> 00:31:41,257
# You've got to take
whatever road's at your feet
00:31:41,337 --> 00:31:43,897
00:31:47,217 --> 00:31:49,855
To a good year, and to your friend.
00:31:51,216 --> 00:31:53,415
(Both laughing)
00:31:53,496 --> 00:31:56,055
(Crickets chirping)
00:32:12,454 --> 00:32:14,173
00:32:20,052 --> 00:32:22,611
(Judah) 'My neck is killing me.
00:32:22,732 --> 00:32:27,010
- 'It's too early for this.'
- (Brothers grunting and laughing)
00:32:28,650 --> 00:32:30,810
(Water sloshing)
00:32:42,368 --> 00:32:44,488
- (Jacob) 'Rachel.'
- Joseph.
00:32:44,568 --> 00:32:47,528
- Huh?
- Shh!
00:32:47,608 --> 00:32:49,728
W-why are you here?
00:32:49,808 --> 00:32:51,648
- Is something wrong?
- No.
00:32:51,727 --> 00:32:55,246
This land...it's not Egypt.
00:32:55,327 --> 00:32:56,806
Is this your home?
00:32:58,807 --> 00:33:03,365
- Canaan.
- Please, tell me more about Canaan.
00:33:03,446 --> 00:33:05,285
00:33:05,366 --> 00:33:09,565
This is the place where I was born.
00:33:09,645 --> 00:33:13,884
These are the sunflowers
my mother planted.
00:33:13,964 --> 00:33:16,163
This is my, uh...
00:33:16,284 --> 00:33:18,563
- My...
- Family?
00:33:18,644 --> 00:33:20,683
You miss them, don't you?
00:33:20,803 --> 00:33:22,722
My brothers.
00:33:22,804 --> 00:33:24,803
They betrayed me!
00:33:24,882 --> 00:33:29,161
- Joseph, we are your family now.
- Huh?
00:33:29,243 --> 00:33:31,242
We care for you here.
00:33:31,321 --> 00:33:34,561
We... I feel you are special.
00:33:34,681 --> 00:33:38,120
What? No.
W-why have you come here tonight?
00:33:38,201 --> 00:33:40,800
- To be with you.
- No. This is not right.
00:33:40,881 --> 00:33:43,440
- Look at me.
- I won't betray my master.
00:33:43,520 --> 00:33:45,479
- I'm talking to you.
- No!
00:33:45,560 --> 00:33:49,479
- Wait! I order you to stay.
- No!
00:33:49,559 --> 00:33:52,038
Everything you are, you owe to me!
00:33:52,119 --> 00:33:53,358
00:33:53,439 --> 00:33:55,198
(Zuleika screams)
00:34:01,158 --> 00:34:03,837
You stood apart
from the other slaves.
00:34:03,918 --> 00:34:07,517
I let you work in my home.
I kept you from hard labour,
00:34:07,597 --> 00:34:09,596
and you did well for me.
00:34:09,677 --> 00:34:11,676
- Or so I thought.
- Master...
00:34:11,757 --> 00:34:16,276
No other slave was ever given this
opportunity! I gave you my trust.
00:34:16,355 --> 00:34:18,834
- What do you say?
- I did nothing wrong.
00:34:18,915 --> 00:34:21,514
Still you insult me
with your denials!
00:34:21,595 --> 00:34:24,474
- What am I to make of this?
- (Sobbing)
00:34:25,634 --> 00:34:29,273
It's not what it seems.
I could never betray you, master.
00:34:29,353 --> 00:34:33,192
Such insolence! Am I to believe
a slave over my own wife?
00:34:33,273 --> 00:34:35,872
I swear. I did nothing to betray you.
00:34:35,953 --> 00:34:41,951
Silence! For what you have done,
you must be put to death.
00:34:42,072 --> 00:34:45,471
- See to it.
- No, Master, I beg you. Tell him!
00:34:45,551 --> 00:34:49,270
Help me! Tell him that... (Groaning)
00:34:49,350 --> 00:34:51,910
Help me! Please!
00:34:51,990 --> 00:34:57,189
- Stop. He doesn't deserve to die.
- Why?
00:35:02,109 --> 00:35:04,028
I see.
00:35:07,029 --> 00:35:08,827
Take him to prison.
00:35:08,908 --> 00:35:13,707
Wait, master. No! Please!
Believe me! I- I did nothing wrong!
00:35:27,746 --> 00:35:29,865
This is a mistake! Uh!
00:35:32,265 --> 00:35:34,224
I did nothing wrong.
00:35:34,305 --> 00:35:36,984
Yeah, we know you're innocent.
00:35:38,984 --> 00:35:40,583
00:35:59,341 --> 00:36:02,940
I know it sounds crazy,
but it was so real.
00:36:03,020 --> 00:36:05,460
I was up all night
with my own dreams.
00:36:05,540 --> 00:36:09,019
Now you wanna take up
my day with yours?
00:36:09,100 --> 00:36:12,059
No. Just listen.
I was back at Pharaoh's palace
00:36:12,139 --> 00:36:16,177
in a garden of grapes
that had three old vines.
00:36:16,259 --> 00:36:19,938
A tear fell from my eye,
and the vines drank it in.
00:36:20,018 --> 00:36:22,377
They became so thick with grapes...
00:36:22,458 --> 00:36:26,336
that I squeezed them into a cup
and served it to Pharaoh.
00:36:26,417 --> 00:36:29,016
That is quite a dream.
00:36:30,097 --> 00:36:34,856
- I know what your dream means.
- You do? H-how could you?
00:36:34,936 --> 00:36:38,175
I just do. It's some kind of gift.
00:36:38,255 --> 00:36:40,935
The three vines signify three days.
00:36:41,015 --> 00:36:44,894
Then Pharaoh will bring
you back to the palace a free man.
00:36:44,974 --> 00:36:48,453
- (Sighs) If only it were true.
- It is true.
00:36:48,533 --> 00:36:52,613
And when you're free, tell Pharaoh
about my gift. Please.
00:36:52,693 --> 00:36:57,132
Some gift. To make up fairy tales
and give hope to the foolish.
00:36:57,213 --> 00:37:00,772
- Maybe he's not making it up.
- All right, then.
00:37:00,853 --> 00:37:03,692
Here's one I've had every night
for a week.
00:37:03,771 --> 00:37:09,490
I'm taking three baskets of bread
to Pharaoh when the baskets fall.
00:37:09,571 --> 00:37:11,411
I go to pick up the bread,
00:37:11,491 --> 00:37:14,650
when suddenly
a swarm of birds attack me.
00:37:14,730 --> 00:37:18,010
They keep pecking at me
in the face and the eyes.
00:37:18,090 --> 00:37:20,489
What does it mean?
00:37:20,610 --> 00:37:23,049
- I don't know.
- Yes, you do. Tell me.
00:37:24,809 --> 00:37:26,768
Tell me!
00:37:27,688 --> 00:37:31,207
(Sighs) The three baskets
also signify three days.
00:37:31,288 --> 00:37:34,327
In three days,
Pharaoh will behead you,
00:37:34,407 --> 00:37:37,086
and birds will feed on your flesh.
00:37:37,167 --> 00:37:40,406
What? You're lying. You're lying!
00:37:40,487 --> 00:37:43,206
- Stop it!
- Uhh! No!
00:37:44,206 --> 00:37:48,084
Don't pay any attention to him.
We're not going anywhere.
00:37:53,284 --> 00:37:55,523
00:38:06,403 --> 00:38:08,002
(Door opens)
00:38:10,002 --> 00:38:11,842
Take him.
00:38:11,922 --> 00:38:13,881
Get up.
00:38:15,761 --> 00:38:19,920
You knew. You knew!
That's not a gift!
00:38:20,000 --> 00:38:23,599
- That's a curse!
- Pharaoh has summoned you.
00:38:23,681 --> 00:38:27,999
- Why? What did I do?
- Let's go.
00:38:28,959 --> 00:38:31,278
It's gonna be all right. You'll see.
00:38:31,360 --> 00:38:33,519
- Tell Pharaoh about me.
- I will.
00:38:36,159 --> 00:38:37,998
Don't forget me!
00:38:39,958 --> 00:38:41,757
Don't forget me!
00:38:54,835 --> 00:38:58,795
Guard! Tell them I'm still here!
00:38:58,875 --> 00:39:00,594
Answer me!
00:39:00,675 --> 00:39:02,235
00:39:02,315 --> 00:39:04,194
No one cares.
00:39:05,954 --> 00:39:08,033
(Rain falling)
00:39:26,951 --> 00:39:28,151
00:39:28,231 --> 00:39:31,430
(Guard) Halt! Who's there?
00:39:32,231 --> 00:39:33,830
00:39:34,830 --> 00:39:38,749
- (Thunder)
- (Squeaking)
00:39:38,830 --> 00:39:41,229
00:39:44,908 --> 00:39:47,028
(Spitting and panting)
00:39:47,108 --> 00:39:50,987
God, why are you doing this to me?
00:39:51,068 --> 00:39:54,028
Do you hear me?
00:39:54,107 --> 00:39:56,346
Any kindness, you take away.
00:39:56,427 --> 00:40:00,026
You gave me the dreams.
You brought me the gift!
00:40:00,107 --> 00:40:04,866
Some gift! My dreams are lies.
What have I done to deserve this?
00:40:08,785 --> 00:40:10,744
00:40:42,861 --> 00:40:47,140
# I thought I did what's right
00:40:47,220 --> 00:40:51,339
# I thought I had the answers
00:40:51,419 --> 00:40:55,818
# I thought I chose the surest road
00:40:55,899 --> 00:40:59,978
# But that road brought me here
00:41:00,978 --> 00:41:04,456
# So I put up a fight
00:41:05,577 --> 00:41:09,736
# And told you how to help me
00:41:09,817 --> 00:41:14,056
# Now, just when I have given up
00:41:14,136 --> 00:41:18,255
# The truth is coming clear
00:41:19,776 --> 00:41:22,974
# You know
00:41:23,055 --> 00:41:26,774
# Better than I
00:41:26,854 --> 00:41:29,733
# You know
00:41:29,814 --> 00:41:33,214
# The way
00:41:33,293 --> 00:41:37,172
# I've let go
00:41:37,253 --> 00:41:39,972
# The need to know why
00:41:40,053 --> 00:41:43,932
# For you know better
00:41:44,012 --> 00:41:46,771
# Than I
00:41:48,371 --> 00:41:51,730
# If this has been a test
00:41:51,811 --> 00:41:54,610
# I cannot see the reason
00:41:54,690 --> 00:41:58,209
# But maybe knowing "I don't know"
00:41:58,290 --> 00:42:01,809
# Is part of getting through
00:42:03,009 --> 00:42:06,208
# I try to do what's best
00:42:06,288 --> 00:42:09,487
# And faith has made it easy
00:42:09,569 --> 00:42:13,727
# To see the best thing I can do
00:42:13,808 --> 00:42:16,687
# Is put my trust in you
00:42:16,767 --> 00:42:20,766
# For you know
00:42:20,846 --> 00:42:24,325
# Better than I
00:42:24,406 --> 00:42:27,285
# You know
00:42:27,366 --> 00:42:30,125
# The way
00:42:30,205 --> 00:42:34,884
# I've let go
00:42:34,964 --> 00:42:38,084
# The need to know why
00:42:38,164 --> 00:42:41,523
# For you know better
00:42:41,604 --> 00:42:46,003
# Than I
00:42:46,083 --> 00:42:51,202
# I saw one cloud
and thought it was the sky
00:42:52,282 --> 00:42:55,201
# I saw a bird and thought
00:42:55,282 --> 00:42:58,881
# That I could follow
00:42:58,961 --> 00:43:02,201
# But it was you
who taught that bird
00:43:02,281 --> 00:43:04,800
# To fly
00:43:04,880 --> 00:43:08,159
# If I let you reach me
00:43:08,240 --> 00:43:10,799
# Will you teach me
00:43:10,880 --> 00:43:14,959
# For you know
00:43:15,039 --> 00:43:18,918
# Better than I
00:43:18,998 --> 00:43:24,317
# You know the way
00:43:24,398 --> 00:43:28,557
# I've let go
00:43:28,637 --> 00:43:31,476
# The need to know why
00:43:31,557 --> 00:43:35,315
# I'll take what answers
00:43:35,396 --> 00:43:39,115
# You supply
00:43:41,036 --> 00:43:43,595
# You know better
00:43:43,675 --> 00:43:48,474
# Than I #
00:44:06,031 --> 00:44:07,830
00:44:19,350 --> 00:44:21,869
00:44:24,949 --> 00:44:28,268
Pharaoh's butler
said you interpret dreams.
00:44:28,349 --> 00:44:30,628
That is true. And?
00:44:30,708 --> 00:44:36,107
Pharaoh is tortured by a dream.
None of his wise men can explain it.
00:44:36,187 --> 00:44:39,027
I'm to bring you to the palace.
00:44:40,586 --> 00:44:42,385
00:44:43,707 --> 00:44:46,905
It's good to see you again.
00:44:51,106 --> 00:44:54,265
How could I
have allowed this to happen?
00:44:54,345 --> 00:44:57,424
- My wife...
- I understand.
00:44:58,785 --> 00:45:00,864
Let's go.
00:45:22,021 --> 00:45:26,340
For the sake of Egypt,
relieve my suffering.
00:45:27,420 --> 00:45:28,939
00:45:49,337 --> 00:45:53,016
- Is this the one you spoke of?
- Yes, Excellency.
00:45:55,616 --> 00:46:00,135
I'm told you merely need to hear
a dream and you can explain it.
00:46:00,216 --> 00:46:04,215
Not me, Your Excellency.
The explanation comes from God.
00:46:04,295 --> 00:46:09,733
None of my wise men or magicians,
none of my gods could help me.
00:46:09,814 --> 00:46:13,572
What makes you think
your god is any different?
00:46:19,813 --> 00:46:21,812
Tell me your dream, Pharaoh.
00:46:24,212 --> 00:46:26,971
Every night it's the same.
00:46:28,931 --> 00:46:32,451
I am standing by the Nile.
00:46:32,571 --> 00:46:35,730
Seven healthy cows
graze peacefully on the banks.
00:46:38,530 --> 00:46:41,090
00:46:42,730 --> 00:46:47,769
But then seven horrible,
sickly cows come from the same river,
00:46:47,848 --> 00:46:51,327
the most wretched
I have ever seen in Egypt.
00:46:52,568 --> 00:46:56,127
Suddenly they begin to devour
the healthy cattle,
00:46:56,207 --> 00:46:59,126
and yet the cows remain
as sickly as before.
00:47:00,527 --> 00:47:02,526
And then I wake up.
00:47:03,727 --> 00:47:08,126
- Is there more?
- Yes. Another dream always follows.
00:47:08,206 --> 00:47:12,845
Seven ears of grain, full and golden,
grow from a single stalk.
00:47:16,924 --> 00:47:19,364
00:47:19,444 --> 00:47:22,683
Suddenly, seven ears,
hardened and scorched,
00:47:22,764 --> 00:47:24,923
spring up on the same stalk...
00:47:27,283 --> 00:47:29,322
and swallow the seven good ears.
00:47:31,123 --> 00:47:35,082
All that remains
are shrivelled grains unfit to eat...
00:47:36,242 --> 00:47:38,241
and nothing else.
00:47:40,921 --> 00:47:42,641
00:47:42,721 --> 00:47:44,760
Pharaoh's dreams are one.
00:47:44,841 --> 00:47:50,360
The healthy cows and ears of grain
are seven years of abundance.
00:47:52,319 --> 00:47:55,678
The sickly cows
and the withered grain...
00:47:55,759 --> 00:47:58,398
mean seven years of famine
will follow...
00:47:58,478 --> 00:48:00,478
and destroy the land.
00:48:01,558 --> 00:48:03,357
Egypt may not survive.
00:48:06,037 --> 00:48:09,437
Can this be stopped?
What can be done?
00:48:09,517 --> 00:48:11,716
You must find a man you can trust.
00:48:11,797 --> 00:48:13,797
During the years of plenty,
00:48:13,876 --> 00:48:17,675
have him collect one-fifth
of the grain from every field
00:48:17,756 --> 00:48:19,515
and store it under guard.
00:48:19,595 --> 00:48:23,314
Then, during the famine,
give it back to the people.
00:48:23,395 --> 00:48:26,274
Potiphar, you trust this man?
00:48:27,874 --> 00:48:29,833
With my life, Excellency.
00:48:31,634 --> 00:48:34,593
(Crowd cheering)
00:48:37,353 --> 00:48:39,112
(Crowd silences)
00:48:39,193 --> 00:48:42,511
Through this man,
I have seen the future of Egypt.
00:48:44,552 --> 00:48:48,151
And through his deeds,
we shall prosper.
00:48:48,232 --> 00:48:50,111
(Crowd cheers)
00:48:52,471 --> 00:48:55,550
I am giving him power over all Egypt.
00:48:55,631 --> 00:48:58,230
Only Pharaoh will be greater.
00:48:58,310 --> 00:49:01,749
You shall call him Tzafenat Paneah.
00:49:01,830 --> 00:49:04,789
The God speaks and He lives.
00:49:06,509 --> 00:49:10,148
(Crowd cheering)
Tzafenat Paneah! Tzafenat Paneah!
00:49:23,747 --> 00:49:26,186
- (Miaows)
- Hey.
00:49:26,266 --> 00:49:29,786
Kia, come back here. Hmm.
00:49:31,106 --> 00:49:32,666
(Joseph clears throat)
00:49:32,745 --> 00:49:33,944
00:49:34,025 --> 00:49:36,424
Tzafenat Paneah.
00:49:40,984 --> 00:49:43,063
00:49:59,861 --> 00:50:02,620
00:50:20,858 --> 00:50:23,057
# A single voice
00:50:23,139 --> 00:50:26,098
# Is joined by multitudes in song
00:50:28,417 --> 00:50:30,856
# With every verse
00:50:30,977 --> 00:50:35,057
# They're finding harmonies
that rise to Heaven
00:50:35,136 --> 00:50:37,455
- # Sure and strong
- (Asenath) Hey.
00:50:37,536 --> 00:50:39,655
- We've come to help.
- # Richer and richer
00:50:39,736 --> 00:50:43,575
- # The soil on which they thrive
- Great.
00:50:45,615 --> 00:50:47,734
# Higher and higher
00:50:47,815 --> 00:50:51,654
# A hymn of what it means to be alive
00:50:51,734 --> 00:50:55,533
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
00:50:55,614 --> 00:50:59,533
# You've got to leave
a little more than was here
00:50:59,613 --> 00:51:02,892
# You may be prideful
of the strides you will make
00:51:02,972 --> 00:51:06,891
# But keep one thing clear
00:51:06,972 --> 00:51:11,171
# You're just a player
in a much bigger plan
00:51:11,252 --> 00:51:15,251
# And still you have
to give it all that you can
00:51:15,331 --> 00:51:18,970
# The very measure
of your soul is at stake
00:51:19,050 --> 00:51:24,249
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
00:51:27,289 --> 00:51:29,688
(Woman) # The seasons fly
00:51:29,769 --> 00:51:33,848
# A man stands where a boy once stood
00:51:35,448 --> 00:51:37,647
# His path unfolds
00:51:37,728 --> 00:51:41,367
# And unafraid he walks in service
00:51:41,447 --> 00:51:44,246
# Of a greater good
00:51:44,327 --> 00:51:49,926
(Both) # Deeper and deeper
the lessons he has known
00:51:52,126 --> 00:51:54,005
# Over and over
00:51:54,085 --> 00:51:58,445
# The message
he is surely being shown
00:51:58,525 --> 00:52:02,404
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
00:52:02,484 --> 00:52:06,443
# You've got to leave
a little more than was here
00:52:06,524 --> 00:52:10,282
# You may be prideful
of the strides you will make
00:52:10,363 --> 00:52:13,242
# But keep one thing clear
00:52:13,322 --> 00:52:17,841
# You're just a player
in a much bigger plan
00:52:17,922 --> 00:52:21,960
# And still you have
to give it all that you can
00:52:22,042 --> 00:52:25,841
# The very measure
of your soul is at stake
00:52:25,920 --> 00:52:30,560
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
00:52:33,479 --> 00:52:37,758
# The very measure
of your soul is at stake
00:52:37,839 --> 00:52:43,278
# You've got to give
a little more than you take #
00:53:06,914 --> 00:53:09,754
(Wind whistles)
00:53:26,992 --> 00:53:29,112
00:53:33,271 --> 00:53:35,470
00:53:47,149 --> 00:53:50,348
Next. How many in your family?
00:53:50,429 --> 00:53:52,668
- Five.
- Five.
00:53:52,748 --> 00:53:54,707
Thank you, my lord.
00:53:56,388 --> 00:53:58,267
(Potiphar) Next, please.
00:53:58,347 --> 00:54:01,226
- A long life for you, Excellency.
- And for you.
00:54:02,067 --> 00:54:05,226
Ah, here's a responsible young man.
00:54:05,307 --> 00:54:07,546
- How many in your family?
- Four, my lord.
00:54:07,627 --> 00:54:09,466
Very good.
00:54:14,025 --> 00:54:16,664
- Hi there. What's your name?
- Menna.
00:54:16,745 --> 00:54:21,224
And this is my sister Nyla.
I'm looking after her.
00:54:21,304 --> 00:54:24,783
- Are you here for some grain too?
- (Gasps)
00:54:25,704 --> 00:54:28,063
00:54:28,184 --> 00:54:31,063
- Thank you!
- Bye!
00:54:31,183 --> 00:54:33,622
(Cries out)
00:54:35,223 --> 00:54:39,422
- Here you go.
- (Potiphar) Who's next?
00:54:39,501 --> 00:54:41,980
We are, my lord.
00:54:43,221 --> 00:54:46,300
- You are not Egyptian.
- No, sir.
00:54:46,381 --> 00:54:49,540
My brothers and I
have travelled far, from Canaan.
00:54:56,180 --> 00:54:59,299
- Joseph, what's wrong?
- Nothing.
00:54:59,379 --> 00:55:01,819
Look at you. You're shaking.
00:55:01,899 --> 00:55:04,178
I-it must be the sun. I'll be fine.
00:55:04,258 --> 00:55:06,537
(Judah) Our families are hungry.
00:55:06,658 --> 00:55:09,498
You haven't contributed
to our supply.
00:55:09,577 --> 00:55:13,016
We don't ask for charity.
We'll pay you with silver.
00:55:17,056 --> 00:55:19,056
(Potiphar) How many are there?
00:55:19,136 --> 00:55:23,615
12. 10 here and at home we have
our father and youngest brother.
00:55:23,695 --> 00:55:25,734
- (Gasps)
- (Potiphar) Give them...
00:55:25,816 --> 00:55:27,815
(Joseph) Nothing!
00:55:27,894 --> 00:55:32,413
10 foreigners asking
for grain, no ties to Egypt.
00:55:32,494 --> 00:55:36,173
Are you thieves, hoping to see
where we store our grain?
00:55:36,254 --> 00:55:40,012
I don't know what you are,
but I don't believe your story.
00:55:40,094 --> 00:55:43,132
Your Excellency,
everything we say is true.
00:55:43,213 --> 00:55:46,212
Prove it!
Produce this youngest brother.
00:55:46,292 --> 00:55:49,771
- But what would that prove?
- That you're not lying.
00:55:49,851 --> 00:55:52,650
If it's the truth,
I'll let you buy grain.
00:55:52,731 --> 00:55:56,251
Till then, arrest this one!
00:55:56,331 --> 00:55:59,330
- (Gasps)
- Until you produce this brother.
00:55:59,411 --> 00:56:01,610
- Take him.
- (Grunting)
00:56:01,690 --> 00:56:03,609
- (All shouting)
- Stop!
00:56:03,689 --> 00:56:07,328
- Judah, help me!
- (Guard) No!
00:56:07,409 --> 00:56:10,288
- (Simeon) No! No! No!
- (Guard) Let's go.
00:56:10,369 --> 00:56:12,328
(Door slams)
00:56:17,008 --> 00:56:19,968
Joseph, what are you doing?
00:56:20,047 --> 00:56:22,327
They're only feeding their families.
00:56:22,407 --> 00:56:26,126
They're thieves,
here to steal our grain.
00:56:26,206 --> 00:56:28,565
They needed food and they would pay.
00:56:28,646 --> 00:56:32,485
How can you say they're thieves?
They've done nothing to you.
00:56:32,566 --> 00:56:33,605
00:56:34,806 --> 00:56:36,884
00:56:38,565 --> 00:56:40,364
00:56:41,485 --> 00:56:44,644
- They're my brothers.
- What?
00:56:44,724 --> 00:56:50,043
They sold me.
They sold me into slavery.
00:56:50,123 --> 00:56:52,562
They took me away from my home.
00:56:52,642 --> 00:56:55,362
I never got
to say goodbye to my mother.
00:56:55,442 --> 00:56:58,801
I never got
to see my father grow old.
00:57:01,242 --> 00:57:05,201
Joseph, I... I didn't know.
00:57:05,281 --> 00:57:09,840
You're here now. You have a home,
a wife who loves you,
00:57:09,921 --> 00:57:12,480
everything you could want.
00:57:12,560 --> 00:57:15,079
No. Not everything.
00:57:18,959 --> 00:57:22,157
I thought you learned something
in that cell.
00:57:23,039 --> 00:57:25,838
Remember when
I would bring food to you?
00:57:25,918 --> 00:57:29,676
Yes. It kept me going.
00:57:37,116 --> 00:57:40,076
(Simeon) Hey! You won't keep me here.
00:57:40,156 --> 00:57:42,315
My brothers will come for me.
00:57:42,396 --> 00:57:44,835
(Echoing) My brothers will come...
00:57:47,155 --> 00:57:48,554
00:57:52,634 --> 00:57:56,833
# How long must there be anger here
00:57:56,914 --> 00:58:00,233
# Before we can rejoice
00:58:00,313 --> 00:58:04,232
# Embracing love instead of fear
00:58:04,313 --> 00:58:07,992
# Is but a simple choice
00:58:09,272 --> 00:58:12,631
# It's hard for me to see you fall
00:58:12,712 --> 00:58:16,351
# So bitter and so blind
00:58:16,431 --> 00:58:21,149
# When the truest nature of us all
00:58:21,231 --> 00:58:25,150
# Invites us to be kind
00:58:25,229 --> 00:58:29,228
# Bloom, bloom, may you know
00:58:29,309 --> 00:58:33,148
# The wisdom only time breeds
00:58:33,228 --> 00:58:37,147
# There's room, bloom and you'll grow
00:58:37,228 --> 00:58:41,946
# To follow where your heart leads
00:58:42,027 --> 00:58:45,586
# Bloom and may you live
00:58:45,666 --> 00:58:49,865
# The way your life was meant to be
00:58:49,946 --> 00:58:52,465
# There's room,
bloom and forgive... #
00:58:52,546 --> 00:58:54,146
Tzafenat Paneah...
00:58:54,226 --> 00:58:57,385
The family of Canaanites...
They've returned.
00:58:57,465 --> 00:58:59,104
Thank you.
00:58:59,784 --> 00:59:03,304
Maybe they've suffered
these last 20 years as well.
00:59:03,384 --> 00:59:05,423
- Maybe they've changed.
- No.
00:59:05,504 --> 00:59:07,503
I don't think so.
00:59:07,584 --> 00:59:09,823
(Door closes)
00:59:10,943 --> 00:59:14,022
00:59:14,103 --> 00:59:16,342
Don't speak unless you're spoken to.
00:59:19,502 --> 00:59:22,261
Don't worry. It'll be all right.
00:59:33,740 --> 00:59:35,739
00:59:35,820 --> 00:59:40,538
- You've done what I've asked?
- Our brother, Benjamin.
00:59:51,257 --> 00:59:55,256
You kept your word.
Bring out the other brother.
00:59:55,337 --> 01:00:00,696
So, Benjamin,
tell me of your mother and father.
01:00:00,776 --> 01:00:04,335
My mother is no longer alive.
01:00:04,415 --> 01:00:08,254
Oh. I- I'm sorry.
01:00:09,535 --> 01:00:11,574
And your father?
01:00:11,654 --> 01:00:14,733
- He's worried I'm here.
- Why is that?
01:00:14,814 --> 01:00:20,133
- I'm a long way from home.
- Oh? Doesn't he trust your brothers?
01:00:20,213 --> 01:00:22,692
He likes me to stay close by.
01:00:22,773 --> 01:00:25,532
Really? Why is that?
01:00:27,093 --> 01:00:30,212
A long time ago,
h-he lost his youngest son.
01:00:30,291 --> 01:00:33,571
Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
How did that happen?
01:00:33,651 --> 01:00:36,210
- He was killed.
- Killed? How?
01:00:36,291 --> 01:00:38,090
By wolves.
01:00:38,171 --> 01:00:42,050
- Wolves?
- Yes.
01:00:42,130 --> 01:00:44,769
It broke my father's heart.
01:00:44,850 --> 01:00:50,009
Well, it must have been very hard
on your brothers too.
01:00:50,089 --> 01:00:53,248
- They never speak of it.
- Don't they?
01:00:53,368 --> 01:00:56,367
- Benjamin!
- (Brothers) Simeon!
01:00:56,448 --> 01:00:59,687
- I was beginning to worry.
- (All murmuring)
01:00:59,768 --> 01:01:04,127
You must be hungry
after your journey. Come.
01:01:04,207 --> 01:01:07,046
You'll be my guests.
01:01:07,127 --> 01:01:09,846
(Traditional music)
01:01:32,443 --> 01:01:34,402
- A toast...
- (Music stops)
01:01:35,602 --> 01:01:37,162
to brothers.
01:01:37,242 --> 01:01:39,961
(All) To brothers!
01:01:40,042 --> 01:01:41,841
(Music resumes)
01:01:58,399 --> 01:02:00,758
(Brothers arguing and protesting)
01:02:02,919 --> 01:02:06,358
Stop this. You have no right.
We've done nothing wrong.
01:02:09,678 --> 01:02:13,836
What's going on?
Why have they been arrested?
01:02:13,917 --> 01:02:16,836
- Joseph, what are you doing?
- You'll see.
01:02:17,716 --> 01:02:20,635
Get back in place. Get back in...
01:02:20,756 --> 01:02:24,875
I give you food.
I take you into my home.
01:02:24,955 --> 01:02:28,755
And this is how you repay me,
by stealing?
01:02:28,835 --> 01:02:30,714
We wouldn't steal from you!
01:02:30,795 --> 01:02:33,434
- And now you insult me by lying.
- What?
01:02:33,514 --> 01:02:36,513
One of you has stolen from me.
01:02:45,112 --> 01:02:47,191
01:02:53,872 --> 01:02:56,831
- (Murmuring) No...
- The favoured one.
01:02:56,911 --> 01:02:58,671
- I didn't!
- Arrest him.
01:02:58,751 --> 01:03:01,550
For this you will be punished.
01:03:01,630 --> 01:03:04,869
- Someone put it there!
- Stop! Take me instead.
01:03:04,989 --> 01:03:07,868
- No, take me.
- Take me!
01:03:07,950 --> 01:03:10,869
- (All) Take me!
- Take any of us, your grace,
01:03:10,949 --> 01:03:13,308
but, please, let the boy go.
01:03:13,389 --> 01:03:17,988
You would sacrifice yourselves
for a spoiled half-brother?
01:03:18,068 --> 01:03:19,427
01:03:20,627 --> 01:03:25,146
Why should you care if I take him,
beat him, make him a slave?
01:03:25,227 --> 01:03:30,266
Because I will not
make my father suffer...again.
01:03:33,186 --> 01:03:36,545
Again? What do you mean, "again"?
01:03:39,185 --> 01:03:41,984
Our brother was not killed by wolves.
01:03:43,264 --> 01:03:47,143
We were blinded by jealousy
and sold him into slavery.
01:03:47,224 --> 01:03:50,262
For 20 years
we have lived with that guilt.
01:03:51,623 --> 01:03:54,063
We can't go back without the boy.
01:03:54,143 --> 01:03:56,902
My father could not bear it
a second time.
01:03:56,982 --> 01:03:59,542
And neither could we.
01:03:59,622 --> 01:04:03,301
If anyone is to be punished,
it should be us.
01:04:12,260 --> 01:04:14,059
01:04:20,099 --> 01:04:23,618
I will not harm any of you
or our father.
01:04:26,338 --> 01:04:28,097
I am your brother, Joseph.
01:04:28,178 --> 01:04:32,657
- Joseph?
- I can't believe you're here.
01:04:32,738 --> 01:04:35,177
How can it be?
01:04:35,257 --> 01:04:36,616
01:04:37,696 --> 01:04:42,216
I have so much to tell you,
so many questions to ask.
01:04:42,296 --> 01:04:46,175
Oh, Joseph, can you ever forgive us?
01:04:47,855 --> 01:04:50,494
I already have.
01:04:50,575 --> 01:04:55,133
Can you forgive me for thinking
I was some miracle from God?
01:04:55,215 --> 01:04:57,254
But you are a miracle.
01:04:57,334 --> 01:05:00,653
God sent you to save our family
and all of Egypt.
01:05:00,734 --> 01:05:03,772
- And you did.
- Asenath?
01:05:03,853 --> 01:05:07,372
Please. I'd like you
to meet my brothers.
01:05:08,732 --> 01:05:12,091
(All) Welcome. Pleasure to meet you.
01:05:12,172 --> 01:05:14,012
You will join me here,
01:05:14,091 --> 01:05:17,051
all of you, with your families.
01:05:24,210 --> 01:05:26,210
01:05:33,369 --> 01:05:36,567
- I see him! There he is!
- It's him! There he is!
01:05:38,328 --> 01:05:41,367
- Joseph!
- Father.
01:05:43,447 --> 01:05:46,486
Father! Father!
01:05:51,646 --> 01:05:54,125
- Father!
- Joseph.
01:05:54,206 --> 01:05:57,684
My boy. My boy.
01:05:57,766 --> 01:06:01,165
Your mother prayed
this day would come,
01:06:01,245 --> 01:06:04,324
that we'd all be together again
as a family.
01:06:04,404 --> 01:06:09,563
- It's a miracle.
- Yes, Father. It is a miracle.
01:06:12,603 --> 01:06:15,323
# Oh, you know
01:06:15,403 --> 01:06:19,082
# Better than I
01:06:19,163 --> 01:06:21,722
# You know
01:06:21,802 --> 01:06:24,721
# The way
01:06:24,802 --> 01:06:28,680
# I've let go
01:06:28,761 --> 01:06:31,840
# The need to know why
01:06:31,921 --> 01:06:35,799
# I'll take what answers
01:06:35,880 --> 01:06:39,119
# You supply
01:06:40,840 --> 01:06:46,159
# You know better than I #
01:08:47,142 --> 01:08:49,381
(Man) # A single voice
01:08:49,461 --> 01:08:53,300
# Is joined by multitudes in song
01:08:54,980 --> 01:08:57,219
# With every verse
01:08:57,300 --> 01:08:59,619
# They're finding harmonies
01:08:59,699 --> 01:09:04,338
# That rise to Heaven sure and strong
01:09:04,419 --> 01:09:09,537
# Richer and richer,
the soil on which they thrive
01:09:11,857 --> 01:09:13,936
# Higher and higher
01:09:14,018 --> 01:09:18,016
# A hymn of what it means
to be alive
01:09:18,097 --> 01:09:22,296
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
01:09:22,377 --> 01:09:26,176
# You've got to leave
a little more than was here
01:09:26,255 --> 01:09:30,094
# You may be prideful
of the strides you will make
01:09:30,175 --> 01:09:32,734
# But keep one thing clear
01:09:33,814 --> 01:09:38,053
# You're just a player
in a much bigger plan
01:09:38,134 --> 01:09:42,013
# And still you have
to give it all that you can
01:09:42,094 --> 01:09:45,933
# The very measure of your soul
is at stake
01:09:46,013 --> 01:09:50,852
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
01:09:54,252 --> 01:09:56,812
(Woman) # The seasons fly
01:09:56,891 --> 01:10:00,890
# A man stands where a boy once stood
01:10:01,971 --> 01:10:04,410
# His path unfolds
01:10:04,491 --> 01:10:08,089
# And unafraid he walks in service
01:10:08,170 --> 01:10:10,809
# Of a greater good
01:10:10,889 --> 01:10:16,288
(Both) # Deeper and deeper
the lessons he has known
01:10:18,729 --> 01:10:20,928
# Over and over
01:10:21,008 --> 01:10:25,007
# The message
he is surely being shown
01:10:25,087 --> 01:10:29,006
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
01:10:29,087 --> 01:10:32,846
# You've got to leave
a little more than was here
01:10:32,926 --> 01:10:37,085
# You may be prideful
of the strides you will make
01:10:37,165 --> 01:10:40,285
# But keep one thing clear
01:10:40,365 --> 01:10:44,884
# You're just a player
in a much bigger plan
01:10:44,964 --> 01:10:48,764
# And still you have
to give it all that you can
01:10:48,844 --> 01:10:52,723
# The very measure of your soul
is at stake
01:10:52,803 --> 01:10:58,202
# You've got to give
a little more than you take
01:11:00,402 --> 01:11:04,241
# The very measure of your soul
is at stake
01:11:04,321 --> 01:11:10,159
# You've got to give
a little more than you take #
(영화대본) 알라딘 (제1부)
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
PEDDLER: Oh I come from a land
From a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where it's flat and immense
And the heat is intense
It's barbaric, but hey--it's home!
When the wind's from the east
And the sun's from the west
And the sand in the glass is right
Come on down,
Stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Arabian night!
Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways
Arabian nights
'Neath Arabian moons
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes.
Ah, Salaam and good evening to you worthy friend.
아- 난 아주 멀고 먼, 나라에서 왔지요
사막의 낙타들이 어슬렁 대고
넓은데다 끝없고
열기가 지글지글 불타오르는.
그것이 미개하다 말한다 해도, 그곳은 우리의 고향이라네.
동쪽에서 바람 불고
서쪽에서 해가 뜨고
유리안의 모래가 사실이 되면,
자 이리 오세요.
들어 보세요.
양탄자에 뛰어 올라 날아가 봐요.
또 다른 아라비안 나이트의 세계로!
아라비안 나이트
신비한 이야기
그 누구라도 한번쯤은
가고 싶은 그 곳
아라비안 나이트
우리를 부르네
저 타는 듯한
사막의 정열
느낄 수 있어
아, 살롬~ 좋은 밤이네요. 친구 여러분...
Please, please, come closer--
Too close, a little too close. There.
Welcome to Agrabah. City of mystery, of enchantment,
and the finest merchandise this
side of the river Jordan, on sale today, come on down!
Heh, heh. Look at this! Yes! Combination hookah and
coffee maker--also makes Julienne fries.
Will not break, will not----it broke.
Ooohhh! Look at this!
I have never seen one of these intact before.
This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware.
Listen. Ah, still good.
Wait, don't go! I can see that you're only
interested in the exceptionally rare.
I think then, you would be most rewarded to consider...this.
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance.
Like so many things, it is not what is outside,
but what is inside that counts. This is no ordinary lamp!
It once changed the course of a young man's life.
A young man who liked this lamp
was more than what he seemed.
A diamond in the rough.
Perhaps you would like to hear the tale?
It begins on a dark night ,
where a dark man waits,
with a dark purpose.
좋아요, 좋아요. 조금만 더 가까이---
너무 가까워요. 약간만 뒤로, 좋아요
자, 신비와 매혹의 도시, 아그라바에 잘 오셨습니다.
오늘은 요단강 이편에서 가장
좋은 상품을 판매하고 있으니 들렸다 가세요.
헤헤, 이걸 보세요 네에! 수연통도 되고 커피제조기도 되고
야채스프, 튀김 까지 해 먹을수 있지요.
절대로 망가지지 않습니다.. 절대로-- 망가졌군요.
오오오오! 이걸 보세요.
찾아보기 드문 흠집하나 안난 새 물건입니다.
이게 그 유명한 사해의 식품보존용기라는 겁니다.
소릴 들어 보시죠 아, 여전하군요. 킬킬킬
잠깐만요, 가지 마세요! 여러분이 어떤 물건에
흥미를 느끼시는지 대충 감 잡았습니다.
그렇다면 '이걸' 고려해 본다면 충분히 만족하실겁니다.
겉보기가 평범하다고 우습게 보지 마십시오.
세상만사 다 그렇듯이, 겉보기가 중요한 것은 아니지요.
내용이 중요하단 말입니다... 이건 평범한 램프가 아닙니다!
적어도 한 젊은이의 인생을 바꿔 놓은 놈이니까요.
그 젊은이도 이 램프처럼 겉보기완 달리
범상치 않은 청년이었습니다.
다이아몬드의 원석이라면 적당할까요..
혹시 그 이야기를 듣고 싶으세요?
이야기는 어느 음침한 밤에,
음흉한 목적을 가진 음흉한 남자가
기다리고 있는 것으로 시작 됩니다.
JAFAR: You...are late.
GAZEEM: A thousand apologies, O patient one.
JAFAR: You have it, then?
GAZEEM: I had to slit a few throats but I got it
Ah, ah, ahhh! The treasure! Ouch!
JAFAR: Trust me, my pungent friend.
You'll get what's coming to you.
IAGO: What's coming to you! Awk!
JAFAR: Quickly, follow the trail!
JAFAR: At last, after all my years of searching,
the cave of wonders!
IAGO: Awk! Cave of wonders!
GAZEEM: By Allah!
JAFAR: Now, remember! Bring me the lamp.
The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine!
IAGO: Awk, the lamp! Awk, the lamp!
Jeez, where'd ya dig this bozo up?
CAVE: Who disturbs my slumber?
GAZEEM: It is I, Gazeem, a humble thief.
CAVE: Know this. Only one may enter here.
One whose worth lies far within. A diamond in the rough.
JAFAR: What are you waiting for? Go on!
CAVE: Seek thee out, the diamond in the rough
자파 ....늦었군.
가짐 죄송하기 이를 데 없습니다, 나으리.
자파 물건은 가지고 왔나?
가짐 이놈을 손에 넣느라 나도 참 지독한 짓을 했지요.
아, 아, 아하하! 보물부터.. 안돼 !
자파 날 믿어, 의심 많은 친구.
자네 몫은 챙기게 해줄테니.
이아고 자네 몫은! 까악!
자파 빨리, 저놈을 따라가!
자파 마침내, 그토록 오랫동안 찾아온
신비의 동굴이 나타나다니!
이아고 카악! 신비의 동굴!
가짐 알라여!
자파 자, 명심해라. 램프는 내게 가져와.
다른 보물은 다 네가 가져도 돼, 하지만 램프만은 내것이야!
이아고 카아, 램프! 카악, 램프!
원, 저런 빙충이를 어디서 구했어?
동굴 나의 단잠을 깨우는 자. 누구인가!
가짐 접니다. 가짐, 그냥 그런 도둑입죠.
동굴 이걸 알아라. 이곳에 들어 올 수 있는 자, 오직 하나.
그의 가치가 쉽게 눈에 띄지 않는 자, 다이아몬드의 원석같은 자...
자파 뭘 우물거리고 있어? 들어갓!
동굴 그를 찾아라... 다이아몬드의 원석같은 자를....
IAGO: I can't believe it. I just don't believe it.
We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp! Just forget it. Look at this. Look at this. I'm so ticked off that I'm molting!
JAFAR: Patience, Iago. Patience.
Gazeem was obviously less than worthy.
IAGO: Oh, there's a big surprise. That's an incredible
I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise!
What're we gonna do? We got a big problem here, a big ...
JAFAR: Yes, we do. Only one may enter.
I must find this one, this...diamond in the rough.
GUARD: Stop, thief!
I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!
ALADDIN: All this for a loaf of bread?
GUARD 1: There he is!
GUARD 2: You won't get away so easy!
ALADDIN: You think that was easy?
GUARD 1: You two, over that way,
and you, follow me We'll find him.
ALADDIN: Morning, ladies.
WOMAN 1: Getting into trouble a little early today,
aren't we Aladdin?
이아고 믿을 수 없어. 믿어지지도 않고!
그 거지같은 램프를 손에 넣는다면 내손에 장을 지질 테니 포기해.
이걸 봐. 이 꼴 좀 보라구. 속에서 열불이 나니까 털이 다 빠진다!
자파 참아라, 이아고. 참아.
가짐은 분명, 그다지 쓸모 있는 놈이 못 됐어.
이아고 웃기지도 않는군. 말같은 소리를 해--
이런 짓을 또 한다면 난 아마 심장마비로 죽을거야!
뭘 더 어쩌겠다는거야? 여기서 꽉 막혀버렸는데. 꽉....
자파 그래. 오직 한 사람뿐이라고 했어.
놈을 찾아야 해. 다이아몬드 원석 같은 녀석을.
병사 서라, 도둑놈!
손목을 잘라 박제를 만들어 놓겠다. 생쥐같은 놈.
알라딘 이 잘난 빵 한 덩이 때문에?
병사 1 녀석이 저기 있다.
병사 2 그리 쉽게 도망치진 못할거다!
알라딘 그게 그럼 쉬운거라고 생각해?
병사 1 너희 둘은 저쪽으로 가라!
그리고 넌 날 따라와. 반드시 찾고야 말거다.
알라딘 안녕하셔요. 부인.
여자 1 오늘은 아침부터 난리를 떠네.
안그래, 알라딘 ?
ALADDIN: Trouble? No way.
You're only in trouble if you get caught--
GUAFD: Gotcha !
ALADDIN: I'm in trouble!
GUARD: ...and this time--
ALADDIN: Perfect timing, Abu!
ABU: Hello!
ALADDIN: Come on, let's get outta here! Gotta keep...
one jump ahead of the breadline
One swing ahead of the sword
I steal only what I can't afford
That's everything!
One jump ahead of the lawmen
That's all, and that's no joke
These guys don't appreciate I'm broke!
GUARDS: Riffraff! Street rat! Scoundrel! Take that!
ALADDIN: Just a little snack, guys!
GUARDS: Rip him open, take it back guys!
ALADDIN: I can take a hint, gotta face the facts
You're my only friend, Abu!
WOMEN: Who?!?
Oh, it's sad Aladdin's hit the bottom
He's become a one-man rise in crime
WOMAN: I'd blame parents, except he hasn't got 'em!
ALADDIN: Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
Tell you all about it when I got the time!
알라딘 난리요? 아니에요.
난리는 잡혀야 떠는 거예--
병사 잡았다 !
알라딘 난리났군.
병사 네 녀석을 이번에는--
알라딘 타이밍 죽인다, 아부!
아부 헬로우!
알라딘 자,일단 여기선 도망치자!
배급줄 앞에서 한번 뛰고,
칼날 끝은 살짝 피해서
난 내가 구할수 없는 놈만 골라 훔쳐.
그게 전부야.
추격자 앞에서 한번 뛰면.
그게 전부야. 장난은 아니지만.
내가 뭘 잘못했는지도 모르는 아저씨들!
병사들 쓰레기! 도둑놈! 악당! 저놈 잡아라!
알라딘 한끼 분도 안 되는 거라구요, 아저씨!
병사들 잡기만 해봐라, 회를 떠 먹어 버릴 테니!
알라딘 쫓길 때마다 깨닫는 건데,
내 친구는 역시 너뿐이야. 아부!
여자들 누구지?!
아, 그 밑바닥 인생살이 불쌍한 알라딘이죠.
범죄소굴 속에서 고아로 컸대요.
여자 부모만 있었다면 대놓고 욕을 해줄 텐데!
알라딘 살기 위해 먹는 거고 먹기 위해 훔치는 거죠.
이따 시간 나면 설명 해 줄께요.
One jump ahead of the slowpokes
One skip ahead of my doom
Next time gonna use a nom de plume.
One jump ahead of the hitmen
One hit ahead of the flock
I think I'll take a stroll around the block.
CROWD: Stop, thief! Vandal! Outrage! Scandal!
ALADDIN: Let's not be too hasty
LADY: Still I think he's rather tasty
ALADDIN: Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat
Otherwise we'd get along!
GUARD 1: He's got a sword!
GUARD 2: You idiot--we've ALL got swords!!
ALADDIN: One jump ahead of the hoofbeats!
CROWD: Vandal!
ALADDIN: One hop ahead of the hump!
CROWD: Street rat!
ALADDIN: One trick ahead of disaster
CROWD: Scoundrel!
ALADDIN: They're quick--but I'm much faster
CROWD: Take that!
ALADDIN: Here goes, better throw my hand in
Wish me happy landin' All I gotta do is jump!
굼벵이들 앞에서 한번 뛰고
빌어먹을 운명은 건너 뛴다.
다음부턴 필명이라도 쓸까한데.
추격자들 앞에서 한번 뛰고
사람들 앞에서 한번 친다.
이 근방은 산책이나 한번 해 둬야겠어.
군중 서라, 도둑놈! 건달! 깡패! 치한!
알라딘 너무 서둘지 마요.
여자 그래두 나는 얘가 좋아요.
알라딘 살기 위해 먹는거고 먹기 위해 훔치는 거예요.
것만 아님, 우리 사이도 괜찮을 텐데.
병사들 천만에!
병사 1 저놈이 칼을 들었다!
병사 2 멍청하긴-- 우리는 빈손이냐!!
알라딘 발굽소리 앞에서 한번 뛰고
군중 건달!
알라딘 장애물은 건너 뛰고
군중 도둑!
알라딘 재난 같은건 잠깐 속이면,
군중 악당!
알라딘 빨리도 쫓아오네-- 그런다고 내가 잡히나.
군중 잡아라!
알라딘 자 이제, 뛰어다니기도 지쳤으니
안 다치고 떨어지기만을 기원하며 여기선 그냥 점프 !
ALADDIN: And now, esteemed effendi, we feast! All right!
ABU: Uh-oh!
ALADDIN: Here, go on--take it.
ABU: Ah, don't. Huh?
BYSTANDER 1: On his way to the palace, I suppose.
BYSTANDER 2: Another suitor for the princess.
PRINCE: Out of my way, you filthy brat!
ALADDIN: Hey, if I were as rich as you,
I could afford some manners
PRINCE: Oh--I teach you some manners!
ALADDIN: Look at that, Abu.
It's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends!
PRINCE: You are a worthless street rat.
You were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat,
and only your fleas will mourn you.
ALADDIN: I'm not worthless.
And I don't have fleas.
Come on, Abu. Let's go home.
알라딘 자아, 친애하는 선생님, 성찬을 드시죠! 좋았어!
아부 우-오!
알라딘 자, 이거 먹어.
아부 아, 하지마. 허?
구경꾼1 궁전으로 가는 길인가 봐.
구경꾼2 누가 또 공주님께 청혼하려나 보지.
왕자 저리 꺼져! 천한 것이 어딜!
알라딘 봐요, 내가 댁처럼 돈이 많다면,
조금쯤은 예의라는걸 챙기겠어요.
왕자 오--내가 그 예의라는걸 가르쳐 주지!
알라딘 저것 좀 봐, 아부.
엉덩이가 위아래로 네 덩이인 말을 매일 볼 수 있는 건 아니니까.
왕자 아무짝에도 쓸모없는 거렁 뱅이.
거지로 태어나서 거지로 죽을 거지새끼야.
네가 죽어도 슬퍼할 건 벼룩밖에 없어!
알라딘 난 쓸모 없는 사람이 아니야.
그리고 나한텐 벼룩도 없어.
자, 아부, 집에 가자.
ALADDIN: Riffraff, street rat.
I don't buy that.
If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy? No siree.
They'd find out, there's so much more to me.
Someday, Abu, things are gonna change.We'll be rich,
live in a palace, and never have any problems at all.
PRINCE: I've never been so insulted!
SULTAN: Oh, Prince Achmed.
You're not leaving so soon, are you?
PRINCE: Good luck marrying her off!
SULTAN: Oh, Jasmine! Jasmine! Jasmine!
Confound it, Rajah! So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out!
JASMINE: Oh, father. Rajah was just playing with him,
weren't you Rajah. You were just playing
with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Achmed,
weren't you? Ahem.
SULTAN: Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor
that comes to call. The law says you...
BOTH: ...must be married to a prince.
SULTAN: By your next birthday.
JASMINE: The law is wrong.
SULTAN: You've only got three more days!
알라딘 쓰레기, 도둑놈.
내가 좋아서 된건 아닌데.
나를 좀더 가까이서 봐줘요.
그냥 가난하기만 한 소년이 보이나요? 아니, 아니예요.
내 안엔 훨씬 더 많은 것을 담고 있어요.
언젠가는, 아부, 세상일은 항상 바뀌는 거니까,
부자가 돼서, 아무런 곤란 걱정 없이 궁전안에서 사는거야.
왕자 이런 모욕은 처음이야!
왕 아니, 아크메드 왕자.
좀 더 계시다 가지 그러오?
왕자 따님이 결혼을 제대로 하나 두고 봅시다.
왕 얘야, 재스민! 재스민! 재스민!
진정해 라자! 그래 이런 식으로 아크메드 왕자를 쫓아버렸구나!
재스민 오, 아빠... 라자는 그 사람과 장난을 했을 뿐인걸요.
안그래, 라자? 꼴같쟎게 차려입고 잘난 체 하는 아크메드
왕자를 그냥 놀려준거지,
그렇지? 흠!
왕 아가, 애써 찾아온 청혼잔데 그렇게
박대해서 어쩌겠다는 거니. 법에 따라 넌...
함께 '왕자와 결혼을 해야한다.'
왕 이번 생일까지 말이다.
재스민 법은 틀렸어요.
왕 이제 사흘밖에 남지 않았다.
JASMINE: Father, I hate being forced into this.
If I do marry, I want it to be for love.
SULTAN: Jasmine, it's not only this law.
I'm not going to be around forever, and
I just want to make sure you're taken care of, provided for.
JASMINE: -- Try to understand.
I've never done a thing on my own.
I've never had any real friends.
Except you, Rajah.
I've never even been outside the palace walls.
SULTAN: But Jasmine, you're a princess.
JASMINE: Then maybe I don't want to be a princess any more.
SULTAN: Oooohhh! Allah forbid you should have any daughters!
SULTAN: I don't know where she gets it from.
Her mother wasn't nearly so picky.
Ooh, oh. Ah, Jafar--my most trusted advisor.
I am in desperate need of your wisdom.
JAFAR: My life is but to serve you, my lord.
SULTAN: It's this suitor business.
Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's-end.
IAGO: Awk! Wit's-end.
SULTAN: Oh, ha ha. Have a cracker, pretty polly!
JAFAR: Your majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals.
Now then, perhaps I can divine a solution
to this thorny problem.
재스민 아버지, 난 이런 식으로 강요 당하는건 싫어요.
결혼 이라는건, 사랑하는 사람과 하는 거잖아요.
왕 재스민, 꼭 법 때문만은 아니다.
나라고 언제까지 네 옆에 있어줄 순 없잖니.
난 그냥 나 없이도 네가 잘 살 수 있도록 해주고픈 거야.
재스민 제발 절 좀 이해해 주세요.
나 혼자선 아무것도 해본 일이 없어요.
친한 친구 한명 사귀어 본적이 없고.
넌 빼고, 라자.
왕궁 밖은 어떻게 생겼는지도 몰라요.
왕 하지만 재스민, 넌 공주잖니.
재스민 그렇다면 이젠 공주로 있기도 싫어요 !
왕 끄으으응! 너한테는 알라신이 딸을 주지 않을게다!
왕 도대체 누구 속을 닮았는지 알 수가 있나.
지 에미는 저렇게 까탈 스럽지 않았는데.
호오, 아, 아, 내가 가장 신뢰하는 고문, 자파,
잘왔소. 그대의 지혜가 절실히 필요하다네.
자파 제가 도움이 되어 드린다니 황공 하옵니다. 페하.
왕 공주의 결혼 문제일세. 재스민이 남편감을 고르는 것을
거부하고 있다네. 난 골치가 아파 죽겠네.
이아고 캬악! 골치 아파 죽겠네!
왕 오, 하하. 과자 먹을래. 귀여운 앵무새야?
자파 전하께옵선 확실히 멍청한 동물을 다룰 줄 아시는 군요.
자아, 그럼 아마도 제가 이 어려운 문제의
해결책을 드릴 수 있을 것 같습니다.
SULTAN: If anyone can help, it's you.
JAFAR: Ah, but it would require the use
of the mystic blue diamond.
SULTAN: Uh, my ring? But it's been in the family for years.
JAFAR: It is necessary to find the princess a suitor.
Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
SULTAN: Everything...will be...fine.
JAFAR: The diamond.
SULTAN: Here, Jafar. Whatever you need will be fine.
JAFAR: You are most gracious, my liege.
Now run along and play with your little toys.
SULTAN: Yes...that'll be...pretty good.
IAGO: I can't take it anymore! If I gotta choke down
on one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers...bam! Whack!
JAFAR: Calm yourself, Iago.
IAGO: Then I'd grab him around the head. Whack! Whack!
JAFAR: Soon, I will be sultan, not that addlepated twit.
IAGO: And then I stuff the crackers down his throat! Ha ha!
JASMINE: Oh, I'm sorry, Rajah.
But I can't stay here and have my life lived for me.
I'll miss you. Good bye!
ALADDIN: Okay, Abu. Go!
PROPRIETOR: Try this, your taste buds will dance and sing.
왕 역시 자네 밖에 없어.
자파 아, 하지만 그러기 위해선
'신비의 푸른 다이아몬드'가 필요합니다.
왕 응? 내 반지? 그치만 이건 대대로 내려오는 가보일세....
자파 공주님의 정혼자를 알아내는데 필요한겁니다.
걱정 마세요. 모든 일이 다 잘 될 테니.
왕 모든 일은...다 ... 잘 될거야.....
자파 주시지요.
왕 여기 있네, 자파. 자네가 원한다면 내 기꺼이 주고 말고.
자파 참으로 자비로우신 폐하,
이제 들어가셔서 장난감들과 어울려 즐겁게 노시지요..
왕 그래... 그쪽이 ... 좋을거야
이아고 난 이제 더 이상 참을 수 없어! 그 곰팡내 나서 토할 것
같은 과자를 한 번 더 내 입에 쑤셔 넣으면.. . 퉤 ! 우웩!
자파 조용히 해, 이아고
이아고 그놈 목을 졸라 버릴거야. 꽥! 꽥!
자파 이제 곧, 저 골이 빈 바보대신 내가 왕에 올라선다.
이아고 그럼 난 그 치의 목구녕에다 크래카를 쑤셔넣을 거야! 핫 하!
재스민 미안해, 라자.
하지만 난 여기서 더 이상 내 삶을 낭비할 수 없어.
네가 보고 싶을 거야. 잘 있어!
알라딘 좋았어, 아부, 어서!
주인 맛좀 보고 가세요, 혓바닥이 난리 부르스를 출껍니다.
Hey, get your paws off that.
ABU: Blah blah blah!
PROPRIETOR: Why, you! Get away from here, you filthy ape!
ABU: Bye bye!
ALADDIN: Nice goin' Abu. Breakfast is served.
SHOPKEEPER 1: Pretty lady, buy a pot.
No finer pot in brass or silver.
SHOPKEEPER 2: Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs
Sugar dates and pistachios!
SHOPKEEPER 3: Would the lady like a necklace.
A pretty necklace for a pretty lady.
SHOPKEEPER 4: Fresh fish! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!
JASMINE: I don't think so.
Oh, excuse me. I'm really very sorry.
ABU: Uh oh. Hello? Hello?
JASMINE: Oh, you must be hungry. Here you go.
PROPRIETOR: You'd better be able to pay for that.
PROPRIETOR: No one steals from my cart!
떽, 발 치우지 못해!
아부 블라 블라 블라!
주인 이런 녀석이! 예서 꺼져, 썩을놈의 원생아!
아부 바이바이!
알라딘 잘 했어, 아부. 아침 식사가 마련됐다.
장사치1 귀여운 아가씨, 단지 사세요. 놋쇠든,
은이든 이보다 더 좋은건 없습니다.
장사치2 꿀~ 야자. 꿀 야자와 무화과!
꿀 야자와 피스타치오!
장사치3 목걸이 싫어하는 여자가 여잡니까.
아름다운 여성을 위한 아름다운 목걸일 보고가세요
장사치4 생선이 펄떡펄떡합니다. 오늘 잡은 거니 지금 사세요.
재스민 그렇게 보이지 않는 데요
어머, 죄송해요. 정말로 미안하게 됐어요.
알라딘 와아!
아부 우 호. 헬로? 헬로?
재스민 어머, 배가 고픈가 보구나. 자, 먹으렴.
주인 물건을 샀으면 돈을 내놔야지.
재스민 돈이요?
주인 감히 내 수레에서 물건을 훔쳐!
JASMINE: Oh, I'm sorry sir. I don't have any money.
JASMINE: Please, if you let me go to the palace,
I can get some from the Sultan.
PROPRIETOR: Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?
JASMINE: No, no please!
ALADDIN: Thank you kind sir. I'm so glad you've found her.
I've been looking all over for you.
JASMINE: What are you doing?
ALADDIN: Just play along.
PROPRIETOR: You know this girl?
JASMINE: Sadly, yes. She is my sister. She's a little crazy.
PROPRIETOR: She said she knows the Sultan!
ALADDIN: She thinks the monkey is the Sultan.
JASMINE: Oh, wise Sultan. How may I serve you?
ABU: Well, blah blah blah blah.
ALADDIN: Tragic, isn't it? But, no harm done.
Now come along sis. Time to see the doctor.
JASMINE: Oh, hello doctor. How are you?
ALADDIN: No, no, no. Not that one. Come on, Sultan.
PROPRIETOR: Huh? What is it?
Come back here, you little thieves!
재스민 미안해요,아저씨. 난 지금 가진 돈이 없는데요.
주인 이런 도둑년!
재스민 제발, 저를 왕궁으로 보내주시면
폐하께 돈을 타서 드릴 께요.
주인 물건을 훔치면 어떤 벌을 받는지 알아?
재스민 제발, 제발!
알라딘 고마워요. 친절한 아저씨. 덕분에 찾았네요.
내가 널 찾아 얼마나 헤맸는데.
재스민 뭘 하고 있는 거야?
알라딘 그냥 맞장구나 쳐.
주인 아는 여자냐?
알라딘 슬프게도요. 제 동생입니다. 얘가 약간 돌았거든요.
주인 아까 보니 폐하 어쩌고 하던데!
알라딘 저 원숭이를 왕으로 생각하고 있어요.
재스민 아, 지혜로우신 폐하. 제가 어떻게 모실까요?
아부 어험, 불라 불라 불라 불라.
알라딘 비극이죠, 그렇죠? 하지만 해를 끼친 적은 없어요.
자, 가자, 진찰받을 시간이야.
재스민 안녕하셔요? 의사 선생님.
알라딘 아니야, 그쪽이 아니야. 폐하, 가시죠.
주인 엉? 그게 뭐지?
서라, 저 도둑놈 자식들!
IAGO: With all due respect, your rottenness,
couldn't we just wait for a real storm?
JAFAR: Save your breath, Iago. Faster!
IAGO: Yes, o mighty evil one.
JAFAR: Ah, sands of time--
reveal to me the one who can enter the cave.
Yes, yes! There he is. My diamond in the rough!
IAGO: That's him?!?!
That's the clown we've been waitin' for?
JAFAR: Let's have the guards extend him an invitation to
the palace, shall we?
IAGO: Swell.
ALADDIN: Almost there.
JASMINE: I want to thank you for stopping that man.
ALADDIN: Uh, forget it.
So, uh, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh?
JASMINE: Is it that obvious?
ALADDIN: Well, you do kinda stand out.
I mean, uh, you don't seem to know
how dangerous Agrabah can be.
JASMINE: I'm a fast learner.
ALADDIN: Right. Come on, this way.
Whoa. Watch your head there. Be careful.
이아고 썩을 것 같으니라구,
그냥 가만히 앉아서 진짜 번개를 기다리면 안 되는거냐, 응?
자파 입 다물어, 이아고. 더 빨리!
이아고 그래, 날 죽여라, 죽여.
자파 자아. 시간의 모래야--
누가 동굴 속으로 들어갈 수 있는지 내게 알려다오. 그래, 그래!
그런곳에 있었군. 나의 다이아몬드 원석이!
이아고 그놈이 저놈이야?
저런 얼뜨기를 우리가 지금까지 기다려 왔다는 거야?
자파 병사 들을 시켜서 정중히 왕궁으로 모셔와야겠지, 응?
이아고 아암.
알라딘 자, 이제 거의 다 왔어.
재스민 아까 그 사람한테서 날 구해줘서 고마워.
알라딘 원, 별 말씀을.
그런데 시장 구경 나온거, 이번이 처음이야?
재스민 그렇게 표가 났니?
알라딘 뭐랄까... 좀 튀어 보이긴 했어.
내 말은, 아그라바가 얼마나 위험한 곳인지를
네가 잘 모르는 것 같아서.
재스민 난 뭐든지 빨리 배워.
알라딘 자, 이쪽으로 와.
아, 거기 머리 조심해, 조심.
JASMINE: Is this where you live?
ALADDIN: Yep. Just me and Abu.
Come and go as we please.
JASMINE: It sounds Fabulous.
ALADDIN: Well, it's not much, but it's got a great view.
Palace looks pretty amazing, huh?
JASMINE: Oh, it's wonderful.
ALADDIN: I wonder what it would be like to live there,
to have servants and valets...
JASMINE: Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go
and how to dress.
ALADDIN: It's better than here.
Always scraping for food and ducking the guards.
JASMINE: You're not free to make your own choices.
ALADDIN: Sometimes you feel so--
JASMINE: You're just--
BOTH: --trapped.
ALADDIN: So, where're you from?
JASMINE: What does it matter?
I ran away, and I am not going back.
ALADDIN: Really?
ABU: Why you!
JASMINE: My father's forcing me to get married.
ALADDIN: That's--that's awful. Abu!
재스민 여기가 네가 사는 데니?
알라딘 응. 나하고 아부하고 살아.
우리는 오고 싶으면 오고 가고 싶으면 가니까.
재스민 정말 근사하구나.
알라딘 뭐, 대단하진 않아. 하지만 전망은 좋다구.
와, 왕궁이 아주 근사해 보이는 걸, 그렇지?
재스민 멋지지.
알라딘 궁전에서 하인들과 시종들을
거느리고 살면 얼마나 좋을까...
재스민 그렇겠지. 사람들이 이래라 저래라
옷입는 것까지 간섭을 할테니까.
알라딘 그래도 여기보다는 낫겠지.
병사들 눈을 피해 먹을 걸 긁어 모으는 게 일인걸.
재스민 스스로 선택할 수 있는 자유가 없어.
알라딘 어떤 때는 너무...
재스민 그건 한마디로--
함께 -- 숨이 막혀.
알라딘 그래, 그런데 넌 어디서 왔니?
재스민 음, 그게 무슨 문제가 되는거지?
나는 도망쳐 나왔는데 돌아가지 않을 거야.
알라딘 정말이야?
아부 아이씨!
재스민 우리 아빠는 나를 강제로 결혼시키려고 하셔.
알라딘 아-아, 그건 심한데. 아부!
재스민 뭐래?
ALADDIN: Abu says that--uh--that's not fair.
ABU: What?
JASMINE: Oh did he?
ALADDIN: Yeah, of course.
JASMINE: And does Abu have anything else to say?
ALADDIN: Well, uh, he wishes there was something
he could do to help.
ABU: Oh, boy!
JASMINE: Hmm, tell him that's very sweet.
GUARD: Here you are!
ALADDIN and JASMINE: They've found me! They're after you?
JASMINE: My father must have sent them--
ALADDIN: Do you trust me?
ALADDIN: Do you trust me?
ALADDIN: Then jump!
GUARD: We just keep running into each other,
don't we, street rat?
GUARD: It's the dungeon for you, boy.
ALADDIN: Hey, get off of me!
JASMINE: Let go of him.
GUARD: Look what we have here, men--a street mouse.
알라딘 아부는- 어--말도 안된대.
아부 뭐?
재스민 어머, 정말?
알라딘 아, 물론.
재스민 그리고 또 아부가 할말이 있다면?
알라딘 음... 자기가 뭔가 도울 수 있는
일이 있었으면 좋겠대.
아부 맙소사!
재스민 정말 고맙다고 말해줘.
병사 여기 있었구나!
알라딘과 재스민/ 날 쫓아 온거야 ! 그들이 널 쫓아 왔다구?
재스민 우리 아빠가 보낸 사람들이야--
알라딘 나를 믿니?
재스민 뭐?
알라딘 나를 믿냐구.
재스민 응.
알라딘 그럼 뛰어!
병사 우린 피차 줄기차게 뛰어만 다닌 것 같지 않냐,
이 생쥐자식아?
병사 볼 것 없이 감옥행이다, 꼬마야.
알라딘 이잇, 이거 놔!
재스민 그 사람을 놔 줘라.
병사 이것 보게, 친구들. 거지의 여편네가 아닌가,
JASMINE: Unhand him, by order of the princess.
GUARD: Princess Jasmine.
ALADDIN: The princess?
ABU: The princess?
GUARD: What are you doing outside the palace?
And with this street rat?
JASMINE: That's not your concern.
Do as I command. Release him!
GUARD: Well, I would, princess, exept my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him.
JASMINE: Believe me, I will.
JAFAR: Oh, uh, princess.
IAGO: Awk! Jafar, I'm stuck!
JAFAR: How may I be of service to you?
JASMINE: The guards just took a boy from the market,
on your orders.
JAFAR: Your father's charged me
with keeping peace in Agrabah.
The boy was a criminal.
JASMINE: What was the crime?
IAGO: I can't breathe, Jafar!
재스민 그 남자한테서 손을 떼. 공주의 명령이다.
병사 재스민 공주님!
알라딘 공주?
아부 공주?
병사 이런 곳에서 뭐하고 계시는 겁니까?
이런 천한 놈하고요.
재스민 네가 상관할 일이 아니야.
내 말대로 해. 그 앨 놔줘!
병사 그러고 싶지만, 공주님. 이것은 자파님의 명령입니다.
아씨도 저놈과 같이 따라 오셔야 겠는뎁쇼.
재스민 두고 봐 반드시 댓가를 치룰테니까..
재스민 자파?
자파 오, 오, 공주님이군요.
이아고 캬악! 자파, 왜 치고 난리야!
자파 달리 도와 드릴 일이라도...?
재스민 당신의 명령이라고 병사들이 시장에서
잡은 남자아이 일이에요.
자파 아그라바의 치안을 저에게 맡기신 분은
공주님의 아버님이죠.
그 꼬마는 범죄자였고요.
재스민 죄목은?
이아고 숨 막혀. 자파!
JAFAR: Why, kidnapping the princess, of course.
IAGO: If you could just--wow, that hurt!
JASMINE: He didn't kidnap me! I ran away!
JAFAR: Oh, dear! Oh, why frightfully upsetting.
Had I but known.
JASMINE: What do you mean?
JAFAR: Sadly, the boy's sentence has already been carried out.
JASMINE: What sentence?
JAFAR: Death. By beheading.
JAFAR: I am exceedingly sorry, princess.
JASMINE: How could you?
IAGO: So, how did it go?
JAFAR: I think she took it rather well.
JASMINE: It's all my fault, Rajah. I didn't even know his name.
ALADDIN: She was the princess. I can't believe it.
I must have sounded so stupid to her.
ABU: Yoo-hoo! Aladdin? Hello!
ALADDIN: Abu! Down here! Hey, come on--
help me outta these.
Hey, she was in trouble. Ah, she was worth it.
ABU: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
자파 예에. 물론 '왕녀 납치죄'.
이아고 사실은 그게-- 와우, 아프쟎아!
재스민 그 사람이 날 납치한게 아니야! 내가 도망친거야!
자파 저런! 일이 크게 틀어졌군요.
진작 알았으면 좋았을텐데.
재스민 무슨 뜻이지?
자파 슬프게도 그 소년은 이미 형을 선고 받았거든요.
재스민 무슨 형을?
자파 죽었죠. 참수(斬首)였습니다.
재스민 안돼!
자파 이것 참 미안하게 됐군요. 공주님.
재스민 어떻게 그럴수가.
이아고 그래서, 어떻게 됐어?
자파 저 계집의 일이라면 그런대로 잘 된 것 같애.
재스민 모두 나 때문이야, 라자. 이름조차 물어보지 못했는데.
알라딘 그 애가 공주였다니. 믿을 수 없어.
내 말이 얼마나 가소롭게 들렸을까.
아부 야-호! 알라딘? 헬로우!
알라딘 아부! 내려와!
자,이리 와서 이것 좀 풀어 줘.
응? 그 애 때문에 이지경이 된 거 라구? 그만한 값어친 있었어.
아부 예, 예, 예.
ALADDIN: Don't worry, Abu. I'll never see her again.
I'm a street rat, remember, and there's a law.
She's gotta marry a prince, she deserves it. prince
ABU: Ta da!
ALADDIN: I'm a--I'm a fool
OLD MAN: You're only a fool if you give up, boy.
ALADDIN: Who is?
OLD MAN: A lowly prisoner, like yourself. But together,
perhaps we can be more.
ALADDIN: I'm listening.
OLD MAN: There is a cave, boy. A cave of wonders.
Filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams.
Treasure enough to impress even your princess, I'd wager.
IAGO: Jafar, can ya hurry it up? I'm dyin' in here!
ALADDIN: But the law says that only a prince can marry--
OLD MAN: You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you boy?
Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
ALADDIN: So why would you share all of this wonderful treasure with me?
OLD MAN: I need a young man with strong
legs and a strong back to go in after it.
ALADDIN: Ah, one problem. It's out there, we're in here?
OLD MAN: Mmm, mmm, mmm., Things aren't always what they seem. So, do we have a deal?
ABU: Oh, hmm.
알라딘 걱정마, 아부. 난 그애를 다시는 못 볼테니.
난 도둑이고, 게다가 법이 있어.
그 애는 왕자와 결혼 할 테고... 당연 한거지.
아부 타 다!
알라딘 난, 나는 바보야.
늙은이 포기하면 정말 바보지, 꼬마야.
알라딘 누구시죠?
늙은이 별볼일 없는 죄수지, 자네처럼.
하지만 둘이 힘을 합치면 조금은 나아질지도 몰라.
알라딘 계속 해봐요.
늙은이 동굴이 있다. 꼬마야. 신비의 동굴이지.
네 좁은 머리론 상상도 못할 정도의 보물로 가득 찬. 내기를 해도 좋아, 너의 공주님의 마음을 단번에 사로 잡을 수 있을 거야.
이아고 자파, 좀 서두를 순 없어? 이안에서 죽어버리겠다!
알라딘 하지만 법으로 왕자여야만 공주와....
늙은이 '황금의 법칙'이라는 것을 들어봤니, 꼬마야?
황금을 손에 쥔 자가 법을 좌우하는 거란다.
알라딘 그런데 영감님은 그 엄청난 보물을 왜
저랑 나눠 가지려 하시죠?
늙은이 거기까지 날 데려다 줄 튼튼한 다리와 등이 필요하니까.
알라딘 아, 문제는 하나군요. 그건 감옥 밖에있고
우린 감옥 안에 있다는 것.
늙은이 음,음,음... 눈에 보이는 것만 믿으려하면 안되지.
그럼, 거래는 성립된 걸로 함세.
아부 오, 흐음.
CAVE: Who disturbs my slumber?
ALADDIN: It is I, Aladdin.
CAVE: Proceed. Touch nothing but the lamp.
OLD MAN: Remember, boy--first fetch me the lamp,
and then you shall have your reward.
ALADDIN: Come on, Abu.
ALADDIN: Would you look at that!
ABU: Uh oh!
ALADDIN: Just a handful of this stuff would make me richer than the sultan!
Abu! Don't...touch...anything! We gotta find that lamp.
ABU: Huh?
ABU: Aladdin! Aladdin!
ALADDIN: Abu, will ya knock it off?
Abu, what are you crazy? A magic carpet!
Come on. Come on out. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Take it easy, Abu. He's not gonna bite.
Hey, wait a minute. Don't go. Maybe you can help us.
Hey, whoa! You see, we're trying to find this lamp.
I think he knows where it is.
Wait here!
ABU: Oh. Huh?
동굴 나의 단잠을 깨우는 자, 누구인가.
알라딘 저에요, 알라딘이요.
동굴 들어오라. 램프외의 것에 손을 대서는 안 될 것이니.
늙은이 알고 있지, 꼬마야-- 먼저 램프를 내게 가져와라.
그러면 네 몫을 주마.
알라딘 가자, 아부.
알라딘 저기를 봐.
아부 우 호!
알라딘 한주먹만 가져가도 임금님 못지않게 살 수 있겠는걸!
알라딘 아부!
알라딘 아무것에나 손을 대면 안돼! 램픈지 뭔지 부터 찾자구.
아부 후?
아부 알라딘! 알라딘!
알라딘 아부, 너 죽고 싶니?
알라딘 아부, 너 미쳤어?
알라딘 마법의 양탄자! 자, 이리 나와 봐, 해치거나 하지 않을께.
알라딘 괜찮아, 아부, 물지 않아.
알라딘 얘, 잠깐 기다려. 가지 마. 우리를 도와 줄 수 있겠니?
어, 그러니까 우리는 이런 램프를 찾고 있어.
램프 있는 데를 알고 있나봐.
알라딘 여기서 기다려
아부 오, 후?
ALADDIN: This is it?
This is what we came all the way down here to-- Abu-NO!
CAVE VOICE: Infidels!
ABU: Uh oh!
CAVE VOICE: You have touched the forbidden treasure.
Now you will never again see the light of day!
ALADDIN: Whoa! Carpet, let's move!
ALADDIN: Abu, this is no time to panic! Start panicking.
ALADDIN: Help me out!
OLD MAN: Throw me the lamp!
ALADDIN: I can't hold on. Give me your hand.
OLD MAN: First give me the lamp!
OLD MAN: Ha ha ha ha! Yes! At last! Ha ha ha ha!
ALADDIN: What are you doing?
OLD MAN: Giving you your reward. Your eternal reward.
JAFAR: Heh heh heh! It's mine. It's all mine!
I-- where is it? No. NO!!
SULTAN: Jasmine? Oh, dearest. What's wrong?
알라딘 이게 그건가?
이런거 때문에 그 먼 길을 여기까지.... 아부- 안돼!
동굴의 목소리/ 이단자들아!
아부 우 오!
동굴의 목소리/ 너희들이 금단의 보석에 손을 댔으니.
이제 그대들 두번 다시 햇빛을 보지 못하게 될.것.이.다.
알라딘 와앗! 양탄자야, 날아랏!
알라딘 아부, 지금은 겁에 질려있을 때가 아니야! 그럴 때가 맞네.
알라딘 저 좀 꺼내줘요!
늙은이 램프를 던져!
알라딘 더는 못 버티겠어요. 손을 잡아줘요.
늙은이 먼저 램프를 내놔!
늙은이 으 하 하 하! 그래! 마침내! 으아하하하하!
알라딘 무슨 짓이죠?
늙은이 네 몫을 챙기는 중이지. 영원히 간직하렴..
자파 헤헤헤! 내 것이다, 완전히 내 것이다!
내-어,어디 갔지? 아, 안돼애애---!
왕 재스민? 오, 아가. 왜 그러니?
JASMINE: Jafar...has...done something... terrible.
SULTAN: There, there, there, my child--we'll set it right.
Now, tell me everything.
ABU: Oh, oh. Aladdin? Wake up. Aladdin.
ALADDIN: Oh, my head.
We're trapped. That two faced son-of-a-jackal!
Whoever he was, he's long gone with that lamp.
ABU: Aha!
ALADDIN: Why, you hairy little thief! Looks like such a
beat-up, worthless piece of junk.
Hey, I think there's something written here,
but it's hard to make out.
GENIE: Aaahhh! OY! Ten-thousand years will give ya such a crick in the neck! Whoa! Does it feel good to be outta there!
Nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen.
Hi, where ya from? What's your name?
ALADDIN: Uh, Al--uh--Aladdin.
GENIE: Aladdin! Hello, Aladdin.
Nice to have you on the show.
Can we call you 'Al?' Or maybe just 'Din?' Or how bout 'Laddi?'
Sounds like 'Here, boy! Come on, Laddi!'
ALADDIN: I must have hit my head harder than I thought.
GENIE: Do you smoke? Mind if I do?
재스민 자파가... 지독한 짓을 해버렸어요.
왕 자, 그래, 그래, 얘야-- 애비가 해결해주마.
자, 모든 걸 말해보렴.
아부 오, 오. 알라딘? 눈을 떠. 알라딘.
알라딘 아야, 내 머리.
갇혀버렸쟎아. 두얼굴을 가진 재칼 새끼같으니라구!
하긴 그놈이 누구든 램프를 가지고 가버렸으니.
아부 이히~
알라딘 헤엣? 이 털보 도둑 놈같으니!
아무리 봐도 별 볼일 없는 골동품 같은데.
어, 뭔가 써 있는 것 같애.
좀 희미하긴 하지만.
지니 아아아흐흐! 오우! 일 만년이나 잤더니 모가지가 뻑뻑하네!
잠깐만요, 와하! 역시 밖으로 나오니 상쾌 하구만.
또 만났네요. 신사숙녀 여러분.
안녕, 어디서 왔지? 이름은 뭐구?
알라딘 어, 아- 알라딘.
지니 알라딘! 안녕하세요, 알라딘.
저희 쇼에 출연해 주셔서 감사합니다.
'알'이라고 불러도 될까요? 그냥 '딘'? '라디'는 어때요?
이랏 쮸쮸, 이리온, 라디~
알라딘 나, 생각보다 머릴 크게 다쳤나봐.
지니 담배 피워요? 한대 태워도 되죠?
Oh, sorry Cheetah--hope I didn't singe the fur! Hey, Rugman!
Haven't seen you in a few millennia!
Slap me some tassel! Yo!
Yeah! Say, you're a lot smaller than my last master.
Either that or I'm gettin' bigger.
Look at me from the side--do I look different to you?
ALADDIN: Wait a minute! I'm--your master?
GENIE: That's right! He can be taught!!
What would you wish of me, the ever impressive, the long contained, often imitated, but never duplicated--
DUP. GENIES: Duplicated, duplicated, duplicated,
duplicated, duplicated, duplicated,
duplicated, duplicated, duplicated.
GENIE: Genie! Of! The Lamp! Right here direct from the lamp,
right here for your enjoyment wish fulfillment. Thank youuuuu!
ALADDIN: Whoa! Wish fulfillment?
GENIE: Three wishes to be exact.
And ix-nay on the wishing for more wishes.
That's it--three. Uno, dos, tres.
No substitutions, exchanges or refunds.
ALADDIN: Now I know I'm dreaming.
GENIE: Master,
I don't think you quite realize what you've got here!
So why don't you just ruminate,
whilst I illuminate the possibilities.
오, 치타, 미안하다-- 니 털을 태우려한건 아니야.
어이쿠, 깔개군, 너를 본게 몇천년전이지?
손 한번 맞춰볼까. 요! 이예!
보자, 지난번 쥔어른보단 훨씬 쪼끄맣네?
아니면 내가 비만인가.
그쪽에서 봐봐요. 좀 달라보여요?
알라딘 잠깐만요! 제가 -- 그쪽의 주인이라고요?
지니 그래요! 아주 바보는 아니네요!!
다음과 같은 사람에게 소원을 말하면 돼요. 대단히 인상적이고, 무척이나 다재다능하므로 복제는 해도 완전복제란 있을 수 없는.
지니 복제, 복제, 복제,
복제, 복제, 복제,
복제, 복제, 복제, 복제, 복제, 복제.
지니 램프의 요정, 지니이~ ㅅ! 바로 여기 있는 램프에 명령을 하시면, 바로 여기서 당신의 소원을 들어드립니다. 캄사!
알라딘 와아! 소원을 들어준다고?
지니 딱 세 가지 소원만 들어드립니다.
그 이상은 어림 반푼어치도 없어요.
따악! 세 가지 소원입니다. 하나, 두이, 서잇?
반품이나, 교환, 환불은 사양합니다.
알라딘 야, 내가 지금 꿈을 꾸고 있나 봐.
지니 주인 나으리,
아직 여기 상황을 잘 이해하지 못하고 계신 것 같군요.
내가 그 가능성을 좀 보여 드릴 테니,
그동안 그냥 구경이나 하십시오.
Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves
Scheherazadie had a thousand tales
But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeve
You got a brand of magic never fails!
You got some power in your corner now
Some heavy ammunition in your camp
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how
See all you gotta do is rub that lamp
And I'll say
Mister Aladdin sir What will your pleasure be?
Let me take your order, jot it down
You ain't never had a friend like me No no no!
Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maitre' d!
Come on whisper what it is you want
You ain't never had a friend like me.
Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service
You're the boss, the king, the shah!
Say what you wish, it's yours! True dish
How about a little more Baklava?
Try some of column 'A'
Try all of column 'B'
I'm in the mood to help you dude
You ain't never had a friend like me
알리 바바와 40인의 도둑 얘기 들어봤나요.
셰헤라자데가 지어낸 천 가지 이야기죠.
주인님은 정말로 운이 좋아요.
못하는 마법 없는 이몸을 부리다뇨.
댁은 이제 코너에서 힘을 얻었죠
막사에서 중화기를 얻은 거여요.
펀치력과 원기와 야수의 민첩함도.
그냥 단지 램프만 문질러 줘요.
그럼 제가 말할께요.
알라딘 주인나리 당신은 무엇을 얻고자 하나요?
그냥 받아 적기만 하죠 , 뭐
나 같은 친구가 세상에 또 있을까. 없지 없죠 없징!
먹자고 사는 건데 식사나 하죠.
아, 저요? 이집의 웨이터에요.
그쪽에서 원하는 걸 속삭여줘요.
나 같은 친구가 세상에 또 있을까.
예, 선생님, 우린 우리 서비스에 긍지를 느껴요.
당신은 나의 주인 나의 왕, 황제페하죠!
원하는 걸 말해 봐요. 이루어드리죠!
맛난 요리 바클라바 약간 더 어때요?
에이(A) 기둥 드실래요.
비(B) 기둥을 자실래요.
주인님을 센스 쟁이로 만들어 볼까요?
나 같은 친구가 세상에 또 있을까.
Can your friends do this?
Do your friends do that?
Do your friends pull this out their little hat
Can your friends go poof!
Well looky here
Can your friends go Abracadabra, let 'er rip
And then make the sucker disappear?
So don't you sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed
I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
You got me bona fide, certified
You got a genie for a charg? d'affairs!
I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what you wish I really want to know
You got a wish that's three miles long, no doubt
So all you gotta do is rub like so, and oh!
Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three
I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never...had a... friend... like...me!
You ain't never had a friend like me!
GENIE: So what'll it be, master?
ALADDIN: You're gonna grant me any three wishes I want?
GENIE: Ah, almost. There are a few provisos,
a couple of quid pro quos
다른 친구들이 이렇게 할 수 있나요?
또 다른 친구들이 저렇게 할 수 있나요?
친구들이 작은 모자 안에서 이런 걸 꺼내는 거 본 적있나요?
하다못해 여자로 분장할 순 있나요.
자 여길 보세요.
아브라 카다브라. 없어져라.
이런 모든 것들을 지우는 친구들을 본적 있나요.
입이 딱 벌어지고 눈이 나올 거예요.
대낮에 기도해도 그 자리서 들을 테니.
행여 걱정이거들랑 콱 붙들어 매시고
지니를 불러내서 일을 맡기면
득달같이 달려가서 도와드리죠.
댁의 원이 무언가요. 정말 알고 싶어요.
3마일씩 이어지는 긴 소원도 괜찮아요.
이렇게 문지르면 모든 게 끝나요.
알라딘 주인 나리, 세 가지 소원까지 생각해봐요.
그게 내가 할일이니 봉 잡은 거죠.
세상에 또 있을까. 세상에 또 있을까
세상에 또 있을까 세상에 또 있을까
세상에 또 있을까 나 같은 친구가
나 같은 친구가 세상에 또 있을까!
지니 그래, 뭘로 하시겠어요, 주인님?
알라딘 음- 내 세가지 소원을 들어 준다구?
지니 음, 뭐 대충은요. 몇가지 안되는게 있긴 하죠.
예를 들어서...
GENIE: Ah, rule number one: I can't kill anybody.
So don't ask.
Rule number two: I can't make anyone fall
in love with anyone else. You little punim, there.
Rule number three: I can't bring people back from the dead.
It's not a pretty picture, I don't like doing it!
Other than that, you got it!
ALADDIN: Ah, provisos? You mean limitations? On wishes?
Some all powerful genie can't even bring people back from the dead. I don't know, Abu--
he probably can't even get us out of this cave.
Looks like we're gonna have to find a way out of here--
GENIE: Excuse me? Are you looking at me?
Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up, did you bring me here? And all of a sudden, you're walking out on me?
I don't think so, not right now.
You're getting your wishes, so siddown!
In case of emergency, the exits are here, here, here, here,here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, anywhere! Keep your hands and arms inside the carpet.
Weeee'rrrrrreee...outta here!
알라딘 예를 들어.. 어떤?
지니 에... 첫째, 난 사람을 죽일 순 없어요.
그러니 시키질 마요.
둘째, 누가 누굴 좋아하게 만들 수도 없구요.
그런 건 댁이 알아서 하라 구요.
세번째, 죽은 사람을 살릴 수도 없어요.
그림이 별로 좋지 않거든요.. 난, 그런 건, 진짜, 싫.어.요!!
난 그런 짓은 좋아하지 않아요. 그것만 빼면, 다 돼요.
알라딘 허, 안된다고? 결국 못한다는 소리네. 소원이라고?
저 잘난 지니는, 죽은 사람을 살리지도 못한단다.
모르겄다, 아부.
저 녀석은 아마 우리를 이 동굴에서 꺼내지도 못할 거야.
아무래도 우리끼리 여길 빠져나갈 길을 찾아야 쓰겄어.
지니 내 귀가 잘못됐나? 여보쇼, 형씨.
램프 문질르서, 자는 날 깨워서 여까정 데려다 놓으시고,
느덜끼리 나간다 이거 아녀?
내가 그렇게 호락호락해뵈요?
댁의 소원을 들어 드릴테니, 앉아봐요!
비상시에 출구는 이쪽, 이쪽, 이쪽, 이쪽 이쪽이쪽이쪽이쪽 이쪽이쪽 아무쪽이든 다! 형씨 ,
손과 팔을 양탄자 안쪽에 쑤셔주셔요.
그러어어어어어어어어엄..... 나가요- 이!
SULTAN: Jafar, this is an outrage. If it weren't for all
your years of loyal service... . From now on,
you are to discuss sentencing of prisoners with me,
before they are beheaded.
JAFAR: I assure you, your highness, it won't happen again.
SULTAN: Jasmine, Jafar, now let's put this whole messy
business behind us. Please?
JAFAR: My most abject and humblest apologies to you as well, princess.
JASMINE: At least some good will come of
my being forced to marry.
When I am queen, I will have the power to get rid of you.
SULTAN: That's nice. All settled, then. Now, Jasmine,
getting back to this suitor business, Jasmine? Jasmine!
JAFAR: If only I had gotten that lamp!
IAGO: I will have the power to get rid of you!
D'oh! To think--we gotta keep kissing up to that chump,
and his chump daughter for the rest of our lives...
JAFAR: No, Iago. Only until she finds a chump husband.
Then she'll have us banished--or beheaded!
BOTH: Eeewww!
IAGO: Oh! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Jafar?
What if you were the chump husband?
JAFAR: What?
IAGO: Okay, you marry the princess, all right?
Then, uh, you become sultan!
왕 자파, 이건 월권이네.
그대가 오랜 동안 왕가에 충성을
다 한건 인정하네만... 오늘 부터, 죄수의
처리문제에 대해선 먼저 나와 의논을 하도록 하게.
자파 염려 마십시오, 전하, 두 번 다시 그런 일은 없을 것입니다.
왕 재스민, 자파, 이번 일은 여기까지 하고 이만
덮어 두었으면 좋겠는데.... 응?
자파 무릎 꿇고 빌라면 그러겠사오니 저의 사죄를 받아주십시오, 공주님.
재스민 내가 강제로 결혼을 하게 되더라도
나쁜 일만 있는 건 아니군요.
최소한, 여왕이 되면 내 힘으로 당신을 없앨 수 있을 테니까.
왕 이제 됐다. 다 끝난 일이야. 그런데, 재스민 다시 네 혼사 문 제로 돌아가서 말이다.... 재스민? 재스민!
자파 빌어먹을 램프만 손아귀에 넣었어도!
이아고 (재스민 목소리로) 내 힘으로 당신을 없앨 수 있을 테니까!
캐액! 평생토록 저 얼간이 애비와 딸년한테
꼬리를 쳐야할걸 생각하면...
자파 그것도, 이아고, 그년이 얼간이 남편을 얻을 때 까지다.
그 뒤에 우린 쫓겨나거나 -- 죽는 거야!
함께 으익!
이아고 아, 잠깐만! 잠깐만, 자파.
니가 그 얼간이 남편이 되면은?
자파 뭐?
이아고 그래, 니가 공주와 결혼을 하면은?
그럼 니가 왕이 되는 거 아냐!
JAFAR: Oh! Marry the shrew?
I become sultan. The idea has merit!
IAGO: Yes, merit! Yes! And then we drop papa-in-law and
the little woman off a cliff! Kersplat!
JAFAR: Iago, I love the way your foul little mind works!
GENIE: Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet
for all your travel needs.
Don't stand until the rug has come to a complete stop.
Thank you. Good bye, good bye! Thank you! Good bye!
Well, now. How about that, Mr. doubting mustafa?
ALADDIN: Oh, you sure showed me.
Now about my three wishes-
GENIE: Dost mine ears deceive me?
Three? You are down by ONE, boy!
ALADDIN: Ah, no--
I never actually wished to get out of the cave.
You did that on your own.
GENIE: Well, don't I feel just sheepish? All right, you
baaaaad boy, but no more freebies.
ALADDIN: Fair deal. So, three wishes.
I want them to be good.
What would you wish for?
GENIE: Me? No one's ever asked me that before.
Well, in my case, ah... forget it.
자파 허! 그 드쎈 여자랑?
왕이 된다라.. 그거 괜찮은 생각이군!
이아고 그래, 그거야! 그래! 그리고
그 영감과 계집을 절벽에 떨구는 거야. 뻐엉-하구!
자파 이아고, 난, 니 그 드러운 사고방식을 정말 좋아해!
지니 여행을 하시는 동안 저희 마법의 양탄자 편을
이용해주셔서 대단히 감사합니다.
깔개가 완전히 착륙하기 전까진 자리에서 일어서지 마십시오.
안녕히 가세요. 감사합니다, 안녕히. 감사해요, 잘 가세요!
자. 이만하면 어때요, 의심 많은 양반?
알라딘 아, 정말 다시 봤어.
그럼 이제 남은 세 가지 소원을--
지니 내 귀가 또 잘못 됐나 ?
뭐라라고라고라? 셋이라고라? 한가지는 시방 썼네요, 형씨!
알라딘 아, 아니지--
난 동굴에서 나가게 해달라고 말한 적 없어.
그건 니가 잘난 척 하느라고 혼자서 뻐긴 거지.
지니 음메,챙피한거. 좋았어 영약한 총각.
하지만 앞으론 공짜는 없어.
알라딘 그야 당연하지. 그래, 세가지 소원이라...
좋은 걸 써야지..
너라면 뭘 빌겠니?
지니 나? 아무도 나한테 그런 질문은 한적 없었는데.
음, 나 같으면... 아, 됐다 . 그냥 잊어버려.
(영화대본) 알라딘 (제2부)
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
ALADDIN: What? come on, tell me.
GENIE: Freedom.
ALADDIN: You're a prisoner?
GENIE: It's all part-and-parcel, the whole genie gig.
Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space
ALADDIN: Genie, that's terrible.
GENIE: But, oh--to be free. Not have to go "Poof!
What do you need? Poof! What do you need?
Poof! What do you need?" To be my own master,
such a thing would be greater than all the magic and
all the treasures in all the world!
But what am I talking about, here? Let's get real here.
It's not gonna happen. Genie, wake up and smell the hummus
ALADDIN: Why not?
GENIE: The only way I get outta this is if
my master wishes me out.
So you can guess how often that's happened.
ALADDIN: I'll do it. I'll set you free.
GENIE: Uh huh, right. Whoop!
ALADDIN: No, really, I promise. After make my first two wishes,
I'll use my third wish to set you free.
GENIE: Well, here's hopin'. O.K. Let's make some magic!
So how 'bout it. What is it you want most?
ALADDIN: Well, there's this girl--
GENIE: Eehhh! Wrong!
I can't make anybody fall in love, remember?
알라딘 뭔데? 괜찮아, 말해봐.
지니 자유.
알라딘 네가 죄수란 말이니?
지니 요점만 말한다면 뭐. 일종의 정령법(精靈法)이랄까.
우주를 움직이는 초.파.워--- !하지만 한뼘 반의 주거 공간.
알라딘 아, 지니, 그것 참 안 됐구나.
지니 나한테 자유만 있다면, “펑! 원하는 게 뭐예요.
펑, 원하는게 뭐죠? 펑, 원하는 게 뭡니까?" 이런 짓을 왜 하겠어..
자기 자신을 소유할 수 있다는 건,
세상의 어떠한 보물, 마법보다도,
심지어는 이 세상보다 더 멋진 거야.
내가, 이런데서 무슨 소릴 하고 있는 거지? 현실을 직시해야지.
그런 일은 생기지 않아. 지니, 꿈에서 깨자.
알라딘 왜 안돼?
지니 만약에 내가 자유로와 진다면,
주인이 그렇게 소원을 빌 때만이야.
그런데 행여나 그런 일이 생길 것 같아?
알라딘 내가 있잖아. 내가 널 풀어 줄께.
지니 어 허, 퍽이나 .
알라딘 아냐, 진짜야. 약속 할께.
처음 두 소원을 말한 다음에 마지막 소원은 널 풀어주는데 쓸게.
지니 뭐, 믿어보지. 좋아. 마법을 좀 써 볼까!
그래서 말인데. 뭐가 제일 하고 싶어?
알라딘 그게 저, 어떤 여자가 있는데--
지니 삐이이이익! 틀렸어 !
안돼! 난 누가 누굴 좋아하게 해줄 순 없어. 벌써 잊었어?
ALADDIN: Oh, but Genie. She's smart and fun and...
GENIE: Pretty?
ALADDIN: Beautiful. She's got these eyes that just...
and this hair, wow...and her smile... Huh...
GENIE: Ami. C'est l'amour.
ALADDIN: But she's the princess. To even have a chance,
I'd have to be a--hey, can you make me a prince?
GENIE: Let's see here.Uh, chicken a'la king?
Nope. Alaskan king crab?
Ow, I hate it when they do that. Caesar's salad? Et tu, Brute?
Ah, to make a prince. Now is that an official wish?
Say the words!
ALADDIN: Genie, I wish for you to make me a prince!
GENIE: All right! Woof woof woof woof!
First, that fez and vest combo is much too third century.
These patches--what are we trying to say--beggar? No!
Let's work with me here.
I like it, muy macho!
Now, still needs something. What does it say to me?
It says mode of transportation.
Excuse me, monkey boy! Aqui, over here!
ABU: Uh oh!
GENIE: Here he comes, And what better way to make your
grand entrance on the streets of Agrabah,
than riding your very own brand new camel!
Watch out, it spits! Mmm, not enough. Still not enough.
알라딘 그, 그래도 지니. 그앤 세련됐고 재미있는데다가... 어...
지니 이뻐?
알라딘 아름다워. 뭐라고 말로 표현할 수 없는 눈과 머리와....
그리고 그녀의 그 미소란..휴....
지니 아미, 세- 라모르-- ('친구, 그건 사랑이네.'프랑스어)
알라딘 그치만 그앤 공주야. 내게 기회만 있다면..
청혼만이라....이봐, 날 나를 왕자로 만들어 줄수 있어?
지니 어디 보자. 어, 왕치킨 만드는 법?
아니지. 알라스카 왕꽃게?
난 이런 건 질색이야. 시저의 샐러드? 너마저냐, 부르터스!
아~, 왕자 만들기.
이번에도 장난 치는 건 아니지? 정식으로 소원을 말해.
알라딘 지니, 내 소원은 왕자가 되는 거야!
지니 좋아! 룰루랄라럴러럴!
먼저, 그 터키모자와 조끼부터 어떻게 좀 처리해야해.
이런 거 입고-- 말하기가 좀 뭣하지만 --동냥할 일 있어?
자자, 이리 와서 치수좀 재 볼까요.
이게 좋겠군, 무이 마쵸! ('사내답다' 스페인어)
응...그래도 뭔가 허전한데.
그게 무엇.일.까.요 운송수단 아니겠어.
잠깐 실례하겠어요, 원숭이군! 네, 그쪽에 앉으신 분!
아부 아 오!
지니 이리로 나와주세요.
뭘 타고 가야 폼이 날까 ?
그럼 자, 여기 멋진 낙타씨입니다 !
별로야 , 아직도 별로야.
Let's see. What do you need?
Yes!! Esalalumbo, shimin dumbo! Whoa!!
Talk about your trunk space, check this action out!
ALADDIN: Abu, you look good.
GENIE: He's got the outfit, he's got the elephant,
but we're not through yet. Hang on to your turban, kid,
cause we're gonna make you a star!
JAFAR: Sire, I have found a solution
to the problem with your daughter.
IAGO: Awk! The problem with your daughter!
SULTAN: Oh, really?
JAFAR: Right here.
"If the princess has not chosen a husband by the appointed time,then the sultan shall choose for her."
SULTAN: But Jasmine hated all those suitors!
How could I choose someone she hates?
JAFAR: Not to worry, my liege. There is more.
If, in the event a suitable prince cannot be found,
a princess must then be wed to...hmm...interesting.
SULTAN: What? Who?
JAFAR: The royal vizier! Why, that would be...me!
SULTAN: But Why, I thought the law says that
only a prince can marry a princess, I'm quite sure.
보자. 뭐가 모자른거지?
예~!! 역시 큰게 최고야 !! 와하!!
자 ,여길 보고 니가 얼마나 큰지 말해봐 .
알라딘 아부, 아주 근사한데?
지니 그만하면 차림새는 됐고, 코끼리도 생겼고.
하지만 아직은 느낌이 약해.
터번 이리 내요. 도련님. 제가 확실히 스타로 키워 드리죠!
자파 폐하, 제가 공주님의 문제를 해결 할 수 있는 방법을
찾아 낸 것 같습니다.
이아고 캭! 공주님의 문제를.
왕 오, 정말인가?
자파 이걸 보십시오.
'만일 정해진 시간 내에 공주가 남편을 선택치 못할 경우,
공주의 남편감은 왕이 고른다.'
왕 하지만 재스민은 그 많은 신랑감을 다 거절했네.
그 아이가 싫어하는 남자를 내가 어떻게 고르지?
자파 걱정 마십시오, 폐하, 조금 더 있으니까요.
적당한 왕자가 없을 경우라도 공주는 결혼을 해야 하며...
그사람은...흐음.....이것 참.....흥미롭군요.
왕 뭔가? 누구래?
자파 최고 신하! 어, 그렇다면... 저군요!.
왕 하지만 난, 공주는 왕자하고만 결혼할 수 있다고
법에 쓰여있는 줄 알았는데,
JAFAR: Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord.
SULTAN: Yes...desperate measures...
JAFAR: You will order the princess to marry me.
SULTAN: I...will order...the princess...to...but you're so old!
JAFAR: The princess will marry me!
SULTAN: The princess will marry.. What? What is that?
That music! Ha ha ha. Jafar., you must come and see this!
MARCHERS: Make way for Prince Ali!
SWORDSMEN: Say hey! It's Prince Ali!
MAJOR: Hey, clear the way in the old bazaar,
Hey you, let us through, it's a bright new star,
Now come, be the first on your block to meet his eye!
Make way, here he comes, Ring bells, bang the drums.
You're gonna love this guy
Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa!
Genuflect, show some respect
Down on one knee
Now try your best to stay calm
Brush up your Sunday Salaam
And come and meet his spectacular coterie.
Prince Ali, mighty is he, Ali Ababwa!
Strong as ten regular men, definitely
He faced the galloping hordes
A hundred bad guys with swords
Who sent those goons to their lords, why Prince Ali!
자파 상황이 안좋을 땐 그에 맞는 법을 따라야 하는 겁니다. 폐하.
왕 그래... 상황이 그러니까...
자파 공주님께 명하십시오. 저와 결혼을 하라고.
왕 그래... 그애에게 자네와 ....아니, 자넨 너무 늙었어!
자파 공주는 나와 결혼을 합니다!
왕 공주는 자네와...엉? 무슨 소리지?
저 음악말이야! 하하하. 자파... 자네도 와서 이것 좀 보게.
행차대 알리 왕자 행차시니 길을 비키세!
무사 알리 왕자 지나시니 경배드리세!
MAJOR: 아, 낡은 시장판에 깨끗한 길을 내세.
야, 길을 비켜. 스타 나가 신다
이리 와서, 빨리 봐봐, 그의 눈을 봐.
물렀거라, 곧 그가 오신다 .종 울려라, 북을 쳐라.
댁도 아마, 이 남자를 사랑하게 될 거야.
알리 왕자, 환상 속의 알리 아바브와!
정중히 무릎을 꿇어요.
그리고 그에게 인사들 올려요.
아니 거기 웅성거리지 좀 말아요.
주일날 옷 깨끗하게 다려 입어요.
됐으면 와서 봐요. 이 화려한 행차를
알리 왕잔, 힘도 세지, 알리 아바브와!
확실히, 장정 열명 못지않은 힘.
저 사람이 질주하는 유목민 뗄 만났을 때
손에 칼 든 일 백명의 불량배들이
알리 왕자 이름 듣고 줄도망을 쳤대요.
CHORUS OF MEN:He's got seventy-five golden camels!
HARRY: Don't they look lovely, June?
CHORUS OF WOMEN: Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three!
JUNE: Fabulous, Harry, I love the feathers!
GENIE: When it comes to exotic type mammals
Has he got a zoo, I'm telling you
It's a world class menagerie!
GENIE , GIRLS: Prince Ali, Handsome is he, Ali Ababwa
There's no question this Ali's alluring
That physique, how can I speak
Never ordinary, never boring
Weak at the knee
Everything about the man just plain impresses
Well, get on out in that square
He's a wonder, he's a whiz, a wonder
Adjust your veil and prepare
He's about to pull my heart asunder
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali!
And I absolutely love the way he dresses!
CHORUS: He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys!
And to view them, he charges no fee!
He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies!
They bow to his whim, love serving him
They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali!
Prince Ali!
코러스(남)/그분은 또 황금낙타 75마릴 가지고 있어요!
해리 정말 대단해 뵈지 않아요, 쥰?
코러스(여)/보라 빛 공작은 53마리!
쥰 기가 막혀요, 해리, 깃털색이 내 맘에 쏘옥 드네요!
지니 이국의 별스런 동물들 좀 보세요.
동물원도 있는데, 세상에 그것도
세계 초 일류급 이동 동물원!
지니&여 알리 왕잔, 잘생겼지. 알리 아바브와.
/두말할 나위 없이 매력적예요.
체격은 또 어떻구요.
/보통이 아니네요. 눈을 못 떼겠어요.
무릎이 떨리네요.
/저분의 일이라면 뭐든지 황홀해요.
게다가, 저 광장을 꽉 채울 수 있는 능력.
/놀랍네요. 어떻게 그럴 수가 있을까요.
베일을 매만지고 준비들 해요
/보고 있는 내 가슴이 터질 것 같애.
알리 왕잘 보노라면 넋이 나가지!
/어쩌면 옷차림도 저리 멋있담!
코러스 95 마리의 페르시아 흰색 원숭이!
실컷 구경하더라도 돈 안 받아요!
노예들도 많고요. 하인들도 많고요 시종들도 많아요!
작은 말 하나라도 거슬리는 일 없이
모두들 기꺼이 그분을 섬겨요
그분향한 충심으로 가득차 있어요. 알리 왕자!
GENIE: Prince Ali! Amorous he! Ali Ababwa
Heard your princess was a sight lovely to see!
And that, good people, is why
He got dolled up and dropped by
With sixty elephants, llamas galore
With his bears and lions
A brass band and more
With his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers
His birds that warble on key
Make way for Prince Ali!
SULTAN: Splendid, absolutely marvelous.
ALADDIN: Ahem. Your majesty,
I have journeyed from afar to seek your daughter's hand.
SULTAN: Prince Ali Ababwa! Of course.
I'm delighted to meet you.
This is my royal vizier, Jafar. He's delighted too.
JAFAR: Ecstatic. I'm afraid, Prince Abooboo--
ALADDIN: --Ababwa!
JAFAR: Whatever. You cannot just parade
in here uninvited and expect to--
SULTAN: ...by Allah, this is quite a remarkable device.
I don't suppose I might...
ALADDIN: Why certainly, your majesty. Allow me.
JAFAR: Sire, I must advise against this--
SULTAN: --Oh, button up, Jafar. Learn to have a little fun.
알리 왕자!! 사랑 스런! 알리 아바봐.
여기 공주 예쁘다는 소문 듣고서
그래서 이렇게
화려하게 차려 입고 만나보러 나셨죠.
코끼리 예순 마리, 라마 한 무리
곰과 사자와 음악단.
그리고 그 외에도 여러 가지.
40명의 수도승과 요리사와 제빵 기사.
화음 넣어 지저귀는 어여쁜 새들.
알리 왕자 지나가니 길을 비켜요.
왕 대단해. 정말 훌륭하네.
알리바바 어험, 폐하, 따님이 정혼자를 구한다기에,
천리 길을 멀다않고 찾아왔습니다.
왕 알리 아바브와 왕자!
정말이오. 당신을 만나게 되어 기쁘오.
이쪽은 궁중 대신,자파. 이 사람도 기뻐하고 있소.
자파 대단히 기쁘오. 아부부--왕자.
알리바바 --아바브와요!
자파 상관없소. 허락 없이 거리에서
퍼레이드같은걸 벌이다니, 거기다--
왕 세상에, 이것 참, 신기한 놈이군.
딱 한번만 타보면 어떨까....
알라딘 여부가 있겠습니까, 페하. 얼마든지요.
자파 전하! 다시 한번 말씀드리겠습니다. 이것은--
왕 --오, 그만 하게, 자파. 재미있지 않은가.
JAFAR: Just where did you say you were from?
ALADDIN: Oh, much farther than you've traveled, I'm sure.
JAFAR: Try me.
SULTAN: Look out, Polly!
IAGO: Hey, watch it. Watch it with the dumb rug!
SULTAN: Out of the way,
I'm coming in to land. Jafar, watch this!
JAFAR: Spectacular, your highness.
SULTAN: Ooh, lovely. Yes, I do seem to have a knack for it.
This is a very impressive youth. And a prince as well.
If we're lucky, you won't have to marry Jasmine after all.
JAFAR: I don't trust him, sire.
SULTAN: Nonsense. One thing I pride myself on Jafar,
I'm an excellent judge of character.
IAGO: Oh, excellent judge, yeah, sure...not!!!
SULTAN: Jasmine will like this one!
ALADDIN: And I'm pretty sure I'll like Princess Jasmine!
JAFAR: Your highness, no.
I must intercede on Jasmine's behalf.
This boy is no different than the others.
What makes him think he is worthy of the princess?
ALADDIN: Your majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa!
Just let her meet me. I will win your daughter!
JASMINE: How dare you!
All of you, standing around deciding my future?
I am not a prize to be won!
자파 어느 나라에서 왔다고 하셨던가?
알라딘 아, 말씀드려도 잘 모르실, 아주 먼 나라입니다.
자파 그래도 한번 말해보게.
왕 조심해, 앵무새야!
이아고 악, 저리가, 저리 갓. 이 거지 발싸개야!
왕 길을 비켜요,
착륙을 해야 하니까. 자파, 조심하게!
자파 멋있었습니다. 전하.
왕 오오, 상쾌해. 그래, 내 곡예비행 보기에 어땠나.
매우 인상이 좋은 청년이군. 거기다 왕자라지 않은가.
일이 잘 된다면, 자네가 재스민과 결혼하지 않아도 될게야.
자파 전 저자를 믿을 수 없습니다. 폐하.
왕 무슨 소린가. 내가 자네보다 한 가지 나은 게 있다면,
그건 사람을 제대로 볼 줄 안다는 거네.
이아고 허허, 사람을 제대로 본다고, 물론...웃기네!!!
왕 재스민도 이만한 사내라면 맘에 들어 할 거야!
알라딘 저도 물론 재스민공주님이 맘에 들 테고요!
자파 당치않습니다. 전하.
공주님을 위해 한마디 해야겠습니다.
이 젊은이도 다른 사람들과 똑같습니다.
도대체 자기가 뭐라고 공주님과 결혼하겠다는 겁니까?
알라딘 폐하, 저는 '알리 아바브와'왕자입니다!
따님을 뵙게 해주십시오. 반드시 제 것으로 만들겠습니다!
재스민 감히 그런!
모두 똑같아요 ! 내 미래를 놓고 어떻게 그럴 수가!
나는 우승자에게 주는 경품이 아니에요!
SULTAN: Oh, dear. Don't worry, Prince Ali. Just give
Jasmine time to cool down.
JAFAR: I think it's time to say good bye to Prince Abooboo.
ALADDIN: What am I going to do?
Jasmine won't even let me talk to her.
I should have known I couldn't pull off this stupid prince wish.
GENIE: So move! Hey. That's a good move.
I can't believe it--I'm losing to a rug.
ALADDIN: Genie, I need help.
GENIE: All right, sparky, here's the deal.
If wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter, do ya follow me?
GENIE: Tell her the...TRUTH!!!
ALADDIN: No way! If Jasmine found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me.
GENIE: A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh!
Ali, all joking aside, you really oughtta be yourself.
ALADDIN: Hey, that's the last thing I want to be. Okay,
I'm gonna go see her. I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look?
GENIE: Like a prince.
ALADDIN: Princess Jasmine?
JASMINE: Who's there?
ALADDIN: It's me--Prince Ali. Ahem-- Prince Ali Ababwa.
왕 오, 저런. 걱정 말게, 알리 왕자.
조금 있으면 제풀에 성질이 죽을 걸세.
자파 작별인사를 할 시간이야.. '아부부'왕자.
알라딘 이제 뭘 어째야 하지? 재스민은 아예 말도 못 붙이게 해.
이 바보같은 왕자놀이가 잘될리 없다는 걸
진작에 알았어야 했는데.
지니 빨리 두게나! 어라. 꽤 하는데.
믿을수 없어-- 내가 깔개한테 지다니.
알라딘 지니, 나 좀 도와줘.
지니 알았소, 스파키. 가르쳐드리지.
그 귀여운 아가씨를 원한다면 사격시 정조준을 해야 하오.
내 말 알아듣겠소?
알라딘 뭐어?
지니 그 여자에게....진실을 말해!!!
알라딘 그건 안돼! 만일 재스민이,
사실은 내가 지저분한 거지라는 걸 알게 되면 대놓고 비웃을 거야.
지니 여자는 원래 자기를 웃겨줄 줄 아는 남자를 좋아 한다구요!
알, 농담은 그만두고, 진실을 속이면 안 되는 거야.
알라딘 어, 딴 건 몰라도 도저히 그것만은 못하겠어.
좋아. 그 앨 직접 만나봐야지.. 부드러우면서도 침착하고, 확 신에 찬 모습을 보여주겠어. 나 어때 보여?
지니 왕자 같지, 뭐.
알라딘 재스민 공주님?
재스민 누구죠,거기?
알라딘 저예요, 알리 왕자! 쿨룩-- 알리 아바브와 왕자요.
JASMINE: I do not want to see you.
ALADDIN: No, no, please princess. Give me a chance.
JAFAR: Just leave me alone.
ALADDIN: Down kitty!
GENIE: How's our beau doing?
ALADDIN: Good kitty, take off. Down kitty.
JASMINE: Wait, wait. Do I know you?
ALADDIN: Uh, no, no.
JASMINE: You remind me of someone
I met in the marketplace.
ALADDIN: The marketplace?
I have servants that go to the marketplace for me.
Why I even have servants who go to the marketplace for my servants, so it couldn't have been me you met.
JASMINE: No, I guess not.
BEE: Enough about you, Casanova. Talk about her!
She's smart, fun, the hair, the eyes. Anything--pick a feature!
ALADDIN: Um, Princess Jasmine? You're very...
BEE: Wonderful, glorious, magnificent, punctual!
ALADDIN: Punctual!
JASMINE: Punctual?
BEE: Sorry.
ALADDIN: Beautiful.
BEE: Nice recovery.
재스민 뵙고 싶지 않아요.
알라딘 안돼요. 공주님. 부디. 제게 기회를 주세요.
재스민 전 혼자 있고 싶어요.
알라딘 저리가, 고양아!
지니 잘 돼가?
알라딘 착하지 고양아, 저쪽으로 좀 가주겠니.
재스민 잠깐만요. 어디서 뵌듯한데?
알라딘 에, 아뇨, 아녜요.
재스민 누구랑 많이 닮은 것 같아서요.
시장에서 만났던 어떤 사람 하고요.
알라딘 시장이요?
저희 집엔 저 대신 시장을 봐올 하인들이 널려있고.
그 하인들조차 직접 시장에 안가고 또 자기들의 하인을
부리는데요. 그러니 시장에서 당신을 만날 일이 없죠.
재스민 그래요. 그렇겠죠.
벌 네 얘긴 그만 됐어, 카사노바. 여자 얘기를 해!
세련됐다, 재미있다, 머리나, 눈. 아무거나-- 외모를 찝어 말해!
알라딘 저, 재스민 공주님? 공주님은 참...
벌 훌륭하다. 멋지다. 근사하다, 냉혹하다!
알라딘 ...냉혹해요!
재스민 냉혹하다고요?
벌 앗,미안.
알라딘 매혹적이랬어요.
벌 잘 넘기는군.
JASMINE: Hmm. I'm rich too, you know.
JASMINE: The daughter of a sultan
ALADDIN: I know.
JASMINE: A fine prize for any prince to marry.
ALADDIN: Uh, right. Right. A prince like me.
BEE: Warning! Warning!
JASMINE: Right, a prince like you.
And every other stuffed shirt, swaggering, peacock I've met!
BEE: Mayday! Mayday!
JASMINE: Just go jump off a balcony!
BEE: Stop her! Stop her! Do you want me to sting her?
ALADDIN: Buzz off!
BEE: Okay, fine. But remember--bee yourself!
ALADDIN: Yeah, right!
JASMINE: What!?!
ALADDIN: Uh, you're right.
You aren't just some prize to be won.
You should be free to make your own choice. I'll go now.
ALADDIN: What? What?
JASMINE: How--how are you doing that?
ALADDIN: It's a magic carpet.
JASMINE: It's lovely.
ALADDIN: You, uh, you don't want to go for a ride, do you?
재스민 네, 알다시피 전 부유해요.
알라딘 예!
재스민 왕의 딸인데다.
알라딘 알아요.
재스민 결혼할 왕자에겐 더 이상의 여자가 없겠죠.
알라딘 아, 그래요, 맞아요. 저같은 왕자요.
벌 경고! 경고!
재스민 그렇군요, 댁같은 왕자.
공작처럼 뽐내고 걸으며 한결같이 난체 하는 모든 남자들!
벌 메이데이! 메이데이! (국제 조난신호)
재스민 그냥 발코니에서 떨어져버렸으면 좋겠네요 !
알라딘 예?
벌 붙잡아! 붙잡아! 뭣하면 내가 콕 쏴줄까?
알라딘 꺼져!
벌 아, 좋아. 하지만 잊지마-- 너답게 굴어!!
알라딘 네, 맞아요!
재스민 뭐가요?
알라딘 음, 그쪽이 옳다고요.
댁은 경품같은 게 아니니까요
스스로 선택할수 있는 자유가 있어야 겠죠. 갈께요.
재스민 안돼요!
알라딘 예? 예?
재스민 어- 어떻게 그렇게 할 수가 있는 거죠?
알라딘 이건 마법의 양탄자거든요.
재스민 귀여워라.
알라딘 아, 한번 타보시지 않을래요?
We could get out of the palace, see the world.
JASMINE: Is it safe?
ALADDIN: Sure. Give you trust me?
ALADDIN: Do you trust me?
ALADDIN: I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid.
Tell me princess, now when did you last
Let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways, and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world!
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
JASMINE: A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you!
궁전밖으로 나가서 세계를 볼수 있어요.
재스민 안전한가요?
알라딘 물론이죠. 나를 믿어요?
재스민 네에?
알라딘 나를 믿냐구요?
재스민 네에.
알라딘 당신에게 보여주고 싶었지.
별빛처럼 반짝이며 빛나는 세상.
말해줘요, 공주님.
마지막 마음을 정한 때가 언제인지를.
눈을 뜨고 바라봐요.
신비로움으로 지나가는 모든 것들을
머리위로, 옆으로, 아래쪽으로
마법의 양탄자에 올라타고서.
새로움으로 다시 태어나는 아름다운 세상!
저 하늘을 수놓은 아름다운 별들.
우리가 어딜 가던지 간에
우린 자유롭기에
이게 단지 꿈이라고 말하지 마요.
재스민 모든 것이 나에겐 새로운 세계
이곳에 이렇게 와보기 전엔
내 미처 알지 못한 눈부신 장소
수정처럼 투명해요.
우린 같은 세계안에 있는거예요.
ALADDIN: Now I'm in a whole new world with you!
JASMINE: Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
JASMINE: A whole new world!
ALADDIN: Don't you dare close your eyes
JASMINE: An hundred thousand things to see
ALADDIN: Hold your breath--it gets better!
JASMINE: I'm like a shooting star,
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be!
ALADDIN: A whole new world!
JASMINE: Every turn a surprise
ALADDIN: With new horizons to pursue
JASMINE: Every moment, red-letter
BOTH: I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
A whole new world , A whole new world
That's where we'll be , That's where we'll be
ALADDIN: A thrilling chase
JASMINE: A wondrous place
BOTH: For you and me!
알라딘 이제 우린 같은 세계안에 있는 거예요.
재스민 믿을 수 없는 광경
설명할 수 없는 느낌
치솟았다 떨어지며 날아다니며.
다이아빛 창공을 가로질러서
재스민 모든 것이 새로와요!
알라딘 눈을 감지 말아요.
재스민 볼거리가 너무 많아 헤아릴 수 없어요.
알라딘 조심스레 바라보면 한결 나을 거여요!
재스민 흐르는 별이 된 것 같아요.
아주 멀리 와버렸네요.
스쳐온 곳들은 다시 갈수 없겠죠!
알라딘 모든 것이 우리에게 새로운 세계!
재스민 모든것이 놀람으로 바뀌어져요.
알라딘 수평선을 지나가는
재스민 매순간이, 소중해요.
함께 어디라도 뒤를 슛아 따라갈래요.
시간은 아직 많이 남아 있어요.
이 모든 신세계를 당신과 나눌래요.
이 모든게 우리에게 새로운 세상.
그곳에 우리가 있을 거예요.
알라딘 떨리는 쫓음과.
재스민 놀랄만한 장소들.
함께 당신과 나에게!
JASMINE: It's all so magical.
JASMINE: It's a shame Abu had to miss this.
ALADDIN: Nah. He hates fireworks.
He doesn't really like flying either. That is...oh no!
JASMINE: You are the boy from the market!
I knew it. Why did you lie to me?
ALADDIN: Jasmine, I'm sorry.
JASMINE: Did you think I was stupid?
JASMINE: That I wouldn't figure it out?
ALADDIN: No. I mean, I hoped you wouldn't. No, that's not what I meant.
JASMINE: Who are you? Tell me the truth!
ALADDIN: The truth? The truth...the truth is...I
I sometimes dress as a commoner to
escape the pressures of palace life.
But I really am a prince!
JASMINE: Why didn't you just tell me?
ALADDIN: Well, you know, um...royalty going out into the city in disguise, it sounds a little strange, don't you think?
JASMINE: Not that strange.
JASMINE: Good night, my handsome prince.
ALADDIN: Sleep well, princess.
재스민 정말 신비로와요.
알라딘 네.
재스민 아부한테 못 보여줘서 미안하네요.
알라딘 아뇨, 걘 불꽃놀이를 싫어해요.
날아다니는 것도 별로 좋아하지 않고요. ...아! 안돼 !
재스민 시장에서 만난 그 사람이지! 다 알고 있었어.
왜 나한테 거짓말을 한거야?
알라딘 재스민, 미안해.
재스민 내가 그렇게 멍청해 보여?
알라딘 아니야!
재스민 내가 몰라볼줄 알았어?
알라딘 아냐, 난, 난, 네가 날 알아보지 못하길 바랬어.
아니, 내말은 그게 아니고....
재스민 도대체 넌 누구야? 솔직히 말해!
알라딘 솔직히? 실은... 어, 사실은....
궁중 생활이 갑갑할 때 가끔씩
평민 복장을 하고 궁궐 밖을 빠져나가.
하지만 난 정말 왕자야!
재스민 왜 진작 그렇게 말하지 않았지?
알라딘 어...그게. 음... 왕족이 변장을 하고 마을을 돌아다닌다면
듣기에 좀 이상하잖아, 안 그래?
재스민 안 그래.
재스민 잘 자요, 나의 멋진 왕자님.
알라딘 편히 쉬어요, 공주.
For the first time in my life, things are starting to go right.
Hey! What? Abu! Abu!
GUARD: Hold him!
JAFAR: I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome,
Prince Abooboo.
Make sure he's never found.
GENIE: Never fails.
Get in the bath and there's a rub at the lamp.
Hello. Al? Al! Kid, snap out of it!
You can't cheat on this one!
I can't help you unless you make a wish.
You have to say "Genie I want you to save my life."
Got it? Okay. Come on Aladdin!!
I'll take that as a yes.
Wooga! Wooga! Up scope!
Don't you scare me like that!
ALADDIN: Genie, I--uh, I-uh... Thanks, Genie.
GENIE: Oh, Al. I'm getting kind of fond of you, kid.
Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything.
SULTAN: Jasmine!
JASMINE: Oh, father--
I just had the most wonderful time. I'm so happy.
SULTAN: You should be, Jasmine.
I have chosen a husband for you.
알라딘 만세!
생전 처음으로, 일이 제대로 풀리고 있어.
알라딘 뭐. 뭐야? 아부! 아부!
병사 꽉 붙잡아라!
자파 남의 집에 너무 오래 머물면 눈총을 받는 법이라네,
'아부부' 왕자.
두번다시 내 눈에 띄는 일이 없도록 해라.
지니 어김없군.
꼭 내가 목욕을 할 때만 램프를 문지른단 말야.
잘 있었어? 알? 알! 이봐, 정신 차려!
장난이 아니야!
소원을 빌지 않으면 널 도와줄 수 없단 말이야.
"지니, 날 살려줘요."라고 말해야 해, 알았지? 자.
빨리! 알라딘!!
그렇다고 한걸로 칠께.
잠망경 올려!
지니 그렇게 날 놀라게 하지마!
알라딘 지니, 나--, 난....고마워, 지니.
지니 알, 난 네가 점점 좋아지는 것 같아.
그냥 이렇게 끝내면 좀 그렇잖아 ?
왕 재스민!
재스민 오, 아빠--
오늘은 정말 즐거웠어요. 난 너무 행복해요.
왕 그래야지, 재스민.
네 남편감을 정했다.
SULTAN: You will wed Jafar.
JAFAR: You're speechless, I see. A fine quality in a wife.
JASMINE: I will never marry you. Father, I choose Prince Ali!
JAFAR: Prince Ali left!
ALADDIN: Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!
JASMINE: Prince Ali!
IAGO: How in the he----uh, awk!
ALADDIN: Tell them the truth, Jafar!
You tried to have me killed.
JAFAR: What? Ridiculous nonsense, your highness.
He is obviously lying.
SULTAN: Obviously...lying.
JASMINE: Father, what's wrong with you?
ALADDIN: I know! what's wrong
SULTAN: Oh, oh, oh my!
ALADDIN: Your highness,
Jafar's been controlling you with this!
SULTAN: What? Jafar? You, you traitor!
JAFAR: Your majesty, all of this can be explained.
SULTAN: Guards! Guards!
IAGO: Well, that's it--we're dead, forget about it.
Just dig a grave for both of us. We're dead.
SULTAN: Arrest Jafar at once.
JAFAR: This is not done yet, boy!
SULTAN: Find him, search everywhere!
재스민 네에?
왕 자파와 결혼하렴.
자파 말만 좀 줄인다면, 뭐... 아내감으론 더할 나위 없지.
재스민 당신관 결혼하지 않아요. 아빠, 난 알리왕자로 정했어요.
자파 알리왕자는 떠났다!
알라딘 네놈의 수정구(水晶球)를 다시 들여다 보는게 좋을 걸, 자파!
재스민 알리 왕자!
이아고 어떻게 저놈이-- 우, 캬악!
알라딘 진실을 말해라, 자파!
네가 나를 해치려 했던 일을.
자파 뭐라고? 당치않은 소리 옵니다. 전하.
저자는 말도 안 되는 소리를 하고 있습니다.
왕 말도 안 되는... 소리를..
재스민 아빠. 무슨 일이예요!
알라딘 알았어!
왕 오, 오, 오, 이런!
알라딘 전하,
자파는 이것으로 전하를 조종하고 있었습니다!
왕 뭐라고? 자파가? 저, 저런 반역자!
자파 폐하, 여기엔... 이유가 있습니다.
왕 경비병! 경비병!
이아고 히익. 우린 이제 죽었다. 다 포기하구.
그냥 우리 묻힐 묘자리나 구해야겠네. 우린 죽었어.
왕 당장 자파를 체포해라!
자파 이것으로 끝이라고 생각마라, 꼬마야!
왕 왕궁안을 샅샅이 뒤져서 놈을 찾아내라!
ALADDIN: Jasmine, are you all right?
SULTAN: Jafar, my most trusted counselor,
plotting against me all this is horrible. Just horrible.
How will I ever- Can it be true?
My daughter has finally chosen a suitor? Ha ha! Praise Allah!
You brilliant boy, I could kiss you!
I won't--I'll leave that to my--. You two will be wed at once!
Yes, yes. And you'll be happy and prosperous,
and then my boy, you will be sultan!
ALADDIN: Sultan?
SULTAN: Yes, a fine upstanding youth like yourself,
a person of your unimpeachable moral character
is exactly what this kingdom needs!
IAGO: We gotta get outta here! We gotta get--
I gotta start packing, your highness. Only essentials.
Travel light! Bring the guns, the weapons,
the knives and how about this picture?
I don't know--I think I'm making a weird face in it.
Oh, boy--he's gone nuts. He's cracked.
Jafar? Jafar? Get a grip, Jafar! Good grip!
JAFAR: Prince Ali is nothing more than
that ragged urchin Aladdin.
He has the lamp, Iago.
IAGO: Why that miserable--
JAFAR: But you are going to relieve him of it!
알라딘 재스민, 괜챦아요?
재스민 네.
왕 자파, 내가 가장 믿었던 신하가 내내 모반를 꾀하고 있었단 말인가? 무서운 일이군.
어쩌다 내가-- 이게 꿈은 아니겠지?
내 딸이 드디어 정혼자를 골랐단 말인가? 하 하! 알라께 찬미를!
이렇게 훌륭하다니, 뽀뽀해 주고 싶을 정도네!
아니,그건 둘이 알아서--. 우선 당장 결혼식을 올리자!
그래, 그래. 언제나 행복하고 번창하기를...
그리고 젊은이, 내 자네에겐 왕위를 물려주지.
알라딘 왕이요?
왕 그렇다네, 자네처럼 훌륭한 젊은이라면,
우리 왕국이 필요로 하는 이상적인
젊은 이상에 딱 들어맞아!
이아고 빨리 이자릴 떠야해! 빨리 이자릴--
아니, 우선 짐부터 꾸려야 겠어. 영감님. 꼭 필요한것들만.
가볍게 떠나야지! 총이랑 무기랑, 칼은 우선 챙겨야겠고
이 사진은 어떡하지?
모르겠어-- 아리까리한 표정을 짓고 있구만.
오, 영감-- 드디어 돌았구나. 맛이 갔어.
자파? 자파? 정신 차려 자파! 잘 잡았어
자파 알리 왕자란 놈은 -
기껏해야 저 거지에다 머저리인 알라딘이야.
그놈이 램프를 가지고 있어, 이아고.
이아고 어째 그런 일이--
자파 그러니 네가 그놈한테 램프를 뺏는 거야.
ALADDIN: Sultan? They want me to be sultan?
GENIE: Huzzah! Hail the conquering hero!
Aladdin, you've just won the heart of the princess.
What are you gonna do next?
Psst, your line is "I'm going to free the genie." Anytime.
ALADDIN: Genie...I can't.
GENIE: Sure you can. You just go "Genie, I wish you free."
ALADDIN: I'm serious. Look, I'm sorry--I really am.
But they want to make me sultan--no!,
They want to make Prince Ali sultan.
Without you, I'm just Aladdin.
GENIE: Al, you won!
ALADDIN: Because of you!
The only reason anyone thinks I'm anything is because of you.
What if they find out I'm not really a prince?
What if Jasmine finds out?
I'll lose her. Genie, I can't keep this up on my own.
I can't wish you free.
GENIE: Hey, I understand.
After all, you've lied to everyone else.
Hey, I was beginning to feel left out.
Now, if you'll excuse me, master.
ABU: Ohhh.
ALADDIN: Genie, I'm really sorry. Well, fine. Then just stay in
there! What are you guys looking at?
이아고 내가?
알라딘 왕이라고? 내가 왕이 됐으면 한다고?
지니 만세-! 우리의 영웅에게 갈채를!
알라딘, 공주님의 마음은 사로잡았겠다,
다음은 뭘 해야하지?
여보세요, 댁의 대사는 '지니에게 자유를 주겠다.'예요. 어서요.
알라딘 지니...안 돼.
지니 바로 그거야. 한마디만 하면 돼. '지니, 네 자유를 원해.'라고.
알라딘 농담이 아니야. 그래, 미안해-- 정말이야.
하지만 그 사람들이 나더러 왕이 되래--!
그 사람들이 왕으로 추대하려는건 알리 왕자야.
네가 없는 난 그냥 알라딘이고.
지니 알, 여태 잘 했쟎아!
알라딘 네 덕분이지!
사람들이 다 나를 대단하다고 생각하는건 네가 있었기 때문이야.
만일 그 사람들이 내가 사실은 왕자가 아니라는 걸 안다면?
재스민이 그 사실을 안다면?
그녀를 잃을 거야. 지니, 나 혼자 힘으론 아무 것도 할 수 없어.
널, 자유롭게 해줄 수는 없어.
지니 대충 무슨 소린지 알겠어요.
결국, 당신은 모두에게 거짓말을 한거 로군요.
네에-, 정말 정내미가 뚝뚝 떨어지는군요.
이만 물러 나겠습니다. '주인. 나.으.리.'
아부 오우.
알라딘 지니, 정말 미안해. 그래, 좋아! 그 안에서 잘먹고 잘 살아라!
뭘 보는거야 ?
Look, I--I'm sorry.
Wait, Abu-- wait--I'm sorry, I didn't-- wait, come on.
What am I doing? Genie's right--I gotta tell Jasmine the truth.
JASMINE: Ali, oh Ali--will you come here?
ALADDIN: Well, here goes. Jasmine? Where are you?
IAGO: Ahem--In the menagerie, hurry.
ALADDIN: I'm coming.
IAGO: Ya got a problem, pinky?
Boy, Jafar's gonna be happy to see you! Good work, Iago!
Ah, go on. No, really--on a scale of one to ten,
you are an eleven!
Ah, Jafar--you're too kind. I'm embarrassed, I'm blushing.
SULTAN: People of Agrabah,
My daughter has finally chosen a suitor!
ALADDIN: Jasmine?
JASMINE: Ali, where have you been?
ALADDIN: Jasmine, There's something I've got to tell you.
JASMINE: The whole kingdom has turned
out for father's announcement!
ALADDIN: No! But Jasmine, listen to me, please!
JASMINE: Good luck!
SULTAN: ...Ali Ababwa!
ALADDIN: Oh, boy!
아냐, 미--미안해.
기다려, 아부-- 내가 잘못했어, 내가-- 기다려, 이봐.
어쩌지? 지니말이 옳아-- 재스민에게 사실을 말해야해.
재스민 알리, 알리-- 잠깐만 나와보겠어요?
알라딘 네. 나가요. 재스민? 어디 있지?
이아고 으흠-- 동물원 안이예요, 어서요.
아라딘 지금 갈께.
홍학 투!
이아고 뭐 문제있냐, 청단아?
이아고 친구, 자파가 널 보면 좋아하겠지!(자파) 잘 했어, 이아고!
(이아고)아니, 뭘. (자파) 아니야, 말은 바로 해야지.
하나부터 열까지 네 공이었어!
(이아고) 아니, 자파-친절하긴. 쑥쓰럽게시리. 부끄럽잖아.
왕 아그라바의 백성들이여,
짐의 딸이 마침내 반려자를 맞이했도다!
알라딘 재스민?
재스민 알리, 내내 어디 있었어?
알라딘 너한테 말해야 할게 있어.
재스민 온 나라가 아버지의 말씀 때문에
떠들썩 하단 말이야!
알라딘 잠깐만, 재스민, 먼저 내 말을 들어줘!
재스민 잘해!
왕 ....알리 아바브와!
알라딘 이런, 세상에!
IAGO: Look at them, cheering that little pipsqueak.
JAFAR: Let them cheer.
GENIE: You know Al, I'm getting reallyyyyyy--I don't think you're him. Tonight, the role of Al will be played by a tall,
dark and sinister ugly man.
JAFAR: I am your master now.
GENIE: I was afraid of that.
JAFAR: Genie, grant me my first wish.
I wish to rule on high, as sultan!!!
SULTAN: Bless my soul. What is this? What is going on?
JAFAR: Heh heh heh!
SULTAN: Jafar, you vile betrayer.
IAGO: That's Sultan Vile Betrayer to you.
ALADDIN: Oh, yeah?
Well, we'll just see about that! The lamp!
JAFAR: Finders-keepers, Abooboo.
ALADDIN: Genie! No!
GENIE: Sorry, kid--I got a new master now.
SULTAN: Jafar, I order you to stop!
JAFAR: There's a new order now--my order!
Finally, you will bow to me!
JAFAR: We'll never bow to you!
IAGO: Why am I not surprised?
JAFAR: If you will not bow before a sultan,
then you will cower before a sorcerer!
이아고 저 졸부를 두고 환호해대는 사람들 보라지.
자파 멋대로 하라고 그래.
지니 왜 자꾸 그래. 알, 난 지금--
알이 아니네. '오늘 밤, 키크고, 거무튀튀하고 사악하고
추한 사내가 '알'의 역을 가로챈다.'
자파 이제부터 내가 너의 주인이다.
지니 우려하던 사태대로군요.
자파 지니, 나의 첫번째 소원이다.
난, 이 나라를 지배하기를 원한다. 왕으로서!!!
알라딘 와아!
왕 하느님 맙소사. 이게 뭐지? 뭐가 어떻게 돼가는 거야!
자파 후 후 후 후!
왕 자파, 이 더러운 반역자.
이아고 저 양반이 너보고 더러운 반역자라는데?
알라딘 아, 그래?
좋아. 어떤 일이 생기는지 보자! 램프가!
자파 찾는 사람이 임자라네, 아부부군.
알라딘 지니! 안돼!
지니 미안해--, 이제는 주인이 바뀌었어.
왕 자파, 그만 두지 못할까!
자파 누가 누구보고 그만 두라는 거냐!
결국은 내 앞에 무릎을 꿇을 놈들이!
재스민 너 따위에게 고개를 숙일 줄 알고!
이아고 내 저렇게 삐댈 줄 알았지.
자파 왕 앞에서 고개를 숙이지 않더라도,
마법사 앞에선 움츠리겠지.
Genie, my second wish--
I wish to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world!
IAGO: Ladies and gentlemen,
a warm Agrabah welcome for Sorcerer Jafar!
JAFAR: Now where were we? Ah, yes--abject humiliation!
Down, boy!
Oh, princess---there's someone I'm dying to introduce you to.
ALADDIN: Jafar! Get your hands off her!
JAFAR: Prince Ali Yes, it is he, But not as you know him.
Read my lips and come to grips With reality
Yes, meet a blast from your past
Whose lies were too good to last
Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!
IAGO: Or should we say Aladdin?
ALADDIN: Jasmine, I tried to tell you.
JAFAR: So Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin
Just a con, need I go on?
Take it from me His personality flaws
Give me adequate cause
To send him packing on a one-way trip
So his prospects take a terminal dip
His assets frozen, the venue chosen
Is the ends of the earth, whoopee!
So long,
IAGO: Good bye, see ya!
JAFAR: Ex-Prince Ali!
지니, 나의 두번째 소원이다.
이 세상에서 가장 힘이 센 마법사가 되기를 바란다!
이아고 신사 숙녀 여러분,
뜨거운 박수로 마법사 자파씨를 환영합시다!
자파 어디까지 했더라? 아, 그래-- 무릎부터 꿇린댔나?
꺼져라, 괭이야!
오, 공주-- 내 꼭 소개해주고픈 사람이 있소만.
알라딘 자파! 그 손 놓지 못해!
자파 알리 왕자라. 그래, 하지만 너희가 아는 것과 많이 틀릴걸.
내 그대에게 진실을 말해주지.
그래, 이전에도 한번 만난 일이 있겠지.
누구의 거짓말은 끝까지 훌륭했어.
훌륭한 알리 왕자님께 인사나 하지!
이아고 이제 알라딘이라고 불러야겠지?
알라딘 재스민, 너한테 말하려 했었어.
자파 알리란 작자는 다름 아닌 알라딘이요.
사기꾼이야. 더 말할 필요가 있을까?
그 더러운 인간성을
내게 들어보시게.
이런 놈은 화물칸에 쑤셔서 여행이나 보내야지
그 종말이 눈에 보이는 군.
그놈이 갈 곳은
지구의 끝에 있을 얼어붙은 땅, '만세!'
이아고 잘가, 또 보자구!
자파 옛날의 알리 왕자님!
ALADDIN: Abu? Abu! Oh, this is all my fault--
I should have freed the genie when I had the chance. Abu!
Are you okay? I'm sorry, Abu--
I made a mess of everything, somehow. I gotta go back
and set things right. Carpet! Abu, start digging! That's it!
Yeah! All right! Now, back to Agrabah! Let's go!
IAGO: Puppet ruler want a cracker? Here's your cracker.
Shove 'em all right down your throat. Here, have lots!
JASMINE: Stop it , Jafar leave him alone
JAFAR: It pains me to see you reduced to this, Jasmine.
A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself
should be on the arm of the most powerful man in the world.
What do you say, my dear? Why, with you as my queen...
JAFAR: I'll teach you some respect!
No. Genie, I have decided to make my final wish.
I wish for Princess Jasmine to fall desperately in love with me.
GENIE: Ah, master--
there are a few addendas, some quid pro quo-
JAFAR: Don't talk back to me, you stupid blue lout!
You will do what I order you to do, slave!
I never realized how incredibly handsome you are.
JAFAR: That's better.
Now, pussycat, tell me more about...myself.
JASMINE: You're tall, well dressed...
알라딘 아부? 아부! 아, 이건 전적으로 내 잘못이야.
할 수 있었을 때 지니를 풀어줬어야 하는 건데.
아부! 괜찮니? 미안해, 아부--
내가 모든 것을 엉망진창으로 만들어놨어. 어떻게든 돌아가 서 일을 수습해야해. 양탄자! 아부, 계속 파. 바로 그거야!
이얏! 좋았어! 자, 다시 아그라바로! 가자!
이아고 괴뢰전하께옵선 과자 좋아하시죠? 여기 과자가 있어요.
옳지, 옳지, 목구녕에 전부 우겨 넣으라구. 자. 많이 먹어!
재스민 그만 두지 못해!
자파 당신이 이렇게 되다니, 나도 슬프오. 재스민.
사막에 핀 꽃처럼 아름다운 그대니 만큼.
이 세상에서 가장 힘 있는 사내 품에 안기 는게 도리겠지.
어떻소, 그대? 그러니까, 내 아내가 되...
재스민 절대로!
자파 아무래도 뜨거운 맛을 봐야겠군!
흥. 지니, 마지막 소원을 정했다.
재스민 공주가 나를 미치도록 사랑하게 해달라!
지니 아, 주인님--
몇가지 주건이 있어요, 그러니까-
자파 말대꾸하지마, 이 메부수수한 퍼렁뜨기야!
노예는 주인이 시키는 대로 하면 되는거야!
재스민 자파!
예전엔 당신이 이토록 잘생긴 남자인지 몰랐어요.
자파 한결 낫군.
그럼, 자기, 내 어디가 그리... 잘났지?
재스민 자긴, 키도 크고, 차림새도...
GENIE: Al! Al, little buddy!
GENIE: Al, I can't help you--I work for senor psychopath, now.
ALADDIN: Hey--I'm a street rat, remember? I'll improvise.
JAFAR: Go on.
JASMINE: And your beard...is so...twisted!
IAGO: Jaf--mmmmmm!
JAFAR: And the street rat?
JASMINE: What street rat?
ABU: Yuck!
JAFAR: That was-- You!!
How many times do I have to kill you, boy?
ALADDIN: Get the lamp!
JAFAR: No , Ah, ah, ah, princess--Your time is up!
ALADDIN: Jasmine!
IAGO: Oh, nice shot, Jaf--
JAFAR: Don't toy with me!
JAFAR: Things are unraveling fast, now boy.
Get the point? I'm just getting warmed up!
ALADDIN: Are you afraid to fight me yourself,
you cowardly snake?
JAFAR: A snake, am I?
Perhaps you'd like to see how snake-like I can be!
GENIE: Rickem, rockem, rackem,
rake--stick that sword into that snake!
지니 알! 알, 내 귀여운 친구!
알라딘 쉬잇!
지니 알, 난 널 도울수 없어- 지금은 저 싸이코 밑에서 일한다구.
알라딘 이봐-- 난 들쥐야, 벌써 잊었어? 즉흥 연기를 시작해야지.
자파 계속.
재스민 그리고 당신의 수염도... 퍽 잘 말려있고요!
이아고 자ㅍ--으읍!
자파 그 들쥐는?
재스민 들쥐라뇨?
아부 으엑!
자파 그건 말이지--놈!!
몇번을 죽여야 그만 나타날 셈이지, 응?
알라딘 램프를 쥐어!
자파 아아 아~하, 공주-- 거기까지다 !
알라딘 재스민!
이아고 오, 잘했어, 자ㅍ--
자파 날 놀래키지 마라!
알라딘 아부!
자파 엉킨 실타래는 빨리 풀어야지.
선취점을 얻겠다? 난 겨우 몸을 풀었을 뿐인데!
알라딘 나와 1대1로 맞붙는 게 두렵나 보지,
비열하기 짝이 없는 뱀새끼.
자파 뱀, 내가?
이 뱀이 얼마나 사악 해질 수 있는지 보고 싶은가 보군.
지니 리켐 로켐 라켐 레익,
칼을 뽑아, 뱀을 쳐!
JAFAR: You stay out of thissss!
GENIE: Jafar, Jafar, he's our man--if he can't do it, GREAT!
JASMINE: Aladdin!
ALADDIN: Jasmine Hang on, !
JAFAR: You little fool!
You thought you could defeat the most powerful being on earth!
IAGO: Squeeze him, Jafar--Squeeze him like a--awk!
JAFAR: Without the genie, boy, you're nothing!
ALADDIN: The genie! The genie!
The genie has more power than you'll ever have!
JAFAR: What!!
ALADDIN: He gave you your power, he can take it away!
GENIE: Al, what are you doing?
Why are you bringing me into this?
ALADDIN: Face it, Jafar--you're still just second best!
JAFAR: You're right!
His power does exceed my own! But not for long!
GENIE: The boy is crazy. He's a little punch drunk.
One too many hits with the snake
JAFAR: Slave, I make my third wish!
I wish to be an all powerful genie!
GENIE: All right, your wish is my command. Way to go, Al.
JAFAR: Yes! Yes! The power! The absolute power!
JASMINE: What have you done?
ALADDIN: Trust me!
JAFAR: The universe is mine to command, to control!
자파 넌 입닥치고 있어---ㅅ!
지니 자파자파,우리 편-- 지게되면, '댓기리!'
재스민 알라딘!
알라딘 조금만! 재스민!
자파 어리석은 놈아!
지구상 어느누구보다 힘이 쎈 --이 내가 패할줄 알았더냐!
이아고 죽여, 자파-- 그놈 모가지를--톄!
자파 지니가 없으면 네놈은, 아무것도 아니야!
알라딘 지니. 지니!
아무리 발버둥 쳐도 그 지니 보다 못한 주제에!
자파 뭐라고?
알라딘 지니가 너한테 힘을 줬으니 거둘 수도 있는 거야!
지니 알, 뭐하는 짓이야?
거기에 난 왜 끌여 들여?
알라딘 내말이 틀려? 자파-- 넌 그래봤자 두 번 째야!
자파 네 말이 맞다!
그놈의 힘은 나보다 월등해! 하지만 지금 이순간까지다!
지니 쟤가 미친 거예요. 몇 대 맞더니 맛이 간거니까.
그냥 몇대 더 때려줘요.
자파 나의 노예여! 세 번째 소원을 정했다!
나는 전지전능한 지니가 되고 싶다!
지니 좋아요. 이루어드리죠. 난 몰라, 알.
자파 그래! 그래! 이 힘! 절대적 힘!
재스민 무슨 짓을 한 거야?
알라딘 나를 믿어!
자파 드디어 우주를 내 마음대로 주무를수 있게 됐도다!
ALADDIN: Not so fast, Jafar! Aren't you forgetting something?
You wanted to be a genie, you got it!
And everything that goes with it!
JAFAR: No! No!
IAGO: I'm gettin' out of here!
Come on, you're the genie, I don't want--
ALADDIN: Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space.
GENIE: Al, you little genius, you!
JAFAR: t your blasted beak out of my face!
IAGO: Oh, shut up, you moron!
JAFAR: Don't tell me to shut up!
GENIE: Allow me. Ten- thousand years
in a cave of wonders ought to chill him out!
ALADDIN: Jasmine, I'm sorry lied to you about being a prince.
JASMINE: I know why you did.
ALADDIN: Well, I guess...this... is goodbye?
JASMINE: Oh, that stupid law. This isn't fair--I love you.
GENIE: Al, no problem. You've still got one wish left.
Just say the word and you're a prince again.
ALADDIN: But Genie, what about your freedom?
GENIE: Hey, it's only an eternity of servitude.
This is love. Al, you're not gonna
find another girl like her in a million years.
Believe me, I know. I've looked.
ALADDIN: Jasmine, I do love you,
but I've got to stop pretending to be something I'm not.
알라딘 속단하지 마, 자파! 뭔가 잊지 않았어?
넌 지니가 되기를 바랬고 지니가 됐어!
그리고 모든일엔 댓가가 따르기 마련이지!
자파 안돼! 안돼애!
이아고 난 나갈거야.
자, 너나 지니해. 난 그런거--
알라딘 우주를 뒤덮는 초파워! 한뼘 반의 주거공간.
지니 알, 자긴 천재야!
자파 거지같은 주둥이, 내 얼굴에서 치워!
이아고 입 닥쳐, 이 멍청아!
자파 네놈이 나한테 입 닥치라는 소릴 해!
지니 내가 처리하지. 신비의 동굴속에서 일만년만
처박혀 머리를 식히라고--들 !!
알라딘 재스민, 왕자라고 거짓말을 한거, 미안해.
재스민 왜 그랬는지 다 알아.
알라딘 자, 이제.... 헤어져야... 하겠지?
재스민 아, 그 바보같은 법! 말도 안돼! 난 널 사랑해.
지니 알, 뭐가 문제야. 아직 소원이 하나 남아 있어.
말 한마디면 다시 왕자가 될 수 있쟎아.
알라딘 하지만, 지니, 네 자유는 어떻게 하고?
지니 그냥, 영원히 노예상태로 있는 거지 뭐.
이건 사랑이야. 알, 백만년을 기다려도
이런 아가씨는 만나지 못해.
날 믿어, 난 경험으로 알고 있어.
알라딘 재스민, 널 정말 사랑해.
하지만, 다른 사람 행세를 하며 남을 속일 순 없어.
JASMINE: I understand.
ALADDIN: Genie, I wish for your freedom.
GENIE: One bona fide prince pedigree coming up. I--what?
ALADDIN: Genie, you're free!
GENIE: Heh, heh! I'm free. I'm free.
Quick, quick, wish for something outrageous.
Say "I want the Nile." Wish for the Nile. Try that!
ALADDIN: I wish for the Nile.
GENIE: No way!! Oh does that feel good!
I'm free! I'm free at last! I'm hittin' the road.
I'm off to see the world! I--
ALADDIN: Genie, I'm--I'm gonna miss you.
GENIE: Me too, Al. No matter what anybody says,
you'll always be a prince to me.
SULTAN: That's right.
You've certainly proven your worth as far as I'm concerned.
It's that law that's the problem.
JASMINE: Father?
SULTAN: Well, am I sultan or am I sultan?
From this day forth,
the princess shall marry whomever she deems worthy.
JASMINE: Him! I choose...I choose you, Aladdin.
ALADDIN: Ha, ha. Call me Al.
재스민 이해해.
알라딘 지니, 네가 자유롭게 되기를 원한다.
지니 가설라무네 정통 왕조의 핏줄을 이어받은... 내가--뭐?
알라딘 지니, 넌 자유야!
지니 어. 어.. 자유. 자유라고.
어서, 어서... 뭔가 터무니없는 걸 빌어봐.
'나일강을 원한다'고 말해봐. 나일을 원한다고. 해봐!
알라딘 나일강을 원해.
지니 모옷- 해-- !! 아, 이렇게 좋을수가!
자유다! 마침내 자유야! 여행을 떠나야지.
세계 일주를 해버릴거야! 그리고--
알라딘 지니, 네--네가 보고 싶을거야.
지니 나도야, 알.
누가 뭐래도 상관없어, 넌 언제까지고 나의 왕자니까.
왕 그렇고 말고.
적어도 나에게만큼은, 자네의 능력을 확실히 보여주었네.
문제는 그 법이야.
재스민 아빠?
왕 그래, 난 왕이야. 달리 왕이 아니지.
오늘 이후부터,
공주는 자기가 훌륭하다고 여긴 남자와 결혼할 수 있을 것이다.
재스민 이 사람 이예요! 전, 전 당신을 택했어요. 알라딘.
알라딘 하,하. 알이라고 불러요.
GENIE: Oh, all of ya. Come over here. Big group hug!
Mind if I kiss the monkey? Ooh, hairball!
Well, I can't do any more damage
around this popsicle stand.
I'm outta here! Bye, bye, you two crazy lovebirds.
Hey, Rugman, ciao! I'm history! No, I'm mythology!
No, I don't care what I am--I'm free!
ALADDIN: A whole new world
JASMINE: A whole new life
BOTH: For you and me!
MEN'S CHORUS: A whole new world!
GENIE: Made ya look!
지니 허, 모두들 이리로 와요들. 둥그렇게 모여봐요!
뽀뽀해줄까, 원숭아? 쿠, 털뭉치!
뭐. 나도 눈치가 있으니 더 이상
여기서 뭉기적 거리지 않을께.
난 갈께-이! 잘들 있어. 잉꼬처럼 행복하게 살라구.
어이, 깔개군, 끼얏호- 나는 역사야! 아니, 나는 신화야!
아니, 내가 뭐든 그게 무슨 상관이야-- 나는 --자유야!
알라딘 이 모든 새로운 세계와.
재스민 내게 새로이 찾아온 인생.
함께 당신과 내가 함께 있으면!
사람들 이 모든 세상이 새로워져요!
지니 또 보자구!
(영화대본) Bug's Life (제1부)
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
Bug's life
No, no, no. I'm lost! Where's the line?
It just went away. What do I do? What do I do?
Help! We'll be stuck here forever!
* I'm lost : 길을 잃었다 는 표현으로 I got lost, I lost my way 를 쓰기도 합니다.
I lost my bearings. 난 방향을 잃어버렸다. 니까 이것 역시 길을 잃었다 는 뜻입니다.
* be stuck : (어떤 장소에서) 빠져 나오지 못하는, 갇혀 있는
Do not panic. Do not panic.
We are trained professionals. Now stay calm, We are going around the leaf.
* panic : 허둥대다.
A-around the leaf? I-I don't think we can do that.
Oh, nonsense. This is nothing compared to the twig of '93.
That's it. That's it. Good. You're doing great! There you go. There you go.
Watch my eyes, and don't look away. And there is the line again.
* twig : 가느다란 가지, 막대기
Thank you, Thank you, Mr. Soil.
Ha, ha, ha. Good job, everybody.
* good job : (일등을) 훌륭하게 했구나, 잘했어.
Oh, my, There's quite a gap, Mr. Soil.
Shouldn't we tell the queen?
I don't think we need to involve the queen in this.
She's got enough on her plate already, training her daughter.
Oh, yes. Princess Atta, the poor dear.
Oh, wind's died down. They'll be here soon.
* die down : 차츰 사라지다, 점차 희미해지다.
ex) The commotion slowly died down. 소란은 차츰 가라앉았다.
Just be confident, dear. You'll be fine.
Oh! There's a gap. There's a gap in the line. What are we gonna do?
It's okay, your Highness. Gaps happen.
We just lost a few inches, that's all.
* that’s all : 그것으로 끝이다, 그것뿐이다.
Oh, right.
Your Highness, I can't count when you hover like that.
* hover : (새나 곤충들이) 날다.
Oh, of course. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Guys, go ahead someone else for a while.
Okay, Atta. Now what do we do?
Uh- oh! Don't tell me. I know it. I know it. What is it?
We relax.
Oh, it'll be fine. It's the same year after year.
They come, they eat, they leave. That's our lot in life.
It's not a lot, but it's our life.
Isn't that right, Aphie? Oh, you're such a cute little aphid.
* lot : 운명, 숙명
* aphid : 진딧물
Ditch dot.
Hey, come back here.
What did I tell you about trying to fly?
Not until my wing grow in.
But, mom..
Dot, you're a young queen ant, and your wings are too little to be..
I was talking to Mother. You're not the queen yet, Atta.
Now, Dot, be nice to yor sister.
Its not my fault. She's so stressed out.
I know, I know.
I'm always acting like the sky is falling.
Look out.
Princess Atta! Princess Atta!
Princess Atta!
Oh, Hey!
Stop that.
What do you think you're doing?
You could have killed somebody over here.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Oh, it's Flik. Oh.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Please forgive me. I'm sorry.
Princess Atta!
Flik, what are you doing?
oh, oh. this! this is my new idea for harvesting grain.
No more picking individual kernels.
You can just cut down the entire stalk!
* pick : 껍질을 벗기다.
* kernel : 껍질속의 종자, 밀등의 낟알
* cut down : 나무 등을 베어 넘기다, 크기를 줄이다.
* stalk : 줄기, 대, 자루
Flik, we don't have time for this.
Exactly! We never have time for collect food for ourselves.
Because we spend all summer hervesting for the offering.
But my invention will speed up prouction.
* offering : 공물, 재물, 헌납
Oh, another invention?
Yea, and I've got something for you too.
since you're gonna be queen, you could use this to oversee production.
Dr. Flora, If I may.
This is all very mice, but..
Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew, right?
Flik, please!
Wrong! It is, in fact, a telescope.
It's very clever, Flik, but..
Hello, Princess! My, aren't you looking lovely this morning.
Not, of course, that you would need a telescope to see that.
All right, listen! The Princess doesn't have time for this.
You wanna help us fill this thing?
Then get rid of that mechine..
* get rid of : ~ 을 제거하다, 없애다. ex) get rid of one’s debt 빚을 다 없애다.
Get back in line and pick grain like everybody else!
Like everybody else!
Please, Flik, just go.
I'm sorry, I I was... I was really just trying. trying to help.
Harverster. Why we harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa.
* pupa : 애벌레
Where were we?
* where were we? : 어디까지 얘기 했었죠? 무슨 얘기 하고 있었죠?
The food pile, your Highness.
Oh, yes. yes.
Hey, Flik! Flik! Wait up!
Oh, Hello, Princess.
You can call me Dot, Here, you, forgot this.
Thanks. You can keep it. I can make another one.
I like your inventions.
Really? Well, you're the first.
I'm beginning to think nothing I do works.
This works.
* work : 효과가 있다, 작동하다.
Great, One success.
I'm never gonna make a difference.
Me neither.
I'm a royal ant, and I can't even fly yet, I'm too little.
Oh, being little is not such a bad thing.
Yes, it is.
Not, it's not.
Is too.
Is not, is too. Is not, is too.
Is not, is not, is not.
Is too. Is too. Is too.
A seed, I need... I need a seed Ahh...
Ah, here, here.
Pretend that that is a seed.
* pretend : ~인체 하다, 가장하다. (make believe)
ex) She pretended she don't know me. 그녀는 나를 모른 척 했다.
It's a rock.
Oh, I know its a rock, I know.
But let's just pretend for a minute, that it's a seed, all right?
We'll just use our imaginations.
Now, do you see our tree?
Everything that made that giant tree is already contained in side this tiny little seed.
All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and voila!
This rock will be a tree?
Seed to tree. You've gota work with me, all right? Okay.
You might not feel like you can do much now.
But that's just because well, you're not a tree yet.
ou just have to give yourself some time, You're still a seed.
But it's a rock.
I know it's a rock.
on't ya think I know a rock when I see a rock?
i 've spent a lot of time around rocks!
You're weird, but I like you.
* weird : 이상한, 기묘한
They're here.
Mom, where are you?
They're coming. Run.
Dot, Dot!
Single file!
Thank heavens!
Food to the offering stone.
Okay, everyone, single file.
Food to the offering stone and into the anthill. Now let's go!
Go, go, go, go.
Come on. Keep movin, keep movin! Good.
Okay, that's everyone.
Hey, hey, wait for me.
Get the food to the offering stone, then into the anthill.
No, no, no, no, no, oh.
Princess, Atta! Princess, Atta!
They come, they eat, they leave.
They come, they eat, they leave.
Excuse me, pardon me. Pardon me, excuse me.
Coming through, excuse me. Excuse me.
* coming through : 지나갑니다, 비켜주세요.
Sorry, sorry. Coming through. Princess, Atta! there's coming. I need to tell you.
Not now, Flick.
But your Highness. It's about the offering.
Hey, what's going on?
Yeah, where's the food?
What did you do?
it was an accident.
Where's the food? Huh?
So where is it? Where's my food?
Isn't it up there?
The food was in a leaf sitting on top...
Excuse me.
Are you sure it's not up there?
Are you saying I'm stupid?
Do I look stupid to you?
Let's just think about the logic, shall we?
Let's just think about it for a second.
It was up there, would I be coming down here to your level, looking for it?
Uh, I...
Why am I even talking to you?
You're not the queen. You don't smell like the queen.
She's learning to take over for me, Hopper.
* take over : 이어받다, 인계받다.
Oh, I see. Under new management. So it's your fault.
* management : 처리, 조치, 경영
No, it wasn't me. It was...
Uh, uh, uh. First rule of leadership.
Everything is your fault.
But, but I...
It,s a bug-eat-bug world but there Princess. One of those circle-of-life
kind of things.
* bug-eat-bug world : 이 표현은 원래 ‘dog-eat-dog’인데 영화 자체가 벌레들을 소재로
한 것이기 때문에 dog을 bug으로 바꿔 사용한 점이 재미있습니다. 개가 개를 잡아
먹는 것이므로 ‘치열한 경쟁’을 뜻하는 단어인데, ‘바깥 세상은 치열한
경쟁사회이다 란 말로 ‘It’s dog-eat-dog out there.’라는 말을 잘 사용합니다.
Now let me tell you how things are supposed to work.
The sun grows the food, the ants pick the food.
The grasshopper eat the food
* be supposed to : ~ 하기로 되어 있다.
ex) I was supposed to meet her at ten. 열시에 그녀를 만나기로 되어 있었다.
And the birds eat the grasshoppers.
Hey, like the one that nearly ate you, you remember? You remember?
Oh, you should've seen it.
* should have pp : ~ 했어야 했다. (과거의 하지 못한 일에 대한 후회)
ex) I should have noticed the new hair style of my wife.
This blue jay.. He has him halfway down his throat, okay?
And Hopper.. Hopper's kickin and screamin, okay?
And I'm scared. Okay?
I'm not going anywhere near okay?
Aw. come on. It's a great story Ow. ow. ow.
I swear if I hadn't promised Mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you,
I would kill you.
And believe me, no one appreciates that more than I do.
Shut up!
I don't want to hear another word out of you while we're on this island.
Do you understand me?
I said, do you understand me?
Well, how can I answer?
You said I couldn't say another word.
Remember Ma!
Hey I'm a compassionate insect.
There's still a few months till the rains come so you can all just try again.
* compassionate : 인정많은, 동정심 많은
But, Hopper, since it's almost the rainy season we need this time to gather food for ourselves.
* rainy season : 장마철, 우기
Listen, if you don't keep your end of the bargain then I can't guarantee your safety.
And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you.
Someone could get hurt.
* bargain : 거래
* I can’t guarantee : 장담못한다.
* take advantage of : 이용하다, 약점을 틈타다.
What's the matter?
You scared of grasshoppers?
You don't like Thumper?
Leave her alone!
You want her? Go ahead. Take her.
No? Then get back in line.
It seems to me that you ants are forgetting your place. So let's double the order of food.
No! But But but....
We'll be back at the end of the season when the last leaf falls.
You ants have a nice summer. Let's ride!
Filk, what do you have to say for yourself?
Sorry. I.. I'm sorry for the way I am.
I didn't mean for things to go so wrong.
I especially didn't want to make you look bad, Princess.
Well, Flic, you did.
I was just trying to help.
Then help us.. don't help us.
Help, help, help?
Flik, you are sentenced to one month digging in the tunnels.
* be sentenced to : 판결을 내리다, ~ 형에 처하다.
Escuse me, Your Highness.
Need I remind you of Flik's tunnel-within-a-tunnel project?
Helpers to help us. That could... That's it! That's We could...
It took the whole engineering department two days to dig him out.
Send him to Helth and Ant Services.
Heavens, no!
We could leave the island.
The river bed's dry right now.
We'd just walk right across the river bed.
We could go get helpers.
We could. We could leave. Sure.
We could go find helpers to help us.
It's perfect!
Perfect? What's so perfect?
Your Highness. don't you see?
We could send someone to get help!
Leave the island?
Now, why didn't I think of that?
Oh! Beause it's suicide!
She's right! We never leave the island.
Never leave!
There's sankes and birds and bigger bugs out there!
Exactly! Bigger bugs.
We could find bigger bugs to come here and fight...
and forever rid us of Hopper and his gang!
Who would do a crazy thing like that?
I'll volunteer, I'd be very happy to volunteer.
You got a lot of spunk, kid.
But no one's gonna help a bunch of ants.
* spunk : 용기, 기운
* a bunch of : 다발, 묶음, 무리
At least we could try. Oh, I.. I could.. I could travel to the city!
I could search there!
If you went, you'd be on that silly search for weeks.
Royal huddle.
Great idea, Princess. It's perfect.
Wait a minute.
What did we just decide here?
To let Flik leave.
While we keep harvesting to meet Hopper's demands.
You see, with Flik gone, he can't..
He can't mess anything up!
* mess up : 망치다, 엉망으로 만들다.
Flik, after much deliberation, we have decided to grant you your request.
* deliberation : 숙고, 궁리, after much deliberation : 심사숙고 끝에
Oh, thank you. Princess. Thank you so much for this chance.
I... I won't let you down. I promise, I promise, I promise.
* let ~ down : ~ 를 실망시키다.
Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. No, forget it. Forget it.
Oh, but I should probably help repair the damage before I go, don't you think?
No! No, no, Just go. Just leave.
Hey. Don't worry! The colony is in good hands!
Bye, now. All right. Hey, fellas. Beautiful morning, huh?
* in good hands : 일등이 잘 진행중인, 잘 통제되는
* fellas : friends 와 같은 말
My dad says he gives you 1 hour before you come back to the island crying.
Does he, now?
My dad doesn't think that.
He doesn't, huh?
Naw, he's betting you're gonna die.
* He's betting : (내기를 걸만큼) 확신하고 있다
Yeah, he says if the heat doesn't get ya, the birds will.
Well, I think he's gonna make it.
* make it : 잘해내다, 성공하다, 약속을 지키다.
Nobody asked you, Your Royal Shortness.
Yeah, Dot. What do you know?
Hey, hey, hey. Ease up, all right? Come on.
She's entitled to her opinion too.
* Ease up : 감정을 누그러뜨리다, 속도를 줄이다.
* be entitled to : ~ 할 자격이 있다, 권리가 있다.
ex) We are entitled to public education. 우리는 공공교육을 받을 권리가 있다.
So go already.
The city's that way.
I know.
You're supposed to look for bugs, not dandelions.
* dandelions : 서양 민들레
You leave him alone. He knows what he's doing.
That's right.
Here I go. For the colony and for oppressed ants everywhere!
Good luck, Flik!
Your dad's right. He's gonna die.
You just watch.
He's gonna get the bestest, roughtest bugs you've ever seen.
Get back! Get back! Get back! You horrible beast!
I have no fear!
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, I'm sorry. Dim. An owie?
Owie! Owie, owie.
Please show Rosie the owie.
All right, Dim. It's okay.
I have been in outhouses that didn't stink that bad.
* stink : 악취가 나다, 냄세가 코를 찌르다.
This is ridiculous. What a disappointment!
Oh, no!
You come here! I want my money back!
Uh, no refunds after the first two minutes.
* refunds : 환불, 반환, 변상
Popcorn! Stale popcorn!
We're losing the audience! You clowns get out there now!
I hate performing on an empty stomach!
Do your act, Heimlich. Then you can eat.
P.T. What's the point?
* what's the point? : 요점이 뭔가요?, 뭘 말하려고 하나요?
Not now, Slim.
What's the point of going out there?
They'll only laugh at me.
That's because you're a clown!
No, it's because I'm a prop!
You always cast me as the broom, the pole, the stick, a splinter.
* prop : 받침, 지주, 지지자
* broom : 긴 솔빗자루
You're a walking stick. It's funny!
Now go! You parasite.
* parasite : 기생충, 기식자, 밥벌레
Spring's in the air.
And I'm a flower with nothing interesting to say, A bee!
* be in the air : 기운이 감도는, 만연한 cf) up in the air : 미결정의
I'm a cute little bumblebee!
Here I come! Slow down. Slow down. you flowers!
Candy corn! Here. here. Let me help you to finish it.
Hey, cutie. Wanna pollinate with a real bug?
* pollinate : 수정하다, 수분하다.
Ooh, come to Papa, yeah!
So being a ladybug automatically makes me a girl.
Is that it, fly boy? Huh?
She's a guy!
Francis, leave them alone.
They are poo-poo heads!
Not again.
Judging by your breath, you must have been buzzing around a dung heap all day.
Come on, Fancis. You're making the maggots cry.
All right. We're dying out there.
i,m Gypsy, quick! You and Manny...
He's in a trans.
Well, get him out of it!
You and your husband are up now.
Manny, we're on.
Oh, yet again it is up to me to rescue the performance.
Gypsy, come.
The stage is the other way, dear.
Yes, of course.
Anytime, pal. I'm gonna pick the hairs out of your head one be one!
Take your best shot!
You name the place!
* you name the place : 장소는 네가 정해, 너한테 달렸어 (It's up to you.)
cf) You name it 이란 말은 '뭐든지 다 있습니다.' '네 맘대로 해'등의 다양한 뜻을 갖습니다.
Yeah, 'cause when you get there, you are dead!
Francis, let me handle this. That's no way to speak to a lady.
I heard that, you twig.
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Manto the Magnificent
and his lovely assistant, Gypsy!
From the most mysterious regions of uncharted Asia
I give you the Chinese Cabinet of Metamorphosis!
* uncharted : 지도에도 없는, 아직 답사되지 않은
* metamorphosis : 모습의 변화, 변태
Rosie, whole troupe.
On stage! Finale, now!
Okay, I just need a little time to
Coming, coming. Tuck, Roll.
Let's get moving, guys. We're up next.
Don't you understand? We are up!
Hey! They don't understand me.
I summon the voice of Confucius..
Get off the stage, you old hack!
I demand to know who said that.
How dare you! Ingrates!
Manny? Manny?
I only got 24hours to live, and I ain't gonna waste it here. Come on!
I've just about had it with these losers!
Flaming death!
I hold in my hand the match.. the match that decides whether two bugs live or die this very evening.
In a moment, I will light this trail of matches leading to a sheet of flypaper dowsed in lighter fluid!
Aimed directly at the flypaper are Tuck and Roll...
The pill bug cannonballs!
The cannon will be triggered by Dim, trained to jump at the sound of this bell set to go off in 15 seconds.
Our pill bug's only hope of survival is our mistress of the high wire, Rosie!
Secured to a web line of exact length...
Rosie will plummet down to these two posts spinning a web of safety in less than 15 seconds!
Not good enough, you say? Well, what if they were all blindfolded!
Ladies and gentlemen, may I suggest that those of you with weak constitutions
leave the arena for this act is so dangerous that if the slightest thing should go wrong
Go? Okay, through the tunnel...
Okay, that's done!
Oh, no!
We need some water! Water, water.....
Get me outta here!
it's the web. I'm sorry, it's
You're all fired.
We got the water!
Here we come.. P.T!
We'll save you!
Whoa Burning again!
No, Harry, no! Don't look at the light.
I can't help it. It's so beautiful!
서커스단을 전사벌레로 오해한 플릭, 그들을 데리고 개미왕국으로 돌아오는데...
Try not to look like a country bug.
Blend, blend in.
* blend in : 혼합하다, 어울리다, 조화하다.
ex) He blend in well with the new group. 그는 새로운 그룹에 잘 어울린다.
Hey, buggy.
What do you expect? The guy is a tick.
Waw, the city!
Making all stops to the septic tank.
Including standing water empty been can and dead rat.
* septic tank : 박테리아를 이용하는 하수 처리용 부패 탱크, 정화조.
Watch your stingers, All abroad.
Hey, watch it!
Watch where you're going!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean...
Oh, sorry, I'm really, really sorry.
That was an, an, an, accident.
Hey, let go of me!
I'll show ya who's tough!
And stay out!
Tough bugs!
I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly..
Move it!
Hey, waiter! I'm in my soup!
I've been working out. Feel my wing.
Yo! Two Black Flags over here!
All right.
Hair of the dog you bit.
* 원래 표현은 a hair of the dog that bit you.입니다. 직역하면 ‘당신을 문 개의 털’이란 뜻
이구요. 서양에서는 한때 개한테 물리면 문 개의 털을 태워 그 재를 상처위에 발라
주었다고 합니다. 바로 이런 민간요법에서 전날 밤 마신 술에서 깨기 위해 그 다음
아침에 똑 같은 술을 좀 더 마시는 풍습이 생겼지요. 여기서 다음 날 아침에 좀 더
마시는 술, 즉 ‘해장술’은 개한테 물린 상처를 치유하는 ‘개털’과 비슷하다고 생각한답니다.
Hey, who ordered the poo-poo platter?
* platter : 대형접시
Here ya go, slick. Enjoy.
Hey, I said no salt!
Buzz off!
* buzz off : 이 말은 나 좀 그만 괴롭히고 ‘저리 비켜’ (=Get lost!) 라는 뜻으로서 비어는
아니지만 매우 짜증이 났을 때 하는 말입니다. 비슷한 표현으로 Cut it out!이 있습니다.
상대방이 짓궂게 굴거나 성가시게 할 때 『괴롭히는 일(it)을 그만두라(cut out)』는 의미죠.
그 외에 bug나 bother를 이용하여 Don't bug me.또는 Stop bothering me. 라고 해도
‘나 좀 그만 괴롭혀라’ 는 말이 되고요, ‘그만둬!’ 라는 말로 간단히 Quit it!이나 Stop it!
이라고 하기도 합니다.
oh, pardon me, sir. I I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment.
I represent a colony of ants, and I'm looking I'm looking for tough bugs the sort of bugs.
Fired by a flea.. how humiliating!
Let's face it. We stink.
* let’s face it : 사실을 사실대로 보자, 피하지 말고 그대로 직면하자.
ex) face the music : 용감하게 감수하다, 마땅히 받을 벌을 받다.
* stink : 악취가 나다, 몹시 평판이 나쁘다.
You fired. You fired. You fired.
Oh, will you shut up?
Hey, you fired!
Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly
and then everything will be better.
I can't believe the troupe is breaking up.
We've always been together.
Farewell, my friends.
To the audience we'll never have.
Francis! Your boyfriends from the circus are here!
There she is!
Hello there, girlie bug.
* girlie : 영어에서는 동물이나 사람의 이름뒤에 –ie, -y를 붙여 애칭으로 부릅니다.
Dog을 doggie로 cat을 kitty로 Rick을 Ricky로 하는 것이 바로 그 예입니다.
Shoo, fly. Don't bother me.
Say, why don't you tell our pal, Thud..
What you said to us at the circus.
Something about buzzing around a dung heap?
Uh, excuse me, Hi. I represent an ant colony, and we're
Hey, bartender! Bloody Mary, O-positive.
* bloody mary : mary는 마리화나를 뜻하는 속어입니다. 따라서 이 장면에서 모기가
주문한 것은 피로 된 마리화나입니다. O-positive는 혈액형이 RH+O형이란 뜻이죠.
모기도 혈액형을 따진다니 재밌는 장면입니다.
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home.
Not so tough now, are you?
All right, clown.
Get up and fight like a girl.
Get ready to do the robin Hood act.
I want to be Little John!
What part can I play?
You see, I'm looking for tough, warrior bugs.
Stand back. Ye flies! We are the greatest warriors in all bugdom!
Warrior bugs!
My sword!
Swish, swish. Clang. Clang.
* swish : 막대기 등으로 휙휙 소리를 내다.
* clang : 서로 부딪혀 쨍소리를 내다.
Little John?
What ho, Robin?
Justice is my sword and truth shall be my quiver!
* quiver : n. 화살통, v. 떨리다.
Wait. Wait! No, no.
I want to watch this.
Thrust, parry. Lunge!
Me thinketh it's not working!
Back to Sherwood Forest!
What's going on in there?
Help! Help! Get me out!
You're perfect!
Oh, great ones! I have been scouting for bugs with your exact talents! A talent scout.
My colony's in trouble.
Grasshoppers are coming! We've been forced to prepare all this food.
Dinner theatre!
Please! Will you help us?
Whee are they?
We'll take the job!
Yes, yes, yes!
You can explain the details on the way.
Okay, come on, everyone. Break a leg!
* break a leg : Break a leg!는 직역하면 '다리를 부러뜨려라!' 이지만, 누군가에게 행운을
빌어요!라고 할 때 쓰는 말입니다. 16세기 유럽 사람들은 자기가 원하는 것과 반대되는
행동을 하면 소망이 이루어진다고 믿어서 비가 오지 않기를 바랄 때는 우산을 가지고
외출했다고 합니다. 또, 독일인들은 스키를 잘 타고 오라고 할 때 영어로 'May you break
your neck and leg.'에 해당하는 독일말을 했다고 하며 여기서 유래하여 break a leg이
행운을 비는 뜻으로 쓰이게 되었다고 합니다. 이외에 다른 표현으로는 'Here's wishing
you luck.' 혹은 'I'll keep my fingers crossed.'가 있습니다.
Whoa, you're vicious!
* vicious : 부도덕한, 성질이 고약한
Hold on, Mr. Ant.
Amazing! This is too good to be true.
플릭은 서커스단을 데리고 개미왕국에 도착하고 모두들 하퍼로부터 구해줄
용감한 전사벌레라고 믿고 있는데...
So, you see, it was my fault that Hopper's coming back.
But then, Princess Atta.. boy, is she one in a million..
She let me go out and find you.
And after seeing you fight off those flies, boys, are those
grasshoppers in for a big surprise!
* in a million : 진귀한, 소중한
Dr. Flora!
Oh, dear, not another one
This is insane. Insane.
There's just not enough food left on the island.
No way. We can make double quote before Hopper comes.
* No way : ‘There is no way that could happen.’ ‘그런 일이 일어날 리 없어’이나
‘There is no way I would do that.’ ‘내가 그런 일을 할 리가 없지.’ 등의 축약형.
상황에 따라 I don't believe you. 안 믿어., That's impossible. 그건 불가능해. 이나
I refuse. 사양하겠어. 등의 여러 뜻으로 쓰입니다.
Well, we have to try, Thorny.
We don't have any choice.
Yeah, I know.
Hey, look who's playing lookout again. Little Speck!
The name is Dot.
Well, Spot, you still looking for Flik?
Forget it, Dot.
That loser's never coming back.
Flik, he did it. He did it!
What? Quit shoving!
* shove : 강하게 떠밀다, 밀어넣다.
This is it! This is ant island!
* This is it : 생각한 것 그대로네, 말한대로 야.
Flik, over here, Flik, Flik!
He did it! He did it! He did it! Yeah!
! At the rate these leaves are dropping.
We're gonna need a miracle.
That's right! We need a miracle! Run for your live!
* ta-da : 주로 아기들이 쓰는 인사, ‘안녕!’
Once again our reputation precedes us.
Hey, everybody! Hey! I'm back.
Hey, guys! Hey! Look, look, look who's here with me!
Flik, Flik, Flik! You're back! I knew you could do it!
Flik has returned! He's back?
And he's accompanied by savage insects!
What? How? He wasn't supposed to actually find someone!
Oh, look at this. Look at this. This is great. Look.
Oh, my ticker!
So, what are you supposed to be?
He's a stick, stupid. You hit bugs with him.
Well, there's an oversimplification.
* oversimplification : 지나치게 간소화하는 것
That's right, kids. Like this.
Oh, put me down.
* put down : 글자 그대로 무엇을 ‘내려놓다.’
cf) 1. How much did you put down? 현금을 얼마나 냈습니까? (지불하다)
2. Don’t put me down because I’m a little girl. 내가 작다고 깔보지 마세요. (얕잡아 보다)
My, you just pop right open there, don't you?
Uh-oh, kids, he's kinda ticklish.
* ticklish : 다루기 어려운, 까다로운, 간지러운
Let's come on out, careful.
Well, my boy, you came through.
Aphie and I are very impressed.
Princess Atta! Hey!
He, guys, this is Princess Atta!
She's the one that sent me to find you!
Atta, Atta, did you see that really big bug over thee?
He looks absolutely ferocious!
* ferocious : 흉포한, 사나운, 대단한
They're our ticket out of this mess!
They came just in time!
That's right.
So, Princess Atta, what,what do you think?
No, no,no,no, wait! This was not supposed to happen.
Mayday, Mayday. We're losing the job.
* Mayday : mayday란 선박이나 항공기 등의 운행 중에 비상사태가 발생했을 경우
관제탑에 무선으로 구조를 요청하는 ‘조난신호’ 입니다. ‘Help me’ 라는 뜻을 갖는
프랑스어 ’m’aidez (메이데)에서 유래된 것으로 알려지는데요, 여기서는 대문자로
사용되었지요? 그러니까 조난신호가 아니라 ‘노동절’ 이나 5월 1일에 거행하는
봄축제를 의미한답니다. 헛갈리지 맙시다.
We don't fight grasshoppers.
We don't, but they will
* bingo : 빙고게임에서 나온 말로서 맨 먼저 승리를 알리는 함성으로 Bingo를
외치는 데에서 유래하였습니다. 뜻은 잘됐다, 이겼다, 맞췄다, 신난다. 등 다양합니다.
We gota sweeten the deal.
Your Majesty, ladies and gentlemen...
boys and girls of all ages.. our troup here guarantees
a performance like no other!
Why, when your grasshopper friends get here, we are gonna knock them dead!
Boy, these folks are sure hard up for entertainment.
* be hard up for : ~ 이 바닥나서, 결핍하여
ex) We are hard up for money these day. 우리는 요새 돈에 쪼달린다.
Come on, come on. Hurry!
Honey, relax.
You should be proud of yourself.
Your instincts on that boy were right on the money.
And to make our official welcome complete... Mr soil?
Yes, Your Highness?
He's our resident thespian.
* thespian : 비극의, 연극의
Last year he played the lead in Picnic.
The children and myself have quickly put together
a little presentation in honor of our guests.
Dot, Reed, Daisy, Gruby?
* put together : 모으다, 조립하다, ~을 함께 고려하다.
Oh, aren't they adorable!
Ooh, they're cute!
The South Tunnel Elementary school second grade class
would like to present you with this, a mural we have drawn
of you bugs helping us fight the grasshoppers away.
Oh, look at the beautiful colors of the blood.
We drew one of you dying because our teacher said it would be more dramatic.
I tell you a tale of heroes so bold who vanquished our grasshopper enemies of old.
Look, the last leaf has fallen.
We are the grasshoppers!
Where's our food?
Who will come to save us poor ants?
We are the warriors, here to defend you!
I die, die, die.
Hey, the bugs!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I say you go.
Okay, honey. You're up.
We're all very very grateful to have...
Here, here. It's worriors.
Thanks. First of all, I'd like to thank the warriors
for helping us in our fight against hoppers.
Secondly, I would like to thank Flik for his forthright thinking..
* forthright : 기탄없이 말하는, 솔직한
Thank you, Your Highness.
Oh, sure. I'd like to take credit for all of this, but, well, that wouldn't be right.
Because it was you, Princess Atta. You believed in me.
And you sent me on my quest.
* take credit for : ~ 으로 칭찬을 받다.
You tell that ant that we need to talk to him right now.
Okay, okay, okay.
Now I know that I've made mistakes in the past.
And I and I hope that this will make up..
Not right now, Rosie. I'm making a speech.
Now I truly believe that these bugs are the answer to our...
No, there's no circus around here, So I..
Your Highness, the warriors have called for a secret meeting
to plan for a circus...uh, circumventing the oncoming hordes
so they can trapeze.. trap them with ease!
* circumvent : 문제 등을 피하다, 모면하다.
* hordes : 큰 무리, 이동하는 곤충의 떼 (여기서는 하퍼일당)
Shouldn't I come too?
No! Sorry, no, no, you see, it's classified in the D.M.Z.
Gotta go ASAP. You know, strictly BYOB. Bye!
* DMZ : Demillitarized zone 비무장지대
* ASAP : as soon as possible의 축약형으로 흔히 메모나 서신, 공문서 등에
많이 애용됩니다. 발음할때는 축약형 (아삽)으로 읽으시면 안되고 ‘에이에스에이피’
로 일일히 발음해야 합니다.
cf) TGIF : 금요일마다 사용하는 말로 Thank God, it’s Friday.
* BYOB : ‘bring your own bottle’의 약자이며 ‘술은 각자 가져오기’ 란 뜻입니다.
우리 나라에서는 대부분의 경우 초대한 주인이 모든 음식과 술을 준비하는데
미국에서는 손님이 각자 자기가 좋아하거나 잘 만드는 음식을 하나씩 가져오는
potluck party도 있고, 또한 각자 자기가 마실 술을 자기가 가져오는 BYOB party도
Sorry, sorry I have to take the warriors away so early…
But you know, uh, they have a.. they have a lot to get done, with the battle looming and all.
So, uh, please, everyone enjoy the party.
* looming : 급박한 형세의
메뚜기 떼들과 싸워야 된다는 말을 들은 서커스 벌레들은 개미왕국을 뒤로 한체
줄행랑을 치게 되는데, 끝까지 그들에게서 미련을 못버린 플릭은 그들의 마음을
돌이키려 노력합니다. 하지만 뜻밖에 만난 새의 공격에 모두가 다시 합심하게 되는데...
Thanks again. Bye. Bye-bye.
Okay, just.. just get in there, go!
Circus bugs? How can you be circus bugs?
You said nothing about killing grasshoppers, pal. You lied to us.
Are you kidding?
Do you know what this is?
This, my friends, is false advertising.
How dare you! You, sir, are the chariatan in this scenario..
touting your wares as a talent scout preying upon the hungry soul’s of hapless artistes.
Good bye to you, sir!
* tout : 성나게 조르다, 성가시게 권유하다.
* wares : 상품, 작품
* prey : 잡아 먹다, 괴롭히다.
* hapless : 불행한, 불운한 (unfortunately)
Wait! No, no. Wait, wait. You can’t go.
You have got to help me. Give me some time. I’ll come up with a plan.
* come up with : 생각해 내다.
Just go tell them the truth!
They can’t. They can’t know the truth. The truth, you see, is bad.
I’ll be branded with this mistake for the rest of my life.
My children’s children will walk down the street and people will point and say,
Look, There goes the spawn of Flik, the loser!
Oh, oh, you know, all right, fine. Yeah, okay, Just go.
But if you could just do me a little favor before you leave.
Um, if you could squish me that would be great, because, uh..
when they find out, I’m as good as dead.
* be branded with : ~ 으로 낙인을 찍히다, 오인을 받다.
* spawn : 보통 경멸의 뜻으로 ‘사람이나 동물의 우글거리는 자식들, 새끼들’
* squish : ~ 을 짓이기다.
* as good as : ~이나 다름없다, ~ 과 같은
ex) This thing is almost as good as new. 이것은 거의 새것과 다름이 없다.
I really do think I should be part of this meeting. Flik!
Princess, Atta, what a nice surprise!
Just what exactly is going on?
I would like to speak with the so-called warriors.
You can’t. I mean, they are in the middle of a top secret meeting right now..
And they really should not be disturbed now. Right, guys?
Could you excuse.. uh, could you excuse me, please?
Wait, wait, Please don’t go.
I’m not going anywhere.
What is going on? Filk! I knew it!
Wait, wait, Please don’t go.
Quick, he’s losing it!
No, no, no, no.
You can’t go. I’m desperate!
Really? I couldn’t tell.
Mm, come on, wings. Help!
Mother, Flik is up to something.
* up to 의 여러가지 용법을 살펴 보도록 하겠습니다.
1) I’m up to here with DDR. (I’m sick and tired with DDR) 난 DDR에 싫증이 난다.
2) It’s up to you. 그건 당신한테 달려 있다, 즉 당신이 결정할 문제다.
3) What are you up to? 무슨 일을 꾸미고 있나요?
4) It’s not up to you to save me. 날 구해주는 건 당신 책임이 아니에요. (영화 ‘타이타닉’
에서 로즈가 잭의 프로포즈를 거절하며 던진 말이죠.)
위에서는 ‘~을 계획하고 있다, 꾸미고 있다’ 란 뜻으로 쓰였습니다.
No, no!
Okay, Flik, time to put ya down now.
Get him off me! He’s cutting off the circulation to my foot.
* cut off : 끊다, 차단하다.
No, no!
Let go!
Please don’t go.
Put the stick down.
Flik, I mean it, now.
Drop the stick. Drop it.
Boy, he runs fast for a little guy.
Tweet, tweet.
* tweet : 새의 지저귐 소리, 지저귀다.
This way. There they are.
A bird. / Filk. / Dot! / My baby.
Huh? I gotcha! I gotcha!
I can’t see!
Somebody do something!
Are they alright?
Can anyone see? Are they alive?
I can’t see.
What is happening?
Good heavens. They’re in trouble!
* good heavens : 어머나, 야단났군!
Francis, Francis….
Oh, you guys, I’ve got an idea!
Here I’ve got it.
Please, ma’am, wake up! Wake up!
Help, help.
Mr. Early Bird! How about a nice, tasty worm on a stick?
I’m going to snap, I’m going to snap.
Nice and juicy, succulent.. Let’s go.
* succulent : 즙이 많은, 다육 다즙의
There they are! / Flik, help!
It’s going to be okay, Dot.
Bye, bye, birdie! Help, I’m stuck! Pull me down!
The caterpillar’s using himself as live bait!
* bait : 미끼, 먹이, 유혹
How brave!
* ‘How + 형용사!’ 표현에는 다양하고 풍부한 감정이 실려 있어, 자기 감정을 드러내는
데 아주 그만이죠. 학교에서 배운 완전한 형태의 감탄문은 아니지만, 문장 끝에
주어와 동사가 생략된 형태로 매우 자주 쓰입니다.
How exciting ! 이야 신난다! How fascinating ! 정말 매력적이야!
How boring ! 아이고 따분해! 와 같이 사용할 수 있습니다.
Suck it in, man!
Oh, my leg!
The bird! The bird! Look out for the bird.
What is that?
That, my friends, is the sound of applause!
* applause : 박수 갈채, 칭찬
Applause, I’m in heaven!
Our Blueberry troop salutes you bugs for rescuing our smallest member, Princess Dot.
And as a tribute to Miss Francis, we’ve changed our bandannas!
We voted you our honorary den mother!
What? Great.
All right, girls. Let’s move your little keisters outta here now.
The patient needs her rest, you know, Come on.
* keisters : (속어) 궁둥이
Oh, excuse me, Flik. Can I talk to you just for a second?
Huh? Sure.
Again, uh, thank you all, very, very much.
Oh, stop it.
You’re too kind.
Thank you.
You don’t think I’ve offended the warriors, do you?
You? No.
Oh, good. Because, you see when you first brought them here,
I thought you’d hired a bunch of clowns.
* bunch : 송이, 다발, 무리
Ya did?
Don’t tell them I said that.
Boy, that’s all I’d need another royal blunder like that.
* blunder : 큰 실수, 실책 cf) make a grave blunder : 중대한 실수를 범하다.
Princess, you’re doing a great job.
* do a good job : 여기서 job은 직업이 아니라 일이나 책무를 가르키며 따라서
잘해냈어요, 훌륭했어요 등의 칭찬의 뜻을 갖습니다.
Thanks, you ‘re sweet. You’re wrong, but sweet.
I know what everyone really thinks.
I don’t follow you.
* I don’t follow you : ‘당신을 따라가지 못한다?’ 곧 ‘무슨 말을 하는지 알아 듣지 못하겠다,’
‘이해가 안된다.’ 는 뜻이 되지요. 비슷하게 You lost me. 도 ‘당신은 나를 잊어버렸다.’
이 역시 ‘무슨 말인지 모르겠다.’ ‘I don’t understand what you mean’ 이 됩니다.
Everyone.. the whole colony. Nobody really believes I can do this job.
It’s like they’re all watching me…just, just..
Waiting for you to screw up.
* screw up : 단골손님 코너에 나왔던 숙어지요. 정말 자주 등장하네요.
‘실수하다, 망치다.’ 란 뜻의 구어체 표현입니다. 뒤에 mess up도 비슷한 뜻입니다.
Flik, I owe you an apopogy.
For what?
Well, I haven’t been that nice to you, and I’m sorry.
If there’s any way I can make it up to you.. Hey, I know!
How would you like to be the queen’s official aide to the warrior bugs?
* make it up to ~ : ~ 에게 보상하다, 변상하다.
Oh, sure. You’ve got a great rapport going with them..
especially after that rescue.. It was very brave.
* rapport : 관계, 접촉
Really? Naw, naw.
Well, not every bug would face a bird.
I mean ever hopper’s afraid of them.
Yeah, well, I guess maybe I have.. say that again?
* 다시 말씀해 주시겠습니까? 의 뜻으로 ‘Come again?’이란 말도 자주 씁니다.
I said, even hopper’s afraid of birds.
Thank you.
Hopper’s afraid of birds! And I don’t blame him!
Oh, oh, oh, this is perfect!
We can get rid of Hopper. And no one has to know that I messed up.
You just keep pretending you’re warriors.
* mess up : 실수하다, 망치다. (screw up)
Whoa, Flik, honey. We are not about to fight grasshoppers, okay?
You’ll be gone before the grasshoppers ever arrive.
It’ll be easy. Here’s what we do.
Not another word.
I don’t know what you’re concocting in that little ant and brain of yours.
But we’ll have no part of it.
* concocting : 계획등을 꾸며내다, 짜내다.
(영화대본) Bug's Life (제2부)
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
Excuse me? Could we get the warriors’ autographs?
Oh, wow!. Great!
So, you fellas catch he action today?
Oh! The bird went.. and it just missed you!
Oh, aren’t you sweet?
And the way you pretended to be stuck in that huge crack!
Oh, that’s just all part of the plan.
Yeah, yeah.
And then you dive-bombed into the bush!
There you go, my boy.
Wow, thanks.
M M Major..
That’s Major Manny, young cadet.
I outrank everyone here. Remember that.
* cadet : 견습생, 학교 생도
Yes, sir
Dismissed! / Wow!
When I grow up, I’m gonna be a praying mantis!
I’m gonna be a stick bug!
Oh, they’re all so cool, I can’t pick.
Delightful lads. You were saying Flik?
All right, we are going to build a bird.. a bird that we can operate from the inside,
Which would then be hoisted above our anthill..
* hoist : 도르래등을 써서 끌어올리다.
Hoisted above the anthill and hidden high in the tree.
Then, right when Hopper and his gang are below, we’ll launch the bird and scare off
the grasshoppers. Now it’s going to take…
* scare off : 위협하여 쫒아버리다.
Everyone’s involvement to make this plan a reality.
I know it’s not our tradition to do things differently but if our ancestors were able to
Build this anthill we can certainly rally together to build this bird.
Okay, hit your marks!
Do you mind passing the suger crumbs?
Yeah, sure.
Thank you.
I love what you did with your antenna.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, look. She’s a natural mother.
All right, that’s it! Out! Out! Everybody out!
Okay, now you’re gonna cry, right? You’re gonna cry.
See if I care, go ahead and cry. Go ahead.
Please don’t cry. Please, huh? Ta-da!
Yeah, prancess yeah!
Rabbit through the hole chicken in the barn. Two by two by.
There’s the yarn.
Good job, one more. /up down, up down.
Read’em and weep.
Flik, watch out! Look I’m a beautiful butterfly!
There you go. Good job, fellas.
Keep up the good work.
* keep up the good work : 우리말의 ‘수고하세요’ 정도의 뉘앙스를 가진 말입니다.
You’re fired./ yes.
Whoo-hoo! Look at me! I’m barefooting! Whoo-hoo!
* barefoot : 맨발의
You gotta try this, man!
We have more than enough food.
We go all the way back there and it starts to rain, we might as well be sucking bug spray.
Oh, don’t even say that. You know something?
You are making a lot of sense. I mean, why take the risk?
You should tell Hopper.
* Don’t even say that : ‘그런말 할 생각도 하지 마라.’ 상대방은 생각도 않는데 김치국부터
마신다면 ‘Don’t even think about it.’ ‘그런 생각은 하지도 마세요.‘
* take the risk : 위험을 무릅쓰다, 대담하게 해보다.
Good idea.
But, you know, it’s really not our place.
I mean, you’re his brother. That makes you, like, uh..
The vice president of the gang.
Wow! It kinda does, doesn’t it?
Okay, I’ll tell him, boy. I should talk to you guys more often.
What if Hopper doesn’t like it?
Then at least the genius will get smacked and not us.
Vice president Molt.
Oh, yeah, that’s good. Oh, that’s good.
Oh, a little lower, Ahh, lower, lower.
Hey, yah, Hop.
Go away.
That’s fine.
Then I won’t tell ya my idea.
Okay, okay, I’ll tell ya anyway.
You see, I’ve been thinking, okay, which is something that I do you.. know,
Being vice president and all.
And this is a thought. And it was mine. Why go back to Ant island at all?
I mean, you don’t even like grain.
You’re right. I don’t think it was such a good idea myself.
Actually, it wasn’t even my idea. It was Axie and Loco’s!
They talked fancy to me. I got confused!
Guys order another round..because we’re staying here.
What was I thinking? Going back to Ant island.
I mean, we just got here and we have more than enough food to get us through the winter.
* get through : 극복하다, 겪어내다.
Why go back?
But there was that ant that stood up to me.
* stand up to : ~에 과감히 맞서다.
ex) I don’t have enough nerve to stand up to my brother.
난 형에게 맞설 충분한 용기가 없습니다.
Yeah, but we can forget about him!
Yeah, it was just one ant.
One ant!
Yeah, you’re right! Its just one ant.
Yeah, boss. They’re puny! / Hmm, puny.
* puny : 왜소한, 하찮은
Say, let’s pretend this grain is a puny little ant.
Did that hurt?
Well, how about this one?
Are you kidding?
Well, how about this?
You let one ant stand up to us..then they all might stand up.
Those puny little ants outnumber us 100 to one.
And if they ever figure that out, there goes out way of life!
It’s not about food. It’s about keeping those ants in line.
That’s why we’re going back. Does anybody else wanna stay?
* Those puny little ants outnumber us : 저 작은 개미들이 수적으로 우릴 압도하고 있어.
* keep ~ in line : (행동, 행위 등을) 억제하다, 통제하다.
ex) I tried to keep my sentiment in line. 난 감정을 억제하려고 애썼다.
He’s quite the motivatoinal speak, isn’t he?
Let’s ride!
To the bird! / The bird!
Get down, rolly boys!
How low can you go? Sing it now.
How low can you go.
Do it Princess. How low can you go
And that’s how my 12th husband died.
So now I’m a widow. I mean, I’ve always been a black widow
but now I’m a black widow widow.
* black widow : 검은이끼거미. 열대 아메리카산의 맹독을 가진 검은 거미를 가리키지요.
Widow란 말이 들어간 단어를 사용해 widow (과부)를 표현한 것이 재미있네요.
Thorny! Any sigh of those friends?
Let me check.
No not yet. But we’ll be ready for them.
Blueberries, dismissed. And, uh, quit beatin the boys up.
Those little raisings do grow on ya.
* beat up : 흠씬 두들겨 패주다.
* grow on : 점점 마음에 들다.
Hey, how you guys doing? Some party, huh?
Is that grain dip fresh or what? Okay.
I’ve told everyone you’ll be stationed deep in the command bunker.
Party quiets down. I sneak you out the back way and then you’re outta here forever.
Dim don’t want to go.
Well, if Dim stays he’s gonna need me here. He’s not fully trained.
I mean house-trained.
I, uh, I kinda promised the Blueberries I’d teach’em canasta.
It seems we’ve been booked for an extended engagement.
Will you look at this colony?
Will you just look at this colony? I don’t even recognize it.
I feel 70 again.
Work that ab, baby!
And I have you bugs to thank for it. So.. thank you.
And, uh, thank you for finding them, Flik.
Me? / Oops / Oh, ooh, uh, uh, I’ll get it.
I mean, if you don’t mind, I’ll just, I’ll just..it’s all tangled up.
* tangle up : ~에 말려들게 하다.
ex) get tangled up with some wild associates 품행이 좋지 않은 친구에 휩쓸리다.
I think I’ll go check on the bird.
Bird’s this way.
Yeah, the bird’s that way. She, what?
Jiminy H. Cricket!
They’re back! Get ready, everybody!
Get to your post.
Battle stations, everyone, this is not a drill!
* drill : 훈련, 교육, 연습
Come on, everyone. You know, your jobs! Let’s go. Go. Go.
Look out!
Whoa, whoa, there. Steady, girls. That’s it.
It’s P.T. / P.T?
Greetings and salutations! Ooh-boppa-doo and how do you do?
I am the great P.T. Flea! I’m in need of your assis..
Oh, let’s just cut to the chase.
Look, I’ve been going from anthill to anthill.
I’m looking for a bunch of circus performers. Have you seen’em?
Wait a second.
Ain’t that Staff Sergeant Slim?
Nope! No. no, no.
I’m sorry, no, but, uh, no one has seen anyone like that around here.
Be quiet!
No one has ever seen anyone like that around here.
So, you’ll probably.. you’ll probably want to get going.
I guess you got a lot of other anthills to check into, so, bye!
Ah, guys, I’ve been looking all over for you!
Flaming Death is a huge hit!
P.T.! Sh..
I’m serious! Word of mouth got around.
* word of mouth는 입에서 나오는 말, 즉 구어를 뜻하고 get around는 여러가지
뜻중에서 여기서는 떠돌아다니다. 란 뜻입니다. 그 밖에 prepare (준비하다)란 뜻도
P.T.! No!
The next day, there was a line of flies outside the tent went on forever!
It must have been a foot long!
P.T, no!
So, I figured it out. You guys burn me twice a night.
I take a day off to heal. And then we do it all over again!
We’ll be the top circus act in the business!
You mean, you’re not warriors?
Are you kidding?
These guys are the lousiest circus bugs you’ve ever seen.
And they’re gonna make me rich!
* lousy : 처량한, 비참한
You mean to tell me that our entire defensive strategy was concocted by clowns?
* concoct : (구실등을) 꾀하다, (계획등을) 꾸며내다.
Hey, hey, we really thought Flik’s idea was gonna work.
Tell me this isn’t true.
No, you don’t. you don’t.
This couldn’t have happened at a more inopportune time!
The last leaf is about to fall!
We haven’t collected any food for the grasshoppers!
If Hopper finds out what we almost did..
Hopper is not going to find out.
We’re going to hide all this and pretend it never happened.
You bugs were never here. So I suggest you all leave.
But the bird! The.. the.. the bird will work.
I never thought I’d see the day when an ant would put himself before the rest of his colony.
The point is, Flik, you lied to us.
* point : 요점, 요지
ex) My point exactly. 하면 그게 바로 내가 하고 싶은 말이야. 즉 That’s what I mean.이나
Right. 과 비슷한 표현이 됩니다. 자신의 의견을 강조하고 싶을 때 사용하면 되지요.
No,no, no! I, I just..
You lied, Flik. You lied to her.
You lied to the colony. You lied to me!
And like an idiot, I believed you.
But I was just afraid that if you knew I’d gotten circus bugs..
I just wanted to make a difference.
* make a difference : 차이가 나타나다, (결과등이) 특별하다.
ex) It makes a great differences 그것은 대단한 차이를 초래한다.
I want you to leave, Flik.
And this time, don’t come back.
Tough crowd. Yee-haw!
That’s it? But there’s got to be more food on the island?
If we give up any more, we’ll starve.
Hopper won’t accept this!
Mother, it’s not enough. What do we do?
I don’t know.
You little termites!
I give you a second chance, and this is all I get?
But, Hopper, we ran out of time!
* out of : out of는 '(필요한 것이) 떨어져서, 동나서'라는 뜻으로 I'm totally out of ideas.라고 하면
'아이디어가 완전히 떨어졌다'는 의미. Run out of time은 시간이 얼마 없다는 뜻!
Have you been playing all summer?
You think this is a game?
* 지금 장난하는 것 처럼 보이나? 너 지금 장난하냐?
즉 This is a serious business. (이건 중요한 일이란 말이야) 란 뜻이죠.
No, no, please!
Well, guess what! You just lost.
Not one ant sleeps untill we get every scrap of food on this island.
* Guess what : ‘무슨 일 있었는지 알아?‘ 상대방에게 호기심을 일으켜 대화를 재미나게
시작할 수 있는 유용한 표현입니다. Guess what happened to me. (나에게 무슨 일이
있었는지 맞춰봐.) Can you guess what is going to happen to him? 과 같은 문장을 짧게
축약시킨 형태이지요. 가령 Hi, sun-young! Guess what. 한 후에 상대방이 What? 이라고
반문해 오면 I won first prize in the pump up competition last weekend (지난 주말 펌프대회
에서 우승했어.) 라고 말할 수 있지요.
Just do what he says. You don’t want to make him mad. Believe me!
No, no, no. You’re staying with me, Your Highness.
Where do you think you’re going?
Get over there!
Quick! To the clubhouse.
Shut up a minute, wiil ya?
I think I heard something over here.
Have you checked over there?
No, not yet.
Well then, get over there and check it out!
Wait a minute! Hey, I think I found something.
Cool. Hey, how do I look?
Like an idiot.
I don’t know, maybe it’ll keep me dry in the rain.
You moron, we’ll be out of here before it rains.
Didn’t you hear Hopper? After the ants pick all the food he’s gonna squish the queen
To remind’em who’s boss. Then she’s dead.
They cry.. boo.. hoo. We go home. End of story.
* moron : 정신박약아, 멍청이
* squish : ~을 짓이기다.
Stay here, I’m gonna get help.
Come on, wings, fly, Fly!
I’m gonna be rich! I’m gonna be the richest flea in the land.
The streets’ll be paved with golden retrievers.
I’m rich, rich, rich. That’s who am I.
* retrievers : 사냥감을 찾아 가져오는 사냥개
Poor fellow.
Hey, maybe we can cheer him up a bit.
Don’t worry, Flik. The circus life isn’t so bad.
Yes, you can be part of our act.
Here! Like this.
Slapstick! Get it? I’m a walking stick. Oh, never mind.
* slapstick : 끝이 갈라진 막대
* walking stick : 지팡이
Flik, wait, wait!
Dot, you’re flying! What are you doing here?
You have to go back.
Hopper moved into the anthill, and his gangs eating everything!
And I heard a grasshopper say that when they’re finished
Hopper’s gonna squish my mom!
Oh, not the queen!
We gotta do something!
Come on, you guys, think!
I know. The bird.
Yes, of course.
The bird! That’s brilliant.
The bird won’t work.
What are you talking about? It was your idea.
But you said that everything..
Forget everything I ever told you. All right, Dot?
Let’s face it. The colony is right. I just make things worse.
That bird is a guaranteed failure. Just like me.
* let’s face it : 현실을 직시해 봐.
* 그 새는 실패를 장담할거야 즉 그 새는 보나마나 실패할거야.
You listen to me, my boy. I’ve made a living out of being a failure.
And you, sir, are not a failure!
Oh, but Flik, you’ve done so many good things.
Oh, yeah? Okay, show me one thing I’ve done right.
Dim is right, my boy. You have rekindled the long-dormant embers of purpose in our lives.
* rekindle : 흥미등을 다시 돋우어 주다.
* long-dormant embers : 오랫동안 잠들어 있던, 활동을 중지하고 있던, 꺼져가는 석탄
And if it wasn’t for you. Francis would have never gotten in touch with his feminine side.
Oh, yeah? Well, hmm. You know what? He’s right.
Lieutenant Gypsy reporting for duty.
Kid, say the word and we’ll follow you into battle.
We believe in you, my boy.
Flik, please! Pretend it’s a seed, okay?
Thanks, Dot.
Hey, what’s with the rock?
Must be an ant thing.
All right, let’s do it.
That’s the Flik we know and love.
We’re on!
So, what do we do first?
Bugs will pay big bucks to see.
A bonfire that is starring me.
* bonfire : 화톳불, 모닥불
P.T, look, Money!
Where? Where?
All right. Get moving, get moving! Move your abdomens, now!
* Get moving : 빨리 빨리 움직여!
* abdomens : 복부, 복강
They’re rounding everyone up.
* round up : (사람등을) 긁어모으다, 모아들이다.
Hey! Turn your butt off.
Hey, guys! Get me out of this thing, will ya?
I promise to start thinking about paying ya.
Hey, hey, wait! Okay, I’ll pay ya! I’ll pay ya!
Oh, no! They’re finished collecting the food. We’ve got to get the queen now.
Once she’s safe, we move on Gypsy’s signal.
Someone’s coming!
Hello, kids! Ready to make some grasshoppers cry?
It’s payback time, Blueberry-style.
* 이제 복수할 시간이다.
Blueberries rock! / yea! All right!
Ladies and gentlebugs! Larvae of all stages!
Rub your legs together for the world’s greatest bug circus!
Wait a minute!
I think I’m going to wet myself.
* wet myself : 스스로를 젖게 하는 것이니까, ‘오줌 싸다’
* 동요하지 마라, 차분해라.
What’s going on here?
Well, uh…
Yes, we were invited by Princess Atta as a surprise for your arrival.
Now that’s funny.
That is funny.
I guess we could use a little entertainment.
Looks like you did something right for once, Princess.
On with the show!
The circus, the circus I love the circus.
Ba-ba call gone! Baby wants pie!
Pie? He asked for it. Should I give it to him?
Yeah, give’im pie! Give him pie!
Thank you, gentlemen. Always an intellectual treat.
Say, how many roaches does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Can’t tell. As soon as the light goes on, they scatter!
Almost there.
From the most mysterious regions of uncharted Asia I give you the Chinese Babinet..
Come on, girls. Quick, quick.
Of metamorphosis. Utilizing psychic vibrations..
* metamorhposis : 모습의 완전한 변화, (유충이 나비로의) 변태
I shall select the perfect volunteer.
Pick me! Ooh, no! Come on. I’m asking’ ya with my brain.
Aha! Why. Your Majesty!
No, no. Thumper. Down. Let her go.
Maybe he’ll saw her in half.
As you ascend the dung beetie to the unknown..
Put your trust in the mysteries that are beyond mere mortal comprehension.
* beyond : ‘~을 넘어서, ~의 범위를 넘어’ 란 뜻인데 실제로 어떻게 사용되는가 살펴보지요.
ex) His behaviour is beyond question. 그의 행동은 의심의 여지가 없다.
We knew we’d won a prize but winning first prize was beyond all our expectations.
우리는 그가 상을 타리라는 것은 알고 있었지만 1등상을 탄 것은 기대 이상이었다.
The scenery was beautiful beyond description.
그 경치는 형언할 수 없이 아름다웠다.
It’s beyond my control! 나도 어쩔수 없었어.
Ooh, this is gonna be good!
Blueberries ready?
I call upon the ancient Szechwan spirits to inhibit the body of our volunteer!
No, no. Just stay in there, Your Majesty.
Wow. Manny’s getting good.
Not now.
If it rains, that bird’ll get ripped to shreds.
And now, insectus..transformitus!
Oh, pretty!
Thank you, thank you.
That’s the signal. That’s the signal!
This is it, girls. Get ready to roll.
Huh? It’s stuck!
That was amazing! I have no..
How did they do that? I have no idea where she went.
Thank you. Thank you.
More! More! More!
Wait! Where is she?
Well, now, uh, actually..
I’m sorry. A magician never reveals his secrets.
That’s very true, Hoppy. I mean, where would the mystery be if we all knew how it was..
Shutting up.
* 입 좀 닥쳐! 란 말은 이 밖에도 ‘Shut your big mouth!’ ‘Button your lip!’
‘Zip your lip!’ 등이 있습니다.
You can do it!
You’ve got to make it work!
* make it : ‘성공하다’ 란 뜻의 관용표현. 즉 구체적인 목표나 행선지에 대해 ‘실현될 것이다.
도달할 것이다.’ 라고 할 때 씁니다. 예를 들면 그녀가 결승라인까지 완주할 수 있을 거라
생각해? Do you think she’ll make it to the finish line? 한편 시간 약속을 하다, 약속시간을
지키다. 란 뜻으로도 잘 쓰이죠. Make it to the train하면 ‘열차시간에 대다. ‘가 됩니다.
I said, where is she?
Hold on!
Bird, it’s a bird!
Let’s go out of here! Go!
Don’t let it get me! Don’t let it get me!
Up down, up down, and turn.
Oh, the pain!
There goes my magic act!
Flaming Death!
No! P.T!
A direct hit!
Flik, help us!
Okay! Everyone out! Hurry!
Where’s Dot? Has anyone seen Dot?
Whose idea was this? Huh?
Was it yours, Princess?
Just get behind me, girls. It’ll be okay.
Leave her alone, Hopper.
The bird was my idea. I’m the one you want.
Where go you get the gall to do this to me?
* get (have) the gall to do ~ : 뻔뻔스럽게도 ~하다. (여기서 gall은 쓸개를 뜻합니다.)
You were, you were gonna squish the queen.
It’s true.
I hate it when someone gives away the ending.
You piece of dirt. No, I’m wrong. You’re lower than dirt. You’re an ant!
Let this be a lesson to all you ants.
Ideas are very dangerous things. You are mindless, soil-shoving losers..
Put on this earth to serve us!
You were wrong, Hopper.
Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers!
I’ve seen these ants do great things. And year after year, they somehow manage
To pick food for themselves and you. So-so who is the weaker species?
Ants don’t serve grasshoppers. It’s you who need us.
We’re a lot stronger than you say we are. And you know it, don’t you?
Well, Princess!
Um, Hopper? Uh, I hate to interrupt, but, um..
You ants stay back!
Oh, this was such a bad idea!
You see, Hopper. Nature has a certain order.
The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food and the grasshoppers leave!
I’m so proud of you, Flik!
* 자연에도 어떤 질서가 있는 거야.
Where are you going? They’re just ants!
No, bad grasshopper! Bad grasshopper! Go home!
Come back here, you cowards!
Don’t leave!
To the cannon!
Happy landings, Hopper!
Quick! After them!
Francis! Francis! Francis! I’m stuck.
Where are ya?
I’m over here.
Where? / Here!
I’m the only stick with eyeballs!
Help! Help! Help!
Get him!
Go that way!
But the anthill’s over..
I’ve got an idea!
Flik! / Come on.
There! Come on! We’ve gotta hide!
No matter what happens, stay down!
Flik, no! What are you doing?
You think it’s over?
No, no, no. I-I can explain.
All your little stunt did was buy them time!
No, please! Please Hopper!
I’ll get more grasshoppers and be back next season but you won’t.
Well, what’s this? Another one of your little bird tricks?
Are there a bunch of little girls in this one, too?
Hello, girls! No, no, no, no..
Come on, boys!
Hey, Princess Dot! Wait up!
I finally get a second to relax, and I gotta get out of my chair.
Come on! You can rub lotion on me later shade boy.
Yeah, hubba-hubba.
Oh, thank you!
Thank you!, Oh, you’re too kind.
It was the least we could be.
* ‘최소한 그 정도는 되야죠. ‘ 신세를 진 사람이 자신에게 은덕을 베푼 사람에게 최소한
이 정도는 해야 신세를 갚지 않겠습니까? 란 말로 That’s the least one can do.도 같은
상황에서 사용할 수 있는 말입니다.
All in a day’s work..
I’m so sorry, kids. I wish you could come along, too.
I’m not gonna cry. I’m not gonna cry.
Hey, let’s go. We got a schedule to keep. Come on. Let’s go.
Hey, Tini! Let’s get this show packed up!
We got paying customers hatching!
Yes, Mr. Plea.
Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Right away, sir.
And um, I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance because it’s an honor
To work with creative giants such as, yourself.
Shut up.
You sure you can’t come on tour with us?
Sorry, my place is here.
Good answer.
Oh, well, your loss. One minute, insects!
I wanna thank all of you for giving us back our hope, our dignity and our lives.
And to you, Princess Atta. You have given us so much.
Please accept this gift from us bugs to you ants.
For you!
Oh! It’s a rock.
What’s with the rock?
Must be a circus thing.
Well, Flik. You really goofed up.
* goof up : goofy 하면 형용사로 우스꽝스러운, 꺼벙한 , 멍청한 이란 뜻이며 goof up은
일을 망치다, 엉망으로 하다. 란 뜻을 갖습니다.
ex) I goofed up my examination (mess up, screw up)
cf) goof around 또는 goof off 는 땡땡이를 친다, 일을 안하고 빈둥 거리고 논다,
게으름을 부린다, 그냥 시간을 낭비한다 라는 표현입니다.
Yeah, you too.
All right. Now it’s getting mushy. We are outta here! Hy-ahh!
* mushy : 지나치게 감상적인, 눈물이 많은
See ya next season!
See ya, Flik!
Bye! We miss you already!
We missed Helmlich!
I’m finished! Finally, I’m a beautiful butterfly!
Mein wings! Oh, they’re beautiful!
Helmlich! The wagon’s taking off! Your better start flying.
But I’m flying! And from way up here, you all look like little ants!
Auf wiedersen!
* 헤어질때 쓰는 독일말, 다음에 또 봐요!
Present stalks!
Harvester, salute!
영화보다 더 재미있는 NG모음입니다.
Speed! / Marker.
And action!
Are you saying I’m stupid?
Do I look stupid to you?
I’m sorry.
Are you saying I’m stupid? Oh!
I’m sorry. I got it. No, no, no. Just do it again. I’m fine.
Are you saying I’m stupid?
This is the fifteenth take. I cannot work like this.
I’ll be in my trailer.
I need a break.
Whoa, Flik, honey.
We are not about to.. Is someone hammering?
Can we hold the work, please? People!
Am I in this shot?
You can.. you can see me right?
And action.
To infinity and beyond! I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.
Really, can you.. can you blame me?
Okay, okay, let’s go for real now.
Okay, cut! / sorry.
Why go back to Ant island at all?
I mean you don’t even like grain.
You are right. I didn’t think it was such a good idea myself.
Actually, it wasn’t even my idea.
Watch it.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Is the camera broke?
Oh, oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Did I ruin the take?
And uh, thank you for finding’em Flik!
(그러던 중 플릭과 프린세스 오타의 더듬이가 서로 얽혔습니다.^^)
Me? / Oh, no, no.
This really hurts. Can we cut?
Oh, I’m sorry.
So is there a Mrs Ant you have to tunnel home to?
Oh, I’m sorry.. I thought he was real.
Oh, dear. Put that thing in my car.
Flik, after much deliberation…
Oh, my eyes! Oh, no, seriously, I got berry jucie in my eye!
(눈에 딸기를 붙여 눈이 빠진것 처럼 연기하다가 진짜로 딸기 주스가 눈에 들어가고
It stings!
Stop acting!
I’m serious! Oh, stop the camera.
Uh-oh. Towel! I need a towel over here!
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Can we cut?
It’s just that I, I don’t think I’m coming across.
Hmm, oh, I know. I know. I could lather up a bunch of spit.
Ooh, ooh. That’s good. I got it. All right. One more for me.
Speed! / Marker / Action
Spinning a web of safety in less that 50
Oh, Francis, your boyfriends from the…
I’m sorry. He has something in his nose.
And action!
I don’t think we need to involve the queen in this.
She’s got enough on her plate already. Training her daughter.
Oh, yea. Princess Abba.
Where are my plattorms?
Let’s go disco! Let me try it again.
Okay, tail slate it.
Marker! / Action!
Do you understand me?
I said, do you understand me?
(하퍼의 진지한 대사에 웃음을 참지 못하는 그의 동료)
I’m sorry.. He looked funny. He looked funny at me.
Can we.. just let me have another take.
Do you understand me?
Ha, ha. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. He made me laugh.
Please, I’ll do it right this time. Just once more. You know, I don’t..
(slim이 날아가다가 갑자기 숨을 쉬지 못하네요.)
I think I swallowed a bug.
Pretend.. pretend that that’s a seed.
(귀여운 도트가 대사를 자꾸 까먹네요.)
Uh, What was my line again?
It’s a rock.
Sorry, I keep forgetting.
(인공새가 해믈리쉬를 먹으려 하다가 입술이 삐뚤어지며 고장이 납니다.)
Ooh, does this men we can break for lunch?
Okay, can we stop?
Get me Cindy on the phone. Will you?
(영화대본) 쿵푸 팬더 1탄
이 중에서 몇 개만 확실히 외우면 성공입니다. 욕심을 버려야 합니다. 다 얻으려면 다 잃습니다. 자신에게 와닿는 표현들 몇 개만을 집중적으로 물고 늘어지시기 바랍니다. 선택과 집중! 자신에게 와닿는 표현이란? 자신과 궁합이 맞는 표현입니다. 결국 모든 영어를 다 할 수도 없고, 그럴 필요도 없는 겁니다. 자신과 잘 맞는 것만 선택해서 집중적으로 외우시기 바랍니다.
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
00:00:33 Legend tells of a legendary warrior,
00:00:36 whose kung fu skills
were the stuff of legend.
00:00:41 He travelled the land
in search of worthy foes.
00:00:54 I see you like to chew.
00:00:56 Maybe you should on my fist.
00:01:00 The warrior said anything
for his mouth was full.
00:01:03 Then he swallowed.
00:01:05 And then he spoke.
Enough talk. Let's fight.
00:01:13 He was so deadly in fact,
that his enemies will go blind,
00:01:16 from over exposure to pure
00:01:19 My eyes!
He's too awesome!
00:01:21 And attractive.
How can we re-pay you?
00:01:24 There is no charge for awesomeness.
00:01:26 Or attractiveness.
00:01:31 It mattered not how many foes he faced.
They were no match for his voracity.
00:01:48 Never before had a panda
been so feared, and so loved.
00:01:53 Even the most heroic heroes
in all of China,
00:01:55 The Furious Five.
Bowed in respect to this great master.
00:02:01 We should hang out.
00:02:02 Agreed.
00:02:06 But hanging out would
have to wait.
00:02:08 Cause when you're facing the ten
thousand demons of demon mountain.
00:02:13 There is only one thing
that matters and that`s...
00:02:16 Get up!
You'll be late for work.
00:02:26 Po...
Get up!
00:02:43 Hey, Po.
What are you doing up there?
00:02:46 Ahh.. nothing.
00:02:51 Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper,
Tigress ... Roarrrr!
00:02:56 Ahh...
00:03:01 Po. Let's go.
You're late for work.
00:03:04 Coming!
00:03:15 Sorry Dad.
00:03:16 Sorry, doesn't make the Noodles.
00:03:19 What were you doing up there?
All that noise?
00:03:21 Oh...nothing.
Just had a crazy dream.
00:03:24 About what? Uh?
What were you dreaming about?
00:03:27 What was I...aah...
00:03:29 ... I was dreaming about a...
00:03:33 Noodles.
00:03:34 Noodles?
You were really dreaming about noodles?
00:03:38 Uhh... Ya,
what else would I be dreaming about?
00:03:40 Oh, careful.
That soup is - sharp!
00:03:43 Oh... happy day.
My son finally having the noodle dream.
00:03:49 You don't know how long
I have been waiting for this moment.
00:03:53 This is a sign, Po.
00:03:55 Uh... a sign of what?
00:03:57 You are almost ready to be
entrusted with the secret ingredient,
00:04:01 ... of my secret ingredient soup.
00:04:04 And then you will fulfill your destiny
and take over the restaurant.
00:04:09 Just as I took over from my father
who took over from his father.
00:04:12 who won it from a friend
over a game of mahjong.
00:04:14 Dad, dad, dad.
It was just a dream.
00:04:17 No, it was the Dream.
00:04:20 Wu Xiang noodles.
Po, broth runs through our veins.
00:04:23 But Dad, didn't you ever
wanted to do something else?
00:04:27 Something, beside noodles.
00:04:29 Actually, when I was young
and crazy.
00:04:31 I thought of running away
and learning how to make tofu.
00:04:35 So why didn't you?
00:04:37 Oh, because it was
a stupid dream.
00:04:39 Can you imagine me making tofu?
00:04:42 Ha, ha, ha. Tofu!
00:04:44 No, we all have our place
in this world.
00:04:48 My is here and yours is...
... I know "is here".
00:04:52 No, it`s tables 2, 5 ,7 and 12.
00:04:55 Service with a smile.
00:05:25 Well done, students...
00:05:27 ... if you were trying
to disappoint me.
00:05:29 Tigress, you need more ferocity.
Monkey greater speed.
00:05:32 Crane, height. Viper, subtlety.
Mantis... Master Shifu...
00:05:35 Master Shifu... What?
00:05:37 It...its Master Oogway,
he wants to see you.
00:05:50 Master Oogway, you summoned me?
Is something wrong?
00:05:59 Why must something be wrong
for me to want to see my old friend?
00:06:04 So, nothing is wrong?
Well, I didn't say that.
00:06:25 You were saying?
00:06:27 I have had a vision.
00:06:30 Tai Lung will return.
00:06:37 That is impossible.
He's in prison.
00:06:40 Nothing is impossible.
00:06:43 Zeng, fly to Chordom Prison.
Tell them to double the guards,
00:06:47 Double the weapons.
Double everything.
00:06:50 Tai Lung does not leave
that prison.
00:06:51 Yes, Master Shifu.
00:06:55 One often meets his destiny on
the road he takes to avoid it.
00:07:00 We have to do something. We can't
just have him march in the valley.
00:07:02 And take his revenge.
He'll, he'll...
00:07:04 Your mind is like this water
my friend. When it is agitated...
00:07:08 ... it becomes difficult to see.
00:07:11 But if you allow it to settle,
the answer becomes clear.
00:07:19 The Dragon's scroll.
00:07:22 It is time.
But who?
00:07:24 Who is worthy to be trusted
with the secret to limitless power?
00:07:28 To become the Dragon Warrior.
00:07:33 I don't know.
00:07:36 Excuse me. Sorry.
00:07:38 Oo...oo sorry.
Hey, watch it Po.
00:07:40 Sorry.
Aah... Oop!
00:07:43 Sorry, a thousand pardon.
00:07:45 What?
00:07:48 Master Oogway is choosing
a Dragon Warrior, today.
00:07:51 Everyone, everyone, go!
Get to the Jade Palace!
00:07:54 One of the five is going
to get the Dragon's Scroll.
00:07:56 We have been waiting a thousand
years for this. Just take the bowl!
00:07:59 This is the greatest day in Kung Fu
history! Don't worry about it. Just go!
00:08:02 Po! Where are you going?
00:08:05 To the Jade Palace.
00:08:08 But you're forgetting your noodle cart.
00:08:10 The whole valley will be there and
you will sell noodle to all of them.
00:08:14 Selling noodles?
00:08:18 But Dad. You know I was kind
of thinking, maybe I...
00:08:20 Ya?
I was kind of thinking, maybe I...
00:08:23 Ahh...Haa..?
00:08:26 Could also sell the bean buns.
They're about to go bad.
00:08:31 That's my boy!
I told you that dream was a sign.
00:08:35 Ya...
I'm glad I had it.
00:09:22 Almost there.
00:09:24 What?
00:09:26 No! No!
00:09:30 Sorry Po.
We'll bring you back a souvenir.
00:09:38 No, I'll bring you back a souvenir.
00:09:46 It's a historic day.
Isn't it Master Oogway?
00:09:49 Yes. The one I feared
I would not live to see.
00:09:54 Are your students ready?
Yes, Master Oogway.
00:09:58 Now know this old friend...
00:10:00 Whomever I chose will not only bring
peace to the valley, but also to you.
00:10:11 Let the tournament begin!
00:10:29 No, no, no, wait!
I'm coming.
00:10:36 Hey! Open the door.
00:10:41 Let me in!
00:10:43 Citizens of the Valley of Peace.
00:10:46 It is my great honour
to present to you,
00:10:48 Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.
00:10:53 The Furious Five!
00:11:07 They're The Furious Five!
Aah..aah... ouch!
00:11:10 Warriors prepare!
00:11:12 Blast, No, Quick Po.
Ready for battle.
00:11:18 The thousand tons of fire!
00:11:22 Wow... Look at that!
Hey! Get out of the way!
00:11:24 Uhh...Oh...ohh!
00:11:39 Hiyaah...ouch!
00:11:57 And finally, Master Tigress.
00:12:01 Believe me citizens,
you have not seen anything yet.
00:12:05 I know!
00:12:07 Master Tigress faces Iron Arms
and its Blades of Death.
00:12:24 I sense the Dragon Warrior
is among us.
00:12:33 Citizens of the Valley of Peace,
00:12:35 Master Oogway will now choose
the Dragon Warrior.
00:12:40 Hah...butta...
No, no, no wait!
00:12:44 Yaa...ahh.
00:12:54 Ha...ha...haah!
00:12:59 Ha...ha...haah.
Po! What are you doing?
00:13:04 What does it look
like I'm doing?
00:13:06 Stop! Stop!
I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior.
00:13:12 But I don't understand,
you finally have the noodle dream.
00:13:17 I lied.
I don't dream about noodles, Dad.
00:13:22 I love Kung Fu...uuu!
00:13:37 Oh come on son.
Let's get back to work.
00:13:43 Heay...okay.
00:13:46 Ahh...aahh...aah.
00:13:49 Po!...Heay...heay...hey.
00:14:14 Oh. What's going on?
00:14:19 ... Where?
00:14:23 Why are you pointing...?
00:14:26 Oh. Okay. Sorry. I just wanted
to see who the Dragon Warrior was?
00:14:31 How interesting?
00:14:33 Master, are you pointing at me?
00:14:36 Him.
00:14:40 You.
00:14:42 The universe has brought
us the Dragon Warrior.
00:14:48 What? What?
What? What!
00:15:00 Stop wait.
Who told you to...
00:15:12 Master Oogway, wait.
00:15:13 That crabby panda can't possibly
be the answer to our problem.
00:15:18 You were about to appoint the Tigress.
and that thing fell in front of her.
00:15:21 That was just an accident.
There are no accidents.
00:15:40 Forgive us Master.
We have failed you.
00:15:43 No. If the panda has not quit by
morning, then I would have failed you.
00:16:05 Wait, wait, wait!
00:16:07 I bring a message from Master Shifu.
00:16:15 What? Double the guard.
Extra precautions.
00:16:19 Your prison may not be adequate?
00:16:24 You doubt my prison security?
00:16:27 Absolutely not!
00:16:30 Shifu does.
I'm just the messenger.
00:16:33 I'll give you a message
for your Master Shifu.
00:16:37 Escape from Chordom prison
is impossible.
00:16:44 Impressive isn't it?
00:16:47 Yes, very impressive.
It is very impressive.
00:16:51 One way in.
And one way out.
00:16:53 One thousand guards
and one prisoner.
00:16:58 Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung.
00:17:05 Take us down.
00:17:13 Ahh...ahh...ahh...ahh
00:17:24 Oh my...
00:17:30 Behold Tai Lung.
00:17:34 I'll umm...I'll just
wait right here.
00:17:37 It's nothing to worry about.
It's perfectly safe.
00:17:41 Both posts.
At the ready.
00:17:45 Hey tough guy.
Did you hear...
00:17:48 Oogway is finally going to give
someone the Dragon Scroll...
00:17:51 ...and it's not going to be you.
00:17:52 What are you doing?
Don't get him mad.
00:17:54 What is he going to do about it?
00:17:56 I've got him completely immobilised.
00:18:00 Haa...haa...haa...haa!
00:18:02 Oh...Did I step on
the wooly kiddy's tail?
00:18:06 I'm gonna... I've seen enough.
00:18:08 I'm gonna tell Shifu that he
has nothing to worry about.
00:18:11 No, he doesn't.
Okay I'll tell him that.
00:18:13 Hmm...
Can we please go now?
00:18:39 Oh. Wait a second.
00:18:46 I think there has been
a slight mistake.
00:18:48 Err...Everyone seems
to think I'm err...
00:18:52 Ahh...The sacred Hall of Warriors.
00:18:55 No way.
00:18:57 Look at this place.
00:19:00 Master Flying-Rhino's armour.
00:19:02 With authentic battle damage!
00:19:05 Wow...the Sword of Heroes.
00:19:08 Said to be so sharp, you can cut
yourself just by looking ... Aah!...Oww!
00:19:14 The invisible Dragon of Destiny.
00:19:16 Uuhhs... I've only seen paintings
of that painting.
00:19:21 Aah...ah...ha...ha...ha...
Heeyah...yah.. Aah...ah...ah..
00:19:26 Noo..! Ho...oh, oh, oh...
00:19:30 The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors.
00:19:32 Said to contain souls of the
entire Tenshu army.
00:19:38 Hello?
Have you finished sightseeing?
00:19:42 Sorry. I should have
come to see you first.
00:19:44 My patience is running thin.
00:19:46 Well. I mean, it's not like
you are going anywhere.
00:19:49 You turn around.
00:19:51 Hey, how is it going?
How do you get 500...Master Shifu!... Ooh!...
00:19:55 Ohh...whooo...
00:19:56 Someone broke that...
But I'm going to fix it...I...
00:20:00 Do you have some glue...
00:20:04 Aah...ouch...ooo!
I've a splinter.
00:20:07 So you are the legendary Dragon Warrior?
00:20:10 Ahh, I guess so?
00:20:13 You are not the Dragon Warrior.
You will never be the Dragon Warrior...
00:20:16 ... until you've learned the secret
of the Dragon scroll.
00:20:20 Wow...so...
How does this work?
00:20:24 Do you have a ladder?
a trampoline or...?
00:20:27 Umph...You think it is that easy?
00:20:29 That I'm just going to hand you
the secret to limitless power?
00:20:33 No! I...
00:20:34 One must first master the highest
level of Kung Fu
00:20:36 and that is clearly impossible
if that one is someone like you.
00:20:40 Someone like me?
00:20:42 Look at you!
This fat blob. Flabby arms.
00:20:46 Those are sensitive.
in the flabby parts.
00:20:49 And this ridiculous belly.
00:20:51 And utter disregard for personal hygiene.
Now wait a minute.
00:20:55 That's a little uncalled for.
Don't stand that close. I can smell your breath.
00:20:59 Listen, Oogway said that I was the...
00:21:00 Uh... the Wushi Finger Hold.
00:21:02 Never... Master Shifu don't...
00:21:03 Haa...oh... You know this hold?
00:21:06 Developed by Master Wushi in the
3rd dynasty. Yes.
00:21:09 Oh. Then you must know what happens
when I flex my pinky.
00:21:12 No, no, no...
00:21:13 You know the hardest part of this?...
The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.
00:21:18 Humm...
Okay. Okay, take it easy.
00:21:21 Now listen closely, Panda.
00:21:23 Oogway may have picked you,
but when I'm through with you,...
00:21:26 I promise you,
you're going to wish he hadn't.
00:21:30 Are we clear?
00:21:31 Yes, we're clear, we're clear.
We are so clear.
00:21:34 Good. Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.
I can't wait to get started.
00:22:16 Let's begin.
00:22:17 Wait, wait, wait.
00:22:21 Now?
Yes now.
00:22:23 Unless you think that the great Oogway was
wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior.
00:22:27 Okay. Well, I don't know
if I can do all of those moves.
00:22:33 Well, if we don't try,
we will never know, will we?
00:22:35 Yes, it's just, maybe we can find
something more suited to my level.
00:22:39 And what level is that?
Well you know...
00:22:41 I'm not a master, but
let's just start at zero.
00:22:45 Level zero.
There is no such thing as level zero.
00:22:50 Hey, maybe I can start with that.
00:22:52 That. We use that
for training children.
00:22:55 And popping the door
open when it is hot.
00:22:58 But if you insist.
00:23:00 Wow... The Furious Five.
00:23:02 You're so much bigger
than your action figures.
00:23:04 Except for you, Mantis.
You're about the same.
00:23:08 Go ahead, Panda.
Show us what you can do.
00:23:14 Ahh...Are they going to watch? Or should I just
wait until they get back to work or something?
00:23:17 Hit it.
Okay, I mean, I just ate,
00:23:21 and so I'm still digesting, so my
Kung Fu may not be as good as later on.
00:23:26 Just hit it.
00:23:30 What'd you got?
You've got nothing cos' I got it right here.
00:23:33 You picking on my friends?
Get ready to fell the thunder.
00:23:36 Come on, crazy feet.
What're you going to do about crazy feet?
00:23:39 Come on. I'm a blur. I'm a blur.
You've never seen Bear style.
00:23:42 You've only seen Praying Mantis.
00:23:43 Or Monkey style.
Imagine snake-kiddy Snake.
00:23:48 Would you hit it!
00:23:50 Alright. Alright.
00:23:58 Why don't you try it again?
A little harder.
00:24:02 How's that?
00:24:14 Oh, that hurts!
00:24:22 This will be easier than I thought.
00:24:25 Feeling a little nausea...
Ouch, ouch, ouch!
00:24:31 Oohh... My tenders.
00:25:01 How did I do?
00:25:03 There is now a level zero.
00:25:08 Don't deny that.
I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking.
00:25:11 Poor guy is going to get himself killed.
He is so fighty.
00:25:16 The Dragon Warrior fell out
of the sky in a ball of fire.
00:25:21 When he walks,
the very ground shakes.
00:25:24 One would think that Master Oogway would
choose someone who actually knew Kung Fu.
00:25:28 Yes. Or could at least touch his toes.
Or even see his toes.
00:25:56 Okay.
00:26:06 Great.
00:26:12 Ooouuch!
00:26:20 Oh hey. Hi.
You're up?
00:26:23 Am now.
I was just..er...someday...eh?
00:26:28 The Kung Fu stuff is hard work, right?
Your biceps sore.
00:26:33 I've had a long day and rather
disappointing day, so...er...
00:26:38 Ya...I should probably get to sleep now.
00:26:41 Ya... Ya...of course.
Okay. Thanks.
00:26:43 It's just, I'm such a big fan...
00:26:46 You guys were so totally amazing
at the battle of the Weeping River.
00:26:49 Outnumbered. A thousand to one.
But, you didn't stop. You just,....
00:26:54 Oh. Sorry about that.
00:26:57 Ahh... Look you don't belong here.
00:27:01 Er...I know, I know.
You're right.
00:27:05 I don't have it.
It's just, my whole life, I dream of...
00:27:08 No, no, no. I meant you don't
belong here, I mean in this room.
00:27:12 But this is my room.
Property of Crane.
00:27:16 Oh, okay right, right.
00:27:19 Ya, you want to get to sleep.
Keeping you up.
00:27:22 We've got big things tomorrow.
00:27:24 Alright. You are awesome. The last thing
I'm going to say. Okay, bye-bye.
00:27:32 What was that?
I didn't say anything.
00:27:35 Okay. Alright. Goodnight.
Sleep well.
00:27:40 Seem a little bit awkward.
00:27:44 Master Tigress, didn't mean
to wake you. Just a...
00:27:47 You don't belong here.
Ah ya...ya, of course...
00:27:49 This is your room...
I mean you don't belong in the Jade Palace.
00:27:54 You're a disgrace to Kung Fu and if
you have any respect of who we are,
00:27:58 and what we do,
you will be gone by morning.
00:28:07 Big fan.
00:28:16 I see you've found the Sacred Peach
Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.
00:28:22 Is that what this is?
I'm so sorry.
00:28:24 I thought it was just
a regular peach tree.
00:28:27 I understand, you eat
when you are upset.
00:28:32 Upset? I'm not upset.
Why would I be upset?
00:28:36 So, why are you upset?
00:28:43 I probably sucked more today
than anyone in the history of Kung Fu.
00:28:47 In the history of China.
00:28:49 In the history of sucking.
00:28:51 Probably.
And the Five...man,
00:28:53 you should have seen them,
they totally hate me.
00:28:56 Totally.
How's Shifu ever going to turn me
00:28:58 into the Dragon Warrior?
00:29:02 I mean I'm not like the Five,
I've got no claws.
00:29:06 No wings,
no venom.
00:29:08 Even Mantis got those thingies.
00:29:12 May be I should just quit
and go back to making noodles.
00:29:18 Quit. Don't quit.
Noodles. Don't noodles.
00:29:24 You are too concerned with
what was and what will be.
00:29:29 There's a saying.
Yesterday is history,
00:29:33 Tomorrow is a mystery,
But today is a gift.
00:29:38 That is why it is called the "present".
00:30:10 Oh No!
What's happening?
00:30:12 To your battle stations!
Go! Go! Go!
00:30:23 Fire Cross-Bow!
00:30:28 Fire!
00:30:37 Tai Lung's free. I must warn Shifu.
00:30:39 You are not going anywhere.
Neither is he!
00:30:41 Let go of me.
Bring it up!
00:30:46 Wait! Bring it back!
00:31:05 He's going this way.
He won't get far.
00:31:08 Archers!
00:32:14 We Dead.
So very, very dead.
00:32:17 Ha..Ha. Not yet, we're not.
00:33:05 Can we run now?
00:33:27 I am glad Shifu sent you.
00:33:31 I was beginning to feel
I'm being forgotten.
00:33:34 Fly back there and tell them, the
real Dragon Warrior is coming home.
00:33:51 Good Morning, Master.
00:33:54 Panda!
00:33:56 Panda! Wake up!
00:33:59 Hmm, hmm, hmm...
He's quitted.
00:34:04 What do we do now Master
with the Panda gone?
00:34:07 Who will be the Dragon Warrior?
00:34:09 All we can do is resume our training
and trust that in time...
00:34:12 the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.
00:34:16 What are you doing here?
00:34:18 Haa...hey.
Good Morning Master.
00:34:20 I thought I'll warm up a little.
00:34:24 You're stuck.
00:34:29 No...This is one of the...
Ya...I'm stuck.
00:34:31 Help him.
Oh dear.
00:34:34 Lift me on three.
One, two, ....
00:34:40 Thank you.
Don't mention it.
00:34:42 No really. I appreciate it...
00:34:45 You actually thought you could
learn to do a full split in one night.
00:34:49 It takes years to develop
ones flexibility.
00:34:52 And years longer to apply it in combat.
00:35:05 Put that down!
00:35:07 The only souvenirs we collect down here
are bloody knuckles and broken bones.
00:35:11 Yaa...ha...ha...ha.
00:35:14 Let's get started.
00:35:18 Are you ready?
I was born ready...Oww!
00:35:21 Oww!...Oh!. I'm sorry brother.
I thought you said you're ready.
00:35:24 That was awesome!
Let's go again!
00:35:53 I've been taking it easy on you Panda
but no more. Your next opponent...
00:35:57 ...will be me.
Alright. Ya...Let's go!
00:36:02 Step forth!
00:36:04 The true path to victory is to find
your opponent's weakness.
00:36:07 And make him suffer for it.
00:36:10 Oh yeah. To take his strength
and use it against him.
00:36:14 Until he finally falls or quits.
00:36:17 But a real warrior never quits.
Don't worry Master, I'll never quit.
00:36:32 If he is smart he won't
come back those steps.
00:36:35 But he will.
He's not going to quit, is he?
00:36:39 He's not going to quit bouncing.
I'll tell you that.
00:36:53 Oouch! I thought you said
accupuncture will make me feel better.
00:36:56 Trust me it will.
It's just not easy finding right nerve points
00:36:59 under all this...fat?
00:37:02 I was going to say fur.
Sure you were.
00:37:04 Who am I to judge a warrior
based on his size?
00:37:06 So I mean, look at me.
I'm over here.
00:37:10 Haa...aah...
Maybe you should take a look at this again.
00:37:14 Ohh... Okay.
00:37:17 Oouch!
Stop! Stop it!
00:37:20 Eee...ouch!
00:37:22 I know Master Shifu is trying
to inspire me and all.
00:37:25 But if I didn't know any better
I'll say he's trying to get rid of me.
00:37:33 I know he can seem like heartless.
00:37:36 But you know he wasn't
always like that.
00:37:38 According to legend there was once a time
when Master Shifu actually used to spy...
00:37:43 No...
Yes, but that was before...
00:37:47 Before what?
Before Tai Lung.
00:37:50 Aah...ya.
We are not really suppose to talk about him.
00:37:53 Well if he is going to stay here
he should now.
00:37:56 Guys, guys,
I know about Tai Lung.
00:37:58 He was a student. The first to ever
master the 1000 scrolls of Kung Fu.
00:38:03 And then he turned bad
and now he's in jail.
00:38:07 He wasn't just a student.
00:38:13 Shifu found him as a cub.
00:38:17 And he raised him as his son.
00:38:23 And when the child showed
talent in Kung Fu
00:38:26 Shifu trained him.
00:38:29 He believed in him. He told him
he was destined for greatness.
00:38:34 It was never enough for Tai Lung.
00:38:38 He wanted the Dragon Scroll.
00:38:41 But Oogway saw darkness
in his heart and refused.
00:38:45 Outraged, Tai Lung
laid waste to the Valley.
00:38:50 He tried to take the Scroll by force.
00:38:53 And Shifu has to destroy
what he had created.
00:38:58 But how could he?
00:39:14 Shifu loved Tai Lung like he
has never love anyone before.
00:39:25 What's it?
00:39:35 And now he has a chance
to make things right.
00:39:38 To train the true Dragon Warrior.
00:39:40 And he is stuck with you.
00:39:43 A big fat Panda who
treats it like a joke.
00:39:47 Ohh... That's it!
Wait! My fault!
00:39:49 I accidentally tweaked his facial nerves.
00:39:54 And may have also stopped his heart.
00:40:00 Inner peace.
00:40:03 Inner peace.
00:40:07 Inner...in...in...in
inner peace.
00:40:15 Look whoever is making that
flapping sound quiet down.
00:40:23 Inner...Quaaa!
00:40:28 Oh, Zeng, excellent.
00:40:31 I could use some good news now.
00:40:36 Aaahh....
00:40:41 Master. Master.
00:40:43 I...I..have ...It's a...
It's a very bad news.
00:40:47 Aah... Shifu. There's just news.
No good or bad.
00:40:53 Master, your vision was right.
00:40:56 Tai Lung has broken out of prison.
He's on his way.
00:41:01 That is bad news...
00:41:03 ... if you do not believe that
the Dragon Warrior can stop him.
00:41:08 Panda? Master, that Panda
is not the Dragon Warrior.
00:41:12 He wasn't even meant to be here.
It was an accident.
00:41:15 There are no accidents.
00:41:18 Yes, I know.
You said that already.
00:41:22 Twice.
Well, that was no accident either.
00:41:26 Thrice.
My old friend.
00:41:28 The Panda will never fulfill
his destiny, nor you, yours.
00:41:33 Until you let go of the
illusion of control.
00:41:36 Illusion?
00:41:39 Look at this tree, Shifu.
00:41:41 I cannot make it blossom
when it suits me.
00:41:43 Nor make it bear
fruit before it's time.
00:41:47 But there are things
we can control.
00:41:51 I can control when
the fruit will fall.
00:41:54 I can control where
to plant the seed.
00:41:59 That is no illusion, Master.
00:42:03 Ah...yes, but no matter
what you do
00:42:07 That seed will grow
to be a peach tree.
00:42:10 You may wish for an
apple or an orange.
00:42:13 But you will get a peach.
But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung.
00:42:18 Maybe it can, if you are willing
to guide it, to nurture it.
00:42:25 To believe in it.
00:42:27 But how? How?
I need your help, Master.
00:42:31 No, you just need to believe.
00:42:35 Promise me, Shifu.
Promise me, you will believe.
00:42:41 I... I will try.
00:42:48 My time has come.
00:42:52 You must continue your journey
without me.
00:42:57 What?...what?...what are you...
00:43:00 Master.
00:43:02 You can't leave me.
00:43:07 You must believe.
00:43:11 Master.
00:43:40 I'm not scared...yet.
Sound like fun. He maybe a wolf.
00:43:44 You may be the scariest bandit
in Harjin Province.
00:43:47 But you're a lousy tipper.
00:43:50 So, how did you
get out of there alive?
00:43:53 I mean I didn't actually said that,
but I thought it, in my mind.
00:43:59 If he could read my mind
he would have been like...what?
00:44:02 Order up!
You like it?
00:44:06 This is really good.
00:44:08 Now, come on. You should try
my dad's secret ingredient soup.
00:44:11 He actually knows the secret ingredient.
00:44:14 What are you talking about?
This is amazing.
00:44:16 Wow...you are really a good cook.
I wish my mouth was bigger.
00:44:18 Tigress, you got to try this.
00:44:20 It is said that the Dragon Warrior can
survive for months at a time on nothing
00:44:24 but the dew of a single Gingko leaf
and the energy of the universe.
00:44:30 I guess my body doesn't know
it's the Dragon Warrior yet.
00:44:33 I need lard more than dew
and the universe juice.
00:44:42 What?
Oh nothing, Master Shifu.
00:44:45 Ha...ha...ha...ha!
00:44:48 You will never be the Dragon Warrior
unless you lose 500 pounds.
00:44:51 and brush your teeth.
What is the noise you're making?
00:44:54 Laughter?
I have never heard of it.
00:44:56 Work hard Panda and maybe someday
you'll have ears like mine.
00:45:02 That's good.
Oh...oh, yup.
00:45:04 Ears?
It's not working for you.
00:45:07 I thought they're pretty good.
It's Shifu!
00:45:09 Of course it's Shifu.
What do you think I'm doing?
00:45:14 Master Shifu.
00:45:18 You think this is funny!
Tai Lung has escaped from prison!
00:45:21 And you all are acting like children!
00:45:23 He's coming for the Dragon Scroll and
you're the only one who can stop him.
00:45:30 Ha...and here I am saying you've
got no a sense of humour.
00:45:33 I am gonna... step down.
What? You're serious?
00:45:37 And I have to...aaa...not...
Master Oogway will stop him.
00:45:41 He did it before. He'll do it again.
Oogway cannot!
00:45:45 Not anymore.
00:45:47 Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior.
00:45:50 The Panda?
Yes, the Panda!
00:45:52 Master please, let us stop Tai Lung?
This is what you train us for!
00:45:55 No! It is not your destiny to defeat
Tai Lung! It is his!
00:46:01 Where did he go?
00:46:09 You cannot leave!
A real warrior never quit!
00:46:12 Watch me!
00:46:16 Come on! How am I suppose
to beat Tai Lung?
00:46:19 I can't even beat you to the stairs.
00:46:21 You will beat him because
you are the Dragon Warrior.
00:46:24 Ouch!
You don't believe that!
00:46:26 Oh! You never believed that.
00:46:27 From the first moment I got here,
you've been trying to get rid of me.
00:46:30 Yes, I was!
00:46:33 But now I ask you to trust in your Master
as I have come to trust in mine.
00:46:39 You are not my Master.
And I am not the Dragon Warrior.
00:46:42 Then why didn't you quit?
You knew I was trying to get rid of you.
00:46:45 Yet you stayed.
Ya. I stayed.
00:46:48 I stayed because every time
you threw a brick at my head
00:46:52 Or said I smelled, it hurt!
00:46:55 But it could never hurt more than it
did everyday in my life just being me.
00:47:00 I stayed because I thought if anyone
could change me, could make me not me...
00:47:08 ...it was you. The greatest
Kung Fu teacher of all of China.
00:47:12 But I can change you! I can turn
you into the Dragon Warrior. And I will!
00:47:18 Come on, Tai Lung is
on his way right now.
00:47:21 And even if it takes him
a hundred years to get here.
00:47:23 How are you going to change
this into the Dragon Warrior?
00:47:28 Hah?
00:47:31 How?
00:47:34 How?
00:47:37 How?
I don't know!
00:47:47 I do not know
00:47:55 That's what I thought.
00:48:34 This is what she trains for it
00:48:43 Tigress!
00:48:48 Don't try and stop me.
00:48:52 We are not trying to stop you.
00:48:54 We are coming with you.
00:50:06 What?
I eat when I am upset, okay!
00:50:10 Oh! No need to explain.
00:50:12 I just thought you might be monkey.
He hides his almond cookies in the top-shelf.
00:50:36 Don't tell Monkey.
00:50:38 Look at you.
00:50:40 I know I disgust you.
No, I mean, how did you get up there?
00:50:44 I don't know,...I...
I don't know. Just get the cookies.
00:50:49 And yet you are 10 feet off the ground
and have done a perfect split.
00:50:54 No, this?
This is just an accident!
00:51:15 I know you are trying to be
all mystical and Kung Fu-ee.
00:51:18 But could you least tell me
where we are going?
00:51:30 You drag me all the way
out here for a bath?
00:51:39 Panda, we do not wash our pits
in the pool of sacred tears.
00:51:44 Uuh?...The pool of...
00:51:46 This is where Oogway unraveled
the mysteries of harmony and focus.
00:51:51 This is the birth place of Kung Fu.
00:52:08 Do you want to learn Kung Fu?
00:52:11 Yes
Then I am your Master.
00:52:15 Okay!
00:52:18 Don't cry.
00:52:25 When you focus on Kung Fu,
when you concentrate, you stink.
00:52:31 But perhaps that is my fault.
I cannot train you the way I trained the Five.
00:52:36 I see now that the way to get
through to you is with this.
00:52:40 Aah great, cause I am hungry.
00:52:44 Good, when you have been trained
you may eat.
00:52:49 Let's begin.
00:53:58 After you, Panda.
00:53:59 Just like that.
No sit-ups. No, ten-mile hike.
00:54:04 I vowed to train you and you've been
trained. You are free to eat.
00:54:14 Enjoy
00:54:17 Hey!
I said you are free to eat.
00:54:20 Have a dumpling.
00:54:30 You are free to eat.
Am I?
00:54:33 Are you?
00:55:56 I am not hungry.
00:56:01 Master.
00:56:31 Cut it!
00:56:49 Where is the Dragon Warrior?
How do you know you are not looking at her?
00:56:53 You think I'm a fool.
00:56:56 I know you are not the Dragon Warrior.
None of you!
00:56:59 I heard how he fell out of the sky
on a ball of fire.
00:57:02 But he's a warrior unlike anything
in the world has ever seen.
00:57:07 Po?
So that is his name.
00:57:10 Po!
00:57:12 Finally, a worthy opponent.
00:57:15 The battle will be legendary.
00:57:37 We got this, help her.
00:58:02 Monkey!
00:58:16 Mantis!
00:58:22 Now!
00:59:07 Shifu, taught you well.
00:59:12 But he didn't teach you everything.
00:59:18 You have done well, Panda.
Done well?
00:59:21 Done well!
I have done awesome!
00:59:26 The mark of a true hero is humility.
00:59:29 But yes,
you have done, awesome.
00:59:40 Five?
00:59:43 They're dead.
No, they are breathing.
00:59:45 They're asleep?
No, their eyes are open.
00:59:47 We were no match for
his nerve attack.
00:59:49 He has gotten stronger.
00:59:51 Tai Lung?
00:59:54 He's too fast.
Sorry, Po.
00:59:59 I thought we could stop him.
He could have kill you.
01:00:02 Why didn't he?
So you can come back here...
01:00:04 ...and strike fear into our hearts.
But it won't work.
01:00:08 It might. I mean a little.
01:00:12 I'm pretty scared.
You can defeat him, Panda.
01:00:15 Are you kidding?
If they can't... They're Five Masters.
01:00:19 I'm just one me.
01:00:20 But you have the one thing
that no one else does,
01:00:29 You really believe I'm ready.
01:00:31 You are, Po.
01:01:21 Behold, the Dragon Scroll.
01:01:25 It is yours.
01:01:27 What happens when I read it?
No one knows.
01:01:30 But legend says you will be able
to hear a butterfly's wings beat.
01:01:33 Wow! Really? That's cool.
01:01:36 And see light in the deepest cave.
You will feel the universe in motion around you.
01:01:41 Wow! Can I punch through walls?
Can I do a quadruple back flip?
01:01:45 Focus. Focus. Focus!
Oh, ya...yah.
01:01:48 Read it Po.
And fulfill your destiny.
01:01:51 Read it and become the Dragon Warrior.
01:02:01 It's impossible to open.
01:02:09 Thank you.
01:02:10 Probably, loosen it up for you.
01:02:14 Okay, here goes.
01:02:21 Aargh...!
01:02:27 It's blank.
01:02:29 Here, look.
No, I am forbidden to look upon it.
01:02:38 Blank!
I don't...I don't understand.
01:02:44 Okay. So like Oogway was
just a crazy old turtle after all.
01:02:49 No. Oogway was wiser than us all.
01:02:52 Oh, come on.
Face it. He picked me by accident.
01:02:56 Of course I'm not Dragon Warrior.
01:02:59 Who am I kidding?
01:03:01 But who will stop Tai Lung?
He will destroy everything.
01:03:04 And everyone.
01:03:07 Evacuate the Valley.
You must protect the villagers...
01:03:11 ... from Tai Lung's rage.
01:03:12 What about you, Master?
01:03:14 I will fight him.
01:03:15 I can hold him off long enough
for everyone to escape.
01:03:19 But Shifu, he'll kill you.
01:03:22 Then I would have finally
paid for my mistake.
01:03:25 Listen to me, all of you.
01:03:27 It's time for you to continue
your journey without me.
01:03:30 I am very proud to have
been your master.
01:03:53 We got to get them out safely.
01:03:55 Come little one, let's find your Mama.
01:03:58 Viper, gather the southern farmers.
Mantis, the north.
01:04:01 Crane, light the way.
01:04:21 Look, it's the Dragon Warrior.
01:04:32 Hey Dad.
01:04:34 Po!
01:04:41 It's good to have you back son.
01:04:45 Good to be back.
Let's go Po.
01:04:51 For our next shop, it's time to face it.
The future of noodles is diced cut vegetables.
01:04:57 No longer slices.
Also, I was thinking...
01:05:01 ... maybe this time we'll have
a kitchen you can stand up in.
01:05:06 Hmm!
You like that?
01:05:14 Po, I'm sorry things didn't work out.
It just wasn't meant to be.
01:05:25 Po, forget everything else.
Your destiny still awaits.
01:05:29 We are noodle-folk.
Broth runs deep through our veins.
01:05:34 I don't know dad. Honestly,
sometimes I can't believe I'm your son.
01:05:43 Po, I think it's time I told you
something I should have told you...
01:05:49 ... a long time ago.
01:05:51 Okay.
01:05:54 The secret ingredient of
my secret ingredient soup...
01:05:58 Ohh...
The secret ingredient is...
01:06:05 Nothing!
01:06:07 But you heard me.
01:06:10 There is no secret ingredient.
01:06:12 Wait, wait.
It's just plain old noodle soup.
01:06:15 You don't add some kind
of special sauce or something.
01:06:17 Don't have to.
To make something special...
01:06:20 ...you just have to believe it is special.
01:06:32 There is no secret ingredient.
01:06:55 I have come home, Master.
01:06:57 This is no longer your home
and I am no longer your master.
01:07:01 Yes, you have a new favourite.
01:07:05 So where is this Po?
01:07:09 Did I scare him off?
This battle is between you and me.
01:07:14 So that's how it's going to be.
That is how it must be.
01:07:33 I rotted in jail for 20 years...
01:07:36 ...because of your weakness!
Obeying your master is not weakness!
01:07:40 You knew I was the Dragon Warrior!
01:07:43 You always knew.
But when Oogway said otherwise...
01:07:49 What did you do?
What did you do!
01:07:56 Nothing!
You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior.
01:07:59 That was not my fault!
Not your fault!
01:08:02 Who failed my every dream?
01:08:04 Who told we should train
until my bones cracked?
01:08:07 Who denied me my destiny?!!
01:08:18 It was never my decision to make!
01:08:26 It is now.
01:08:33 Give me the Scroll.
01:08:36 I would rather die!
01:09:26 What I ever did,
I did to make you proud!
01:09:30 Tell me how proud you are Shifu?
01:09:33 Tell me!
Tell meeee!
01:09:46 I...I have always
been proud of you.
01:09:51 From the first moment
I have been proud of you.
01:09:57 And it was my pride
that blinded me.
01:10:01 I love you too much
to see what you were becoming.
01:10:05 What I was turning you into.
01:10:10 I'm... I'm sorry.
01:10:22 I don't want your apology.
I want my Scroll.
01:10:28 What?
01:10:30 Where is it?
01:10:32 Dragon Warrior has taken Scroll
half way across China by now.
01:10:38 You will never see
that Scroll, Tai Lung!
01:10:41 Never!
01:10:45 Hey!
01:10:51 ...Stairs.
01:10:55 Who are you?
01:10:57 Buddy...
I am the Dragon Warrior.
01:11:04 You?
01:11:06 Him?
He's a Panda.
01:11:08 You're a Panda.
What are you going to do, Big Guy?
01:11:11 Sit on me.
01:11:12 Don't tempt me.
01:11:14 Now, I'm going to use this.
01:11:18 You want it. Come get it.
01:11:22 Finally.
01:11:48 That Scroll is mine!
01:13:17 The Scroll has given him power.
01:13:56 Finally.
Oh yes.
01:14:00 The power of the Dragon Scroll
is mine!
01:14:09 It's nothing!
01:14:13 It's okay. I didn't get
it the first time either.
01:14:16 What?
There is no secret ingredient.
01:14:24 It's just you.
01:14:34 Stop it! Ho, ho, ho.
I'm going to pee.
01:14:39 Don't...don't...don't.
01:15:47 You can't defeat me.
01:15:55 You...you're just a big
fat Panda!
01:16:03 I'm not a big fat Panda.
01:16:06 I'm the Big Fat Panda!
01:16:11 The Wushi finger hold?
Oh, you know this hold.
01:16:14 You're bluffing. You're bluffing!
Shifu didn't teach you that!
01:16:18 No, I figured it out.
01:16:21 Skedush...!
01:16:41 Ah... look!
01:16:43 The Dragon Warrior.
01:17:12 That's my boy!
The big lovely Kung Fu warrior is my son!
01:17:19 Yes.
01:17:22 Thanks Dad.
01:17:32 Hey guys.
01:17:38 Master.
01:17:43 Master?
Master Shifu?
01:18:00 Master!
Shifu! Shifu! Are you okay?
01:18:05 Po.
You are alive.
01:18:08 Or we are both dead.
01:18:10 No Master, I didn't die.
01:18:12 I defeated Tai Lung.
You did?
01:18:19 ... Wow!
It is as Oogway foretold.
01:18:24 You are the Dragon Warrior.
01:18:28 You have brought peace
to this Valley.
01:18:36 And to me.
Thank you.
01:18:40 Thank you, Po.
01:18:43 Thank you. Thank you...
01:18:51 No, Master...
01:18:54 No, no, no!
Don't die Shifu, please!
01:18:56 I'm not dying, you idiot!
Aah... Dragon Warrior...
01:19:02 I'm simply at peace.
01:19:09 Oh...So I should stop talking.
01:19:13 If you can.
01:19:32 Do you want to get
something to eat?
01:19:36 Yes
01:19:39 Created by Firstsub.
(영화대본) 마다가스카 2탄
Well done boys.<br>
It looks like ice cold sushi for breakfast.
<SYNC Start=28705><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=47004><P Class=EGCC>
No, no son. Over here.
<SYNC Start=49607><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=50663><P Class=EGCC>
See the lion, look at the lion, you get the lion.
<SYNC Start=53160><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=57802><P Class=EGCC>
Now son, if you are going to grow up and be like your daddy someday<br>
you got to learn how to fight.
<SYNC Start=62796><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=65538><P Class=EGCC>
Alakay, let me show you something, OK?
<SYNC Start=68422><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=69687><P Class=EGCC>
You see this mark?
<SYNC Start=71553><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=71973><P Class=EGCC>
You and me are the same and when you're bigger,<br>
you are gonna be alpha lion just like your daddy.
<SYNC Start=76792><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=77249><P Class=EGCC>
Now, let me see you fight. Ready?
<SYNC Start=79536><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=80588><P Class=EGCC>
No Alakay, no dancing.
<SYNC Start=82769><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=83190><P Class=EGCC>
You just amuse yourself, don't you?<br>
You are a strange kid. You are a strange man.
<SYNC Start=87447><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=90084><P Class=EGCC>
Oh come on, let's try it again.
<SYNC Start=92300><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=97084><P Class=EGCC>
It's so disappointing when they don't grow up<br>
the way you want it to.
<SYNC Start=99580><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=100073><P Class=EGCC>
Oh come on.<br>
You are not challenging me again, are you?<br>
Look on the bright side Zuba. After I...
<SYNC Start=104679><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=104929><P Class=EGCC>
...defeat you and take over as alpha lion,<br>
you will have so much more time<br>
to spend with your pathetic excuse of a son.
<SYNC Start=110309><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=112807><P Class=EGCC>
Before I kick your butt, let me ask you,<br>
why do you even want to become the alpha lion?
<SYNC Start=118046><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=118401><P Class=EGCC>
I am better looking, I have better hair,<br>
I am deceivingly smart and...
<SYNC Start=121389><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=122022><P Class=EGCC>
I want everyone else to do what I say.
<SYNC Start=123990><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=125011><P Class=EGCC>
We'll fight on three.
<SYNC Start=127049><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=127402><P Class=EGCC>
Pay attention Alakay.<br>
Daddy gonna show you how it's done.<br>
Two, three.
<SYNC Start=132114><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=155381><P Class=EGCC>
Who is alpha lion?<br>
You are.
<SYNC Start=156893><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=157880><P Class=EGCC>
Don't you forget it.<br>
And that Alakay is how you attack.
<SYNC Start=161958><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=163857><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=165581><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=170258><P Class=EGCC>
That's it. Here kitty kitty.
<SYNC Start=173001><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=175288><P Class=EGCC>
Ah, this one is a beauty.<br>
It will be worth a few bucks.
<SYNC Start=178312><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=179931><P Class=EGCC>
It just gets easier and easier.
<SYNC Start=181354><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=184435><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=184888><P Class=EGCC>
Alakay, Alakay, Alakay!
<SYNC Start=188871><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=191610><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=193646><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=194009><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no!
<SYNC Start=196839><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=199161><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=200250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=210308><P Class=EGCC>
Alakay! Daddy got you, hold on.
<SYNC Start=213018><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=217115><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=218592><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=232581><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=235849><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=240902><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=243046><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=263013><P Class=EGCC>
Subtitles by LalCan...
<SYNC Start=266948><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=314256><P Class=EGCC>
I don't like looks of this guy.<br>
Well, I think he is kind of cute.
<SYNC Start=317279><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=317560><P Class=EGCC>
I think he is kind of show off.<br>
You think he is cute?
<SYNC Start=321217><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=336901><P Class=EGCC>
The king of New York City.
<SYNC Start=339326><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=339921><P Class=EGCC>
Alex the lion!
<SYNC Start=342109><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=343233><P Class=EGCC>
I still think he is kind of a show off.<br>
You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal.
<SYNC Start=347384><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=347666><P Class=EGCC>
Maybe you should take a break.<br>
You know, we could all use a vacation.
<SYNC Start=351182><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=351463><P Class=EGCC>
Come on. Where on earth would we go on vacation.<br>
I don't know about you but I wanna go to Connecticut.
<SYNC Start=356209><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=357124><P Class=EGCC>
On the loose,<br>
several animals including the world famous Alex<br>
the lion the king of New York...
<SYNC Start=361413><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=361729><P Class=EGCC>
...escaped from the Central Park Zoo tonight.<br>
The escapees were finally cornered<br>
in Grand Central Station.
<SYNC Start=366584><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=367182><P Class=EGCC>
It was a very bad kitty.
<SYNC Start=369611><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=370487><P Class=EGCC>
Animal rights activists who convinced zoo officials<br>
to have the escaped animals sent to Africa...
<SYNC Start=374959><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=375203><P Class=EGCC>
...were stunned to learn that<br>
the shipping freighter carrying the animals<br>
was reported missing today.
<SYNC Start=380129><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=380729><P Class=EGCC>
Tonight hundreds of New Yorkers have gathered<br>
at the Central Park Zoo<br>
to mourn the loss of their beloved zoo animals.
<SYNC Start=386148><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=386606><P Class=EGCC>
The question on everyone's mind:<br>
where are they now.
<SYNC Start=389840><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=429372><P Class=EGCC>
I like to move it, move it!
<SYNC Start=431121><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=431131><P Class=EGCC>
He likes to move it, move it!
<SYNC Start=432784><P Class=EGCC>
She likes to move it, move it!
<SYNC Start=434491><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=434557><P Class=EGCC>
We like to?
<SYNC Start=435692><P Class=EGCC>
Move it!
<SYNC Start=436700><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=443709><P Class=EGCC>
We are gonna miss you little fuzz buckets.<br>
You guys had been a great crowd.
<SYNC Start=446663><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=447155><P Class=EGCC>
Glad we can introduce you to the toilet.
<SYNC Start=449440><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=449634><P Class=EGCC>
If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan,<br>
feel free to call first.
<SYNC Start=452324><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=454854><P Class=EGCC>
Seriously no, call. OK?
<SYNC Start=456897><P Class=EGCC>
Settle down, settle down everybody. Ssh... Be quite.<br>
You can't leave without this.
<SYNC Start=461884><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=462691><P Class=EGCC>
Hey. Surprise freaks!<br>
Look. Shake it, shake it.
<SYNC Start=466567><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=467484><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, I am a lady, I am a lady everyone.<br>
I am a lady.
<SYNC Start=471737><P Class=EGCC>
Not really, it's me, it's King Julien.<br>
Which of you was attracted to me?
<SYNC Start=477247><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=477616><P Class=EGCC>
Hands up.
<SYNC Start=478616><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=481924><P Class=EGCC>
Hey freaks!<br>
You will be very glad to hear that I am coming with you.
<SYNC Start=486387><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=488183><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no, thank you.
<SYNC Start=489867><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=490325><P Class=EGCC>
Yes thank you. It's my plane.<br>
Until I return with the spoils from the new country...
<SYNC Start=496759><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=497567><P Class=EGCC>
...Stevie will be in charge.
<SYNC Start=500203><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=504177><P Class=EGCC>
I don't think they liked that idea so much Julien.
<SYNC Start=506989><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=507231><P Class=EGCC>
What is that you are saying Stevie?
<SYNC Start=508446><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, oh, no!
<SYNC Start=511037><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=511267><P Class=EGCC>
What? Really? No, you didn't say that.<br>
Oh it's not even possible.
<SYNC Start=518064><P Class=EGCC>
Stevie says:
<SYNC Start=519399><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=519743><P Class=EGCC>
Let them eat the cake!
<SYNC Start=522108><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=522713><P Class=EGCC>
King Julien wait for me.
<SYNC Start=525175><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=525382><P Class=EGCC>
I'm all packed.<br>
I have such a whole itinerary plan.
<SYNC Start=528583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=528675><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no. It's Mort. He's so annoying.<br>
Don't let him on.
<SYNC Start=532343><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=533187><P Class=EGCC>
Stop that thing, he is carrying scissors and hand cream.
<SYNC Start=536317><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=539129><P Class=EGCC>
Everybody in quickly. Get in. Get in.<br>
Get in quick. Get in quick.
<SYNC Start=542913><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=542939><P Class=EGCC>
Struts. Checked. Fillets. Checked.<br>
Engine. Checked. Coffee mate. Checked.
<SYNC Start=546829><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=552356><P Class=EGCC>
Oopsie daisy.
<SYNC Start=553459><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=554795><P Class=EGCC>
That is got to be the second biggest slingshot I have ever seen.
<SYNC Start=558478><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=558660><P Class=EGCC>
But it is got to have to do.<br>
Attention. This is your captain speaking.
<SYNC Start=562078><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=562607><P Class=EGCC>
In the event of a water emergency,<br>
place the vest over your head then kiss your life good bye!
<SYNC Start=567176><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=567599><P Class=EGCC>
New York City, here we come baby.<br>
[Skipper] ...sit back, relax and pray your personal gods that...
<SYNC Start=570200><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=570410><P Class=EGCC>
...this hunk of junk flies.
<SYNC Start=572101><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=572239><P Class=EGCC>
Personal god, hunk, what?
<SYNC Start=574210><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=575121><P Class=EGCC>
We are going sir.<br>
Open the door. I am outside.
<SYNC Start=579553><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=579894><P Class=EGCC>
In case of losing cabin pressure,<br>
please place the mask over your face<br>
to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.
<SYNC Start=584901><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=585323><P Class=EGCC>
Excuse me miss.<br>
But aren't these supposed to be attached to my seat.
<SYNC Start=589121><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=589372><P Class=EGCC>
No sir.<br>
OK. boys. Launch.
<SYNC Start=591516><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=592699><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=595704><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=634568><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=635781><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=639264><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Mort.
<SYNC Start=640349><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=641070><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=642461><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=646764><P Class=EGCC>
That was weird.<br>
Hey, somebody is dreaming ha?
<SYNC Start=649050><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=649543><P Class=EGCC>
I think I just saw Mort on the wing of the plane.<br>
You got Madagascar on the brain.
<SYNC Start=653095><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=653503><P Class=EGCC>
... it was quite a, it was incredible, wasn't it?<br>
I think we will see much more fun<br>
the further way we get from.
<SYNC Start=658626><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, like when you beat me on the butt?<br>
I am gonna take that, that thing you are holding on to...
<SYNC Start=662695><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=662978><P Class=EGCC>
...and I am going to use it, on stage.<br>
So all part of my little actor's salad bar<br>
of emotional tidbits.
<SYNC Start=668288><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=668420><P Class=EGCC>
Are the butts next to the crutons at the salad bar?<br>
You don't need to be sarcastic Marty.
<SYNC Start=673604><P Class=EGCC>
Hey guys, you know, I was thinking.<br>
When we get back,<br>
I might assign up for the breeding program.
<SYNC Start=678587><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=678661><P Class=EGCC>
Breeding program?
<SYNC Start=679388><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=679475><P Class=EGCC>
I think we all reach a point on our lives<br>
when we wanna meet somebody,<br>
you know settle down, have a relationship.
<SYNC Start=685398><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=685784><P Class=EGCC>
I see that.<br>
What? Like, like dating?<br>
Yeah, dating!
<SYNC Start=690836><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=690917><P Class=EGCC>
Other, other...<br>
Other guys?
<SYNC Start=693683><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=694281><P Class=EGCC>
What do you mean "other guys"?
<SYNC Start=696637><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=699873><P Class=EGCC>
Darn it!
<SYNC Start=701423><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=702125><P Class=EGCC>
I'm gonna, what is holding up that beverage service.
<SYNC Start=705537><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=705992><P Class=EGCC>
I'm gonna go and check.
<SYNC Start=707716><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=708155><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, yeah ya, keep talking.<br>
I'm gonna catch a few wings.
<SYNC Start=710789><P Class=EGCC>
Did you see that?<br>
It is so funny.
<SYNC Start=712219><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=713628><P Class=EGCC>
I like laughing.<br>
It is such a nice experience. To laugh.
<SYNC Start=718021><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=722843><P Class=EGCC>
Do you mind going back? This is first class.<br>
It's nothing personal, it's just that we are better than you.
<SYNC Start=728501><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=728889><P Class=EGCC>
Hey Maurice. I'm awful, hit me, hit me.<br>
Is it Vivaldi?
<SYNC Start=731843><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=732547><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, in flight slave.<br>
Can I help you Mr. Mankiewicz?
<SYNC Start=735113><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=735532><P Class=EGCC>
Bring me my nuts, on a silver plate.<br>
We just wanted to check on the drinks we ordered.
<SYNC Start=739685><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=740172><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, sorry. We are in a little backed up.<br>
Then I guess I am gonna back to..
<SYNC Start=743203><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=743454><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, what happened to your body?<br>
You are freaking me out.
<SYNC Start=745852><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=746037><P Class=EGCC>
And can you please go over there please.<br>
Thank you very much.
<SYNC Start=748810><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=749008><P Class=EGCC>
Whatever happened to the separation of the classes.<br>
Yeah, I am sure is all democracy thing is just affeered.
<SYNC Start=754493><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=759560><P Class=EGCC>
Skipper, look.<br>
<SYNC Start=762006><P Class=EGCC>
It looks like a small incandescent bulb<br>
designed to indicate something out of the ordinary.<br>
Like a malfunction.
<SYNC Start=766031><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=766521><P Class=EGCC>
I found it pretty and somewhat hypnotic.<br>
That too sir.
<SYNC Start=769445><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=769730><P Class=EGCC>
Right. Rico, manual.
<SYNC Start=772748><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=774610><P Class=EGCC>
Problemo solved.<br>
Sir, we may be out of fuel.
<SYNC Start=777108><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=777423><P Class=EGCC>
What makes you think that?<br>
We lost engine one.
<SYNC Start=779465><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=781294><P Class=EGCC>
And engine two is no longer on fire.
<SYNC Start=783403><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=783791><P Class=EGCC>
Buckle up boys.
<SYNC Start=785161><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=785656><P Class=EGCC>
Don't look dull. This might get hairy.<br>
Attention. This is your captain speaking.
<SYNC Start=790093><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=790406><P Class=EGCC>
I've got good news and bad news.<br>
The good news is, we will be landing immediately.
<SYNC Start=793818><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=794133><P Class=EGCC>
The bad news is,<br>
we are crush landing!
<SYNC Start=796348><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=799054><P Class=EGCC>
When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.
<SYNC Start=802464><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=802853><P Class=EGCC>
But thanks again for choosing air penguin.
<SYNC Start=804889><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=815615><P Class=EGCC>
Raise your arms Maurice.<br>
It's more fun when you raise your arms like this.
<SYNC Start=819450><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=823249><P Class=EGCC>
I can fly.<br>
This could be it Marty.
<SYNC Start=825393><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=825745><P Class=EGCC>
I just want you to know that<br>
you are truly a one in a million friend.
<SYNC Start=829224><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=829544><P Class=EGCC>
Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.<br>
I know you won't mind when I tell you...
<SYNC Start=833802><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=834086><P Class=EGCC>
Come on. Tell me it, tell me, tell me what?<br>
I broke your iPod!
<SYNC Start=837142><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=837436><P Class=EGCC>
The button were so small. It made me mad.
<SYNC Start=840942><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=841504><P Class=EGCC>
I'm sorry.<br>
I'm gonna kill you!
<SYNC Start=844106><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=846173><P Class=EGCC>
I love you Gloria,<br>
I always have!
<SYNC Start=848600><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=855538><P Class=EGCC>
Like ah...<br>
Like you love the beach or a good book.
<SYNC Start=859264><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=859722><P Class=EGCC>
Or the beach.
<SYNC Start=860987><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=871210><P Class=EGCC>
My goodness doll,<br>
you are shaking like a leaf.
<SYNC Start=873848><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=874199><P Class=EGCC>
Rico, you had your fun.<br>
Haul up!
<SYNC Start=876519><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=879299><P Class=EGCC>
Gear down.
<SYNC Start=880844><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=881830><P Class=EGCC>
Gently now. You just wanna kiss the ground.<br>
Just a little pack, smooch like a kiss...
<SYNC Start=886860><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=889145><P Class=EGCC>
I said kiss it!
<SYNC Start=890554><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=895018><P Class=EGCC>
Now, just a little break.<br>
Just a touch, a little whisper.
<SYNC Start=897869><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=898994><P Class=EGCC>
I believe that's checkmate.
<SYNC Start=900682><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=907329><P Class=EGCC>
Immersed emergency landing procedure.
<SYNC Start=908686><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=909024><P Class=EGCC>
Flaps up! Deploy!
<SYNC Start=911008><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=926445><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, we are here.
<SYNC Start=927958><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=928661><P Class=EGCC>
What in the world?
<SYNC Start=930699><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=931770><P Class=EGCC>
What happened to the plane?<br>
OK. I'm OK. OK. I'm alive.
<SYNC Start=935589><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=937348><P Class=EGCC>
See, I can't even sleep for a minute.
<SYNC Start=939668><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=940196><P Class=EGCC>
You know what, this is not JFK.<br>
Kowalski, casualty report.
<SYNC Start=943466><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=943816><P Class=EGCC>
Only two passengers unaccounted for, Skipper.<br>
That's a number I can live with.
<SYNC Start=947124><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=947510><P Class=EGCC>
Good landing boys.<br>
Who says a penguin can't fly.
<SYNC Start=950815><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=951838><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, happy slappers.<br>
Is there some reason to celebrate?
<SYNC Start=954490><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=954716><P Class=EGCC>
Look at the plane.<br>
We'll fix it.
<SYNC Start=956496><P Class=EGCC>
Fix it? How you gonna fix this?<br>
Grit, spit and a whole lotta duct tape.
<SYNC Start=961051><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=961649><P Class=EGCC>
We should be up and running in say,<br>
six to nine months.
<SYNC Start=964918><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=965164><P Class=EGCC>
Sixty nine months?<br>
No! Six to nine months.
<SYNC Start=967696><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=967836><P Class=EGCC>
Kowalski, I say we use this setback to our advantage.
<SYNC Start=970686><P Class=EGCC>
Where do you get,<br>
where do you pull that number out of, huh?
<SYNC Start=972541><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=972839><P Class=EGCC>
I want you to reconfigure the design, so start reconfiguring!<br>
Great, that's a great... How do you estimate that?
<SYNC Start=976392><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=977476><P Class=EGCC>
You! Pretty boy!<br>
Why don't you and your friends dig a tree, maybe find water.
<SYNC Start=979935><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=980403><P Class=EGCC>
Hold on, hold on a second.<br>
Who made you king of the plane wreck?
<SYNC Start=983733><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=983936><P Class=EGCC>
Excuse me.<br>
Fine, you can be in charge. You fix the plane!
<SYNC Start=987303><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=987636><P Class=EGCC>
Who gives you the authority to put me in charge?<br>
OK then, I'll remain in charge.
<SYNC Start=991472><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=991929><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, that's right. You will remain in charge.<br>
You and your little happy friends can stay out of our hair.
<SYNC Start=996183><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=996501><P Class=EGCC>
Correctamundo! Because I decided to.<br>
Good for you.
<SYNC Start=999208><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=999847><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, well guess what this discussion isn't over.
<SYNC Start=1002624><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1003223><P Class=EGCC>
Higher mammals, you stay with us.<br>
We could use your front cortexes and apposable thumbs.
<SYNC Start=1007797><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1008711><P Class=EGCC>
Feel crushed<br>
wash your hands out with soap.
<SYNC Start=1011806><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1012758><P Class=EGCC>
How, in the.. Hello! are they gonna fix this plane?<br>
You know, grit 'n spit and spit, once spit and griten.
<SYNC Start=1019508><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1020107><P Class=EGCC>
Stick to it at mist.<br>
They don't sound too promising.
<SYNC Start=1022683><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1023703><P Class=EGCC>
You're right. Right, we are stuck here.<br>
Hey guys, as long as we're together we'll be OK.
<SYNC Start=1029610><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1030381><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, yeah but love ain't gonna get us home.
<SYNC Start=1033368><P Class=EGCC>
Behold, the lion!<br>
Hey, it's people.<br>
OK. There is much to see, moving on.
<SYNC Start=1037757><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1038058><P Class=EGCC>
Wait, wait.<br>
Wait people.
<SYNC Start=1040367><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1048148><P Class=EGCC>
Hey wait, if you stop we'll autograph those.
<SYNC Start=1050145><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1050847><P Class=EGCC>
I know you.
<SYNC Start=1052782><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1053555><P Class=EGCC>
It's that bad kitty.
<SYNC Start=1056015><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1064107><P Class=EGCC>
How do you like some other?
<SYNC Start=1065339><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1092362><P Class=EGCC>
Right in the batteries!
<SYNC Start=1093545><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1093897><P Class=EGCC>
You think that old lady can't take care of you?
<SYNC Start=1096676><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1097202><P Class=EGCC>
Next time I won't go so easy on you.
<SYNC Start=1099417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1100966><P Class=EGCC>
Thank you dear.<br>
Moving on.
<SYNC Start=1103570><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1105592><P Class=EGCC>
Are you out of your mind?<br>
We need their help, and you're arresting little old ladies?
<SYNC Start=1110295><P Class=EGCC>
Out of my mind? Aha!<br>
Who is out of my mind?
<SYNC Start=1114473><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1115071><P Class=EGCC>
See if you can get an operator?<br>
No problem.
<SYNC Start=1117219><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1117236><P Class=EGCC>
Out of my mind?<br>
We're going home.
<SYNC Start=1120100><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1131439><P Class=EGCC>
Message A-4: the service user has brought outside<br>
of the coverage area. Please try again later.
<SYNC Start=1138242><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1140786><P Class=EGCC>
Oh my.. Wow...
<SYNC Start=1142577><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1143176><P Class=EGCC>
Am I trappen?
<SYNC Start=1144757><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1145285><P Class=EGCC>
All those zebras, like me.
<SYNC Start=1147851><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1148767><P Class=EGCC>
Wait a minute, where are we?<br>
San Diego.
<SYNC Start=1151051><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1151969><P Class=EGCC>
This time I'm forty percent sure.<br>
I know this place.
<SYNC Start=1155396><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1156079><P Class=EGCC>
I think this is Africa.<br>
<SYNC Start=1157312><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1157629><P Class=EGCC>
It's gotto be.<br>
Our ancestral crib.
<SYNC Start=1161533><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1161696><P Class=EGCC>
It's in our blood. I can feel it.<br>
No, no. It's more than that.
<SYNC Start=1165382><P Class=EGCC>
It's like dejavu.<br>
Like I've, like I've been here before.
<SYNC Start=1169551><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1170542><P Class=EGCC>
It's like roots.<br>
No, no. It's like dejavu.<br>
Like I've, like I've been here before.
<SYNC Start=1176163><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1178036><P Class=EGCC>
How? How?
<SYNC Start=1182752><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1186528><P Class=EGCC>
Me, Alex. Me and me friends. Fly. Fly.
<SYNC Start=1192538><P Class=EGCC>
In great metal bird.
<SYNC Start=1195282><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1196476><P Class=EGCC>
Then. Plummet.<br>
Smash ground. Go boom.
<SYNC Start=1203449><P Class=EGCC>
Then here. We emerge.<br>
We offer only happiness and good greetings.
<SYNC Start=1211754><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1212737><P Class=EGCC>
Is he dancing about a plane crash.
<SYNC Start=1215377><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1216148><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, we just... Yeah. I thought. Sorry.<br>
You mean, you came from off the reserve.
<SYNC Start=1221568><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1221918><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, way off, from the Central Park Zoo actually.
<SYNC Start=1224521><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1232247><P Class=EGCC>
Don't strain yourself.<br>
What is going on here, what is all this have about?
<SYNC Start=1235809><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1236199><P Class=EGCC>
They say they are from off the reserve.<br>
That's impossible.
<SYNC Start=1239997><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1240313><P Class=EGCC>
Only people come from off the reserve.
<SYNC Start=1242169><P Class=EGCC>
You look familiar, do I know you from...<br>
How could you possibly survived the hunters.
<SYNC Start=1246470><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1246787><P Class=EGCC>
Hunters, we didn't see any hunters.<br>
What are you looking at?
<SYNC Start=1249705><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1250057><P Class=EGCC>
Me? Nothing.<br>
This watering hole doesn't need any more mouths to feed.
<SYNC Start=1253540><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1253818><P Class=EGCC>
So just get out of back to wherever you came from.<br>
OK. Was there a maybe like a manager we can talk to?
<SYNC Start=1258795><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1259186><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, I see.<br>
You're here to challenge me.
<SYNC Start=1261825><P Class=EGCC>
What? No! No, no.<br>
What else would start you look on to me?
<SYNC Start=1265193><P Class=EGCC>
Hold on, Zuba, wait.<br>
Don't call woman, don't you see I am trying...
<SYNC Start=1268766><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, yeah...<br>
Zuba. Hold on.
<SYNC Start=1270482><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1271958><P Class=EGCC>
Alakay, is that you?
<SYNC Start=1275509><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1275830><P Class=EGCC>
No, it's Alex. "X", like New York Knicks.
<SYNC Start=1278469><P Class=EGCC>
- Zuba, look.<br>
Oh, I have always had that, have had checked it out,<br>
it's really...
<SYNC Start=1283602><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1284163><P Class=EGCC>
it's kind of a beauty spot, really.
<SYNC Start=1286167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1286208><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1287487><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1288670><P Class=EGCC>
Alright, this is a little weird.
<SYNC Start=1290418><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1291944><P Class=EGCC>
Honey, he has come home.<br>
<SYNC Start=1295276><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1296299><P Class=EGCC>
You've come home.
<SYNC Start=1298304><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1306180><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1307796><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1312897><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1314409><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1316064><P Class=EGCC>
Mom and dad.<br>
Mom and dad. Mom and dad.
<SYNC Start=1320434><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1320469><P Class=EGCC>
It's my mom and dad.
<SYNC Start=1321794><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1323265><P Class=EGCC>
I've got a mom and dad.<br>
My baby is alive.
<SYNC Start=1327421><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1328301><P Class=EGCC>
My son.<br>
My son is home.
<SYNC Start=1332241><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1341275><P Class=EGCC>
Alakay, yeah. The pathetical son returns.<br>
This is perfect.
<SYNC Start=1345736><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1346193><P Class=EGCC>
I thought you hated Zuba.
<SYNC Start=1347950><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1348477><P Class=EGCC>
No I do. I do, I do. I hate him. Oh, I do.
<SYNC Start=1352150><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1352185><P Class=EGCC>
And I am going to use Alakay.<br>
Yes. I am going to use him<br>
to get rid of Zuba once and for all.
<SYNC Start=1358079><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1361026><P Class=EGCC>
Move out of the way, stand aside.
<SYNC Start=1363073><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1363599><P Class=EGCC>
New York. Hmm, it's a bit of a dumb.<br>
Are you sure we are not in New Jersey?<br>
Hello New Yorkers, your new king is here.
<SYNC Start=1371882><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1372092><P Class=EGCC>
This calls for celebration.<br>
Maurice, I think they like me.<br>
You got to love a known house to take off.
<SYNC Start=1378463><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1380389><P Class=EGCC>
Chaka chaka what?
<SYNC Start=1381666><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1388344><P Class=EGCC>
Excuse me, excuse me.<br>
I'm Marty. I'm kind of new around here.
<SYNC Start=1392423><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1393165><P Class=EGCC>
Hey Marty.
<SYNC Start=1394396><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1395396><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, you are a good looking group.<br>
You like to run?
<SYNC Start=1400899><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1400997><P Class=EGCC>
Oh yeah. Running is crackalacking.<br>
That's right, that's right, crackalacking.<br>
You guys are speaking my crackalacking language.
<SYNC Start=1409020><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1409196><P Class=EGCC>
What, you don't have doctors here?<br>
Well, not any more.
<SYNC Start=1412997><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1413629><P Class=EGCC>
What if you catch a cold?<br>
We go over to the die holes and we die.
<SYNC Start=1418484><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1420980><P Class=EGCC>
OK, you guys really need a doctor.<br>
Hey, we have an opening.
<SYNC Start=1425059><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1425446><P Class=EGCC>
Would you be interested?<br>
Me? A doctor?
<SYNC Start=1428577><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1433289><P Class=EGCC>
It's raining men, hallelujah.<br>
You are gotto going all.
<SYNC Start=1436454><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1437227><P Class=EGCC>
How come you don't have a man in your life.
<SYNC Start=1440915><P Class=EGCC>
Listen girls, Manhattan is short on two things:<br>
parking and hippos.
<SYNC Start=1444896><P Class=EGCC>
Hey everybody! I just found out that<br>
my son is a king.
<SYNC Start=1449665><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1450087><P Class=EGCC>
The king of New York.
<SYNC Start=1451809><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1454134><P Class=EGCC>
Show me some of your moves son. Come on.<br>
Don't be bashful.<br>
<SYNC Start=1456809><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1457142><P Class=EGCC>
Ooh, this one always knocks them dead.
<SYNC Start=1459316><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1462316><P Class=EGCC>
The king is mad, the king is mad.
<SYNC Start=1465109><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1465589><P Class=EGCC>
Now, let's all welcome him back into the pride<br>
above the arms.
<SYNC Start=1469117><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1473417><P Class=EGCC>
Welcome to the herd Marty.<br>
Me, in a herd?<br>
I've always wanted to be a part of a herd.
<SYNC Start=1477843><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1478413><P Class=EGCC>
It's one for all,<br>
and all for all.
<SYNC Start=1480554><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1483565><P Class=EGCC>
How do I look?<br>
Technicly, a traditional witch doctor has a bone to his nose.
<SYNC Start=1489126><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1490145><P Class=EGCC>
Don't worry, it has just a clip on it.
<SYNC Start=1492254><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1492472><P Class=EGCC>
Voila, he's a witch doctor.<br>
My mother would be so happy.
<SYNC Start=1497248><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1501117><P Class=EGCC>
Look out. I think Moto Moto likes you.
<SYNC Start=1504845><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1507693><P Class=EGCC>
Here he comes.
<SYNC Start=1509240><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1511504><P Class=EGCC>
I like 'em big.
<SYNC Start=1512883><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1513315><P Class=EGCC>
I like 'em chunky.
<SYNC Start=1514875><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1515334><P Class=EGCC>
I like 'em big.
<SYNC Start=1516596><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1517400><P Class=EGCC>
I like 'em plumpy.
<SYNC Start=1518779><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1519297><P Class=EGCC>
I like 'em round.
<SYNC Start=1520647><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1521351><P Class=EGCC>
With something, something.
<SYNC Start=1522537><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1522967><P Class=EGCC>
They like my sound.<br>
They think I'm funky.
<SYNC Start=1526004><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1526146><P Class=EGCC>
Goodness girl.<br>
You're huge.
<SYNC Start=1528571><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1528958><P Class=EGCC>
Who is your friend,<br>
or is that your butt?
<SYNC Start=1531174><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1532195><P Class=EGCC>
Girl, you are as quick as you all have to.<br>
So, you are Moto Moto.
<SYNC Start=1536310><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1536733><P Class=EGCC>
The name is so nice,<br>
when you say it twice.
<SYNC Start=1539092><P Class=EGCC>
I kind of a like it that so.<br>
I see you around new.
<SYNC Start=1541937><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1542359><P Class=EGCC>
I won't be hard, because you're so plumpy.
<SYNC Start=1545139><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1551644><P Class=EGCC>
Oops. I hate to be a party pooper Zuba<br>
but some of the other lions are wondering<br>
when you are going to banish your son.
<SYNC Start=1561105><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1561632><P Class=EGCC>
What are you talking about, Makunga?<br>
It's nothing really,
<SYNC Start=1564229><P Class=EGCC>
if their great being about who Alakay<br>
never went through the rite of passage, bla bla bla...<br>
So, technically speaking...
<SYNC Start=1570250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1571022><P Class=EGCC>
...he can't be a member of the pride,<br>
it's nonsense.
<SYNC Start=1574537><P Class=EGCC>
I had forgotten about the rite of passage.<br>
What is it? What is this rite of passage?
<SYNC Start=1579146><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1579499><P Class=EGCC>
It's a traditional common of a ceremony where<br>
young lions earn their manes by demonstrating their skills.
<SYNC Start=1584985><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1585407><P Class=EGCC>
Sort of a show skill, talent show, tab dale?<br>
Yeah, sturdiness stuff.
<SYNC Start=1588819><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1589135><P Class=EGCC>
Great informers. I think that's up my alley guys.<br>
If it's tradition, I want to do it.
<SYNC Start=1593460><P Class=EGCC>
Stud my stuff. Earn my mane.<br>
I want to be Alakuy.
<SYNC Start=1597217><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1597371><P Class=EGCC>
Alakay. Even better.<br>
We'll hold the rite of passage first thing in the morning.
<SYNC Start=1602360><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1602493><P Class=EGCC>
That's wonderful. Good luck Alakay.<br>
Where I come from we say: Break a leg.
<SYNC Start=1606986><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1607112><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, that's my boy.
<SYNC Start=1608958><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1633194><P Class=EGCC>
Beautiful, isn't it?<br>
<SYNC Start=1635268><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1635548><P Class=EGCC>
It's amazing.
<SYNC Start=1637095><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1637802><P Class=EGCC>
Guys, this is where we belong.
<SYNC Start=1641107><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1643131><P Class=EGCC>
Operation tourist trap is in go.<br>
Oh, I like that one.
<SYNC Start=1646366><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1646719><P Class=EGCC>
That's a good one.<br>
That works on many levels sir.
<SYNC Start=1649216><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1649500><P Class=EGCC>
You guys are a bunch of suck ups.<br>
That too sir.<br>
<SYNC Start=1651773><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1651808><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1653087><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1654422><P Class=EGCC>
Stage one. Go.
<SYNC Start=1655582><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1669618><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no. What've I done.<br>
Come on, take the bait.
<SYNC Start=1673663><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1678977><P Class=EGCC>
Stage two. Go, go, go.
<SYNC Start=1680699><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1688053><P Class=EGCC>
I'll give him the kiss of life.
<SYNC Start=1690797><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1692237><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1693392><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1696528><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1697228><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1700370><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1703164><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1704645><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no, stop. Stop.
<SYNC Start=1707116><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1708860><P Class=EGCC>
Stop. Come back.
<SYNC Start=1710434><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1713576><P Class=EGCC>
What is all that rock'n roll racket?
<SYNC Start=1715722><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1722019><P Class=EGCC>
Is she dead?
<SYNC Start=1723288><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1723743><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1724904><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1732572><P Class=EGCC>
You hood ones!
<SYNC Start=1734157><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1736511><P Class=EGCC>
Good heavens. Are you OK?<br>
Lady, I found your pocket bag.
<SYNC Start=1740737><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1741512><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, my hand bag. Such a good boy.
<SYNC Start=1744713><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1744946><P Class=EGCC>
Man, I can't survive without it.<br>
Wow, you are a one tough cookie.
<SYNC Start=1748985><P Class=EGCC>
Brownies, root for sixteen. Yonkers.
<SYNC Start=1751394><P Class=EGCC>
OK. Nobody panic. The best thing we can do is<br>
stay together. We'll wait for another tour jeep.
<SYNC Start=1756980><P Class=EGCC>
It may take hours and it's getting dark but...<br>
Where are you going?
<SYNC Start=1760297><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1761046><P Class=EGCC>
I'm not gonna stay out in the opening<br>
get attacked by more animals.<br>
I'm too old to die.
<SYNC Start=1765857><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1766915><P Class=EGCC>
I don't know about you guys<br>
but I'm going with her.
<SYNC Start=1769237><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1770585><P Class=EGCC>
Please! We need to stay...<br>
<SYNC Start=1774315><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1775838><P Class=EGCC>
Fine, we'll go that way.<br>
Does anyone want a hot candy?
<SYNC Start=1779819><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1784038><P Class=EGCC>
Easy now.<br>
Watch your step. And this, right here.<br>
OK. Are you ready?
<SYNC Start=1790495><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1792606><P Class=EGCC>
This is where you always slept.<br>
Oh man!
<SYNC Start=1795738><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1800062><P Class=EGCC>
Was this mine?<br>
Look at you. Look at him honey.
<SYNC Start=1802804><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1803195><P Class=EGCC>
Oh my.<br>
Oh this thing. Look, look. I remember this.
<SYNC Start=1808016><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1808439><P Class=EGCC>
You remember.<br>
Harder than I...
<SYNC Start=1811337><P Class=EGCC>
You never slept on the right end.<br>
You always slept on the bottom end.
<SYNC Start=1814880><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1815842><P Class=EGCC>
Was that, was that my?
<SYNC Start=1819500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1820766><P Class=EGCC>
Is that me?<br>
You had the cutest little paws.
<SYNC Start=1824352><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1825090><P Class=EGCC>
Little bit of paws.<br>
You did that the day we lost you.
<SYNC Start=1829593><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1831350><P Class=EGCC>
Wow. I was so young.<br>
What happened to me?
<SYNC Start=1835746><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1836942><P Class=EGCC>
It was all my fault. I turned my back for a minute and...<br>
It was not your fault.
<SYNC Start=1841867><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1842429><P Class=EGCC>
Your father did everything he could.<br>
He tracked those hunters for weeks.
<SYNC Start=1847106><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1847599><P Class=EGCC>
Far off the reserve.<br>
Finally I had to assume that the hunters... Well...
<SYNC Start=1853224><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1853895><P Class=EGCC>
We thought, we thought they killed you.<br>
But my son fought those hunters off ha?
<SYNC Start=1859487><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1859908><P Class=EGCC>
Don't mess with the king of New York.<br>
That's right.
<SYNC Start=1862721><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1863424><P Class=EGCC>
Alright, alright boys. Be careful.<br>
Watch out before you break something.
<SYNC Start=1867472><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1869051><P Class=EGCC>
You used to call this Fufi.
<SYNC Start=1871406><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1875284><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, he doesn't want that thing.<br>
Give my Fufi.
<SYNC Start=1878052><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1881256><P Class=EGCC>
Zuba, you'd better give him his Fufi.<br>
I mean no, thank you, thank you.
<SYNC Start=1885652><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1886322><P Class=EGCC>
It's perfect.<br>
Well son, you get your rest,<br>
you'll have a big day tomorrow.
<SYNC Start=1890891><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1891207><P Class=EGCC>
You're gonna need all your strength.<br>
I'm gonna bring the house down for you dad.
<SYNC Start=1895427><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1896027><P Class=EGCC>
I hope so,<br>
otherwise your father would have to banish you.
<SYNC Start=1899310><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1899410><P Class=EGCC>
Oh gee, not really?<br>
I know you're gonna do us proud. You know why?
<SYNC Start=1904502><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1906119><P Class=EGCC>
You were born with it.
<SYNC Start=1908441><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1909529><P Class=EGCC>
Good night Alakay.<br>
My boy, my own boy.
<SYNC Start=1914102><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1916249><P Class=EGCC>
My son is a king.<br>
My son is a king.
<SYNC Start=1920569><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1931167><P Class=EGCC>
Good night mom.
<SYNC Start=1932501><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1933168><P Class=EGCC>
Good night Alakay.
<SYNC Start=1935351><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1950752><P Class=EGCC>
No sign of civilization.
<SYNC Start=1953143><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1953497><P Class=EGCC>
Everybody appears very tired.<br>
I think we're lost.
<SYNC Start=1957631><P Class=EGCC>
Hey Nana, do you even know where you are going?<br>
No, but I'm going with a skip in my step and a smile on my face.
<SYNC Start=1964539><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1964809><P Class=EGCC>
Sure, right, OK.<br>
Yeah, alright.
<SYNC Start=1967212><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1969294><P Class=EGCC>
It's people. Where do you come from?<br>
How could we get out of here?<br>
Can you help us, we're lost?
<SYNC Start=1973788><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1973906><P Class=EGCC>
We are lost too.<br>
It was awful, a flash of black and white never gone.
<SYNC Start=1977538><P Class=EGCC>
They took the jeep, everything.<br>
That happened to our jeep too.<br>
What are we gonna do?
<SYNC Start=1981772><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1982054><P Class=EGCC>
Only hope to survive out here!<br>
No food, no water, no shelter.<br>
What are we gonna do?
<SYNC Start=1986416><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1989579><P Class=EGCC>
You can let nature get the best of you,<br>
or you can get the best of nature.
<SYNC Start=1994293><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1996965><P Class=EGCC>
Gather around children.<br>
We are New Yorkers, right?<br>
<SYNC Start=2001058><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2001642><P Class=EGCC>
We survived in a concrete jungle.
<SYNC Start=2005159><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2005474><P Class=EGCC>
If we need food, we hunt for a decent hotdogs stand,<br>
am I right?<br>
She is right.
<SYNC Start=2009379><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2010538><P Class=EGCC>
If we need shelter, we build skyscrapers.
<SYNC Start=2013611><P Class=EGCC>
If we need water, we build a dam.
<SYNC Start=2017431><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2017996><P Class=EGCC>
Come on, we're New Yorkers.<br>
If we can make it there, we can make it anywhere.
<SYNC Start=2025668><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2040294><P Class=EGCC>
I'm coming King Julien.
<SYNC Start=2043423><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2062062><P Class=EGCC>
Skipper, we have all the parts we need<br>
but we're slightly behind schedule.
<SYNC Start=2065931><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2066317><P Class=EGCC>
How slightly?<br>
Six to nine years.
<SYNC Start=2068063><P Class=EGCC>
Sixty nine years?<br>
No six to nine years.
<SYNC Start=2071628><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2072087><P Class=EGCC>
Privates, what happened to our thumbs?<br>
Haven't seen them since yesterday sir. Damn you...
<SYNC Start=2077180><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2078258><P Class=EGCC>
Nobody goes AWOL on my watch.<br>
Private, you are coming with me.
<SYNC Start=2082250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2083694><P Class=EGCC>
Rico, you are coming with me.
<SYNC Start=2085660><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2086401><P Class=EGCC>
I'm tracking down to bring them for the court marshall.<br>
That won't be necessary.
<SYNC Start=2090197><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2090621><P Class=EGCC>
We have recruited a few extra thumbs for you, Skipper.
<SYNC Start=2093820><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2100046><P Class=EGCC>
Floppy of monkeys entered.<br>
I doubt that.
<SYNC Start=2103350><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2110102><P Class=EGCC>
Enough wallin' gagging now let's get to work. We'll divide into three groups.<br>
Group alpha, you are charged in seeping of fabrication.
<SYNC Start=2116292><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2116576><P Class=EGCC>
Group Offset, you'll handle assembly.<br>
Group George Report: you'll handle gas services.
<SYNC Start=2120196><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2120514><P Class=EGCC>
Any questions?<br>
Good, then let's get to work.
<SYNC Start=2123960><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2131516><P Class=EGCC>
I'd like to kiss you monkey man.
<SYNC Start=2134153><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2134718><P Class=EGCC>
Alright but you are so darn ugly.
<SYNC Start=2138023><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2144072><P Class=EGCC>
Alright, so little cubs cats, just remember<br>
great dance performance comes from the heart.
<SYNC Start=2148399><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2149103><P Class=EGCC>
Just comes straight from your heart and you never go wrong.
<SYNC Start=2151320><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2153148><P Class=EGCC>
Sure Mr.<br>
Hey Alakay, I just happened to walk by and wanted to wish luck.
<SYNC Start=2157333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2158143><P Class=EGCC>
You're not nervous, are you?<br>
No, it's my thing. You know.
<SYNC Start=2160411><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2160764><P Class=EGCC>
It's kind of what I do.<br>
In my opinion; the key of this whole thing<br>
is choosing the right competitor.
<SYNC Start=2165000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2165252><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, you mean this is like a dance battle, sort of thing?<br>
Like a dance off?
<SYNC Start=2169115><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2169961><P Class=EGCC>
Great, I loved that. Freestyle, put your moves out.
<SYNC Start=2172931><P Class=EGCC>
Who do you thing would be a good match for me?
<SYNC Start=2174564><P Class=EGCC>
You know, just to keep the things interesting.<br>
<SYNC Start=2178260><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2178787><P Class=EGCC>
I wish I could help, but that's strictly against to our ancient tradition and although we hold secret but
<SYNC Start=2183712><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2184029><P Class=EGCC>
If I was me out there, I'd choose Titsy.<br>
Titsy, OK?
<SYNC Start=2188674><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2189200><P Class=EGCC>
Sounds interesting. Makunga, right?<br>
Thank you.
<SYNC Start=2192672><P Class=EGCC>
Anything for Zuba's boy.<br>
Go, get him tight.
<SYNC Start=2195371><P Class=EGCC>
Shake it out.
<SYNC Start=2196563><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2219324><P Class=EGCC>
Let us begin the rite of passage ceremony.<br>
Come on baby, make mama proud.
<SYNC Start=2223479><P Class=EGCC>
Oh woman, I'm trying to take care of passage here.<br>
Got it mom.
<SYNC Start=2226218><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2226366><P Class=EGCC>
So who will be the first participant?<br>
Me, me me...
<SYNC Start=2229807><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2230653><P Class=EGCC>
How about you, the tall, handsome one?<br>
Right there, yeah. Choose your opponent.
<SYNC Start=2234839><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2235893><P Class=EGCC>
Let me see.
<SYNC Start=2237865><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2238249><P Class=EGCC>
I guess I'll pick...
<SYNC Start=2241242><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2243703><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2245180><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2246554><P Class=EGCC>
Titsy? Why did he pick Titsy?<br>
Oh, that's my boy, he got some gumption there.
<SYNC Start=2252078><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2253344><P Class=EGCC>
Somebody wake him up, wake him up.
<SYNC Start=2255383><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2267838><P Class=EGCC>
Alright, so Titsy. Come on. Let's do this ha?<br>
Come on Titsy fly, Titsy fly, come on let's see your stuff.
<SYNC Start=2274030><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2274594><P Class=EGCC>
Bring it.<br>
Let's dance.
<SYNC Start=2276850><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2277057><P Class=EGCC>
OK. But it's only fair to warn you<br>
that I'm a prodigy of fupsy and robbins.
<SYNC Start=2282511><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2283042><P Class=EGCC>
Not dance dance, fight.
<SYNC Start=2285646><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2286311><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, dance fight. You got it.
<SYNC Start=2288986><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2295074><P Class=EGCC>
Is he dancing?<br>
What is he doing?
<SYNC Start=2296762><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2297041><P Class=EGCC>
I know that boy is not dancing.
<SYNC Start=2298944><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2300002><P Class=EGCC>
This is even better than I thought.
<SYNC Start=2302047><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2304756><P Class=EGCC>
Alakay, turn around.<br>
No no pap, it's hop shuffle ball change, hip swish, turn around.
<SYNC Start=2309857><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2320163><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no.<br>
<SYNC Start=2323190><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2323614><P Class=EGCC>
Are you hurt?<br>
Oh yeah, I'm.
<SYNC Start=2325792><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2326672><P Class=EGCC>
Did I, did I win?<br>
Oh no son, how could, I mean how could this happen?
<SYNC Start=2331071><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2331563><P Class=EGCC>
You told us you were a king.<br>
And a king does not get beat.
<SYNC Start=2335574><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2335716><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I'm a king.<br>
I'm a king in New York.
<SYNC Start=2339269><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2340005><P Class=EGCC>
It's my stage name.<br>
I'm like a, you know, It's for what I perform.
<SYNC Start=2343768><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2344089><P Class=EGCC>
No, this is horrible. Alakay has failed the test.
<SYNC Start=2348519><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2349931><P Class=EGCC>
Who would have ever imagine that the day Zuba would have to banish...
<SYNC Start=2354222><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2355032><P Class=EGCC>
...his own son.<br>
- Zuba, no.
<SYNC Start=2358339><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2358723><P Class=EGCC>
Zuba, yes.<br>
Sadly the alpha lion must cast out all failures.
<SYNC Start=2363826><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2376559><P Class=EGCC>
Then, I'm no longer the alpha lion.
<SYNC Start=2378987><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2379758><P Class=EGCC>
Dad, what are you doing?
<SYNC Start=2381247><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2381835><P Class=EGCC>
Dad no, you can't do this.
<SYNC Start=2384511><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2386833><P Class=EGCC>
Who could possibly take Zuba's place?
<SYNC Start=2389295><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2390350><P Class=EGCC>
Anyone? Someone?<br>
No one?
<SYNC Start=2393657><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2394081><P Class=EGCC>
You sir. I guess not.
<SYNC Start=2396715><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2397388><P Class=EGCC>
Well I, this is all very awkward, but I suppose,<br>
I could carry this tremendous burden.
<SYNC Start=2404425><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2405375><P Class=EGCC>
Titsy, get the hat.
<SYNC Start=2408120><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2409457><P Class=EGCC>
As your new leader, I hereby banish Alakay...
<SYNC Start=2412940><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2413362><P Class=EGCC>
...he shell wear this hat of shame<br>
and leave the watering hole.
<SYNC Start=2418003><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2418356><P Class=EGCC>
For a thousand years or life...
<SYNC Start=2421733><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2422224><P Class=EGCC>
...whichever comes last.
<SYNC Start=2424864><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2426536><P Class=EGCC>
Come on. Shoo shoo.<br>
Get out of here.
<SYNC Start=2429414><P Class=EGCC>
You should have told us son.<br>
You should have told us that you weren't a real king.
<SYNC Start=2433869><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2434219><P Class=EGCC>
You never told me that I have to fight anybody.<br>
What did you expect son?
<SYNC Start=2437387><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2437702><P Class=EGCC>
I don't know, maybe a fatherly advice,<br>
like: hey son...
<SYNC Start=2440904><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2441149><P Class=EGCC>
...it's a fight.<br>
You are a lion, aren't you?<br>
But I never fought another lion in my life.
<SYNC Start=2445056><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, yes, right. You dance.<br>
And other stuff. The point is, your pal, Makunga...
<SYNC Start=2449033><P Class=EGCC>
...set me up back there. I mean, none of these would happen...<br>
If you were a real lion...
<SYNC Start=2453038><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2453389><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, I said it.
<SYNC Start=2455359><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2456555><P Class=EGCC>
A real lion?<br>
<SYNC Start=2460073><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2463885><P Class=EGCC>
Thanks a lot.
<SYNC Start=2465325><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2474681><P Class=EGCC>
Saw, stitcher.
<SYNC Start=2479265><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2480355><P Class=EGCC>
You're in my light Steaven.
<SYNC Start=2482994><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2483944><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, say. You've got a brown spot there on your shoulder.
<SYNC Start=2486150><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, that's very observative of you Steven.<br>
As you can see, I'm covered in brown spots.
<SYNC Start=2490407><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2490728><P Class=EGCC>
OK. That bone will be good as new in a few weeks.<br>
So, I don't have to pick another dying hole?
<SYNC Start=2496209><P Class=EGCC>
No, Timo. You've got your whole life ahead of you.<br>
Go out there and grab a bite of that horns.
<SYNC Start=2501109><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2501776><P Class=EGCC>
Thank you doctor Mankiewicz.<br>
Break a leg. Sweet kid.
<SYNC Start=2504239><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2505046><P Class=EGCC>
This spot looks like witch doctor's disease.<br>
Witch doctor's disease?
<SYNC Start=2509938><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2510358><P Class=EGCC>
That's the most ridiculous disease, I've ever heard of, Steven.
<SYNC Start=2512741><P Class=EGCC>
Don't ask.<br>
Someone has been naughty.
<SYNC Start=2516408><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2517814><P Class=EGCC>
OK. This one will hurt a bit.<br>
Joe, our last witch doctor, he had a spot just like that.
<SYNC Start=2522810><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2523373><P Class=EGCC>
Monday Joe, Wednesday no Joe.
<SYNC Start=2526610><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2528050><P Class=EGCC>
Wednesday no Joe?<br>
I can breathe.
<SYNC Start=2530477><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2530611><P Class=EGCC>
Thanks doc.<br>
So, this witch doctor's disease is a real thing?
<SYNC Start=2535646><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2535868><P Class=EGCC>
You'll find a cure. Hey, you got at least forty eight hours.<br>
But I have never even heard of it.
<SYNC Start=2540359><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2540749><P Class=EGCC>
What? I mean, I don't have any penicillin.<br>
I'm gonna need a catscan just to get started.
<SYNC Start=2546690><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2547041><P Class=EGCC>
You'll have a lion looking over, they'd be happy to.
<SYNC Start=2550102><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2560201><P Class=EGCC>
Ta daaa.<br>
That guy has got talent.
<SYNC Start=2563156><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2565792><P Class=EGCC>
Bet you haven't seen that one before.<br>
This knock 'em dead in New York.
<SYNC Start=2569310><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, let's all give it a try.<br>
Yeah, let's do it.
<SYNC Start=2571833><P Class=EGCC>
Well, hey hey hey, I know you want to<br>
but it's gonna take years of practice...
<SYNC Start=2575543><P Class=EGCC>
...you get never gonna quite get a tight stream<br>
until you build up your lip muscles to the point...
<SYNC Start=2580662><P Class=EGCC>
...where you can purse your lips like this.<br>
You got it?
<SYNC Start=2584356><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2597605><P Class=EGCC>
Ta daa...
<SYNC Start=2599234><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2602996><P Class=EGCC>
How did you?<br>
You guys got it right up the box.
<SYNC Start=2605987><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2606267><P Class=EGCC>
If you can do it.<br>
We can do it.<br>
It's in our blood.
<SYNC Start=2608695><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2609572><P Class=EGCC>
I always thought, I was a little bit unique.<br>
We are unique.
<SYNC Start=2612704><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2613126><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, we are like a force of nature.<br>
A million points of light.<br>
And all stripes.
<SYNC Start=2617486><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2617909><P Class=EGCC>
Exactly the same.
<SYNC Start=2620685><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2621176><P Class=EGCC>
Exactly the same.
<SYNC Start=2623640><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2624450><P Class=EGCC>
Looks impressive Kowalski,<br>
but will it fly?
<SYNC Start=2628108><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2628602><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, if we fold it here, here and here.
<SYNC Start=2631626><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2633910><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2635205><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2647036><P Class=EGCC>
Oh man, my dad thinks I'm a total loser.<br>
I have ruined my parent's lifes.
<SYNC Start=2652522><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2652730><P Class=EGCC>
That is definitely not crackalacking.<br>
It's lacking in the craken my friend.
<SYNC Start=2657025><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2658116><P Class=EGCC>
I have got to fix this.
<SYNC Start=2659100><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2659550><P Class=EGCC>
there is...
<SYNC Start=2662451><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2662899><P Class=EGCC>
...there is something I gotto tell you.
<SYNC Start=2665084><P Class=EGCC>
Hey guys.<br>
Is this place great or what?
<SYNC Start=2668460><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2669236><P Class=EGCC>
I'd go with or what.<br>
Oh well, I tell you what.
<SYNC Start=2671591><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2671908><P Class=EGCC>
You're not gonna believe it but;<br>
I got a date with Moto Moto.
<SYNC Start=2676728><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2677818><P Class=EGCC>
Who is Moto Moto.<br>
Oh, he's so big and handsome and big.
<SYNC Start=2682708><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2683166><P Class=EGCC>
You know what Moto Moto means?<br>
<SYNC Start=2685311><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2685664><P Class=EGCC>
It means hot hot.<br>
Hot hot?
<SYNC Start=2688197><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2688655><P Class=EGCC>
OK, when did you start parley in African?<br>
It's in my blood.
<SYNC Start=2692928><P Class=EGCC>
Don't worry.<br>
You can flirt around with Mr. Hot Pants after I'm gone.
<SYNC Start=2696219><P Class=EGCC>
What's the deal Melman?<br>
Why am I the parade and you are the rain?
<SYNC Start=2699278><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2699558><P Class=EGCC>
Why do you have to dry the parade under my rain?<br>
Maybe I'll just parade myself in another part of town.
<SYNC Start=2703577><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2703629><P Class=EGCC>
Fine by me. By the way, the main streets mine.<br>
Well, you can have your old stinking main streets.
<SYNC Start=2709092><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2709221><P Class=EGCC>
And you can take your hottie tub flood<br>
and you Mr. hot, Moto Moto Jr. comes...<br>
My hottie tub what? What are you talking about?
<SYNC Start=2714332><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2714746><P Class=EGCC>
Come on Melman, why don't you just tell her?<br>
You tell, what? Tell her, what are you talking about?
<SYNC Start=2719574><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2719935><P Class=EGCC>
I don't know what you are talking about.<br>
So I guess, I'll go then.
<SYNC Start=2722249><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2722601><P Class=EGCC>
You know what, don't bother.<br>
Don't get up in my account.
<SYNC Start=2725718><P Class=EGCC>
Melman, Gloria.<br>
Hey, I thought you guys were friends.<br>
Come on guys, Marty is absolutely right.
<SYNC Start=2731079><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2731571><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2733719><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2735088><P Class=EGCC>
What the heck is going on?<br>
You are not ooh.. He was no! I thought he...
<SYNC Start=2739274><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2739697><P Class=EGCC>
You are not him. He is ooh...<br>
You thought that guy was me?
<SYNC Start=2745502><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2745584><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no. I mean yes, yes.<br>
You do guys, come on.
<SYNC Start=2749057><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2749336><P Class=EGCC>
You thought I was him?<br>
You guys do kind of look a little a lot you look a lot alike.
<SYNC Start=2753946><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2754297><P Class=EGCC>
Marty you look a lot alike, come on.<br>
You laugh alike, you talk alike, he has the same sort of speech pattern...
<SYNC Start=2759281><P Class=EGCC>
I mean that is a little weird.<br>
Really, you two guys are, come on Marty.
<SYNC Start=2762401><P Class=EGCC>
So you're saying there is nothing unique about me,<br>
I am just like any other zebra.
<SYNC Start=2767701><P Class=EGCC>
No, of course you are different.<br>
<SYNC Start=2770547><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2772485><P Class=EGCC>
OK. I can't tell you apart.<br>
Maybe you could wear a bell or something. I don't know.
<SYNC Start=2776917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2777548><P Class=EGCC>
A bell?<br>
OK. not a bell, no bell is a bad idea.
<SYNC Start=2780234><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no.<br>
How about a t-shirt that says: "I'm with stupid."?
<SYNC Start=2783140><P Class=EGCC>
I am not stupid.<br>
Not you stupid, him stupid!
<SYNC Start=2785533><P Class=EGCC>
You know what? While you have been off doing<br>
prancing pony with the new pussy.<br>
I have been having pretty much the worst day of my life, OK?
<SYNC Start=2791340><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2793906><P Class=EGCC>
It's always about you, isn't it?
<SYNC Start=2795875><P Class=EGCC>
My problems are just a little bit bigger than yours Marty.
<SYNC Start=2799218><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2799572><P Class=EGCC>
All right, I couldn't tell you apart.<br>
So what?
<SYNC Start=2802561><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2803093><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah fine, run away Marty! Run away.<br>
That's what you do best, just like back in New York!
<SYNC Start=2808190><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2808973><P Class=EGCC>
I'm right here. But you can't tell that right?
<SYNC Start=2811859><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2814250><P Class=EGCC>
Your one in a million friend hopes you enjoy your<br>
bigger than everyone else's problems, alone!
<SYNC Start=2819966><P Class=EGCC>
Good, leave! I don't need you to help me solve my problems.
<SYNC Start=2823432><P Class=EGCC>
You know what? You diame dust I can't tell which one is Marty.<br>
Oh, which one is Marty? Wait a minute, wait a minute, oh yeah!<br>
I don't care.
<SYNC Start=2829460><P Class=EGCC>
Nice hat, you show off!
<SYNC Start=2832336><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2837998><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2838614><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2840051><P Class=EGCC>
...don't go.
<SYNC Start=2841259><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2846402><P Class=EGCC>
Look Maurice. Here is the perfect spot for my semi-palace,<br>
so please fill in all these holes and relocate the roofed.
<SYNC Start=2853258><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2854071><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, who'd leave a perfectly good head lying around.
<SYNC Start=2856821><P Class=EGCC>
What a waste.<br>
Tell me about it. I'm in my prime here.
<SYNC Start=2860862><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2861524><P Class=EGCC>
I'm terminal, you know.<br>
Probably only have another two days left to live.
<SYNC Start=2867965><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2869197><P Class=EGCC>
That's a bomber man.<br>
Oh, if I King Julien, that's my name.
<SYNC Start=2873227><P Class=EGCC>
Only had two days left to live.<br>
I'd do all the things I have ever dreamed of doing.
<SYNC Start=2878962><P Class=EGCC>
Like what?<br>
I'd love to became a professional whistler.
<SYNC Start=2882623><P Class=EGCC>
I pretty amazing that I did know.<br>
But I wanna get luck even better.
<SYNC Start=2886540><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2886998><P Class=EGCC>
I'd make my living out of it.
<SYNC Start=2889778><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2896921><P Class=EGCC>
You know what else I'd do?<br>
I'd invade a neighboring country and impose...
<SYNC Start=2902692><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2902794><P Class=EGCC>
...my own ideology even if they didn't want it.<br>
It's easy for you to say, you are a king.
<SYNC Start=2907160><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2907863><P Class=EGCC>
Yes. And you are only just a sad little head.
<SYNC Start=2911593><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2912084><P Class=EGCC>
But there must be something<br>
you want to do before you die.
<SYNC Start=2915560><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2916338><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2916590><P Class=EGCC>
There is this one thing.<br>
What is it? Tell me.
<SYNC Start=2919438><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2919642><P Class=EGCC>
Well. No, I couldn't. I mean.<br>
What is it?
<SYNC Start=2922356><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2922471><P Class=EGCC>
You know, I just never really have the guts to tell Gloria,<br>
how I think about her.<br>
What is it?
<SYNC Start=2925864><P Class=EGCC>
I don't really have the guts to tell Gloria,<br>
how I feel about her.<br>
What is it?
<SYNC Start=2929955><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2930694><P Class=EGCC>
I have always felt about her.<br>
Fine, don't tell me!
<SYNC Start=2933616><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2935518><P Class=EGCC>
Is it a woman?<br>
Oh, you didn't tell me we are talking about a woman.
<SYNC Start=2939035><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2939493><P Class=EGCC>
What are you afraid of?<br>
You are dead man anyway, come on.
<SYNC Start=2943224><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2943338><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2945179><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2945579><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, you are right.<br>
Well, you gotta march right up to this woman, right?
<SYNC Start=2950539><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2950750><P Class=EGCC>
You look her right in the eye, you lean forward, right?<br>
Just a little, almost all the way.
<SYNC Start=2956096><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2956905><P Class=EGCC>
Then you let her, like, lean forward, just a little bit until you're...
<SYNC Start=2960456><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2960881><P Class=EGCC>
...just a lips distance away from each other.
<SYNC Start=2963729><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2964326><P Class=EGCC>
And then you just tell her,<br>
how much you hate her.
<SYNC Start=2967564><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2967704><P Class=EGCC>
Actually, it's, it's more like love her.
<SYNC Start=2971993><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, you slave dog.<br>
You're a real player, you know that?
<SYNC Start=2977099><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2977227><P Class=EGCC>
Now listen to me.<br>
You gotto raise up.
<SYNC Start=2979781><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2981705><P Class=EGCC>
I can't hear you.<br>
<SYNC Start=2983195><P Class=EGCC>
Good. You gotto raise up.
<SYNC Start=2985123><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2985731><P Class=EGCC>
You gotto get out of the hole.
<SYNC Start=2987723><P Class=EGCC>
I'm raising up on the ground.<br>
He's raising Maurice.<br>
I'm raising Maurice.
<SYNC Start=2991148><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2991851><P Class=EGCC>
You gotto go right up to this woman.<br>
<SYNC Start=2994999><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2996196><P Class=EGCC>
You gotto go right up to a fight.<br>
Yeah, I tell her.
<SYNC Start=2999433><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2999533><P Class=EGCC>
And then you gotto say: Baby, I dig you. Yeah.<br>
Yeah. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it.
<SYNC Start=3006490><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3007204><P Class=EGCC>
I love that happy little head.
<SYNC Start=3009701><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3016976><P Class=EGCC>
She loves me.
<SYNC Start=3017721><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3018329><P Class=EGCC>
She loves my eyes.
<SYNC Start=3019879><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3020805><P Class=EGCC>
She loves me.
<SYNC Start=3021898><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3022462><P Class=EGCC>
She loves my ass.
<SYNC Start=3023930><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3024681><P Class=EGCC>
She loves my roundness.
<SYNC Start=3025828><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3026327><P Class=EGCC>
She loves that I'm chunky.
<SYNC Start=3027790><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3028399><P Class=EGCC>
She loves that I'm plumpy.
<SYNC Start=3029778><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3030373><P Class=EGCC>
She loves my healthiness.
<SYNC Start=3031788><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3032214><P Class=EGCC>
She loves my zestiness.
<SYNC Start=3033787><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3034187><P Class=EGCC>
She loves me restlessly.
<SYNC Start=3036008><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3036527><P Class=EGCC>
She loves me forever.
<SYNC Start=3037738><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3038820><P Class=EGCC>
She loves me, because she loves me.
<SYNC Start=3041054><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3042165><P Class=EGCC>
Moto Moto before things get too serious, well...
<SYNC Start=3046281><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3047054><P Class=EGCC>
...I was wondering if I were to for example stay here...
<SYNC Start=3050675><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3051520><P Class=EGCC>
...I'd like to ask you<br>
Let your candy lips bring the messages to my ear canal.
<SYNC Start=3056432><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3056556><P Class=EGCC>
Well I don't know, I have so many questions.<br>
Well I promise, the answer will always be yes...
<SYNC Start=3062573><P Class=EGCC>
...unless, no is required.<br>
OK. So, what is it about me that you find so interesting?
<SYNC Start=3068893><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3069456><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, you're the most plumpiness girl I've ever met.
<SYNC Start=3072866><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3073049><P Class=EGCC>
OK. Other than that?<br>
Let's see, you, you know, you are chunky.
<SYNC Start=3079353><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3080232><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, my gosh girl you are huge.
<SYNC Start=3086019><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3086226><P Class=EGCC>
You've said that.<br>
Oh, yes right. We don't have to talk no more.
<SYNC Start=3091258><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3092350><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3095268><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3095600><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3097301><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3098597><P Class=EGCC>
Melman, I want you to meet with Moto Moto.
<SYNC Start=3102443><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3102597><P Class=EGCC>
Ah, Moto Moto. Yeah.<br>
Nice to, nice to meet you.
<SYNC Start=3107315><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3107334><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I guess, I...<br>
It's OK. Melman. Apology accepted.
<SYNC Start=3112627><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, yeah, right, yes. That, yes, that's why I... Good.
<SYNC Start=3117223><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, OK. That's well, that's it then.<br>
You good, we're kind of a busy here man.
<SYNC Start=3123225><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3123717><P Class=EGCC>
No! No, that's not it!
<SYNC Start=3127202><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3127812><P Class=EGCC>
Listen Mototo, you'd better treat this lady like a queen.<br>
Because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman.
<SYNC Start=3134420><P Class=EGCC>
If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman,<br>
I would give her flowers every day. And not just any flowers, OK?
<SYNC Start=3140838><P Class=EGCC>
Her favorites are orchids.<br>
<SYNC Start=3142886><P Class=EGCC>
And breakfast in bed. Six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides.<br>
No crusts. The way she likes it.
<SYNC Start=3148427><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3148462><P Class=EGCC>
I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend...
<SYNC Start=3151787><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3152279><P Class=EGCC>
... and I'd spend every day trying to think of how to make her laugh.<br>
She has the most...
<SYNC Start=3156956><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3157906><P Class=EGCC>
...most amazing laugh.
<SYNC Start=3159701><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3162387><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I mean. That's what I would do, if I were you.
<SYNC Start=3165550><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3165832><P Class=EGCC>
But I'm not. So you do it.
<SYNC Start=3167908><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3169498><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, OK. What?
<SYNC Start=3173219><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3174027><P Class=EGCC>
That was beautiful.
<SYNC Start=3176242><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3177122><P Class=EGCC>
Anyways, where were we?
<SYNC Start=3179369><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3180040><P Class=EGCC>
I'm huge.
<SYNC Start=3181554><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3183320><P Class=EGCC>
Surprised to see me Makunga?<br>
Well I'm here to set things straight.
<SYNC Start=3186814><P Class=EGCC>
Like a real lion.<br>
Is this real enough for you?<br>
How about this?
<SYNC Start=3190583><P Class=EGCC>
This is for setting me up.<br>
This is for stealing my dad's job.<br>
This is for humiliating my family.
<SYNC Start=3196052><P Class=EGCC>
And making me fun like a fool.
<SYNC Start=3198270><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3215068><P Class=EGCC>
Had enough? Sure fly away. Coward.
<SYNC Start=3218539><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3229830><P Class=EGCC>
The water, it's gone.<br>
Oh no.
<SYNC Start=3232706><P Class=EGCC>
The watering hole has never gone dry before.<br>
We're gonna need a lot more dying holes.
<SYNC Start=3236301><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3236584><P Class=EGCC>
How could this happen?<br>
Out of my way.
<SYNC Start=3238128><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3238764><P Class=EGCC>
What is going on here?<br>
The watering hole is dried up, there's barely enough water for one of us.
<SYNC Start=3243177><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, good observation Shirley.<br>
I'm Boby.
<SYNC Start=3245347><P Class=EGCC>
Makunga what will we do?<br>
<SYNC Start=3248004><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3248682><P Class=EGCC>
Listen up. I'm afraid there is only one solution to this horrible crisis.
<SYNC Start=3253325><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3254452><P Class=EGCC>
We'll all have to fight for it.<br>
Fight for it? This is crazy.
<SYNC Start=3258326><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3259869><P Class=EGCC>
That's not fair, you'd win.<br>
Exactly Shirley.<br>
I'm Boby.
<SYNC Start=3263700><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3264651><P Class=EGCC>
Sorry folks, but life isn't fair.<br>
I'm in charge now.
<SYNC Start=3268168><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3268488><P Class=EGCC>
Thanks to Alakay, the dancing lion.<br>
Please Makunga this is the only water on the reserve.
<SYNC Start=3274537><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3274889><P Class=EGCC>
If you're thirsty you'll have to look for water off the reserve.
<SYNC Start=3278476><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3284106><P Class=EGCC>
I left the reserve and survived.
<SYNC Start=3288622><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3289677><P Class=EGCC>
I could do something about this.<br>
Looks like a clogged pipe. But we get in New York all the time.
<SYNC Start=3294357><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3294637><P Class=EGCC>
I'll just travel up river.<br>
Up river?<br>
Off the reserve?
<SYNC Start=3297419><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah me. I'll unclog the pipe and bring back your water.
<SYNC Start=3302444><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3302833><P Class=EGCC>
Great I'll help you pack but by the looks of that hat I see you're all set.
<SYNC Start=3307615><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3308635><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah fine. Go ahead laugh. Laugh your mane off.<br>
I'm gonna prove you're wrong.
<SYNC Start=3312961><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3313947><P Class=EGCC>
May be you should try a little rain dance.
<SYNC Start=3316586><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3322777><P Class=EGCC>
Zuba would know what to do.<br>
Where is Zuba? You don't care about us.
<SYNC Start=3325274><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3325519><P Class=EGCC>
Zuba should be in charge, not you.
<SYNC Start=3327663><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3331743><P Class=EGCC>
Alright, fine. As an added measure, I will consult with Zuba.
<SYNC Start=3336633><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3343107><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3344793><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3353831><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3355271><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3366991><P Class=EGCC>
Is Marty here?
<SYNC Start=3372613><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3409826><P Class=EGCC>
Marty, I apologize to you.
<SYNC Start=3414012><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3414431><P Class=EGCC>
I did wrong.
<SYNC Start=3416154><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3416438><P Class=EGCC>
I'm sorry. I overlooked your problems.
<SYNC Start=3423751><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3424946><P Class=EGCC>
At that moment I realized that I was wrong, actually.
<SYNC Start=3427619><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3430819><P Class=EGCC>
What kind of a friend does that make me?<br>
Pretty lousy friend I guess.
<SYNC Start=3434711><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3435516><P Class=EGCC>
Well I just want you to know that...
<SYNC Start=3437700><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3438053><P Class=EGCC>
...you're one in a million.<br>
Isn't this touching?
<SYNC Start=3441463><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3441780><P Class=EGCC>
This is touching.<br>
So could you please turn around so I can tell you that to your face?
<SYNC Start=3446773><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3448074><P Class=EGCC>
That's right. Got you.<br>
I see you in there. Yeah yeah you.<br>
That's right you, right there.
<SYNC Start=3454175><P Class=EGCC>
Twelfth row, two hundred and third from the left.
<SYNC Start=3458100><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3458836><P Class=EGCC>
I see you Marty.<br>
I know it's you.
<SYNC Start=3461665><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3464005><P Class=EGCC>
You know what makes you special?<br>
These guys...
<SYNC Start=3467100><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3467521><P Class=EGCC>
They're white with black stripes.<br>
You're black with white stripes.
<SYNC Start=3470336><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3470722><P Class=EGCC>
You're a dreamer Marty. Always have been.
<SYNC Start=3473502><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3474556><P Class=EGCC>
You have a great taste in music and<br>
horrible taste in friends.
<SYNC Start=3478179><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3478880><P Class=EGCC>
Not Melman and Gloria, me.
<SYNC Start=3481802><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3484269><P Class=EGCC>
OK. I'm in.<br>
No Marty. You can't come with me.
<SYNC Start=3487568><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3487813><P Class=EGCC>
I don't believe you have a choice.
<SYNC Start=3490065><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3506832><P Class=EGCC>
Any water?
<SYNC Start=3508380><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3508837><P Class=EGCC>
No, just more diamonds and gold.
<SYNC Start=3511122><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3516397><P Class=EGCC>
OK. Don't give up hope.<br>
Listen up. I'll help you.
<SYNC Start=3520549><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3520971><P Class=EGCC>
There is only one way to get your precious water.
<SYNC Start=3523748><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3524175><P Class=EGCC>
I, your beloved King Julien, must simply make a small sacrifice<br>
to my good friends, water gods.
<SYNC Start=3531668><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3532188><P Class=EGCC>
In the volcano.
<SYNC Start=3535071><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3538487><P Class=EGCC>
What does that do?<br>
What does that do?
<SYNC Start=3540277><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3540665><P Class=EGCC>
Excellent question.<br>
My sacrifice goes into volcano.
<SYNC Start=3545096><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3545412><P Class=EGCC>
Then the friendly gods eat up my sacrifice.
<SYNC Start=3548823><P Class=EGCC>
Mmm.. Very nice. Thank you for the sacrifice.
<SYNC Start=3551691><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3551901><P Class=EGCC>
Please have another sacrifice.<br>
No, I've had enough for the day.
<SYNC Start=3554150><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3554394><P Class=EGCC>
Listen, I'm gonna be very unsettled unless you will have another...<br>
I don't want another sacrifice, OK?
<SYNC Start=3558863><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3559145><P Class=EGCC>
Look at you, you look skinny.<br>
No, I think I've had enough, is that clear?
<SYNC Start=3562203><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3564666><P Class=EGCC>
The gods eat the sacrifice, they are grateful, they give me some of their water.
<SYNC Start=3569449><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3570116><P Class=EGCC>
Then I give it to you.<br>
<SYNC Start=3572473><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3573210><P Class=EGCC>
Does it work?<br>
No. I mean yes.
<SYNC Start=3576693><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3577290><P Class=EGCC>
Well, Maurice?<br>
Yeah, it's fifty fifty.
<SYNC Start=3581195><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3585094><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3586156><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3587111><P Class=EGCC>
Now, all I need is someone who'd like to go in the volcano<br>
and get eaten by gods.
<SYNC Start=3592517><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3593294><P Class=EGCC>
Any hands? Hands? Anybody?
<SYNC Start=3595575><P Class=EGCC>
OK. I need someone, perhaps who has never fall in love.
<SYNC Start=3598904><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3599775><P Class=EGCC>
Who could look death, straight in the eye ball.<br>
A real genuine hero.
<SYNC Start=3603842><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3604268><P Class=EGCC>
I'll do it.<br>
<SYNC Start=3606481><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3615542><P Class=EGCC>
Hurry up. Before you all come to your senses.
<SYNC Start=3618251><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3620163><P Class=EGCC>
Melman, what is wrong with you?
<SYNC Start=3622135><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3622415><P Class=EGCC>
I'm dying anyways.<br>
If there is a chance, it'll get you water, it'll be worthy.
<SYNC Start=3626600><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3627055><P Class=EGCC>
Are you nuts?<br>
Gloria, I just want you to know, back at the zoo,<br>
it was never the doctors or the prescriptions that kept me going...
<SYNC Start=3634473><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3634897><P Class=EGCC>
...it was always you. Seeing you every day.
<SYNC Start=3638624><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3639328><P Class=EGCC>
That's what kept me going.
<SYNC Start=3641225><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3644898><P Class=EGCC>
Melman, wait.
<SYNC Start=3647037><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3655148><P Class=EGCC>
You gonna mop around like this all day?
<SYNC Start=3657960><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3658275><P Class=EGCC>
Don't hmph me. Listen Zuba. A miracle happened.
<SYNC Start=3662742><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3663374><P Class=EGCC>
Our son has come back to us.
<SYNC Start=3665906><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3666361><P Class=EGCC>
How come, that is not good enough for you?<br>
What are you saying woman?
<SYNC Start=3669843><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3671075><P Class=EGCC>
We've lost him once Zuba.<br>
Let's not lose him again.
<SYNC Start=3674976><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3684152><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3685979><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3686119><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3686857><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3686929><P Class=EGCC>
Get out of here.<br>
What do you want Makunga?
<SYNC Start=3689460><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3689850><P Class=EGCC>
It's awful. The watering hole is dried up.<br>
Dried up?
<SYNC Start=3694067><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3694805><P Class=EGCC>
That's impossible.<br>
There is nothing left.
<SYNC Start=3697230><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3698004><P Class=EGCC>
Well, you are the alpha lion Makunga.<br>
What are you gonna do about it?
<SYNC Start=3701696><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3701941><P Class=EGCC>
Your son, Alakay. He said he could fix it.<br>
He has gone up river.
<SYNC Start=3705844><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3706161><P Class=EGCC>
Off the reserve?<br>
I tried to stop him.
<SYNC Start=3708466><P Class=EGCC>
I told him it was suicide but he was determined to prove himself to you.
<SYNC Start=3712348><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3713649><P Class=EGCC>
You stay here in case he comes back.
<SYNC Start=3716111><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3719100><P Class=EGCC>
Hurry Zuba.
<SYNC Start=3720579><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3723472><P Class=EGCC>
I'm so parched.
<SYNC Start=3725056><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3730791><P Class=EGCC>
Is this place, aren't affright you out?
<SYNC Start=3733288><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3733992><P Class=EGCC>
We'll slip in, find the problem.<br>
Hunters'll never know we were here.
<SYNC Start=3737683><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3738247><P Class=EGCC>
Why are "we" doing this?<br>
Look, Marty maybe my dad'll think that I'm...
<SYNC Start=3742782><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3743556><P Class=EGCC>
I just wanna show him, I'm a real lion.<br>
As opposed to a chocolate lion.
<SYNC Start=3748549><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3749005><P Class=EGCC>
I know this might sound hard to believe,<br>
but apparently lions don't dance.<br>
<SYNC Start=3754996><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3756706><P Class=EGCC>
As far as my dad's concerned.<br>
As far as the people is concerned, you're a huge hit.
<SYNC Start=3761024><P Class=EGCC>
That was New York. This is Africa.<br>
It's a much tougher crowd.
<SYNC Start=3763808><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3764196><P Class=EGCC>
Marty, Marty.<br>
This's it.
<SYNC Start=3766165><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3766975><P Class=EGCC>
This is the clog.<br>
Come on.
<SYNC Start=3768766><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3776747><P Class=EGCC>
Here's the water.
<SYNC Start=3778298><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3779813><P Class=EGCC>
Marty, stay down.<br>
Look at that.
<SYNC Start=3782382><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3785138><P Class=EGCC>
It's her.
<SYNC Start=3786295><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3786321><P Class=EGCC>
Is this right?<br>
Oh, very good.
<SYNC Start=3788167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3796004><P Class=EGCC>
We need dynamite, do you have any dynamite?<br>
Oh, snap, I just used my last...
<SYNC Start=3800610><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3817796><P Class=EGCC>
Run Marty.<br>
Come on, I can't leave you here.
<SYNC Start=3822115><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3823657><P Class=EGCC>
Go, get help.
<SYNC Start=3825469><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3833886><P Class=EGCC>
OK. OK. OK...
<SYNC Start=3840389><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3849559><P Class=EGCC>
OK. Here we go. OK...
<SYNC Start=3851599><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3855398><P Class=EGCC>
Here we go. Here we go.
<SYNC Start=3857857><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3858878><P Class=EGCC>
What is all the hoop about?<br>
Joe, the witch doctor? We thought you were dead.
<SYNC Start=3863441><P Class=EGCC>
So did I. Then I realized, I'm covered in brown spots.
<SYNC Start=3867144><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3867812><P Class=EGCC>
So, Melman's not dying.<br>
Melman's not dying.
<SYNC Start=3871505><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3871926><P Class=EGCC>
Excuse me, excuse me.<br>
<SYNC Start=3874845><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3875338><P Class=EGCC>
Move out. Don't do this.<br>
Julien, stop this. This's crazy!
<SYNC Start=3879558><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3880015><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, certainly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy.<br>
<SYNC Start=3885132><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3888700><P Class=EGCC>
Please, Melman stop.<br>
<SYNC Start=3892007><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3892255><P Class=EGCC>
You can't do this.<br>
Why not?
<SYNC Start=3893767><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3894329><P Class=EGCC>
Because I...
<SYNC Start=3895983><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3913781><P Class=EGCC>
You can't do this Melman.<br>
First of all, it hurts.
<SYNC Start=3917087><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3917440><P Class=EGCC>
Second of all, I'll only have eighteen hours to live anyway.<br>
Melman, I gotto know.
<SYNC Start=3922756><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3923952><P Class=EGCC>
Did you really mean all those things you said about me?
<SYNC Start=3927045><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3927397><P Class=EGCC>
Of course I did.<br>
This is crazy.
<SYNC Start=3930177><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3930456><P Class=EGCC>
It is?
<SYNC Start=3931617><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3933551><P Class=EGCC>
It's crazy in the thing, I had to go half way around the world...
<SYNC Start=3936997><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3938089><P Class=EGCC>
...to find out that the perfect guy for me...
<SYNC Start=3941010><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3941288><P Class=EGCC>
...lived right next door.<br>
Then I guess it's you and me neighbor...
<SYNC Start=3945579><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3945965><P Class=EGCC>
...you and me for the next eighteen hours.
<SYNC Start=3948710><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3949025><P Class=EGCC>
I'll take whatever you got.
<SYNC Start=3951064><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3955074><P Class=EGCC>
Maurice, what just happened?<br>
I believe the fat lady has sobbed.
<SYNC Start=3958030><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3959296><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, what's going on here?<br>
Hey, listen up. Alex is in big trouble. We get to get up the river fast.
<SYNC Start=3964851><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3965168><P Class=EGCC>
What about the plane?<br>
Perfect. Come on.
<SYNC Start=3967173><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3970128><P Class=EGCC>
The plane won't be fixed until the suits meet our demands.
<SYNC Start=3973927><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3974276><P Class=EGCC>
Now, about maternity leave.<br>
Maternity leave?
<SYNC Start=3976492><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3977549><P Class=EGCC>
You're males.<br>
Look, we need a plane for rescue mission.
<SYNC Start=3980993><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3981065><P Class=EGCC>
Well, there is nothing I can do until we bust up this union.
<SYNC Start=3983604><P Class=EGCC>
I'm gonna get the busty not bully you if you don't get this plane going.
<SYNC Start=3987289><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3987570><P Class=EGCC>
Can't you see these commies have my hands tied here?<br>
No maternity leave.
<SYNC Start=3991302><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3994044><P Class=EGCC>
Maybe a certain someone wouldn't want these blowing around on the savannah.
<SYNC Start=3998159><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4007445><P Class=EGCC>
Alright, you get your maternity leave.
<SYNC Start=4010153><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4011432><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4012521><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4017151><P Class=EGCC>
Where are you headed?<br>
What's going on? Where are we going?
<SYNC Start=4019791><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4020457><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no, please. You are not gonna burn me there.
<SYNC Start=4022986><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no.<br>
This's wrong.
<SYNC Start=4025440><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4026120><P Class=EGCC>
You see? You are survivals.
<SYNC Start=4028757><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4029533><P Class=EGCC>
Now, how about a nice lion casserole?
<SYNC Start=4032977><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4033185><P Class=EGCC>
We can't eat a lion.<br>
Don't worry, taste like chicken.
<SYNC Start=4036408><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4036593><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no, no. Don't listen to her.<br>
She is out of her mind. People.
<SYNC Start=4042125><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4044115><P Class=EGCC>
I'm from New York City too.<br>
It's me, Alex the lion. From Central Park.
<SYNC Start=4048565><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4055248><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4056503><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4057596><P Class=EGCC>
What were you thinking son?<br>
You got no matter be not here.
<SYNC Start=4061013><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4063518><P Class=EGCC>
This's it, I want you to stay behind.<br>
Look dad, they're New Yorkers, they are just...
<SYNC Start=4066611><P Class=EGCC>
...ruined and frightened people.<br>
Stay back.
<SYNC Start=4069193><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4069952><P Class=EGCC>
Are you gonna let them get away?
<SYNC Start=4072079><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4077694><P Class=EGCC>
What are you doing son?<br>
The only thing I know how to do.
<SYNC Start=4081846><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4092142><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, all those moves...<br>
<SYNC Start=4095157><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4098395><P Class=EGCC>
This is Alex the lion.<br>
From Central Park.<br>
This is Alex.
<SYNC Start=4101817><P Class=EGCC>
Only one lion can move like that.
<SYNC Start=4104000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4109853><P Class=EGCC>
This is beautiful.<br>
I can't believe this.
<SYNC Start=4112453><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4119138><P Class=EGCC>
How does he do that?
<SYNC Start=4120724><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4134020><P Class=EGCC>
Dad, what are you doing?<br>
Dancing with my son...
<SYNC Start=4136024><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4136484><P Class=EGCC>
...I think.<br>
Don't think dad, feel.
<SYNC Start=4139050><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4140107><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4141584><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4143908><P Class=EGCC>
I'm doing it.<br>
I'm doing it.
<SYNC Start=4146193><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4168602><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, that was beautiful.<br>
Now, let's eat.
<SYNC Start=4171663><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4172121><P Class=EGCC>
Dad, look out!
<SYNC Start=4173597><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4175147><P Class=EGCC>
What the?<br>
Alex, get in.
<SYNC Start=4178010><P Class=EGCC>
She has got a gun.<br>
Let's get out while we can.
<SYNC Start=4180986><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4181972><P Class=EGCC>
She has got a gun. Let's get out while we can.<br>
Pass it on.
<SYNC Start=4185700><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4189427><P Class=EGCC>
He said, let's have some fun and take out the dam.<br>
Pass it on.
<SYNC Start=4193507><P Class=EGCC>
Skipper, Alex wants to take out the dam.<br>
Alright, but it's his funeral.<br>
<SYNC Start=4199982><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4200825><P Class=EGCC>
Aye aye, Skippy.
<SYNC Start=4203462><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4212151><P Class=EGCC>
Come back. That's my dinner.
<SYNC Start=4214155><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4214543><P Class=EGCC>
Kovalski, full proto.
<SYNC Start=4215804><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4217999><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4218896><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4220827><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, I like this song.<br>
It never gets old.
<SYNC Start=4222798><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4223150><P Class=EGCC>
It does have a catchy hook.
<SYNC Start=4226246><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4236540><P Class=EGCC>
Tell them, no, pull up. She will kill us.<br>
There is gotto be another way. Pass it on.
<SYNC Start=4241218><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4245051><P Class=EGCC>
They say, no pull up, kill us. There is no other way. Pass it on.
<SYNC Start=4249167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4249517><P Class=EGCC>
Are you sure?<br>
There is no sacrifice greater then someone else.
<SYNC Start=4254511><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4255463><P Class=EGCC>
No, medic!
<SYNC Start=4257783><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4261405><P Class=EGCC>
Relic speed.
<SYNC Start=4263693><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4266939><P Class=EGCC>
Bring it on.
<SYNC Start=4268580><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4270268><P Class=EGCC>
Bad kitties.
<SYNC Start=4271922><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4279485><P Class=EGCC>
I don't know why the sacrifice didn't work.
<SYNC Start=4282154><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4282579><P Class=EGCC>
The science seem so solid.<br>
I'd jump right in that volcano...
<SYNC Start=4287220><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4287641><P Class=EGCC>
...if I wasn't so good at whistling.
<SYNC Start=4290104><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4299261><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, it's you. I found you.<br>
<SYNC Start=4301580><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4316177><P Class=EGCC>
I wonder if the gods like seafood.<br>
Let's go find out.
<SYNC Start=4319238><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4321312><P Class=EGCC>
Look, Maurice.
<SYNC Start=4323950><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4324933><P Class=EGCC>
That was quick.<br>
I did it. I did it. I did it.
<SYNC Start=4328770><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4330669><P Class=EGCC>
OK. You did it.<br>
Oh yes.
<SYNC Start=4333023><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4358609><P Class=EGCC>
It's Alakay, it's Zuba.
<SYNC Start=4361668><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4372694><P Class=EGCC>
Zuba, Alakay.
<SYNC Start=4374478><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4375257><P Class=EGCC>
You're back.<br>
I'm so glad you're safe.
<SYNC Start=4379475><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4380705><P Class=EGCC>
Out of my way.<br>
Well, well, well, well, well.
<SYNC Start=4384576><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4386016><P Class=EGCC>
You know Zuba, if I remember correctly,<br>
you quitted the pride, and you were kicked out.
<SYNC Start=4392082><P Class=EGCC>
So don't think for any instant that this changes anything.
<SYNC Start=4396181><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4396497><P Class=EGCC>
You're right, in fact we humbly<br>
present you with this token of appreciation.<br>
That is a man bag, very popular where I came from.
<SYNC Start=4403257><P Class=EGCC>
I don't know what to say.<br>
You can still be tough and carry your stuff.<br>
Does this strip adjust?
<SYNC Start=4406907><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4407406><P Class=EGCC>
Yes. I think this will go very nicely for me when I go out hiking.<br>
But I'm afraid you're still banished.
<SYNC Start=4412675><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4413097><P Class=EGCC>
We figured you'd say that.
<SYNC Start=4415066><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4416871><P Class=EGCC>
My hand bag.
<SYNC Start=4419243><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4420167><P Class=EGCC>
You bad kitty.
<SYNC Start=4421505><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4436625><P Class=EGCC>
You deserve this son.
<SYNC Start=4438385><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4440037><P Class=EGCC>
Welcome to the pride.
<SYNC Start=4441868><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4445948><P Class=EGCC>
Thanks dad. But this belongs to you.
<SYNC Start=4448760><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4449110><P Class=EGCC>
No, no son, to us.
<SYNC Start=4452101><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4457054><P Class=EGCC>
My son, the king of New York!
<SYNC Start=4460603><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4470880><P Class=EGCC>
Love transcends all differences.
<SYNC Start=4473800><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4474716><P Class=EGCC>
We are gathered here today to celebrate such a love.
<SYNC Start=4478656><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4479711><P Class=EGCC>
Do you take each other, for better or for worse?
<SYNC Start=4483192><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4485933><P Class=EGCC>
For better please.
<SYNC Start=4487692><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4489068><P Class=EGCC>
What a beautiful weird couple.
<SYNC Start=4491263><P Class=EGCC>
That's not gonna last.
<SYNC Start=4493006><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4494803><P Class=EGCC>
Can I kiss the bride Skipper?<br>
<SYNC Start=4497933><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4498792><P Class=EGCC>
Struts? Checked.<br>
Fillets? Checked.<br>
Diamonds and gold? Checked.
<SYNC Start=4501915><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4505070><P Class=EGCC>
Bye bye.<br>
We're gonna miss you.<br>
See you later.
<SYNC Start=4507541><P Class=EGCC>
We'll be back after the honeymoon in Monte Carlo.
<SYNC Start=4510348><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4510635><P Class=EGCC>
Or whenever the gold runs out.<br>
Take cares.<br>
Come back soon.
<SYNC Start=4513905><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4514258><P Class=EGCC>
Hey you know mom, let them take their time.<br>
New York is not going anywhere.<br>
Right guys?
<SYNC Start=4518869><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, you're right about that?<br>
Well, as long as I'm with her.
<SYNC Start=4522412><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4523184><P Class=EGCC>
And you two.<br>
I don't care where we're.
<SYNC Start=4526246><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4526891><P Class=EGCC>
She has the most amazing laugh.
<SYNC Start=4529461><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4532169><P Class=EGCC>
Love has no boundaries.
<SYNC Start=4533786><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4534063><P Class=EGCC>
Well, it looks like you're stucked with us for a while.
<SYNC Start=4537305><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4540333><P Class=EGCC>
Dad, what's wrong?<br>
I just thought we could hang out a bit and...
<SYNC Start=4544340><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4547789><P Class=EGCC>
You got me.<br>
I got you son.
<SYNC Start=4549582><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4549827><P Class=EGCC>
You got me with my... You did my thing.<br>
You got a background on me. I love it.
<SYNC Start=4553062><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4556294><P Class=EGCC>
I got you son.
<SYNC Start=4557806><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4558545><P Class=EGCC>
Old man is not too bad, hey Marty?<br>
<SYNC Start=4561148><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4561464><P Class=EGCC>
Who's Marty?<br>
Come on?<br>
I don't know Marty. Don't call me Marty.
<SYNC Start=4564488><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4564769><P Class=EGCC>
You can't fool me.<br>
I don't see no Marty. Ain't no Marty here.
<SYNC Start=4567903><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4568288><P Class=EGCC>
Marty, I can look into your eyes, and I know it's you.
<SYNC Start=4572403><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4584156><P Class=EGCC>
Hey shake the hot thing.<br>
Shake the hot thing.
<SYNC Start=4587220><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4587721><P Class=EGCC>
Shake 'em. Shake 'em.<br>
Shake 'em. Shake 'em...
(영화대본) 라이온 킹 2탄
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
{269}{367}* I ngonyama|nengw' enambala *
{369}{455}* I ngonyama nengw' enambala *
{457}{567}* I ngonyama nengw' enambala *
{569}{659}* I ngonyama nengw' enambala *
{661}{707}* Night *
{746}{846}* And the spirit of life *
{848}{902}* Calling *|* Oh, oh, iyo *
{940}{1000}* Mamela *|* Oh, oh, iyo *
{1054}{1160}* Uhukhosibo khokho|We ndodanaye sizwe sonke *
{1162}{1228}* Wait *
{1230}{1327}* There's no mountain too great *
{1330}{1426}* Hear the words and have faith *|* Oh, oh, iyo *
{1428}{1520}* Oh, oh *|* Oh, oh, iyo *
{1523}{1610}* Have faith *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{1612}{1734}* Hela, hey mamela|Hela, hey mamela, hela, hey mamela *
{1736}{1827}* He lives inyou *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{1829}{1922}* He lives in me *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{1924}{2024}* He watches over *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{2027}{2116}* Everything we see *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{2118}{2226}* Into the water *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{2228}{2318}* Into the truth *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{2320}{2424}* In your reflection *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{2427}{2566}* He lives inyou *|* I ngonyama nengw' enambala *
{2568}{2642}* I ngonyama|nengw' enambala *
{3033}{3172}* He lives inyou *|* *
{3174}{3268}* Hey, oh, yeah *|* He lives inyou *
{3271}{3330}* Hela, hey mamela *
{3332}{3422}* He lives in me *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{3424}{3510}* He watches over *
{3512}{3624}* Everything we see *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{3626}{3716}* Into the water *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{3719}{3824}* Into the trees *|* Hela, hey mamela *
{3917}{3982}* He lives inyou *
{3984}{4070}* I ngonyama|nengw' enambala *
{4072}{4176}* I ngonyama nengw' enambala *|* He lives inyou **
{4250}{4310}Ah, Pumbaa, look|at that little guy!
{4312}{4366}A chip off the old block!
{4368}{4419}And ya gotta know|who's gonna raise him.
{4421}{4497}- His parents?|- Okay, sure. Get technical.
{4500}{4568}But who's gonna teach him|the really important stuff?
{4571}{4625}Like how to belch.
{4628}{4671}And dig for grubs.
{4675}{4762}I'm tellin' ya, buddy,|it's gonna be like old times...
{4764}{4822}You, me, and the little guy.
{4824}{4923}- It is a girl.|- Girl.
{4926}{4971}- Girl? Oy.|- Girl? Oh.
{5449}{5513}- Whoa.
{5549}{5634}- Where do you think|you're going in such a hurry?
{5637}{5750}Daddy! Let go.
{5753}{5802}Well, I just want you|to be careful.
{5867}{5961}Kiara, are you listening?|Accidents can happen.
{5963}{6103}- You could easily get hurt...|- "Hurt, or stepped on,|or even get lost".
{6105}{6153}And remember...
{6155}{6213}- I want you to stay in sight|of Pride Rock at all times.|- "...at all times".
{6215}{6314}I know. "And if I see any strangers,|don't talk to them.
{6317}{6417}Come straight home".|Okay, okay. Can I go now?
{6419}{6465}- Please?|- Mm-hmm.
{6467}{6565}- Very funny.|- Mind your father, Kiara.
{6567}{6659}- Yes, Mom.|- And stay away from the outlands.
{6661}{6779}Nothing there but a bunch|of backstabbing, murderous outsiders.
{6781}{6865}Zazu's right.|You can't turn your back on them.
{6867}{6921}Really?|How come?
{6923}{7013}Never mind. Just run along now.
{7015}{7101}- But, Dad, I...|- You'll understand someday. Go on.
{7103}{7181}- Dad!
{7275}{7341}And stay on the path|I've marked for you.
{7343}{7449}Simba. Who does she remind you of, hmm?
{7451}{7537}Huh? What? Who?
{7539}{7601}She's just like you were|when you were young.
{7603}{7695}Exactly! Do you realize|the dangers we put ourselves in?
{7698}{7774}- Uh!|- You mean the dangers you put us in.
{7899}{7962}She'll be fine.
{8091}{8139}Hey, Timon! Pumbaa! Come here.
{8172}{8219}Good morning, mon capitaine!
{8222}{8277}I want you to keep|a close watch on Kiara.
{8279}{8335}You know she's|bound to run off.
{8337}{8407}Don't worry, Simba,|we're on her like stink on a warthog.
{8409}{8467}- Hey!|- It's a hard truth, Pumbaa.|Live with it.
{8470}{8522}Guys, I'm counting on you.
{8523}{8607}Danger could be lurking|behind every rock.
{8610}{8686}- Aha!|- Hm! Hm! Hmm.
{8805}{8878}Hey! Wait! Come back.
{8881}{8962}I just want to play.
{9058}{9103}The mighty hunter...
{9106}{9178}has cornered her prey.
{9390}{9483}Whoa! Cool.
{9486}{9531}The outlands.
{9575}{9622}I wonder what's out there.
{10111}{10203}Oh, don't worry, Kiara.|Uncle Pumbaa's comin'.
{10206}{10282}Oh, no! Oh! Uh, uh...
{10283}{10385}Let's see. "Gee, Simba, the good news|is we found your daughter.
{10387}{10445}The bad news is we dropped|a warthog on her.
{10447}{10494}is there a problem with that?"
{10495}{10550}- Kiara? Kiara?
{10551}{10649}Pumbaa!|Let me define "baby-sitting".
{10825}{10913}Now, Princess Kiara,|as Simba's daughter,
{10915}{10981}you know better than|to go off all alone.
{10983}{11039}- You could have been hurt.|- Bu-But...
{11041}{11118}Hurt? Oh, Simba would kill us!
{11121}{11167}- You didn't slip a disk, did ya?|- Bu-Bu...
{11169}{11251}- Catch a fever? Get a hangnail?|- Aah! Timon...
{11253}{11302}- I had one once.|- Very painful.
{11357}{11427}Darling, with your complexion,|you should stay out of the sun.
{11455}{11506}What? Do you wanna wrinkle?
{11509}{11567}Will somebody please|Just listen to me?
{11568}{11645}I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.|Did you say something, Princess?
{11647}{11754}I'm not just a princess, you know.|That's only half of who I am.
{11756}{11878}- Oh, uh, who's the other half?|- Oh, well, I, uh, um...
{11881}{11946}Well, while you're|figuring it out,
{11948}{11978}let's eat!
{11981}{12074}Here we are! Grubs.
{12076}{12136}The other white meat.
{12138}{12242}- And so high in protein.|- Eww! Gross!
{12244}{12316}No? How 'bout you, big boy?
{12318}{12440}- Ah! Love grubs.|- Not "like".
{12442}{12488}- Love!|- Love!
{12558}{12610}Oh! You always do that.
{12612}{12704}You take a bite out of every one, and|then put it back. It drives me crazy.
{12706}{12818}But you can't tell from the outside|which are the real slimy ones.
{12820}{12900}Slimy? Pumbaa,|my corpulent compadre,
{12902}{12954}it's the crunchy ones|that make the meal.
{12956}{13015}- Slimy.|- Crunchy.
{13017}{13104}- Slimy! Slimy! Slimy!|- Crunchy! Crunchy! Crunchy!
{13106}{13170}- Slimy! Slimy! Less filling.|- Crunchy! Crunchy! Tastes good.
{13172}{13228}- Less filling. Less filling.|- Tastes good. Tastes good.
{13794}{13880}Who are you, pride lander?
{14028}{14140}- What are you doing?|- My father says to never turn|your back on an outsider.
{14142}{14208}- You always do what Daddy says?|- No!
{14210}{14305}Bet ya do! Bet you're|Daddy's little girl.
{14346}{14408}An outsider|doesn't need anybody.
{14410}{14468}I take care of myself.
{14796}{14842}This way!
{14992}{15072}- That was a close one.
{15282}{15357}- Whoa!|- Hey, what about me?
{15358}{15446}I'll distract him!|Run! Whoops!
{15494}{15540}Whoop... Oh!
{15744}{15792}Look out!
{15794}{15869}Move it!
{16288}{16410}I did it! I did it!
{16413}{16482}- Ha!
{16484}{16565}Ho, man, did you see|the size of those teeth?
{16566}{16626}They were going,|"Rr, rr, rr, rr".
{16629}{16708}He just totally ate me up right there,
{16710}{16784}and I jumped on his head,|and I popped him so good!
{16786}{16840}We make such a good team!
{16842}{16945}And you...|You were really brave.
{16948}{17026}Yeah? You were pretty brave too.
{17029}{17105}- My name's Kovu.|- I'm Kiara.
{17197}{17258}Tag! You're it!
{17310}{17382}Tag! You're it! You're it!
{17458}{17588}Hello? You run, I tag.|Get it?
{17590}{17640}What's the matter?|Don't you know how to play?
{17982}{18040}- Zira.|- Simba.
{18186}{18232}- Nala.|- Zira.
{18234}{18334}Timon, Pumbaa. Great!|Now that we all know each other,
{18336}{18442}- Get out of our pride lands!|- Your pride lands?
{18529}{18612}These lands belong to Scar.
{18614}{18670}I banished you|from the pride lands.
{18673}{18737}Now, you and your|young cub, get out!
{18776}{18884}Oh, haven't you met|my son, Kovu?
{18886}{19020}He was hand-chosen by Scar|to follow in his paw prints,
{19022}{19097}and become king.
{19186}{19276}Pfft! That's not a king.|That's a fuzzy maraca.
{19278}{19337}Kovu was the last born...
{19340}{19424}before you exiled us|to the outlands,
{19426}{19537}where we have little food,|less water.
{19540}{19613}You know the penalty|for returning to the pride lands.
{19616}{19672}But the child does not!
{19674}{19801}However, if you need|your pound of flesh, here.
{19924}{19977}Take him and get out.
{19980}{20033}We're finished here.
{20078}{20149}- Oh!|- Oh, no, Simba.
{20150}{20273}We have barely begun.
{20870}{20949}- Simba?
{21226}{21305}- Kiara, what did you think|you were doing?
{21306}{21353}You could have|been killed today.
{21354}{21413}But, Daddy, I-I didn't|mean to diso...
{21414}{21486}I'm telling you this|because I love you.
{21489}{21558}- I don't want to lose you.|- I know.
{21561}{21650}If something happened to you,|I don't know what I'd do.
{21678}{21724}One day, I won't be here,
{21726}{21788}and I need you|to carry on in my place.
{21790}{21914}- You are part of the great circle of...|- "Circle of life". I know.
{21917}{21985}Exactly.|And you need to be careful.
{21986}{22065}- As future queen...|- What if I don't wanna be queen?
{22066}{22113}It's no fun.
{22114}{22174}That's like saying|you don't wanna be a lion.
{22177}{22250}It's in your blood, as I am.
{22253}{22318}- We are part of each other.|- Hmph.
{22678}{22746}* As you go through life|you'll see *
{22749}{22818}* There is so much|that we *
{22846}{22897}* Don't understand *
{22953}{23032}* And the only thing we know *
{23034}{23132}* Is things don't always go *
{23134}{23213}* The way we planned *
{23214}{23282}* But you'll see every day *
{23285}{23364}* That we'll never turn away *
{23366}{23470}* When it seems all your dreams|come undone *
{23473}{23569}* We will stand by your side *
{23570}{23669}* Filled with hope|and filled with pride *
{23670}{23748}* We are more than we are *
{23750}{23845}* We are one *|* One *
{23846}{23977}* We are one *
{23978}{24136}* We are one *
{24138}{24218}* If there's so much|I must be *
{24221}{24306}* Can I still just be me *
{24309}{24422}* The way I am *|* *
{24425}{24506}* Can I trust in my own heart *
{24509}{24606}* Or am I just one part *
{24609}{24696}* Of some big plan *
{24698}{24758}* Even those who are gone *
{24761}{24841}* Are with us as we go on *
{24842}{24973}* Your journey has only begun *
{24974}{25046}* Tears of pain|tears of joy *
{25048}{25124}* One thing nothing can destroy *
{25126}{25229}* is our pride deep inside *
{25230}{25268}* We are one *|* One *
{25268}{25302}* We are one *|* One *
{25388}{25463}* We are one *
{25537}{25654}* We are one *|* We are one, you and I *
{25656}{25740}* We are like the earth and sky *
{25742}{25873}* One family under the sun *
{25876}{25964}* All the wisdom to lead *
{25966}{26052}* All the courage that you need *
{26054}{26143}* You will find|when you see *
{26145}{26228}* We are one *|* One, one, one **
{26413}{26471}As long as you live here,
{26473}{26556}it's who you are.
{26592}{26662}You'll understand someday.
{27916}{27999}Kovu, Kovu, Kovu.|Scar wasn't even his father.
{28001}{28047}- He just took him in.
{28049}{28168}Oh, hey, Vitani, where's|the little termite Kovu...
{28170}{28216}"the Chosen One"?
{28312}{28359}Nuka, where's Kovu?
{28361}{28429}Did you leave him out there|on his own again?
{28431}{28499}Hey! It's every lion|for himself out here.
{28501}{28559}- That little termite's|gotta learn to be on his own.
{28561}{28639}Mother's gonna be mad.|She told you to watch him.
{28641}{28706}Oh, who cares?|I shoulda been the Chosen One.
{28708}{28771}I'm the oldest.|I'm the strongest. I'm the smartest...
{28773}{28897}Oh, these termites!
{28898}{29004}I could be a leader,|if she'd just give me a chance.
{29006}{29090}Yeah, right.|Why don't you tell that to her?
{29092}{29150}Yeah? Don't think I won't.
{29152}{29216}Oh, yeah?|Here's your chance.
{29218}{29292}- What? Oh! Mother. Mother! Hi!
{29294}{29367}Mother, I caught|some field mice for your dinner.
{29369}{29442}I left 'em by the, um...|by the... Okay.
{29478}{29524}Hey, Kovu,
{29526}{29612}wanna fight?
{29614}{29694}- You were supposed to be watching him.
{29696}{29778}It's not his fault.|I went off on my own.
{29780}{29830}- What were you doing?|- Nothing.
{29832}{29893}- Who has made us outsiders?|- Simba.
{29895}{29962}- Who killed Scar?|- Simba!
{29964}{30072}What have I told you|about them?
{30074}{30173}I'm sorry, Mother. Oh, I...|She didn't seem so bad.
{30175}{30226}Oh, I...|I thought we could be...
{30228}{30354}Friends? You thought|you'd get to the daughter,
{30356}{30425}and Simba would welcome you|with open arms?
{30427}{30514}What an idea.
{30516}{30606}What an idea!
{30608}{30746}- You brilliant child.|I'm so proud of you.
{30748}{30826}- You have the same conniving mind...
{30828}{30908}that made Scar so... powerful.
{30910}{30982}- Ugh. Yuch.
{31223}{31282}Bah. "Chosen One".
{31494}{31549}I now see the path...
{31551}{31643}to our glorious return...
{31645}{31696}to power!
{31698}{31753}- But I don't want...|- Hush!
{31755}{31830}Hush, my little one.
{31832}{31945}You must be exhausted.
{31947}{32031}* Sleep, my little Kovu *
{32033}{32118}* Let your dreams take wing *
{32120}{32216}* One day when you're|big and strong *
{32218}{32324}* You will be a king *
{32326}{32401}- Good night.|- Good night, my little prince.
{32403}{32489}Tomorrow your training|intensifies.
{32520}{32578}* I've been exiled, persecuted *
{32580}{32626}* Left alone with no defense *
{32628}{32696}* When I think of what|that brute did *
{32698}{32754}* I get a little tense *
{32756}{32815}* But I dream a dream|so pretty *
{32817}{32878}* That I don't feel|so depressed *
{32880}{32945}* 'Cause it soothes|my inner kitty *
{32947}{33002}* And it helps me|get some rest *
{33004}{33064}* The sound of Simba's|dying gasp *
{33114}{33180}* His daughter squealing|in my grasp *
{33182}{33278}* His lioness's|mournful cry *
{33280}{33370}* That's my lullaby *
{33372}{33422}* Now, the past|I've tried forgetting *
{33424}{33484}* And my foes|I could forgive *
{33486}{33546}* Trouble is|I know it's petty *
{33548}{33616}* But I hate|to let them live *
{33618}{33664}* So you found|yourself somebody *
{33666}{33722}* Who'll chase Simba|up a tree *
{33724}{33786}* Oh, the battle|may be bloody *
{33788}{33853}* But that kind of works for me *
{33855}{33948}* The melody of angry growls *
{33950}{34040}* A counterpoint of painful howls *
{34042}{34118}* A symphony of death|Oh, my *
{34120}{34188}* That's my lullaby *
{34225}{34326}* Scar is gone|But Zira's still around *
{34328}{34416}* To love this little lad *
{34418}{34494}* Till he learns to be|a killer *
{34496}{34607}* With a lust|for being bad *
{34676}{34797}* Sleep, ya little termite|I mean, precious little thing *
{34799}{34862}* One day when you're|big and strong *
{34864}{34924}* You will be a king *
{34996}{35077}* The pounding of|the drums of war *
{35079}{35140}* The thrill of|Kovu's mighty roar *
{35142}{35214}* The joy of vengeance *|- Testify!
{35216}{35264}* I can hear the cheering *
{35266}{35306}* Kovu... what a guy *|* Kovu... what a guy *
{35308}{35350}* Payback time is nearing *
{35352}{35422}* And then our flag will fly *
{35424}{35530}* Against a blood-red sky *
{35532}{35674}* That's my lullaby *
{36032}{36148}Oh, Mufasa.|Every day Kiara grows more beautiful,
{36151}{36278}into a queen that will someday|make us all very proud.
{36280}{36366}But this cub, Kovu,|grows stronger,
{36368}{36434}and Zira fills|his heart with hate.
{36436}{36498}I'm very worried, Mufasa.
{36500}{36594}Things are not|going well, no.
{36630}{36703}Hmm? You have a plan?
{36888}{36995}Kovu? Kiara?
{37046}{37106}This is the plan?
{37108}{37176}Are you crazy?|This will never work.
{37179}{37255}Oh, Mufasa, you been up there too long.|Your head is in the clouds.
{37258}{37390}Okay, okay, okay.|Okay, all right, okay!
{37392}{37467}I don't think this is|going to work, but I trust you.
{37470}{37538}I just hope you know|what you are doing!
{37756}{37839}You are ready!
{37842}{37916}Mm, nice.
{37919}{37994}Very... nice.
{38044}{38147}- You have the same blackness|in your soul that Scar had.
{38150}{38198}What is your destiny?
{38200}{38259}I will avenge Scar.
{38260}{38370}- Take his place in the pride lands.|- Yes! What have I taught you?
{38372}{38423}Simba is the enemy.
{38426}{38510}And what must you do?
{38512}{38575}I must kill him.
{38925}{39039}This is Kiara's first hunt.
{39042}{39135}- There she is!|- Kiara.
{39193}{39251}- Aha!|- You can do it.
{39253}{39299}It's your day.
{39349}{39415}My, how you've grown.
{39503}{39586}Hmm. You'll do just fine.
{39589}{39669}Daddy? You have to promise|to let me do this on my own.
{39783}{39859}All right. I promise.
{40516}{40577}Make sure she doesn't get hurt.
{40579}{40654}- Ah! Mm.
{41143}{41253}Eww. This place is even creepier|since the hyenas ran off.
{41255}{41301}Oh, sheesh.
{41303}{41379}I'm not scared, okay?
{41445}{41533}I just don't know why|we have to be here, that's all.
{41535}{41602}If Kovu is so special,|why does he need us?
{41604}{41667}I never even had a chance!
{41807}{41879}That's it!|Well, come on.
{41882}{41945}Kiara has started her hunt.|We have to move quickly.
{42013}{42084}Ow, fire!
{42360}{42411}Hut! Hut!
{42822}{42879}Tango Charlie Alpha.|What's your position?
{42880}{43012}Uh... upright? Head turned|slightly to the left, tail erect.
{43015}{43079}Why do I bother?
{43211}{43303}- Ooh.
{43706}{43786}This must be where|the deer and the antelope play.
{43855}{43938}- Timon, what are you doing here?
{43940}{44018}Uh, shopping!|We thought a nice pelt for the den,
{44020}{44067}some throw pillows,|a little potpourri...
{44070}{44171}My father sent you. After he promised|to let me do this on my own, he lied.
{44172}{44240}No. He just doesn't|want you to get hurt.
{44243}{44328}I should have known|he'd never give me a real chance.
{44331}{44424}I'll do this on my own!|Away from the pride lands.
{44427}{44486}Hey! Wait!|Come back! Ah!
{44488}{44566}- Look behind you!|- Kiara! Come back!
{44568}{44630}Oh-ho! She's gone again.
{44632}{44717}Somebody's gotta get|a beeper for this kid.
{44955}{45020}Let's light fires!
{45158}{45266}* Roasty-toasty princess|roasty-toasty princess *
{45268}{45346}Hey, is it hot in here,|or is that just me?
{45422}{45498}- Come on.
{46172}{46260}The plan is in motion. Go!
{46398}{46483}Don't worry, Simba.|She'll be fine!
{46486}{46535}What could happen?
{46536}{46615}No! No! Kiara!
{46618}{46712}- Zazu! Fly ahead! Find her!
{48981}{49046}I must tell Simba!
{49285}{49401}- Where am I?|- You're safe. I n the pride lands.
{49402}{49477}The pride lands? No!
{49478}{49538}Why'd you bring me here?|Who do you think you are?
{49541}{49621}I think I'm the one|that just saved your life.
{49622}{49681}Look, I had everything|under control.
{49682}{49755}- Not from where I'm standing.|- Then move downwind.
{50003}{50053}What are you doing?
{50219}{50271}Kiara, you're all right.
{50274}{50319}Father, how could you|breakyour promise?
{50322}{50378}It's a good thing I did.|I almost lost you.
{50379}{50426}No more hunts for you.|Not ever.
{50427}{50494}But I was doing just fine!|Even before Kovu...
{50630}{50679}Hey! You!
{50682}{50767}How dare you save|the king's daughter?
{50770}{50835}You saved her? Why?
{50838}{50919}- I humbly ask to join your pride.|- No!
{50922}{50978}You were banished|with the other outsiders.
{50979}{51053}I have left the outsiders.|I am a rogue.
{51055}{51143}Judge me now for who I am.
{51146}{51253}Or am I to be blamed|for a crime I didn't commit?
{51326}{51395}Simba, you owe him|your daughter's life.
{51434}{51501}Hmm, yes, sire.|Clearly we are in his debt.
{51502}{51585}And royal protocol demands|that all debts be paid.
{51586}{51654}Though in this case,|you might want to make an exception.
{51777}{51849}My father's law will prevail.
{51850}{51918}For now, I reserve judgment.
{51919}{51969}We'll see who you really are.
{52051}{52106}Hmph! Riffraff.
{53258}{53355}Hey, uh, thanks|for saving me today.
{53358}{53441}What kind of hunter|are you, anyway... Princess?
{53442}{53495}You almost got yourself|killed out there.
{53498}{53590}- What?|- You wouldn't last|three days on your own.
{53591}{53671}Oh, and I suppose you|could teach me?
{53674}{53723}Oh. Yeah.
{53726}{53794}- Kiara!|- Coming.
{53834}{53909}All right! Impress me.
{53910}{53969}We start at dawn.
{54010}{54107}I look forward to it.
{54174}{54273}Did you see that?
{54274}{54351}- He let her go! If that were me, I...|- Hush.
{54354}{54399}The fire rescue|worked perfectly,
{54402}{54447}and Simba fell for it.
{54450}{54526}Now, the closer Kovu|gets to the daughter,
{54529}{54603}the closer he gets|to Simba!
{54646}{54729}And once he has Simba alone...
{54979}{55063}Simba! Simba!
{55066}{55155}- Help me!|- Father!
{55263}{55335}No! Dad!
{55338}{55401}Just a little farther.
{55451}{55498}- Gotcha!
{55499}{55615}- Trust me.|- Simba!
{55679}{55771}- Scar.
{55819}{55866}- Kovu?|- Hyah!
{57059}{57111}Good morning.
{57114}{57211}I'm ready for my first lesson.|Surprised ya, huh?
{57246}{57327}Hey, come on.|Let's go.
{57561}{57657}- Ow.
{57739}{57786}Ow! Ow.
{57854}{57922}Three, two, one.
{57995}{58057}You could hear me, huh?
{58059}{58106}Only a lot.
{58146}{58191}You're still breathing too hard.
{58194}{58275}Relax. Feel the earth|under your paws,
{58278}{58337}so it doesn't shift|and make noise.
{58430}{58541}Shh! Watch the master and learn.
{58711}{58758}Don't eat me, please.
{58759}{58839}I never really met your tyrant...|I mean, uh, Scar. Scar.
{58842}{58887}Oh, heck of a guy.|A little moody, but...
{58890}{58967}Timon, what are|you doing here?
{58970}{59026}Kiara! Thank goodness!
{59027}{59097}Oh! Hey, for once,|we're not followin' ya.
{59098}{59179}This just happens to be|the best smorgasbord in the pride lands.
{59182}{59243}Bugs everywhere!
{59246}{59315}But, you don't call|for a reservation, and... Yeesh!
{59318}{59386}Get outta here, ya scavengers.|Go on! Shoo!
{59387}{59439}- Shoo! Ow!
{59442}{59525}Oh-ho-ho. Oh!
{59671}{59786}- Oh, Timon! I'm gettin' tired.
{59787}{59850}I gotta lose some pounds.
{59853}{59903}Shoo! Go on!|Shoo! Shoo!
{59906}{59969}- Hey, maybe he could help.
{59970}{60017}- Do you think?|- Shoo!
{60018}{60103}Oh, yeah, there's an idea.|Right. Let the vicious outsider...
{60106}{60175}Hey! Wait!|I have an idea.
{60206}{60262}- What if he helps?|- What?
{60263}{60341}You want to lend|a voice? Hah?
{60342}{60422}Grr. Gr...|Roar! Work with me!
{60423}{60497}- Uh, huh?|- Like this.
{60552}{60624}Whoo-hoo! Come on.|Do it again. Do it again.
{60625}{60708}- Yee-ha!
{60709}{60790}Why are we doing this?|What's the point of this training?
{60792}{60856}Training? This is just for fun!
{60916}{60963}- Fun?
{60965}{61020}Yeesh, kid.|Ya gotta get out more often.
{61022}{61078}Fun! Yee-ha!
{61141}{61200}Woo-hoo! Yee-ha!
{61201}{61248}- Yee-ha!
{61249}{61292}- Yee-ha!
{61404}{61461}- Yee-ha!|- Yee- ha!
{61594}{61657}- Uh-oh.
{61660}{61725}- Wow!
{61880}{61925}- Whoa!|- Whoa!
{61928}{61973}Hey, rhino!
{62152}{62233}- What a blast!|- Oh. Sorry.
{62236}{62294}- Aha! You're okay, kid.
{62296}{62344}- Hey!|- You're okay.
{62345}{62419}- Kid.|- Excuse me. Pardon me. Pardon me.
{62421}{62495}- That's it. That's it. That's it. Ooh...
{62497}{62588}- Ahem.
{62590}{62720}- Um... Sorry. Uh...
{62721}{62801}- Hey, are you two|coming or what?
{62928}{62994}Did you see that?|Did you see that? Watch.
{62996}{63083}- Oh, wow. Look at that.|It's really pretty.|- What? Oh, yeah.
{63085}{63165}You're right.|Oh, look!
{63168}{63253}There's one that looks like|a baby rabbit. See the fluffy tail?
{63256}{63316}Yeah. Hey!
{63318}{63400}There's one that looks like two lions|killing each other for a scrap of meat.
{63401}{63468}Hey, I've never done this before.
{63469}{63598}Really? My father and I|used to do this all the time.
{63600}{63719}He says all the great kings|of the past are up there.
{63721}{63773}Do ya think Scar's up there?
{63953}{64044}He wasn't my father,|but he was still... part of me.
{64101}{64169}My father said|there was a...
{64172}{64278}a darkness in Scar|that he couldn't escape.
{64280}{64399}Maybe there's|a darkness in me too.
{64617}{64742}Father, I am lost.|Kovu is one of them.
{64744}{64800}Scar's heir.
{64801}{64865}- How can I accept him?|- Simba?
{64948}{65021}I was seeking counsel|from the great kings.
{65024}{65081}- Did they help?
{65084}{65153}Silent as stars. My father would never...
{65156}{65201}Oh, my Simba.
{65204}{65284}You want so much|to walk the path expected of you.
{65285}{65376}- Perhaps Kovu does not.|- What? How do you know...
{65377}{65500}I can see them down there|Just as easily as you can.
{65502}{65556}Get to know him and see.
{65848}{65909}- What's wrong?
{65974}{66066}- Kovu...|- It's just that my whole life|I've been trained to...
{66116}{66185}- I gotta go.|- Kovu, wait.
{66341}{66391}And where are you going?
{66456}{66519}Ha! That's what you think!
{66554}{66636}- Who was that?|- Uh, friend of the family.
{66637}{66702}Mm. Mm- hmm.|Mm- hmm. Mm- hmm. Come on!
{66704}{66814}You follow old Rafiki.|He knows the way.
{66816}{66921}- The way to where?|- You follow! You'll see!
{66948}{67016}Hurry now!
{67017}{67093}Kovu, come on!
{67152}{67225}Where's he taking us?
{67228}{67357}A place in your heart|called Upendi.
{67621}{67668}* There's a place|where the crazy moon *
{67669}{67734}* Makes the monkeys sing|and the baboons woon *
{67736}{67794}* And the sultry scent|of the lotus bloom *
{67796}{67862}* Will carry you away *
{67864}{67921}* While the hippos swing|from the jungle vines *
{67924}{67992}* And the rhino rumba|in a conga line *
{67993}{68052}* All the pink flamingoes|are intertwined *
{68054}{68108}* As the stars come out to play|Uhh *
{68110}{68233}* In Upendi where|the passion fruit grows sweet *
{68236}{68312}* And it's so divine|that you lose your mind *
{68314}{68396}* As it sweeps you|off your feet *
{68397}{68500}* I n Upendi|without a worry or a care *
{68501}{68568}* it just takes two|to make it true *
{68569}{68629}* Your heart will lead you there *
{68632}{68689}- Where is it?|* In Upendi *
{68692}{68741}- No place you don't take with you.|* In Upendi *
{68792}{68849}* Better watch your step|'cause the path is steep *
{68852}{68912}* Better hold your breath|'cause the water's deep *
{68914}{68984}* It's a long way down|over Lover's Leap *
{68986}{69033}* But falling's half the fun *
{69036}{69107}* In Upendi *
{69109}{69176}* Where the passion fruit|grows sweet *
{69177}{69244}* And it's so divine|that you'll lose your mind *
{69245}{69293}* As it sweeps you|off your feet *
{69296}{69433}* In Upendi|without a worry or a care *
{69436}{69494}* It just takes two|to make it true *
{69496}{69552}* Your heart will|take you there *
{69593}{69654}* You can beat the bush|like there's no tomorrow *
{69656}{69728}* From Tanganyika|to Kilimanjaro *
{69729}{69780}* But you'll find Upendi|wherever you are *
{69782}{69872}* Oh, underneath the sun *|- Upendi. It means love, doesn't it?
{69873}{69949}* Welcome to Upendi *
{69952}{70071}* In Upendi *|* Where the passion fruit grows sweet *
{70073}{70140}* Oh, it's so divine|that you'll lose your mind *
{70141}{70205}* As it sweeps you|off your feet *
{70208}{70324}* In Upendi|without a worry or a care *
{70326}{70390}* It just takes two|to make it true *
{70392}{70489}* Your heart *|* Heart *
{70492}{70584}* Will take you there *
{70585}{70652}* Upendi *
{70654}{70781}* Down in Upendi, way down in Upendi *
{70784}{70893}* Down in Upendi, way down in Upendi *|* In Upendi, in Upendi *
{70896}{71001}* Down in Upendi, way down in Upendi *|* In Upendi, in Upendi *
{71052}{71112}* In Upendi *
{71114}{71212}* In Upendi, in Upendi **
{71308}{71376}- Good night.|- Good night.
{72117}{72200}It's kinda cold tonight, huh?|Come on in.
{72349}{72419}Get him!
{72421}{72504}What are you waiting for?|Kovu, get him!
{72651}{72736}- You're sure?|- Affirmative. I saw it with my own eyes.
{72738}{72830}No. Kovu cannot betray us.
{73026}{73096}Okay, I have|to tell her today.
{73098}{73176}Oh, where do I start?
{73178}{73272}"Kiara, Zira had a plot,|and I was part of it,
{73274}{73357}but I don't wanna be because...
{73359}{73419}It's because I love you".
{73422}{73488}Aw, she'll never believe me.
{73523}{73571}But I gotta try.
{73573}{73653}Kiara, I...|I need to talk to you.
{73656}{73713}- Kiara, I don't want you|talking with him.
{73748}{73793}I want to talk with him.
{74213}{74283}Scar couldn't|let go of his hate,
{74285}{74332}and in the end,|it destroyed him.
{74333}{74412}I've never heard|the story of Scar that way.
{74414}{74460}He truly was a killer.
{74502}{74560}Fire is a killer.
{74563}{74656}Sometimes what's left behind can grow|better than the generation before...
{74703}{74776}if given the chance.
{74911}{75007}Oh, no. No!
{75010}{75112}- Why, Simba.|- Zira.
{75115}{75220}What are you doing out here...|and so alone?
{75322}{75368}Well done, Kovu.
{75370}{75424}Just like we always planned.
{75427}{75512}- You!|- No! I didn't have|anything to do with this!
{75515}{75584}- Attack!
{75587}{75704}- No!
{75927}{76011}Yes! We've got him!
{76014}{76068}- Remember your training!
{76071}{76154}As a unit!
{76472}{76536}- Simba!|- Get him, Kovu! Get him!
{76539}{76594}Do it now!
{76596}{76676}I'll do it for you, Mother!
{76759}{76806}Mother, are you watching?
{76808}{76890}I'm doin' it for you,|and I'm doin' it for me.
{76892}{76938}- Uh!
{76940}{77052}- This is my moment of glory!
{77055}{77102}- What? No!|- No!
{77104}{77150}- Ow!
{77227}{77304}- Uh...
{77820}{77918}- Nuka!|- I'm sorry, Mother.
{77920}{77966}I tried.
{77968}{78032}- Shh!
{78143}{78230}- Nuka.
{78415}{78466}Father! Zazu, get help!
{78468}{78524}Oh, yes! Help!|At once! Of course!
{78572}{78638}- Father!
{78682}{78766}Simba, talk to me!|What happened?
{78768}{78882}Kovu... Ambush.
{78977}{79038}It's all right, buddy.|We're here for you.
{79149}{79254}Scar, watch over|my poor Nuka.
{79313}{79398}- You!
{79549}{79614}What have you done?
{79617}{79672}I didn't...|I didn't mean to.
{79674}{79744}It wasn't my fault. I...
{79745}{79792}I did nothing.
{79793}{79918}Exactly! And in doing so,|you betrayed your pride...
{79921}{79978}Betrayed Scar!
{79981}{80034}I want nothing more|to do with him!
{80037}{80143}You cannot escape it.|Nuka is dead because of you!
{80145}{80224}- No.|- You've killed your own brother!
{80225}{80311}- No!
{80313}{80422}Let him go.|Simba has hurt me for the last time.
{80425}{80480}Now he has corrupted Kovu!
{80481}{80574}Listen to me.|Simba is injured and weak.
{80577}{80638}Now is the time to attack!
{80641}{80712}We will take|his entire kingdom...
{80713}{80800}- by force!
{81009}{81080}- Daddy, it can't be true.|- It's Kovu!
{81081}{81142}- Hey!|- It's Kovu!
{81145}{81240}- Kovu!
{81397}{81476}Oh! Why, I oughta...|Let me at 'im! Let me at 'im!
{81477}{81524}- Here. Hold me back.|- Okay.
{81525}{81586}- Let me at 'im! Let me at 'im!|- Okay.
{81589}{81683}- I think you're missing|the basic point here.|- Oh.
{81685}{81732}What's he doing?
{81733}{81780}Look at that scar|on his face.
{81833}{81952}- Why have you come back?|- Simba, I had nothing to do with...
{81953}{82050}- You don't belong here.|- Please. I ask your forgiveness.
{82053}{82116}Daddy, please!|Listen to him!
{82117}{82214}Silence! When you first|came here you asked for judgment.
{82217}{82334}- And I pass it now!|-
{82337}{82386}- Exile!|- No!
{82946}{83000}* Deception *
{83001}{83062}* Disgrace *
{83065}{83168}* Evil as plain|as the scar on his face *
{83169}{83226}* Deception *|* An outrage *
{83229}{83284}* Disgrace *|* For shame *
{83285}{83392}* He asked for trouble|the moment he came *
{83393}{83454}* Deception *|* An outrage *
{83457}{83514}* Disgrace *|* For shame *
{83517}{83622}* Evil as plain|as the scar on his face *
{83625}{83680}* Deception *|* An outrage *
{83682}{83738}* Disgrace *|* For shame *
{83741}{83798}* He asked for trouble|the moment he came *
{83801}{83850}* See ya later, agitator *
{83853}{83954}* Born in grief|Raised in hate *
{83957}{84108}* Helpless to defy his fate *
{84111}{84183}* Let him run, let him live *
{84185}{84337}* But do not forget|what we never forgive *
{84340}{84417}* He is not *
{84420}{84480}* One of us *
{84483}{84587}* He has never been|one of us *
{84589}{84701}* He is not one of us *
{84704}{84813}* Not our kind *
{84816}{84919}* Someone once lied to us *
{84921}{85029}* Now we're not so blind *
{85032}{85149}* For we knew he would do|what he's done *
{85152}{85201}* And we know that|he'll never be *
{85204}{85265}* One of us *
{85268}{85375}* He is not one of us *
{85481}{85537}* Deception *
{85540}{85603}* Disgrace *
{85671}{85764}* Mmm-mm, deception *
{85765}{85820}* Disgrace *
{85923}{86017}* Deception **
{86228}{86289}- Father, please reconsider.|- You will not go anywhere...
{86292}{86337}without an escort from now on.
{86340}{86409}- No! That's not...|- He used you to get to me.
{86412}{86529}- No! He loves me... for me!|- Because you are my daughter.
{86532}{86593}You will not leave Pride Rock.
{86596}{86677}You will stay where I can|keep an eye on you... away from him.
{86680}{86791}- You don't know him!|- I know he's following|in Scar's paw prints.
{86792}{86901}- And I must follow in my father's.|- You will never be Mufasa.
{88618}{88715}* In a perfect world *
{88718}{88827}* One we've never known *
{88829}{88905}* We would never need *
{88907}{88989}* To face the world alone *
{89023}{89116}* They can have the world *
{89118}{89239}* We'll create our own *
{89242}{89341}* I may not be brave|or strong or smart *
{89343}{89436}* But somewhere|in my secret heart *
{89438}{89487}* I know *
{89490}{89580}* Love will find a way *
{89582}{89652}* Anywhere I go *
{89654}{89708}* I'm home *
{89710}{89795}* If you are there beside me *
{89797}{89927}* Like dark turning into day *
{89930}{90013}* Somehow we'll come through *
{90015}{90105}* Now that I've found you *
{90107}{90239}* Love will find a way *
{90305}{90396}* I was so afraid *
{90398}{90495}* Now I realize *
{90497}{90571}* Love is never wrong *
{90574}{90676}* And so it never dies *
{90678}{90763}* There's a perfect world *
{90766}{90853}* Shining in your eyes *
{90901}{90980}* And if only they could feel it too *
{90982}{91067}* The happiness|I feel with you *
{91070}{91122}* They'd know *
{91124}{91206}* Love will find a way *
{91208}{91332}* Anywhere we go we're home *
{91334}{91434}* If we are there together *
{91436}{91576}* Like dark turning into day *
{91578}{91665}* Somehow we'll come through *
{91667}{91758}* Now that I've found you *
{91760}{91853}* Love will find a way *
{91855}{91910}* I know *
{91912}{92000}* Love will find *
{92002}{92111}* A way **
{92632}{92677}Uh, hey.
{92768}{92813}Hey, look.
{92816}{92901}We are one.
{92952}{93029}Let's get out of here.|We'll run away together!
{93032}{93099}And start a pride|all our own.
{93156}{93203}we have to go back.
{93204}{93261}You're kidding.|But we're finally together.
{93264}{93335}Our place is with our pride.
{93336}{93411}If we run away,
{93412}{93461}they'll be divided forever.
{94099}{94147}I can't believe we lost her again.
{94150}{94196}This is the 8,000th time!
{94198}{94245}- I thought you were gonna watch her!
{94247}{94297}- Me? You were gonna watch her!|- I thought you were gonna watch her!
{94299}{94345}- No, you were gonna watch her!|- You were gonna watch her!
{94347}{94455}- Oh, watch this!|- Take that,|you creepy warthog!
{94458}{94537}- Say it! Say it!
{94539}{94593}- What are you doing?|- Uh...
{94595}{94655}Good question.|Uh, let me ask you one.
{94658}{94725}- "Hippo-thetically".|- Very hypothetical.
{94727}{94773}- There's this guy...|- But he's not a lion.
{94775}{94823}No! No,|he's not a lion.
{94826}{94884}Geez! Definitely not a lion!
{94886}{94935}And uh, uh,|his daughter, uh,
{94937}{94984}say... vanished.
{94986}{95080}- Kiara's gone?|- Sire, the outsiders are on the attack!
{95082}{95140}Heading this way!|It's war!
{95142}{95257}Zazu, find Kiara. We'll assemble|the lionesses. Move. Now!
{96289}{96338}* Na-na-na na-na-na **
{96340}{96408}It's over, Simba.
{96410}{96510}I have dreamed|of nothing else for years.
{96513}{96559}Oy, does she need a hobby.
{96561}{96614}Last chance, Zira. Go home.
{96617}{96687}I am home.
{97088}{97150}- Go for the eyes!
{97153}{97258}- Break his jaw! Hit him low!
{97260}{97343}Get them!|Do what you must!
{97596}{97642}What do we do?|What do we do?
{97644}{97697}There's only one thing|we can do, Pumbaa.
{97699}{97798}"When the going gets tough,|the tough get going". That's our motto!
{97801}{97874}I thought our motto was,|"Hakuna matata".
{97877}{97926}Pumbaa, stop living in the past.
{97928}{98022}- We need a new motto. Yee-ha!|- Whoo!
{98112}{98190}Like I said,|let's get going!
{98416}{98502}- Where's your pretty daughter, Nala?|- Vitani!
{98590}{98671}Look out! Ow!
{98745}{98842}- Huh?
{98905}{98956}- Don't anybody move!
{98958}{99022}This thing's loaded.|I'll let you have it!
{99025}{99090}- Yeah! Yeah!
{99141}{99223}- Ha! Talk about your winds of war!
{99225}{99294}- Simba!
{99335}{99390}You're mine!
{100001}{100078}- Kiara?|- Kovu!
{100105}{100211}- Move.|- Stand aside.
{100213}{100262}Daddy, this has to stop.
{100305}{100394}You're even weaker than I thought.|Get out of the way!
{100396}{100530}You'll never hurt Kiara... or Simba.|Not while I'm here.
{100532}{100598}- Hah!|- Stay out of this.
{100600}{100717}A wise king once told me,|"We are one".
{100719}{100777}I didn't understand him then.
{100779}{100826}Now I do.
{100828}{100940}- But they...|- "Them"? Us! Look at them.
{100942}{101066}They are us.|What differences do you see?
{101636}{101690}Vitani... now!
{101692}{101754}No, Mother.
{101780}{101847}Kiara's right.
{102000}{102066}If you will not fight,
{102069}{102142}then you will die as well.
{102214}{102290}What? Where are...|Where are you going?
{102293}{102339}Get back here!
{102341}{102435}Let it go, Zira.|It's time to put the past behind us.
{102437}{102500}I'll never let it go!
{102558}{102656}This is for you, Scar!
{103190}{103256}Hold on, Kiara!
{103401}{103483}Simba! Simba, the river!
{103741}{103812}Zira, give me your paw.
{103978}{104028}Zira, come on!
{104090}{104142}- I'll help you.|- Ohh!
{104737}{104814}- Kiara?
{104881}{104922}I tried.
{105030}{105100}- Wow! That was really brave!
{105151}{105217}- Kovu.|- Oh, Kiara.
{105333}{105405}I was wrong.|You belong here.
{105550}{105595}Let's go home.
{105639}{105681}All of us.
{106419}{106505}- I love moments like this!|- Yeah.
{106507}{106569}Love! Not "like",
{107974}{108063}Well done, my son.
{108278}{108331}We are one.
{110143}{110254}* Ooh, ooh *
{110401}{110492}* In a perfect world *
{110494}{110590}* One we've never known *
{110592}{110670}* We would never need *
{110672}{110759}* To face the world alone *
{110790}{110884}* They can have their world *
{110886}{111005}* We'll create our own *
{111006}{111113}* I may not be brave|or strong or smart *
{111115}{111206}* But somewhere|in my secret heart *
{111208}{111261}* I know *
{111263}{111358}* Love will find a way *
{111359}{111498}* Anywhere I go|I'm home *
{111499}{111599}* If you are there|beside of me *
{111601}{111652}* Like dark *
{111654}{111750}* Turning into day *
{111752}{111845}* Somehow we'll come through *
{111846}{111943}* Now that I found you *
{111945}{112085}* Love will find a way *
{112164}{112253}* I was so afraid *
{112254}{112354}* Now I realize *
{112356}{112426}* Love is never wrong *
{112428}{112537}* And so, it never dies *
{112539}{112637}* Mmm, there's a perfect world *
{112639}{112765}* Shining in your eyes *
{112766}{112865}* And if only they|could feel it too *
{112867}{112967}* The happiness|I feel with you *
{112969}{113018}* They'd know *
{113020}{113114}* Love will find a way *
{113116}{113257}* Anywhere we go|we're home *
{113258}{113357}* If we are there together *
{113359}{113407}* Like dark *
{113409}{113503}* Turning into day *
{113505}{113601}* Somehow we'll come through *
{113603}{113700}* Now that I found you *
{113702}{113847}* Love will find a way *
{113966}{114038}* Oh, yeah *
{114484}{114577}* I know *
{114578}{114673}* Love will find a way *|* Oh, yes, it will *
{114674}{114799}* nywhere we go I'm home *|* I'm home, right there *
{114801}{114918}* If we are there together *
{114920}{114969}* Like dark *
{114971}{115067}* Turning into day *
{115069}{115164}* Somehow we'll come through *
{115166}{115263}* Now that I found you *
{115265}{115384}* Love will find a way *
{115386}{115485}* I know love will find *
{115487}{115536}* A way *
{115538}{115634}* I know *
{115662}{115757}* Love will find *
{115759}{115862}* A *
{115863}{115983}* Way **
(영화대본) 라이온 킹 1탄
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
Life's not fair, is it?
<SYNC Start=280583><P Class=EGCC>
You see I -- well,
<SYNC Start=281583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=282833><P Class=EGCC>
I... shall never be King.
<SYNC Start=284833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=285833><P Class=EGCC>
And you...
<SYNC Start=287083><P Class=EGCC>
shall never see the light of another day. ... Adieu...
<SYNC Start=290667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=292833><P Class=EGCC>
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?
<SYNC Start=295083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=295583><P Class=EGCC>
What do you want?
<SYNC Start=296750><P Class=EGCC>
I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way.
<SYNC Start=300083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=300417><P Class=EGCC>
So you'd better have a good excuse<br>
for missing the ceremony this morning.
<SYNC Start=303833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=304417><P Class=EGCC>
Oh now look, Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch.
<SYNC Start=307500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=308000><P Class=EGCC>
Hah! You'll lose more than that when<br>
the King gets through with you.
<SYNC Start=310500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=310750><P Class=EGCC>
He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.
<SYNC Start=312750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=312833><P Class=EGCC>
Ohhh... I quiver with FEAR.
<SYNC Start=316500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=316667><P Class=EGCC>
Now Scar, don't look at me that way...
<SYNC Start=318833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=319000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=321000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=322500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=322583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=323333><P Class=EGCC>
Drop him.
<SYNC Start=324250><P Class=EGCC>
Impeccable timing, your majesty.
<SYNC Start=326417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=329667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=330667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=330917><P Class=EGCC>
Why! If it isn't my big brother descending <br>
from on high to mingle with the commoners.
<SYNC Start=335917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=336083><P Class=EGCC>
Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.
<SYNC Start=339250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=339750><P Class=EGCC>
That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful.
<SYNC Start=345250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=346333><P Class=EGCC>
...Must have slipped my mind.
<SYNC Start=348333><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is,<br>
as the king's brother,<br>
you should have been first in line!
<SYNC Start=354333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=356500><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I was first in line, ... until the little hairball was born.
<SYNC Start=359833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=359917><P Class=EGCC>
"That ""hairball"" is my son -and your future king."
<SYNC Start=364250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=365083><P Class=EGCC>
Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy.
<SYNC Start=367250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=368000><P Class=EGCC>
Don't turn your back on me, Scar.
<SYNC Start=370417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=371083><P Class=EGCC>
On, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.
<SYNC Start=374250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=375833><P Class=EGCC>
Is that a challenge?
<SYNC Start=377750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=378000><P Class=EGCC>
Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you.
<SYNC Start=382417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=382833><P Class=EGCC>
Pity! Why not?
<SYNC Start=384833><P Class=EGCC>
Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share.
<SYNC Start=387500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=388083><P Class=EGCC>
But, when it comes to brute strength ...
<SYNC Start=390083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=390417><P Class=EGCC>
I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.
<SYNC Start=394417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=398917><P Class=EGCC>
There's one in every family sire...
<SYNC Start=400917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=401333><P Class=EGCC>
Two in mine actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions.
<SYNC Start=405333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=406333><P Class=EGCC>
What am I going to do with him?
<SYNC Start=408333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=408750><P Class=EGCC>
He'd make a very handsome throw rug.
<SYNC Start=410417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=410500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=411667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=411917><P Class=EGCC>
And just think! Whenever he gets dirty,
<SYNC Start=413833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=414500><P Class=EGCC>
you could take him out and beat him.
<SYNC Start=416500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=455500><P Class=EGCC>
Hmmm... Ah heh heh heh heh heh...
<SYNC Start=458833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=461250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=461917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=463583><P Class=EGCC>
Hmmm... Ah heh heh heh heh heh.
<SYNC Start=465583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=477167><P Class=EGCC>
Dad! Daad! Come on, Dad, we gotta go, wake up!
<SYNC Start=480000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=480333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=482083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=482333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=483583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=484083><P Class=EGCC>
Dad? Daad. Dad, ...
<SYNC Start=486583><P Class=EGCC>
Your son.... is awake....
<SYNC Start=488583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=488667><P Class=EGCC>
Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad...
<SYNC Start=490250><P Class=EGCC>
Before sunrise, he's your son.
<SYNC Start=492250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=492583><P Class=EGCC>
Dad? Daad! Come on, Dad! Daa- Whoa!
<SYNC Start=495917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=498667><P Class=EGCC>
You promised!
<SYNC Start=500333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=501833><P Class=EGCC>
Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm up.
<SYNC Start=504000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=504167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=505917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=520333><P Class=EGCC>
Look Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom.
<SYNC Start=525500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=526000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=527667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=528167><P Class=EGCC>
A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.
<SYNC Start=532083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=532667><P Class=EGCC>
One day Simba, the sun will set on my time here
<SYNC Start=536667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=536750><P Class=EGCC>
and will rise with you as the new king.
<SYNC Start=539667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=539750><P Class=EGCC>
And this'll all be mine?
<SYNC Start=541750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=541917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=543583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=544417><P Class=EGCC>
Everything the light touches...What about that shadowy place?
<SYNC Start=547833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=548083><P Class=EGCC>
"That's beyond our borders; you must never go there, Simba."
<SYNC Start=552000><P Class=EGCC>
But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.
<SYNC Start=554500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=554667><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, there's more to being king than-- getting your way all the time.
<SYNC Start=557417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=557833><P Class=EGCC>
There's more?
<SYNC Start=559417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=559500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=561417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=563417><P Class=EGCC>
Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance.
<SYNC Start=567000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=568333><P Class=EGCC>
As king, you need to understand that balance,
<SYNC Start=570583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=570667><P Class=EGCC>
and respect all the creatures<br>
from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.
<SYNC Start=575000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=576000><P Class=EGCC>
But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
<SYNC Start=578250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=578500><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, Simba, but let me explain.
<SYNC Start=580500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=581250><P Class=EGCC>
When we die,our bodies become the grass.
<SYNC Start=583583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=584000><P Class=EGCC>
And the antelope eat the grass.
<SYNC Start=586250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=586917><P Class=EGCC>
And so, we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.
<SYNC Start=591250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=591667><P Class=EGCC>
Good morning, sire!
<SYNC Start=593250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=593500><P Class=EGCC>
Good morning, Zazu.
<SYNC Start=595167><P Class=EGCC>
Checking in... with the morning report.
<SYNC Start=596833><P Class=EGCC>
Fire away.
<SYNC Start=598083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=598167><P Class=EGCC>
Well! The buzz from the bees is that <br>
the leopards are in a bit of a spot ...
<SYNC Start=600417><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, really?
<SYNC Start=601833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=601917><P Class=EGCC>
And the baboons are going ape over this.<br>
What are you doing, son?<br>
- What are you doing, son?
<SYNC Start=604500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=604583><P Class=EGCC>
- Of course, the giraffes are acting like they're above it all....<br>
- Pouncing.
<SYNC Start=606417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=606500><P Class=EGCC>
- Let an old pro show you how it's done.<br>
- The tick birds are pecking on the elephants.
<SYNC Start=608500><P Class=EGCC>
I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't ...
<SYNC Start=610333><P Class=EGCC>
Zazu, would you turn around?
<SYNC Start=612167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=612667><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, sire.The Cheetahs are hard up, but as I always say ...
<SYNC Start=614250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=614500><P Class=EGCC>
Stay low to the ground.
<SYNC Start=616000><P Class=EGCC>
Cheetahs never prosper...
<SYNC Start=617583><P Class=EGCC>
Okay, stay low to the ground, right yeah ...
<SYNC Start=619083><P Class=EGCC>
What's going on?<br>
A pouncing lesson.
<SYNC Start=620833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=621167><P Class=EGCC>
Oh very good. Pouncing.
<SYNC Start=622750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=623417><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no, sire, you can't be serious ...
<SYNC Start=626333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=627083><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, ... this is so humiliating.
<SYNC Start=629333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=629667><P Class=EGCC>
Try not to make a sound.
<SYNC Start=631333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=631417><P Class=EGCC>
What are you telling him Mufasa? Mufasa? ...Simba?
<SYNC Start=636000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=637333><P Class=EGCC>
Ha ha ha ha ha. That's very good. Ha ha ha...
<SYNC Start=641917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=642250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=643917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=644083><P Class=EGCC>
Sir. News from the underground.
<SYNC Start=645833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=645917><P Class=EGCC>
Now, this time--
<SYNC Start=647500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=647750><P Class=EGCC>
Sire! Hyenas!! In the Pride Lands!
<SYNC Start=649750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=649917><P Class=EGCC>
Zazu, take Simba home.
<SYNC Start=651917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=652167><P Class=EGCC>
Oh Dad, can't I come?
<SYNC Start=654083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=654167><P Class=EGCC>
No, son.
<SYNC Start=655917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=656000><P Class=EGCC>
I never get to go anywhere.
<SYNC Start=657750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=658000><P Class=EGCC>
"Oh young master, one day you will be king;"
<SYNC Start=660583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=661250><P Class=EGCC>
then you can chase those slobbering, mangy, <br>
stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.
<SYNC Start=667167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=674833><P Class=EGCC>
Hey Uncle Scar, guess what!
<SYNC Start=676833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=677500><P Class=EGCC>
I despise guessing games.
<SYNC Start=679417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=679917><P Class=EGCC>
I'm going to be king of Pride Rock.
<SYNC Start=681833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=681917><P Class=EGCC>
Oh goodee.
<SYNC Start=683833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=683917><P Class=EGCC>
My Dad just showed me the whole kingdom, <br>
and I'm going to rule it all. Heh heh.
<SYNC Start=688667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=689000><P Class=EGCC>
Yes. Well... forgive me for not leaping for joy.... <br>
Bad back, you know.
<SYNC Start=693833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=695500><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Uncle Scar? When I'm king, what will that make you?
<SYNC Start=700417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=700583><P Class=EGCC>
A monkey's uncle.
<SYNC Start=702583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=703250><P Class=EGCC>
Heh heh. You're so weird.
<SYNC Start=705167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=706417><P Class=EGCC>
You have no idea. ...<br>
So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?
<SYNC Start=709583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=711500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=712000><P Class=EGCC>
He didn't show you what's beyond<br>
that rise at the northern border...?
<SYNC Start=715583><P Class=EGCC>
Well, no... he said I can't go there.
<SYNC Start=717500><P Class=EGCC>
And he's absolutely right!
<SYNC Start=719500><P Class=EGCC>
It's far too dangerous. Only the bravest lions go there.
<SYNC Start=723333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=725000><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I'm brave! What's out th--
<SYNC Start=727000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=727750><P Class=EGCC>
"No, I'm sorry Simba; I just can't tell you."
<SYNC Start=729667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=729750><P Class=EGCC>
Why not?
<SYNC Start=731417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=731750><P Class=EGCC>
"Simba, Simba; I'm only looking out for<br>
the well-being of my favorite nephew."
<SYNC Start=734583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=734750><P Class=EGCC>
"Yeah, right; I'm your only nephew."
<SYNC Start=736750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=737000><P Class=EGCC>
All the more reason for me to be protective...
<SYNC Start=739500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=740833><P Class=EGCC>
An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince ... Oops!
<SYNC Start=743417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=743667><P Class=EGCC>
An elephant what? Whoa!
<SYNC Start=746250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=746667><P Class=EGCC>
Oh dear, I've said too much....
<SYNC Start=748917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=749333><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later,
<SYNC Start=752250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=752417><P Class=EGCC>
you being so clever and all....
<SYNC Start=755167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=755583><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, just do me one favor-- <br>
Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place.
<SYNC Start=760833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=761250><P Class=EGCC>
No problem.
<SYNC Start=763333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=763417><P Class=EGCC>
There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun.
<SYNC Start=767417><P Class=EGCC>
And remember... it's our little secret.
<SYNC Start=771667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=780667><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Nala.
<SYNC Start=781583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=781917><P Class=EGCC>
Hi, Simba.
<SYNC Start=783500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=783667><P Class=EGCC>
Come on. I just heard about this great place.
<SYNC Start=785583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=785667><P Class=EGCC>
Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath.
<SYNC Start=787500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=787667><P Class=EGCC>
And it's time for yours.
<SYNC Start=789583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=789667><P Class=EGCC>
Mom! ... Mom. You're messing up my mane.
<SYNC Start=794333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=795667><P Class=EGCC>
"Okay, okay; I'm clean. Can we go now?"
<SYNC Start=799000><P Class=EGCC>
So where are we going? It better not be anyplace dumb.
<SYNC Start=801833><P Class=EGCC>
No. It's really cool.
<SYNC Start=803750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=804167><P Class=EGCC>
"So where is this ""really cool"" place?"
<SYNC Start=806083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=806583><P Class=EGCC>
Oh.... uh ... around the water hole.
<SYNC Start=809083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=809500><P Class=EGCC>
The water hole?! What's so great about the water hole?
<SYNC Start=812417><P Class=EGCC>
I'll show you when we get there.
<SYNC Start=814583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=815167><P Class=EGCC>
Oh.... Uh.... Mom, can I go with Simba?
<SYNC Start=817833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=818500><P Class=EGCC>
Hmm... What do you think, Sarabi?
<SYNC Start=820250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=820417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=821833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=822000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=824000><P Class=EGCC>
It's all right with me....<br>
All right!
<SYNC Start=825750><P Class=EGCC>
...As long as Zazu goes with you.
<SYNC Start=827583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=827667><P Class=EGCC>
No! Not Zazu.
<SYNC Start=829500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=830417><P Class=EGCC>
Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave.
<SYNC Start=833583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=833917><P Class=EGCC>
So where're we really going?
<SYNC Start=835833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=835917><P Class=EGCC>
An elephant graveyard.
<SYNC Start=837917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=838333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=840083><P Class=EGCC>
Shhh! Zazu.
<SYNC Start=841917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=842000><P Class=EGCC>
Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?
<SYNC Start=843917><P Class=EGCC>
Oh I know how we can--
<SYNC Start=845750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=845833><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, just look at you two. <br>
Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah.
<SYNC Start=848750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=848833><P Class=EGCC>
Your parents will be thrilled... <br>
what with your being betrothed and all.
<SYNC Start=854000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=854417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=855833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=856000><P Class=EGCC>
Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.
<SYNC Start=858000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=858917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=860917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=861750><P Class=EGCC>
One day you two are going to be married!
<SYNC Start=863667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=863917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=865667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=865833><P Class=EGCC>
I can't marry her. She's my friend.
<SYNC Start=867750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=867833><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. It'd be too weird.
<SYNC Start=869750><P Class=EGCC>
Well, sorry to bust your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice. It's a tradition...
<SYNC Start=873917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=874250><P Class=EGCC>
...going back generations.
<SYNC Start=876250><P Class=EGCC>
Well when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go.
<SYNC Start=878833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=879250><P Class=EGCC>
Not so long as I'm around.
<SYNC Start=881167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=881250><P Class=EGCC>
Well in that case, you're fired.
<SYNC Start=883167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=883333><P Class=EGCC>
Hmmm.... Nice try, but only the king can do that.
<SYNC Start=885333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=885417><P Class=EGCC>
Well, He's the future king.
<SYNC Start=887333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=887583><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah.So you have to do what I tell you.
<SYNC Start=889583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=890167><P Class=EGCC>
Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that,
<SYNC Start=892083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=892333><P Class=EGCC>
I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed.
<SYNC Start=894667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=895000><P Class=EGCC>
Hmph. Not the way I see it.
<SYNC Start=896917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=897333><P Class=EGCC>
I'm gonna be a mighty king. So enemies beware!
<SYNC Start=902250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=902333><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I've never seen a king of beasts... With quite so little hair
<SYNC Start=906750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=908167><P Class=EGCC>
I'm gonna be the mane event
<SYNC Start=910500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=910750><P Class=EGCC>
Like no king was before
<SYNC Start=912750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=913000><P Class=EGCC>
I'm brushing up on looking down
<SYNC Start=914917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=915583><P Class=EGCC>
I'm working on my ROAR!!
<SYNC Start=917500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=917667><P Class=EGCC>
Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing
<SYNC Start=919667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=922333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, I just can't wait to be king!
<SYNC Start=926333><P Class=EGCC>
You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think....
<SYNC Start=929167><P Class=EGCC>
No one saying do this
<SYNC Start=931167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=931333><P Class=EGCC>
No one saying be there
<SYNC Start=933333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=933667><P Class=EGCC>
No one saying stop that
<SYNC Start=935667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=935917><P Class=EGCC>
No one saying see here
<SYNC Start=937917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=938833><P Class=EGCC>
Free to run around all day
<SYNC Start=941500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=943000><P Class=EGCC>
Free to do it all my way!
<SYNC Start=947917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=951667><P Class=EGCC>
I think it's time that you and I. Arranged a heart to heart
<SYNC Start=956167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=956667><P Class=EGCC>
Kings don't need advice
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
From little hornbills for a start
<SYNC Start=961250><P Class=EGCC>
If this is where the monarchy is headed
<SYNC Start=964167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=964333><P Class=EGCC>
Count me out!
<SYNC Start=966000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=966583><P Class=EGCC>
Out of service, out of Africa I wouldn't hang about ... aaagh!
<SYNC Start=971500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=971667><P Class=EGCC>
This child is getting wildly out of wing
<SYNC Start=973667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=975917><P Class=EGCC>
Oh I just can't wait to be king!
<SYNC Start=979833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=993083><P Class=EGCC>
Everybody look left
<SYNC Start=995417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=995917><P Class=EGCC>
Everybody look right
<SYNC Start=998333><P Class=EGCC>
Everywhere you look I'm
<SYNC Start=1000833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1000917><P Class=EGCC>
Standing in the spotlight
<SYNC Start=1003417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1004250><P Class=EGCC>
Let every creature go for broke and sing
<SYNC Start=1008000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1008417><P Class=EGCC>
Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
<SYNC Start=1012333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1012500><P Class=EGCC>
It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling
<SYNC Start=1016417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1017583><P Class=EGCC>
Oh I just can't wait to be king!
<SYNC Start=1021500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1023000><P Class=EGCC>
Oh I just can't wait to be king!
<SYNC Start=1027000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1027417><P Class=EGCC>
Oh I just can't waaaaaait ... to be kiiiiiiiiiing!
<SYNC Start=1037250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1041917><P Class=EGCC>
I beg your pardon, madam, but ... GET OFF!... Simba? Nala?
<SYNC Start=1047833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1052333><P Class=EGCC>
All right, it worked!
<SYNC Start=1054167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1054333><P Class=EGCC>
We lost 'im.
<SYNC Start=1055917><P Class=EGCC>
I ... am a genius.
<SYNC Start=1057417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1057500><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Genius, it was my idea.
<SYNC Start=1059167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1059333><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, but I pulled it off.<br>
With me!
<SYNC Start=1061333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh yeah?... Rrarr!!
<SYNC Start=1063167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1064500><P Class=EGCC>
Ha. Pinned ya.
<SYNC Start=1066917><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, lemme up.
<SYNC Start=1068667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1072250><P Class=EGCC>
Pinned ya again.
<SYNC Start=1074167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1088167><P Class=EGCC>
This is it.... We made it.
<SYNC Start=1091083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1094083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1097750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1098417><P Class=EGCC>
It's really creepy.
<SYNC Start=1100417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1100500><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah... isn't it great?
<SYNC Start=1102500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1102750><P Class=EGCC>
We could get in big trouble.
<SYNC Start=1104750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1104917><P Class=EGCC>
I know, huh.
<SYNC Start=1106833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1107583><P Class=EGCC>
I wonder if its brains are still in there.
<SYNC Start=1109583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1110333><P Class=EGCC>
There's only one way to know. Come on. Let's go check it out.
<SYNC Start=1113750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1114583><P Class=EGCC>
The only checking out you will do will be to check out of here.
<SYNC Start=1117500><P Class=EGCC>
Aw, man.
<SYNC Start=1119333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1119500><P Class=EGCC>
We're way beyond the boundary of the Pride Lands.
<SYNC Start=1121667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1121750><P Class=EGCC>
Huh. Look, banana beak is scared. Heh.
<SYNC Start=1123667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1123917><P Class=EGCC>
That's Mister Banana Beak to you, fuzzy.
<SYNC Start=1126000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1126083><P Class=EGCC>
And right now we are all in very real danger.
<SYNC Start=1129000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1130083><P Class=EGCC>
Danger? Hah! I walk on the wild side.<br>
I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha!
<SYNC Start=1136000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1144083><P Class=EGCC>
Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here?
<SYNC Start=1147417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1147500><P Class=EGCC>
Hmm. I don't know Shenzi. Uh... What do you think, Ed?
<SYNC Start=1151000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1152750><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers!!
<SYNC Start=1157083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1157333><P Class=EGCC>
And quite by accident, let me assure you.
<SYNC Start=1159333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1159917><P Class=EGCC>
A simple navigational error. Eh heh heh...
<SYNC Start=1161917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1162167><P Class=EGCC>
Whoa, whoa, wait wait wait.... I know you.<br>
You're Mufasa's little stooge.
<SYNC Start=1166917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1167750><P Class=EGCC>
I, madam, am the king's majordomo.
<SYNC Start=1169667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1170167><P Class=EGCC>
And that would make you...?
<SYNC Start=1172167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1172417><P Class=EGCC>
The future king.
<SYNC Start=1174417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1174500><P Class=EGCC>
Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?
<SYNC Start=1176500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1177333><P Class=EGCC>
Puh. You can't do anything to me.
<SYNC Start=1179333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1179917><P Class=EGCC>
Uhh.... Technically, they can. We are on their land.
<SYNC Start=1182417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1182667><P Class=EGCC>
But Zazu, you told me they're nothing <br>
but slobbering mangy stupid poachers.
<SYNC Start=1185333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1185833><P Class=EGCC>
Ix-nay on the oopid-stay...
<SYNC Start=1187833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1188083><P Class=EGCC>
"Who you callin' ""oopid-stay?!?"""
<SYNC Start=1190083><P Class=EGCC>
My, my, my. Look at the sun. It's time to go!
<SYNC Start=1192083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1192250><P Class=EGCC>
What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner.
<SYNC Start=1195083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1195583><P Class=EGCC>
Yeaaaah! We could have whatever's ... lion around! <br>
Get it? Lion around!
<SYNC Start=1198583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1199333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh wait, wait, wait. I got one, I got one.
<SYNC Start=1201917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1202333><P Class=EGCC>
Make mine a cub sandwich. Whatcha think?
<SYNC Start=1204750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1205500><P Class=EGCC>
What? Ed? What is it?
<SYNC Start=1208417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1208667><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, did we order this dinner to go?
<SYNC Start=1210833><P Class=EGCC>
No. Why?
<SYNC Start=1212833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1213000><P Class=EGCC>
'Cause there it goes!!
<SYNC Start=1214917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1220417><P Class=EGCC>
Did we lose 'em?
<SYNC Start=1222250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1222417><P Class=EGCC>
I think so.... Where's Zazu?
<SYNC Start=1224417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1224833><P Class=EGCC>
The little Majordomo bird hippity-hopped <br>
all the way to the birdie-boiler.
<SYNC Start=1227833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1228333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no.... Not the birdie boiler! Aaaaaaaa...!
<SYNC Start=1232250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1234917><P Class=EGCC>
Hey! Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?
<SYNC Start=1237750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1238167><P Class=EGCC>
Like ... you?<br>
<SYNC Start=1240250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1242667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1244417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1256333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1258167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1258417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1260417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1277333><P Class=EGCC>
Here kitty, kitty, kitty.
<SYNC Start=1279250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1284750><P Class=EGCC>
Oo-hoo... That was it? Hah. Do it again.... come on.
<SYNC Start=1287583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1290583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1292583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1300167><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, Please, please. Uncle. Uncle.
<SYNC Start=1302083><P Class=EGCC>
Ow. Ow. Ow.<br>
<SYNC Start=1303833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1304000><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, we're gonna shut up right now.<br>
Calm down. We're really sorry.
<SYNC Start=1305750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1306000><P Class=EGCC>
If you ever come near my son again...
<SYNC Start=1309083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1309500><P Class=EGCC>
Oh this is ... this is your son?!?
<SYNC Start=1311833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1312167><P Class=EGCC>
Oh your son??<br>
Did you know that?
<SYNC Start=1314667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1314750><P Class=EGCC>
No.... Me? I-I-I didn't know it. No. Did you?
<SYNC Start=1317000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1317083><P Class=EGCC>
No! Of course not.<br>
No! Ed?
<SYNC Start=1319083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1322500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1324500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1331583><P Class=EGCC>
Dad, I ..<br>
You deliberately disobeyed me.
<SYNC Start=1333833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1335167><P Class=EGCC>
Dad, I'm.... I'm sorry.
<SYNC Start=1336833><P Class=EGCC>
Let's go home.
<SYNC Start=1338750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1340917><P Class=EGCC>
I thought you were very brave.
<SYNC Start=1342917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1361000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1362750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1365333><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, sire?
<SYNC Start=1367000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1367083><P Class=EGCC>
Take Nala home. I've got to teach my son a lesson.
<SYNC Start=1369917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1374500><P Class=EGCC>
Come, Nala. Simba... Good luck.
<SYNC Start=1379417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1386833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1388750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1414500><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, I'm very disappointed in you.
<SYNC Start=1416833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1416917><P Class=EGCC>
I know.
<SYNC Start=1418667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1418917><P Class=EGCC>
You could have been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me.
<SYNC Start=1421917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1422167><P Class=EGCC>
And what's worse,- you put Nala in danger!
<SYNC Start=1425083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1425250><P Class=EGCC>
I was just trying to be brave like you.
<SYNC Start=1427250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1427833><P Class=EGCC>
I'm only brave when I have to be.
<SYNC Start=1429833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1430917><P Class=EGCC>
Simba ... being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.
<SYNC Start=1436750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1437333><P Class=EGCC>
But you're not scared of anything.
<SYNC Start=1439333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1440000><P Class=EGCC>
I was today.
<SYNC Start=1442000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1442417><P Class=EGCC>
You were?
<SYNC Start=1444083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1444167><P Class=EGCC>
Yes ... I thought I might lose you.
<SYNC Start=1446083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1446250><P Class=EGCC>
Oh. I guess even kings get scared, huh?
<SYNC Start=1450083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1451000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1453000><P Class=EGCC>
But you know what?<br>
<SYNC Start=1455500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1455667><P Class=EGCC>
I think those hyenas were even scareder.
<SYNC Start=1457667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1457750><P Class=EGCC>
Cause nobody messes with your dad. Come here, you.
<SYNC Start=1462917><P Class=EGCC>
Oh no, no ... Aaagh! Errrggh! ...
<SYNC Start=1465417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1469000><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, come here... Hah! Gotcha!
<SYNC Start=1471000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1476833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1478417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1478667><P Class=EGCC>
We're pals, right?<br>
<SYNC Start=1480833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1480917><P Class=EGCC>
And we'll always be together, right?
<SYNC Start=1482833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1484250><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, ... Let me tell you something that my father told me ... Look at the stars.
<SYNC Start=1491500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1492000><P Class=EGCC>
The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.
<SYNC Start=1497250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1497583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1499333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1499667><P Class=EGCC>
Yes ... So whenever you feel alone,
<SYNC Start=1503167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1503417><P Class=EGCC>
just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you
<SYNC Start=1507333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1508583><P Class=EGCC>
... And so will I.
<SYNC Start=1510583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1517250><P Class=EGCC>
Man that lousy Mufasa! I won't be able to sit for a week.
<SYNC Start=1520917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1524417><P Class=EGCC>
It's not funny, Ed.
<SYNC Start=1526417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1530417><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, shut up!
<SYNC Start=1532333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1535583><P Class=EGCC>
Will you knock it off!
<SYNC Start=1537583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1538083><P Class=EGCC>
Well, he started it.
<SYNC Start=1540083><P Class=EGCC>
Look at you guys. No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain.
<SYNC Start=1543083><P Class=EGCC>
Man, I hate dangling.
<SYNC Start=1545083><P Class=EGCC>
Shyeah? You know, if it weren't for those lions, we'd be runnin' the joint.
<SYNC Start=1548667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1548917><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. Man, I hate lions.
<SYNC Start=1550917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1551083><P Class=EGCC>
So pushy. And hairy. And stinky.
<SYNC Start=1553083><P Class=EGCC>
And man are they ...
<SYNC Start=1555000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1556167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1558500><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, surely we lions are not all that bad.
<SYNC Start=1561917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1562583><P Class=EGCC>
Ohh. Oh Scar, it's just you.
<SYNC Start=1565000><P Class=EGCC>
We were afraid it was somebody important.
<SYNC Start=1566833><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, you know, like Mufasa.
<SYNC Start=1568583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1568750><P Class=EGCC>
I see.
<SYNC Start=1570667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1570917><P Class=EGCC>
Now that's power.
<SYNC Start=1572667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1572750><P Class=EGCC>
Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder.
<SYNC Start=1574750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1575083><P Class=EGCC>
Ooooh. ... Do it again.<br>
<SYNC Start=1577000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1577167><P Class=EGCC>
Mufasa. Mufasa! Mufasa!
<SYNC Start=1579667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1579750><P Class=EGCC>
Oooh! It tingles me.
<SYNC Start=1581667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1581917><P Class=EGCC>
I'm surrounded by idiots.
<SYNC Start=1584750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1585250><P Class=EGCC>
Not you Scar, I mean, you're one of us. I mean, you're our pal.
<SYNC Start=1587917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1588167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1589417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1589667><P Class=EGCC>
Ohh, I like that. He's not king, but he's still so proper.
<SYNC Start=1593500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1593833><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. Hey, hey hey. Did ya bring us anything to eat,
<SYNC Start=1595750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1596083><P Class=EGCC>
Scar, old buddy, old pal? Huh? Did-ya-did-ya-did-ya?
<SYNC Start=1598000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1598083><P Class=EGCC>
I don't think you really deserve this.
<SYNC Start=1600583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1600833><P Class=EGCC>
I practically gift wrapped those cubs for you.
<SYNC Start=1603250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1603583><P Class=EGCC>
And you couldn't even dispose of them.
<SYNC Start=1606333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1609667><P Class=EGCC>
Well, ya know<br>
it wasn't exactly like they was alone, Scar.
<SYNC Start=1613667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1614500><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. What are we supposed to do?... Kill Mufasa?
<SYNC Start=1618583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1619833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1621833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1632750><P Class=EGCC>
I know that your powers of retention
<SYNC Start=1636000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1636250><P Class=EGCC>
Are as wet as a warthog's backside
<SYNC Start=1640500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1641000><P Class=EGCC>
But thick as you are, pay attention
<SYNC Start=1644750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1644833><P Class=EGCC>
My words are a matter of pride
<SYNC Start=1648083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1648583><P Class=EGCC>
It's clear from your vacant expressions
<SYNC Start=1652250><P Class=EGCC>
The lights are not all on upstairs
<SYNC Start=1655417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1655833><P Class=EGCC>
But we're talking kings and successions
<SYNC Start=1659750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1659833><P Class=EGCC>
Even you can't be caught unawares
<SYNC Start=1662917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1663167><P Class=EGCC>
So prepare for the chance of a lifetime
<SYNC Start=1666917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1667667><P Class=EGCC>
Be prepared for sensational news
<SYNC Start=1671083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1671583><P Class=EGCC>
A shining new era
<SYNC Start=1673917><P Class=EGCC>
Is tiptoeing nearer
<SYNC Start=1676417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1676667><P Class=EGCC>
And where do we feature?
<SYNC Start=1678583><P Class=EGCC>
Just listen to teacher
<SYNC Start=1680417><P Class=EGCC>
I know it sounds sordid
<SYNC Start=1682417><P Class=EGCC>
But you'll be rewarded
<SYNC Start=1684333><P Class=EGCC>
When at last I am given my dues!
<SYNC Start=1686333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1687417><P Class=EGCC>
And injustice deliciously squared
<SYNC Start=1690417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1690917><P Class=EGCC>
Be prepared!
<SYNC Start=1694583><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, be prepared. Yeah-heh. We'll be prepared, heh ... For what?
<SYNC Start=1698083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1698333><P Class=EGCC>
For the death of the king.
<SYNC Start=1700250><P Class=EGCC>
Why? Is he sick?
<SYNC Start=1701750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1702000><P Class=EGCC>
No fool, we're going to kill him. And Simba too.
<SYNC Start=1703917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1704000><P Class=EGCC>
Great idea! Who needs a king?
<SYNC Start=1706000><P Class=EGCC>
No king! No king! la--la-la--la-laa-laa!
<SYNC Start=1708000><P Class=EGCC>
IDIOTS! There will be a king!
<SYNC Start=1710000><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, but you said, uh...
<SYNC Start=1712000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1712250><P Class=EGCC>
I WILL BE KING! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!
<SYNC Start=1718667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1719083><P Class=EGCC>
Yaay! All right! Long live the king!
<SYNC Start=1721250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1722250><P Class=EGCC>
Long live the king! Long live the king!
<SYNC Start=1724667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1725833><P Class=EGCC>
It's great that we'll soon be connected.
<SYNC Start=1728917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1729250><P Class=EGCC>
With a king who'll be all-time adored.
<SYNC Start=1732750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1734333><P Class=EGCC>
Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected
<SYNC Start=1738250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1739000><P Class=EGCC>
To take certain duties on board
<SYNC Start=1741917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1742917><P Class=EGCC>
The future is littered with prizes
<SYNC Start=1746083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1746333><P Class=EGCC>
And though I'm the main addressee
<SYNC Start=1749500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1749750><P Class=EGCC>
The point that I must emphasize is
<SYNC Start=1753500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1753833><P Class=EGCC>
You won't get a sniff without me!
<SYNC Start=1757750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1757833><P Class=EGCC>
So prepare for the coup of the century
<SYNC Start=1761833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1762000><P Class=EGCC>
Be prepared for the murkiest scam
<SYNC Start=1765083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1765750><P Class=EGCC>
Meticulous planning<br>
Tenacity spanning
<SYNC Start=1769083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1769417><P Class=EGCC>
Decades of denial
<SYNC Start=1771417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1771833><P Class=EGCC>
Is simply why I'll be king undisputed
<SYNC Start=1775167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1775417><P Class=EGCC>
Respected, saluted
<SYNC Start=1777417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1778000><P Class=EGCC>
And seen for the wonder I am
<SYNC Start=1780750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1781583><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared
<SYNC Start=1784917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1785583><P Class=EGCC>
Be prepared!
<SYNC Start=1789083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1790250><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared
<SYNC Start=1794167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1794583><P Class=EGCC>
Be prepared!
<SYNC Start=1798750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1807667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1809583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1809833><P Class=EGCC>
Now you wait here. Your father has a marvelous surprise for you.
<SYNC Start=1814417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1814917><P Class=EGCC>
Ooooh. What is it?
<SYNC Start=1816667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1817000><P Class=EGCC>
If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?
<SYNC Start=1819583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1819833><P Class=EGCC>
If you tell me, I'll still act surprised.
<SYNC Start=1821833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1821917><P Class=EGCC>
Ho ho ho<br>
You are such a naughty boy!
<SYNC Start=1825000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1825250><P Class=EGCC>
Come on, Uncle Scar.
<SYNC Start=1827000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1827750><P Class=EGCC>
This is just for you and your daddy
<SYNC Start=1830917><P Class=EGCC>
You know, a sort of father-son ... thing....
<SYNC Start=1834333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1835500><P Class=EGCC>
Well! I'd better go get him.
<SYNC Start=1837500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1837667><P Class=EGCC>
I'll go with you.
<SYNC Start=1839667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1839750><P Class=EGCC>
No! Heh heh heh. No. Just ... stay on this rock.
<SYNC Start=1844333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1845583><P Class=EGCC>
You wouldn't want to end up in another mess <br>
like you did with the hyenas...
<SYNC Start=1849000><P Class=EGCC>
You know about that?
<SYNC Start=1850917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1851167><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, everybody knows about that.
<SYNC Start=1853083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1853250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1854917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1855250><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, yes. Lucky Daddy was there to save you, eh?
<SYNC Start=1858500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1858667><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, and just between us, you might<br>
want to work on that little roar of yours, hmm?
<SYNC Start=1864917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1865583><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, okay ...
<SYNC Start=1867250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1869667><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Uncle Scar? ...Will I like the surprise?
<SYNC Start=1872917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1873250><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, it's to DIE for.
<SYNC Start=1876583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1899667><P Class=EGCC>
Shut up.
<SYNC Start=1901667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1902250><P Class=EGCC>
I can't help it. I'm so hungry ...
<SYNC Start=1904167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1904333><P Class=EGCC>
I gotta have a wildebeest!
<SYNC Start=1906250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1906333><P Class=EGCC>
Stay put.
<SYNC Start=1908333><P Class=EGCC>
Well can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones?
<SYNC Start=1910333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1910417><P Class=EGCC>
No! We wait for the signal from Scar.
<SYNC Start=1912417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1914583><P Class=EGCC>
There he is<br>
Let's go.
<SYNC Start=1917833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1918750><P Class=EGCC>
Little roar. Puh!
<SYNC Start=1920750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1923750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1925750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1927500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1929417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1932000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1934000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1982333><P Class=EGCC>
"Oh look, sire; The herd is on the move.<br>
<SYNC Start=1985833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1986750><P Class=EGCC>
Mufasa. Quick. Stampede. In the gorge. Simba's down there!
<SYNC Start=1991083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1991250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=1993083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2013750><P Class=EGCC>
Help me!
<SYNC Start=2016500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2016583><P Class=EGCC>
Your father is on the way! Hold on!
<SYNC Start=2018583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2018667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2020583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2022750><P Class=EGCC>
There! There! On that tree!
<SYNC Start=2024750><P Class=EGCC>
Hold on, Simba!!
<SYNC Start=2026750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2027333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2029333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2033583><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, Scar, this is awful! What'll we do what'll we do?!
<SYNC Start=2036500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2036750><P Class=EGCC>
Hah ... I'll go back for help, that's what<br>
I'll do, I'll go back for he-- oomph!
<SYNC Start=2040583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2100333><P Class=EGCC>
Scar! ... Broth-- Brother ... Help me!
<SYNC Start=2105250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2113667><P Class=EGCC>
Long live the king!
<SYNC Start=2116167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2121500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2123750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2125750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2137667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2139583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2151833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2153833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2190083><P Class=EGCC>
Dad? ...Dad, come on. You gotta get up.
<SYNC Start=2197000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2199750><P Class=EGCC>
Dad.We gotta go home.
<SYNC Start=2203667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2212917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2215833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2217250><P Class=EGCC>
Somebody! Anybody... help.
<SYNC Start=2224167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2255833><P Class=EGCC>
Simba. ... What have you done?
<SYNC Start=2259167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2260917><P Class=EGCC>
There were wilde beest and he tried to save me
<SYNC Start=2264833><P Class=EGCC>
It was an accident, I didn't mean for it to happen.
<SYNC Start=2267583><P Class=EGCC>
Of course, of course, you didn't.
<SYNC Start=2270583><P Class=EGCC>
No one ever means for these things to happen.... But the king is dead.
<SYNC Start=2278500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2279500><P Class=EGCC>
And if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive.
<SYNC Start=2282750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2288000><P Class=EGCC>
Oh! What will your mother think?
<SYNC Start=2290917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2291000><P Class=EGCC>
What am I gonna do?
<SYNC Start=2293000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2293417><P Class=EGCC>
Run away, Simba.... Run.... Run away, and never return.
<SYNC Start=2299333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2306167><P Class=EGCC>
Kill him.
<SYNC Start=2308167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2352583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2354250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2357583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2359500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2362417><P Class=EGCC>
Hey-- There he goes! There he goes!
<SYNC Start=2364333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2364583><P Class=EGCC>
So go get 'im.
<SYNC Start=2366583><P Class=EGCC>
There ain't no way I'm going in there. What you want me<br>
to come out looking like you? Cactus Butt?
<SYNC Start=2371083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2372000><P Class=EGCC>
But we gotta finish the job.
<SYNC Start=2374000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2374833><P Class=EGCC>
Well, he's as good as dead out there anyway. <br>
And if he comes back, we'll kill him.
<SYNC Start=2379417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2379500><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah! you hear that? If you ever come back, we'll kill ya!
<SYNC Start=2392500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2395083><P Class=EGCC>
"Mufasa's death was a terrible tragedy; but to lose Simba ..."
<SYNC Start=2399167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2399667><P Class=EGCC>
who had barely begun to live....
<SYNC Start=2402750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2403500><P Class=EGCC>
For me, it is a deep personal loss.
<SYNC Start=2406917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2408500><P Class=EGCC>
And so it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne.
<SYNC Start=2411500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2412500><P Class=EGCC>
Yet, out of the ashes of this tragedy,<br>
we shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era
<SYNC Start=2418417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2419917><P Class=EGCC>
in which lion and hyena come together, <br>
in a great and glorious future.
<SYNC Start=2426250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2469917><P Class=EGCC>
Heeyyyaaaahh!! Get out! Get out! Get outta here!!!! Whoo!
<SYNC Start=2476083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2477583><P Class=EGCC>
I love it! Bowling for buzzards!
<SYNC Start=2480500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2480583><P Class=EGCC>
Gets 'em every time.
<SYNC Start=2482583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2483083><P Class=EGCC>
Uh-oh. Hey Timon. You better come look. <br>
I think it's still alive.
<SYNC Start=2489000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2489750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2491750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2492667><P Class=EGCC>
All righty, what have we got here?
<SYNC Start=2496583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2499417><P Class=EGCC>
Jeez, it's a lion! Run Pumbaa! Move it!
<SYNC Start=2504167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2504667><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Timon. It's just a little lion. Look at him.
<SYNC Start=2508417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2508917><P Class=EGCC>
He's so cute, and all alone! Can we keep him?
<SYNC Start=2512917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2513167><P Class=EGCC>
Pumbaa, are you nuts?! We're talking about a lion. <br>
Lions eat guys like us.
<SYNC Start=2517917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2518000><P Class=EGCC>
But he's so little.
<SYNC Start=2519583><P Class=EGCC>
He's gonna get bigger.
<SYNC Start=2521417><P Class=EGCC>
Maybe he'll be on our side.
<SYNC Start=2523250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2523583><P Class=EGCC>
A--Huh! That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Maybe he'll b--
<SYNC Start=2526500><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, I got it! What if he's on our side?
<SYNC Start=2528667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2529000><P Class=EGCC>
You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.
<SYNC Start=2531917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2532750><P Class=EGCC>
So we keeping 'im?
<SYNC Start=2534750><P Class=EGCC>
Pthpt. Of course. Who's the brains in this outfit?
<SYNC Start=2536250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2538167><P Class=EGCC>
My point exactly. Jeez, I'm fried. <br>
Let's get out of here and find some shade.
<SYNC Start=2542083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2549333><P Class=EGCC>
You okay, kid?
<SYNC Start=2551250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2551583><P Class=EGCC>
I guess so.
<SYNC Start=2553417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2553583><P Class=EGCC>
You nearly died.<br>
I saved you.
<SYNC Start=2556000><P Class=EGCC>
Well, uh, Pumbaa helped...a little.
<SYNC Start=2558917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2559000><P Class=EGCC>
Thanks for your help.
<SYNC Start=2561083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2561250><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, where you going?
<SYNC Start=2563083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2563167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2564917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2565083><P Class=EGCC>
Gee. He looks blue.
<SYNC Start=2566750><P Class=EGCC>
I'd say brownish-gold.
<SYNC Start=2568333><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no, no. I mean he's depressed.
<SYNC Start=2570333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2571250><P Class=EGCC>
Kid, what's eatin' ya?
<SYNC Start=2573250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2573333><P Class=EGCC>
Nothing-- he's at the top of the food chain!
<SYNC Start=2577083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2577417><P Class=EGCC>
The food cha-haain! Ah heh-- Ahem.
<SYNC Start=2581333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2583083><P Class=EGCC>
So, where you from?
<SYNC Start=2585083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2585167><P Class=EGCC>
Who cares? I can't go back.
<SYNC Start=2587667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2588333><P Class=EGCC>
"Ahh. You're an outcast! That's great; so are we!"
<SYNC Start=2591167><P Class=EGCC>
What'cha do, kid?
<SYNC Start=2593167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2593250><P Class=EGCC>
Something terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it.
<SYNC Start=2595167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2595417><P Class=EGCC>
Good. We don't wanna hear about it.
<SYNC Start=2597417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2598333><P Class=EGCC>
Come on Timon. Anything we can do?
<SYNC Start=2600083><P Class=EGCC>
Not unless you can change the past.
<SYNC Start=2602083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2602333><P Class=EGCC>
"You know, kid, in times like this my buddy Timon here says <br>
""You got to put your behind in your past."""
<SYNC Start=2607667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2607917><P Class=EGCC>
No. No. No.<br>
I mean...
<SYNC Start=2610083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2611000><P Class=EGCC>
"Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself.<br>
It's ""You got to put your past behind you."""
<SYNC Start=2615583><P Class=EGCC>
Look, kid. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it, right?
<SYNC Start=2620333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2620667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2622083><P Class=EGCC>
Wrong! When the world turns its back on you, <br>
you turn your back on the world!
<SYNC Start=2626667><P Class=EGCC>
Well, that's not what I was taught.
<SYNC Start=2628667><P Class=EGCC>
Then maybe you need a new lesson. <br>
Repeat after me. Hakuna Matata.
<SYNC Start=2634500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2636083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2636417><P Class=EGCC>
Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means no worries.
<SYNC Start=2639417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2640667><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata! <br>
What a wonderful phrase
<SYNC Start=2644583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2646833><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata! <br>
Ain't no passing craze
<SYNC Start=2650750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2651333><P Class=EGCC>
It means no worries for the rest of your days
<SYNC Start=2656500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2657167><P Class=EGCC>
It's our problem-free philosophy
<SYNC Start=2662500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2663500><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata!
<SYNC Start=2665417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2665833><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata?
<SYNC Start=2667833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2668000><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, it's our motto.
<SYNC Start=2669917><P Class=EGCC>
What's a motto?
<SYNC Start=2671583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2671917><P Class=EGCC>
Nothing! What's a motto with you? Ah haah haah hah hah...
<SYNC Start=2675000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2675333><P Class=EGCC>
You know, kid-- these two words will solve all your problems.
<SYNC Start=2678333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2678917><P Class=EGCC>
That's right! Take Pumbaa for example.
<SYNC Start=2682500><P Class=EGCC>
Why, when he was a young wart-hog
<SYNC Start=2685250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2685500><P Class=EGCC>
When I was a young wart hooog!
<SYNC Start=2688750><P Class=EGCC>
Very nice.<br>
<SYNC Start=2690750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2690833><P Class=EGCC>
He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
<SYNC Start=2693083><P Class=EGCC>
He could clear the Savannah after every meal
<SYNC Start=2695250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2695417><P Class=EGCC>
I'm a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned
<SYNC Start=2698500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2700250><P Class=EGCC>
And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
<SYNC Start=2705083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2706833><P Class=EGCC>
And oh, the shame<br>
He was ashamed
<SYNC Start=2709750><P Class=EGCC>
Thoughta changin' my name<br>
Oh, what's in a name
<SYNC Start=2712667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2712750><P Class=EGCC>
And I got downhearted<br>
How did you feel
<SYNC Start=2715500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2715750><P Class=EGCC>
Ev'rytime that I...
<SYNC Start=2717333><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids!
<SYNC Start=2719250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2719333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh. Sorry.
<SYNC Start=2721000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2721083><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata! <br>
What a wonderful phrase
<SYNC Start=2724083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2725500><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata! <br>
Ain't no passing craze
<SYNC Start=2728750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2729750><P Class=EGCC>
It means no worries <br>
For the rest of your days
<SYNC Start=2734667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2735000><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, sing it, kid!
<SYNC Start=2737000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2737250><P Class=EGCC>
It's our problem-free philosophy.
<SYNC Start=2741167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2742333><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata!
<SYNC Start=2744250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2746417><P Class=EGCC>
Welcome to our humble home.
<SYNC Start=2748667><P Class=EGCC>
You live here?<br>
We live wherever we want.
<SYNC Start=2751000><P Class=EGCC>
Yep. Home is where your rump rests. Heh!
<SYNC Start=2753000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2753667><P Class=EGCC>
It's beautiful.
<SYNC Start=2755667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2756667><P Class=EGCC>
I'm starved!
<SYNC Start=2758250><P Class=EGCC>
I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra.
<SYNC Start=2760833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2761333><P Class=EGCC>
Eeeahhah. We're fresh out of zebra.
<SYNC Start=2763333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2763417><P Class=EGCC>
- Any antelope?<br>
- Na ah.
<SYNC Start=2765000><P Class=EGCC>
- Hippo?<br>
- No
<SYNC Start=2765333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2766833><P Class=EGCC>
Listen kid, if want to live with us, you have to eat like us
<SYNC Start=2769167><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, this looks like a good spot to rustle up some grub
<SYNC Start=2772250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2772917><P Class=EGCC>
- What's that?<br>
A grub, what's it look like?
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2777750><P Class=EGCC>
Ooh, Gross!
<SYNC Start=2779167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2779750><P Class=EGCC>
It tastes like chicken
<SYNC Start=2781833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2782083><P Class=EGCC>
Slimy yet satisfying!
<SYNC Start=2785000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2785417><P Class=EGCC>
These are rare delicacies. Hmm. Piquant with a very pleasant
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2792000><P Class=EGCC>
You'll learn to love them!
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2793750><P Class=EGCC>
I'm telling you kid, this is the great life.
<SYNC Start=2796500><P Class=EGCC>
No rules, no responsibility.
<SYNC Start=2798333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2798417><P Class=EGCC>
ooh, the little cream filled kind... and best of all, no worries! Well kid!
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2806833><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, well...<br>
Hakuna Matata!
<SYNC Start=2808667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2815000><P Class=EGCC>
Slimy, yet satisfying.
<SYNC Start=2815667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2815833><P Class=EGCC>
That's it!
<SYNC Start=2817667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2830250><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata
<SYNC Start=2832167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2835083><P Class=EGCC>
It means no worries<br>
For the rest of your days
<SYNC Start=2840167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2840250><P Class=EGCC>
It's our problem-free philosophy
<SYNC Start=2846083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2846250><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata!
<SYNC Start=2848417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2887500><P Class=EGCC>
Nobody knows<br>
The trouble I see...
<SYNC Start=2888333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2889833><P Class=EGCC>
Nobody knows<br>
My sorrow...
<SYNC Start=2896167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2896333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh Zazu, do lighten up.<br>
Sing something with a little bounce in it.
<SYNC Start=2901167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2901333><P Class=EGCC>
It's a small world after all
<SYNC Start=2905333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2905833><P Class=EGCC>
No! No. Anything but that!
<SYNC Start=2908167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2909167><P Class=EGCC>
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
<SYNC Start=2913083><P Class=EGCC>
There they are a-standing in a row.
<SYNC Start=2917000><P Class=EGCC>
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head
<SYNC Start=2921000><P Class=EGCC>
Oh I would never have had to do this for Mufasa.
<SYNC Start=2923167><P Class=EGCC>
What? What did you say?
<SYNC Start=2926083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2926333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, nothing!
<SYNC Start=2928000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2928250><P Class=EGCC>
You know the law: Never, ever mention that name in my presence.<br>
I ... am ... the king!
<SYNC Start=2932250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2932500><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, sire. You are the king. I, I, Well,
<SYNC Start=2935333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2935667><P Class=EGCC>
Well I only mentioned it to illustrate the differences<br>
in your royal managerial approaches.
<SYNC Start=2940250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2940333><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, Boss!
<SYNC Start=2942167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2942667><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, What is it this time?
<SYNC Start=2944500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2944583><P Class=EGCC>
We got a bone to pick with you.
<SYNC Start=2946583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2947167><P Class=EGCC>
I'll handle this. Scar, there's no food, no water.
<SYNC Start=2949167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2949583><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, it's dinner time, and we ain't got no stinkin' entrees.
<SYNC Start=2952583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2952833><P Class=EGCC>
It's the lionesses' job to do the hunting
<SYNC Start=2956000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2956417><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, but they won't go hunt.
<SYNC Start=2958167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2958333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, eat Zazu.
<SYNC Start=2960083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2960833><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, you wouldn't want me. I'd be so tough and gamey and- eewwgh!
<SYNC Start=2964667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2964917><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, Zazu, don't be ridiculous! <br>
All you need is a little garnish.
<SYNC Start=2967917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2968000><P Class=EGCC>
I thought things were bad under Mufasa...
<SYNC Start=2970000><P Class=EGCC>
What did you say?
<SYNC Start=2971750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2971917><P Class=EGCC>
I said Muf--
<SYNC Start=2973333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2973583><P Class=EGCC>
"I said, uh ... ""Qu?pasa?"""
<SYNC Start=2975333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2975667><P Class=EGCC>
Good. Now get out.
<SYNC Start=2977667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2978250><P Class=EGCC>
Mm, yeah, but-- we're still hungry.
<SYNC Start=2980250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2981083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2982833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2983333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2985333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2987500><P Class=EGCC>
Whoah. Nice one, Simba.
<SYNC Start=2991167><P Class=EGCC>
Thanks. Man, I'm stuffed.
<SYNC Start=2993833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2994167><P Class=EGCC>
Me too. I ate like a pig!
<SYNC Start=2996917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=2997917><P Class=EGCC>
Pumbaa-- you are a pig.
<SYNC Start=2999917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3000917><P Class=EGCC>
Oh. Right.
<SYNC Start=3002917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3014083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3016083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3016250><P Class=EGCC>
Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?
<SYNC Start=3019417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3020833><P Class=EGCC>
"Pumbaa. I don't wonder; I know."
<SYNC Start=3022750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3023750><P Class=EGCC>
Oh! ...What are they?
<SYNC Start=3025917><P Class=EGCC>
They're fireflies. Fireflies that uh, got stuck up<br>
on that big, bluish-black, thing.
<SYNC Start=3032000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3033333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh. Gee. I always thought that they were<br>
balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
<SYNC Start=3040250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3042000><P Class=EGCC>
Pumbaa, wit' you, everything's gas.
<SYNC Start=3045500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3046000><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, what do you think?
<SYNC Start=3048000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3048250><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I don't know
<SYNC Start=3050167><P Class=EGCC>
Aw come on. Give, give, give ..
<SYNC Start=3052167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3053083><P Class=EGCC>
Well, come on, Simba, we told you ours... pleeeease?
<SYNC Start=3055083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3058250><P Class=EGCC>
Well, somebody once told me that the great kings<br>
of the past are up there watching over us.
<SYNC Start=3063500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3063750><P Class=EGCC>
You mean a bunch of royal dead guys are watching us?Pbbb.
<SYNC Start=3069583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3073583><P Class=EGCC>
Who told you something like that? What mook made that up?
<SYNC Start=3078333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3079000><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. Pretty dumb, huh?
<SYNC Start=3081500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3082250><P Class=EGCC>
Ah, you're killing me, Simba.
<SYNC Start=3084167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3094333><P Class=EGCC>
Was it something I said?
<SYNC Start=3096333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3133500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3137417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3148333><P Class=EGCC>
Simba? He's- he's alive? He he- He's alive!!
<SYNC Start=3153250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3158167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3160167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3169167><P Class=EGCC>
It is time!
<SYNC Start=3171083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3175250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3177250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3177667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3179417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3179500><P Class=EGCC>
In the jungle
<SYNC Start=3181500><P Class=EGCC>
The mighty jungle
<SYNC Start=3183500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3183583><P Class=EGCC>
The lion sleeps tonight.
<SYNC Start=3186750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3186917><P Class=EGCC>
In the jungle
<SYNC Start=3188833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3189250><P Class=EGCC>
The mighty jungle
<SYNC Start=3191167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3191250><P Class=EGCC>
The lion sleeps to--
<SYNC Start=3193250><P Class=EGCC>
I can't hear ya, buddy, back me up!
<SYNC Start=3195250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3195917><P Class=EGCC>
A-weee-ee-ee-ee aa-Pum-ba-bum-ba-waaay...
<SYNC Start=3200917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3202000><P Class=EGCC>
A-Pumbaa? Pumbaa?
<SYNC Start=3204000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3204417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3206417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3221250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3223250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3237000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3239000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3246083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3248083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3253833><P Class=EGCC>
Pumbaa? What's going on?
<SYNC Start=3255750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3256083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3258000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3258667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3260583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3261833><P Class=EGCC>
Whoah!! ... Jeez! Why do I always have to save your AAAAAA!!
<SYNC Start=3265333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3269583><P Class=EGCC>
"Don't worry, buddy; I'm here for you. Everything's gonna be okay."
<SYNC Start=3273083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3273917><P Class=EGCC>
Get her! Bite her head! Go for the jugular. The jugular!
<SYNC Start=3279833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3280333><P Class=EGCC>
See, I told you he'd come in handy.
<SYNC Start=3282833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3283917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3285833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3285917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3287917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3291917><P Class=EGCC>
Is it really you?
<SYNC Start=3293833><P Class=EGCC>
Who are you?
<SYNC Start=3295833><P Class=EGCC>
It's me. Simba.
<SYNC Start=3297750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3298250><P Class=EGCC>
Simba? Whoah!!!
<SYNC Start=3303167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3303917><P Class=EGCC>
Well how did you.. where did you come from ... it's great to see you..
<SYNC Start=3307583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3308000><P Class=EGCC>
Aaaah! how did you... who... wow... this is cool... it's great to see you.
<SYNC Start=3311000><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, what's goin' on here?
<SYNC Start=3312750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3313000><P Class=EGCC>
What are you doing here?
<SYNC Start=3314667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3315000><P Class=EGCC>
"What do you mean, <br>
""What am I doing here?"" What are you doing here?"
<SYNC Start=3317167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3319167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3319417><P Class=EGCC>
"Timon, this is Nala; she's my best friend!"
<SYNC Start=3321917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3322167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3323667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3323750><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. Hey, Pumbaa! Come over here.
<SYNC Start=3326417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3327667><P Class=EGCC>
Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala.
<SYNC Start=3329583><P Class=EGCC>
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
<SYNC Start=3331583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3331667><P Class=EGCC>
The pleasure's all mine.
<SYNC Start=3333583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3333667><P Class=EGCC>
How do you do.. Whoa! Whoa. Time out... Let me get this straight.
<SYNC Start=3336583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3337750><P Class=EGCC>
You know her. She knows you. But she wants to eat him.
<SYNC Start=3340750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3341250><P Class=EGCC>
And, everybody's okay with this?
<SYNC Start=3344333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3345167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3346500><P Class=EGCC>
Relax, Timon.
<SYNC Start=3348333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3348583><P Class=EGCC>
Wait 'til everybody finds out you've been here all this time.<br>
And your mother what will she think?
<SYNC Start=3353250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3353417><P Class=EGCC>
She doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know.
<SYNC Start=3357083><P Class=EGCC>
Well, of course they do. Everyone thinks you're dead.
<SYNC Start=3359500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3359833><P Class=EGCC>
They do?
<SYNC Start=3361333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3361583><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede.
<SYNC Start=3363833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3364750><P Class=EGCC>
He did? What else did he tell you?
<SYNC Start=3367500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3367917><P Class=EGCC>
What else matters? You're alive. And that means... you're the king!
<SYNC Start=3372417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3372667><P Class=EGCC>
King? Pbbb. Lady, have you got your lions crossed.
<SYNC Start=3377833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3377917><P Class=EGCC>
King? Your Majesty! I gravel at your feet.
<SYNC Start=3382167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3383417><P Class=EGCC>
Stop it.
<SYNC Start=3385083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3385583><P Class=EGCC>
"It's not ""gravel,"" it's ""grovel."" And don't; he's not the king. Are ya?"
<SYNC Start=3389917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3390083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3392083><P Class=EGCC>
No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was gonna be. <br>
But, that was a long time ago.
<SYNC Start=3396333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3396583><P Class=EGCC>
Let me get this straight. You're the king? <br>
And you never told us?
<SYNC Start=3400000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3400333><P Class=EGCC>
Look, I'm still the same guy.
<SYNC Start=3402250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3402500><P Class=EGCC>
But with power!
<SYNC Start=3404250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3404333><P Class=EGCC>
Could you guys ... excuse us for a few minutes?
<SYNC Start=3406833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3407250><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, whatever she has to say, she can say in front of us. Right, Simba?
<SYNC Start=3411000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3411250><P Class=EGCC>
Hmm.... Maybe you'd better go .
<SYNC Start=3413917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3416000><P Class=EGCC>
It starts. You think you know a guy.....
<SYNC Start=3418583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3422667><P Class=EGCC>
Timon and Pumbaa. You learn to love 'em.
<SYNC Start=3425417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3427750><P Class=EGCC>
What? What is it?
<SYNC Start=3432583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3433333><P Class=EGCC>
It's like you're back from the dead.
<SYNC Start=3435833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3437000><P Class=EGCC>
You don't know how much this will mean to everyone.
<SYNC Start=3439917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3440583><P Class=EGCC>
What it means to me.
<SYNC Start=3442333><P Class=EGCC>
" Hey; it's OK."
<SYNC Start=3444333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3444750><P Class=EGCC>
I've really missed you.
<SYNC Start=3446750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3446833><P Class=EGCC>
I've missed you too.
<SYNC Start=3448833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3452250><P Class=EGCC>
I tell ya, Pumbaa. This stinks.
<SYNC Start=3454167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3454500><P Class=EGCC>
Oh. Sorry.
<SYNC Start=3456417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3456667><P Class=EGCC>
Not you. Them! Him. Her. Alone...
<SYNC Start=3461583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3462083><P Class=EGCC>
What's wrong with that?
<SYNC Start=3464000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3464250><P Class=EGCC>
I can see what's happening<br>
<SYNC Start=3466333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3466500><P Class=EGCC>
And they don't have a clue<br>
<SYNC Start=3468500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3468667><P Class=EGCC>
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
<SYNC Start=3471250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3471917><P Class=EGCC>
Our trio's down to two.Oh...
<SYNC Start=3474083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3474333><P Class=EGCC>
Ze sweet caress of twilight
<SYNC Start=3476917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3478083><P Class=EGCC>
There's magic everywhere
<SYNC Start=3480333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3480583><P Class=EGCC>
And with all this romantic atmosphere
<SYNC Start=3485500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3486000><P Class=EGCC>
Disaster's in the air
<SYNC Start=3489583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3496167><P Class=EGCC>
Can you feel the love tonight?
<SYNC Start=3500500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3501667><P Class=EGCC>
The peace the evening brings
<SYNC Start=3505917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3508000><P Class=EGCC>
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
<SYNC Start=3514167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3514417><P Class=EGCC>
With all its living things
<SYNC Start=3518833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3521667><P Class=EGCC>
So many things to tell her
<SYNC Start=3524583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3524833><P Class=EGCC>
But how to make her see
<SYNC Start=3528583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3528917><P Class=EGCC>
The truth about my past? Impossible!
<SYNC Start=3532583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3532667><P Class=EGCC>
She'd turn away from me
<SYNC Start=3534667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3534833><P Class=EGCC>
He's holding back, he's hiding
<SYNC Start=3536833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3537583><P Class=EGCC>
But what, I can't decide
<SYNC Start=3539583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3540333><P Class=EGCC>
Why won't he be the king I know he is
<SYNC Start=3543167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3543417><P Class=EGCC>
The king I see inside?
<SYNC Start=3548333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3549000><P Class=EGCC>
Can you feel the love tonight?
<SYNC Start=3552750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3553000><P Class=EGCC>
The peace the evening brings
<SYNC Start=3557917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3560333><P Class=EGCC>
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
<SYNC Start=3565667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3566250><P Class=EGCC>
With all its living things
<SYNC Start=3569500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3573917><P Class=EGCC>
Can you feel the love tonight?
<SYNC Start=3577833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3579917><P Class=EGCC>
You needn't look too far
<SYNC Start=3583833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3587333><P Class=EGCC>
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
<SYNC Start=3592167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3592417><P Class=EGCC>
Love is where they are.
<SYNC Start=3596333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3598833><P Class=EGCC>
And if he falls in love tonight
<SYNC Start=3604333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3606750><P Class=EGCC>
It can be assumed
<SYNC Start=3610333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3613083><P Class=EGCC>
His carefree days with us are history
<SYNC Start=3617583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3618333><P Class=EGCC>
In short, our pal is doomed
<SYNC Start=3626167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3636417><P Class=EGCC>
Isn't this a great place?
<SYNC Start=3638417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3638750><P Class=EGCC>
It is beautiful.... But I don't understand something.
<SYNC Start=3641667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3642833><P Class=EGCC>
You've been alive all this time. <br>
Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock?
<SYNC Start=3647750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3648750><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I just ... needed to get out on my own.
<SYNC Start=3651167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3652000><P Class=EGCC>
Live my own life. And I did. And it's great!
<SYNC Start=3654917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3655250><P Class=EGCC>
We've really needed you at home.
<SYNC Start=3657167><P Class=EGCC>
No one needs me.
<SYNC Start=3658917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3659250><P Class=EGCC>
Yes we do! You're the king.
<SYNC Start=3661083><P Class=EGCC>
Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the king. Scar is.
<SYNC Start=3664000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3664167><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands.
<SYNC Start=3668083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3668333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3670083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3670167><P Class=EGCC>
Everything's destroyed. There's no food, no water.
<SYNC Start=3672167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3672750><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve.
<SYNC Start=3674833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3675333><P Class=EGCC>
I can't go back.<br>
<SYNC Start=3677167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3677333><P Class=EGCC>
You wouldn't understand.<br>
What wouldn't I understand?
<SYNC Start=3679167><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata.
<SYNC Start=3681083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3682833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3683000><P Class=EGCC>
Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here.<br>
Look, sometimes bad things happen
<SYNC Start=3686333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3687417><P Class=EGCC>
Simba! <br>
...and there's nothing you can do about it! So why worry?
<SYNC Start=3690667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3691000><P Class=EGCC>
Because it's your responsibility.
<SYNC Start=3692917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3694250><P Class=EGCC>
Well, what about you? you left.
<SYNC Start=3696250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3696417><P Class=EGCC>
I left to find help! And I found you.<br>
Don't you understand? You're our only hope.
<SYNC Start=3702000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3703333><P Class=EGCC>
What's happened to you? You're not the Simba I remember.
<SYNC Start=3707833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3708500><P Class=EGCC>
"You're right; I'm not. Now are you satisfied?"
<SYNC Start=3710917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3711750><P Class=EGCC>
No, just disappointed.
<SYNC Start=3713667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3714500><P Class=EGCC>
You know, you're starting to sound like my father.
<SYNC Start=3717250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3717333><P Class=EGCC>
Good. At least one of us does.
<SYNC Start=3719333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3719833><P Class=EGCC>
Listen! You think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life?
<SYNC Start=3722667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3722917><P Class=EGCC>
You don't even know what I've been through.
<SYNC Start=3724917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3725083><P Class=EGCC>
I would if you'd just tell me!
<SYNC Start=3727083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3727333><P Class=EGCC>
Forget it! Fine!
<SYNC Start=3729250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3732500><P Class=EGCC>
She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove, anyway?
<SYNC Start=3737333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3737583><P Class=EGCC>
It won't change anything. You can't change the past.
<SYNC Start=3741333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3745333><P Class=EGCC>
You said you'd always be there for me!... But you're not.
<SYNC Start=3749083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3752500><P Class=EGCC>
And it's because of me. It's my fault.... It's my ... fault.
<SYNC Start=3758417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3804750><P Class=EGCC>
Come on, will you cut it out?
<SYNC Start=3806583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3807083><P Class=EGCC>
Can't cut it out. It'll grow right back!
<SYNC Start=3808917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3809333><P Class=EGCC>
Creepy little monkey. Will you stop following me? Who are you?
<SYNC Start=3812583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3813167><P Class=EGCC>
The question is: whooo... are you?
<SYNC Start=3816167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3818000><P Class=EGCC>
I thought I knew.... Now I'm not so sure.
<SYNC Start=3821417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3821833><P Class=EGCC>
Well, I know who you are. Shh. Come here. It's a secret.
<SYNC Start=3825833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3829167><P Class=EGCC>
Ernh! Enough already! ...What's that supposed to mean anyway?
<SYNC Start=3832333><P Class=EGCC>
It means you are a baboon-- and I'm not.
<SYNC Start=3835167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3837167><P Class=EGCC>
I think, you're a little confused.
<SYNC Start=3839167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3840000><P Class=EGCC>
"Wrong! I'm not the one who's confused; <br>
you don't even know who you are!"
<SYNC Start=3844417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3845083><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, and I suppose you know.
<SYNC Start=3847083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3847417><P Class=EGCC>
"Sure do; You're Mufasa's boy!"
<SYNC Start=3849333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3851417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3853167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3853750><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, wait!
<SYNC Start=3855667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3863250><P Class=EGCC>
You knew my father?
<SYNC Start=3865250><P Class=EGCC>
Correction-- I know your father.
<SYNC Start=3867250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3869083><P Class=EGCC>
I hate to tell you this, but he died. A long time ago.
<SYNC Start=3874000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3874083><P Class=EGCC>
Nope. Wrong again! Hah hah hah! He's alive and I'll show him to you.
<SYNC Start=3880167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3880333><P Class=EGCC>
"You follow old Rafiki; he knows the way. Come on!"
<SYNC Start=3884250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3893917><P Class=EGCC>
Don't dawdle.... Hurry up!
<SYNC Start=3895833><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, whoa. Wait, wait.
<SYNC Start=3897750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3898500><P Class=EGCC>
Come on. Come on!
<SYNC Start=3900500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3902250><P Class=EGCC>
Would you slow down?
<SYNC Start=3904167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3915500><P Class=EGCC>
STOP! Shhh. Look down there.
<SYNC Start=3923833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3948500><P Class=EGCC>
That's not my father. That's just my reflection.
<SYNC Start=3950417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3951667><P Class=EGCC>
Noo. Look ... harder.
<SYNC Start=3955667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3964167><P Class=EGCC>
You see ... he lives in you.
<SYNC Start=3968250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3972250><P Class=EGCC>
Simba . . .
<SYNC Start=3974667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3975417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3977417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3984333><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, you have forgotten me.
<SYNC Start=3987750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3987833><P Class=EGCC>
No. How could I?
<SYNC Start=3990000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3990500><P Class=EGCC>
You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me.
<SYNC Start=3993333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=3994083><P Class=EGCC>
Look inside yourself, Simba. <br>
You are more than what you have become.
<SYNC Start=3999750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4000250><P Class=EGCC>
You must take your place in the Circle of Life.
<SYNC Start=4004000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4004333><P Class=EGCC>
How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be.
<SYNC Start=4007417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4007583><P Class=EGCC>
Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king.<br>
Remember who you are.
<SYNC Start=4019417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4022250><P Class=EGCC>
No! Please! Don't leave me.
<SYNC Start=4024667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4025000><P Class=EGCC>
Father! <br>
<SYNC Start=4027667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4028583><P Class=EGCC>
Don't leave me.<br>
<SYNC Start=4031083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4041500><P Class=EGCC>
What was that? The weather-- Pbbbah! Very peculiar. Don't you think?
<SYNC Start=4046417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4047583><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah. Looks like the winds are changing.
<SYNC Start=4050167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4050333><P Class=EGCC>
Ahhh, change is good.
<SYNC Start=4052250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4053333><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, but it's not easy. I know what I have to do.
<SYNC Start=4056167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4056417><P Class=EGCC>
But, going back means I'll have to face my past.
<SYNC Start=4060333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4062583><P Class=EGCC>
I've been running from it for so long....Oww! Jeez-- what was that for?
<SYNC Start=4066500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4066917><P Class=EGCC>
"It doesn't matter; it's in the past!"
<SYNC Start=4068917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4069500><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, but it still hurts.
<SYNC Start=4071417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4072333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, <br>
you can either run from it... or ... learn from it.
<SYNC Start=4078250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4079667><P Class=EGCC>
Hah! You see? So what are you going to do?
<SYNC Start=4082917><P Class=EGCC>
First... I'm going to take your stick.
<SYNC Start=4084917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4086333><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no, no! Not the stick!<br>
Hey! Where are you going?
<SYNC Start=4089000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4089250><P Class=EGCC>
I'm going back!
<SYNC Start=4091250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4092833><P Class=EGCC>
Good! Go on! Get out of here!
<SYNC Start=4094750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4115250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4117250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4117667><P Class=EGCC>
Hey. Hey, wake up.
<SYNC Start=4119667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4121833><P Class=EGCC>
It's OK. Whoa, whoa. It's OK. It's me.
<SYNC Start=4126083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4127333><P Class=EGCC>
Don't ever do that again! Carnivores, oy!
<SYNC Start=4131667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4132583><P Class=EGCC>
Have you guys seen Simba?
<SYNC Start=4134333><P Class=EGCC>
I thought he was with you.
<SYNC Start=4136083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4136250><P Class=EGCC>
He was, but now I can't find him. Where is he?
<SYNC Start=4138250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4138333><P Class=EGCC>
Ho ho ho ho! You won't find him here.<br>
Ha ha. The king has returned.
<SYNC Start=4143250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4144417><P Class=EGCC>
I can't believe it. He's gone back!
<SYNC Start=4146833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4147417><P Class=EGCC>
Gone back? What do you mean? Hey! <br>
What's going on here? Who's the monkey?!
<SYNC Start=4152333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4152750><P Class=EGCC>
Simba's gone to challenge Scar.
<SYNC Start=4154750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4155083><P Class=EGCC>
Who? <br>
Who's got a scar?
<SYNC Start=4157000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4157083><P Class=EGCC>
No, no, no. It's his uncle.<br>
The monkey's his uncle?
<SYNC Start=4159250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4159833><P Class=EGCC>
No! Simba's gone back to challenge his uncle <br>
to take his place as king.
<SYNC Start=4162917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4164667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4222083><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, wait up! It's awful, isn't it?
<SYNC Start=4227583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4229000><P Class=EGCC>
I didn't want to believe you.
<SYNC Start=4231000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4231917><P Class=EGCC>
What made you come back?
<SYNC Start=4233917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4234250><P Class=EGCC>
I finally got some sense knocked into me. <br>
And I've got the bump to prove it.
<SYNC Start=4238250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4238917><P Class=EGCC>
Besides, this is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?
<SYNC Start=4242917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4244417><P Class=EGCC>
I will.
<SYNC Start=4246417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4247000><P Class=EGCC>
It's going to be dangerous.
<SYNC Start=4249000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4249250><P Class=EGCC>
Danger? I laugh in the face of danger. Hah ha ha haa!
<SYNC Start=4252417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4252667><P Class=EGCC>
I see nothing funny about this.
<SYNC Start=4254583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4255333><P Class=EGCC>
Timon? Pumbaa? What are you doing here?
<SYNC Start=4258250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4258750><P Class=EGCC>
At your service, my liege.
<SYNC Start=4260750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4261083><P Class=EGCC>
Uh.. We're going to fight your uncle ... for this?
<SYNC Start=4263083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4264000><P Class=EGCC>
"Yes, Timon; this is my home."
<SYNC Start=4267000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4268167><P Class=EGCC>
Phh. Talk about your fixer-upper. Well, Simba, <br>
if it's important to you we're with you to the end.
<SYNC Start=4273667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4299333><P Class=EGCC>
Live bait.
<SYNC Start=4301250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4301417><P Class=EGCC>
Good idea. Hey.
<SYNC Start=4303417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4303833><P Class=EGCC>
Come on, Timon-- you guys have to crate a diversion.
<SYNC Start=4306333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4306500><P Class=EGCC>
What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?
<SYNC Start=4308417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4309333><P Class=EGCC>
If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
<SYNC Start=4312750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4313000><P Class=EGCC>
Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat
<SYNC Start=4314917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4315167><P Class=EGCC>
Come on down and dine<br>
On this tasty swine
<SYNC Start=4317167><P Class=EGCC>
All you have to do is get in line
<SYNC Start=4319083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4319167><P Class=EGCC>
Aaaare ya achin'<br>
Yup, yup, yup
<SYNC Start=4321167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4321250><P Class=EGCC>
Fooor some bacon?<br>
Yup, yup, yup
<SYNC Start=4323167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4323333><P Class=EGCC>
Heee's a big pig<br>
Yup, yup, yup
<SYNC Start=4324750><P Class=EGCC>
You could be a big pig too.<br>
Yup, yup
<SYNC Start=4326750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4331667><P Class=EGCC>
Nala, you find my mother and rally the lionesses.<br>
I'll look for Scar.
<SYNC Start=4335583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4339667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4342083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4356833><P Class=EGCC>
Yes, Scar?
<SYNC Start=4358750><P Class=EGCC>
Where is your hunting party? <br>
They're not doing their job.
<SYNC Start=4362417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4362667><P Class=EGCC>
Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on.
<SYNC Start=4365500><P Class=EGCC>
No. You're just not looking hard enough.
<SYNC Start=4367500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4367917><P Class=EGCC>
It's over. There is nothing left. <br>
We have only one choice. We must leave Pride Rock.
<SYNC Start=4374833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4375250><P Class=EGCC>
We're not going anywhere.
<SYNC Start=4376917><P Class=EGCC>
Then you have sentenced us to death!
<SYNC Start=4378833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4378917><P Class=EGCC>
Then so be it.
<SYNC Start=4380667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4380833><P Class=EGCC>
You can't do that.
<SYNC Start=4382583><P Class=EGCC>
I'm the king. I can do... whatever I want.
<SYNC Start=4384583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4384667><P Class=EGCC>
If you were half the king Mufasa was you would neve--
<SYNC Start=4386583><P Class=EGCC>
I'm ten times the king Mufasa was!
<SYNC Start=4388500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4390750><P Class=EGCC>
Mufasa? No-- you're dead.
<SYNC Start=4393500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4400417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4402333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4403417><P Class=EGCC>
"No; it's me."
<SYNC Start=4405833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4406083><P Class=EGCC>
Simba? You're alive? How can that be?
<SYNC Start=4411250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4411583><P Class=EGCC>
"It doesn't matter; I'm home."
<SYNC Start=4414083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4415417><P Class=EGCC>
Simba? Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you... alive.
<SYNC Start=4422083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4424500><P Class=EGCC>
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart.
<SYNC Start=4429167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4429333><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom...
<SYNC Start=4433500><P Class=EGCC>
Are no longer yours. Step down, Scar.
<SYNC Start=4436917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4438083><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, oh, ye-- Well, I would, heh, naturally, <br>
heh-- however, there is one little problem.
<SYNC Start=4442833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4443000><P Class=EGCC>
You see them? They think I'm king.
<SYNC Start=4447917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4449000><P Class=EGCC>
Well, we don't. Simba is the rightful king.
<SYNC Start=4451917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4452417><P Class=EGCC>
The choice is yours, Scar. Either step down or fight.
<SYNC Start=4456333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4457083><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, must it all end in violence? <br>
I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member.
<SYNC Start=4462750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4463083><P Class=EGCC>
Wouldn't you agree, Simba?
<SYNC Start=4464917><P Class=EGCC>
That's not gonna work, Scar. I've put it behind me.
<SYNC Start=4467750><P Class=EGCC>
Eh, but what about your faithful subjects? <br>
Have they put it behind them?
<SYNC Start=4471750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4471917><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, what is he talking about?
<SYNC Start=4473833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4474917><P Class=EGCC>
Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret.
<SYNC Start=4477833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4478083><P Class=EGCC>
Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. <br>
Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death!
<SYNC Start=4485333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4489000><P Class=EGCC>
I am.
<SYNC Start=4490917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4494750><P Class=EGCC>
It's not true. Tell me it's not true.
<SYNC Start=4500167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4501333><P Class=EGCC>
It's true.
<SYNC Start=4503250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4503583><P Class=EGCC>
You see, he admits it! Murderer!
<SYNC Start=4506917><P Class=EGCC>
No! It was an accident!
<SYNC Start=4508750><P Class=EGCC>
If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive.
<SYNC Start=4510750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4511000><P Class=EGCC>
It's your fault he's dead.... Do you deny it?
<SYNC Start=4513167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4513583><P Class=EGCC>
Then ... you're ... guilty!
<SYNC Start=4515917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4516417><P Class=EGCC>
No. I'm not a murderer.
<SYNC Start=4518250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4518417><P Class=EGCC>
Oh Simba, you're in trouble again. <br>
But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you.
<SYNC Start=4524417><P Class=EGCC>
And now everyone knows why!
<SYNC Start=4526417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4528167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4530167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4531917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4533917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4535500><P Class=EGCC>
Now this looks familiar. Hmm. Where have I seen this before.
<SYNC Start=4540083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4540583><P Class=EGCC>
Let me think. Hmmm... hmmm. Oh yes, I remember.
<SYNC Start=4544667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4545083><P Class=EGCC>
This is just the way your father looked before he died.
<SYNC Start=4549000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4549250><P Class=EGCC>
And here's my little secret. I killed Mufasa.
<SYNC Start=4557167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4561250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4563750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4563917><P Class=EGCC>
No, Simba please.
<SYNC Start=4565083><P Class=EGCC>
Tell them the truth.
<SYNC Start=4567000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4567333><P Class=EGCC>
Truth? But, truth is in the eye of the beholdllgkkk!
<SYNC Start=4571417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4572250><P Class=EGCC>
All right. All right. I did it.
<SYNC Start=4576500><P Class=EGCC>
So they can hear you.
<SYNC Start=4578500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4579167><P Class=EGCC>
I ... killed ... Mufasa!
<SYNC Start=4582083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4592667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4594583><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4595333><P Class=EGCC>
'Scuse me. Pardon me. Comin' through. Hot stuff. Whoo!
<SYNC Start=4597917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4626917><P Class=EGCC>
Let me out! Let me out!
<SYNC Start=4628917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4629417><P Class=EGCC>
Let me in let me in! Pleeease don't eat me.
<SYNC Start=4633833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4634667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4636250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4636417><P Class=EGCC>
Hey, who's the pig?
<SYNC Start=4638167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4638250><P Class=EGCC>
Are you talking to me?<br>
- Uh oh. They called him a pig.
<SYNC Start=4640500><P Class=EGCC>
Are you talking to me?! - Shouldn't 'a done that.
<SYNC Start=4642417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4642500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4643417><P Class=EGCC>
Now they're in for it.
<SYNC Start=4645083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4645500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4648917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4651833><P Class=EGCC>
Take that! And that!
<SYNC Start=4653750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4658333><P Class=EGCC>
Take that! And that! You yellow belly...
<SYNC Start=4660333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4681083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4682833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4683500><P Class=EGCC>
Simba, Simba. Please. Please have mercy. I beg you.
<SYNC Start=4686417><P Class=EGCC>
You don't deserve to live.
<SYNC Start=4688333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4688833><P Class=EGCC>
But, Simba, I am ... ah ... family.
<SYNC Start=4692750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4694000><P Class=EGCC>
It's the hyenas who are the real enemy.
<SYNC Start=4697917><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4698333><P Class=EGCC>
It was their fault-- it was their idea!
<SYNC Start=4700750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4701583><P Class=EGCC>
Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.
<SYNC Start=4705500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4707167><P Class=EGCC>
What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your old Uncle...?
<SYNC Start=4711083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4712250><P Class=EGCC>
No, Scar. I'm not like you.
<SYNC Start=4715500><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4716500><P Class=EGCC>
Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble.<br>
I'll make it up to you, I promise.
<SYNC Start=4721417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4721500><P Class=EGCC>
How can I, ah, prove myself to you?<br>
Tell me, I mean, anything.
<SYNC Start=4724667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4725750><P Class=EGCC>
Run. Run away, Scar. And never return.
<SYNC Start=4730167><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4732917><P Class=EGCC>
Yes. Of course.... As you wish, your Majesty!
<SYNC Start=4739833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4794000><P Class=EGCC>
Ahh, my friends.
<SYNC Start=4797417><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4797917><P Class=EGCC>
Frie-he-hends? I thought he said we were the enemy!
<SYNC Start=4801583><P Class=EGCC>
Yeah, that's what I heard.<br>
<SYNC Start=4805000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4809417><P Class=EGCC>
No. L-L-L-Le-Le-Le-Le-Let me explain.
<SYNC Start=4812667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4812917><P Class=EGCC>
No. You don't understand. <br>
No! I didn't mean for... No, No!
<SYNC Start=4816833><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4817167><P Class=EGCC>
Look, I'm sorry I called you... No! NOO!
<SYNC Start=4821083><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4883750><P Class=EGCC>
It is time.
<SYNC Start=4885667><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4910500><P Class=EGCC>
Remember . . .
<SYNC Start=4912750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4954917><P Class=EGCC>
'Til we find our place
<SYNC Start=4959000><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4959333><P Class=EGCC>
On the path unwinding
<SYNC Start=4963250><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4965333><P Class=EGCC>
In the Circle
<SYNC Start=4969750><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4970833><P Class=EGCC>
The Circle of Life
<SYNC Start=4975333><P Class=EGCC>
<SYNC Start=4976167><P Class=EGCC>
The Circle of Life
(영화대본) 위대한 유산 (Great Expectations 1998)
자신과 궁합이 맞지 않는 표현들은 외워봐야 결국 못 써먹습니다. 입에서 나오지 않습니다. 결국 누구나 자신만의 영어를 할 수 밖에 없는 겁니다. 포기할 것은 빨리 포기하고 얻을 수 있는 것만 얻는 것! 이게 겸손한 방법이요, 산전수전 다 겪은 고수들의 방법입니다. 고수들은 자신의 한계를 분명히 아는 사람입니다. 자신의 한계를 벗어나지 않습니다. 그래서 고수들은 분명한 색깔을 가지고 있습니다. 색깔이 없는 사람은 아직 고수가 아닙니다. 아무 영어나 다 외우려고 하는 사람은 아직 아마추어 입니다.
{301}{420}I deliver perfection...|and don't brag about it! :D
{3607}{3696}{y:i}There either is or is not|{y:i}a way things are.
{3702}{3792}{y:i}The color of the day.|{y:i}How it felt to be a child.
{3798}{3904}{y:i}The feeling of saltwater|{y:i}on your sunburned legs.
{3910}{4003}{y:i}Sometimes the water is yellow.|{y:i}Sometimes it's red.
{4009}{4145}{y:i}The color in memory|{y:i}depends on the day.
{4151}{4247}{y:i}I won't tell the story|{y:i}the way it happened.
{4253}{4365}{y:i}I'll tell it the|{y:i}way I remember it.
{5747}{5843}Help! Help!
{6136}{6161}What's your name?
{6196}{6287}- Whisper. What's your name? Whisper!|- Finn.
{6293}{6333}- What's your last name?|- Bell.
{6339}{6391}- Where do you live?|- By the pier.
{6397}{6463}Do you have tools?
{6468}{6578}Do you know what bolt cutters are?|Do you or don't you?
{6584}{6665}I can find you|and gut you like a fish.
{6671}{6768}I'll pull out your insides|and make you eat them, hear me?
{6774}{6912}Be here tomorrow at dawn with bolt|cutters and food, or I'll kill you.
{6918}{6966}I'll kill you if you tell.
{6972}{7088}- Anyone! Your folks...|- They're dead.
{7094}{7263}If you tell anyone, the last sound|you hear will be your own scream. Go!
{8423}{8490}- Oh, it's you, Joe.|- Did I scare you?
{8496}{8580}- So you went out today?|- Yeah! I got a nice tan.
{8586}{8684}No fish.|Setting traps, like everybody.
{8690}{8803}- Where's the fire?|- Nowhere. Just got homework.
{8809}{8942}Maggie's on a kind of rant today,|so you be careful, okay?
{8948}{9009}- Are you coming home soon?|- In an hour.
{9015}{9101}If you finish your work,|we'll go to Carvel's.
{9107}{9211}You rest up. We've got|a gardening job tomorrow.
{9217}{9296}- Joe?|- Yeah?
{9404}{9495}Hey, Finn!|How do you smoke a swordfish?
{9501}{9563}Put the bill in your mouth|and light the tail.
{9569}{9656}I'll see you later.
{9679}{9803}y:i}I was raised with some|{y:i}freedom from my sister, Maggie.
{9809}{9871}{y:i}Joe was her man.
{9877}{9990}{y:i}They banned big fishing rigs|{y:i}that year, and we were poor.
{9996}{10125}{y:i}We got by on what Joe earned|{y:i}on charters and lawn work.
{12627}{12741}Come on, come here.|Come on!
{12882}{12962}Are you alone?
{12968}{13016}- You deaf? Are you alone?|- No.
{13022}{13130}You're not alone|or you're not deaf?
{13489}{13572}Here, I brought you|something to drink.
{14333}{14406}Here, I took this for you.
{14412}{14481}What's this?|Birth control pills?
{14487}{14591}Here, this too.
{14593}{14701}Percodan.|Attaboy, now you're talking.
{14820}{14966}What else?|Come on, come on, come on!
{15182}{15259}Do you bite your nails?
{15265}{15313}That's a bad habit.
{15319}{15457}People say the eyes|are the windows to the soul. Bullshit.
{15463}{15597}Hands. That's the sign of a gentleman.
{15644}{15753}Come on, let's go. Come on.
{15772}{15847}- What?|- Come on.
{15857}{15909}- In the boat.|- If I don't get home...
{15915}{16058}Fuck your uncle, get in the boat.|Pick up the anchor. Let's go.
{16133}{16238}Shut up and get in the boat.
{16249}{16348}- Where are we going?|- Mexico.
{17376}{17495}- What?|- Police boat.
{18169}{18255}Ahoy there!|Son, are you all right?
{18261}{18319}- Where are you headed?|- Nowhere.
{18325}{18420}Some lady thought she saw a raft|here yesterday.
{18426}{18572}A man on it wearing a prison suit.|Did you see anything like that?
{18590}{18724}- No.|- Tie up a line. We'll tow you in.
{19320}{19379}{y:i}That was the end of it.
{19385}{19516}{y:i}Perhaps you had an experience|{y:i}like that as a child and told no one.
{19522}{19612}{y:i}Perhaps you had a brush with|{y:i}a world so large you seldom...
{19618}{19694}{y:i}... or never saw it again.
{20465}{20635}Jesus! It's the land time forgot.|Nora Driggers Dinsmoor.
{21008}{21097}Wait here. I'll find out|what they want us to do.
{21103}{21278}- Is it all right if I look around?|- No! You stay put till I come back.
{21284}{21383}God knows what's in these weeds.
{21861}{21945}{y:i}Nora Driggers Dinsmoor,|{y:i}richest lady in the gulf.
{21951}{22039}{y:i}She lost her mind 30 years ago|{y:i}when her fianc?left her...
{22045}{22120}{y:i}... at the altar.
{22791}{22869}What's your name?
{23838}{23923}Hey, Finn!
{24034}{24129}We're out of here. She slipped me|$500 under the door.
{24135}{24218}Gas money, she called it.|Weirdest thing.
{24224}{24294}- What?|- Nothing. Can I ride with you?
{24300}{24364}You smell like fertilizer.
{24370}{24474}Really? I do?
{24628}{24717}- You've got the wrong number.|- You won't believe...
{24723}{24851}Yes, well, he just...|Did he do something bad?
{24857}{24987}I'll be glad to.|That sounds really...
{24999}{25067}You got it. Okay.
{25073}{25197}Three on Saturday. This Saturday?|And thank you so much, ma'am.
{25203}{25281}You won't believe|where we were today.
{25287}{25367}That was Nora Driggers Dinsmoor.
{25373}{25448}It was too good to be true.|She wants her money back?
{25454}{25508}She wants him. Finn!
{25514}{25606}The richest lady|in the state calls me...
{25612}{25684}...and wants my little brother|to play with her niece.
{25690}{25818}"Why"? The old bat liked you.|He's a likable kid, he's adorable.
{25824}{25942}Who cares? Joe, this is|a really good thing.
{25948}{26034}How'd she even know...?|Dinsmoor never met Finn.
{26040}{26108}She slipped this under the door.
{26114}{26185}What is it, Joe? God!
{26191}{26319}Do you like living with all|the dead people down here?
{26325}{26481}What's wrong with people here?|I'm tired of working so much.
{26487}{26583}They took away the nets.
{26591}{26714}{y:i}Convict Arthur Lustig|{y:i}was recaptured this evening.
{26720}{26789}{y:i}This concludes|{y:i}a four-day manhunt for Lustig...
{26795}{26856}{y:i}... the convicted murderer|{y:i}of Gene Valiente.
{26862}{26956}{y:i}Valiente, reputed mob boss|{y:i}of the Catalano family...
{26962}{27043}{y:i}... was gunned down in his home|{y:i}last Christmas.
{27049}{27126}{y:i}Lustig will be returned|{y:i}to death row...
{27132}{27303}{y:i}... and is scheduled to die|{y:i}by lethal injection March 16th.
{27510}{27597}Holy shit!
{27609}{27687}Hey, you look sharp.
{27693}{27838}- How do I smell?|- You smell clean. Tea time.
{27846}{27940}- Be polite. "Yes, ma'am", "No, ma'am".|- I will.
{27946}{28055}- Are you okay with this?|- He's great. Go ahead.
{28061}{28180}Say, "May I", "Please", all that stuff.
{28411}{28502}Oh, the gardener.
{28594}{28744}The design of this floor is|from the Alhambra in Spain.
{28793}{28872}The ceiling's gold leaf, real gold.
{28878}{28986}It's just like the Thousand|Wing ceiling at Venice's Accademia.
{28992}{29068}{y:i}Old Ms. Dinsmoor|{y:i}hadn't been seen in years.
{29074}{29119}{y:i}I'd heard she was crazy.
{29125}{29160}Go ahead.
{29166}{29234}Aren't you coming?
{29240}{29343}{y:i}But nobody knew how crazy.
{29349}{29480}{y:i}Her room smelled of dead|{y:i}flowers and cat piss.
{29800}{29868}Boom boom.
{30179}{30320}{y:i}Besame, besame mucho
{30325}{30499}{y:i}Each time I cling to your kiss|{y:i}I hear music divine
{30612}{30750}{y:i}Hold me my darling and say|{y:i}that you'll always be mine
{30751}{30834}{y:i}This joy's something new, my arms|{y:i}they're holding you
{30840}{30898}{y:i}I never knew this thrill before
{30904}{31023}{y:i}Whoever thought I'd be holding you|{y:i}close, whispering...
{31029}{31119}- Who are you?|- Finn, ma'am.
{31125}{31258}- What are you doing in my bedroom?|- I don't know.
{31260}{31356}Give me your hand.
{31361}{31495}- What is this?|- Your... Your boob.
{31501}{31637}My heart. It's my heart. It's broken.
{31643}{31772}- Can you tell?|- I'm sorry.
{31805}{31863}"Sorry." Come.
{31869}{31940}Shoo, shoo. Tabby, scram.
{31946}{32038}Wow! That's the biggest cat|I've ever seen.
{32044}{32168}- What do you feed it?|- Other cats.
{32184}{32329}Well, go ahead.|You can proceed.
{32446}{32498}- Dance.|- Huh?
{32504}{32636}I'd like you to dance. That's why|you're here. To entertain me.
{32642}{32755}Pony, foxtrot, frug,|Philly Dog, fandango. Anything.
{32761}{32862}I can't. I'm sorry, ma'am.
{32868}{32966}You "can't"? "I'm sorry, ma'am."
{32972}{33082}Or you won't? You dance.|Dance, dance, dance!
{33144}{33246}- Get out of here.|- Wait!
{33252}{33320}I can draw.
{33388}{33523}You can use my lipstick and eyebrow|pencil on the dressing table.
{34022}{34114}- Is tea ready?|- I'd like you to sit for a portrait.
{34120}{34239}- A portrait? By whom?|- That boy.
{34245}{34322}The gardener?|I'll be in my room.
{34328}{34393}Come back and sit.
{34476}{34591}And you. Come sit by me.
{34984}{35066}She's beautiful, isn't she?
{35213}{35355}What do you think of her?|Come on, whisper in my ear.
{35361}{35456}Come on.
{35507}{35593}I think she's a snob.
{35599}{35668}Anything else?
{35743}{35837}I think she's real pretty.
{35843}{35940}Anything else?
{36037}{36120}I think she doesn't like me.
{36126}{36242}But you love her.|She'll break your heart, it's a fact.
{36248}{36371}It's tragic, you're already in love.|And though I guarantee you...
{36377}{36545}...that the girl will hurt you|terribly, you'll still pursue her.
{36557}{36654}Ain't love grand?
{37096}{37187}- I'd like to go now.|- Have you finished?
{37193}{37247}Before I'm a teenager, please.
{37253}{37346}Can I go now?
{37416}{37571}Would you like to come again?|Would you like to see Estella again?
{37655}{37763}Poor boy, poor boy, poor boy.|This is yours, dear.
{37769}{37893}{y:i}The ways of the rich and all my|{y:i}longing, which began that day.
{37899}{38032}{y:i}To paint for the rich, to have|{y:i}their freedom, to love Estella.
{38038}{38114}{y:i}The things we cannot have.
{38120}{38195}Give this to your guardian.
{38201}{38293}Would you see Finn out, please?
{39115}{39168}Want some?
{39174}{39245}It's not poisoned.
{40462}{40606}{y:i}You remember it.|{y:i}You remember how it felt.
{40607}{40715}{y:i}And then I went home to draw it.
{40929}{41029}I'm going to work.|What are you going to do before bed?
{41035}{41086}Brush my teeth.
{41092}{41207}That's really beautiful, Finn.
{41269}{41345}Keep it up, okay?
{41351}{41444}{y:i}Maggie left that night.|{y:i}She never came back.
{41450}{41542}I'll see you when you wake up.
{41611}{41721}{y:i}Joe raised me.|{y:i}We never said a word.
{41746}{41827}{y:i}I visited Paradiso Perduto|{y:i}Saturdays.
{41833}{41910}Feel it, feel it, feel it, feel it.
{41916}{42008}{y:i}The money Dinsmoor paid|{y:i}kept me in paints and brushes.
{42014}{42062}{y:i}And there was Estella.
{42316}{42395}Smile. Smile.
{42401}{42503}Smi... All right, don't smile.
{42526}{42601}Yes, feel it!
{42694}{42823}Wonderful, wonderful!|Feel it in your bones.
{43238}{43319}- Where are you going?|- Cocktails at Rewald's.
{43325}{43406}Lane? Another cocktail,|and we'll be able to eat him.
{43412}{43479}Carl Rewald. Lane is his father.|Carl doesn't drink.
{43485}{43586}Cue balls. The whole family's pickled.|Who's your escort?
{43592}{43706}- Please, this is the '80s...|- I'll bring you.
{43858}{43954}Finn will make a fine date.
{43957}{44010}Oh, God!
{44016}{44078}Then it's done.
{44084}{44244}Fine, but you meet me there. 1115|North Ocean. Wear your dinner jacket.
{44250}{44365}- How much time have you got?|- None, I'm late! I'm dead. Wow!
{44371}{44491}That'll pass as a dinner jacket.
{44508}{44603}- This is a girl's.|- Keep it buttoned, no one will notice.
{44609}{44685}- Where did you get this?|- It's Maggie's.
{44691}{44794}- It's one of the only things she left.|- What a bitch!
{44875}{44987}- "What?" Come here.|- Jesus!
{44993}{45093}- Are you all right for money?|- Yeah, I'm good.
{45099}{45228}- A little nervous?|- Yeah, a little.
{45281}{45363}There you go.
{45369}{45468}You just be yourself, huh?
{45472}{45531}Come on, have fun.
{45537}{45647}- You're not on the list.|- Check the name Dinsmoor?
{45653}{45774}I did, sir. You're not on this list.|Please leave now.
{45780}{45933}Hi, Mrs. Lee!|Use your usual spot.
{46097}{46191}- Do you want to get me out of here?|- Yes.
{46197}{46271}Come on in.
{46281}{46386}- Where do you want to go?|- Your house?
{46410}{46534}All right. Let's go.
{46662}{46849}The moths are|from the Thousand Wing ceiling.
{46906}{47046}Joe's not here. He's...|He's playing dominoes.
{47052}{47160}- Is that your room?|- Yeah.
{47211}{47300}I wasn't really|expecting company...
{47306}{47384}...you know.
{47551}{47640}- You still draw.|- Yeah.
{47646}{47720}They're hanging a couple|at Washington Federal.
{47726}{47811}The bank?
{47812}{47878}- Go to New York.|- New York?
{47884}{47927}Center of the art world.
{47933}{48080}Here, you'll end up painting|coconuts for tourists.
{48214}{48350}- When did you do this?|- A while ago.
{48409}{48483}I don't wear my hair like that|anymore.
{48489}{48560}But you should.
{48569}{48672}- I mean...|- Do you like it that way?
{49095}{49178}What else do you like?
{49277}{49411}How come we see each other|every week, but we never did anything?
{49417}{49521}- "Did anything"?|- Saw a movie, whatever.
{49527}{49599}You never asked.
{49605}{49683}And if I had?
{49777}{49863}I'm here, aren't I?
{49921}{50047}- Are you with anyone?|- Right this second?
{50047}{50202}- No, I mean like...|- Like a steady boyfriend?
{50338}{50491}- You could have anyone.|- No, I...
{50694}{50788}What about you?
{51199}{51319}- Why not?|- 'Cause I...
{51381}{51473}I just...
{51601}{51689}I know.
{51696}{51786}I know.
{52986}{53033}- What's wrong?|- Nothing.
{53039}{53149}- It's late. What time is it?|- It's 10:30. Where are you going?
{53155}{53294}I've got to get home.|I have a million things to do tonight.
{53591}{53674}Don't speak French.
{54425}{54558}Excuse me. Have you seen Estella?
{54673}{54829}{y:i}Dinsmoor was weirder than|{y:i}usual, but I had to see Estella.
{55016}{55090}I never come here. Never.
{55096}{55225}Do you know why?|Twenty-six years ago, I trusted.
{55231}{55416}I saved myself. I was a virgin.|It's funny, huh?
{55434}{55586}Those were the times,|that's how I was raised.
{55592}{55713}What kind of creature takes|such a thing, such a gift, a trust?
{55719}{55835}Who does this? Takes advantage|of a 42-year-old woman?
{55841}{55982}What kind of creature leaves|this woman waiting like a fool?
{55988}{56161}A man does this, so men must pay.|Am I right?
{56211}{56277}- Estella will make men weep.|- Do you know where she is?
{56283}{56346}She'll break them.|I taught her well.
{56352}{56474}When she returns, she'll cut through|them like a hot knife through butter.
{56480}{56570}- Returns?|- Oh, my dear boy!
{56576}{56641}Didn't you know?
{56647}{56756}She's left for school.|Switzerland for two years, then Paris.
{56762}{56922}Didn't she say goodbye?|I'm sure she meant to.
{57126}{57227}See you next week, dear.
{57688}{57767}{y:i}Seven years passed.
{57773}{57840}{y:i}I stopped going to Paradiso Perduto.
{57846}{57882}{y:i}I stopped painting.
{57888}{57953}{y:i}I put aside fantasy and the wealthy...
{57959}{58032}{y:i}... and the heavenly girl|{y:i}who did not want me.
{58038}{58158}{y:i}None of it would happen to me again.|{y:i}I'd seen through it.
{58164}{58249}{y:i}I elected to grow up.
{59186}{59304}Finn! This is Jerry Ragno.
{59310}{59399}Jerry, Mr. Ragno|is a lawyer in Miami.
{59405}{59525}And New York. We have|offices in Manhattan. So, Finn...
{59531}{59666}...I'm empowered by my client|to make your dreams come true.
{59742}{59869}Really? Any particular dream|or just all of them?
{59875}{59936}Have you ever shown your work?|No.
{59942}{60012}They had Finn's painting|at Washington Federal Bank.
{60018}{60170}Eight years ago. I gave all that up.|I don't understand what this is about.
{60176}{60315}How would you like a one-man show|at the Thrall Gallery?
{60321}{60449}My client, Erica Thrall, wants you|in New York for a one-man show.
{60455}{60542}Have you ever sent slides|to the Thrall Gallery?
{60548}{60619}I sent slides everywhere|in high school.
{60625}{60712}They made an impression.|A ticket to New York...
{60718}{60799}...plus $ 1000 for incidentals.
{60805}{60925}Sorry, they're all in hundreds.
{61175}{61335}The hundreds aren't the problem.|I just... I don't paint anymore.
{61546}{61655}{y:i}Whose business was it|{y:i}what I did with my life?
{61661}{61773}{y:i}Who'd gotten my life in order? Me.|{y:i}I was in control.
{61779}{61887}{y:i}And everything I wanted, I had.
{61893}{62022}Ms. Dinsmoor?|Are cocktails ready, Thomas?
{62028}{62135}No, it's me. It's Finn.
{62141}{62202}- I came...|Looking for Estella.
{62208}{62358}- That hook is in deep, isn't it, dear?|- I came to ask you a question.
{62364}{62466}After nearly 10 years|without a word, without a visit...
{62472}{62559}...you've come to interrogate me.|How interesting.
{62565}{62696}- I'm sorry. Things happened.|- The love of your life left you.
{62702}{62825}It hurts, doesn't it?|Come closer.
{63108}{63197}I've gone red.
{63212}{63321}- I noticed. It's nice.|- And look at you.
{63327}{63425}All grown up. A man.
{63431}{63522}Ms. Dinsmoor, a lawyer named Ragno|came to see me.
{63528}{63592}- The spider.|- Do you know him?
{63598}{63716}"Ragno" means "spider" in Italian.|You must learn other languages.
{63722}{63850}He represents an art gallery owner in|New York who wants to show my work.
{63856}{63970}You can draw. Can't dance|worth a shit, but you can draw.
{63976}{64067}Did you know anything about this?
{64073}{64240}- Estella is in New York.|- I doubt our paths will cross.
{64268}{64362}- So you're going?|- Should I?
{64461}{64550}I remember watching you|from that very window.
{64556}{64719}Scared little mouse scurrying across|my garden and through my front door.
{64725}{64909}Now another door opens.|What will our mouse do?
{65044}{65146}- I expect an invitation.|- I'm sorry?
{65152}{65279}To your opening, your show.
{65426}{65519}- What equipment are you flying?|- What?
{65525}{65581}Is it a wide body or a 767?
{65587}{65685}I've no idea,|I just hope it stays up there.
{65691}{65792}- You'd better get on.|- Yeah.
{65798}{65932}What happens if I get up there|and I can't deliver?
{65938}{66071}Finn. There's nothing harder|than being given your chance.
{66077}{66197}- At least that's what I hear.|- Yeah?
{67619}{67678}- Have you got change for a dollar?|- What?
{67684}{67846}Fuck you! Fuck you!|Fuck you, man! Fuck you!
{67852}{67912}{y:i}Well, then, there I was.
{67918}{68032}{y:i}Ms. Dinsmoor, as my secret benefactor,|{y:i}sent me to New York to draw.
{68038}{68105}{y:i}To have the girl, to have it all.
{68111}{68225}{y:i}And I looked out on the great city,|{y:i}as so many before, which held it all.
{68231}{68308}{y:i}And it was that close,|{y:i}and it was mine.
{68314}{68480}"Liebchen, guten Morgen." Are you still|holding the red and green Picasso?
{68486}{68608}I think I have somebody interested.|No, I can't say right now.
{68614}{68756}Just the Picasso.|{y:i}Fabelhaft. Danke.
{68766}{68852}Here's where you|show me your work, darling.
{68858}{68971}- I told you, I don't have any.|- Then you'd better get busy.
{68977}{69068}Why am I here?|You saw some slides?
{69074}{69182}I gave Keith Haring a show|after he drew a sketch in my hand.
{69188}{69236}But which paintings did you like?
{69242}{69341}I saw the beginning of something,|and here you are.
{69347}{69396}Annette, Sotheby's.
{69402}{69556}What you do is up to you. Stay and|paint or enjoy the sights and go home.
{69562}{69657}Either way, I always enjoy|meeting a young painter.
{69663}{69763}Look, I mean, I'll do it.
{69788}{69892}I said that I'll do the paintings.
{69898}{70046}Wonderful. Call Marcy|when you have something for us.
{70264}{70302}{y:i}And I could still draw.
{70308}{70402}{y:i}Nothing had lessened it as much|{y:i}as I had abused it, abandoned it.
{70408}{70489}{y:i}It was a gift, and it was still mine.
{70495}{70569}{y:i}And everything else was less real.
{70575}{70653}{y:i}What can it mean?|{y:i}That picture of the world.
{70659}{70767}{y:i}But when it's true, we recognize it|{y:i}in ourselves, in others.
{70773}{70933}{y:i}We recognize it, like love,|{y:i}completely undeserved.
{71318}{71411}You're drooling.
{71414}{71516}So, Finn Bell.|In New York.
{71522}{71556}That's right.
{71562}{71678}I thought I saw you last Christmas.|I was driving down 5th.
{71684}{71730}I just got here.
{71736}{71833}Actually, now that I see you,|this guy was bigger.
{71839}{71911}- He's bigger.|- Fatter.
{71917}{71990}- He had long hair.|- You thought it was me?
{71996}{72147}- I hadn't seen you in years.|- It has been a while.
{72171}{72255}And here we are.
{72348}{72430}- I have to run.|- Wait, maybe we could...
{72436}{72549}Tomorrow at the Borough Club|around 6. I'm meeting some friends.
{72555}{72627}If you're free, that is.
{72633}{72722}I'm free.
{72747}{72843}I'm glad you're here.
{72965}{73094}{y:i}A long time ago there lived|{y:i}two brilliant artists. True geniuses.
{73100}{73204}{y:i}One day one of them|{y:i}was painting out in the forest...
{73210}{73313}{y:i}... and he came upon this dog|{y:i}who was crying, obviously lost.
{73319}{73412}{y:i}A puppy.|{y:i}Yes, sure. A puppy, fine.
{73418}{73528}{y:i}He couldn't concentrate anyway,|{y:i}so he scooped the puppy up...
{73534}{73611}{y:i}... and took him into town|{y:i}to find its owner...
{73617}{73700}{y:i}... who turned out to be|{y:i}the prince of the kingdom...
{73706}{73793}{y:i}... who was eternally grateful|{y:i}and very wealthy.
{73799}{73903}That artist's name was Michelangelo.|True story.
{73909}{74042}The other artist's name was... Nobody|knows, he was never heard from again.
{74048}{74113}Right, that's so true, Walter.
{74119}{74195}Can I smoke?
{74232}{74386}- It's your last one.|- That's all right.
{74392}{74485}So you... Cigarette, please.|You're from Florida too?
{74491}{74564}- Yes.|- Everybody is from Florida.
{74570}{74642}I'm not, I hate Florida.|Too much sun.
{74689}{74766}Actually, Finn was my childhood...
{74772}{74857}What were you exactly?
{74863}{74990}He was my first love.
{74994}{75051}If that's what you say.
{75057}{75148}He painted a beautiful portrait of me|when I was 10.
{75154}{75221}I sat for a portrait once. Electric.
{75227}{75289}You sucked off de Kooning!
{75295}{75423}- I'd like to paint you again.|- Would you?
{75429}{75530}I want to paint your portrait.
{75561}{75678}- What do you think, sweetheart?|Me?
{75684}{75749}Well, gee.
{75755}{75879}Do you charge by the inch|or by the hour?
{75955}{76014}- What?|- How do you price your art?
{76020}{76153}By its size, square footage,|or the time it takes to make...
{76159}{76251}...the art?
{76340}{76440}I've actually never sold a painting.
{76446}{76552}Excuse me, sir!|Please, sir. Excuse me, sir.
{76558}{76691}That's a club jacket you have on,|this is your jacket.
{76697}{76786}Let me help you.
{76792}{76876}Thank you.
{78216}{78349}- What are you doing here?|- Don't you want to paint me?
{78355}{78449}You've slept all day.|It's time to work.
{78455}{78577}- Do you want to do it right now?|- Mm-hm.
{78686}{78831}How did you get in here?|They just let you in, huh?
{78833}{78950}It's not top-of-the-line security.
{79617}{79755}- Do you want me sitting or standing?|- Both. I mean, whatever.
{82895}{83037}I have to go. I have dinner|in one hour and I look a mess.
{84122}{84185}- What are you doing?|- You forgot your shoes.
{84191}{84288}What is it like not to feel anything?
{84294}{84362}Get the fuck out of here!
{84368}{84430}Say there was a little girl.
{84436}{84575}And from the time she could|understand, she was taught to fear.
{84581}{84639}Say she was taught to fear daylight.
{84645}{84774}She was taught it was her enemy,|that it would hurt her.
{84780}{84841}And then one sunny day...
{84847}{84990}...you ask her to go outside and play,|and she won't.
{84996}{85048}Can you be angry at her?
{85054}{85241}I knew that girl, saw the light|in her eyes. That's still what I see.
{85257}{85378}We are who we are.|People don't change.
{85465}{85571}Yeah, hold on.
{85582}{85710}- What is it? Yeah?|- Hi, Finn.
{85716}{85785}- Walter.|- I know.
{85791}{85873}Is this a bad time for you?
{85879}{85942}- I can...|- It's all right, come on in.
{85948}{85997}- Are you sure?|- Yeah, come on in.
{86003}{86065}Thank you.
{86071}{86191}- What are you doing here?|- Estella said she posed for you.
{86197}{86245}And I...
{86251}{86391}...was curious. Wow!
{86442}{86516}- You're really good.|- I had a good subject.
{86522}{86655}Yeah, I'll say. She is incredible.
{86661}{86749}I've got to be insane, right?
{86755}{86835}- Why?|- To risk losing her.
{86841}{86911}God, look at that one!|Look at this.
{86917}{87007}And I still can't commit.|That's certifiable, right?
{87013}{87121}You don't look crazy to me.
{87143}{87214}I feel like a cliff diver|in Acapulco.
{87220}{87328}I'm right at the edge, I'm supposed|to leap, the tide is high...
{87334}{87477}...and I think your friend Estella|is trying to give me a little shove.
{87483}{87571}- What do you mean?|- You know, these, you...
{87577}{87712}It's her charming little version|of a wake-up call.
{87718}{87894}But, you know, I understand.|I'm dragging my feet.
{87933}{88063}I'm sorry you got pulled into this mess.|She doesn't want to hurt you.
{88069}{88224}In fact, I know that she|really cares about you. Really.
{88230}{88321}It's just who she is, you know?
{88327}{88431}But I love her.
{88437}{88607}I don't know. You know her longer|than I. Any advice for me?
{88613}{88758}What do you think I should do|about me and Estella?
{88928}{89046}I think you two are perfect together.
{89128}{89190}Well, thank you.
{89196}{89299}I should get out of your hair.|I appreciate your time.
{89305}{89440}You're really good. I look forward|to seeing your show.
{89536}{89622}{y:i}Next week, I received a|{y:i}postcard from Ms. Dinsmoor.
{89628}{89735}{y:i}A beach with palm trees, it|{y:i}said, "How's my little mouse doing?"
{89741}{89836}{y:i}What were her plans for me?|{y:i}Why was she promoting me?
{89842}{89982}{y:i}What could her reason be, if not|{y:i}to make me equal with Estella?
{90044}{90115}{y:i}That same day,|{y:i}I got a call from Ragno.
{90121}{90237}- Hello?|In here.
{90408}{90537}What do you think of the digs?|- It's cozy.
{90543}{90601}It's yours.
{90607}{90671}- What do you mean?|- You open in 10 weeks.
{90677}{90815}We can reschedule, if...|- No, I'll be ready.
{90821}{90901}You're moving here.|We've got food, paint, canvas.
{90907}{90989}Anything else, just ask Erica.
{90995}{91133}Do you know what I'd like? I'd like|some money. Some living expenses.
{91139}{91197}- I don't believe...|- Done.
{91203}{91272}- Anything else?|- Some publicity for my show.
{91278}{91331}No one's actually heard of you.
{91337}{91477}"Fisherman from the Gulf Coast|Lands on Manhattan's Art Scene"?
{91483}{91553}- My, aren't we media savvy.|- We learn.
{91559}{91687}Call Marion, she'll know.|- Toast in my absence, I'm late.
{91693}{91755}She's a barrel of laughs.
{91761}{91838}An artist dropped out,|she had to redo her schedules.
{91844}{91933}It's like someone wants|to turn this frog into a prince.
{91939}{92030}What do you mean?|You know what I mean.
{92036}{92115}It appears as if I have|a fairy godmother.
{92121}{92197}Aren't you too old to believe|in fairy godmothers?
{92203}{92283}Whatever you say, Spider man.
{92289}{92394}"Ragno" means "spider" in Italian.
{92400}{92506}See you at your opening. "Ciao."
{92545}{92655}{y:i}I was born again. Why not?|{y:i}I had never asked for anything.
{92661}{92771}{y:i}If Dinsmoor, the art world and|{y:i}the world chose to adopt me...
{92777}{92808}{y:i}... I could take it.
{92814}{92917}{y:i}New York held it out, and I'd take it|{y:i}and say thanks.
{92923}{93016}{y:i}You would too.
{93191}{93331}{y:i}I was an orphan, raised by my|{y:i}sister Maggie and her boyfriend Joe.
{93337}{93445}Maggie took off|when I was still a kid.
{93451}{93549}Joe was a big drug smuggler.
{93555}{93629}Spent the '70s|in the Raiford Penitentiary.
{93635}{93731}I came home one day,|I found him dead on the couch.
{93737}{93773}He had OD'd.
{93779}{93916}They took the apartment away,|so I spent the next years in a car.
{93922}{94026}It wasn't that bad.|It was a big car, a '68 Riviera.
{94032}{94099}It's a miracle you survived.
{94105}{94195}- Do you like my paintings?|- Yeah.
{94213}{94307}Why don't you tell me|about this beauty right here.
{94313}{94402}That's some girl I knew|back in Florida.
{94408}{94587}I used to have a huge crush on her.|Now I can't even remember her name.
{94729}{94858}- This one looks a lot like the girl.|- It's the same girl. She grew up.
{94864}{94949}- And you don't remember her name?|- No.
{94955}{95039}Delicious. It's all coming|together, as I promised.
{95045}{95177}Finn frenzy! Lmagine what will happen|when they see your wonderful work.
{95183}{95223}Your beloved per diem...
{95229}{95297}...and an invitation|to the Hamilton Museum benefit.
{95303}{95339}Toss that.
{95345}{95427}I killed a publicist for this.|It is the event.
{95433}{95493}Old money, new money, big money.
{95499}{95560}Everyone will be there,|including you.
{95566}{95657}Erica!|- These are Finn's new paintings.
{95663}{95778}- It's for you.|- If you don't like the portraits...
{95805}{95886}Don't jump.
{95909}{95964}Would you save me?
{95970}{96060}Not in this suit.
{96061}{96122}How are you?|Good. And you?
{96128}{96167}Pretty well.
{96173}{96227}Good-looking suit!|Good-looking day!
{96233}{96279}It is.
{96285}{96356}Seen "New York Magazine"?|Are you in it?
{96362}{96470}It's just a little piece. It's|nice. You didn't see it?
{96476}{96557}Thrall thinks that the show|will get good reviews.
{96563}{96650}I don't want to jinx it,|but what does she know?
{96656}{96745}The curator from the Whitney|came by. That was exciting.
{96751}{96850}Wow! I'll say I knew you when.
{97020}{97120}Walter asked me to marry him.
{97134}{97231}He wants to marry me.
{97285}{97396}- Really?|- Yeah.
{97457}{97556}Why are you telling me this?
{97652}{97827}I just... I wanted to know|if you had anything to say.
{97939}{98026}Sounds wonderful.
{98032}{98130}I wish you both the best of luck.
{98136}{98211}- I've got to go. I've got to...|- Finn.
{98217}{98297}- I've got some business.|- Finn, wait.
{98303}{98349}{y:i}Why had she told me?
{98355}{98470}{y:i}She told me to wound me,|{y:i}or out of habit or to drive me mad.
{98476}{98605}{y:i}I didn't care if it was a clue or it|{y:i}was a plea or it was a tease.
{98611}{98765}{y:i}No. She told me so I would stop her,|{y:i}and of course I would.
{98983}{99069}Fashionably late. I have hordes|of people to meet you.
{99075}{99191}This is the senator.|Finn! Sorry, senator.
{99197}{99311}{y:i}As the evening mists|{y:i}Were rising
{99317}{99436}Finn! So good to see you.|A friend of mine is decorating...
{99442}{99524}- Have you seen Estella?|- No.
{99530}{99669}Very interested in getting|some art. Interested?
{99669}{99756}I wanted to call you.|Congratulations on your success.
{99762}{99799}You're all over the place.
{99805}{99898}The boy with the hands.|I saw your spread. Anton Le Farge.
{99904}{99987}Be nice to Anton,|he has a lot of empty wall space.
{99993}{100033}I'm taking my time.
{100039}{100107}You should get to Finn|while his rates are reasonable.
{100113}{100225}How did we say you should price|your art? Was it by canvas size or...?
{100231}{100285}By its beauty.
{100291}{100357}- There you are.|- I have to talk to you.
{100363}{100463}- We've got to go, we're late.|- We just got here.
{100469}{100570}We're to meet the Barrows|at Kelly and Ping's 10 minutes ago.
{100576}{100672}Good night, kids. Have fun.|Congratulations again, Finn.
{100678}{100815}This is the artist I was telling you|about. Senator Elwood, Finn Bell.
{100821}{100902}Thrall has told me|so much about you.
{100993}{101052}- What about my friend?|- Not now.
{101058}{101156}Thrall is a loser in this town,|I can introduce you to...
{101162}{101275}- Sorry.|- It's all relationships, isn't it?
{101281}{101366}Don't touch me.
{101534}{101642}Can I get you a taxi, sir?
{103137}{103252}Excuse me, sir. Sir! Sir!
{103437}{103545}Hey, Finn! This is Finn.|How do you do?
{103551}{103711}- Can I offer you a chair or a towel?|- Would you like to dance?
{103924}{104017}Do you know him?|Yes.
{104022}{104145}- Is everything okay?|- Yes.
{106037}{106138}I want you inside me.
{107299}{107371}I have to go home,|I owe my aunt a visit.
{107377}{107465}But you'll be back?
{107465}{107602}For your show? Of course.
{107717}{107808}I do love the way you dance.
{108264}{108376}- Have you seen Estella?|- I'll send her over when she arrives.
{108382}{108495}- Congratulations! Great job.|- It's wonderful, Finn.
{108501}{108544}- So...|- Look who's here.
{108550}{108629}- All your dreams come true?|- We'll see.
{108635}{108675}I want you to meet some people.
{108681}{108725}- Have you seen Estella?|- No.
{108731}{108834}There's a very important guy here,|Carter Macleish, he's a critic.
{108840}{108905}- Congratulations!|- Thanks.
{108911}{109003}Nice to see you!
{109057}{109160}We'll be right back. Thanks.
{109204}{109315}- Is Clemente here?|- Carter. Nice to see you.
{109321}{109412}- Finn Bell, Carter Macleish.|- Congratulations.
{109418}{109546}Ruth you know. It's a most impressive|show, wouldn't you say?
{109552}{109637}It is that!
{109735}{109880}Richard! Richard! Will you do|a photo of us? Carter, come on.
{109886}{109986}Finn! Finn!
{109992}{110075}What is that?|Do another one.
{110081}{110227}- I think you have a fan here.|- I'm sorry, will you excuse me?
{110262}{110399}Hey, Finn! How are you doing?|Surprise, surprise!
{110405}{110485}- What are you doing here?|- Where did you think I'd be?
{110491}{110591}I had to change in my car.|It's a rental tux, but what the hell.
{110597}{110676}It looks good.|Do you want to get a juice?
{110682}{110763}It's Jerry, huh? Hey, Jerry!
{110769}{110914}Jerry! You son of a bitch,|you weren't bullshitting, were you?
{110920}{110970}Erica Thrall,|my Uncle Joe.
{110976}{111097}Miss Thrall, hi. This is|your place, right? It's very nice.
{111103}{111181}- Carter Macleish.|- Are you also from Florida?
{111187}{111297}- Yes. I operate a fishing boat.|- This is Ruth.
{111303}{111402}- Hi.|- Hey, Ruth.
{111471}{111513}Look at me!
{111519}{111613}Uncle Joe, the drug smuggler?|I thought you were dead.
{111619}{111683}- Drugs?|- No, she's thinking about...
{111689}{111777}No, I've been sober|for a good, long time now.
{111783}{111839}Carter can't believe|it's your first show.
{111845}{111903}- No, it's not.|- What do you mean?
{111909}{112017}Finn had a show at the Washington|Federal a couple of years ago.
{112023}{112076}- You know the Washington Federal?|- No.
{112082}{112175}- It's not a gallery.|- It's a bank. Savings and loan.
{112181}{112286}- A bank?|- This is my first gallery show.
{112292}{112335}And you're self-taught?
{112341}{112396}That was a gift.|Finn always had it.
{112402}{112535}Seven months old, his sister and I took|him to the beach. He drew in the sand.
{112541}{112661}One night he took Maggie's best|perfume and drew with it in the street.
{112667}{112750}He poured it all out,|and then he lit it...
{112756}{112943}Just up in flames. The most beautiful|designs you ever saw. Just...
{112965}{113039}- Are you all right?|That's my fault.
{113045}{113112}Your trousers, are they all right?
{113118}{113188}Just leave it, Joe.
{113194}{113247}Erica, it's fine.
{113253}{113339}Joe, just leave it!
{113459}{113544}I'm sor...
{113554}{113688}- I'm sorry.|- Yeah, it's just...
{113692}{113851}Oh, man. Excuse me, I'm sorry.
{114050}{114142}Excuse me.
{114146}{114256}Joe. Joe!
{114267}{114361}Jeez, I'm...
{114367}{114463}Listen, I'm going to head out,|because I'm starving.
{114469}{114554}I'm going to find a McDonald's|or something and...
{114560}{114652}So you go back in, and I'm going|to talk to you later.
{114658}{114786}Joe! Come on, I mean...
{114792}{114921}Joe, listen. This is work.
{114932}{115079}Sure. Come on, I get it.
{115251}{115317}You dazzle them.
{115323}{115408}Go ahead.
{115495}{115588}Jeez, I'm proud of you, Finn.
{115594}{115716}And I always have been.
{115752}{115867}So, just...
{116073}{116228}Go see if they know|how to smoke a swordfish.
{116661}{116731}{y:i}The night|{y:i}all my dreams came true.
{116737}{116842}{y:i}Like all happy endings it was|{y:i}a tragedy, of my own device.
{116848}{116914}{y:i}For I'd succeeded.|{y:i}I'd cut myself loose.
{116920}{117027}{y:i}From Joe, from the past,|{y:i}from the gulf, from poverty.
{117033}{117084}{y:i}I had invented myself.
{117090}{117185}{y:i}I had done it cruelly,|{y:i}but I had done it. I was free.
{117350}{117422}I did it! I did it!
{117428}{117483}I am a wild success!
{117489}{117584}I showed them all! All my paintings.
{117590}{117703}You don't have to be embarrassed|by me anymore. I'm rich!
{117709}{117851}Isn't that what you wanted?|Isn't it great? Are we happy now?
{117857}{117963}Don't you understand that|everything I do, I do it for you?
{117969}{118085}Anything that might be|special in me is you.
{118896}{119013}Finn! What a lovely surprise!
{119019}{119136}- What are you doing here?|- I own this house. I was born here.
{119142}{119190}- I haven't been here for ages.|- Where's Estella?
{119196}{119356}Since I had to come up for the event,|I figured, "Why not stay there?"
{119362}{119492}- What event? My opening?|- No. Estella's wedding.
{119498}{119554}- What?|- You were the catalyst.
{119560}{119739}The fool wouldn't commit to Estella,|but then you came on the scene.
{119748}{119896}- I don't believe it.|- Storybook, isn't it?
{120112}{120197}At first you were practice for her,|a teaching device.
{120203}{120354}Throw a mouse in with the snake,|teach it to hunt, swallow food whole.
{120360}{120493}I must say, you didn't provide|much of a challenge.
{120565}{120648}Now, now.
{120654}{120712}You enjoyed it.
{120718}{120839}And I warned you, years ago.|I didn't have to do that.
{120845}{120951}I told you the girl|would hurt you terribly. Didn't I?
{120957}{121055}You chose not to listen.
{121235}{121339}I suggest you look on the bright side.
{121445}{121553}We are together, joined.|You, Estella and I.
{121559}{121639}A pyramid of pain.
{121645}{121823}It's not love, but it is a bond.|We are together.
{122000}{122092}Give me your hand.
{122510}{122608}Do you know what this is?
{122614}{122719}It's my heart.
{122752}{122827}And it's broken.
{122952}{123049}Can you feel that?
{123171}{123237}I'm sorry.
{123243}{123324}I'm sorry.
{123472}{123567}What have I done?!
{124178}{124291}{y:i}The girl, the money, fame, revenge.
{124297}{124395}{y:i}They had been Dinsmoor's|{y:i}sick obsessions.
{124401}{124473}{y:i}And now they were mine.
{124479}{124572}He's not under the car, Jojo.|How are you?
{124578}{124712}- Who's this kid?|- Don't worry about him. Keep looking.
{124989}{125115}Listen, listen.|Can I just talk one second?
{125170}{125314}Can I call the police on your|phone? Some armed guys are chasing me.
{125320}{125393}All right, come on.
{125925}{125986}Here you go.
{125992}{126102}Hello? There are some|armed gentlemen chasing me.
{126108}{126180}Could you send some police to...?|What's the address?
{126186}{126253}111 Greenwich.|111 Greenwich Street.
{126259}{126414}Arthur Lustig. Could you send them|as soon as you can, please?
{126425}{126521}Thanks. Arthur Lustig.
{126527}{126632}So the police are coming?|And these guys, they're after you?
{126638}{126795}This is a great place.|Are you an artist?
{126801}{126859}Yes, I am.|Tonight was my opening.
{126919}{127063}What's your name?|Finnegan Bell.
{127069}{127195}- Like Finn?|- Exactly.
{127255}{127331}I'm sorry, do I know you?
{127394}{127465}I don't think so.
{127471}{127566}- You don't remember me, do you?|- No.
{127566}{127601}Look, I don't know...
{127607}{127732}Whisper! Whisper! Whisper!
{127769}{127922}That's right, my boy. It's me.
{127937}{128062}Look at you. Look at you!|You're all grown up.
{128068}{128147}Don't you want to know|what happened to me?
{128153}{128230}After I left you,|they caught me.
{128236}{128315}I escaped again, and I relocated...
{128321}{128482}...many years abroad.|Until now. Until now.
{128524}{128583}I'm glad things|worked out for you.
{128589}{128660}Fucking glad.
{128666}{128746}It's great.
{128777}{128892}Who's that handsome young man over|there? You did think about me!
{128898}{128943}You scared the shit out of me.
{128949}{129090}I like that. Yeah, I like that.
{129164}{129232}That's really good.|How much is it?
{129238}{129390}- Is it for sale?|- Actually, the whole show sold out.
{129396}{129463}- Congratulations.|- Thanks, I'm lucky.
{129469}{129552}No, you're not lucky.|You deserve your success.
{129558}{129672}You're a talented young man.|You're a fine artist.
{129678}{129790}Your whole...|This place is...
{129798}{129876}Might I ask a personal question?
{129882}{130012}- What does a place like this cost?|- The rent?
{130018}{130091}I don't know.|It's taken care of.
{130097}{130197}Oh, yeah? Could I ask who by?
{130203}{130347}- A lawyer. Why?|- No reason. I'm happy for you.
{130368}{130489}- Do you mind if I have a drink?|- The cops will be here any minute.
{130495}{130571}- They're always late.|- It is late.
{130577}{130686}- I'm sure you understand.|- Understand?
{130692}{130777}You're sure I would understand what?
{130783}{130861}The police|will be here any minute.
{130867}{130947}- No, they won't.|- They won't. Why not?
{130953}{131016}- I didn't call them.|- You didn't?
{131022}{131091}I pressed my finger on the button.
{131097}{131164}- Why?|- They're looking for me too.
{131170}{131311}They are?|And those guys down there?
{131317}{131451}Old associates. They have a beef about|something they should've figured out.
{131457}{131537}- You should leave.|- Let me finish my drink.
{131543}{131642}Just give me a minute.
{131645}{131735}It's so good to see you.
{131741}{131892}You don't know how happy it makes me|to see how you've turned out.
{131898}{132007}You grew up. Little Finn.
{132013}{132108}You're a grownup.|You're a man now.
{132114}{132204}A famous artist.
{132252}{132329}You live this life.
{132335}{132443}Mix with all kinds of|interesting people.
{132449}{132594}I'm very impressed, and nobody|deserves it better than you.
{132600}{132733}I remember when you were a little|kid. A good-hearted little kid.
{132739}{132800}Little Finn.
{132806}{132942}The one person who did a really|pure and good thing for me.
{132948}{133133}Congratulations on your success,|on your show, on everything.
{133153}{133233}To you.
{133349}{133427}Thank you. I appreciate that.
{133433}{133516}I do.
{133522}{133672}It's just that... the truth is,|it's making me really uncomfortable.
{133678}{133738}Would you mind?
{133744}{133871}I don't want you feeling badly.|I don't want you feeling badly.
{133877}{134036}I just came to see you, say hello.|Now I'm happy.
{134085}{134180}If it was another night, we...
{134399}{134559}This is great.|This is the way it should be.
{134565}{134663}This is the way it should be.
{134706}{134807}Ragno did a good job.
{135412}{135450}Hey. Hey.
{135456}{135603}Don't go down there. Those guys|are there. There's a better way.
{136209}{136306}You know where you're headed?|JFK.
{136469}{136563}So where are you going?|Paris, city of lights.
{136569}{136674}Come with me to Paris.|I'll get a ticket on the Concorde.
{136680}{136755}I can't go to France.|You will love Paris.
{136761}{136948}{y:i}I love Paris in the springtime|{y:i}I love Paris in the fall
{136958}{137070}Paris is a beautiful city, a|city of culture, a magnificent city.
{137076}{137130}It's got elegance, beauty.
{137136}{137208}You gotta go to Paris.|You won't regret it.
{137214}{137317}Every artist must go to Paris|at least once.
{137323}{137435}The streets, the romance,|the women. The women...
{137441}{137522}- You should come.|- I can't go to France.
{137528}{137620}Do you hear that shrieking?|The subway's wheels...
{137626}{137725}- Is that you? Arthur!|- You look like Howard Hughes.
{137731}{137845}- Have you been on a desert island?|- I've been on vacation.
{137851}{137949}You're heavier.|I got fat. I got kids too.
{137955}{138020}Age catches up with you.
{138026}{138130}Arthur, Tommy wants to invite|you to the club for old time's sake.
{138136}{138194}- Give me Tommy's number...|- We'll come over.
{138200}{138290}- All right, two minutes.|We're coming there, Arthur.
{138296}{138387}We'll wait right here.
{138392}{138460}Come on!
{138838}{138941}What are you doing there?|You told me to come over here.
{138947}{139088}I thought you wanted me|to come over here.
{139230}{139281}Tommy's not going to like this.
{139287}{139394}Come here!
{139542}{139610}Sorry, guys.
{139612}{139690}You have this much fun|with your artist friends?
{139696}{139851}- Is this fun? You're having fun?|- Are you going to miss me?
{139857}{139937}- Why don't you come?|- I can't go to Paris.
{139943}{140107}{y:i}I love Paris in the springtime|{y:i}I love Paris in the...
{140634}{140691}No, no, I'm not hurt.
{140697}{140835}- You're hurt bad.|- Stay, stay. Attaboy.
{140993}{141065}Oh, jeez.
{141217}{141376}I did a lot of bad things in my life.|A lot of bad things.
{141382}{141462}But the one good thing...
{141468}{141567}...is that any money I had,|anything I had...
{141573}{141662}...and I made bullshit money,|I gave to you.
{141668}{141734}All for you.
{141740}{141833}The one good thing I did...
{141850}{142037}I set you up, I sent you to New York.|I did it all.
{142071}{142176}- I bought that show.|- All my paintings?
{142262}{142358}You're a great artist.
{142439}{142600}Open up my suitcase.|Open my suitcase.
{142637}{142746}What do you want?|Pull out the paper bag.
{142759}{142881}Pull it back. That's it.
{142906}{142993}Remember this?
{143034}{143118}See this?
{143205}{143279}Very special.
{143349}{143421}Look at this.
{143429}{143508}It's beautiful.
{143691}{143857}- What time is it?|- It's almost 6:00.
{143865}{143962}We've still got time.
{145012}{145116}{y:i}Perhaps he should have died|{y:i}those years ago back in the gulf.
{145185}{145363}{y:i}But he'd lived to be my benefactor.|{y:i}For good and ill.
{145369}{145422}{y:i}I went to Paris, worked there...
{145428}{145544}{y:i}... and received everything|{y:i}I thought I wanted.
{145550}{145687}{y:i}I heard about Estella from|{y:i}time to time. She was divorced.
{145693}{145756}{y:i}The years went by.
{145762}{145897}{y:i}And then one day, I went home.
{146164}{146198}Hi. I'm Finn.
{146315}{146438}You dog! You dog. Why didn't you|tell us you were coming?
{146444}{146514}- Who is he?|- This is Jesse and Clemma.
{146520}{146662}And you came in time to do the|dishes. Are you hungry?
{146668}{146786}{y:i}Joe told me Ms. Dinsmoor|{y:i}had died alone some years back.
{146792}{146897}{y:i}Her body lay there|{y:i}undiscovered for a month.
{146903}{147024}{y:i}The mansion was due to be|{y:i}torn down for a housing tract.
{147030}{147159}{y:i}I sat there and thought back|{y:i}over the things I'd done.
{147165}{147208}{y:i}Over my life.
{147214}{147338}{y:i}And where, in that brief,|{y:i}violent time, it had gone.
{147344}{147449}{y:i}And then, she came back again.
{148795}{148870}Is that you?
{148977}{149077}Is that your little girl?
{149089}{149230}Oh, God.|She's beautiful.
{149327}{149410}What are you doing here?
{149416}{149491}I brought her|to show her this place.
{149497}{149589}What's left of it.
{149664}{149715}- Have you been here often?|- No.
{149721}{149790}No, me neither.
{149796}{149877}So, you're doing great.|I hear all about you.
{149883}{149964}I'm doing all right.
{150111}{150225}Things have been different for me.
{150236}{150343}For a long time I'd get...
{150504}{150589}I think about you.
{150591}{150672}A lot lately.
{150705}{150780}I'm glad.
{150845}{150942}Can you ever forgive me?
{150994}{151077}Don't you know me at all?
{151221}{151284}{y:i}She did know me.
{151290}{151357}{y:i}And I knew her.
{151363}{151468}{y:i}I always had, from the first instant.
{151474}{151571}{y:i}And the rest of it, it didn't matter.
{151577}{151666}{y:i}It was past.
{151681}{151788}{y:i}It was as if it had never been.
{151820}{151932}{y:i}There was just my memory of it.
{160020}{160043}Subtitles by|SDI Media Group
[오늘의 세상] "이기는 게 전부는 아니지만 이기길 원하는 것은 중요" 포스코 화장실 글 읽은 구글 회장 "이것이 코리아의 힘"
- 에릭 슈미트 구글 회장이 24일 소셜네트워킹서비스‘구글+’의 개인 페이지에 올린 사진. 서울 포스코센터의 1층 화장실 변기 위에 붙어 있는 쪽지다.
이 쪽지는 서울 대치동 포스코센터 1층 로비 화장실 변기 위에 붙어 있는 것으로 확인됐다. 슈미트 회장이 지난 8일 한국을 방문해 정준양 포스코 회장을 만나기 위해 포스코센터를 방문했다가 찍은 것으로 보인다. 그가 '볼일'을 보러 갔다가 스마트폰을 꺼내 그 쪽지를 찍은 걸 보면 상당한 감흥이 있었던 것 같다.
사진과 함께 올린 글을 보면 당시 그가 느꼈을 감흥을 엿볼 수 있다. 그는 '한국인들의 생산성은 매우 인상적이다(impressively productive). 이 표어는 한국을 방문했을 때 들른 사무실 한 곳에서 찍어온 것이다. 한국인들은 1950년대 힘든 전쟁에서 일어나 진정한 경제적 기적(real economic miracle)을 이뤄냈다'는 설명을 붙여놓았다.
구글코리아의 정김경숙 상무는 "슈미트 회장이 한국 경제의 눈부신 성장과 한국인들의 도전정신에 깊은 감명을 받았던 것 같다"고 말했다.
슈미트 회장이 이번 방문에서 한국의 여러 면모에 적지 않게 놀랐던 것으로 알려졌다. 포스코 방문 전날 SK플래닛의 서진우 사장을 만난 자리도 한 예로 들 수 있다. 당시 슈미트 회장은 QR코드(격자 무늬로 된 2차원 바코드)가 들어있는 자신의 명함을 서 사장에게 건넸다. 스마트폰의 QR코드 앱으로 명함을 촬영하면 구글 홈페이지가 나오는 기술을 보여주려고 한 것이다.
서 사장은 빙긋이 웃으며 NFC(근거리 무선통신) 칩이 들어있는 자신의 명함을 건넸다. 이 명함은 앱을 실행하거나, 촬영하지 않고 스마트폰에 갖다대기만 해도 이름과 연락처 등 정보가 스마트폰에 저절로 나타난다. QR코드보다는 훨씬 진화된 기술이다. 슈미트 회장은 "한국 IT의 발전 속도가 정말 놀랍다"고 감탄하며 "앞으로 협력을 강화하자"고 제안했다.
세계 500대 기업에 들어가는 미국 화학회사 헌츠먼코퍼레이션의 존 헌츠먼 회장은 한국인의 불도저 같은 업무 태도에 혀를 내둘렀다. 그는 "한국에 공장을 세우며 여러 차례 방문했다. 목표가 정해지면 하루에 15시간을 일하면서도 엄청난 집중력·생산성을 보이는 직원들을 보고 깜짝 놀랐다"고 했다. 헌츠먼 회장은 "이런 한국인 노동력을 잘 활용하면 거대한 제국을 건설할 수 있을 것"이라고 말했다.
한국의 높은 교육열을 성공의 비결로 꼽는 CEO도 많았다. 지난 3월 방한한 버크셔 해서웨이의 워런 버핏 회장은 "한국 경제 발전의 원동력은 자녀들이 더 나은 삶을 살기를 바라는 사람들의 욕망과 교육에 대한 열정"이라며 "한국은 성공할 수밖에 없는 많은 요인을 가진 나라"라고 말했다.
빌 게이츠 마이크로소프트 창업자는 지난 4일 G20(선진 20개국) 정상회의 기자회견에서 "한국은 원조받는 나라에서 원조를 주는 나라로 변신한 유일한 모범 사례"라고 격찬했다.
미국 자동차 업계의 전설적인 인물로 꼽히는 밥 루츠 GM 최고임원은 "5년 전에는 '한국 자동차 산업이 서구 기업에 위협이 될까요'라는 질문을 받을 때마다 '노(No)'라고 답했다"며 "내가 틀렸다. 한국은 모두를 놀라게 만들었다"고 말했다.
Source : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/11/26/2011112600285.html
(영어일기) Saturday, November 26, 2011 Cloudy
Spending time at home alone. Wife is at church and two children are on church winter camp far away from home. I'm watching BBC World.
So many men, so many minds, so many opinions. That's very important. Be yourself! Show yourself! Speak yourself! Everybody is great.
Listened to a Princeton University lecture about finance and the good society. Had noodle as lunch. Doing a lot of things at home alone.
Wife is back home. She is asleep because she did so much volunteer work at church. I'm watching National Geographic now.
In the evening all the family got together at home. My children came back from the church winter camp.
I drank a bottle of Korean wine 'Bokbunja.' I felt great, but I'm worried about a possible headache.
We watched 'Long live Love!' (Ae Jeong Man Man Se) on MBC TV.
That's my wife's favorite soup opera. My daughter likes that too.
I stayed up late reading some comic books on the Internet.
The title was Mak Jang Dae Hyeop(막장대협), Chinese Martial Art comics.
I went to bed around 2:30 A.M.
Thank God it was a great Saturday. I really enjoyed it. All my family members are safe and happy.
Good night, Father.
(영화대본) 타이타닉 (1부)
A screenplay by James Cameron
KATE WINSLET... Rose DeWitt Bukater
KATHY BATES... The Unsinkable Molly Brown
BILLY ZANE... Caledon Hockley
BILL PAXTON... Brock Lovett
Written and Directed by:
Then two faint lights appear, close together... growing brighter. They
resolve into two DEEP SUBMERSIBLES, free-falling toward us like express
One is ahead of the other, and passes close enough to FILL FRAME, looking
like a spacecraft blazing with lights, bristling with insectile
TILTING DOWN to follow it as it descends away into the limitless blackness
below. Soon they are fireflies, then stars. Then gone.
PUSHING IN on one of the falling submersibles, called MIR ONE, right up to
its circular viewport to see the occupants.
INSIDE, it is a cramped seven foot sphere, crammed with equipment. ANATOLY
MIKAILAVICH, the sub's pilot, sits hunched over his controls... singing
softly in Russian.
Next to him on one side is BROCK LOVETT. He's in his late forties, deeply
tanned, and likes to wear his Nomex suit unzipped to show the gold from
famous shipwrecks covering his gray chest hair. He is a wiley, fast-talking
treasure hunter, a salvage superstar who is part historian, part adventurer
and part vacuum cleaner salesman. Right now, he is propped against the CO2
scrubber, fast asleep and snoring.
On the other side, crammed into the remaining space is a bearded wide-body
named LEWIS BODINE, who is also asleep. Lewis is an R.O.V. (REMOTELY
OPERATED VEHICLE) pilot and is the resident Titanic expert.
Anatoly glances at the bottom sonar and makes a ballast adjustment.
A pale, dead-flat lunar landscape. It gets brighter, lit from above, as MIR
ONE enters FRAME and drops to the seafloor in a downblast from its
thrusters. It hits bottom after its two hour free-fall with a loud BONK.
Lovett and Bodine jerk awake at the landing.
(heavy Russian accent)
We are here.
5 MINUTES LATER: THE TWO SUBS skim over the seafloor to the sound of
sidescan sonar and the THRUM of big thrusters.
6 The featureless gray clay of the bottom unrolls in the lights of the subs.
Bodine is watching the sidescan sonar display, where the outline of a huge
pointed object is visible. Anatoly lies prone, driving the sub, his face
pressed to the center port.
Come left a little. She's right in front of us, eighteen meters. Fifteen.
Thirteen... you should see it.
Do you see it? I don't see it... there!
Out of the darkness, like a ghostly apparition, the bow of the ship appears.
Its knife-edge prow is coming straight at us, seeming to plow the bottom
sediment like ocean waves. It towers above the seafloor, standing just as it
landed 84 years ago.
THE TITANIC. Or what is left of her. Mir One goes up and over the bow
railing, intact except for an overgrowth of "rusticles" draping it like
mutated Spanish moss.
TIGHT ON THE EYEPIECE MONITOR of a video camcorder. Brock Lovett's face
It still gets me every time.
The image pans to the front viewport, looking over Anatoly's shoulder, to
the bow railing visible in the lights beyond. Anatoly turns.
Is just your guilt because of stealing from the dead.
CUT WIDER, to show that Brock is operating the camera himself, turning it in
his hand so it points at his own face.
Thanks, Tolya. Work with me, here.
Brock resumes his serious, pensive gaze out the front port, with the camera
aimed at himself at arm's length.
It still gets me every time... to see the sad ruin of the great ship sitting
here, where she landed at 2:30 in the morning, April 15, 1912, after her
long fall from the world above.
Anatoly rolls his eyes and mutters in Russian. Bodine chuckles and watches
the sonar.
You are so full of shit, boss.
7 Mir Two drives aft down the starboard side, past the huge anchor while Mir
One passes over the seemingly endless forecastle deck, with its massive
anchor chains still laid out in two neat rows, its bronze windlass caps
gleaming. The 22 foot long subs are like white bugs next to the enormous
Dive nine. Here we are again on the deck of Titanic... two and a half miles
down. The pressure is three tons per square inch, enough to crush us like a
freight train going over an ant if our hull fails. These windows are nine
inches thick and if they go, it's sayonara in two microseconds.
8 Mir Two lands on the boat deck, next to the ruins of the Officer's
Quarters. Mir One lands on the roof of the deck house nearby.
Right. Let's go to work.
Bodine slips on a pair of 3-D electronic goggles, and grabs the joystick
controls of the ROV.
9 OUTSIDE THE SUB, the ROV, a small orange and black robot called SNOOP DOG,
lifts from its cradle and flies forward.
Walkin' the dog.
SNOOP DOG drives itself away from the sub, paying out its umbilical behind
it like a robot yo-yo. Its twin stereo-video cameras swivel like insect
eyes. The ROV descends through an open shaft that once was the beautiful
First Class Grand Staircase.
Snoop Dog goes down several decks, then moves laterally into the First Class
Reception Room.
SNOOP'S VIDEO POV, moving through the cavernous interior. The remains of the
ornate handcarved woodwork which gave the ship its elegance move through the
floodlights, the lines blurred by slow dissolution and descending rusticle
formations. Stalactites of rust hang down so that at times it looks like a
natural grotto, then the scene shifts and the lines of a ghostly undersea
mansion can be seen again.
MONTAGE STYLE, as Snoop passes the ghostly images of Titanic's opulence:
10 A grand piano in amazingly good shape, crashed on its side against a
wall. The keys gleam black and white in the lights.
11 A chandelier, still hanging from the ceiling by its wire... glinting as
Snoop moves around it.
12 Its lights play across the floor, revealing a champagne bottle, then some
WHITE STAR LINE china... a woman's high-top "granny shoe". Then something
eerie: what looks like a child's skull resolves into the porcelain head of a
Snoop enters a corridor which is much better preserved. Here and there a
door still hangs on its rusted hinges. An ornate piece of moulding, a wall
sconce... hint at the grandeur of the past.
13 THE ROV turns and goes through a black doorway, entering room B-52, the
sitting room of a "promenade suite", one of the most luxurious staterooms on
I'm in the sitting room. Heading for bedroom B-54.
Stay off the floor. Don't stir it up like you did yesterday.
I'm tryin' boss.
Glinting in the lights are the brass fixtures of the near-perfectly
preserved fireplace. An albino Galathea crab crawls over it. Nearby are the
remains of a divan and a writing desk. The Dog crosses the ruins of the once
elegant room toward another DOOR. It squeezes through the doorframe,
scraping rust and wood chunks loose on both sides. It moves out of a cloud
of rust and keeps on going.
I'm crossing the bedroom.
The remains of a pillared canopy bed. Broken chairs, a dresser. Through the
collapsed wall of the bathroom, the porcelain commode and bathtub took
almost new, gleaming in the dark.
Okay, I want to see what's under that wardrobe door.
SEVERAL ANGLES as the ROV deploys its MANIPULATOR ARMS and starts moving
debris aside. A lamp is lifted, its ceramic colors as bright as they were in
Easy, Lewis. Take it slow.
Lewis grips a wardrobe door, lying at an angle in a corner, and pulls it
with Snoop's gripper. It moves reluctantly in a cloud of silt. Under it is a
dark object. The silt clears and Snoop's cameras show them what was under
the door...
Ooohh daddy-oh, are you seein' what I'm seein'?
CLOSE ON LOVETT, watching his monitors. By his expression it is like he is
seeing the Holy Grail.
Oh baby baby baby.
(grabs the mike)
It's payday, boys.
ON THE SCREEN, in the glare of the lights, is the object of their quest: a
THE SAFE, dripping wet in the afternoon sun, is lowered onto the deck of a
ship by a winch cable.
We are on the Russian research vessel AKADEMIK MISTISLAV KELDYSH. A crowd
has gathered, including most of the crew of KELDYSH, the sub crews, and a
hand-wringing money guy named BOBBY BUELL who represents the limited
partners. There is also a documentary video crew, hired by Lovett to cover
his moment of glory.
Everyone crowds around the safe. In the background Mir Two is being lowered
into its cradle on deck by a massive hydraulic arm. Mir One is already
recovered with Lewis Bodine following Brock Lovett as he bounds over to the
safe like a kid on Christmas morning.
Who's the best? Say it.
You are, Lewis.
(to the video crew)
You rolling?
Brock nods to his technicians, and they set about drilling the safe's
hinges. During this operation, Brock amps the suspense, working the lens to
fill the time.
Well, here it is, the moment of truth. Here's where we find out if the time,
the sweat, the money spent to charter this ship and these subs, to come out
here to the middle of the North Atlantic... were worth it. If what we think
is in that same... is in that safe... it will be.
Lovett grins wolfishly in anticipation of his greatest find yet. The door is
pried loose. It clangs onto the deck. Lovett moves closer, peering into the
safe's wet interior. A long moment then... his face says it all.
You know, boss, this happened to Geraldo and his career never recovered.
(to the video cameraman)
Get that outta my face.
Technicians are carefully removing some papers from the safe and placing
them in a tray of water to separate them safely. Nearby, other artifacts
from the stateroom are being washed and preserved.
Buell is on the satellite phone with the INVESTORS. Lovett is yelling at the
video crew.
You send out what I tell you when I tell you. I'm signing your paychecks,
not 60 minutes. Now get set up for the uplink.
Buell covers the phone and turns to Lovett.
The partners want to know how it's going?
How it's going? It's going like a first date in prison, whattaya think?!
Lovett grabs the phone from Buell and goes instantly smooth.
Hi, Dave? Barry? Look, it wasn't in the safe... no, look, don't worry about
it, there're still plenty of places it could be... in the floor debris in
the suite, in the mother's room, in the purser's safe on C deck...
(seeing something)
Hang on a second.
A tech coaxes some letters in the water tray to one side with a tong...
revealing a pencil (conte crayon) drawing of a woman.
Brock looks closely at the drawing, which is in excellent shape, though its
edges have partially disintegrated. The woman is beautiful, and beautifully
rendered. In her late teens or early twenties, she is nude, though posed
with a kind of casual modesty. She is on an Empire divan, in a pool of light
that seems to radiate outward from her eyes. Scrawled in the lower right
corner is the date: April 14 1912. And the initials JD.
The girl is not entirely nude. At her throat is a diamond necklace with one
large stone hanging in the center.
Lovett grabs a reference photo from the clutter on the lab table. It is a
period black-and-white photo of a diamond necklace on a black velvet
jeller's display stand. He holds it next to the drawing. It is clearly the
same piece... a complex setting with a massive central stone which is almost
I'll be God damned.
A CNN NEWS STORY: a live satellite feed from the deck of the Keldysh,
intercut with the CNN studio.
Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold in
sunken galleons in the Caribbean. Now he is using deep submergence
technology to work two and a half miles down at another famous wreck... the
Titanic. He is with us live via satellite from a Russian research ship in
the middle of the Atlantic... hello Brock?
Yes, hi, Tracy. You know, Titanic is not just A shipwreck, Titanic is THE
shipwreck. It's the Mount Everest of shipwrecks.
PULL BACK from the screen, showing the CNN report playing on a TV set in the
living room of a small rustic house. It is full of ceramics, figurines, folk
art, the walls crammed with drawings and paintings... things collected over
a lifetime.
PANNING to show a glassed-in studio attached to the house. Outside it is a
quiet morning in Ojai, California. In the studio, amid incredible clutter,
an ANCIENT WOMAN is throwing a pot on a potter's wheel. The liquid red clay
covers her hands... hands that are gnarled and age-spotted, but still
surprisingly strong and supple. A woman in her early forties assists her.
I've planned this expedition for three years, and we're out here recovering
some amazing things... things that will have enormous historical and
educational value.
But it's no secret that education is not your main purpose. You're a
treasure hunter. So what is the treasure you're hunting?
I'd rather show you than tell you, and we think we're very close to doing
just that.
The old woman's name is ROSE CALVERT. Her face is a wrinkled mass, her body
shapeless and shrunken under a one-piece African-print dress.
But her eyes are just as bright and alive as those of a young girl.
Rose gets up and walks into the living room, wiping pottery clay from her
hands with a rag. A Pomeranian dog gets up and comes in with her.
The younger woman, LIZZY CALVERT, rushes to help her.
Turn that up please, dear.
Your expedition is at the center of a storm of controversy over salvage
rights and even ethics. Many are calling you a grave robber.
Nobody called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb grave
robbing. I have museum-trained experts here, making sure this stuff is
preserved and catalogued properly. Look at this drawing, which was found
The video camera pans off Brock to the drawing, in a tray of water. The
image of the woman with the necklace FILLS FRAME.
...a piece of paper that's been underwater for 84 years... and my team are
able to preserve it intact. Should this have remained unseen at the bottom
of the ocean for eternity, when we can see it and enjoy it now...?
ROSE is galvanized by this image. Her mouth hangs open in amazement.
I'll be God damned.
CUT TO KELDYSH. The Mir subs are being launched. Mir Two is already in the
water, and Lovett is getting ready to climb into Mir One when Bobby Buell
runs up to him.
There's a satellite call for you.
Bobby, we're launching. See these submersibles here, going in the water?
Take a message.
No, trust me, you want to take this call.
Buell hands Lovett the phone, pushing down the blinking line. The call is
from Rose and we see both ends of the conversation. She is in her kitchen
with a mystified Lizzy.
This is Brock Lovett. What can I do for you, Mrs... ?
Rose Calvert.
... Mrs. Calvert?
I was just wondering if you had found the "Heart of the Ocean" yet, Mr.
Brock almost drops the phone. Bobby sees his shocked expression...
I told you you wanted to take this call.
(to Rose)
Alright. You have my attention, Rose. Can you tell me who the woman in the
picture is?
Oh yes. The woman in the picture is me.
ocean. PAN 180 degrees as it roars past. There is no land at either horizon.
The Keldysh is visible in the distance.
CLOSE ON A WINDOW of the monster helicopter. Rose's face is visible, looking
out calmly.
Brock and Bodine are watching Mir 2 being swung over the side to start a
She's a goddamned liar! A nutcase. Like that... what's her name? That
Anastasia babe.
They're inbound.
Brock nods and the three of them head forward to meet the approaching helm.
She says she's Rose DeWitt Bukater, right? Rose DeWitt Bukater died on the
Titanic. At the age of 17. If she'd have lived, she'd be over a hundred now.
A hundred and one next month.
Okay, so she's a very old goddamned liar. I traced her as far back as the
20's... she was working as an actress in L.A. An actress. Her name was Rose
Dawson. Then she married a guy named Calvert, moved to Cedar Rapids, had two
kids. Now Calvert's dead, and from what I've heard Cedar Rapids is dead.
The Sea Stallion approaches the ship, BG, forcing Brock to yell over the
And everybody who knows about the diamond is supposed to be dead... or on
this ship. But she knows about it. And I want to hear what she has to say.
Got it?
IN A THUNDERING DOWNBLAST the helicopter's wheels bounce down on the
Lovett, Buell and Bodine watch as the HELICOPTER CREW CHIEF hands out about
ten suitcases, and then Rose is lowered to the deck in a wheelchair by
Keldysh crewmen. Lizzy, ducking unnecessarily under the rotor, follows her
out, carrying FREDDY the Pomeranian. The crew chief hands a puzzled Keldysh
crewmember a goldfish bowl with several fish in it. Rose does not travel
HOLD ON the incongruous image of this little old lady, looking impossibly
fragile amongst all the high tech gear, grungy deck crew and gigantic
S'cuse me, I have to go check our supply of Depends.
Lizzy is unpacking Rose's things in the small utilitarian room. Rose is
placing a number of FRAMED PHOTOS on the bureau, arranging them carefully
next to the fishbowl. Brock and Bodine are in the doorway.
Is your stateroom alright?
Yes. Very nice. Have you met my granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me.
Yes. We met just a few minutes ago, grandma. Remember, up on deck?
Oh, yes.
Brock glances at Bodine... oh oh. Bodine rolls his eyes. Rose finishes
arranging her photographs. We get a general glimpse of them: the usual
snapshots... children and grandchildren, her late husband.
There, that's nice. I have to have my pictures when I travel. And Freddy of
(to the Pomeranian)
Isn't that right, sweetie.
Would you like anything?
I should like to see my drawing.
Rose looks at the drawing in its tray of water, confronting herself across a
span of 84 years. Until they can figure out the best way to preserve it,
they have to keep it immersed. It sways and ripples, almost as if alive.
TIGHT ON Rose's ancient eyes, gazing at the drawing.
25 FLASHCUT of a man's hand, holding a conte crayon deftly creating a
shoulder and the shape of her hair with two efficient lines.
26 THE WOMAN'S FACE IN THE DRAWING, dancing under the water.
27 A FLASHCUT of a man's eyes, just visible over the top of a sketching pad.
They look up suddenly right into the LENS. Soft eyes, but fearlessly direct.
28 Rose smiles, remembering. Brock has the reference photo of the necklace
in his hand.
Louis the Sixteenth wore a fabulous stone, called the Blue Diamond of the
Crown, which disappeared in 1792, about the time Louis lost everything from
the neck up. The theory goes that the crown diamond was chopped too... recut
into a heart-like shape... and it became Le Coeur de la Mer. The Heart of
the Ocean. Today it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.
It was a dreadful, heavy thing.
(she points at the drawing)
I only wore it this once.
You actually believe this is you, grandma?
It is me, dear. Wasn't I a hot number?
I tracked it down through insurance records... and old claim that was
settled under terms of absolute secrecy. Do you know who the claiment was,
Someone named Hockley, I should imagine.
Nathan Hockley, right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon. For a diamond necklace his
son Caledon Hockley bought in France for his fiancee... you... a week before
he sailed on Titanic. And the claim was filed right after the sinking. So
the diamond had to've gone down with the ship.
(to Lizzy)
See the date?
April 14, 1912.
If your grandma is who she says she is, she was wearing the diamond the day
Titanic sank.
(to Rose)
And that makes you my new best friend. I will happily compensate you for
anything you can tell us that will lead to its recovery.
I don't want your money, Mr. Lovett. I know how hard it is for people who
care greatly for money to give some away.
You don't want anything?
(indicating the drawing)
You may give me this, if anything I tell you is of value.
(crossing the room)
Over here are a few things we've recovered from your staterooms.
Laid out on a worktable are fifty or so objects, from mundane to valuable.
Rose, shrunken in her chair, can barely see over the table top. With a
trembling hand she lifts a tortoise shell hand mirror, inlaid with mother of
pearl. She caresses it wonderingly.
This was mine. How extraordinary! It looks the same as the last time I saw
She turns the mirror over and looks at her ancient face in the cracked
The reflection has changed a bit.
She spies something else, a silver and moonstone art-nouveau brooch.
My mother's brooch. She wanted to go back for it. Caused quite a fuss.
Rose picks up an ornate art-nouveau HAIR COMB. A jade butterfly takes flight
on the ebony handle of the comb. She turns it slowly, remembering. We can
see that Rose is experiencing a rush of images and emotions that have lain
dormant for eight decades as she handles the butterfly comb.
Are you ready to go back to Titanic?
It is a darkened room lined with TV monitors. IMAGES OF THE WRECK fill the
screens, fed from Mir One and Two, and the two ROVs, Snoop Dog and DUNCAN.
Live from 12,000 feet.
ROSE stares raptly at the screens. She is enthraled by one in particular, an
image of the bow railing. It obviously means something to her. Brock is
studying her reactions carefully.
The bow's struck in the bottom like an axe, from the impact. Here... I can
run a simulation we worked up on this monitor over here.
Lizzy turns the chair so Rose can see the screen of Bodine's computer. As he
is calling up the file, he keeps talking.
We've put together the world's largest database on the Titanic. Okay,
Rose might not want to see this, Lewis.
No, no. It's fine. I'm curious.
Bodine starts a COMPUTER ANIMATED GRAPHIC on the screen, which parallels his
rapid-fire narration.
She hits the berg on the starboard side and it sort of bumps along...
punching holes like a morse code... dit dit dit, down the side. Now she's
flooding in the
BODINE (cont'd)
forward compartments... and the water spills over the tops of the bulkheads,
going aft. As her bow is going down, her stern is coming up... slow at
first... and then faster and faster until it's lifting all that weight,
maybe 20 or 30 thousand tons... out of the water and the hull can't deal...
(making a sound in time with the animation)
... it splits! Right down to the keel, which acts like a big hinge. Now the
bow swings down and the stern falls back level... but the weight of the bow
pulls the stern up vertical, and then the bow section detaches, heading for
the bottom. The stern bobs like a cork, floods and goes under about 2:20
a.m. Two hours and forty minutes after the collision.
The animation then follows the bow section as it sinks. Rose watches this
clinical dissection of the disaster without emotion.
The bow pulls out of its dive and planes away, almost a half a mile, before
it hits the bottom going maybe 12 miles an hour. KABOOM!
The bow impacts, digging deeply into the bottom, the animation now follows
the stern.
The stern implodes as it sinks, from the pressure, and rips apart from the
force of the current as it falls, landing like a big pile of junk.
(indicating the simulation)
Cool huh?
Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine. Of course the
experience of it was somewhat less clinical.
Will you share it with us?
Her eyes go back to the screens, showing the sad ruins far below them.
A VIEW from one of the subs TRACKING SLOWLY over the boat deck. Rose
recognizes one of the Wellin davits, still in place. She hears ghostly waltz
music. The faint and echoing sound of an officer's voice, English accented,
calling "Women and children only".
30 FLASH CUTS of screaming faces in a running crowd. Pandemonium and terror.
People crying, praying, kneeling on the deck. Just impressions... flashes in
the dark.
31 Rose Looks at another monitor. SNOOP DOG moving down a rusted,
debris-filled corridor. Rose watches the endless row of doorways sliding
past, like dark mouths.
32 IMAGE OF A CHILD, three years old, standing ankle deep in water in the
middle of an endless corridor. The child is lost alone, crying.
33 Rose is shaken by the flood of memories and emotions. Her eyes well up
and she puts her head down, sobbing quietly.
(taking the wheelchair)
I'm taking her to rest.
Her voice is surprisingly strong. The sweet little old lady is gone,
replaced by a woman with eyes of steel. Lovett signals everyone to stay
Tell us, Rose.
She looks from screen to screen, the images of the ruined ship.
It's been 84 years...
Just tell us what you can--
(holds up her hand for silence)
It's been 84 years... and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had
never been used. The sheets had never been slept in.
He switches on the minirecorder and sets it near her.
Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams. And it was. It really was...
As the underwater camera rises past the rusted bow rail, WE DISSOLVE / MATCH
MOVE to that same railing in 1912...
SHOT CONTINUES IN A FLORIOUS REVEAL as the gleaming white superstructure of
Titanic rises mountainously beyond the rail, and above that the buff-colored
funnels stand against the sky like the pillars of a great temple. Crewmen
move across the deck, dwarfed by the awesome scale of the steamer.
Southampton, England, April 10, 1912. It is almost noon on ailing day. A
crowd of hundreds blackens the pier next to Titanic like ants on a jelly
IN FG a gorgeous burgundy RENAULT TOURING CAR swings into frame, hanging
from a loading crane. It is lowered toward HATCH #2.
On the pier horse drawn vehicles, motorcars and lorries move slowly through
the dense throng. The atmosphere is one of excitement and general giddiness.
People embrace in tearful farewells, or wave and shout bon voyage wishes to
friends and relatives on the decks above.
A white RENAULT, leading a silver-gray DAIMLER-BENZ, pushes through the
crowd leaving a wake in the press of people. Around the handsome cars people
are streaming to board the ship, jostling with hustling seamen and stokers,
porters, and barking WHITE STAR LINE officials.
The Renault stops and the LIVERIED DRIVER scurries to open the door for a
YOUNG WOMAN dressed in a stunning white and purple outfit, with an enormous
feathered hat. She is 17 years old and beautiful, regal of bearing, with
piercing eyes.
It is the girl in the drawing. ROSE. She looks up at the ship, taking it in
with cool appraisal.
I don't see what all the fuss is about. It doesn't look any bigger than the
A PERSONAL VALET opens the door on the other side of the car for CALEDON
HOCKLEY, the 30 year old heir to the elder Hockley's fortune. "Cal" is
handsome, arrogant and rich beyond meaning.
You can be blase about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic. It's over a
hundred feet longer than Mauritania, and far more luxurious. It has squash
courts, a Parisian cafe... even Turkish baths.
Cal turns and fives his hand to Rose's mother, RUTH DEWITT BUKATER, who
descends from the touring car being him. Ruth is a 40ish society empress,
from one of the most prominent Philadelphia families. She is a widow, and
rules her household with iron will.
Your daughter is much too hard to impress, Ruth.
(indicating a puddle)
Mind your step.
(gazing at the leviathan)
So this is the ship they say is unsinkable.
It is unsinkable. God himself couldn't sink this ship.
Cal speaks with the pride of a host providing a special experience.
This entire entourage of rich Americans is impeccably turned out, a
quintessential example of the Edwardian upper class, complete with servants.
Cal's VALET, SPICER LOVEJOY, is a tall and impassive, dour as an undertaker.
Behind him emerge TWO MAIDS, personal servants to Ruth and Rose.
A WHITE STAR LINE PORTER scurries toward them, harried by last minute
Sir, you'll have to check your baggage through the main terminal, round that
Cal nonchalantly hands the man a fiver. The porter's eyes dilate. Five
pounds was a monster tip in those days.
I put my faith in you, good sir.
(curtly, indicating Lovejoy)
See my man.
Yes, sir. My pleasure, sir.
Cal never tires of the effect of money on the unwashed masses.
(to the porter)
These trunks here, and 12 more in the Daimler. We'll have all this lot up in
the rooms.
The White Star man looks stricken when he sees the enormous pile of steamer
trunks and suitcases loading down the second car, including wooden crates
and steel safe. He whistles frantically for some cargo-handlers nearby who
come running.
Cal breezes on, leaving the minions to scramble. He quickly checks his
pocket watch.
We'd better hurry. This way, ladies.
He indicates the way toward the first class gangway. They move into the
crowd. TRUDY BOLT, Rose's maid, hustles behind them, laden with bags of her
mistress's most recent purchases... things too delicate for the baggage
Cal leads, weaving between vehicles and handcarts, hurrying passengers
(mostly second class and steerage) and well-wishers. Most of the first class
passengers are avoiding the smelly press of the dockside crowd by using an
elevated boarding bridge, twenty feet above.
They pass a line of steerage passengers in their coarse wool and tweeds,
queued up inside movable barriers like cattle in a chute. A HEALTH OFFICER
examines their heads one by one, checking scalp and eyelashes for lice.
They pass a well-dressed young man cranking the handle of a wooden Biograph
"cinematograph" camera mounted on a tripod. NANIEL MARVIN (whose father
founded the Biograph Film Studio) is filming his young bride in front of the
Titanic. MARY MARVIN stands stiffly and smiles, self conscious.
Look up at the ship, darling, that's it. You're amazed! You can't believe
how big it is! Like a mountain. That's great.
Mary Marvin, without an acting fiber in her body, does a bad Clara Bow
pantomime of awe, hands raised.
Cal is jostled by two yelling steerage boys who shove past him. And he is
bumped again a second later by the boys' father.
Sorry squire!
The Cockney father pushes on, after his kids, shouting.
Steerage swine. Apparently missed his annual bath.
Honestly, Cal, if you weren't forever booking everything at the last
instant, we could have gone through the terminal instead of running along
the dock like some squalid immigrant family.
All part of my charm, Ruth. At any rate, it was my darling fiancee's beauty
rituals which made us late.
You told me to change.
I couldn't let you wear black on sailing day, sweetpea. It's bad luck.
I felt like black.
Cal guides them out of the path of a horse-drawn wagon loaded down with two
tons of OXFORD MARMALADE, in wooden cases, for Titanic's Victualling
Here I've pulled every string I could to book us on the grandest ship in
history, in her most luxurious suites... and you act as if you're going to
your execution.
Rose looks up as the hull of Titanic looms over them...a great iron wall,
Bible black and sever. Cal motions her forward, and she enters the gangway
to the D Deck doors with a sense of overwhelming dread.
It was the ship of dreams... to everyone else. To me it was a slave ship,
taking me back to America in chains.
CLOSE ON CAL'S HAND IN SLOW-MOTION as it closes possessively over Rose's
arm. He escorts her up the gangway and the black hull of Titanic swallows
Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was
35 CUT TO a SCREAMING BLAST from the mighty triple steam horns on Titanic's
funnels, bellowing their departure warning.
A VIEW OF TITANIC from several blocks away, towering above the terminal
buildings like the skyline of a city. The steamer's whistle echoes across
PULL BACK, revealing that we were looking through a window, and back further
to show the smoky inside of a pub. It is crowded with dockworkers and ship;s
Just inside the window, a poker game is in progress. FOUR MEN, in working
class clothes, play a very serious hand.
JACK DAWSON and FABRIZIO DE ROSSI, both about 20, exchange a glance as the
other two players argue in Swedish. Jack is American, a lanky drifter with
his hair a little long for the standards of the times. He is also unshaven,
and his clothes are rumpled from sleeping in them. He is an artist, and has
adopted the bohemian style of art scene in Paris. He is also very
self-possessed and sure-footed for 20, having lived on his own since 15.
The TWO SWEDES continue their sullen argument, in Swedish.
You stupid fishhead. I can't believe you bet our tickets.
You lost our money. I'm just trying to get it back. Now shutup and take a
Hit me again, Sven.
Jack takes the card and slips it into his hand.
ECU JACK'S EYES. They betray nothing.
CLOSE ON FABRIZIO licking his lips nervously as he refuses a card.
ECU STACK in the middle of the table. Bills and coins from four countries.
This has been going on for a while. Sitting on top of the money are two 3RD
The Titanic's whistle blows again. Final warning.
The moment of truth boys. Somebody's life's about to change.
Fabrizio puts his cards down. So do the Swedes. Jack holds his close.
Let's see... Fabrizio's got niente. Olaf, you've got squat. Sven, uh oh...
two pair... mmm.
(turns to his friend)
Sorry Fabrizio.
What sorry? What you got? You lose my money?? Ma va fa'n culo testa di
Sorry, you're not gonna see your mama again for a long time...
He slaps a full house down on the table.
'Cause you're goin' to America!! Full house boys!
Porca Madonna!! YEEAAAAA!!!
The table explodes into shouting in several languages. Jack rakes in the
money and the tickets.
(to the Swedes)
Sorry boys. Three of a kind and a pair. I'm high and you're dry and...
(to Fabrizio)
... we're going to--
Olaf balls up one huge farmer's fist. We think he's going to clobber Jack,
but he swings round and punches Sven, who flops backward onto the floor and
sits there, looking depressed. Olaf forgets about Jack and Fabrizio, who are
dancing around, and goes into a rapid harangue of his stupid cousin.
Jack kisses the tickets, then jumps on Fabrizio's back and rides him around
the pub. It's like they won the lottery.
Goin' home... to the land o' the free and the home of the real hot-dogs! On
the TITANIC!! We're ridin' in high style now! We're practically goddamned
royalty, ragazzo mio!!
You see? Is my destinio!! Like I told you. I go to l'America!! To be a
(to pubkeeper)
Capito?? I go to America!!
No, mate. Titanic go to America. In five minutes.
Shit!! Come on, Fabri!
(grabbing their stuff)
Come on!!
(to all, grinning)
It's been grand.
They run for the door.
'Course I'm sure if they knew it was you lot comin', they'd be pleased to
Jack and Fabrizio, carrying everything they own in the world in the kit bags
on their shoulders, sprint toward the pier. They tear through milling crowds
next to the terminal. Shouts go up behind them as they jostle slow-moving
gentlemen. They dodge piles of luggage, and weave through groups of people.
They burst out onto the pier and Jack comes to a dead stop... staring at the
cast wall of the ship's hull, towering seven stories above the wharf and
over an eighth of a mile long. The Titanic is monstrous.
Fabrizio runs back and grabs Jack, and they sprint toward the third class
gangway aft, at E deck. They reach the bottom of the ramp just as SIXTH
OFFICER MOODY detaches it at the top. It starts to swing down from the
gangway doors.
Wait!! We're passengers!
Flushed and panting, he waves the tickets.
Have you been through the inspection queue?
(lying cheerfully)
Of course! Anyway, we don't have lice, we're Americans.
(glances at Fabrizio)
Both of us.
Right, come aboard.
Moody has QUARTERMASTER ROWE reattach the gangway. Jack and Fabrizio come
aboard. Moody glances at the tickets, then passes Jack and Fabrizio through
to Rowe. Rowe looks at the names on the tickets to enter them in the
passenger list.
Gundersen. And...
(reading Fabrizio's)
He hands the tickets back, eyeing Fabrizio's Mediterranean looks
(grabbing Fabrizio's arm)
Come on, Sven.
Jack and Fabrizio whoop with victory as they run down the white-painted
corridero... grinning from ear to ear.
We are the luckiest sons of bitches in the world!
The mooring lines, as big around as a man's arm, are dropped into the water.
A cheer goes up on the pier as SEVEN TUGS pull the Titanic away from the
JACK AND FABRIZIO burst through a door onto the aft well deck. TRACKING WITH
THEM as they run across the deck and up the steel stairs to the poop deck.
They get to the rail and Jack starts to yell and wave to the crowd on the
You know somebody?
Of course not. That's not the point.
(to the crowd)
Goodbye! Goodbye!! I'll miss you!
Grinning, Fabrizio joins in, adding his voice to the swell of voices,
feeling the exhilaration of the moment.
Goodbye! I will never forget you!!
The crowd of cheering well-wishers waves heartily as a black wall of metal
moves past them. Impossibly tiny figures wave back from the ship's rails.
Titanic gathers speed.
IN A LONG LENS SHOT the prow of Titanic FILLS FRAME behind the lead tug,
which is dwarfed. The bow wave spreads before the mighty plow of the liner's
hull as it moves down the River Test toward the English Channel.
Jack and Fabrizio walk down a narrow corridor with doors lining both sides
like a college dorm. Total confusion as people argue over luggage in several
languages, or wander in confusion in the labyrinth. They pass emigrants
studying the signs over the doors, and looking up the words in phrase books.
They find their berth. It is a modest cubicle, painted enamel white, with
four bunks. Exposed pipes overhead. The other two guys are already there.
Jack throws his kit on one open bunk, while Fabrizio takes the other.
(in Swedish/ subtitled)
Where is Sven?
46 INT. SUITE B-52-56 - DAY
By contrast, the so-called "Millionaire Suite" is in the Empire style, and
comprises two bedrooms, a bath, WC, wardrobe room, and a large sitting room.
In addition there is a private 50 foot promenade deck outside.
A room service waiter pours champagne into a tulip glass of orange juice and
hands the Bucks Fizz to Rose. She is looking through her new paintings.
There is a Monet of water lilies, a Degas of dancers, and a few abstract
works. They are all unknown paintings... lost works.
Cal is out on the covered deck, which has potted trees and vines on
trellises, talking through the doorway to Rose in the sitting room.
Those mud puddles were certainly a waste of money.
(looking at a cubist portrait)
You're wrong. They're fascinating. Like in a dream... there's truth without
logic. What's his name again... ?
(reading off the canvas)
(coming into the sitting room)
He'll never amount to a thing, trust me. At least they were cheap.
A porter wheels Cal's private safe (which we recognize) into the room on a
Put that in the wardrobe.
47 IN THE BEDROOM Rose enters with the large Degas of the dancers. She sets
it on the dresser, near the canopy bed. Trudy is already in there, hanging
up some of Rose's clothes.
It smells so brand new. Like they built it all just for us. I mean... just
to think that tonight, when I crawl between the sheets, I'll be the first--
Cal appears in the doorway of the bedroom.
(looking at Rose)
And when I crawl between the sheets tonight, I'll still be the first.
(blushing at the innuendo)
S'cuse me, Miss.
She edges around Cal and makes a quick exit. Cal comes up behind Rose and
puts his hands on her shoulders. An act of possession, not intimacy.
The first and only. Forever.
Rose's expression shows how bleak a prospect this is for her, now.
Titanic stands silhouetted against a purple post-sunset sky. She is lit up
like a floating palace, and her thousand portholes reflect in the calm
harbor waters. The 150 foot tender Nomadic lies-to alongside, looking like a
rowboat. The lights of a Cherbourg harbor complete the postcard image.
Entering the first class reception room from the tender are a number of
prominent passengers. A BROAD-SHOULDERED WOMAN in an enormous feathered hat
comes up the gangway, carrying a suitcase in each hand, a spindly porter
running to catch up with her to take the bags.
Well, I wasn't about to wait all day for you, sonny. Take 'em the rest of
the way if you think you can manage.
At Cherbourg a woman came aboard named Margaret Brown, but we all called her
Molly. History would call her the Unsinkable Molly Brown. Her husband had
struck gold someplace out west, and she was what mother called "new money".
At 45, MOLLY BROWN is a tough talking straightshooter who dresses in the
finery of her genteel peers but will never be one of them.
By the next afternoon we had made our final stop and we were steaming west
from the coast of Ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean...
The ship glows with the warm creamy light of late afternoon. Jack and
Fabrizio stand right at the bow gripping the curving railing so familiar
from images of the wreck. Jack leans over, looking down fifty feet to where
the prow cuts the surface like a knife, sending up two glassy sheets of
Take her to sea Mister Murdoch. Let's stretch her legs.
Murdoch moves the engine telegraph lever to ALL AHEAD FULL.
53 NOW BEGINS a kind of musical/visual setpiece... an ode to the great ship.
The music is rhythmic, surging forward, with a soaring melody that addresses
the majesty and optimism of the ship of dreams.
IN THE ENGINE ROOM the telegraph clangs and moves to "All Ahead Full".
All ahead full!
On the catwalk THOMAS ANDREWS, the shipbuilder, watches carefully as the
engineers and greasers scramble to adjust valves. Towering above them are
the twin RECIPROCATING engines, four stories tall, their ten-foot-long
connecting rods surging up and down with the turning of the massive
crankshafts. The engines thunder like the footfalls of marching giants.
54 IN THE BOILER ROOMS the STOKERS chant a song as they hurl coal into the
roaring furnaces. The "black gang" are covered with sweat and coal dust,
their muscles working like part of the machinery as they toil in the hellish
55 UNDERWATER the enormous bronze screws chop through the water, hurling the
steamer forward and churning up a vortex of foam that lingers for miles
behind the juggernaut ship. Smoke pours from the funnels as--
56 The riven water flares higher at the bow as the ship's speeds builds. THE
CAMERA SWEEPS UP the prow to find Jack, the wind streaming through his hair
57 Captain Smith steps out of the enclosed bridge onto the wing. He stands
with his hands on the rail, looking every bit the storybook picture of a
Captain... a great patriarch of the sea.
Twenty one knots, sir!
She's got a bone in her teeth now, eh, Mr. Murdoch.
Smith accepts a cup of tea from FIFTH OFFICER LOWE. He contentedly watches
the white V of water hurled outward from the bows like an expression of his
own personal power. They are invulnerable, towering over the sea.
58 AT THE BOW Jack and Fabrizio lean far over, looking down.
In the glassy bow-wave two dolphins appear, under the water, running fast
just in front of the steel blade of the prow. They do it for the sheer joy
and exultation of motion. Jack watches the dolphins and grins. They breach,
jumping clear of the water and then dive back, crisscrossing in front of the
bow, dancing ahead of the juggernaut.
FABRIZIO looks forward across the Atlantic, staring into the sunsparkles.
I can see the Statue of Liberty already.
(grinning at Jack)
Very small... of course.
THE CAMERA ARCS around them, until they are framed against the sea.
NOW WE PULL BACK, across the forecastle deck. Rising, as we continue back,
and the ships rolls endlessly forward underneath. Over the bridge wing,
along the boat deck until her funnels come INTO FRAME besides us and march
past like the pillars of heaven, one by one. We pull back and up, until we
are looking down the funnels, and the people strolling on the decks and
standing at the rail become antlike.
And still we pull back until the great lady is seen whole in a gorgeous
aerial portrait, black and severe in her majesty.
She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all
CLOSE ON J. BRUCE ISMAY, Managing Director of White Star Line.
...and our master shipbuilder, Mr. Andrews here, designed her from the keel
plates up.
He indicates a handsome 39 year old Irish gentlemen to his right, THOMAS
ANDREWS, of Harland and Wolf Shipbuilders.
WIDER, showing the group assembled for lunch the next day. Ismay seated with
Cal, Rose, Ruth, Molly Brown and Thomas Andrews in the Palm Court, a
beautiful sunny spot enclosed by high arched windows.
(disliking the attention)
Well, I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mr. Ismay's. He
envisioned a steamer so grand in scale, and so luxurious in its
appointments, that its supremacy would never be challenged. And here she
(he slaps the table)
...willed into solid reality.
Why're ships always bein' called "she"? Is it because men think half the
women around have big sterns and should be weighed in tonnage?
(they all laugh)
Just another example of the men settin' the rules their way.
The waiter arrives to take orders. Rose lights a cigarette.
You know I don't like that, Rose.
She knows.
Cal takes the cigarette from her and stubs it out.
(to the waiter)
We'll both have the lamb. Rare, with a little mint sauce.
(to Rose, after the waiter moves away)
You like lamb, don't you sweetpea?
Molly is watching the dynamic between Rose, Cal and Ruth.
So, you gonna cut her meat for her too there, Cal?
(turning to Ismay)
Hey, who came up with the name Titanic? You, Bruce?
Yes, actually. I wanted to convey sheer size. And size means stability,
luxury... and safety--
Do you know of Dr. Freud? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size
might be of particular interest to you, Mr. Ismay.
Andrews chokes on his breadstick, suppressing laughter.
My God, Rose, what's gotten into--
Excuse me.
She stalks away.
I do apologize.
She's a pistol, Cal. You sure you can handle her?
(tense but feigning unconcern)
Well, I may have to start minding what she reads from now on.
Jack sits on a bench in the sun. Titanic's wake spreads out behind him to
the horizon. He has his knees pulled up, supporting a leather bound
sketching pad, his only valuable possession. With conte crayon he draws
rapidly, using sure strokes. An emigrant from Manchester named CARTMELL has
his 3 year old daughter CORA standing on the lower rung of the rail. She is
leaned back against his beer barrel of a stomach, watching the seagulls.
THE SKETCH captures them perfectly, with a great sense of the humanity of
the moment. Jack is good. Really good. Fabrizio looks over Jack's shoulder.
He nods appreciatively.
TOMMY RYAN, a scowling young Irish emigrant, watches as a crewmember comes
by, walking three small dogs around the deck. One of them, a BLACK FRENCH
BULLDOG, is among the ugliest creatures on the planet.
That's typical. First class dogs come down here to take a shit.
Jack looks up from his sketch.
That's so we know where we rank in the scheme of things.
Like we could forget.
Jack glances across the well deck. At the aft railing of B deck promenade
stands ROSE, in a long yellow dress and white gloves.
CLOSE ON JACK, unable to take his eyes off of her. They are across from each
other, about 60 feet apart, with the well deck like a valley between them.
She on her promontory, he on his much lower one. She stares down at the
He watches her unpin her elaborate hat and take it off. She looks at the
frilly absurd thing, then tosses it over the rail. It sails far down to the
water and is carried away, astern. A spot of yellow in the vast ocean. He is
riveted by her. She looks like a figure in a romantic novel, sad and
Fabrizio taps Tommy and they both look at Jack gazin at Rose. Fabrizio and
Tommy grin at each other.
Rose turns suddenly and looks right at Jack. He is caught staring, but he
doesn't look away. She does, but then looks back. Their eyes meet across the
space of the well deck, across the gulf between worlds.
Jack sees a man (Cal) come up behind her and take her arm. She jerks her arm
away. They argue in pantomime. She storms away, and he goes after her,
disappearing along the A-deck promenade. Jack stares after her.
Forget it, boy. You'd as like have angels fly out o' yer arse as get next
to the likes o' her.
SLOWLY PUSHING IN ON ROSE as she sits, flanked by people in heated
conversation. Cal and Ruth are laughing together, while on the other side
LADY DUFF-GORDON is holding forth animatedly. We don't hear what they are
saying. Rose is staring at her plate, barely listening to the
inconsequential babble around her.
I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it... an endless parade of
parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches... always the same narrow
people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great
precipice, with no one to pull me back, no one who cared... or even noticed.
ANGLE BENEATH TABLE showing Rose's hand, holding a tiny fork from her crab
salad. She pokes the crab-fork into the skin of her arm, harder and harder
until it draws blood.
Rose walks along the corridor. A steward coming the other way greets her,
and she nods with a slight smile. She is perfectly composed.
She enters the room. Stands in the middle, staring at her reflection in the
large vanity mirror. Just stands there, then--
With a primal, anguished cry she claws at her throat, ripping off her pearl
necklace, which explodes across the room. In a frenzy she tears at herself,
her clothes, her hair... then attacks the room. She flings everything off
the dresser and it flies clattering against the wall. She hurls a handmirror
against the vanity, cracking it.
Rose runs along the B deck promenade. She is dishevelled, her hair flying.
She is crying, her cheeks streaked with tears. But also angry, furious!
Shaking with emotions she doesn't understand... hatred, self-hatred,
desperation. A strolling couple watch her pass. Shocked at the emotional
display in public.
Jack is kicked back on one of the benches gazing at the stars blazing
gloriously overhead. Thinking artist thoughts and smoking a cigarette.
Hearing something, he turns as Rose runs up the stairs from the well deck.
They are the only two on the stern deck, except for QUARTERMASTER ROWE,
twenty feet above them on the docking bridge catwalk. She doesn't see Jack
in the shadows, and runs right past him.
TRACKING WITH ROSE as she runs across the deserted fantail. Her breath
hitches in an occasional sob, which she suppresses. Rose slams against the
base of the stern flagpole and clings there, panting. She stares out at the
black water.
Then starts to climb over the railing. She has to hitch her long dress way
up, and climbing is clumsy. Moving methodically she turns her body and gets
her heels on the white-painted gunwale, her back to the railing, facing out
toward blackness. 60 feet below her, the massive propellers are churning the
Atlantic into white foam, and a ghostly wake trails off toward the horizon.
IN A LOW ANGLE, we see Rose standing like a figurehead in reverse. Below her
are the huge letters of the name "TITANIC".
She leans out, her arms straightening... looking down hypnotized, into the
vortex below her. Her dress and hair are lifted by the wind of the ship's
movement. The only sound, above the rush of water below, is the flutter and
snap of the big Union Jack right above her.
Don't do it.
She whips her head around at the sound of his voice. It takes a second for
her eyes to focus.
Stay back! Don't come any closer!
Jack sees the tear tracks on her cheeks in the faint glow from the stern
running lights.
Take my hand. I'll pull you back in.
No! Stay where you are. I mean it. I'll let go.
No you won't.
What do you mean no I won't? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will
not do. You don't know me.
You would have done it already. Now come on, take my hand.
Rose is confused now. She can't see him very well through the tears, so she
wipes them with one hand, almost losing her balance.
You're distracting me. Go away.
I can't. I'm involved now. If you let go I have to jump in after you.
Don't be absurd. You'll be killed.
He takes off his jacket.
I'm a good swimmer.
He starts unlacing his left shoe.
The fall alone would kill you.
It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't. To be honest I'm a lot more
concerned about the water being so cold.
She looks down. The reality factor of what she is doing is sinking in.
How cold?
(taking off his left shoe)
Freezing. Maybe a couple degrees over.
He starts unlacing his right shoe.
Ever been to Wisconsin?
Well they have some of the coldest winters around, and I grew up there, near
Chippewa Falls. Once when I was a kid me and my father were ice-fishing out
on Lake Wissota... ice-fishing's where you chop a hole in the--
I know what ice fishing is!
Sorry. Just... you look like kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I went through
some thin ice and I'm tellin' ya, water that cold... like that right down
there... it hits you like a thousand knives all over your body. You can't
breath, you can't think... least not about anything but the pain.
(takes off his other shoe)
Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in after you. But like I
said, I don't see a choice. I guess I'm kinda hoping you'll come back over
the rail and get me off the hook here.
You're crazy.
That's what everybody says. But with all due respect, I'm not the one
hanging off the back of a ship.
He slides one step closer, like moving up on a spooked horse.
Come on. You don't want to do this. Give me your hand.
Rose stares at this madman for a long time. She looks at his eyes and they
somehow suddenly seem to fill her universe.
She unfastens one hand from the rail and reaches it around toward him. He
reaches out to take it, firmly.
I'm Jack Dawson.
(voice quavering)
Pleased to meet you, Mr. Dawson.
Rose starts to turn. Now that she has decided to live, the height is
terrifying. She is overcome by vertigo as she shifts her footing, turning to
face the ship. As she starts to climb, her dress gets in the way, and one
foot slips off the edge of the deck.
She plunges, letting out a piercing SHRIEK. Jack, gripping her hand, is
jerked toward the rail. Rose barely grabs a lower rail with her free hand.
QUARTERMASTER ROWE, up on the docking bridge hears the scream and heads for
the ladder.
I've got you. I won't let go.
Jack holds her hand with all his strength, bracing himself on the railing
with his other hand. Rose tries to get some kind of foothold on the smooth
hull. Jack tries to lift her bodily over the railing. She can't get any
footing in her dress and evening shoes, and she slips back. Rose SCREAMS
Jack, awkwardly clutching Rose by whatever he can get a grip on as she
flails, gets her over the railing. They fall together onto the deck in a
tangled heap, spinning in such a way that Jack winds up slightly on top of
Rowe slides down the ladder from the docking bridge like it's a fire drill
and sprints across the fantail.
Here, what's all this?!
Rowe runs up and pulls Jack off of Rose, revealing her dishevelled and
sobbing on the deck. Her dress is torn, and the hem is pushing up above her
knees, showing one ripped stocking. He looks at Jack, the shaggy steerage
man with his jacket off, and the first class lady clearly in distress, and
starts drawing conclusions. Two seamen chug across the deck to join them.
(to Jack)
Here you, stand back! Don't move an inch!
(to the seamen)
Fetch the Master at Arms.
A few minutes later. Jack is being detained by the burly MASTER AT ARMS, the
closest thing to a cop on board. He is handcuffing Jack. Cal is right in
front of Jack, and furious. He has obviously just rushed out here with
Lovejoy and another man, and none of them have coats over their black tie
evening dress. The other man is COLONEL ARCHIBALD GRACIE, a moustached
blowhard who still has his brandy snifter. He offers it to Rose, who is
hunched over crying on a bench nearby, but she waves it away. Cal is more
concerned with Jack. He grabs him by the lapels.
What made you think you could put your hands on my fiancee?! Look at me, you
filth! What did you think you were doing?!
Cal, stop! It was an accident.
An accident?!
It was... stupid really. I was leaning over and I slipped.
Rose looks at Jack, getting eye contact.
I was leaning way over, to see the... ah... propellers. And I slipped and I
would have gone overboard... and Mr. Dawson here saved me and he almost went
over himself.
You wanted to see the propellers?
(shaking his head)
Women and machinery do not mix.
(to Jack)
Was that the way of it?
Rose is begging him with her eyes not to say what really happened.
Uh huh. That was pretty much it.
He looks at Rose a moment longer. Now they have a secret together.
Well! The boy's a hero then. Good for you son, well done!
(to Cal)
So it's all's well and back to our brandy, eh?
Jack is uncuffed. Cal gets Rose to her feet and moving.
(rubbing her arms)
Let's get you in. You're freezing.
Cal is leaving without a second thought for Jack.
Ah... perhaps a little something for the boy?
Oh, right. Mr. Lovejoy. A twenty should do it.
Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?
Rose is displeased. Mmm... what to do?
Cal turns back to Jack. He appraises him condescendingly... a steerage
ruffian, unwashed and ill-mannered.
I know.
(to Jack)
Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow, to regale our group with your
heroic tale?
(looking straight at Rose)
Sure. Count me in.
Good. Settled then.
Cal turns to go, putting a protective arm around Rose. he leans close to
Gracie as they walk away.
This should be amusing.
(as Lovejoy passes)
Can I bum a cigarette?
Lovejoy smoothly draws a silver cigarette case from his jacket and snaps it
open. Jack takes a cigarette, then another, popping it behind his ear for
later. Lovejoy lights Jack's cigarette.
You'll want to tie those.
(Jack looks at his shoes)
Interesting that the young lady slipped so mighty all of a sudden and you
still had time to take of your jacket and shoes. Mmmm?
Lovejoy's expression is bland, but the eyes are cold. He turns away to join
his group.
As she undresses for bed Rose sees Cal standing in her doorway, reflected in
the cracked mirror of her vanity. He comes toward her.
(unexpectedly tender)
I know you've been melancholy, and I don't pretend to know why.
From behind his back he hands her a large black velvet jewel case. She takes
it, numbly.
I intended to save this till the engagement gals next week. But I thought
tonight, perhaps a reminder of my feeling for you...
Rose slowly opens the box. Inside is the necklace... "HEART OF THE OCEAN" in
all its glory. It is huge... a malevolent blue stone glittering with an
infinity of scalpel-like inner reflections.
My God... Cal. Is it a--
Diamond. Yes it is. 56 carats.
He takes the necklace and during the following places it around her throat.
He turns her to the mirror, staring behind her.
It was once worn by Louis the Sixteenth. They call it Le Coeur de la Mer,
The Heart of the Ocean. Cal, it's... it's overwhelming.
He gazes at the image of the two of them in the mirror.
It's for royalty. And we are royalty.
His fingers caress her neck and throat. He seems himself to be disarmed by
Rose's elegance and beauty. His emotion is, for the first time, unguarded.
There's nothing I couldn't give you. There's nothing I'd deny you if you
would deny me. Open your heart to me, Rose.
CAMERA begins to TRACK IN ON ROSE. Closer and closer, during the following:
Of course his gift was only to reflect light back onto himself, to
illuminate the greatness that was Caledon Hockley. It was a cold stone... a
heart of ice.
Finally, when Rose's eyes FILL FRAME, we MORPH SLOWLY to her eyes as the are
now... transforming through 84 years of life...
Without a cut the wrinkled, weathered landscape of age has appeared around
her eyes. But the eyes themselves are the same.
After all these years, feel it closing around my throat like a dog collar.
THE CAMERA PULLS BACK to show her whole face.
I can still feel its weight. If you could have felt it, not just seen it...
Well, that's the general idea, my dear.
So let me get this right. You were gonna kill yourself by jumping off the
(he guffaws)
That's great!
But Rose laughs with Bodine.
(still laughing)
All you had to do was wait two days!
Lovett, standing out of Rose's sightline, checks his watch. Hours have
passed. This process is taking too long.
Rose, tell us more about the diamond. What did Hockley do with it after
I'm afraid I'm feeling a little tired, Mr. Lovett.
Lizzy picks up the cue and starts to wheel her out.
Wait! Can you give us something go on, here. Like who had access to the
safe. What about this Lovejoy guy? The valet. Did he have the combination?
That's enough.
Lizzy takes her out. Rose's old hand reappears at the doorway in a frail wave
As the big hydraulic jib swings one of the Mir subs out over the water.
Lovett walks as he talks with Bobby Buell, the partners' rep. They weave
among deck cranes, launch crew, sub maintenance guys.
The partners are pissed.
Bobby, buy me time. I need time.
We're running thirty thousand a day, and we're six days over. I'm telling
you what they're telling me. The hand is on the plug. It's starting to pull.
Well you tell the hand I need another two days! Bobby, Bobby, Bobby... we're
close! I smell it. I smell ice. She had the diamond on... now we just have
to find out where it wound up. I just gotta work her a bit more. Okay?
Brock turns and sees Lizzy standing behind him. She has overheard the past
part of his dialogue with Buell. He goes to her and hustles her away from
Buell, toward a quite spot on the deck.
Hey, Lizzy. I need to talk to you for a second.
Don't you mean work me?
Look, I'm running out of time. I need your help.
I'm not going to help you browbeat my hundred and
one year old grandmother. I came down here to tell you to back off.
(with undisguised desperation)
Lizzy... you gotta understand something. I've bet it all to find the Heart
of the Ocean. I've got all my dough tied up in this thing. My wife even
divorced me over this hunt. I need what's locked inside your grandma's
(he holds out his hand)
You see this? Right here?
She looks at his hand, palm up. Empty. Cupped, as if around an imaginary
That's the shape my hand's gonna be when I hold that thing. You understand?
I'm not leaving here without it.
Look, Brock, she's going to do this her way, in her own time. Don't forget,
she contacted you. She's out here for her own reasons, God knows what they
Maybe she wants to make peace with the past.
What past? She has never once, not once, ever said a word about being on the
Titanic until two days ago.
Then we're all meeting your grandmother for the first time.
(looks at him hard)
You think she was really there?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm a believer. She was there.
Bodine starts the tape recorder. Rose is gazing at the screen seeing THE
LIVE FEED FROM THE WRECK--SNOOP DOG is moving along the starboard side of
the hull, heading aft. The rectangular windows of A deck (forward) march
past on the right.
The next day, Saturday, I remember thinking how the sunlight felt.
MATCH DISSOLVE from the rusting hulk to the gleaming new Titanic in 1912,
passing the end of the enclosed promenade just as Rose walks into the
sunlight right in front of us. She is stunningly dressed and walking with
As if I hadn't felt the sun in years.
IT IS SATURDAY APRIL 13, 1912. Rose unlatches the gate to go down into third
class. The steerage men on the deck stop what they're doing and stare at
The social center of steerage life. It is stark by comparison to the
opulence of first class, but is a loud, boisterous place. There are mothers
with babies, kids running between the benches yelling in several languages
and being scolded in several more. There are old women yelling, men playing
chess, girls doing needlepoint and reading dime novels. There is even an
upright piano and Tommy Ryan is noodling around it.
Three boys, shrieking and shouting, are scrambling around chasing a rat
under the benches, trying to whomp it with a shoe and causing general havoc.
Jack is playing with 5 year old CORA CARTMELL, drawing funny faces together
in his sketchbook.
Fabrizio is struggling to get a conversation going with an attractive
Norwegian girl, HELGA DAHL, sitting with her family at a table across the
No Italian? Some little English?
No, no. Norwegian. Only.
Helga's eye is caught by something. Fabrizio looks, does a take... and Jack,
curious, follows their gaze to see...
Rose, coming toward them. The activity in the room stops... a hush falls.
Rose feels suddenly self-conscious as the steerage passengers stare openly
at this princess, some with resentment, others with awe. She spots Jack and
gives a little smile, walking straight to him. He rises to meet her,
Hello Jack.
Fabrizio and Tommy are floored. Its like the slipper fitting Cinderella.
Hello again.
Could I speak to you in private?
Uh, yes. Of course. After you.
He motions her ahead and follows. Jack glances over his shoulder, one
eyebrow raised, as he walks out with her leaving a stunned silence.
Jack and Rose walk side by side. They pass people reading and talking in
steamer chairs, some of whom glance curiously at the mismatched couple. He
feels out of place in his rough clothes. They are both awkward, for
different reasons.
So, you got a name by the way?
Rose. Rose DeWitt Bukater.
That's quite a moniker. I may hafta get you to write that down.
There is an awkward pause.
Mr. Dawson, I--
Jack... I feel like such an idiot. It took me all morning to get up the
nerve to face you.
Well, here you are.
Here I am. I... I want to thank you for what you did. Not just for... for
pulling me back. But for your discretion.
You're welcome. Rose.
Look, I know what you must be thinking! Poor little rich girl. What does she
know about misery?
That's not what I was thinking. What I was thinking was... what could have
happened to hurt this girl so much she though she had no way out.
I don't... it wasn't just one thing. It was everything. It was them, it was
their whole world. And I was trapped in it, like an insect in amber.
(in a rush)
I just had to get away... just run and run and run... and then I was at the
back rail and there was no more ship... even the Titanic wasn't big enough.
Not enough to get away from them. And before I'd really though about it, I
was over the rail. I was so furious. I'll show them. They'll be sorry!
Uh huh. They'll be sorry. 'Course you'll be dead.
(she lowers her head)
Oh God, I am such an utter fool.
That penguin last night, is he one of them?
Penguin? Oh, Cal! He is them.
Is he your boyfriend?
Worse I'm afraid.
She shows him her engagement ring. A sizable diamond.
Gawd look at that thing! You would have gone straight to the bottom.
They laugh together. A passing steward scowls at Jack, who is clearly not a
first class passenger, but Rose just glares at him away.
So you feel like you're stuck on a train you can't get off 'cause you're
marryin' this fella.
Yes, exactly!
So don't marry him.
If only it were that simple.
It is that simple.
Oh, Jack... please don't judge me until you've seen my world.
Well, I guess I will tonight.
Looking for another topic, any other topic, she indicates his sketchbook.
What's this?
Just some sketches.
May I?
The question is rhetorical because she has already grabbed the book. She
sits on a deck chair and opens the sketchbook. ON JACK'S sketches... each
one an expressive little bit of humanity: an old woman's hands, a sleeping
man, a father and daughter at the rail. The faces are luminous and alive.
His book is a celebration of the human condition.
Jack, these are quite good! Really, they are.
Well, they didn't think too much of 'em in Paree.
Some loose sketches fall out and are taken by the wind. Jack scrambles after
them... catching two, but the rest are gone, over the rail.
Oh no! Oh, I'm so sorry. Truly!
Well, they didn't think too much of 'em in Paree.
He snaps his wrist, shaking his drawing hand in a flourish.
I just seem to spew 'em out. Besides, they're not worth a damn anyway.
For emphasis he throws away the two he caught. They sail off.
You're deranged!
She goes back to the book, turning a page.
Well, well...
She has come upon a series of nudes. Rose is transfixed by the languid
beauty he has created. His nudes are soulful, real, with expressive hands
and eyes. They feel more like portraits than studies of the human form...
almost uncomfortably intimate. Rose blushes, raising the book as some
strollers go by.
(trying to be very adult)
And these were drawn from life?
Yup. That's one of the great things about Paris. Lots of girls willing take
their clothes off.
She studies one drawing in particular, the girl posed half in sunlight, half
in shadow. Her hands lie at her chin, one furled and one open like a flower,
languid and graceful. The drawing is like an Alfred Steiglitz print of
Georgia O'Keefe.
You liked this woman. You used her several times.
She had beautiful hands.
I think you must have had a love affair with her...
No, no! Just with her hands.
(looking up from the drawings)
You have a gift, Jack. You do. You see people.
I see you.
There it is. That piercing gaze again.
You wouldn'ta jumped.
ROTHES, a 35ish English blue-blood with patrician features. Ruth sees
someone coming across the room and lowers her voice.
Oh no, that vulgar Brown woman is coming this way. Get up, quickly before
she sits with us.
Molly Brown walks up, greeting them cheerfully as they are rising.
Hello girls, I was hoping I'd catch you at tea.
We're awfully sorry you missed it. The Countess and I are just off to take
the air on the boat deck.
That sounds great. Let's go. I need to catch up on the gossip.
Ruth grits her teeth as the three of them head for the Grand Staircase to go
up. TRACKING WITH THEM, as they cross the room, the SHOT HANDS OFF to Bruce
Ismay and Captain Smith at another table.
So you've not lit the last four boilers then?
No, but we're making excellent time.
Captain, the press knows the size of Titanic, let them marvel at her speed
too. We must give them something new to print. And the maiden voyage of
Titanic must make headlines!
I prefer not to push the engines until they've been properly run in.
Of course I leave it to your good offices to decide what's best, but what a
glorious end to your last crossing if we get into New York Tuesday night and
surprise them all.
(Ismay slaps his hand on the table)
Retire with a bang, eh, E.J?
A beat. Then Smith nods, stiffly.
Rose and Jack stroll aft, past people lounging on deck chairs in the
slanting late-afternoon light. Stewards scurry to serve tea or hot cocoa.
(girlish and excited)
You know, my dream has always been to just chuck it all and become an
artist... living in a garret, poor but free!
You wouldn't last two days. There's no hot water, and hardly ever any
(angry in a flash)
Listen, buster... I hate caviar! And I'm tired of people dismissing my
dreams with a chuckle and a pat on the head.
I'm sorry. Really... I am.
Well, alright. There's something in me, Jack. I feel it. I don't know what
it is, whether I should be an artist, or, I don't know... a dancer. Like
Isadora Duncan.... a wild pagan spirit...
She leaps forward, lands deftly and whirls like a dervish. Then she sees
something ahead and her face lights up.
...or a moving picture actress!
She takes his hand and runs, pulling him along the deck toward--
DANIEL AND MARY MARVIN. Daniel is cranking the big wooden movie camera as
she poses stiffly at the rail.
You're sad. Sad, sad, sad. You've left your lover on the shore. You may
never see him again. Try to be sadder, darling.
SUDDENLY Rose shoots into the shot and strikes a theatrical pose at the rail
next to Mary. Mary bursts out laughing. Rose pulls Jack into the picture and
makes him pose.
Marvin grins and starts yelling and gesturing. We see this in CUTS, with
music and no dialogue.
Rose posing tragically at the rail, the back of her hand to her forehead.
Jack on a deck chair, pretending to be a Pasha, the two girls pantomiming
fanning him like slave girls.
Jack, on his knees, pleading with his hands clasped while Rose, standing,
turns her head in bored disdain.
Rose cranking the camera, while Daniel and Jack have a western shoot-out.
Jack wins and leers into the lens, twirling an air moustache like Snidely
Painted with orange light, Jack and Rose lean on the A-deck rail aft,
shoulder to shoulder. The ship's lights come on.
It is a magical moment... perfect.
So then what, Mr. Wandering Jack?
Well, then logging got to be too much like work, so I went down to Los
Angeles to the pier in Santa Monica. That's a swell place, they even have a
rollercoaster. I sketched portraits there for ten cents a piece.
A whole ten cents?!
(not getting it)
Yeah; it was great money... I could make a dollar a day, sometimes. But only
in summer. When it got cold, I decided to go to Paris and see what the real
artists were doing.
(looks at the dusk sky)
Why can't I be like you Jack? Just head out for the horizon whenever I feel
like it.
(turning to him)
Say we'll go there, sometime... to that pier... even if we only ever just
talk about it.
Alright, we're going. We'll drink cheap beer and go on the rollercoaster
until we throw up and we'll ride horses on the beach... right in the surf...
but you have to ride like a cowboy, none of that side-saddle stuff.
You mean one leg on each side? Scandalous! Can you show me?
Sure. If you like.
(smiling at him)
I think I would.
(she looks at the horizon)
And teach me to spit too. Like a man. Why should only men be able to spit.
It's unfair.
They didn't teach you that in finishing school? Here, it's easy. Watch
He spits. It arcs out over the water.
Your turn.
Rose screws up her mouth and spits. A pathetic little bit of foamy spittle
which mostly runs down her chin before falling off into the water.
Nope, that was pitiful. Here, like this... you hawk it down... HHHNNNK!...
then roll it on your tongue, up to the front, like thith, then a big breath
and PLOOOW!! You see the range on that thing?
She goes through the steps. Hawks it down, etc. He coaches her through it
(ad lib) while doing the steps himself. She lets fly. So does he. Two comets
of gob fly out over the water.
That was great!
Rose turns to him, her face alight. Suddenly she blanches. He sees her
expression and turns.
RUTH, the Countess of Rothes, and Molly Brown have been watching them
hawking lugees. Rose becomes instantly composed.
Mother, may I introduce Jack Dawson.
Charmed, I'm sure.
Jack has a little spit running down his chin. He doesn't know it. Molly
Brown is grinning. As Rose proceeds with the introductions, we hear...
The others were gracious and curious about the man who'd saved my life. But
my mother looked at him like an insect. A dangerous insect which must be
squashed quickly.
Well, Jack, it sounds like you're a good man to have around in a sticky
They all jump as a BUGLER sounds the meal call right behind them.
Why do they insist on always announcing dinner like a damn cavalry charge?
Shall we go dress, mother?
(over her shoulder)
See you at dinner, Jack.
(as they walk away)
Rose, look at you... out in the sun with no hat. Honestly!
The Countess exits with Ruth and Rose, leaving Jack and Molly alone on deck.
Son, do you have the slightest comprehension of what you're doing?
Not really.
Well, you're about to go into the snakepit. I hope you're ready. What are
you planning to wear?
Jack looks down at his clothes. Back up at her. He hadn't thought about
I figured.
Men's suits and jackets and formal wear are strewn all over the place. Molly
is having a fine time. Jack is dressed, except for his jacket, and Molly is
tying his bow tie.
Don't feel bad about it. My husband still can't tie one of these damn things
after 20 years. There you go.
She picks up a jacket off the bed and hands it to him. Jack goes into the
bathroom to put it on. Molly starts picking up the stuff off the bed.
I gotta buy everything in three sizes 'cause I never know how much he's been
eating while I'm away.
She turns and sees him, though we don't.
My, my, my... you shine up like a new penny.
A purple sky, shot with orange, in the west. Drifting strains of classic
music. We TRACK WITH JACK along the deck. By Edwardian standards he looks
badass. Dashing in his borrowed white-tie outfit, right down to his pearl
A steward bows and smartly opens the door to the First Class Entrance.
Good evening, sir.
Jack plays the role smoothly. Nods with just the right degree of disdain.
Jack steps in and his breath is taken away by the splendor spread out before
him. Overhead is the enormous glass dome, with a crystal chandelier at its
center. Sweeping down six stories is the First Class Grand Staircase, the
epitome of the opulent naval architecture of the time.
And the people: the women in their floor length dresses, elaborate
hairstyles and abundant jewelry... the gentlemen in evening dress, standing
with one hand at the small of the back, talking quietly.
Jack descends to A deck. Several men nod a perfunctory greeting. He nods
back, keeping it simple. He feels like a spy.
Cal comes down the stairs, with Ruth on his arm, covered in jewelry. They
both walk right past Jack, neither one recognizing him. Cal nods at him,
one gent to another. But Jack barely has time to be amused. Because just
behind Cal and Ruth on the stairs is Rose, a vision in red and black, her
low-cut dress showing off her neck and shoulders, her arms sheathed in white
gloves that come well above above the elbow. Jack is hypnotized by her
CLOSE ON ROSE as she approaches Jack. He imitates the gentlemen's stance,
hand behind his back. She extends her gloved hand and he takes it, kissing
the back of her fingers. Rose flushes, beaming noticeably. She can't take
her eyes off him.
I saw that in a nickelodeon once, and I always wanted to do it.
Cal, surely you remember Mr. Dawson.
(caught off guard)
Dawson! I didn't recognize you.
(studies him)
Amazing! You could almost pass for a gentlemen.
CUT TO THE RECEPTION ROOM ON D DECK, as the party descends to dinner. They
encounter Molly Brown, looking good in a beaded dress, in her own busty
broad-shouldered way. Molly grins when she sees Jack. As they are going into
the dining saloon she walks next to him, speaking low:
Ain't nothin' to it, is there, Jack?
Yeah, you just dress like a pallbearer and keep your nose up.
Remember, the only thing they respect is money, so just act like you've got
a lot of it and you're in the club.
As they enter the swirling throng, Rose leans close to him, pointing out
several notables.
There's the Countess Rothes. And that's John Jacob Astor... the richest man
on the ship. His little wifey there, Madeleine, is my age and in a delicate
condition. See how she's trying to hide it. Quite the scandal.
(nodding toward a couple)
And over there, that's Sir Cosmo and Lucile, Lady Duff-Gordon. She designs
naughty lingerie, among her many talents. Very popular with the royals.
Cal becomes engrossed in a conversations with Cosmo Duff-Gordon and Colonel
Gracie, while Ruth, the Countess and Lucille discuss fashion. Rose picots
Jack smoothly, to show him another couple, dressed impeccably.
And that's Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress, Madame Aubert. Mrs.
Guggenheim is at home with the children, of course.
Cal, meanwhile, is accepting the praise of his male counterparts, who are
looking at Rose like a prize show horse.
Hockley, she is splendid.
Thank you.
Cal's a lucky man. I know him well, and it can only be luck.
Ruth steps over, hearing the last. She takes Cal's arm, somewhat
How can you say that Colonel? Caledon Hockley is a great catch.
The entourage strolls toward the dining saloon, where they run into the
Astor's going through the ornate double doors.
J.J., Madeleine, I'd like you to meet Jack Dawson.
(shaking his hand)
Good to meet you Jack. Are you of the Boston Dawsons?
No, the Chippewa Falls Dawsons, actually.
J.J. nods as if he's heard of them, then looks puzzled. Madeleine Astor
appraises Jack and whispers girlishly to Rose:
It's a pity we're both spoken for, isn't it?
Like a ballroom at the palace, alive and lit by a constellation of
chandeliers, full of elegantly dressed people and beautiful music from
BANDLEADER WALLACE HARTLEY'S small orchestra. As Rose and Jack enter and
move across the room to their table, Cal and Ruth beside them, we hear...
He must have been nervous but he never faltered. They assumed he was one of
them... a young captain of industry perhaps... new money, obviously, but
still a member of the club. Mother of course, could always be counted
Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they're quite
good on this ship.
WIDER: THE TABLE. Jack is seated opposite Rose, who is flanked by Cal and
Thomas Andrews. Also at the table are Molly Brown, Ismay, Colonel Gracie,
the Countess, Guggenheim, Madame Aubert, and the Astors.
The best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any rats.
Rose motions surreptitiously for Jack to take his napkin off his plate.
Mr. Dawson is joining us from third class. He was of some assistance to my
fiancee last night.
(to Jack, as if to a child)
This is foie gras. It's goose liver.
We see whispers exchanged. Jack becomes the subject of furtive glances. Now
they're all feeling terribly liberal and dangerous.
(low to Madame Aubert)
What is Hockley hoping to prove, bringing this... bohemian... up here?
(to Jack)
How do you take your caviar, sir?
(answering for him)
Just a soupcon of lemon...
(to Jack, smiling)
...it improves the flavor with champagne.
(to the waiter)
No caviar for me, thanks.
(to Cal)
Never did like it much.
He looks at Rose, pokerfaced, and she smiles.
And where exactly do you live, Mr. Dawson?
Well, right now my address is the RMS Titanic. After that, I'm on God's good
Salad is served. Jack reaches for the fish fork. Rose gives him a look and
picks up the salad fork, prompting him with her eyes. He changes forks.
You find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?
Well... it's a big world, and I want to see it all before I go. My father
was always talkin' about goin' to see the ocean. He died in the town he was
born in, and never did see it. You can't wait around, because you never know
what hand you're going to get dealt next. See, my folks died in a fire when
I was fifteen, and I've been on the road since. Somethin' like that teaches
you to take life as it comes at you. To make each day count.
Molly Brown raises her glass in a salute.
Well said, Jack.
(raising his glass)
Here, here.
Rose raises her glass, looking at Jack.
To making it count.
Ruth, annoyed that Jack has scored a point, presses him further.
How is it you have the means to travel, Mr. Dawson?
I work my way from place to place. Tramp steamers and such. I won my ticket
on Titanic here in a lucky hand at poker.
(he glances at Rose)
A very lucky hand.
All life is a game of luck.
A real man makes his own luck, Archie.
Rose notices that Thomas Andrews, sitting next to her, is writing in his
notebook, completely ignoring the conversation.
Mr. Andrews, what are you doing? I see you everywhere writing in this little
(grabs it and reads)
Increase number of screws in hat hooks from 2 to 3. You build the biggest
ship in the world and this preoccupies you?!
Andrews smiles sheepishly.
He knows every rivet in her, don't you Thomas?
All three million of them.
His blood and soul are in the ship. She may be mine on paper, but in the
eyes of God she belongs to Thomas Andrews.
Your ship is a wonder, Mr. Andrews. Truly.
Thank you, Rose.
We see that Andrews has come under Rose's spell.
83 TIME TRANSITION: Dessert has been served and a waiter arrives with cigars
in a humidor on a wheeled cart. The men start clipping ends and lighting.
(low, to Jack)
Nest it'll be brandies in the Smoking Room.
Well, join me for a brandy, gentlemen?
Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate each other on being
masters of the universe.
Joining us, Dawson? You don't want to stay out here with the women, do you?
Actually he does, but...
No thanks. I'm heading back.
Probably best. It'll be all business and politics, that sort of thing.
Wouldn't interest you. Good of you to come.
Cal and the other gentlemen exit.
Jack, must you go?
Time for my coach to turn back into a pumpkin.
He leans over to take her hand.
INSERT: We see him slip a tiny folded not into her palm.
Ruth, scowling, watches him walk away across the enormous room. Rose
surreptitiously opens the note below table level. It reads: "Make it count.
Meet me at the clock".
Rose crosses the A-Deck foyer, sighting Jack at the landing above. Overhead
is the crystal dome. Jack has his back to her, studying the ornate clock
with its carved figures of Honor and Glory. It softly strikes the hour.
MOVING WITH ROSE as she goes up the sweeping staircase toward him. He turns,
sees her... smiles.
Want to go to a real party?
Crow led and alive with music, laughter and raucous carrying on. An ad hoc
band is gathered near the upright piano, honking out lively stomping music
on fiddle, accordion and tambourine. People of all ages are dancing,
drinking beer and wine, smoking, laughing, even brawling.
Tommy hands Rose a pint of stout and she hoists it. Jack meanwhile dances
with 5 year old Cora Cartmell, or tries to, with her standing on his feet.
As the tune ends, Rose leans down to the little girl.
May I cut in, miss?
You're still my best girl, Cora.
Cora scampers off. Rose and Jack face each other. She is trembling as he
takes her right hand in his left. His other hand slides to the small of her
back. It is an electrifying moment.
I don't know the steps.
Just move with me. Don't think.
The music starts and they are off. A little awkward at first, she starts to
get into it. She grins at Jack as she starts to get the rhythm of the
Wait... stop!
She bends down, pulling off her high heeled shoes, and flings them to Tommy.
Then she grabs Jack and they plunge back into the fray, dancing faster as
the music speeds up.
The scene is rowdy and rollicking. A table gets knocked over as a drunk
crashes into it. And in the middle of it... Rose dancing with Jack in her
stocking feet. The steps are fast and she shines with sweat. A space opens
around them, and people watch them, clapping as the band plays faster and
FABRIZIO AND HELGA. Dancing has obviated the need for a common language. He
whirls her, then she responds by whirling him... Fabrizio's eyes go wide
when he realizes she's stronger than he is.
The tune ends in a mad rush. Jack steps away from Rose with a flourish,
allowing her to take a bow. Exhilarated and slightly tipsy, she does a
graceful ballet plier, feet turned out perfectly. Everyone laughs and
applauds. Rose is a hit with the steerage folks, who've never had a lady
party with them.
They move to a table, flushed and sweaty. Rose grabs Fabrizio's cigarette
and takes a big drag. She's feeling cocky. Fabrizio is grinning, holding
hands with Helga.
How you two doin'?
I don't know what she's say, she don't know what I say, so we get along
Tommy walks up with a pint for each of them. Rose chugs hers, showing off.
You think a first class girl can't drink?
Everybody else is dancing again, and Bjorn Gundersen crashes into Tommy, who
sloshes his beer over Rose's dress. She laughs, not caring. But Tommy
lunges, grabbing Bjorn and wheeling him around.
You stupid bastard!!
Bjorn comes around, his fists coming up... and Jack leaps into the middle of
it, pushing them apart.
Boys, boys! Did I ever tell you the one about the Swede and the Irishman
goin' to the whorehouse?
Tommy stands there, all piss and vinegar, chest puffed up. Then he grins and
claps Bjorn on the shoulder.
So, you think you're big tough men? Let's see you do this.
In her stocking feet she assumes a ballet stance, arms raised, and goes up
on point, taking her entire weight on the tips of her toes. The guys gape at
her incredible muscle control. She comes back down, then her face screws up
in pain. She grabs one foot, hopping around.
Oooowww! I haven't done that in years.
Jack catches her as she loses her balance, and everyone cracks up.
THE DOOR to the well deck is open a few inches as Lovejoy watches through
the gap. He sees Jack holding Rose, both of them laughing.
LOVEJOY closes the door.
The stars blaze overhead, so bright and clear you can see the Milky Way.
Rose and Jack walk along the row of lifeboats. Still giddy from the party,
they are singing a popular song "Come Josephine in My Flying Machine".
Come Josephine in my flying machine
And it's up she goes! Up she goes!
In the air she goes. Where? There she goes!
They fumble the words and break down laughing. They have reached the First
Class Entrance, but don't go straight in, not wanting the evening to end.
Through the doors the sound of the ship's orchestra wafts gently. Rose grabs
a davit and leans back, staring at the cosmos.
Isn't it magnificent? So grand and endless.
She goes to the rail and leans on it.
They're such small people, Jack... my crowd. They think they're giants on
the earth, but they're not even dust in God's eye. They live inside this
little tiny champagne bubble... and someday the bubble's going to burst.
He leans at the rail next to her, his hand just touching hers. It is the
slightest contact imaginable, and all either one of them can feel is that
square inch of skin where their hands are touching.
You're not one of them. There's been a mistake.
A mistake?
Uh huh. You got mailed to the wrong address.
I did, didn't I?
(pointing suddenly)
Look! A shooting star.
That was a long one. My father used to say that whenever you saw one, it was
a soul going to heaven.
I like that. Aren't we supposed to wish on it?
Jack looks at her, and finds that they are suddenly very close together. It
would be so easy to move another couple of inches, to kiss her. Rose seems
to be thinking the same thing.
What would you wish for?
After a beat, Rose pulls back.
Something I can't have.
(she smiles sadly)
Goodnight, Jack. And thank you.
She leaves the rail and hurries through the First Class Entrance.
But the door bangs shut, and she is gone. Back to her world.
SUNDAY APRIL 14, 1912. A bright clear day. Sunlight splashing across the
promenade. Rose and Cal are having breakfast in silence. The tension is
palpable. Trudy Bolt, in her maid's uniform, pours the coffee and goes
I had hoped you would come to me last night.
I was tired.
Yes. Your exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting.
I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me.
You will never behave like that again! Do you understand?
I'm not some foreman in your mills than you can command! I am your fiancee--
Cal explodes, sweeping the breakfast china off the table with a crash. He
moves to her in one shocking moment, glowering over her and gripping the
sides of her chair, so she is trapped between his arms.
Yes! You are! And my wife... in practice, if not yet by law. So you will
honor me, as a wife is required to honor her husband! I will not be made out
a fool! Is this in any way unclear?
Rose shrinks into the chair. She sees Trudy, frozen, partway through the
door bringing the orange juice. Cal follows Rose's glance and straightens
up. He stalks past the maid, entering the stateroom.
We... had a little accident. I'm sorry, Trudy.
Rose is dressed for the day, and is in the middle of helping Ruth with her
corset. The tight bindings do not inhibit Ruth's fury at all.
You are not to see that boy again, do you understand me Rose? I forbid it!
Rose has her knee at the base of her mother's back and is pulling the corset
strings with both hands.
Oh, stop it, Mother. You'll give yourself a nosebleed.
Ruth pulls away from her, and crosses to the door, locking it. CLACK!
(wheeling on her)
Rose, this is not a game! Our situation is precarious. You know the money's
Of course I know it's gone. You remind me every day!
Your father left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name.
And that name is the only card we have to play.
Rose turns her around and grabs the corset strings again. Ruth sucks in her
waist and Rose pulls.
I don't understand you. It is a fine match with Hockley, and it will insure
our survival.
(hurt and lost)
How can you put this on my shoulders?
Rose turns to her, and we see what Rose sees-- the naked fear in her
mother's eyes.
Do you want to see me working as a seamstress? Is that what you want? Do you
want to see our fine things sold at an auction, our memories scattered to
the winds? My God, Rose, how can you be so selfish?
It's so unfair.
Of course it's unfair! We're women. Our choices are never easy.
Rose pulls the corset tighter.
At the divine service, Captain Smith is leading a group in the hymn
"Almighty Father Strong To Save." Rose and Ruth sing in the middle of the
Lovejoy stands well back, keeping an eye on Rose. He notices a commotion at
the entry doors. Jack has been halted there by two stewards. He is dressed
in his third class clothes, and stands there, hat in hand, looking out of
Look, you, you're not supposed to be in here.
I was just here last night... don't you remember?
(seeing Lovejoy coming toward him)
He'll tell you.
Mr. Hockley and Mrs. DeWitt Bukater continue to be most appreciative of your
assistance. They asked me to give you this in gratitude--
He holds out two twenty dollar bills, which Jack refuses to take.
I don't want money, I--
--and also to remind you that you hold a third class ticket and your
presence here is no longer appropriate.
Jack spots Rose but she doesn't see him.
I just need to talk to Rose for a--
Gentlemen, please see that Mr. Dawson gets back where he belongs.
(giving the twenties to the stewards)
And that he stays there.
Yes sir!
(to Jack)
Come along you.
END ON ROSE, not seeing Jack hustled out.
O hear us when we cry to thee for those in peril on the sea.
An Edwardian nautilus room. There are machines we recognize, and some don't.
A woman pedals a stationary bicycle in a long dress, looking ridiculous.
Thomas Andrews is leading a small tour group, including Rose, Ruth and Cal.
Cal is working the oars of a stationary rowing machine with a well trained
Reminds me of my Harvard days.
T.W. MCCAULEY, the gym instructor, is a bouncy little man in white flannels,
eager to show off his modern equipment, like his present-day counterpart on
an "Abflex" infomercial. He hits a switch and a machine with a saddle on it
starts to undulate. Rose puts her hand on it, curious.
The electric horse is very popular. We even have an electric camel.
(to Ruth)
Care to try your hand at the rowing, ma'am?
Don't be absurd. I can't think of a skill I should likely need less.
The next stop on our tour will be bridge. This way, please.
Jack, walking with determination, is followed closely by Tommy and Fabrizio.
He quickly climbs the steps to B-Deck and steps over the gate separating 3rd
from 2nd class.
She's a goddess amongst mortal men, there's no denyin'. But she's in another
world, Jackie, forget her. She's closed the door.
Jack moves furtively to the wall below the A-Deck promenade, aft.
It was them, not her.
(glancing around the deck)
Ready... go.
Tommy shakes his head resignedly and puts his hands together, crouching
down. Jack steps into Tommy's hands and gets boosted up to the next deck,
where he scrambles nimbly over the railing, onto the First Class deck.
He's not bein' logical, I tell ya.
Amore is'a not logical.
A man is playing with his son, who is spinning a top with a string. The
man's overcoat and hat are sitting on a deck chair nearby. Jack emerges from
behind one of the huge deck cranes and calmly picks up the coat and bowler
hat. He walks away, slipping into the coat, and slicks his hair back with
spit. Then puts the hat on at a jaunty angle. At a distance he could pass
for a gentlemen.
HAROLD BRIDE, the 21 year old Junior Wireless Operator, hustles in and
skirts around Andrews' tour group to hand a Marconigram to Captain Smith.
Another ice warning, sir. This one from the "Baltic".
Thank you, Sparks.
Smith glances at the message then nonchalantly puts it in his pocket. He
nods reassuringly to Rose and the group.
Not to worry, it's quite normal for this time of year. In fact, we're
speeding up. I've just ordered the last boilers lit.
Andrews scowls slightly before motioning the group toward the door. They
chartroom, stopping next to First Officer Murdoch.
Did we ever find those binoculars for the lookouts?
Haven't seen them since Southampton.
Andrews leads the group back from the bridge along the boat deck.
Mr. Andrews, I did the sum in my head, and with the number of lifeboats
times the capacity you mentioned... forgive me, but it seems that there are
not enough for everyone aboard.
About half, actually. Rose, you miss nothing, do you? In fact, I put in
these new type davits, which can take an extra row of boats here.
(he gestures along the deck)
But it was thought... by some... that the deck would look too cluttered. So
I was over-ruled.
(slapping the side of a boat)
Waste of deck space as it is, on an unsinkable ship!
Sleep soundly, young Rose. I have built you a good ship, strong and true.
She's all the lifeboat you need.
As they are passing Boat 7, a gentlemen turns from the rail and walks up
behind the group. It is Jack. He taps Rose on the arm and she turns,
gasping. He motions and she cuts away from the group toward a door which
Jack holds open. They duck into the--
Jack closes the door behind her, and glances out through the ripple-glass
window to the starboard rail, where the gym instructor is chatting up the
woman who was riding the bike. Rose and Jack are alone in the room.
Jack, this is impossible. I can't see you.
He takes her by the shoulders.
Rose, you're no picnic... you're a spoiled little brat even, but under that
you're a strong, pure heart, and you're the most amazingly astounding girl
I've ever known and--
Jack, I--
No wait. Let me try to get this out. You're amazing... and I know I have
nothing to offer you, Rose. I know that. But I'm involved now. You jump, I
jump, remember? I can't turn away without knowin' that you're goin' to be
Rose feels the tears coming to her eyes. Jack is so open and real... not
like anyone she has ever known.
You're making this very hard. I'll be fine. Really.
I don't think so. They've got you in a glass jar like some butterfly, and
you're goin' to die if you don't break out. Maybe not right away, 'cause
you're strong. But sooner or later the fire in you is goin' to go out.
It's not up to you to save me, Jack.
You're right. Only you can do that.
I have to get back, they'll miss me. Please, Jack, for both our sakes, leave
me alone.
The most elegant room on the ship, done in Louis Quinze Versailles style.
Rose sits on a divan, with a group of other women arrayed around her. Ruth,
the Countess Rothes and Lady Duff-Gordon are taking tea. Rose is silent and
still as a porcelain figurine as the conversation washes around her.
Of course the invitations had to be sent back to the printers twice. And the
bridesmaids dresses! Let me tell you what an odyssey that has been...
TRACKING SLOWLY IN on Rose as Ruth goes on.
REVERSE, ROSE'S POV: A tableau of MOTHER and DAUGHTER having tea. The four
year old girl, wearing white gloves, daintily picking up a cookie. The
mother correcting her on her posture, and the way she holds the teacup. The
little girl is trying so hard to please, her expression serious. A glimpse
of Rose at that age, and we see the relentless conditioning... the pain to
becoming an Edwardian geisha.
ON ROSE. She calmly and deliberately turns her teacup over, spilling tea all
over her dress.
Oh, look what I've done.
TITANIC STEAMS TOWARD US, in the dusk light, as if lit by the embers of a
giant fire. As the ship looms, FILLING FRAME, we push in on the bow. Jack is
there, right at the apex of the bow railing, his favorite spot. He closes
his eyes, letting the chill wind clear his head.
Jack hears her voice, behind him...
Hello, Jack.
He turns and she is standing there.
I changed my mind.
He smiles at her, his eyes drinking her in. Her cheeks are red with the
chill wind, and her eyes sparkle. Her hair blows wildly about her face.
Fabrizio said you might be up--
Sssshh. Come here.
He puts his hands on her waist. As if he is going to kiss her.
Close your eyes.
She does, and he turns her to face forward, the way the ship is going. He
presses her gently to the rail, standing right behind her. Then he takes her
two hands and raises them until she is standing with her arms outstretched on
each side. Rose is going along with him. When he lowers his hands, her arms
stay up... like wings.
Okay. Open them.
Rose gasps. There is nothing in her field of vision but water. It's like
there is no ship under them at all, just the two of them soaring. The
Atlantic unrolls toward her, a hammered copper shield under a dusk sky.
There is only the wind, and the hiss of the water 50 feel below.
I'm flying!
She leans forward, arching her back. He puts his hands on her waist to
steady her.
(singing softly)
Come Josephine in my flying machine...
Rose closes her eyes, feeling herself floating weightless far above the sea.
She smiles dreamily, then leans back, gently pressing her back against his
chest. He pushes forward slightly against her.
Slowly he raises his hands, arms outstretched, and they meet hers...
fingertips gently touching. Then their fingers intertwine. Moving slowly,
their fingers caress through and around each other like the bodies of two
Jack tips his face forward into her blowing hair, letting the scent of her
wash over him, until his cheek is against her ear.
Rose turns her head until her lips are near his. She lowers her arms,
turning further, until she finds his mouth with hers. He wraps his arms
around her from behind, and they kiss like this with her head turned and
tilted back, surrendering to him, to the emotion, to the inevitable. They
kiss, slowly and tremulously, and then with building passion.
Jack and the ship seem to merge into one force of power and optimism,
lifting her, buoying her forward on a magical journey, soaring onward into a
night without fear.
100 IN THE CROW'S NEST, high above and behind them, lookout FREDERICK FLEET
nudges his mate, REGINALD LEE, pointing down at the figures in the bow.
Wish I had those bleedin' binoculars.
101 JACK AND ROSE, embracing at the bow rail, DISSOLVE SLOWLY AWAY, leaving
the ruined bow of the WRECK--
OLD ROSE blinks, seeming to come back to the present. She sees the wreck on
the screen, the sad ghost ship deep in the abyss.
That was the last time Titanic ever saw daylight.
Brock Lovett changes the tape in the mini cassette recorder.
So we're up to dusk on the night of the sinking. Six hours to go.
Don't you love it? There's Smith, he's standing there with the iceberg
warning in his fucking hand...
(remembering Rose)
... excuse me... in his hand, and he's ordering more speed.
26 years of experience working against him. He figures anything big enough
to sink the ship they're going to see in time to turn. But the ship's too
big, with too small a rudder... it can't corner worth shit. Everything he
knows is wrong.
ROSE is ignoring this conversation. She has the art-nouveau comb with the
jade butterfly on the handle in her hands, turning it slowly. She is
watching a monitor, which shows the ruins of Suite B-52/56. PUSH IN until
the image fills frame.
... 1912. Like in a dream the beautiful woodwork and satin upholstery emerge
from the rusted ruin. Jack is overwhelmed by the opulence of the room. He
sets his sketchbook and drawing materials on the marble table.
Will this light do? Don't artists need good light?
(bad French accent)
Zat is true, I am not used to working in such 'orreeble conditions.
(seeing the paintings)
Hey... Monet!
He crouches next to the paintings stacked against the wall.
Isn't he great... the use of color? I saw him once... through a hole in this
garden fence in Giverny.
She goes into the adjoining walk-in wardrobe closet. He sees her go to the
safe and start working the combination. He's fascinated.
Cal insist on luggin this thing everywhere.
Should I be expecting him anytime soon?
Not as long as the cigars and brandy hold out.
CLUNK! She unlocks the safe. Glancing up, she meets his eyes in the mirror
behind the safe. She opens it and removes the necklace, then holds it out to
Jack who takes it nervously.
What is it? A sapphire?
A diamond. A very rare diamond, called the Heart of the Ocean.
Jack gazes at wealth beyond his comprehension.
I want you to draw me like your French girl. Wearing this.
(she smiles at him)
Wearing only this.
He looks up at her, surprised, and we CUT TO:
104 ROSE'S BEDROOM. ON THE BUTTERFLY COMB as Rose draws it out of her hair.
She shakes her head and her hair falls free around her shoulders.
105 IN THE SITTING ROOM Jack is laying out his pencils like surgical tools.
His sketchbook is open and ready. He looks up as she comes into the room,
wearing a silk kimono.
The last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a china doll. As
a paying customer, I expect to get what I want.
She hands him a dime and steps back, parting the kimono. The blue stone lies
on her creamy breast. Her heart is pounding as she slowly lowers the robe.
Jack looks so stricken, it is almost comical. The kimono drops to the floor
(this is all in cuts, lyrical).
Tell me when it looks right to you.
She poses on the divan, settling like a cat into the position we remember
from the drawing... almost.
Uh... just bend your left leg a little and... and lower your head. Eyes to
me. That's it.
Jack starts to sketch. He drops his pencil and she stifles a laugh.
I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsieur Monet
He does landscapes.
TIGHT ON JACK as his eyes come up to look at her over the top edge of his
sketchpad. We have seen this image of him before, in her memory. It is an
image she will carry the rest of her life.
Despite his nervousness, he draws with sure strokes, and what emerges is the
best thing he has ever done. Her pose is languid, her hands beautiful, and
her eyes radiate her energy.
MATCH DISSOLVE/MORPH to Rose, 101 years old. Only her eyes are the same.
My heart was pounding the whole time. It was the most erotic moment of my
life... up till then at least.
CUT TO REVERSE: A semicircle of listeners staring in rapt, frozen silence.
The story of Jack and Rose has finally and completely grabbed them.
(영화대본) 타이타닉 (2부)
What, uh... happened next?
You mean, did we "do it"?
BACK TO 1912. Jack is signing the drawing. Rose, wearing her kimono again,
is leaning on his shoulder, watching.
Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Bodine.
Rose gazes at the drawing. He has X-rayed her soul.
Date it, Jack. I want to always remember this night.
He does: 4/14/1912. Rose meanwhile scribbles a note on a piece of Titanic
stationary. We don't see what it says. She accepts the drawing from him, and
crosses to the safe in the wardrobe.
She puts the diamond back in the safe, placing the drawing and the note on
top of it. Closes the door with a CLUNK!
Lovejoy enters from the Palm Court through the revolving door and crosses
the room toward Hockley. A fire is blazing in the marble fireplace, and the
usual fatcats are playing cards, drinking and talking. Cal sees Lovejoy and
detaches from his group, coming to him.
None of the stewards have seen her.
(low but forceful)
This is ridiculous, Lovejoy. Find her.
TITANIC glides across an unnatural sea, black and calm as a pool of oil. The
ships lights are mirrored almost perfectly in the black water. The sky is
brilliant with stars. A meteor traces a bright line across the heavens.
110 ON THE BRIDGE, Captain Smith peers out at the blackness ahead of the
ship. QUARTERMASTER HITCHINS brings him a cup of hot tea with lemon. It
steams in the bitter cold of the open bridge. Second Officer Lightoller is
next to him, staring out at the sheet of black glass the Atlantic has
I don't think I've ever seen such a flat calm, in 24 years at sea.
Yes, like a mill pond. Not a breath of wind.
It's make the bergs harder to see, with no breaking water at the base.
Mmmmm. Well, I'm off. Maintain speed and heading, Mr. Lightoller.
Yes sir.
And wake me, of course, if anything becomes in the slightest degree
Rose, fully dressed now, returns to the sitting room. They hear a key in the
lock. Rose takes Jack's hand and leads him silently through the bedrooms.
Lovejoy enters by the sitting room door.
Miss Rose? Hello?
He hears a door opening and goes through Cal's room toward hers.
Rose and Jack come out of her stateroom, closing the door. She leads him
quickly along the corridor toward the B deck foyer. They are halfway across
the open space when the sitting room door opens in the corridor and Lovejoy
comes out. The valet sees Jack with Rose and hustles after them.
Come on!
She and Jack break into a run, surprising the few ladies and gentlemen
about. Rose leads him past the stairs to the bank of elevators. They run
into one, shocking the hell out of the OPERATOR.
Take us down. Quickly, quickly!
The Operator scrambles to comply. Jack even helps him close the steel gate.
Lovejoy runs up as the lift starts to descend. He slams one hand on the bars
of the gate. Rose makes a very rude and unladylike gesture, and laughs as
Lovejoy disappears above. The Operator gapes at her.
Lovejoy emerges from another lift and runs to the one Jack and Rose were in.
The Operator is just closing the gate to go back up. Lovejoy runs around the
bank of elevators and scans the foyer... no Jack and Rose. He tries the
stairs going down to F-Deck.
A functional space, with access to a number of machine spaces (fan rooms,
boiler uptakes). Jack and Rose are leaning against a wall, laughing.
Pretty tough for a valet, this fella.
He's an ex-Pinkerton. Cal's father hired him to keep Cal out of trouble...
to make sure he always got back to the hotel with his wallet and watch,
after some crawl through the less reputable parts of town...
Kinda like we're doin' right now-- uh oh!
Lovejoy has spotted them from a cross-corridor nearby. He charges toward
them. Jack and Rose run around a corner into a blind alley. There is one
door, marked CREW ONLY, and Jack flings it open.
115 They enter a roaring RAN ROOM, with no way out but a ladder going down.
Jack latches the deadbolt on the door, and Lovejoy slams against it a moment
later. Jack grins at Rose, pointing to the ladder.
After you, m'lady.
Jack and Rose come down the escape ladder and look around in amazement. It
is like a vision of hell itself, with the roaring furnaces and black figures
moving in the smoky glow. They run the length of the boiler room, dodging
amazed stokers, and trimmers with their wheelbarrows of coal.
(shouting over the din)
Carry on! Don't mind us!
They run through the open watertight door into BOILER ROOM SIX. Jack pulls
her through the fiercely hot alley between two boilers and they wind up in
the dark, out of sight of the working crew. Watching from the shadows, they
see the stokers working in the hellish glow, shovelling coal into the
insatiable maws of the furnaces. The whole place thunders with the roar of
the fires.
Amid unparalleled luxury, Cal sits at a card game, sipping brandy.
We're going like hell I tell you. I have fifty dollars that says we make it
into New York Tuesday night!
Cal looks at his gold pocket watch, and scowls, not listening.
The furnaces roar, silhouetting the glistening stokers. Jack kisses Rose's
face, tasting the sweat trickling down from her forehead. They kiss
passionately in the steamy, pounding darkness.
120 INT. HOLD #2
Jack and Rose enter and run laughing between the rows of stacked cargo. She
hugs herself against the cold, after the dripping heat of the boiler room.
They come upon William Carter's brand new RENAULT touring car, lashing down
to a pallet. It looks like a royal coach from a fairy tale, its brass trim
and headlamps nicely set off by its deep burgundy color.
Rose climbs into the plushly upholstered back seat, acting very royal. There
are cut crystals bud vases on the walls back there, each containing a rose.
Jack jumps into the driver's seat, enjoying the feel of the leather and
Where to, Miss?
To the stars.
ON JACK as her hands come out of the shadows and pull him over the seat into
the back. He lands next to her, and his breath seems loud in the quiet
darkness. He looks at her and she is smiling. It is the moment of truth.
Are you nervous?
Au contraire, mon cher.
He strokes her face, cherishing her. She kisses his artist's fingers.
Put your hands on me Jack.
He kisses her, and she slides down in the seat under his welcome weight.
A BRILLIANT ARC OF ELECTRICITY fills frame-- the sparks gap of the Marconi
instrument as SENIOR WIRELESS OPERATOR JACK PHILLIPS (24) rapidly keys out a
message. Junior Operator Bride looks through the huge stack of outgoing
messages swamping them.
Look at this one, he wants his private train to meet him. La dee da.
(slaps them down)
We'll be up all bloody night on this lot.
Phillips start to receive an incoming message from a nearby ship, the
Leyland freighter CALIFORNIAN, which jams his outgoing signal. At such close
range, the beeps are deafening.
Christ! It's that idiot on the Californian.
Cursing, Phillips furiously keys a rebuke.
Wireless Operator CYRIL EVANS pulls his earphone off his ear as the
Titanic's spark deafens him. he translates the message for THIRD OFFICER
Stupid bastard. I try to warn him about the ice, and he says "Keep out. Shut
up. I'm working Cape Race."
Now what's he sending?
"No seasickness. Poker business good. Al". Well that's it for me. I'm
shutting down.
As Evans wearily switches off his generator, Groves goes out on deck. PAN
OFF Him to reveal the ship is stopped fifty yards from the edge of a field
of pack ice and icebergs stretching as far as the eye can see.
ON TITANIC, steaming hellbent through the darkness, hurling up white water
at the bows. The bow comes straight at us, until the bow wave WIPES THE
124 INT. HOLD #2
PUSHING IN on the rear window of the Renault, which is completely fogged up.
Rose's hand comes up and slams against the glass for a moment, making a
handprint in the veil of condensation.
INSIDE THE CAR, Jack's overcoat is like a blanket over them. It stirs and
Rose pulls it down. They are huddled under it, intertwined, still mostly
clothed. Their faces are flushed and they look at each other wonderingly.
She puts her hand on his face, as if making sure he is real.
You're trembling.
It's okay. I'm alright.
He lays his cheek against her chest.
I can feel your heart beating.
She hugs his head to her chest, and just holds on for dear life.
Well, I wasn't the first teenage girl to get seduced in the backseat of a
car, and certainly not the last, by several million. He had such fine hands,
artists' hands, but strong too... roughened by work. I remember their touch
even now.
The bow sweeps under us, and the CAMERA CLIMBS toward the foremast and the
tiny half-cylinder of the crow's nest, which grows as we push in on lookouts
Fleet and Lee. They are stamping their feet and swinging their arms, trying
to keep warm in the 22 knot freezing wind, which whips capor of their breath
away behind.
You can smell ice, you know, when it's near.
Well I can.
Without hearing the words over the roar of the furnaces, we see stokers
telling TWO STEWARDS which way Rose and Jack went. The stewards move off
toward the forward holds.
Cal stands at the open safe. He stares at the drawing of Rose and his face
clenches with fury. He reads the not again: "DARLING, NOW YOU CAN KEEP US
Lovejoy, standing behind him, looks over his shoulder at the drawing. Cal
crumples Rose's not, then takes the drawing in both hands as if to rip it in
half. He tenses to do it, then stops himself.
I have a better idea.
128 INT. HOLD #2 - NIGHT
The two stewards enter. They have electric torches and play the beams around
the hold. They spot the Renault with its fogged up rear window and approach
it slowly.
FROM INSIDE we see the torch light up Rose's passionate handprint, still
there on the fogged up glass. One steward whips open the door.
Got yer!
REVERSE: the back seat is empty.
Rose and Jack, fully dressed, come through a crew door onto the deck. They
can barely stand, they are laughing so hard.
UP ABOVE THEM, IN THE CROW'S NEST, lookout Fleet hears the disturbance below
and looks around and back down to the well deck, where he can see two
figures embracing.
Jack and Rose stand in each others arms. Their breath clouds around them in
the now freezing air, but they don't even feel the cold.
When this ship docks, I'm getting off with you.
This is crazy.
I know. It doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it.
Jack pulls her to him and kisses her fiercely.
130 IN THE CROW'S NEST Fleet nudges Lee.
Cor... look at that, would ya.
They're a bloody sight warmer than we are.
Well if that's what it takes for us two to get warm, I'd rather not, if it's
all the same.
They both have a good laugh at that one. It is Fleet whose expression falls
first. Glancing forward again, he does a double take. The color drains out
of his face.
FLEET'S POV: a massive iceberg right in their path, 500 yards out.
Bugger me!!
Fleet reaches past Lee and rings the lookout bell three times, then grabs
the telephone, calling the bridge. He waits precious seconds for it to be
picket up, never taking his eyes off the black mass ahead.
Pick up, ya bastard.
Inside the enclosed wheelhouse, SIXTH OFFICER MOODY walks unhurriedly to the
telephone, picking it up.
Is someone there?
Yes. What do you see?
Iceberg right ahead!
Thank you.
(hangs up, calls to Murdoch)
Iceberg right ahead!
Murdoch sees it and rushes to the engine room telegraph. While signaling
"FULL SPEED ASTERN" he yells to Quartermaster Hitchins, who is at the wheel.
Hard a' starboard.
(standing behind Hitchins)
Hard'a starboard. The helm is hard over, sir.
132 CHIEF ENGINEER BELL is just checking the soup he has warming on a steam
manifold when the engine telegraph clangs, then goes... incredibly... to
FULL SPEED ASTERN. He and the other ENGINEERS just stare at it a second,
unbelieving. Then Bell reacts.
Full astern! FULL ASTERN!!
The engineers and greasers like madmen to close steam valves and start
braking the mighty propeller shafts, big as Sequoias, to a stop.
133 IN BOILER ROOM SIX, Leading Stoker FREDERICK BARRETT is standing with
2nd Engineer JAMES HESKETH when the red warning light and "STOP" indicator
come on.
Shut all dampers! Shut 'em!!
134 FROM THE BRIDGE Murdoch watches the burg growing... straight ahead. The
bow finally starts to come left (since the ship turns the reverse of the
helm setting).
MURDOCH'S jaw clenches as the bow turns with agonizing slowness. He holds
his breath as the horrible physics play out.
135 IN THE CROW'S NEST Frederick Fleet braces himself.
136 THE BOW OF THE SHIP thunders right at CAMERA and--
KRUUUNCH!! The ship hits the berg on its starboard bow.
137 UNDERWATER we see the ice smashing in the steel hull plates. The iceberg
bumps and scrapes along the side of the ship. Rivets pop as the steel plate
of the hull flexes under the load.
138 IN #2 HOLD the two stewards stagger as the hull buckles in four feet
with a sound like THUNDER. Like a sledgehammer beating along outside the
ship, the berg splits the hull plates and the sea pour in, sweeping them off
their feet. The icy water swirls around the Renault as the men scramble for
the stairs.
139 ON G-DECK forward Fabrizio is tossed in his bunk by the impact. He hears
a sound like the greatly amplified squeal of a skate on ice.
140 IN BOILER ROOM SIX Barret and Hesketh stagger as they hear the ROLLING
THUNDER of the collision. They see the starboard side of the ship buckle in
toward them and are almost swept off their feet by a rush of water coming in
about two feet above the floor.
141 ON THE FORWARD WELL DECK Jack and Rose break their kiss and look up in
astonishment as the berg sails past, blocking out the sky like a mountain.
Fragments break off it and crash down onto the deck, and they have to jump
back to avoid flying chunks of ice.
142 ON THE BRIDGE Murdoch rings the watertight door alarm. He quickly throws
the switch that closes them.
Hard a 'port!
Judging the berg to be amidships, he is trying to clear the stern.
143 BARRETT AND HESKETH hear the DOOR ALARM and scramble through the
swirling water to the watertight door between Boiler Rooms 6 and 5. The room
is full of water vapor as the cold sea strikes the red hot furnaces. Barrett
yells to the stokers scrambling through the door as it comes down like a
slow guillotine.
Go Lads! Go! Go!
He dives through into Boiler Room 5 just before the door rumbles down with a
144 JACK AND ROSE rush to the starboard rail in time to see the berg moving
aft down the side of the ship.
145 In his stateroom, surrounded by piles of plans while making notes in his
ever-present book, Andrews looks up at the sound of a cut-crystal light
fixture tinkling like a windchime.
He feels the shudder run through the ship. And we see it in his face. Too
much of his soul is in this great ship for him not to feel its mortal wound.
146 IN THE FIRST CLASS SMOKING ROOM Gracie watches his highball vibrating on
the table.
147 IN THE PALM COURT, with its high arched windows, Molly Brown holds up
her drink to a passing waiter.
Hey, can I get some ice here, please?
Silently, a moving wall of ice fills the window behind her. She doesn't see
it. It disappears astern.
149 IN THE CROW'S NEST Fleet turns to his Lee...
Oy, mate... that was a close shave.
Smell ice, can you? Bleedin' Christ!
CLOSE ON MURDOCH. The alarm bells still clatter mindlessly, seeming to
reflect his inner state. He is in shock, unable to get a grip on what just
happened. He just ran the biggest ship in history into an iceberg on its
maiden voyage.
(stiffly, to Moody)
Note the time. Enter it in the log.
Captain Smith rushes out of his cabin onto the bridge, tucking in his shirt.
What was that, Mr. Murdoch?
An iceberg, sir. I put her hard a' starboard and run the engines full
astern, but it was too close. I tried to port around it, but she hi... and
Close the emergency doors.
The doors are closed.
Together they rush out onto the starboard wing, and Murdoch points. Smith
looks into the darkness aft, then wheels around to FOURTH OFFICER BOHALL.
Find the Carpenter and get him to sound the ship.
In steerage, Fabrizio comes out into the hall to see what's going on. He
sees dozens of rats running toward him in the corridor, fleeing the flooding
bow. Fabrizio jumps aside as the rats run by.
Ma-- che cazzo!
152 IN HIS STATEROOM Tommy gets out of his top bunk in the dark and drops
down to the floor. SPLASH!!
Cor!! What in hell--?!
He naps on the light. The floor is covered with 3 inches of freezing water,
and more coming in. He pulls the door open, and steps out into the corridor,
which is flooded. Fabrizio is running toward him, yelling something in
Italian. Tommy and Fabrizio start pounding on doors, getting everybody up
and out. The alarm spreads in several languages.
A couple of people have come out into the corridor in robes and slippers. A
STEWARD hurries along, reassuring them.
Why have the engines stopped? I felt a shudder?
I shouldn't worry, ma'am. We've likely thrown a propeller blade, that's the
shudder you felt. May I bring you anything?
THOMAS ANDREWS brushes past them, walking fast and carrying an armload of
rolled up ship's plans.
Jack and Rose are leaning over the starboard rail, looking at the hull of
the ship.
Looks okay. I don't see anything.
Could it have damaged the ship?
It didn't seem like much of a bump. I'm sure we're okay.
Behind them a couple of steerage guys are kicking the ice around the deck,
Fabrizio and Tommy are in a crowd of steerage men clogging the corridors,
heading aft away from the flooding. Many of them have grabbed suitcases and
duffel bags, some of which are soaked.
If this is the direction the rats were runnin', it's good enough for me.
Bruce Ismay, dressed in pajamas under the topcoat, hurries down the
corridor, headed for the bridge. An officious steward named BARNES comes
along the other direction, getting the few concerned passengers back into
their rooms.
There's no cause for alarm. Please, go back to your rooms.
He is stopped in his tracks by Cal and Lovejoy.
Please, sir. There's no emergency--
Yes there is, I have been robbed. Now get the Master at Arms. Now you moron!
C.U. CAPTAIN SMITH studying the commutator.
He turns to Andrews, standing behind him.
A five degree list in less than ten minutes.
SHIP'S CARPENTER JOHN HUTCHINSON enters behind him, out of breath and
clearly unnerved.
She's making water fast... in the forepeak tank and the forward holds, in
boiler room six.
ISMAY enters, his movements quick with anger and frustration. Smith glances
at him with annoyance.
Why have we stopped?
We've struck ice.
Well, do you think the ship is seriously damaged?
Excuse me.
Smith pushes past him, with Andrews and Hutchinson in tow.
Strokers and firemen are struggling to draw the fires. They are working in
waist deep water churning around as it flows into the boiler room, ice cold
and swirling with grease from the machinery. Chief Engineer Bell comes
partway down the ladder and shouts.
That's it, lads. Get the hell up!
They scramble up the escape ladders.
The gentlemen, now joined by another man, leans on the forward rail watching
the steerage men playing soccer with chunks of ice.
I guess it's nothing too serious. I'm going back to my cabin to read.
A 20ish YALE MAN pops through the door wearing a topcoat over pajamas.
Say, did I miss the fun?
Rose and Jack come up the steps from the well deck, which are right next to
the three men. They stare as the couple climbs over the locked gate.
A moment later Captain Smith rounds the corner, followed by Andrews and
Carpenter Hutchinson. They have come down from the bridge by the outside
stairs. The three men, their faces grim, crush right past Jack and Rose.
Andrews barely glances at her.
Can you shore up?
Not unless the pumps get ahead.
The inspection party goes down the stairs to the well deck.
(low, to her)
It's bad.
We have to tell Mother and Cal.
Now it's worse.
Come with me, Jack. I jump, you jump... Right?
Jack follows Rose through the door inside the ship.
Jack and Rose cross the foyer, entering the corridor. Lovejoy is waiting for
them in the hall as they approach the room.
We've been looking for you miss.
Lovejoy follows and, unseen, moves close behind Jack and smoothly slips the
diamond necklace into the pocket of his overcoat.
Cal and Ruth wait in the sitting room, along with the Master at Arms and two
stewards (Steward #1 and Barnes). Silence as Rose and Jack enter. Ruth
closes her robe at her throat when she sees Jack.
Something serious has happened.
That's right. Two things dear to me have disappeared this evening. Now that
one is back...
(he looks from Rose to Jack)
... I have a pretty good idea where to fine the other.
(to Master at Arms)
Search him.
The Master at Arms steps up to Jack.
Coat off, mate.
Lovejoy pulls at Jack's coat and Jack shakes his head in dismay, shrugging
out of it. The Master at Arms pats him down.
This is horseshit.
Cal, you can't be serious! We're in the middle of an emergency and you--
Steward Barnes pulls the Heart of the Ocean out of the pocket of Jack's
Is this it?
Rose is stunned. Needless to say, so is Jack.
That's it.
Right then. Now don't make a fuss.
He starts to handcuff Jack.
Don't you believe it, Rose. Don't!
He couldn't have.
Of course he could. Easy enough for a professional. He memorized the
combination when you opened the safe.
FLASHBACK: Rose at the safe, looking in the mirror and meeting Jack's eyes
as he stands behind her, watching.
But I was with him the whole time.
(just to her, low and cold)
Maybe he did it while you were putting your clothes back on.
They put it in my pocket!
(holding Jack's coat)
It's not even your pocket, son.
"Property of A. L. Ryerson".
Lovejoy shows the coat to the Master at Arms. There is a label inside the
collar with the owner's name.
That was reported stolen today.
I was going to return it! Rose--
Rose feels utterly betrayed, hurt and confused. She shrinks away from him.
He starts shouting to her as Lovejoy and the Master at Arms drag him out
into the hall. She can't look him in the eye.
Rose, don't listen to them... I didn't do this! You know I didn't! You know
She is devastated. Her mother lays a comforting hand on her shoulder as the
tears well up.
Why do women believe men?
Smith and Andrews come down the steps to the Mail Sorting Room and finds the
clerks scrambling to pull mail from the racks. They are furiously hauling
wet sacks of mail up from the hold below.
Andrews climbs partway down the stairs to the hold, which is almost full.
Sacks of mail float everywhere. The lights are still on below the surface,
casting an eerie glow. The Renault is visible under the water, the brass
glinting cheerfully. Andrews looks down as the water covers his shoe, and
scrambles back up the stairs.
Andrews unrolls a big drawing of the ship across the chartroom table. It is
a side elevation, showing all the watertight bulkheads. His hands are
shaking. Murdoch and Ismay hover behind Andrews and the Captain.
When can we get underway, do you think?
Smith glares at him and turns his attention to Andrews' drawing. The builder
points to it for emphasis as he talks.
Water 14 feet above the keel in ten minutes... in the forepeak... in all
three holds... and in boiler room six.
That's right.
Five compartments. She can stay afloat with the first four compartments
breached. But not five. Not five. As she goes down by the head the water
will spill over the tops of the bulkheads... at E Deck... from one to the
next... back and back. There's no stopping it.
The pumps--
The pumps buy you time... but minutes only. From this moment, no matter what
we do, Titanic will founder.
But this ship can't sink!
She is made of iron, sir. I assure you, she can. And she will. It is a
mathematical certainty.
Smith looks like he has been gutpunched.
How much time?
An hour, two at most.
Ismay reels as his dream turns into his worst nightmare.
And how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch?
Two thousand two hundred souls aboard, sir.
A long beat. Smith turns to his employer.
I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.
Andrews is striding along the boat deck, as seamen and officers scurry to
uncover the boats. Steam is venting from pipes on the funnels overhead, and
the din is horrendous. Speech is difficult adding to the crew's level of
disorganization. Andrews sees some men fumbling with the mechanism of one of
the Wellin davits and yells to them over the roar of steam.
Turn to the right! Pull the falls taut before you unchock. Have you never
had a boat drill?
No sir! Not with these new davits, sir.
He looks around, disgusted as the crew fumble with the davits, and the
tackle for the "falls"... the ropes which are used to lower the boats. A few
passengers are coming out on deck, hesitantly in the noise and bitter cold.
From inside the sitting room they can hear knocking and voices in the
I had better go dress.
Ruth exits and Hockley crosses to Rose. He regards her coldly for a moment,
then SLAPS her across the face.
It is a little slut, isn't it?
To Rose the blow is inconsequential compared to the blow her heart has been
given. Cal grabs her shoulders roughly.
Look at me, you little--
There is a loud knock on the door and an urgent voice. The door opens and
their steward puts his head in.
Sir, I've been told to ask you to please put on your lifebelt, and come up
to the boat deck.
Get out. We're busy.
The steward persists, coming in to get the lifebelts down from the top of a
I'm sorry about the inconvenience, Mr. Hockley, but it's Captain's orders.
Please dress warmly, it's quite cold tonight.
(he hands a lifebelt to Rose)
Not to worry, miss, I'm sure it's just a precaution.
This is ridiculous.
In the corridor outside the stewards are being so polite and obsequious they
are conveying no sense of danger whatsoever. However, it's another story
BLACKNESS. Then BANG! The door is thrown open and the lights snapped on by a
steward. The Cartmell family rouses from a sound sleep.
Everybody up. Let's go. Put your lifebelts on.
IN THE CORRIDOR outside, another steward is going from door to door along
the hall, pouncing and yelling.
Lifebelts on. Lifebelts on. Everybody up, come on. Lifebelts on...
People come out of the doors behind the steward, perplexed. In the
foreground a SYRIAN WOMAN asks her husband what was said. He shrugs.
ON PHILLIPS, looking shocked.
CQD, sir?
That's right. The distress call. CQD. Tell whoever responds that we are
going down by the head and need immediate assistance.
Smith hurries out.
Maybe you ought to try that new distress call... S.O.S.
It may be our only chance to use it.
Phillips laughs in spite of himself and starts sending history's first
S.O.S. Dit dit dit, da da da, dit dit dit... over and over.
Thomas Andrews looks around in amazement. The deck is empty except for the
crew fumbling with the davits. He yells over the roar of the steam to First
Officer Murdoch.
Where are all the passengers?
They've all gone back inside. Too damn cold and noisy for them.
Andrews feels like he is in a bad dream. He looks at his pocketwatch and
heads for the foyer entrance.
A large number of First Class passengers have gathered near the staircase.
They are getting indignant about the confusion. Molly Brown snags a passing
What's doing, sonny? You've got us all trussed up and now we're cooling our
The young steward backs away, actually stumbling on the stairs.
Sorry, mum. Let me go and find out.
The jumpy piano rhythm of "Alexander's Ragtime Band" comes out of the first
class lounge a few yards away. Band leader WALLACE HARTLEY has assembled
some of his men on Captain's orders, to allay panic.
Hockley's entourage comes up to the A-deck foyer. Cal is carrying the
lifebelts, almost as an afterthought. Rose is like a sleepwalker.
It's just the God damned English doing everything by the book.
There's no need for language, Mr. Hockley.
(to Trudy)
Go back and turn the heater on in my room, so it won't be too cold when we
get back.
Thomas Andrews enters, looking around the magnificent room, which he knows
is doomed. Rose, standing nearby, sees his heartbroken expression. She walks
over to him and Cal goes after her.
I saw the iceberg, Mr. Andrews. And I see it in your eyes. Please tell me
the truth.
The ship will sink.
You're certain?
Yes. In an hour or so... all this... will be at the bottom of the Atlantic.
My God.
Now it is Cal's turn to look stunned. The Titanic? Sinking?
Please tell only who you must, I don't want to be responsible for a panic.
And get to a boat quickly. Don't wait. You remember what I told you about
the boats?
Yes, I understand. Thank you.
Andrews goes off, moving among the passengers and urging them to put on
their lifebelts and get to the boats.
Lovejoy and the Master at Arms are handcuffing Jack to a 4" WATER PIPE as a
crewman rushes in anxiously and almost blurts to the Master at Arms--
You're wanted by the Purser, sir. Urgently.
Go on. I'll keep an eye on him.
Lovejoy pulls a pearl handled Colt .45 automatic from under his coat. The
Master at Arms nods and tosses the handcuff key to Lovejoy, then exits with
the crewman. Lovejoy flips the key in the air. Catches it.
Junior Wireless Operator Bride is relaying a message to Captain Smith from
Carpathia says they're making 17 knots, full steam for them, sir.
And she's the only one who's responding?
The only one close, sir. She says they can be here in four hours.
Four hours!
The enormity of it hits Smith like a sledgehammer blow.
Thank you, Bride.
He turns as Bride exits, and looks out onto the blackness.
(to himself)
My God.
Lightoller has his boats swung out. He is standing amidst a crowd of
uncertain passengers in all states of dress and undress. One first class
woman is barefoot. Others are in stockings. The maitre of the restaurant is
in top hat and overcoat. Others are still in evening dress, while some are
in bathrobes and kimonos. Women are wearing lifebelts over velvet gowns,
then topping it with sable stoles. Some brought jewels, others books, even
small dogs.
Lightoller sees Smith walking stiffly toward him and quickly goes to him. He
yells into the Captain's ear, through cupped hands, over the roar of the
Hadn't we better get the women and children into the boats, sir?
Smith just nods, a bit abstractly. The fire has gone out of him. Lightoller
sees the awesome truth in Smith's face.
(to the men)
Right! Start the loading. Women and children!
The appalling din of escaping steam abruptly cuts off, leaving a sudden
unearthly silence in which Lightoller's voice echoes.
ON WALLACE HARTLEY raising his violin to play.
Number 26. Ready and--
The band has reassembled just outside the First Class Entrance, port side,
near where Lightoller is calling for the boats to be loaded. They strike up
a waltz, lively and elegant. The music wafts all over the ship.
Ladies, please. Step into the boat.
Finally one woman steps across the gap, into the boat, terrified of the drop
to the water far below.
You watch. They'll put us off in these silly little boats to freeze, and
we'll all be back on board by breakfast.
Cal, Rose and Ruth come out of the doors near the band.
My brooch, I left my brooch. I must have it!
She turns back to go to her room but Cal takes her by the arm, refusing to
let her go. The firmness of his hold surprises her.
Stay here, Ruth.
Ruth sees his expression, and knows fear for the first time.
It is chaos, with stewards pushing their way through narrow corridors
clogged with people carrying suitcases, duffel bags, children. Some have
lifebelts on, others don't.
(to Steward #3)
I told the stupid sods no luggage. Aw, bloody hell!
He throws up his hand at the sight of a family, loaded down with cases and
bags, completely blocking the corridor.
Fabrizio and Tommy push past the stewards, going the other way. They reach a
huge crowd gathered at the bottom of the MAIN 3RD CLASS STAIRWELL. Fabrizio
spots Helga with the rest of the Dahl family, standing patiently with
suitcases in hand. He reaches her and she grins, hugging him.
Tommy pushes to where he can see what's holding up the group. There is a
steel gate across the top of the stairs, with several stewards and seamen on
the other side.
Stay calm, please. It's not time to go up to the boats yet.
Near Tommy, an IRISHWOMAN stands stoically with two small children and their
battered luggage.
What are we doing, mummy?
We're just waiting, dear. When they finish putting First Class people in the
boats, they'll be startin' with us, and we'll want to be all ready, won't
Boat 7 is less than half full, with 28 aboard a boat made for 65.
Lower away! By the left and right together, steady lads!
The boat lurches as the falls start to pay out through the pulley blocks.
The women gasp. The boat descends, swaying and jerking, toward the water 60
feet below. The passengers are terrified.
TRACKING along the rows of portholes angling down into the water. Under the
surface, they glow green. PUSHING IN on one porthole which is have
submerged. Inside we see Jack, looking apprehensively at the water rising up
the glass.
INSIDE THE MASTER AT ARMS' OFFICE Jack sits chained to the waterpipe, next
to the porthole. Lovejoy sits on the edge of a desk. He puts a .45 bullet on
the desk and watches it roll across and fall off. He picks up the bullet.
You know... I believe this ship may sink.
(crosses to Jack)
I've been asked to give you this small token of our appreciation...
He punches Jack hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
Compliments of Mr. Caledon Hockley.
Lovejoy flips the handcuff key in the air, catches it and puts it in his
pocket. He exits. Jack is left gasping, handcuffed to the pipe.
At the stairwell rail on the bridge wing, Fourth Officer Boxhall and
Quartermaster Rowe light the first distress rocket. It shoots into the sky
and EXPLODES with a thunderclap over the ship, sending out white starbursts
which light up the entire deck as they fall.
WHIP PAN off the starbursts to Ismay. The Managing Director of White Star
Line is cracking. Already at the breaking point from his immense guilt, the
rocket panics him. He starts shouting at the officers struggling with the
falls of BOAT 5.
There is no time to waste!
(yelling and waving his arms)
Lower away! Lower away! Lower away!
FIFTH OFFICER LOWE, a baby-faced 28, and the youngest officer, looks up from
the tangled falls at the madman.
Get out of the way, you fool!
Do you know who I am?
Lowe, not having a clue nor caring, squares up to Ismay.
You're a passenger. And I'm a ship's bloody officer. Now do what you're
(turning away)
Steady men! Stand by the falls!
(numbly, backing away)
Yes, quite right. Sorry.
SECOND OFFICER LIGHTOLLER is loading the boat nearest Cal and Rose... Boat
Women and children only! Sorry sir, no men yet.
Another rocket bursts overhead, lighting the crowd. Startled faces turn
upward. Fear now in the eyes.
DANIEL MARVIN has his Biograph camera set up, cranking away... hoping to get
an exposure off the rocket's light. he has Mary posed in front of the scene
at the boats.
You're afraid, darling. Scared to death. That's it!
Either she suddenly learned to act or she is petrified.
ROSE watches the farewells taking pace right in front of her as they step
closer to the boat. Husbands saying goodbye to wives and children. Lovers
and friends parted. Nearby MOLLY is getting a reluctant woman to board the
Come on, you heard the man. Get in the boat, sister.
Will the lifeboats be seated according to class? I hope they're not too
Oh, Mother shut up!
(Ruth freezes, mouth open)
Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there aren't enough boats...
not enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die.
Not the better half.
PUSH IN ON ROSE'S FACE as it hits her like a thunderbolt. Jack is third
class. He doesn't stand a chance. Another rocket bursts overhead, bathing
her face in white light.
You unimaginable bastard.
Come on, Ruth, get in the boat. These are the first class seats right up
here. That's it.
Molly practically hands her over to Lightoller, then looks around for some
other women who might need a push.
Come on, Rose. You're next, darlin'.
Rose steps back, shaking her head.
Rose, get in the boat!
Goodbye, mother.
Ruth, standing in the tippy lifeboat, can do nothing. Cal grabs Rose's arm
but she pulls free and walks away through the crowd. Cal catches up to Rose
and grabs her again, roughly.
Where are you going? To him? Is that it? To be a whore to that gutter rat?
I'd rather be his whore than your wife.
He clenches his jaw and squeezes her arm viciously, pulling her back toward
the lifeboat. Rose pulls out a hairpin and jabs him with it. he lets go with
a curse and she runs into the crowd.
Lower away!!
Rose! ROSE!!
Stuff a sock in it, would ya, Ruth. She'll be along.
The boat lurches downward as the falls are paid out.
TRACKING WITH ROSE, as she runs through the clusters of people. She looks
back and a furious Cal is coming after her. She runs breathlessly up to two
proper looking men.
That man tried to take advantage of me in the crowd!
Appalled, they turn to see Cal running toward them. Rose runs on as the two
men grab Cal, restraining him. She runs through the First Class entrance.
Cal breaks free and runs after her. He reaches the entrance, but runs into a
knot of people coming out. He pushes rudely through them...
Cal runs in, and down to the landing, pushing past the gentlemen and ladies
who are filling up the stairs. He scans the A-deck foyer. Rose is gone.
The hull of Titanic looms over Boat 6 like a cliff. Its enormous mass is
suddenly threatening to those in the tiny boat. Quartermaster Hitchins, at
the tiller, wants nothing but to get away from the ship. Unfortunately his
two seamen can't row. They flail like a duck with a broken wing.
Keep pulling... away from the ship. Pull.
Ain't you boys ever rowed before? Here, gimme those oars. I'll show ya how
it's done.
She climbs over Ruth to get at the oars, stepping on her feet.
Around them the evacuation is in full swing, with boats in the water, others
being lowered.
Jack pulls on the pipe with all his strength. It's not budging. He hears
gurgling sound. Water pours under the door, spreading rapidly across the
He tries to pull one hand out of the cuffs, working until the skin is raw...
no good.
Help!! Somebody!! Can anybody hear me?!
(to himself)
This could be bad.
181 THE CORRIDOR outside is deserted. Flooded a couple of inches deep.
Jack's voice comes faintly through the door, but there is no one to hear it.
Thomas Andrews is opening stateroom doors, checking that people are out.
Anyone in here?
Rose runs up to him, breathless.
Mr. Andrews, thank God! Where would the Master at Arms take someone under
What? You have to get to a boat right away!
No! I'll do this with or without your help, sir. But without will take
Take the elevator to the very bottom, go left, down the crewman's passage,
then make a right.
Bottom, left, right. I have it.
Hurry, Rose.
Rose runs up as the last Elevator Operator is closing up his lift to leave.
Sorry, miss, lifts are closed--
Without thinking she grabs him and shoves him back into the lift.
I'm through with being polite, goddamnit!! I may never be polite the rest of
my life! Now take me down!!
The operator fumbles to close the gate and start the lift.
Molly and the two seamen are rowing, and they've made it a hundred feet or
so. Enough to see that the ship is angled down into the water, with the bow
rail less than ten feet above the surface.
Come on girls, join in, it'll keep ya warm. Let's go Ruth. Grab an oar!
Ruth just stares at the spectacle of the great liner, its rows of lights
blazing, slanting down into the sullen black mirror of the Atlantic.
Through the wrought iron door of the elevator car Rose can see the decks
going past. The lift slows. Suddenly ICE WATER is swirling around her legs.
She SCREAMS in surprise. So does the operator.
The car has landed in a foot of freezing water, shocking the hell out of
her. She claws the door open and splashes out, hiking up her floor-length
skirt so she can move. The lift goes back up, behind her, as she looks
Left, crew passage.
She spots it and slogs down the flooded corridor. The place is
understandably deserted. She is on her own.
Right, right... right.
She turns into a cross-corridor, splashing down the hall. A row of doors on
each side.
Jack? Jaaacckk??
Jack is hopelessly pulling on the pipe again, straining until he turns red.
He collapses back on the bench. realizing he's screwed. Then he hears her
through the door.
ROSE!! In here!
187 IN THE HALL Rose hears his voice behind her. She spins and runs back,
locating the right door, then pushes it open, creating a small wave.
She splashes over Jack and puts her arms around him.
Jack, Jack, Jack... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
They are so happy to see each other it's embarrassing.
That guy Lovejoy put it in my pocket.
I know, I know.
See if you can find a key for these. Try those drawers. It's a little brass
She kisses his face and hugs him again, then starts to go through the desk.
So... how did you find out I didn't do it?
I didn't.
(she looks at him)
I just realized I already knew.
They share a look, then she goes back to ransacking the room, searching
drawers and cupboards. Jack sees movement out the porthole and looks out.
A LIFEBOAT hits the surface of the water, seen from below.
While the seamen detach the falls, Boat One rocks next to the hull. Lucile
and Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon sit with ten others in a boat made for four times
that many.
I despise small boats. I just know I'm going to be seasick. I always get
seasick in small boats. Good Heavens, there's a man down there.
In a lit porthole beneath the surface she sees Jack looking up at her... a
face in a bubble of light under the water.
Rose stops trashing the room, and stands there, breathing hard.
There's no key in here.
They look around at the water, now almost two feet deep. Jack has pulled his
feet up onto the bench.
You have to go for help.
I'll be right back.
I'll wait here.
She runs out, looking back at him once from the doorway, then splashes away.
Jack looks down at the swirling water.
Rose splashes down the hall to a stairwell going up to the next deck. She
climbs the stairs, her long skirt leaving a trail like a giant snail. The
weight of it is really slowing her down. She rips at the buttons and
shimmies quickly out of the thing. She bounds up the stairs in her stockings
and knee-length slip, to find herself in--
191 A LONG CORRIDOR... part of the labyrinth of steerage hallways forward.
She is alone here. A long groan of stressing metal echoes along the hall as
the ship continues to settle. She runs down the hall, unimpeded now.
Hello? Somebody?!
She turns a corner and runs along another corridor in a daze. The hall
slopes down into water which, shimmers, reflecting the light. The margin of
the water creeps toward her. A YOUNG MAN appears, running through the water,
sending up geysers of spray. He pelts past her without slowing, his eyes
Help me! We need help!
He doesn't look back. It is like a bad dream. The hull gongs with terrifying
The lights flicker and go out, leaving utter darkness. A beat. Then they
come back on. She finds herself hyperventilating. That one moment of
blackness was the most terrifying of her life.
A STEWARD runs around the nearest corner, his arms full of lifebelts. He is
upset to see someone still in his section. He grabs her forcefully by the
arm, pulling her with him like a wayward child.
Come on, then, let's get you topside, miss, that's right.
Wait. Wait! I need your help! There's--
No need for panic, miss. Come along!
No, let me go! You're going the wrong way!
He's not listening. And he won't let her go.
She SHOUTS in his ear, and when he turns, she punches him squarely in the
nose. Shocked, he lets her go and staggers back.
To Hell with you!
See you there, buster!
The steward runs off, holding his bloody nose. She spits after him. Just the
way Jack taught: her.
She turns around, SEES: a glass case with a fire-axe in it. She breaks the
glass with a battered suitcase which is lying discarded nearby, and seizes
the axe, running back the way she came.
192 AT THE STAIRWELL she looks down and gasps. The water has flooded the
bottom five steps. She goes down and has to crouch to look along the
corridor to the room where Jack is trapped.
Rose plunges into the water, which is up to her waist... and powers forward,
holding the axe above her head in two hands. She grimaces at the pain from
the literally freezing water.
Jack has climbed up on the bench, and is hugging the waterpipe. Rose wades
in, holding the axe above her head.
Will this work?
We'll find out.
They are both terrified, but trying to keep panic at bay. He positions the
chain connecting the two cuffs, stretching it taut across the steel pipe.
The chain is of course very short, and his exposed wrists are on either side
of it.
Try a couple practice swings.
Rose hefts the axe and thunks it into a wooden cabinet.
Now try to hit the same mark again.
She swings hard and the blade thunks in four inches from the mark.
Okay, that's enough practice.
He winces, bracing himself as she raises the axe. She has to hit a target
about an inch wide with all the force she can muster, with his hands on
either side.
(sounding calm)
You can do it, Rose. Hit it as hard as you can, I trust you.
Jack closes his eyes. So does she.
The axe comes down. K-WHANG! Rose gingerly opens her eyes looks... Jack is
grinning with two separate cuffs.
Rose drops the axe, all the strength going out of her.
Nice work, there, Paul Bunyan.
He climbs down into the water next to her. He can't breathe for a second.
Shit! Excuse my French. Ow ow ow, that is cold! Come on, let's go.
They wade out into the hall. Rose starts toward the stairs going up, but
Jack stops her. There is only about a foot of the stairwell opening visible.
Too deep. We gotta find another way out.
TIGHT ON THE LETTERS TITANIC painted two feet high on the bow of the doomed
steamer. Once 50 feet above the waterline, they now quietly slip below the
surface. We see them, gold on black, rippling and dimming to a pale green as
they go deeper.
195 IN BOAT SIX, Ruth looks back at the Titanic, transfixed by the sight of
the dying liner. The bowsprit is now barely above the waterline. Another of
Boxhall's rockets EXPLODES overhead. K-BOOM! It lights up the whole area,
and we see half a dozen boats in the water, spreading out from the ship.
Now there's somethin' you don't see every day.
The widest passageway in the ship, it is used by crew and steerage alike,
and runs almost the length of the ship. Right now steerage passengers move
along it like refugees, heading aft.
CRASH! A wooden doorframe splinters and the door bursts open under the force
of Jack's shoulder. Jack and Rose stumble through, into the corridor. A
STEWARD, who was nearby herding people along, marches over.
Here you! You'll have to pay for that, you know. That's White Star Line
(turning together)
Jack leads her past the dumbfounded steward. They join the steerage
stragglers going aft. In places the corridor is almost completely blocked by
large families carrying all their luggage.
AN IRISH WOMAN gives Rose a blanket, more for modesty than because she is
blue-lipped and shivering.
Here, lass, cover yerself.
Jack rubs her arms and tries to warm her up as they walk along. The woman's
husband offers them a flask of whiskey.
This'll take the chill off.
Rose takes a mighty belt and hands it to Jack. He grins and follows suit.
Jack tries a number of DOORS and IRON GATES along the way, finding them all
ON THE BOAT DECK, the action has moved to the aft group of boats, numbers 9,
11, 13 and 15 on the starboard side, and 10, 12, 14 and 16 on the port side.
The pace of work is more frantic. You see crew and officers running now to
work the davits, their previous complacency gone.
CAL pushes through the crowd, scanning for Rose. Around him is chaos and
confusion. A woman is calling for a child who has become separated from the
crowd. A man is shouting over people's heads. A woman takes hold of Second
Officer Lightoller's arm as he is about to launch Boat 10.
Will you hold the boat a moment? I have to run back to my room for
Lightoller grabs her and shoves her bodily into the boat. Thomas Andrews
rushes up to him just then.
Why are the boats being launched half full?!
Lightoller steps past him, helping a seaman clear a snarled fall.
Not now, Mr. Andrews.
(pointing down at the water)
There, look... twenty or so in a boat built for sixty five. And I saw one
boat with only twelve. Twelve!
Well... we were not sure of the weight--
Rubbish! They were tested in Belfast with the weight of 70 men. Now fill
these boats, Mr. Lightoller. For God's sake, man!
The shot HANDS OFF to Cal, who sees Lovejoy hurrying toward him through the
aisle connecting the port and starboard sides of the boat deck.
She's not on the starboard side either.
We're running out of time. And this strutting martinet...
(indicating Lightoller)
...isn't letting any men in at all.
The one on the other side is letting men in.
Then that's our play. But we're still going to need some insurance.
(he starts off forward)
Come on.
Cal charges off, heading forward, followed by Lovejoy. The SHOT HANDS OFF to
a finely dressed elderly couple, IDA and ISADOR STRAUSS.
Please, Ida, get into the boat.
No. We've been together for forty years, and where
you go, I go. Don't argue with me, Isador, you know it does no good.
He looks at her with sadness and great love. They embrace gently.
Lower away!!
AT THE BOW... the place where Jack and Rose first kissed... the bow railing
goes under water water. Water swirls around the captsans and windlasses on
the foc'sle deck.
Smith strides to the bridge rail and looks down at the well deck. Water is
shipped over the sides and the well deck is awash. Two men run across the
deck, their feet sending up spray. Behind Smith, Boxhall fires another
rocket. WHOOSH!
Fabrizio, standing with Helga Dahl and her family, hears Jack's voice.
Fabrizio! Fabri!
Fabrizio turns and sees Jack and Rose pushing through the crowd. He and Jack
hug like brothers.
The boats are all going.
We gotta get up there or we're gonna be gargling saltwater. Where's Tommy?
Fabrizio points over the heads of the solidly packed crowd to the stairwell.
Tommy has his hands on the bars of the steel gate which blocks the head of
the stairwell. The crew open the gate a foot or so and a few women are
squeezing through.
Women only. No men. No men!!
But some terrified men, not understanding English, try to rush through the
gap, forcing the gate open. The crewmen and stewards push them back, shoving
and punching them.
Get back! Get back you lot!
(to the crewmen)
Lock it!!
They struggle to get the gate closed again, while Steward #2 brandishes a
small revolver. Another holds a fire axe. They lock the gate, and a cry goes
up among the crowd, who surge forward, pounding against the steel and
shouting in several languages.
For the love of God, man, there are children down here! Let us up, so we can
have a chance!
But the crewmen are scared now. They have let the situation get out of hand,
and now they have a mob. Tommy gives up and pushes his way back through the
crowd, going down the stairs. He rejoins Jack, Rose and Fabrizio.
It's hopeless that way.
Well, whatever we're goin' to do, we better do it fast.
Fabrizio turns to Helga, praying he can make himself understood.
(with a lot of hand gestures)
Everyone... all of you... come with me now. We go to the boats. We go to the
boats. Capito? Come now!
They can't understand what he's saying. They can see his urgency, but OLUF
DAHL, the patriarch of the family, shakes his head. He will not panic, and
will not let his family go with this boy. Fabrizio turns to Helga.
Helga... per favore... please... come with me, I am lucky. Is my destiny to
go to America.
She kisses him, then steps back to be with her family. Jack lays a hand on
his shoulder, his eyes saying "Let's go".
I will never forget you.
He turns to Jack, who leads the way out of the crowd. Looking back Fabrizio
sees her face disappear into the crowd.
CLUNK! Cal opens his safe and reaches inside. As Lovejoy watches, he pulls
out two stacks of bills, still banded by bank wrappers. Then he takes out
"Heart of the Ocean", putting it in the pocket of his overcoat, and locks
the safe.
(holding up stacks of bills)
I make my own luck.
(putting the .45 in his waistband)
So do I.
Cal grins, putting the money in his pocket as they go out.
Jack, Rose, Fabrizio and Tommy are lost, searching for a way out. They push
past confused passengers... past a mother changing her baby's diaper on top
of an upturned steamer trunk... past a woman arguing heatedly with a man in
Serbo-Croatian, a wailing child next to them... past a man kneeling to
console a woman who is just sitting on the floor, sobbing... and past
another man with an English/Arabic dictionary, trying to figure out what the
signs mean, while his wife and children wait patiently.
Jack et al come upon a narrow stairwell and they go up two decks before they
are stopped by a small group pressed up against a steel gate. The steerage
men are yelling at a scared STEWARD.
Go to the main stairwell, with everyone else. It'll all get sorted out
Jack takes one look at this scene and finally just loses it.
God damn it to Hell son of a bitch!!
He grabs one end of a bench bolted to the floor on the landing. He starts
pulling on it, and Tommy and Fabrizio pitch in until the bolts shear and it
breaks free. Rose figures out what they are doing and clears a path up the
stairs between the waiting people.
Move aside! Quickly, move aside!
Jack and Tommy run up the steps with the bench and RAM IT INTO THE GATE with
all their strength. It rips loose from its track and falls outward, narrowly
missing the steward. Led by Jack, the crowd surges though. Rose steps up to
the cowering steward and says in her most imperious tone:
If you have any intention of keeping your pathetic job
with the White Star Line, I suggest you escort these good people to the boat
deck... now.
Class wins out. He nods dumbly motions form them to follow.
Ruth rows with Molly Brown, two other women and the incompetent sailors. She
rests on her oars, exhausted, and looks back at the ship.
It slants down into the water, still ablaze with light. Nothing is above
water forward of the bridge except for the foremast. Another rocket goes
off, lighting up the entire area... there are a dozen boats moving outward
from the ship.
207 AT THE BOAT DECK RAIL Captain Smith is shouting to Boat 6 through a
large metal megaphone.
Come back! Come back to the ship!
CHIEF OFFICER WILDE joins him, blowing his silver whistle.
208 FROM BOAT 6 the whistle comes shrilly across the water. Quartermaster
Hitchins grips the rudder in fear.
The suction will pull us right down if we don't keep going.
We got room for lots more. I say we go back.
No! It's our lives now, not theirs. And I'm in charge of this boat! Now
209 CAPTAIN SMITH, at the rail of the boat deck, lowers his megaphone slowly
The fools.
As Cal and Lovejoy cross the foyer encounter Benjamin Guggenheim and his
valet, both dressed in white tie, tail-coats and top hats.
Ben, what's the occasion?
We have dressed in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.
That's admirable, Ben.
(walking on)
I'll sure and tell your wife... when I get to New York.
There are still two card games in progress. The room is quiet and civilized.
A silver serving cart, holding a large humidor, begins to roll slowly across
the room. One of the cardplayers takes a cigar from it as it rolls by.
It seems we've been dealt a bad hand this time.
Cal and Lovejoy are walking aft with a purposeful stride. They pass CHIEF
BAKER JOHGHIN, who is working up a sweat tossing deck chairs over the rail.
After they go by, Joughin takes a break and pulls a bottle of scotch from a
pocket, opening it. He drains it, and tosses it over the side too, then
stands there a little unsteadily.
PANIC IS SETTING IN around the remaining boats aft. The crowd here is now a
mix of all three classes. Officers repeatedly warn men back from the boats.
The crowd presses in closer.
Seamen SCAROTT brandishes the tiller of boat 14 to discourage a close press
of men who look ready to rush the boat. Several men break ranks and rush
Lightoller pulls out his Webley revolver and aims it at them.
Get back! Keep order!
The men back down. Fifth Officer Lowe standing in the boat, yells to the
Lower away left and right!
Lightoller turns away from the crowd and, out of their sight, breaks his
pistol open. Letting out a long breath, he starts to LOAD IT.
Cal and Lovejoy arrive in time to see Murdoch lowering his last boat.
We're too late.
There are still some boats forward. Stay with this one... Murdoch. He seems
to be quite... practical.
215 IN THE WATER BELOW there is another panic. Boat 13, already in the water
but still attached to its falls, is pushed aft by the discharge water being
pumped out of the ship. It winds up directly under boat 15, which is coming
down he right on top of it.
The passengers shout in panic to the crew above to stop lowering. They are
ignored. Some men put their hands up, trying futilely to keep the 5 tons of
boat 15 from crushing them.
Fred Barrett, the stoker, gets out his knife and leaps to the after falls,
climbing rudely over people. He cuts the aft falls while another crewman
cuts the forward lines. 13 drifts out from beneath 15 just seconds before it
touches the water with a slap.
Cal, looking down from the rail hears GUNSHOTS--
Fifth Officer Lowe, in Boat 14 is firing his gun as a warning to a bunch of
men threatening to jump into the boat as it passes the open promenade on
Stay back you lot!
The shots echo away.
It's starting to fall apart. We don't have much time.
Cal sees three dogs run by, including the black French bulldog. Someone has
released the pets from the kennels.
Cal sees Murdoch turn from the davits of boat 15 and start walking toward
the bow. He catches up and falls in beside him.
Mr. Murdoch, I'm a businessman, as you know, and I have a business
proposition for you.
Jack, Rose et al burst out onto the boat deck from the crew stairs just aft
of the third funnel. They look at the empty davits.
The boats are gone!
She sees Colonel Gracie chugging forward along the deck, escorting two first
class ladies.
Colonel! Are there any boats left?
(staring at her bedraggled state)
Yes, miss... there are still a couple of boats all the way forward. This
way, I'll lead you!
Jack grabs her hand and they sprint past Gracie, with Tommy and Fabrizio
close behind.
ANGLE ON THE BAND... incredibly they are still playing. Jack, Rose and the
others run by.
Music to drown by. Now I know I'm in First Class.
Water pours like a spillway over the forward railing on B-Deck. CAMERA
SWEEPS UP past A-Deck to the Boat Deck where Murdoch and his team are
loading Collapsible Car the forward-most davits.
NOTE: There are four so-called collapsibles, or Engelhardts boats, including
two which are stored on the roof of the officer's quarters.
The crowd is sparse, with most people still aft. Cal slips his hand out of
the pocket of his overcoat and into the waist pocket of Murdoch's greatcoat,
leaving the stacks of bills there.
So we have an understanding then?
(nodding curtly)
As you've said.
Cal, satisfied, steps back. He finds himself waiting next to J. Bruce Ismay.
Ismay does not meet his eyes, nor anyone's. Lovejoy come sup to Cal at that
I've found her. She's just over on the port side. With him.
Women and children? Any more women and children?
(glancing at Cal)
Any one else, then?
Cal looks longingly at his boat... his moment has arrived.
God damn it to hell! Come on.
He and Lovejoy head for the port side, taking a short-cut through the
Bruce Ismay, seeing his opportunity, steps quickly into Collapsible C. He
stares straight ahead, not meeting Murdoch's eyes.
(staring at Ismay)
Take them down.
ON THE PORT SIDE Lightoller is getting people into Boat 2. He keeps his
pistol in his hand at this point. Twenty feet below them the sea is pouring
into the doors and windows of B deck staterooms. They can hear the roar of
water cascading into the ship.
Women and children, please. Women and children only. Step back, sir.
Even with Jack's arms wrapped around her, Rose is shivering in the cold.
Near her a WOMAN with TWO YOUNG DAUGHTERS looks into the eyes of a HUSBAND
she knows she may not see again
Goodbye for a little while... only for a little while.
(to his two little girls)
Go with mummy.
The woman stumbles to the boat with the children, hiding her tears from
them. Beneath the false good cheer, the man is choked with emotion.
Hold mummy's hand and be a good girl. That's right.
Some of the women are stoic, others are overwhelmed by emotion and have to
be helped into the boats. A MAN scribbles a note and hands it to a woman who
is about to board.
Please get this to my wife in DeMoines, Iowa.
Jack looks at Tommy and Fabrizio.
You better check out the other side.
They nod and run off, searching for a way around the deckhouse.
I'm not going without you.
Get in the boat, Rose.
Cal walks up just then.
Yes. Get in the boat, Rose.
She is shocked to see him. She steps instinctively to Jack. Cal looks at
her, standing there shivering in her wet slip and stockings, a shocking
display in 1912.
My God, look at you.
(taking off his boat)
Here, put this on.
She numbly shrugs into it. He is doing it for modesty, not the cold.
Quickly, ladies. Step into the boat. Hurry, please!
Go on. I'll get the next one.
No. Not without you!
She doesn't even care that Cal is standing right there. He sees the emotion
between Jack and Rose and his jaw clenches. But then he leans close to her
and says...
There are boats on the other side that are allowing men in. Jack and I can
get off safely. Both of us.
(he smiles reassuringly)
I'll be alright. Hurry up so we can get going... we got our own boat to
Get in... hurry up, it's almost full.
Lightoller grabs her arm and pulls her toward the boat. She reaches out for
Jack and her fingers brush his for a moment. Then she finds herself stepping
down into the boat. It's all a rush and blur.
Lower away!
The two men watch at the rail as the boat begins to descend.
You're a good liar.
Almost as good as you.
I always win, Jack. One way or another.
(looks at him, smiling)
Pity I didn't keep that drawing. It's going to be worth a lot more by
Jack knows he is screwed. He looks down at Rose, not wanting to waste a
second of his last view of her.
222 ROSE'S PERCEPTION... IN SLOW MOTION: The ropes going through the pulleys
as the seamen start to lower. All sound going away... Lightoller giving
orders, his lips moving... but Rose hears only the blood pounding in her
ears... this cannot be happening... a rocket bursts above in slow-motion,
outlining Jack in a halo of light... Rose's hair blowing in slow motion as
she gazes up at him, descending away from him... she sees his hand
trembling, the tears at the corners of his eyes, and cannot believe the
unbearable pain she is feeling...
Rose is still staring up, tears pouring down her face.
SUDDENLY SHE IS MOVING. She lunges across the women next to her. Reaches the
gunwale, climbing it...
Hurls herself out of the boat to the rail of the A-Deck promenade, catching
it, and scrambling over the rail. The Boat 2 continues down. But Rose is
back on Titanic.
No Rose! NOOOO!!
Jack spins from the rail, running for the nearest way down to A-Deck.
Hockley too has seen her jump. She is willing to die for this man, this
gutter scum. He is overwhelmed by a rage so all consuming it eclipses all
TRACKING WITH JACK as he bangs through the doors to the foyer and sprints
down the stairs. He sees her coming into A-deck foyer, running toward him,
Cal's long coat flying out behind her as she runs.
They meet at the bottom of the stairs, and collide in an embrace.
Rose, Rose, you're so stupid, you're such an idiot--
And all the while he's kissing her and holding her as tight as he can.
You jump, I jump, right?
Hockley comes in and runs to the railing. Looking down he sees them locked
in their embrace. Lovejoy comes up behind Cal and puts a restraining HAND on
him, but Cal whips around, grabbing the pistol from Lovejoy's waistband in
one cobra-fast move.
He RUNS along the rail and down the stairs. As he reaches the landing above
them he raises the gun. SCREAMING in rage, he FIRES.
The carved cherub at the foot of the center railing EXPLODES. Jack pulls
Rose toward the stairs going down to the next deck. Cal fires again, running
down the steps toward them. A bullet blows a divet out of the oak panelling
behind Jack's head as he pulls Rose down the next flight of stairs.
Hockley steps on the skittering head of the cherub statue and goes
sprawling. The gun clatters across the marble floor. He gets up, and reeling
drunkenly goes over to retrieve it.
The bottom of the grand staircase is flooded several feet deep. Jack and
Rose come down the stairs two at a time and run straight into the water,
fording across the room to where the floor slopes up, until they reach dry
footing at the entrance to the dining saloon.
STEADICAM WITH HOCKLEY as he reels down the stairs in time to see Jack and
Rose splashing through the water toward the dining saloon. He FIRES twice.
Big gouts of spray near them, but he's not a great shot.
The water boils up around his feet and he retreats up the stairs a couple of
steps. Around him the woodward groans and creaks.
(calling to them)
Enjoy your time together!!
Lovejoy arrives next to him. Cal suddenly remembers something and starts to
What could possible be funny?
I put the diamond in my coat pocket. And I put my coat... on her.
He turns to Lovejoy with a sickly expression, his eyes glittering.
I give it to you... if you can get it.
He hands Lovejoy the pistol and goes back up the stairs. Lovejoy thinks
about it... then slogs into the water. The icewater is up to his waist as he
crosses the pool into the dining saloon.
Lovejoy moves among the tables and ornate columns, searching... listening...
his eyes tracking rapidly. It is a sea of tables, and they could be
anywhere. A silver serving trolley rolls downhill, bumping into tables and
He glances behind him. The water is following him into the room, advancing
in a hundred foot wide tide. The reception room is now a roiling lake, and
the grand staircase is submerged past the first landing. Monstrous groans
echo through the ship.
ON JACK AND ROSE, crouched behind a table, somewhere in the middle. They see
the water advancing toward them, swirling over the floor. They crawl ahead
of it to the next row of tables.
Stay here.
He moves off as--
Lovejoy moves over one row and looks along the tables. Nothing.
The ship GROANS and CREAKS. He moves another row.
ANGLE ON A METAL CART... five feet tall and full of stacks of china dishes.
It starts to roll down the aisle between tables.
ON ROSE as the cart rolls toward her. It hits a table and the stacks of
dishes topple out, EXPLODING across the floor and showering her.
She scrambles out of the way and--
Lovejoy spins, seeing her. He moves rapidly toward her, keeping the gun
That's when Jack tackles him from the side. They slam together into a table,
crashing over it, and toppling to the floor. They land in the water which is
flowing rapidly between the tables.
Jack and Lovejoy grapple in the icy water. Jack jams his knee down on
Lovejoy's hand, breaking his grip on the pistol, and kicks it away. Lovejoy
scrambles up and lunges at him, but Jack GUTPUNCHES him right in the solar
plexus, doubling him over.
Compliments of the Chippewa Falls Dawsons.
He grabs Lovejoy and slams him into an ornate column. Lovejoy drops to the
floor with a splat, stunned.
Let's go.
Jack and Rose run aft... uphill... entering the galley. Behind them the
tables have become islands in a lake... and the far end of the room is
flooded up to the ceiling.
Lovejoy gets up and looks around for his gun. He pulls it up out of the
water and wades after them.
They run through the galley and Rose spots the stairs. She starts up and
Jack grabs her hand. He leads her DOWN.
They crouch together on the landing as Lovejoy runs to the stairs. Assuming
they have gone up (who wouldn't?) he climbs up them two at a time.
They wait for the footstep to recede. A long CREAKING GROAN. Then they hear
it... a CRYING CHILD. Below them. They go down a few steps to looks along
the next deck.
The corridor is awash, about a foot deep. Standing against the wall, about
50 feet away, is a little BOY, about 3. The water swirls around his legs and
he is wailing.
We can't leave him.
Jack nods and they leave the promise of escape up the stairwell to run to
the child. Jack scoops up the kid and they run back to the stairs but--
A torrent of water comes pouring down the stairs like rapids. In seconds it
is too powerful for them to go against.
Come on.
Charging the other way down the flooding corridor, they blast up spray with
each footstep. At the end of the hall are heavy double doors. As Jack
approaches them he sees water spraying through the gap between the doors
right up to the ceiling. The doors groan and start to crack under the tons
of pressure.
Back! Go back!!
Rose pivots and runs back the way they came, taking a turn into a
cross-corridor. A MAN is coming the other way. He sees the boy in Jack's
arms and cries out, grabbing him away from Jack. Starts cursing him in
Russian. He runs on with the boy--
No! Not that way! Come back!
228 DOUBLE DOORS BLAST OPEN. A wall of water thunders into the corridor. The
father and child DISAPPEAR instantly.
Jack and Rose run as a wave blasts around the corner, foaming from floor to
ceiling. It gains on them like a locomotive. They make it to a stairway
going up.
Jack and Rose pound up the steps as white water swirls up behind them. PULL
BACK to reveal that a steel gate blocks the top of the stairs. Jack SLAMS
against the fate, gripping the bars.
A terrified steward standing guard on the landing above turns to run at the
sight of the water thundering up the stairs.
Wait! Wait! Help us! Unlock the gate.
The steward runs on. The water wells up around Jack and Rose, pouring
through the gate and slamming them against it. In seconds it is up to their
Help us! Please!
The steward stops and looks back. He sees Jack and Rose at the gate, their
arms reaching through... sees the water POURING through the gate onto the
Fucking 'ell!
He runs back, slogging against the current. He pulls a key ring from his
belt and struggles to unlock the padlock as the water fountains up around
The lights short out and the landing is plunged into darkness.
The water rises over the lock and he's doing it by feel.
Come on! Come on!
Jack and Rose are right up against the ceiling...
Suddenly the gate gives and SWINGS OPEN. They are pushing through by the
force of the water. They make it to stairs on the other side of the landing
and follow the steward up to the next deck.
Cal comes reeling out of the first class entrance, looking wild-eyed. The
lurches down the deck toward the bridge. Waltz music wafts over the ship.
Somewhere the band is still playing.
CAL'S POV: A little girl, maybe two years old, is crying along in the
alcove. She looks up at Cal beseechingly. Cal moves on without a glance
back... reaching a large crowd clustered around COLLAPSIBLE A just aft of
the bridge. He sees Murdoch and a number of crewmen struggling to drag the
boat to the davits, with no luck.
Cal pushes forward, trying to signal Murdoch, but the officer ignores him.
Nearby Tommy and Fabrizio are being pushed forward by the crowd behind.
PURSER MCELROY pushes them back, getting a couple of seamen to help him. He
brandishes his gun, waving it in the air, yelling for the crowd to stay
Lightoller, with a group of crew and passengers, is trying to get
Collapsible B down from the roof. They slide it down a pair of oars leaned
against the deck house.
Hold it! Hold it!
The weight of the boat snaps the oars and it crashes to the deck, upside
down. The two Swedish cousins, OLAUS and BJORN GUNERSEN, jump back as the
boat nearly hits them.
Jack and Rose run up seemingly endless stairs as the ship groans and torques
around them.
Murdoch, at Collapsible A, is no longer in control. The crowd is threatening
to rush the boat. They push and jostle, yelling and shouting at the
officers. The pressure from behind pushes them forward, and one guy falls
off the edge of the deck into the water less than ten feet below.
Give us a chance to live, you limey bastards!
Murdoch fires his Webley twice in the air, then point it at the crowd.
I'll shoot any man who tries to get past me.
Cal steps up to him.
We had a deal, damn you.
Murdoch pushes him back, pointing the pistol at Cal.
Get back!
A man next to Tommy rushes forward, and Tommy is shoved from behind. Murdoch
SHOOTS the first man, and seeing Tommy coming forward, puts a bullet into
his chest.
Tommy collapses, and Fabrizio grabs him, holding him in his arms as his life
flows out over the deck.
Murdoch turns to his men and salutes smartly. Then he puts the pistol to his
temple and... BLAM! He drops like a puppet with the strings cut and topples
over the edge of the boat deck into the water only a few feet below.
Cal stares in horror at Murdoch's body bobbing in the black water. The MONEY
FLOATS out of the pocket of his greatcoat, the bills spreading across the
The crew rush to get the last few women aboard the boat.
(calling above the confusion)
Any more women or children?!
THE CHILD crying in the alcove. Cal scoops her up and runs forward, cradling
her in his arms.
(forcing his way through the crowd)
Here's a child! I've got a child!
(to McElroy)
Please... I'm all she has in the world.
McElroy nods curtly and pushes him into the boat. He spins with his gun,
brandishing it in the air to keep the other men back. Cal gets into the
boat, holding the little girl. He takes a seat with the women.
There, there.
Thomas Andrews stands in front of the fireplace, staring at the large
painting above the mantle. The fire is still going in the fireplace.
The room is empty except for Andrews. An ashtray falls off the table. Behind
him Jack and Rose run into the room, out of breath and soaked. They run
through, toward the aft revolving door... then Rose recognizes him. She sees
that his lifebelt is off, lying on a table.
Won't you even make a try for it, Mr. Andrews?
(a tear rolls down his cheek)
I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Rose.
(to her)
It's going fast... we've got to keep moving.
Andrews picks up his lifebelt and hands it to her.
Good luck to you, Rose.
(hugging him)
And to you, Mr. Andrews.
Jack pulls her away and they run through the revolving door.
The band finishes the waltz. Wallace Hartley looks at the orchestra members.
Right, that's it then.
They leave him, walking forward along the deck. Hartley puts his violin to
his chin and bows the first notes of "Nearer My God to Thee". One by one the
band members turn, hearing the lonely melody.
Without a word they walk back and take their places. They join in with
Hartley, filling out the sound so that it reaches all over the ship on this
still night. The vocalist begins: "If in my dreams I be, nearer my God to
237 A seaman pulls off his lifebelt and catches up to Captain Smith as he
walks to the bridge. He proffers it, but Smith seems to stare through him.
Without a word he turns and goes onto the bridge. He enters the enclosed
WHEELHOUSE and closes the door. He is alone, surrounded by the gleaming
brass instruments. He seems to inwardly collapse.
238 IN THE FIRST CLASS SMOKING ROOM Andrews stands like a statue. He pulls
out his pocketwatch and checks the time. Then he opens the face of the
mantle clock and adjusts it to the correct time: 2:12 a.m. Everything must
be correct.
239 IN CAL'S PARLOUR SUITE water swirls in from the private promenade deck.
Rose's paintings are submerged. The Picasso transforms under the water's
surface. Degas' colors run. Monet's water lilies come to life.
240 DOWNANGLE on the two figures lying side by side, fully clothed, on a bed
in a FIRST CLASS CABIN. Elderly Ida and Isador Strauss stare at the ceiling,
holding hands like young lovers. Water pours into the room through a
doorway. It swirls around the bed, two feet deep rising fast.
241 IN A STEERAGE CABIN somewhere in the bowels of the ship, the young IRISH
MOTHER, seen earlier stoically waiting at the stairs, is tucking her two
young children into bed. She pulls up the covers, making sure they are all
warm and cozy. She lies down with them on the bed, speaking soothingly and
holding them.
242 IN A WIDE SHOT we see a wave travel up the boat deck as the bridge house
sinks into the water.
243 ON THE PORT SIDE Collapsible B is picked up by water. Working
frantically, the men try to detach it from the falls so the ship won't drag
it under. Colonel Gracie hands Lightoller a pocket knife and he saws
furiously at the ropes as the water swirls around his legs. The boat, still
upside down, is swept off the ship. Men start diving in, swimming to stay
with it.
244 IN COLLAPSIBLE A Cal sits next to the wailing child, whom he has
completely forgotten. He watches the water rising around the men as they
work, scrambling to get the ropes cut so the ship won't drag the collapsible
Fabrizio removes the lifebelt from Tommy's body and struggles to put it on
as the water rises around him.
245 CAPTAIN SMITH, standing near the wheel, watches the black water climbing
the windows of the enclosed wheelhouse. He has the stricken expression of a
damned soul on Judgment Day. The windows burst suddenly and a wall of water
edged with shards of glass slams into Smith. He disappears in a vortex of
246 Collapsible A is hit by a wave as the bow plunges suddenly. It partially
swamps the boat, washing it along the deck. Over a hundred passengers are
plunged into the freezing water and the area around the boat becomes a
frenzy of splashing, screaming people.
As men are trying to climb into the collapsible, Cal grabs an oar and pushes
them back into the water.
Get back! You'll swamp us!
Fabrizio, swimming for his life, gets swirled under a davit. The ropes and
pulleys tangle around him as the davit goes under the water, and he is
dragged down. Underwater he struggles to free himself, and then kicks back
to the surface. He surfaces, gasping for air in the freezing water.
247 WALLACE HARTLEY sees the water rolling rapidly up the deck toward them.
He holds the last note of the hymn in a sustain, and then lowers his violin.
Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.
Jack and Rose run out of the PALM COURT into a dense crowd. Jack pushes his
way to the rail and looks at the state of the ship. The bridge is under
water and there is chaos on deck. Jack helps her put her lifebelt on. People
stream around them, shouting and pushing.
Okay... we keep moving aft. We have to stay on the ship as long as possible.
They push their way aft through the panicking crowd.
Collapsible A is whirled like a leaf in the currents around the sinking ship.
It slams against the side of the forward funnel.
(to the crew in the boat)
Row! Row you bastards!!
250 NEARBY: Fabrizio is drawn up against the grating of a STICKLED VENT as
water pours through it. The force of tons of water roaring down the ship
traps him against it, and he is dragged down under the surface as the ship
sinks. He struggles to free himself but cannot.
Suddenly there is a concussion deep in the bowels of the ship as a furnace
explodes and a blast of hot air belches out of the ventilator, ejecting
Fabrizio. He surfaces in a roar of foam and keeps swimming.
Jack and Rose clamber over the A-Deck aft rail. Then, using all his
strength, he lowers her toward the deck below, holding on with one hand. She
dangles, then falls. Jack jumps down behind her.
They join a crush of people literally clawing and scrambling over each other
to get down the narrow stairs to the well deck... the only way aft.
Seeing that the stairs are impossible, Jack climbs over the B-Deck railing
and helps Rose over. He lowers her again, and she falls in a heap. Baker
Joughin, now three sheets to the wind, happens to be next to her. He hauls
Rose to her feet. Jack drops down and the three of them push through the
crowd across the well deck. Near them, at the rail, people are jumping into
the water.
The ship GROANS and SHUDDERS. The man ahead of Jack is walking like a
Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death--
You wanna walk a little faster through that valley, fella?
The stay cables along the top of the funnel snap, and they lash like steel
whips down into the water. Cal watches as the funnel topples from its
mounts. Falling like a temple pillar twenty eight feet across it whomps into
the water with a tremendous splash. People swimming underneath it disappear
in an instant.
Fabrizio, a few feet away, is hurled back by a huge wave. He comes up,
gasping... still swimming. The water pouring into the open end of the funnel
draws in several swimmers. The funnel sinks, disappearing, but--
Hundreds of tons of water pour down through the 30 foot hole where the
funnel stood, thundering down into the belly of the ship. A whirlpool forms,
a hole in the ocean, like at enormous toiler-flush. T. W. McCauley, the gym
instructor swims in a frenzy as the vortex draws him in. He is sucked down
like a spider going down a drain.
Fabrizio, nearby, swims like Hell as more people are sucked down behind him.
He manages to get clear. He's going to live no matter what it takes.
Water roars through the doors and windows, cascading down the stairs like a
rapids. John Jacob Astor is swept down the marble steps to A-Deck, which is
already flooded... a roiling vortex. He grabs the headless cherub at the
bottom of the staircase and wraps his arms around it.
Astor looks up in time to see the 30 foot glass dome overhead EXPLODE INWARD
with the wave of water washing over it. A Niagara of sea water thunders down
into the room, blasting through the first class opulence. IT is the
Armageddon of elegance.
The flooding is horrific. Walls and doors are splintered like kindling.
Water roars down corridors with pile-driver force.
The CARTMELL FAMILY is at the top of a stairwell, jammed against a locked
gate like Jack and Rose were. Water boils up the stairwell behind them. Bert
Cartmell shakes the gate futilely, shouting for help. Little Cora wails as
the water boils up around them all.
Rose and Jack struggle to climb the well deck stairs as the ship tilts.
Drunk Baker Joughin puts a hand squarely on Rose's butt and shoves her up
onto the deck.
Sorry, miss!
Hundreds of people are already on the poop deck, and more are pouring up
every second. Jack and Rose cling together as they struggle across the
tilting deck.
257 As the bow goes down, the STERN RISES. IN BOAT 2, which is just off the
stern, passengers gape as the giant bronze propellers rise out of the water
like gods of the deep, FILLING FRAME behind them.
People are JUMPING from the well deck, the poop deck, the gangway doors.
Some hit debris in the water and are hurt or killed.
ON THE POOP DECK Jack and Rose struggle aft as the angle increases. Hundreds
of passengers, clinging to every fixed object on deck, huddle on their knees
around FATHER BYLES, who has his voice raised in prayer. They are praying,
sobbing, or just staring at nothing, their minds blank with dread.
Pulling himself from handhold to handhold, Jack tugs Rose aft along the
Come on, Rose. We can't expect God to do all the work for us.
They struggle on, pushing through the praying people. A MAN loses his
footing ahead and slides toward them. Jack helps him.
261 THE PROPELLERS are twenty feet above the water and rising faster.
262 JACK AND ROSE make it to the stern rail, right at the base of the
flagpole. They grip the rail, jammed in between other people. It is the spot
where Jack pulled her back onto the ship, just two night... and a lifetime...
Above the wailing and sobbing, Father Byles' voice carries, cracking with
...and I saw new heavens and a new earth. The former heavens and the former
earth had passed away and the sea was no longer.
The lights flicker, threatening to go out. Rose grips Jack as the stern
rises into a night sky ablaze with stars.
I also saw a new Jerusalem, the holy city coming down out of heaven from
God, beautiful as a bride prepared to meet her husband. I heard a loud voice
from the throne ring out this is God's dwelling among men. He shall dwell
with them and they shall be his people and He shall be their God who is
always with them.
Rose stares about her at the faces of the doomed. Near them are the DAHL
FAMILY, clinging together stoically. Helga looks at her briefly, and her
eyes are infinitely sad.
Rose sees a young mother next to her, clutching her five year old son, who
is crying in terror.
Shhh. Don't cry. It'll be over soon, darling. It'll all be over soon.
He shall wipe every tear from their eyes. And there shall be no more death
or mourning, crying out or pain, for the former world has passed away.
As the ship tilts further everything not bolted down inside shifts.
263 CUPBOARDS burst open in the pantry showering the floor with tons of
china. A PIANO slides across the floor, crashing into a wall. FURNITURE
tumbles across the Smoking Room floor.
264 ON THE A-DECK PROMENADE passengers lose their grip and slide down the
wooden deck like a bobsled run, hundreds of feet before they hit the water.
TRUDY BOLT, Rose's maid, slips as she struggles along the railing and slides
away screaming.
265 AT THE STERN the propellers are 100 feet out of the water and rising.
Panicking people leap from the poop deck rail, fall screaming and hit the
water like mortar rounds. A man falls from the poop deck, hitting the bronze
hub of the starboard propeller with a sickening smack.
266 SWIMMERS LOOK UP and see the stern towering over them like a monolith,
the propellers rising against the stars. 110 feet. 120.
267 AT THE STERN RAIL a man jumps. IN HIS POV we fall seemingly forever,
right past one of the giant screws. The water rushes up--
268 TRACKING SLOWLY IN on Ruth as the sounds of the dying ship and the
screaming people come across the water.
269 REVERSE / HER POV: IN A WIDE SHOT we see the spectacle of the Titanic,
her lights blazing, reflecting in the still water. Its stern is high in the
air, angles up over forty five degrees. The propellers are 150 feet out of
the water. Over a thousand passengers cling to the decks, looking from a
distance like a swarm of bees.
The image is shocking, unbelievable, unthinkable. Ruth stares at the
spectacle, unable to frame it or put it into any proportion.
God Almighty.
The great liner's lights flicker.
In darkness Chief Engineer Bell hangs onto a pipe at the master braker
panel. Around him men climb through tilted cyclopean machines with electric
hand-torches. It is a black hell of breaking pipes, spraying water, and
groaning machinery threatening to tear right out of its bedplates.
Water sprays down, hitting the breaker panel, but Bell will not leave his
post. CLUNK. The breakers kick. He slams them in again and-- WHOOM! a blast
of light! Something melts and arcing fills the engine room with nightmarish
WIDE SHOT. The lights go out all over the ship. Titanic becomes a vast black
silhouette against the stars.
IN COLLAPSIBLE C: BRUCE ISMAY has his back to the ship, unable to watch the
great steamer die. He is catatonic with remorse, his mind overloaded. He can
avert his eyes, but he can't block out the sounds of dying people and
A loud CRACKING REPORT comes across the water.
Near the third funnel a man clutches the ship's rail. He stares down as the
DECK SPLITS right between his feet. A yawning chasm opens with a THUNDER of
breaking steel
LOVEJOY is clutching the railing on the roof of the Officers' Mess. He
watches in horror as the ship's structure RIPS APART right in front of him.
He gapes down into a widening maw, seeing straight down into the bowels of
the ship, amid a BOOMING CONCUSSION like the sound of artillery. People
falling into the widening crevasse look like dolls.
The stay cables on the funnel part and snap across the decks like whips,
ripping off davits and ventilators. A man is hit by a whipping cable and
snatched OUT OF FRAME. Another cable smashes the rail next to Lovejoy and it
rips free. He falls backward into the pit of jagged metal.
Fires, explosions and sparks light the yawning chasm as the hull splits down
through nine decks to the keel. The sea pours into the gaping wound--
It is a thundering black hell. Men scream as monstrous machinery comes apart
around them, steel frames twisting like taffy. Their torches illuminate the
roaring, foaming demon of water as it races at the through the machines.
Trying to climb they are overtaken in seconds.
The STERN ALF of the ship, almost four hundred feet long, falls back toward
the water. On the poop deck everyone screams as they feel themselves
plummeting. The sound goes up like the roar of fans at a baseball stadium
when a run is scored.
Swimming in the water directly under the stern a few unfortunates shriek as
they see the keel coming down on them like God's bootheel. The massive stern
section falls back almost level, thundering down into the sea and pushing
out a mighty wave of displaced water.
Jack and Rose struggle to hole onto the stern rail. They feel the ship
seemingly RIGHT ITSELF. Some of those praying think it is salvation.
We're saved!
Jack looks at Rose and shakes his head, grimly.
Now the horrible mechanics play out. Pulled down by the awesome weight of
the flooded bow, the buoyant stern tilts up rapidly. They feel the RUSH OF
ASCENT as the fantail angles up again. Everyone is clinging to benches,
railings, ventilators... anything to keep from sliding as the stern lifts.
The stern goes up and up, past 45 degrees, then past sixty.
People start to fall, sliding and tumbling. They skid down the deck,
screaming and flailing to grab onto something. They wrench other people
loose and pull them down as well. There is a pile-up of bodies at the
forward rail. The DAHL FAMILY falls one by one.
We have to move!
He climbs over the stern rail and reaches back for Rose. She is terrified to
move. He grabs her hand.
Come on! I've got you!
Jack pulls her over the rail. It is the same place he pulled her over the
rail two nights earlier, going the other direction. She gets over just as
the railing is going HORIZONTAL, and the deck VERTICAL. Jack grips her
The stern is now straight up in the air... a rumbling black monolith
standing against the stars. It hangs there like that for a long grace note,
its buoyancy stable.
Rose lies on the railing, looking down fifteen stories to the boiling sea at
the base of the stern section. People near them, who didn't climb over, hang
from the railing, their legs dangling over the long drop. They fall one by
one, plummeting down the vertical face of the poop deck. Some of them bounce
horribly off deck benches and ventilators.
Jack and Rose lie side by side on what was the vertical face of the hull,
gripping the railing, which is now horizontal. Just beneath their feet are
the gold letters TITANIC emblazoned across the stern.
Rose stares down terrified at the black ocean waiting below to claim them.
Jack looks to his left and sees Baker Joughin, crouching on the hull,
holding onto the railing. It is a surreal moment.
(nodding a greeting)
Helluva night.
The final relentless plunge begins as the stern section floods. Looking down
a hundred feet to the water, we drop like an elevator with Jack and Rose.
(talking fast)
Take a deep breath and hold it right before we go into the water. The ship
will suck us down. Kick for the surface and keep kicking. Don't let go of my
hand. We're gonna make it Rose. Trust me.
She stares at the water coming up at them, and grips his hand harder.
I trust you.
Below them the poop deck is disappearing. The plunge gathers speed... the
boiling surface engulfs the docking bridge and then rushes up the last
thirty feet.
278 IN A HIGH SHOT, we see the stern descend into the boiling sea. The name
TITANIC disappears, and the tiny figures of Jack and Rose vanish under the
Where the ship stood, now there is nothing. Only the black ocean.
Bodies are whirled and spun, some limp as dolls, others struggling
spasmodically, as the vortex sucks them down and tumbles them.
280 Jack rises INTO FRAME F.G. kicking hard for the surface... holding
tightly to Rose, pulling her up.
281 AT THE SURFACE: a roiling chaos of screaming, thrashing people. Over a
thousand people are now floating where the ship went down. Some are stunned,
gasping for breath. Others are crying, praying, moaning, shouting...
Jack and Rose surface among them. They barely have time to gasp for air
before people are clawing at them. People driven insane by the water, 4
degrees below freezing, a cold so intense it is indistinguishable form death
by fire.
A man pushes Rose under, trying to climb on top of her... senselessly trying
to get out of the water, to climb onto anything. Jack PUNCHES him
repeatedly, pulling her free.
Swim, Rose! SWIM!
She tries, but her strokes are not as effective as his because of her
lifejacket. They break out of the clot of people. He has to find some kind
of flotation, anything to get her out of the freezing water.
Keep swimming. Keep moving. Come one, you can do it.
All about them there is a tremendous wailing, screaming and moaning... a
chorus of tormented souls. And beyond that... nothing but black water
stretching to the horizon. The sense of isolation and hopelessness is
Jack strokes rhythmically, the effort keeping him from freezing.
Look for something floating. Some debris... wood... anything.
It's so cold.
I know. I know. Help me, here. Look around.
His words keep her focused, taking her mind off the wailing around them.
Rose scans the water, panting, barely able to draw a breath. She turns
and... SCREAMS.
A DEVIL is right in from of her face. It is the black FRENCH BULLDOG,
swimming right at her like a seamonster in the darkness, its coal eyes
bugging. It motors past her, like it is headed for Newfoundland.
Beyond it Rose sees something in the water.
What's that?
Jack sees what she is pointing to, and they make for it together. It is a
piece of wooden debris, intricately carved. He pushes her up and she
slithers onto it belly down.
But when Jack tries to get up onto the thing, it tilts and submerges, almost
dumping Rose off. It is clearly only big enough to support her. He clings to
it, close to her, keeping his upper body out of the water as best he can.
Their breath floats around them in a cloud as they pant from exertion. A MAN
swims toward them, homing in on the piece of debris. Jack warns him back.
It's just enough for this lady... you'll push it under.
Let me try at least, or I'll die soon.
You'll die quicker if you come any closer.
Yes, I see. Good luck to you then.
(swimming off)
God bless.
The boat is overloaded and half-flooded. Men cling to the sides in the
water. Others, swimming, are drawn to it as their only hope. Cal, standing
in the boat, slaps his oar in the water as a warning.
Stay back! Keep off!
Fabrizio, exhausted and near the limit, makes it almost to the boat. Cal
CLUBS HIM with the oar, cutting open his scalp.
You don't... understand... I have... to get... to America.
(pointing with the oar)
It's that way!
CLOSE ON FABRIZIO as he floats, panting each breath agony. You see the
spirit leave him.
FABRIZIO'S POV: Cal in SLOW MOTION, yelling and wielding the oar. A demon in
a tuxedo. The image fades to black.
JACK AND ROSE still float amid a chorus of the damned. Jack sees the ship's
officer nearby, CHIEF OFFICER WILDE. He is blowing his whistle furiously,
knowing the sound will carry over the water for miles.
The boats will come back for us, Rose. Hold on just a little longer. They
had to row away for the suction and now they'll be coming back.
She nods, his words helping her. She is shivering uncontrollably, her lips
blue and her teeth chattering.
Thank God for you Jack.
People are still screaming, calling to the lifeboats.
Come back! Please! We know you can hear us. For God's sake!
Please... help us. Save one life! SAVE ON LIFE!
IN BOAT 6: Ruth has her ears covered against the wailing in the darkness.
The first class women in the boat sit, stunned, listening to the sounds of
hundreds screaming.
They'll pull us right down I tell ya!
Aw knock it off, yer scarin' me. Come on girls, grab your oars. Let's go.
(nobody moves)
Well come on!
The women won't meet her eyes. They huddle into their ermine wraps.
I don't understand a one of you. What's the matter with you? It's your men
back there! We got plenty a' room for more.
If you don't shut that hole in yer face, there'll be one less in this boat!
Ruth keeps her ears covered and her eyes closed, shutting it all out.
287 IN BOAT ONE: Sir Cosmo and Lucile Duff-Gordon sit with ten other people
in a boat that is two thirds empty. They are two hundred yards from the
screaming in the darkness.
We should do something.
Lucile squeezes Cosmo's hand and pleads him with her eyes. She is terrified.
It's out of the question.
The crewmembers, intimidated by a nobleman, acquiesce. They hunch guiltily,
hoping the sound will stop soon.
TWENTY BOATS, most half full, float in the darkness. None of them make a
Jack and Rose drift under the blazing stars. The water is glassy, with only
the faintest undulating swell. Rose can actually see the stars reflecting on
the black mirror of the sea.
Jack squeezes the water out of her long coat, tucking it in tightly around
her legs. He rubs her arms. His face is chalk with in the darkness. A low
MOANING in the darkness around them.
It's getting quiet.
Just a few more minutes. It'll take them a while to get the boats
Rose is unmoving, just staring into space. She knows the truth. There won't
be any boats. Behind Jack she sees that Officer Wilde has stopped moving. He
is slumped in his lifejacket, looking almost asleep. He has died of exposure
I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to
the White Star Line about all this.
She laughs weakly, but it sounds like a gasp of fear. Rose finds his eyes in
the dim light.
I love you Jack.
He takes her hand.
No... don't say your good-byes, Rose. Don't you give up. Don't do it.
I'm so cold.
You're going to get out of this... you're going to go on and you're going to
make babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady, warm in
your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?
I can't feel my body.
Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever
happened to me.
Jack is having trouble getting the breath to speak.
It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Rose. I'm thankful.
His voice is trembling with the cold which is working tis way to his heart.
But his eyes are unwavering.
You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will
never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise
me now, and never let go of that promise.
I promise.
Never let go.
I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.
She grips his hand and they lie with their heads together. It is quiet now,
except for the lapping of the water.
Fifth Officer Lowe, the impetuous young Welshman, has gotten Boats 10, 12
and Collapsible D together with his own Boat 14. A demon of energy, he's had
everyone hold the boats together and is transferring passengers from 14 into
the others, to empty his boat for a rescue attempt.
As the women step gingerly across the other boats, Lowe sees a shawled
figure in too much of a hurry. He rips the shawl off, and finds himself
staring into the face of a man. He angrily shoves the stowaway into another
boat and turns to his crew of three.
Right, man the oars.
290 EXT. OCEAN / BOAT 14
The beam of an electric torch plays across the water like a searchlight as
boat 14 comes toward us.
ANGLE FROM THE BOAT as the torch illuminates floating debris, a poignant
trail of flotsam: a violin, a child's wooden soldier, a framed photo of a
steerage family. Daniel Marvin's wooden Biograph camera.
Then, their white lifebelts bobbing in the darkness like signposts, the
first bodies come into the torch's beam. The people are dead but not
drowned, killed by the freezing water. Some look like they could be
sleeping. Others stare with frozen eyes at the stars.
Soon bodies are so thick the seamen cannot row. They hit the oars on the
heads of floating men and women... a wooden trunk. One seaman throws up.
Lowe sees a mother floating with her arms frozen around her lifeless baby.
(the worst moment of his life)
We waited too long.
IN A HOVERING DOWNANGLE we see Jack and Rose floating in the black water.
The stars reflect in the mill pond surface, and the two of them seem to be
floating in interstellar space. They are absolutely still. Their hands are
locked together. Rose is staring upwards at the canopy of stars wheeling
above her. The music is transparent, floating... as the long sleep steals
over Rose, and she feels peace.
CLOSE ON Rose's face. Pale, like the faces of the dead. She seems to be
floating in a void. Rose is in a semi-hallucinatory state. She knows she is
dying. Her lips barely move as she sings a scrap of Jack's song:
"Come Josephine in my flying machine..."
ROSE'S POV: The stars. Like you've never seen them. The Milky Way a glorious
band from horizon to horizon.
A SHOOTING STAR flares... a line of light across the heavens.
TIGHT ON ROSE again. We see that her hair is dusted with frost crystals. Her
breathing is so shallow, she is almost motionless. Her eyes track down from
the stars to the water.
ROSE'S POV... SLOW MOTION: The silhouette of a boat crossing the stars. She
sees men in it, rowing so slowly the oars lift out of the syrupy water,
leaving weightless pearls floating in the air. The VOICES of the men sound
slow and DISTORTED.
Then the lookout flashes his torch toward her and the light flares across
the water, silhouetting the bobbing corpses in between. It flicks past her
motionless form and moves on. The boat is 50 feet away, and moving past her.
The men look away.
Rose lifts her head to turn to Jack. We see that her hair has frozen to the
wood under her.
(barely audible)
She touches his shoulder with her free hand. He doesn't respond. Rose gently
turns his face toward her. It is rimed with frost.
He seems to be sleeping peacefully.
But he is not asleep.
Rose can only stare at his still face as the realization goes through her.
Oh, Jack.
All hope, will and spirit leave her. She looks at the boat. It is further
away now, the voices fainter. Rose watches them go.
She closes her eyes. She is so weak, and there just seems to be no reason to
even try.
And then... her eyes snap open.
She raises her head suddenly, cracking the ice as she rips her hair off the
wood. She calls out, but her voice is so weak they don't hear her. The boat
is invisible now, the torch light a star impossibly far away. She struggles
to draw breath, calling again.
292 IN THE BOAT Lowe hears nothing behind him. He points to something ahead,
turning the tiller.
293 ROSE struggles to move. Her hand, she realizes, is actually frozen to
Jack's. She breaths on it, melting the ice a little, and gently unclasps
their hands, breaking away a thin tinkling film.
I won't let go. I promise.
She releases him and he sinks into the black water. He seems to fade out
like a spirit returning to some immaterial plane.
Rose rolls off the floating staircase and plunges into the icy water. She
swims to Chief Officer Wilde's body and grabs his whistle. She starts to
BLOW THE WHISTLE with all the strength in her body. Its sound slaps across
the still water.
294 IN BOAT 14 Lowe whips around at the sound of the whistle.
(turning the tiller)
Row back! That way! Pull!
Rose keeps blowing as the boat comes to her. She is still blowing when Lowe
takes the whistle from her mouth as they haul her into the boat. She slips
into unconsciousness and they scramble to cover her with blankets...
EXTREME CLOSEUP of Rose's ancient, wrinkled face. Present day.
Fifteen hundred people went into the sea when Titanic sank from under us.
There were twenty boats floating nearby and only one came back. One. Six
were saved from the water, myself included. Six out of fifteen hundred.
As she speaks THE CAMERA TRACKS slowly across the faces of Lizzy and the
salvage crew on KELDYSH. Lovett, Bodine, Buell, the others... the reality of
what happened here 84 years before has hit them like never before. With her
story Rose has put them on Titanic in its final hours, and or the first
time, they do feel like graverobbers.
Lovett, for the first time, has even forgotten to ask about the diamond.
Afterward, the seven hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but
wait... wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never
MATCHING MOVE as the camera tracks along the faces of the saved.
DISSOLVE TO: ANOTHER BOAT, and then ANOTHER, seeing faces we know among the
survivors: Ismay in a trance, just staring and trembling... Cal, sipping
from a hip flask offered to him by a black-faced stoker... Ruth hugging
herself, rocking gently.
IN BOAT 14: CLOSE ON ROSE, lying swaddled. Only her face is visible, white as
the moon. The man next to her jumps up, pointing and yelling. Soon everyone
is looking and shouting excitedly. In Rose's POV it is all silent, SLOW
IN SLOW-MOTION SILENCE we see Lowe light a green flare and wave it as
everyone shouts and cheers. Rose doesn't react. She floats beyond all human
Golden light washes across the white boats, which gloat in a calm sea
reflecting the rosy sky. All around them, like a flotilla of sailing ships,
are icebergs. The CARPATHIA sits nearby, as boats row toward her.
IMAGES DISSOLVE into one another: a ship's hull looming, with the letters
CARPATHIA visible on the bow... Rose watching, rocked by the sea, her face
blank... seamen helping survivors up the rope ladder to the Carpathia's
gangway doors... two women crying and hugging each other inside the ship...
ALL SILENT, ALL IN SLOW-MOTION. There is just music, so gentle and sad, part
elegy, part hymn, part aching song of love lost forever.
THE IMAGES CONTINUE to music... Rose, outside of time, outside of herself,
coming into Carpathia, barely able to stand... Rose being draped with warm
blankets and given hot tea... BRUCE ISMAY climbing aboard. He has the face
and eyes of a damned soul.
As Ismay walks along the hall, guided by a crewman toward the doctor's
cabin, he passes rows of seated and standing widows. He must run the
gauntlet of their accusing gazes.
It is the afternoon of the 15th. Cal is searching the faces of the widows
lining the deck, looking for Rose. The deck of Carpathia is crammed with
huddled people, and even the recovered lifeboats of Titanic. On a hatch
cover sits an enormous pile of lifebelts.
He keeps walking toward the stern. Seeing Cal's tuxedo, a steward approaches
You won't find any of your people back here, sir. It's all steerage.
Cal ignores him and goes amongst this wrecked group, looking under shawls
and blankets at one bleak face after another.
Rose is sipping hot tea. Her eyes focus on him as he approaches her. He
barely recognizes her. She looks like a refugee, her matted hair hanging in
her eyes.
Yes, I lived. How awkward for you.
Rose... your mother and I have been looking for you--
She holds up her hand, stopping him.
Please don't. Don't talk. Just listen. We will make a deal, since that is
something you understand. From this moment you do not exist for me, nor I
for you. You shall not see me again. And you will not attempt to find me. In
return I will keep my silence. Your actions last night need never come to
light, and you will get to keep the honor you have carefully purchased.
She fixes him with a glare as cold and hard as the ice which changed their
Is this in any way unclear?
(after a long beat)
What do I tell your mother?
Tell her that her daughter died with the Titanic.
She stands, turning to the rail. Dismissing him. We see Cal stricken with
You're precious to me, Rose.
Jewels are precious. Goodbye, Mr. Hockley.
We see that in his way, the only way he knows, he does truly love her.
After a moment, he turns and walks away.
That was the last time I ever saw him. He married, of course, and inherited
his millions. The crash of 28 hit his interests hard, and he put a pistol in
his mouth that year. His children fought over the scraps of his estate like
hyenas, or so I read.
301 ANGLE ON ROSE, at the railing of the Carpathia, 9pm April 18th. She
gazes up at the Statue of Liberty, looking just as it does today, welcoming
her home with her glowing torch. It is just as Fabrizio saw it, so clearly,
in his mind.
Over 30,000 people line the dock and fill the surrounding streets. The
magnesium flashes of the photographers go off like small bombs, lighting an
amazing tableau.
Several hundred police keep the mob back. The dock is packed with friends
and relatives, officials, ambulances, and the press--
Reporters and photographers swarm everywhere... 6 deep at the foot of the
gangways, lining the tops of cars and trucks... it is the 1912 equivalent of
a media circus. They jostle to get close to the survivors, tugging on them
as they pass and shouting over each other to ask them questions.
Rose is covered with a woollen shawl and walking with a group of steerage
passengers. Immigration officers are asking them questions as they come off
the gangway.
Dawson. Rose Dawson.
The officer steers her toward a holding area for processing. Rose walks
forward with the dazed immigrants. The BOOM! of photographer's magnesium
flashes cause them to flinch, and the glare is blinding. There is a sudden
disturbance near her as two men burst through the cordon, running to embrace
an older woman along the survivors, who cries out with joy. The reporters
converge on this emotional scene, and flashes explode.
Rose uses this moment to slip away into the crowd. She pushes through the
jostling people, moving with purpose, and none challenges her in the
Can you exchange one life for another? A caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
If a mindless insect can do it, why couldn't I? Was it any more unimaginable
than the sinking of the Titanic?
TRACKING WITH HER as she walks away, further and further until she flashes
and the roar are far behind her, and she is s till walking, determined.
Old Rose sits with the group in the Imaging Shack, lit by the blue glow of
the screens. She holds the haircomb with the jade butterfly on the handle in
her gnarled hands.
We never found anything on Jack. There's no record of him at all.
No, there wouldn't be, would there? And I've never spoken of him until now,
not to anyone.
(to Lizzy)
Not even your grandfather. A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But
now you all know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me, in
every way that a person can be saved.
(closing her eyes)
I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory.
The Mir submersibles make their last pass over the ship. We hear Yuri the
pilot on the UQC:
Mir One returning to surface.
The sub rises off the deck of the wreck, taking its light with it, leaving
the Titanic once again it its fine and private darkness.
A desultory wrap party for the expedition is in progress. There is music and
some of the (co-ed) Russian crew are dancing. Bodine is getting drunk in the
aggressive style of Baker Joughin.
Lovett stands at the rail, looking down into the black water. Lizzy comes to
him, offering him a beer. She puts her hand on his arm.
I'm sorry.
We were pissin' in the wind the whole time.
Lovett notices a figure move through the lights far down at the stern of the
Oh shit.
Rose walks through the shadows of the deck machinery. Her nightgown blows in
the wind. Her feet are bare. Her hands are clutched at her chest, almost as
if she is praying.
ON LOVETT AND LIZZY running down the stairs from the top deck, hauling ass.
ROSE reaches the stern rail. Her gnarled fingers wrap over the rail. Her
ancient foot steps up on the gunwale. She pushes herself up, leaning
forward. Over her shoulder, we see the black water glinting far below.
LOVETT AND LIZZY run up behind her.
Grandma, wait!! Don't--
ROSE TURNS her head, looking at them. She turns further, and we see she has
something in her hand, something she was about to drop overboard.
It is the "Heart of the Ocean".
Lovett sees his holy grail in her hand and his eyes go wide. Rose keeps it
over the railing where she can drop it anytime.
Don't come any closer.
You had it the entire time?!
FLASH CUT TO: A SILENT IMAGE OF YOUNG ROSE walking away from Pier 54. The
photographers' flashes go off like a battle behind her. She has her hands in
her pockets. She stops, feeling something, and pulls out the necklace. She
stares at it in amazement.
BACK ON KELDYSH, Rose smiles at Brock's incomprehension.
The hardest part about being so poor, was being so rich. But every time I
though of selling it, I though of Cal. And somehow I always got by without
his help.
She holds it out over the water. Bodine and a couple of the other guys come
up behind Lovett, reacting to what is in Rose's hand.
Holy shit.
Don't drop it Rose.
(a fierce whisper)
Rush her.
(to Bodine)
It's hers, you schmuck.
(to her)
Look, Rose, I... I don't know what to say to a woman who tries to jump off
the Titanic when it's not sinking, and jumps back onto it when it is...
we're not dealing with logic here, I know that... but please... think about
this a second.
I have. I came all the way here so this could go back where it belongs.
The massive diamond glitters. Brock edges closer and holds out his hand...
Just let me hold it in my hand, Rose. Please. Just once.
He comes closer to her. It is reminiscent of Jack slowly moving up to her at
the stern of Titanic.
Surprisingly, she calmly places the massive stone in the palm of his hand,
while still holding onto the necklace. Lovett gazes at the object of his
quest. An infinity of cold scalpels glint in its blue depths. It is
mesmerizing. It fits in his hand just like he imagined.
My God.
His grip tightens on the diamond.
He looks up, meeting her gaze. Her eyes are suddenly infinitely wise and
You look for treasures in the wrong place, Mr. Lovett. Only life is
priceless, and making each day count.
His fingers relax. He opens them slowly. Gently she slips the diamond out of
his hand. He feels it sliding away.
Then, with an impish little grin, Rose tosses the necklace over the rail.
Lovett gives a strangled cry and rushes to the rail in time to see it hit
the water and disappear forever.
Aww!! That really sucks, lady!
Brock Lovett goes through ten changes before he settles on a reaction... HE
LAUGHS. He laughs until the tears come to his eyes. Then he turns to Lizzy.
Would you like to dance?
Lizzy grins at him and nods. Rose smiles. She looks up at the stars.
308 IN THE BLACK HEART OF THE OCEAN, the diamond sinks, twinkling end over
end, into the infinite depths.
A GRACEFUL PAN across Rose's shelf of carefully arranged pictures:
Rose as a young actress in California, radiant... a theatrically lit studio
publicity shot... Rose and her husband, with their two children... Rose with
her son at his college graduation... Rose with her children and
grandchildren at her 70th birthday. A collage of images of a life lived
THE PAN STOPS on an image filling frame. Rose, circa 1920. She is at the
beach, sitting on a horse at the surfline. The Santa Monica pier, with its
rollercoaster is behind her. She is grinning, full of life.
We PAN OFF the last picture to Rose herself, warm in her bunk. A profile
shot. She is very still. She could be sleeping, or maybe something else.
310 THE WRECK OF TITANIC looms like a ghost out of the dark. It is lit by a
kind of moonlight, a light of the mind. We pass over the endless forecastle
deck to the superstructure, moving faster than subs can move... almost like
we are flying.
WE GO INSIDE, and the echoing sound of distant waltz music is heard. The
rust fades away from the walls of the dark corridor and it is transformed...
WE EMERGE onto the grand staircase, lit by glowing chandelier. The music is
vibrant now, and the room is populated by men in tie and tails, women in
gowns. It is exquisitely beautiful.
IN POV we sweep down the staircase. The crowd of beautiful gentlemen and
ladies turn as we descend toward them. At the bottom a man stands with his
back to us... he turns and it is Jack. Smiling he holds his hand out toward
IN A SIDE ANGLE Rose goes into his arms, a girl of 17. The passengers,
officers and crew of the RMS Titanic smile and applaud in the utter silence
of the abyss.
영어를 잘하려면 어떻게 해야할까?
영어를 잘하려면 어떻게 해야할까?
어렸을 때부터 영어 교육을 받지 못하고 이미 성장한 사람들은 다음과 같은 방법으로 영어 학습을 하면 효과적이다.
영어공부는 골프와 같다. 타이거 우즈 같은 대 골프 선수도 매일 연습을 한다고 한다. 영어 공부도 마찬가지다. 시간에 관계없이 매일 조금씩 꾸준히 해야한다. 영어 원서, 영어 신문, 영어 잡지 등 무엇이나 하루에 한 페이지도 좋고 두 페이지도 좋다. 다만 매일 꾸준히 읽으면 된다.
읽을 꺼리는 자기의 현재 영어수준에 맞는 것을 택하는게 좋다. 대충 훑어봐서 모르는 단어가 너무 많다싶으면 자기 수준을 넘는 것이다. 자기 수준에 맞는 것을 고르되 자기가 좋아하는 내용을 택해서 읽어야 한다. 그 내용이 알고싶어서 읽어야지 억지로 공부하기 위해서 아무 것이나 읽어서는 진도도 잘 나가지 않고 금방 지루함을 느끼게된다.
아무리 좋은 내용이라도 자기 취미에 맞지 않으면 읽을 필요가 없다. 20세기 영국의 유명한 작가 Somerset Maugham(싸머셋 모엄)은 "문학도 예술이다. 예술은 우선 재미가 있어야 한다. 아무리 세계명작이라 할지라도 재미가 없으면 읽지말라"는 취지로 말한바 있다.
영자신문에서도 자기가 관심이 있는 기사만 골라 읽으면 된다. 반드시 1면 머리기사를 읽을 필요는 없다. 아무 기사나 자기 마음에 드는 것을 골라 읽으면 된다 인생상담 칼럼인 Dear Abby만 매일 읽어도 좋다.
영어로 된 잡지도 마찬가지다. 스포츠 잡지를 읽어도 좋고, 영화잡지를 읽어도 좋다. 디자인에 관한 책도 좋고 과학 잡지를 읽어도 좋다. 음란서적이 아닌 한 어떤 종류라도 관계없다. 좌우간 자기가 읽고싶은 것만 읽으라는 얘기다.
나는 역사에 취미가 많으므로 중학교 때부터 일반인을 위해 어렵지 않게쓴 세계사와 미국사에 관한 책을 많이 읽었다. 그 당시에는 주로 미군부대에서 흘러나온 paperback (표지가 얇고 신문용지 같은 종이에 인쇄한 소형책자로서 값이 비교적 쌈)을 사서 읽었다.
지금도 기억나는 책으로는 Hendrik Van Loon이 쓴 The Story of Mankind (인류 이야기)가 있다. 저자가 직접 삽화까지 그려넣은 재미있는 이야기 세계사로 미국에서 수백만부가 팔린 책이다. 지금도 구할수있으니 역사에 관심이 있는 사람은 한번쯤 읽어보기를 권한다.
처음부터 끝까지 다 읽은 책은 10여권에 불과했다. 그러나 모르는 단어, 숙어 다 찾아 노트에 기록하며 정독을 했다. 그리고 책을 읽다가 좋은 글이다 싶은 부분은 노트에다 그대로 베껴썼다. 한번 베껴쓰면 안쓰고 읽기만 하는 것 보다 훨씬 더 영어실력이 는다.
그렇게 원서를 20여권 떼고나니까 단어, 숙어, 문법, 작문 실력이 동시에 엄청나게 향상되었다. 그래서--내 고교 동창들은 기억하겠지만--영어시험 점수는 거의 항상 100점에 가까웠다.
영어신문은 미국에서 발행된 신문이면 좋지만 국내에서 구하기 어려우면 국내에서 발행되는 영자신문도 좋다. 미국신문은 USA TODAY를 권한다. 기사가 비교적 간단 명료해서 좋다. 잡지는 Reader's Digest를 권한다. 이것 역시 기사가 길지 않고 일상생활 영어가 많아서 좋다.
매일 영어를 읽을 때는 그날 읽을 분량을 정해놓고 그것을 속으로 한번 읽으면서 모르는 단어가 나오면 펜으로 표시를 한다. 두번째 읽을 때는 내용을 생각하면서 소리를 내어 읽어본다. 그 다음에는 모르는 단어를 가급적 영영사전(한글 번역이 없는 영어사전)을 찾아서 그 문장에 맞는 단어의 뜻을 찾아본다.
영영사전만으로는 그 단어의 뜻이 확실히 이해되지 않으을 때만 영한사전(가능하면 두꺼운 상세한 사전이 좋다)을 본다. 모르는 단어와 숙어를 사전에서 찾기만 하는 것보다 일단 노트에 한번 써보면 단어의 스펠링과 의미가 훨씬 더 기억에 오래 남는다.
조화유의 영어산책 중에서
출처: http://www.cnnenglish.com/cgi-bin/technote/read.cgi?board=EnglishStory&y_number=27
입을 여는 방법
아래 방법은, 이곳 학습지도실에 있는 것인데, 읽어 보지 못한 분들을 위해서 여기 옮겨 놓습니다. 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. | |
< 회화를 잘 하는 가장 빠른 방법 > |
가장 빠른 방법 : 2, 일기를 쓰십시오.. 3, 하루일기를 회상하십시오 |
한국인이 영어를 잘 못하는 이유
한국인이 영어를 잘 못하는 이유
"어떻게 해야 영어를 잘 할수 있는냐?"는 질문을 필자에게 하는 사람들이 많다. 이 질문에 대답하기 전에 우리는 영어를 왜 못하는지, 그 이유를 우선 분석해볼 필요가 있다.
우선 언어학적인 이유를 들 수 있다. 누구나 대개 다 아는 사실이지만, 한국어와 영어는 서로 전혀 다른 언어계통(language family)에 속한다.
한국어는 우랄·알타이 언어계통에 속하고 영어는 인도·유럽 계통에 속한다. 이 두 언어계통은 어순(語順)이 전혀 다르기 때문에 서로 상대방 언어를 배우기가 매우 어렵다.
예컨대, 한국어로는 "나는 아침에 학교에 간다"라고 하지만 영어로는 I go to school in the morning. 즉 "나는-간다-에-학교-에-아침"과 같이 전혀 다른 어순으로 말하기 때문에 한국인이 영어 배우기가, 그리고 미국인이 한국어 배우기가 쉽지 않은 것이다.
발음은 어떤가? 한국인과 미국인은 발성구조 자체가 근본적으로 다르다고 주장하면서 발성구조를 고친다며 사람들에게 이상한 고함을 지르게 하는 영어강사도 있다는 얘기를 들은 바 있는데, 내 생각에는 발성구조 자체가 다른 것이 아니라 발성의 습관에 차이가 있을 뿐이다.
R과 L발음은 우리말에도 있어서 우리가 늘 쓰고 있다. 예를들면 "선수가 달린다"고 할 때 "달린다"를 알파벳으로 표기하면 dalinda가 되고, "다리미로 다린다"고 할 때 "다린다"는 darinda가 된다. 이와 같이 우리는 R과 L발음은 항상 하고있기 때문에 이 둘을 구별해서 발음하는데는 전혀 문제가 없다.
다만 우리말에는 F와 V와 Th 발음이 없어서 평소에 쓰지를 않기 때문에 우리가 이런 발음을 하기 위해서는 약간의 연습이 필요할 뿐이지 우리의발성구조 자체가 이런 발음들을 못하게 만들어져 있는 것은 아니다.
우리집 아이들이 바로 그 산 증거다. 우리 아이들은 100% 순토종 한국인이다. 그런데도 미국인과 똑같이 발음한다. 큰 아이 둘은 한국에서 각각 만 다섯 살, 만 세 살때 미국에 왔는데도 불구하고 지금은 영어에 관한한 미국인과 똑같다.
미국에서 태어난 막내는 더 말할 필요도 없다. 이 사실만 보아도 우리 한국인의 입으로는 영어의 모든 발음을 다 낼 수 있다는 것을 알 수있다.
발음 얘기가 난김에 한가지 덧붙이고 싶은 말은 영어는 혀를 굴려야 한다고 생각하고 이상하게 혀꼬부라진 소리를 내는 사람들이 많은데, 이것 같이 듣기 싫은게 없다. 특히 R 을 발음할 때 너무 혀를 굴리면 L발음이 되어버린다.
그래서 이런 웃지 못할 일이 생기는 것이다. 한국에 처음 온 미국 사람이 한국 대학생에게 What is your staple food? 즉 "당신네들이 주로 먹는 것이 뭐냐?"고 묻자 한국 대학생이 Boiled rice.(쌀을 삶은 것-밥)이라고 씩씩하게 대답했다.
그런데 그가 너무 혀를 굴려 발음했기 때문에 미국인 귀에는 rice(라이스)가 lice(을라이스)처럼 들려서 미국인이 웃음을 터뜨렸다. lice는 louse(을라우스) 즉 이(사람 몸에 기생하는 벌레)의 복수형태다. 그러니까 이 대학생은 한국인이 주로 이를 쪄서 막는다고 말해버린 꼴이 된 것이다.
또 많은 사람들이 자기딴은 영어답게 한다고 p 발음을 f 발음 처럼 내는 걸 종종 보는데, 내가 아는 어느 교포 사회 유지 한분은 parking lot(파아킹 을랏-주차장)을 fucking lot처럼 발음해서 나를 웃기곤 한다.(fucking은 물론 성행위를 가리키는 속어이므로 fucking lot은 성행위 장소란 말이 되어버린다. 주차장을 성행위 하는 곳이라고 하다니...하기사 한국의 연예인 한명이 주차장에서 그짓하다가 재판까지 받은 일이 있긴 있었지만...)
발음에서 중요한 것은 단어의 stress(우리는 accent라고 하지만 미국에서는 stress라고 한다. 미국에서 accent는 본토 발음이 아닌 이상한 발음을 가리키는 말로 주로 쓴다)를 정확히 아는 것이다.
우리는 "정거장"을 발음할 때 세 글자를 똑같은 음정으로 평탄하게 소리내지만 미국 사람한테 해보라고 하면 "정"을 강하게 발음해서 "정거장"이라고 한다. 왜냐하면 짧은 단어를 제외하고는 거의 모든 영어 단어에는 스트레스가 있기 때문이다.
photograph(사진)은 pho에 스트레스가 있지만 photographer(사진사)은 to에 스트레스가 있다. 또 형용사 photographic(사진의, 사진같은)은 ra을 힘주어 발음한다. 그러나 우리는 "사진"이나 "사진사"나 "사진의"나 모두 평탄하게 발음할 뿐이다. 그러므로 영어 단어의 스트레스가 있는 곳을 잘 알아서 발음해야 미국인들이 금방 알아듣는다.
단어에 스트레스가 있는 것처럼 문장에도 스트레스가 있다. 문장 중 어느 부분을 강하게 그리고 높은 음정으로 말하는 것이다. 이것을 intonation(인토네이션-억양)이라고 하는데 말의 곡조를 가리킨다. 이 인토네이션이 정확해야 원어민 말하는 것과 비슷해진다.
1998년 6월 김대중 대통령이 미국 의회에서 영어로 연설하는 것을 TV를 통해 보았는데, 멀리서 들으면 꼭 한국말 하는 것 같았다. 왜냐하면 그 인토네이션이 꼭 한국말 억양 같았기 때문이다. 김대통령은 유럽에 가서 연설할 때도 prepare란 단어를 발음할 때 pre를 강하게 발음해서 스트레스가 틀렸었다.
이와 같이 단어의 스트레스, 문장의 인토네이션이 정확하지 않으면 원어민 발음과 거리가 멀어 진다. 한국인 중에서도 영어 잘하는 사람들을 보면 무엇보다 스트레스와 인토네이션이 정확하다.
나는 현홍주(전 주미대사)씨와 한승주(전 외무장관, 현 주미대사)씨가 영어하는 것을 워싱턴에서 직접 본 일이있는데, 이분들은 스트레스와 인토이네이션이 원어민에 상당히 가까웠다. 누구나 노력만 하면 그렇게 할수 있다.
그렇게 하는 방법은 미국인들이 말하는 것을 보고 그대로 흉내내는 수밖에 없다. 언어학습에 있어서는 모방 이상으로 좋은 방법이 없으며 그 모방이 완벽하면 할수록 좋다.
스트레스와 인토네이션보다 더 중요한 것이있는데, 그것은 문법이다. 발음이 아무리 좋아도 문법이 틀리면 broken English가 된다. 발음이 좀 이상해도 문법만 정확하면 미국인들이 대충 다 알아 듣는다.
미국의 전 국무장관이며 하버드대학 교수였던 Henry Kissinger를 보라. 독일 태생인 그의 영어 인토네이션은 아직도 독일어 인토네이션과 비슷하다. 그러나 그의 말은 문법이 정확하므로 미국인 누구나 다 잘 알아듣는다.
한때 베스트셀러였던 "영어공부 절대로 하지마라"라는 책의 저자는 자기의 5단계 노하우를 충실히 따라하면 문법 공부 따로 할 필요가 없다고 했다지만, 천만에다. 영어가 모국어인 미국 아이들도 학교에서 grammar(그래마아-영문법)를 배운다.
그러므로 기본적인 문법책 한권 쯤은 꼭 읽기 바란다. 문법 공부하고 나면 영어 배우기가 훨씬 쉬워진다. 나는 부산고등학교 3년 동안 훌륭한 영어 선생님들로부터 문법은 철저히 배웠기 때문에 지금 영어 하는데 얼마나 도움이 되는지 모른다.
우리나라 과거 영어교육이 문법 위주였다고 매도하는 사람들이 있는데, 그건 말도 안되는 소리다. 과거의 영어교육이 문법과 함께 회화 연습을 시키지 않은게, 아니, 못한게 잘못이었지, 문법 교육 그 자체는 아주 훌륭한 것이었다.
조화유의 영어산책 중에서
출처: http://www.cnnenglish.com/cgi-bin/technote/read.cgi?board=EnglishStory&y_number=26
듣기(Listening), 누가 왕도가 없다고 말했는가?.
◈◈듣기(Listening), 누가 왕도가 없다고 말했는가?.
일반생활 영어는 관용, 생활 구문 외우는 것만으로도 듣기나 말하기가
충분히 도움이 될 것으로 생각합니다.
심도있는 듣기를 공부하는 사람들은 영어 뉴스나, 영화를 원음 그대로 듣기 원하거나
유학 가서 강의를 듣기 위해서 거나 전문적인 분야를 공부하거나 사업상 상담을 위해서
청취가 필수적으로 필요할 것입니다.
몇가지 방법을 공개합니다.
◈첫째 : 속도를 잡아라 (속도 잡기 방법을 참고하세요.)
*, 원음을 따라 읽거나 듣기 연습을 할 때 머리속 감각 속도가
원음보다 빨라야합니다. 그래야만 들을 수 있습니다.
*, 리듬을 잃어서는 안 됩니다.
문장은 항상 끊어 읽고 쉬어 읽으면서 높고 낮음이
반복되고 있습니다. 그 리듬감을 익혀야합니다.
*, 위의 두 사항을 연습하기 위해서는 첫째로 많이 읽어야하고
읽는 속도가 원음보다 빨라야하고, 발음을 정확히 해야합니다.
◈둘째 : 녹음기를 활용하라.
*. 네 자신을 알라.
주위에 보면 자신 스스로 발음이 좋다고 생각하는 사람들이 많은 것 같습니다.
그런데 혀만 비비 꼬는 사람이 있는가하면 지방 사투리 같은
발음을 하면서도 자신의 발음이 좋다고 착각하는 사람을 보면 좀 그렇죠?..
듣는 사람은 아니까요...후후..
자신을 알기위해서는 반드시 녹음기로 속도잡기와 발음교정을
동시에 해야합니다. 그래야 내 자신을 알고 안 좋은 부분을 고쳐 나가게 됩니다.
발음이 굳어지면 어려우니까요...
자신이 한 녹음의 문장은 아마 백퍼센트 다 들릴 겁니다.
그것은 자기 발음이 귀에 익어있기 때문이죠.
그럼 자기가 원음에 가깝게 발음할 수 있다면 원음을 들을 수 있다는
말이 될 수 있겠죠?
◈셋째 : 음감(리듬감)을 길러라..
귀를 쫑긋 세우고 집중해야합니다.
아시죠?...영어는 어려운 것도 아니지만 절대로 쉬운 것도 아닙니다.
어떤 음감이 뛰어난 사람들은 노래만 들어도 계명을 다 적어내죠?
정말 뛰어난 능력입니다..그런 능력만큼은 힘들어도 적어도
그 정도로 집중을 해야한다는 뜻입니다.
리듬을 이해 할 수 있다면 아마 기간을 훨씬 단축할 것입니다.
◈넷째 : 쉬어 읽기와 띄어 읽기에 주목하라..
위의 모든 사항들을 공부하면서 반드시 기억할 것은 쉬어 읽기와
띄어 읽기입니다. 뉴스를 들을 때도 아나운스들의 발음이 정확하기
때문에 이것에 주의하면 크게 도움이 될 것입니다.
이곳 새내기 청취와 뉴스청취는 이런 공부를 할 수 있도록 만들어 져 있습니다.
많이 활용하시기 바랍니다.
CNNEnglish지기 드림
출처: http://www.cnnenglish.com/cgi-bin/technote/read.cgi?board=EnglishStory&y_number=12
단어가 아니라 문장을 외워라= 헨리홍교수법
제목 : 영어‘입’보다‘귀’로 먼저 배워라
-헨리 홍 교수 제안 학습법-
한국만큼 영어에 대한 콤플렉스가 심한 나라도 드물다. 온 국민이 영어에 쏟
아붓는 돈과 시간은 그야말로 엄청나다. 초등학생부터 대학생, 직장인까지 영어
때문에 고통을 받지 않는 사람이 거의 없다. 오로지 영어를 배우기 위해 어린 학
생들이 부모와 생이별을 하고 외국으로 떠날 정도다.
이같은 처절한 노력에도 영어는 여전히 난공불락이다. 목회자이자 천안대 영
어학과 교수인 헨리 홍씨(53·본명 홍현희)는 자신의 10년 남짓한 미국 생활을
경험으로 “우리나라 사람들이 영어를 잘 못하는 이유는 기본적으로 공부 방법이
잘못됐기 때문”이라고 주장한다. 그는 “과거 문법과 독해 중심의 학습전통이
영어공부에 걸림돌이 되고 있다”며 “영어를 잘 하기 위해서는 과학적이고 체계
적으로 영어 발음법부터 익히는 것이 중요하다”고 말했다. 그의 최근 저서 ‘영
어회화 천자문’에서 제시한 영어 학습법을 정리했다.
◇영어 학습의 기초는 발음=
자음동화와 구개음화를 알면 우리 말이 잘 들린다. ‘천리(千里)’는 ‘철리
’로 발음이 되고 ‘굳이’는 ‘구지’로 발음이 된다. 영어도 마찬가지다. 발음
의 변화와 원리, 영어의 독특한 억양과 멜로디를 들을 줄 알아야 한다.
‘R’와 ‘L’, ‘F’와 ‘V’, ‘TH’ 발음 등은 영어의 기초 중 기초다. 알
파벳 첫 글자 ‘A’만 해도 6가지로 발음이 된다. 이를 수박 겉핥듯 대강대강 익
히고 넘어가면 평생 영어를 공부해도 헛물을 켜게 된다. 영어에서 액센트가 없는
음절은 무시당한다. 접두사는 거의 발음이 안된다고 봐야 한다. 잘못된 발음을
익히고서 듣기능력 향상을 기대할 수는 없다. 우선 외국인 발음을 잘 듣고 우리
말로 최대한 가깝게 옮겨 적는 공부부터 할 필요가 있다. 그래야 귀가 뚫린다.
귀가 뚫리면 다음은 문장 암기다. 이 단계에서는 구구단이나 천자문 외우듯 무조
건 암기해야 한다.
◇외국인에게 영어를 배워야 한다는 것은 오해=
내국인 영어 교사에게 배우면 영어가 근본적으로 한계가 있다는 생각을 하는
사람들이 있다. 부분적으로는 맞는 말이지만 꼭 그런 것은 아니다. 외국인 강사
들이라고 특별한 교수법이 있는 게 아니다. 그저 ‘듣고 따라하기(LISTEN AND
REPEAT)’가 대부분이다. 이런 식으로 익혀서 영어에 통달하기 위해서는 돈과 시
간이 매우 많이 든다.
외국인은 한글을 잘 발음하지 못하고 우리말의 통사구조를 모르기 때문에 한
글을 모국어로 하는 우리에게 영어를 가르치기에는 근본적으로 한계가 있다. 따
라서 영어의 기초는 ‘숙련된’ 한국인 영어 강사에게 배우는 편이 더 낫다. 발
음법과 기본적인 영어의 구조 등을 익힌 다음에 외국인에게 배워야 영어실력이
◇단어가 아니라 문장을 외워라=
단어를 많이 알면 자연히 말을 잘 할 수 있을 것으로 생각하는 사람이 있다.
하지만 그렇지 않다. 한국 사람만큼 영어 단어를 많이 아는 경우도 드물다. 중학
교 2~3학년 수준의 단어만 알면 미국에서 얼마든지 통한다. 구슬이 서말이라도
꿰어야 보배라는 말처럼 문제는 단어가 아니라 문장이다. 단어를 외울 게 아니라
문장을 외워야 한다. 특히 동사가 결합돼 두 단어로 된 숙어 표현은 확실히 외워
둬야 한다. 자주 쓰는 문장 1,000개 정도를 익히면 미국에서 어떤 사람을 만나도
자유롭게 의사소통을 할 수 있다.
-헨리 홍 교수 제안 학습법-
송병락교수의 - 글로벌시대의 교육
[송병락교수의 이야기경제학-15]글로벌시대의 교육
1인당 국민소득이 세계 최고인 룩셈부르크의 직장인 중에는 이웃 나라에서 출퇴근하는 사람들이
적지 않다. 이들에게 몇 개의 외국어는 기본이다. 1인당 국민소득 세계 2위인 스위스도 마찬가지
다. 스위스를 둘러싸고 있는 독일 프랑스 이탈리아 등은 물론이고 세계 어느 나라 사람도 스위스
은행을 이용할 때 언어 때문에 별 불편을 겪지는 않을 정도다. 세계무역기구(WTO) 등 국제기구가
스위스에 많은 데는 언어가 큰 이유 중 하나다.
스웨덴 국민들은 영어 잘 하기로 유명하다. 얼마전 스톡홀름대학에서 강의할 때 만난 학생들은 모
두 영어를 미국학생들처럼 잘 했다. 스웨덴 TV는 미국영화나 뉴스를 자막없이 방송한다. 신생공업
국 중 1인당 소득이 최고인 싱가포르는 외국어 정책에 성공한 나라다. 인도네시아 말레이시아 인
도 중국 미국 등 어느 나라 사람들이 방문해도 언어면에서 불편이 없도록 하는 것이다. 얼마전 싱
가포르의 센토사 섬을 다녀온 사람은 그곳 중학생의 영어실력과 매너에 참으로 놀랐다고 했다.
외국어교육을 가장 잘하는 인종은 아마도 유대인일 것이다. 이스라엘인들은 9세가 되면 매일 영어
공부를 1시간씩 한다. 13세가 되면 ‘적국’인 아랍어를 공부한다. 이어서 독어 불어 등 유럽어를 한
다. 집에서는 히브리말을 하므로 대학졸업 때는 최소한 서너개 국어를 유창하게 한다. 유대인들은
미국을 마치 자신들의 활동무대처럼 생각한다는 것이다. 미국 문턱에서 ‘양키 고홈’을 외치는 라틴
아메리카인들과는 큰 차이가 있다. 미국에 사는 유대인들은 620여만명이나 된다. 이스라엘 거주자
보다 많다. 유대인과 한국인이 교육열이 높다고 하지만 한국인은 하나도 못받은 학술연구 관련한
노벨상을 유대인은 수없이 받았다.
스위스 IMD(국제경영원)의 ‘2000년 세계경쟁력보고서’를 보면 국가경쟁력이 높은 나라는 미국 싱
가포르 핀란드 네덜란드 스위스 룩셈부르크 순으로 모두 외국어를 중시하는 나라들이다. 인도의
대졸자들이 바로 미국 실리콘밸리 첨단기업에 수없이 취직하는 것도 외국어실력 덕분이다.
세계화와 인터넷시대는 세계어(영어)의 시대다. 한국은 반도라는 국토의 지정적 위치로 볼 때도
외국어가 중요한 나라이다. 세계 217개나 되는 나라와 교역해야 한다는 점에서도 그렇다. 한국인
은 특히 중국어와 일본어를 잘해야 하고, 가장 잘 할 수 있으며, 그 혜택을 가장 많이 누릴 수 있는
위치에 있기도 하다. 미국 일본 중국은 세계 3대 경제대국이고 한국의 3대 교역대상국이다. 이 3대
열강 속에서 살아가야 하는 한국이 세 나라 말을 잘하는 것은 국가경쟁력 향상이나 생존을 위해서
도 중요하다.
한국의 13세 어린이들은 세계 수학 및 과학경시대회에서 1, 2등을 할 정도로 우수하다. 이런 아이
들이 이 세 나라 말을 잘 한다면 동아시아에서 모두 뛰어난 인재가 될 수 있을 것이다. 이런 능력을
길러 주는 것은 국경이 터지는 글로벌시대에 우리 아이들에게 날개를 달아 주는 것이 아닐까.
출처: http://www.cnnenglish.com/cgi-bin/technote/read.cgi?board=EnglishStory&y_number=8
(영어공부 방법) 영어달인 - 손지애 CNN 서울지국장
제목 : 영어달인 - 손지애 CNN 서울지국장
전 세계를 24시간 커버하는 미국의 뉴스전문 채널 CNN. 인도오지에서도, 한국의 지리산 골짜기
에서도 CNN 영어뉴스는 쏟아져나온다. 세계 20억 시청자를 상대로 한 영어뉴스 방송에 수시로 등
장하는 한반도의 얼굴은 손지애(36) 서울지국장이다.
“긴급 상황이면 원고 정리할 겨를도 없어요. 취재 수첩만 손에 쥔 채 생방송으로 미국 본사와 연
결해야 해요. 영어, 한글 섞어 가득 써놓은 메모를 보면서 말은 영어로 해야하는 거죠.”
시청자는 한국 사람이 아니라 전 세계인이다. 영어를 모국어로하는 기자들과 똑같이 경쟁하는
뉴스 최전선에서 한국 기자라고 봐 줄 리 없다.
“말문이 막히지 않기 위해 늘 연습을 합니다. 시사적인유행어나 신조어를 따라잡는 게 늘 큰 숙
귀는 영어TV로, 눈은 습관처럼 인터넷을 보고 있다. 방송 영어책도 손에서 놓을 수 없다. 남보기
에는 쉽게 척척 잘도 하는 것 같아도, “하루 종일 공부해야 겨우 체면만 유지한다”는 말이 엄살이
“부모님 따라 미국에서 초등학교 2학년부터 6학년까지 살았어요.덕분에 영어와 일찍 친해지기
는 했죠.”
그러나 어렸을 때 말을 배웠다 해도 그냥 놔두면 금방 「날아가 버리는」 게 언어 감각이다. 그
래서 “부모 덕에 얻은 영어 실력을 잃어버리지 않으려고 영어에 「목숨을 걸고」 공부했다”고 말
중학교 들어가선 영어 웅변대회를 찾아다니며 참가했고, 고등학교 대학교 때는 영자 신문사에
서 일했다. 이화여대 정외과 시절에는 영자 신문 ‘EWHA VOICE’ 기자로 일하는 것으로도 모자라서
영어회화 클럽, 영문잡지 교정과 통역, 번역 아르바이트를 뛰었다. 눈 뜨면 영어로 시작하고, 잠자
리에 들 때까지 영어로 살았다. 독서도 영어 실력을 단단하게 하는데 한 몫 했다.
“사람도 만나고 글도 쓰고 영어 실력도 살릴 수 있는 직업이 뭐 없을까 하다가 졸업 후 곧 영어
잡지사에 들어갔습니다.”
영어로 글을 많이 써봤다고 자부했지만 프로의 세계는 역시 달랐다. “처음부터 다시 하나씩 배
워나갔어요. 문법에 맞는 바른 글을 쓰는 것은 당연한 기초고, 어떻게 하면 정확하고, 아름다운 문
장을 쓸 수 있을까 하는 고민을 많이 했어요.”
뉴욕타임스, 뉴스위크, 타임 등 국내에서 구할 수 있는 영어 뉴스 미디어는 다 구해다가 문장을
통째로 외다시피하며 읽었다.
“93년 뉴욕타임스 현지 기자로 채용됐어요. 당시 북한 핵 위협 때문에 연일 ‘코리아’가 1면에 오
를 때라 운도 좋았지요.”
탈춤 등 한국 문화를 다룬 기사가 주말판에 실렸고, 금융실명제 발표 때는 대문짝만한 기사가 실
리기도 했다. CNN으로 옮긴 것은 95년. 카메라 앞에서 직접 리포트를 하는 것은 글을 쓰는 것과
는 또다른 도전이 필요한 세계였다
한국말을 그대로 영어로 옮기는 것은 금기다. 처음부터 영어식으로 생각하고 영어 단어로 영어
문장을 써야했다. ‘조계사 사태’ 원인을‘종권 다툼’이라고 할 때 이것을 그냥 ‘POWER STRUGGLE’
이라고만 하면 앞뒤 맥락을 모르는 외국 시청자들은 이해할 수 없다.
"불교계 지도자 자리를 둘러싼 싸움’
이라고 표현해야 한다. 방송할 때마다 이처럼 정확한 표현을 찾느라 혈안이 된다.
“방송 끝나면, 그 단어 대신, 이 단어를 쓸 걸, 하고 후회하는 일이 많아요.”
화성 씨랜드 참사를 생방송으로 보도할 때 일이다. 발화 원인으로 처음 지목됐던 ‘모기향’이 영
어로 뭔지 아무래도 생각이 나질 않았다.할 수 없이 “모기를 죽이는 도구로, 동그랗게 말린 것에
불을 붙여 ”라고길게 표현했다. 그리고는 전화를 끊자마자 “아, 모스키토 코일
(MOSQUITO COIL)"하며 무릎을 쳤다.
소리만으로 영어배우기
소리만으로 영어배우기 소리만으로 영어배우기 영어회화 베스트셀러'잉글리쉬900'의 저자인 에드윈 코넬리우스 박사가 예전에 아프리카 콩고에서 영어를 한마디도 못하던 원주민을 대상으로 연구를 하였는데 3개월만에 영어를 완벽히 구사했다고 합니다. 그 핵심은 아프리카의 구전 전통에 따라 무조건 말과 발음을 흉내낸 것이었다고 합니다. 읽기, 쓰기교육을 받는게 아니라 듣고 외고 따라하는 구전 전통이 말 익히기엔 최고라는 걸 보여준 예라고 할 수 있습니다. 소리만으로 영어 배우기란 영어를 들으면서 혹은 이미지를 보면서 머릿속에서 번역과정을 거치지 않고서도 곧바로 의미가 연상되고 말이 나올 수 잇는 길을 찾고자 한 것입니다. 이는 문자영어가 개입하여 복잡한 두뇌속의 해석작용을 불러일으키는 것을 배제하고 오로지 현상을 소리로 인식하고 소리로 내어 보내는 방식으로 출발하고자 한 것입니다. ----여기까지는 어디서 인용해왔습니다. 어디서 가져온지는 잘 모르겠지만 제가 주장하는 것과 유사한 것이라서 올려드립니다.유명한 사람이 말한 것이니까 제 주장을 믿으시겠죠? 참!, 여기서도 3개월이란 말이 나왔군요..내거 보고 배꼈나?..하하 농담이고요..우연의 일치군요.. 여기서 주장하는 것을 간추려 보면 1, 간단한 문장들을 무조건 외워라. 1, 그러면 생각과 동시에 말이 튀어 나온다. 1, 쓰기와 문법은 그 다음에 해도 충분하다. |
출처: http://www.cnnenglish.com/cgi-bin/technote/read.cgi?board=EnglishStory&y_number=1
(영어공부 방법) 망설이지 말고 입을 열어보세요
망설이지 말고 입을 열어보세요. 영어 입 열기 무엇을 두려워 하십니까?...간단합니다. 영어는 외우지 마라? 영어는 맘으로 느껴라? 영어는 무조건 많이 들어라? 위의 말쌈들은 맞을 때도 있지만 막연합니다. 왜 그런지 담에 설명 해 드리고... 하여, 여기 구체적인 방법이 있습니다. 1 + 1 = 2 (?) 언어에서는 위의 공식을 적용 할 수 없습니다. 생활구문, 관용구문 100개를 외우시면 응용하여 몇 문장이나 만들 수 있을까요? 능력에 따라 다르겠지만 약 500문장? 0 + 100 = 500 ++ 그럼 200문장을 외웠다면 1000문장만 만들겠습니까? 아니죠 만들 수 있는 문장은 기하 급수적으로 늘어납니다. 0 + 200 = 1000 +++++ 그렇다면 우리가 생활 관용구문의 기본 문형을 1000문장만 외웠다고 생각해 봅시다... 그럼 거의 모든 문장을 다 구사 할 수 있다는 이야기 입니다... 의심하지 마시고 시행해 보세요.. |
출처: http://www.cnnenglish.com/cgi-bin/technote/read.cgi?board=EnglishStory&y_number=5